HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-29, Page 5THU11160A V. NOV. 211th. DON THF GoDERIcH STAR NA"Fr" 'Neighborhood News IT fiuggets Picked From Our Exchanges A Wrecked Cough , ' Mee E. A. Brooks, 1164 litebton, fete ; • Vaarotieer, it, et. writes: --, "Las* • Wester t Meal the ••fie," *trim, sad tits aset tine- it left ow with te wreteltect i! Pays lercrieele a Viti. ee-ate f.: feng, Mee. Benne. ....ante, cough thee seesied W Nay next it i ma, marked, ee inerentee, ,-•,. ee, the eareent waft alai her tnieMileet " .ws mail I used li, poet (neon eierit, wee ea Deetse, - in, trj1;:ita tcattonatela annentied tan feerea- certely ietereitenag tie, feee eteeenlannen retail faiente,tt te tee bettere 4:1' : Calltq fer the pestanieteestie tee thi) t3tf pi lk-Y L,i11011hitT Wi,17, 4310. r 1i j&1 pest efilte. e . - . eaten wed she wