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The Goderich Star, 1928-11-29, Page 7
THURSDAY. NOV. earth, Ma THE GODERICH STAR f at't#EaitsiE: stioli tirtE-oi1ti 1E IC - E tE s iE :V.)::' :::::h/e- tier„.' 1t r,'.,.1 # u'�ri'' .1 eata -\:etas: '1 _`;::: cllt !:r4aa1 _ 4 tlhtc,it,, 1' C,",1 ,-.tlil ;.'•? _.-S it ,i,,,,,,,,,,„,..,,,,,,,,,, r ci' a you lie5,ra- hKt l:: ;ot n. lr . lit you tit# 'on t a a4c.Fir 1, (t.t"U; 1J baa+. r' til; ;ts'1 . it a � i�.i r' a Ue tti. 8f1c�j:zk 1F._i. " . f . 9114i ifs li faL�( t'.k' ,1 to ea d ca #la 43:,: rater tint writ ki.e it's YrTri", masers pi .,11..,.3. Your i,,..yraims were trao4;ghnftil - and t,`r,•ib't•, liotatny dare in pri`pwr„, r4triilt. Ah.rt3t i A,-„lt7.tanding wag t11.' t;a.ilial, a49 pia £'inert by Jcou'•, Chr4so„ • It -e. foci that wta.i have 1ir�Ga a stmt,; Moue in ittilucuAni't oar Zit es for the lest that is in Its. We would not; eau .inti Mrs, Ritchie to c4; sept, tsafl linve anti contents us a, slight token at our regar,l, We eon assure you r that scat will estray with yoll the Irra„ ,,� ; wishes of folia'�o,lainunite $or snee,ss • • •; in your new: field and also tl4ttt tvtr' D►_ ,ti avid ever rcnenaia'.1 your '\stay in--, kit „ slack' d Presbyterian church. ...--.................:„/„.„..._ ...:./...._w Rode \ tee,ot.g,/ A wide selects n of Popular TOILETRIES ery large choice in SATS PEARLTONE • A,nber and French Itrorry, newesr and best in colors and style,. in single or - tides and sets. • at CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE You are as welcome to look as to hay. We have Gifts galore from all quarters of the Gtob►e moat vol THERMOS, BOTTLES and KITS $1.00 up REAL LEATHER Ladies' Hand Bags Me>u s Pui`ses n PERFUME ATOMIZERS Imported and Domestic Perfumes 'I -NOVELTIES of many Kinds - FANCY BOXED STATIONERY Colors and tiahtte, hi keeping with the modern styie. MILITARY BRUSHES Natural Ebony and Ebony Sets, includ•. aria t Hit and Cloth • Brash:. . , Beautiful Sets in colors, of Watelrman's. and Parker Fountain Pens and Pencils .Also Singly GRVETING,•'ARDS that convey ,that .. personal s�nktment; also Scotch Cards with heather, Cam pbel 1' s/Drug Store Phone 90 - - :lay OBITUARY the family .and Messrs. nolds'and John Galt. ROSS. --.4:s mentioned in The' Star Me ILi,EN.—.Thong i Billet week the death' took plaice Last health for some yea s it was only 1 i... uhWay. were conducted by itev. `,12., lb e held at the home of Mrs: Edward ing out a Ecru of the wo tders atnd Thursday . morning in Cornwall st about a week that Mr Danson MeMite G. 11fc17ermid. 'he service. •,vert.1 Maskell, on Thursday, Dec. 6th, at greatness Ilf tllc Bible. The choir Mr Carrie Ross, daughter of theiert:,was .eaniined to is bed before the,held" at the late MLaidence+ _ Nelson 2.20 o'clock: then sang an appropriate anthem, ]ate Cod, A. Ai, Rosa of Gader,ch. i on, • Saturdzi street, and the interment was made "Praise ye the Lord," after alis pre- y a"n 'Glengarry i Goibarne cexleterv. The pall- chimes and at the the same tird toeget a, havet e a of sentatiiln of the offering ryas roads. r•.ty-live years ugb Edward arers w d Messrs. William . James, David. . by taking in the encase The Rev.. bIr. Paull 'preached n sermon:' aunty with his pyo,- a Hardy, four.good time , on the Bible, showinte.the manyet an- b and da at .Odafellows Han h a, on and originBible, DERICH -_ :VICTOR . P. O . RTHti B Portable, $3$ to $48.50 Cabinet, $116.00 Kadaks_and ie --Cameras MA1�'Ei�,I 1iG Ai freed Ando'son. Eton, Aft.. Thos. Anderson Monday. 1 I �tal:. Vh*r&dela - entertainment i " : i t.for -I'r , ay. ovening.xNies !"inti j �i, Mrs. \'Val, Bloke visited her i114 daughter, l s•s. Albers. Alton, • fast, lust week. Mr. A. Johnston, of I)oruiybrnol•, ;��,� visited his brother, :Air. ft, Johnston, • Monday. 1 Mrs. Thos.A,nderean spent al_enra- pie of days last week with herr moth.; cry M. Paul Reed, of I.udknoty. I Miss Ames Cranston, who has Phone 86 soca\ several weeps with Mrs, Wm. 1ittldwin Lanes, returned home last. ,tei AIa sant 'lira J . S»k11e'rs t4nd !'\tad tivh.tl,_„• they r .r.r ..- EAT, Only 22 Shopping 1 Days Before Christmas G;£ts for Mothe>r,. Sister, Children and nts We have received the most of our Christmas Merchandise €end have it displayed - throughout the store in suitable Gift Boxei . -WP!.112 k` t? YOU to ViS'it our store (' \wane\ see the abundance of new Christmas Goods we have for this season. E. IBB RT t ¢SItOP EARLY” THE CASH STORE week -end with Aft, and Airs. 11. I1na= no<. ' a dight a arra nt of „cool M to. 1) tWtt tan. • 1 The light againstrtitian:011mill has, 'tkrrotlf h the r<sairr, 'let its ttrtrlle:cer`�. b l iii Il I 1 T i i i f I Messrs. Ernest Blakey fad Cecil not e011 a nn;; l n no. n p .ice tli'. 'r'es a 'a r a ono n : r1y vs4 nate*lea Johnston attended. the Royal Winter farce, patsuastatt by mean:i of caduca- thing;; that easy be load imply .f Fsiir at Toronto I�rf4lay, and Satur: r tion, wan need. The • educational elle effort of taking it. day. They each won prizes on the wont hitt? nut been Ilmited to Owe 1 l ' .net;,! teen. L the bed -room et. lambs they exhibitct. Ia:xtended. to all. From the ,tart, the 41t`.eseci t r tl 'anotiiala .Rdc:lat•al Al* vrolu4i of fresh tele was stria+:<n#1 and sedation, 184 f oillola,t . suffering_ front tulieiculoat:a, blit lute Questions .volleernin,:. health, ,ad- street. Toren. RA."ii FIELD'M Irssra, 11tirolll Stinson and Win,, tams r. eve \tar•o idyl c•1 to limn our bsd to, will be'•insw0aett.hy letter. Que. xoom twtndoittr in order to h merit Pay 1 t, as to dht tee ,tairi tla.i..l;t AicUool arrived home last tva]4a'. from wind enjoy haus of steels iia the faestr will not Nati •.ii vter•aad. North Bay, where they silent two. ah, thus lessening the vileness of the . ,' t <iccurrence o to a cu o,ar u Mier(' ansa person, week~ huntinP bringing 1lan1? a deer f b r 1 ' . 11 vo sort t 1 • each from the north, i It i:t true that t°Rit 4tii`, '11 110d greeting trtardaa yet? See tunnies a>a Messrs-. .Robert and Iiaeolci Pen- night, 1.; Vocal. We knew that the phe eitar office, at all drives hale held an auction safe at Varna on`. old idea: of night stir 1' inti batt is not . 1Itt lay, where, they sold a carload' true. At night, we mine. the sun- oir.shei;p they recently' purchased in shine; that is the only difference•:' C A ° IN the Manitoulin. distract. • Good ori- Those who 'Oen with bett•roonl wire. . • res were realized. I dotes opted do too bemuse th.oy lal:e it.. For Infants and Children Mrs., S ' E. Mortice has exchanged ; because, when the window: : ar4' open, . 'her` .store and stock tn. George. Elliott ; they isleep •hietturr tin le -ii bctt •l~ and • ID Use 1��1t' Over O Yea ' of the Goshen Line, Stanley, for his they are bt'tter. i Always beam fine farm. Mr. 111iott will take post The window is, of +•atla iia, air rl'd the.... • ,� ' session on Dee, 1"t. .Mt and Mrs. with consideration for tlta ,eeniiera* Signature..of rit'erne:r crud fani'1 int n• mavritp; to turdx and 'hc tvtnd. If at fractloil of the fawn in the.near. future mei will ,....y.._.......-..,• ...� .r.,�•i haw c a. comfart�lc---ltelrn4tntl• fine ~- • . farm. , We also v,ia11 Mr: rlloat' Rue, fess in hiS now undertaking, - The annual meeting of the British �,�,,"�4ael6"'y•j nail 1 .reign k3ible SacietY t► es hclld '�s't; +Ih "yrs`"°t`'. .�°�,''ec, ,Ya• • in St. Andrew's United march on. Sunday evening las;;, being a united ed on stationery -if. desired. ., service. with the Anglican church, • The regular ninthly meetin • of Rev. Mr. Gale opened the meeting the Saltford hoe Rat auxiliei"ry will with a hymn and prayer, also bring. Rey- not ey not in good • I, O. 1•, after these orders were merged. Mr. McMillen was a Pres- byterian . and the funeral services on . t timet summons : ca, • 4 'ltiiee teiiiati s'wor'e 'bThught- to G ide''�'Iak, 'He was rich for interment on Friday and the county about sev following relatives accompanied the :but came to this body: Mr. and Mrs. Alex.: Rees, of Toronto; Tie, and Mrs. "Win. Ross, of, Penetang; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rosas. of Toronto; Mrs. J. R. Shannon and her two daughters and their husbands and Mrs. J. C. Hamilton. Mrs. •Shan- non is a sister and the Messrs. Ross' brothers- of the decetrsed., The fun- eral services of'the Anglican church were conducted by the Rector, Rev, J. N. H. Mills. assisted by . Rev. Canon Hill and Ven. Archdeacon Jones - Bateman and'. interment was made in tLe tamely^ plot •in-- Maitland--cemeter The pall -bearers were menabers' of wets, two brothers and two sisters, at rothers-rn law a this sT ti s n 1 the of the the age of about„thirteen, the family- 'ridsry, Nov. Oth. Cards, lunch, and bringing good reasons to the eongre• • settling in :McKillq Subsequently BRIEF TOWN TOP dancing'.` .tion for their heartysupport of the p Y *TOPICS The regular meeting of the Code- tgi4:ble 'cause, and the p needed . ra Mee McMillen lived in Colborne. and help o. ace t forget the band• euctrre and rich Women's 'Institute •will: be held greatly at this time, At.the close of West \.t tee ash townships and for dance at Oddfellows' Hall on Frida1. in MacKay Hall' on Thursday, 1)ee. thes mon rale tett was •t! - the past 'twenty-seven years had re- y -sermon an quartette t n aided in Goderich, Airs. McMillen evening, Nov. 24th. Cards, lunch 6th, at 3 q Clot k. The members are tiered, "'May I come in,n by Rev. Mr. and •dancing. -. ,asked to remenrber..that tuts Is gift died six years 40; two sons, David f. o f;i Gale, Harold Seotchitter, brown and Wm, J., of town survive, also, • A tramper r m Goderreh ore talc- exchange and talent day; Stewart and A. 1:: Irwin, after one broth\ r,. William, living in Court- rag in the concert by the Westminster Are you reading'. The Star's neer which the following officer? were right, Man. Mr- .: McMillen ware a i choir in Clinton this •Thursday even- serial, Idle Isiand? "You will miss a elected for 1920:.President, F. A. member of Court Sherwood Forest,.i11 . very 'charming story if you do' n4i;. Edwards; .see. -trews., Mrs. Robert A. O. F.,and as. as iI m rof r "b- The Stars `line of Christmas gift New subscribers to The co nt • the a e staff of ,_w ,,- a be Anb- . •� Star will be S teh er, with h sin y r:rn T ,t ge "e - ab'z of tiro e;`eeeem, :boxes of stationery -is proving ponu. furnished with copies of the`Iyacic in--eolievvtor,; . us • -thot--iaast-•�veay. The 1 Os) Victoria to 'Have continuing as a .member of the lar. Be sure to nee it. Initial print ant. Old English Yuletide Festival When old Thontas Tuner, horn tions on the model of the aid Eni; fifty yesera before S1iskeeneare,';Iish Christmas, which tee unu memorably described if; the unit. wrote ` ingg of Dickens and Ieviht. liut j. At Christmas. plias and make good during the coming C 1iristrnas the ; ,cheer. a festivities bellowed by .six centn. Aa Christmas CdaatkC3 but ar,eeti ial.• Ties of English tradition will come. slave s9 never before; and far their ' Empress Note➢. He leas in hand s e.e e, setting they will .have the -city of ; repreeentatiora of "Wardle's Ciaruete he triad' certain the tstaeeraa of i Victoria, 1.t'., which • has been "nine Party" ae inniertslized by 'lite „Farmer's 1lai1y Diet,,, a ,called "ea corner of England on the Diekezla ill the I'iektriek papers. andpa e rr Reclaard s :Neale tacos\. Isere, In the Ern- rills ice to have a running-enanaen?, Almanac" f:ileti with 'Abler aaCti- press ,hotel, ora 1MIl T agiiala Yule- cry of Yuletide manic to .set oft eultural l��e'te end unb'rer,,ntse<:7iia tide :I'Pestivsr is 4o ©pen en Dec: the elaarnaieg faibiee of its lovely "nf thrift red honrety. 1•:ngfiehnen' 21. The holly and ivy it'd rosea ludaeroua characters. Dr. Healy tate needed tee tinting to fellow (,sates. celebrated in English stnig. wino •of the Toronto d'-9rIserva. Tinteer'rs wet, onro :t,tei,-p, ar'1 \:ave 4 nil Iluurielr in \victoria, and will tory of Airnaie lass eempsdse'd for the cerebrated joyenely seer "Twelve t. furnish the tradatienal -reeting for eeeneia,ei Ineidentaal iniseie to "The Day* of t1 hrwctrinte, etr,,aet elurri:1Y AP carolling. the tvaleallieg..1l: r'Itnitter Mysteries." alt i:eletines the Tt,i.,ar4 a1I811 no l elydrr the re- 'tnecannieg. tt:e Twelfth�ti,tbt 'play selected Dra=no A grtone a alea+> rime of rise la•t•atAr• ellen sese'er:errrgaalaking. the Yule lag, ekett:aev;et. pageant teleelz tre,1 to e.tt de�,etie ot•n• tepee t' -n" n,,t .'1p1.,sr. O taniAltt',teee, are! the &' Te1' cleligtdge • oeaaeted ray the trade amid, of Tus it lee:nutea f, -r ht'rkere nal that teamc4! Q.oenfft°ey Crate en's-E'p:eeter, 6?tai!1and. dealao ; with t?,e, R •1 n CFr n !4 t � is Ar r, 4 T R 'l n 1), _ .i Ir n t. e. . as t 1., f3 a k le3iele:w t d* b QCs, as e f t l r r rh hers S I� ert,ete with tette »'*y,r• pens tee •h! Yuletide !pit '11e on 1x1'.! 4nntinefit Meat IPeg. eseiai.ark art (edea e•lrli a— • • Ilaac24 IceS rr Key. -nit-teeter ri7gg,and the False of die"ht+Fiona; The t ant elen tnejt r lia:re"ie feetivNy, is first perft✓stear_ee of tl+e•e Mete aerni±fa'Ftsx the \crena\ Iprotesttai1 ter"re wee in M!2 etsi;tly .7.x hale fen the alightly etn cart J at the! r!red rears ego, ....„n., .,...r '111 �.. «._ .. stallments of The story.'. so that tbey meeting closed with the benediction' ran get the whole of it. iy Rev. Mr. Iiaull. l WILLIS ERASER 15 CHIEF HEALTH SERVICE _ of the ' Linn 'Rev. Mr. ' Millsrlds�resses ., tranadfan Medirat A a o lnti',n . fMbksgitln g Dat' Marathon -Rune TBI; OPEN ill D ROC)141 WI' J)(VI $ ners and Prizes Presented. . One of the really stn1uni; Changes:, At thee: Lion t Club luncheon 4in Fri- withinr cent years the habit bas a of day_eveairntx loot, Mr. 'Willis Eraser` opening. the best -moue window at was :elected ellfef for the ensuing six night. months and Di 'Ii'ield vice chef. It is net so many year, ago t,fncr� This was effected by the adoption of mile windows .were . closed. with the the report'of the nominating eonanit• `'. oming of cold - weather, Indeed, tee, tubicle also named fir. hall as -1 many persalts stuffed the fe\v 'emits secretary and P. R. Darrow tie \rens- s around the windows ' to make. aura urer. that no ale came in frith viral outside. At this luncheon the 'bots who tin- That was the time when at sick per Jelled in the'flvtnksgwing 1 w r'i.tia- son was protected floor t•un1, trash Dion race and the winners in the iuv.-laity as if one- mouthful of tt.waluld enile tato were presented by the Club cause his death.. with their prizes. Various members1 We may target that tuberxulosia of the Club made the presentations, r was the first disease which wn.i • the. member ,sitting next to the prize. fought by education. Other discuses winner doing the honors, Each of • had been fought by nails' mn euree. 'the boys 0npee. ed hili• thank.: nicely by compulsion. People • .wet t 'f4.reerd and an antereatlng evening was :pent to improve living and work•placen ; The address of the -evening was they were obliged to.inatall sanitary given by Lion 'Rev. Mi Mfils,. who eonveilierices 11 they .1uffeled'fr=om tr pointed out that suecesa in any un- 'communicable di ease, they Wase ei,- dertaking meant the paying of u i hlrice.tand the reeognitionaf the inex- " T orable Laws of nature. Good 'habits; m�at be formed and the larva of���� heattehealth observed if ant eras to hay.+ .i.. sound constitution. The address wits . - a very fine one for the boys and WEEK OF DEC. 3 to t young men for whom it was intended MONDAY Anil'TUESDAY primarily, good for everyone in feet. and Was enjoyed by all. CIIAIILII. 111i'RRA2' find A financial report of the result of , - LARRY 1►1.:d1 the production of Smile,. the revue, re- ' present a tornado of laughter on file Gently put, on under the auspieen of ' plains of politica. F urioua,• frenzied 'the Club, showed eloae on to 5:1011 as' fitn, with Charlie Ieading the parade. the C'lub's share of the proceedr;. Out 1 The high Priest .of Ila 'lta at -hie mia•- of this the Club entertained the rat:ate ,` *lest in and paid some other oxpennes in eon• "THE HEAD MAN" neetion with the entertainment and AlY-' AII) COMEDY N" /have clow on to $200 left L : put into ,, the treasury. '°INDJSE'IbEI:'Y'PETE" ASHI 1ELD WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Mrs. B. Lindsay. has returned to , NO1 hfA ,SH Alsl:lt, RALPH Detroit after' visiting her aunt, 11Ira. FOIRBES and- OWEN MOO1U Stewart. in the eters of the actress and the 1 . John Macketizi Band It Tr. Fred ; ct•inal of wealth -mads nevi ag and: :11rae(irsror visited fnerido its Cul-., ltlalnurann by the starts tinea\ po'r .borne last week.forr,rance to, bate. Air. Harold i'ollintou and Mr. SyI,eI'IIE ACTRESS" lib, of Ilruvttford, are :weeding the , • p,A`1'1II•; COMEDY week at' the some of the forayers- "A('q '• • Ypi'T1I`' pat in Klntall. P5. church, ie. of ed raked Po el ler- : F' IDAY al -rd SATURDAY ion nhureh, plreaelaedlA� !4a:r fasswveIlser. • R shoo uta . L'ialay evt•daing, Nov., ala, lOM ML and 'OY Dr. Ritchie hall a4 4opaal• a call too' the inc�oaaaea:si•abl0 pair - In •anotlist•; .Tavistock and Beni., 1:f tits 14:r.rt; iaails-a-ictinute adtt n play. M 144t. f or<dl I se Sllp�t4 l)tl 1l ' Cti➢1owi�lt� . John is its 1110 wets a 1lorypal dant, \.ilia b audoa a1r svening sr 1'at o 1;sithea•inreof;Tir©:111!90e a wealth of entertainment.' t1aC' A:dhlk!dl t�,+af i 7 )toes 1 !'t•iitb1sd 1,11:i: f : in t.,w' elitrrt-!a and ,4 - ,d� d l']'. "THE FAMED POST." n 1 t tiro. 'I,itspilo with a • he 1111; i Alht !\'Isis , telex and the b (p Q fDriI�ID11 following psldfc s : Mae Me. and ?lir Idb€oh e,—T'1:a7 "CHOSEN" 1 i3 an 'etas\ A which all ifeeply it b- .:Alntittse Saturday at 2.09 pass. 414, FOR CHRISTMASCOOKING STOP and SHOP New 'R. , isin Seeded, Raisins, u, Seedless --Sultanas and Valencias: New w. Currants,. Figs and Dates Lemont :Orange and Citron'Peet . Candied Cherries; Pineapple a d Glace Fruits Ainrond icing Extracts and Spices Agency for. MAMMY'S BREAD ClaliMeriCVA STURDY' S CASH GROCERY Everything Card for'the Table PHONE 299 �'uimili)illldtlliE�'ilJ 4,,gi.q,..y, 4U.,V,4.4. ,t,N,,...,„ .. Lalaalele tIl en ecreation ,Club Sanitary : Healthful Courteous Treatment You can't meet a deficit in the body without' Proper ,exercise, - Try J3OWLJNG Official Opening of tare four new Alleys will be held en Monday Evenings D-ec, - 3rd SPECIAL FEATURES S FOR OPENIG NIGHT Prize for Ladies' Highest 3 consecutive Games Prize for Ladies' highest single score Prize for Gentlemen's highest 3 consecutive Games Prize for Gentlemen's highest single sore Special prize for the person guessing the nearest to the Ladies' Highest Single Score, Guesses to be laterthan in not l to ,. I \halt 9 j'io 11fi, 10% Discount will be allowed On all organized Team; Games OYAL BOWLING ALLEY WEST s.sFF.r COOERK« ; 4.0 w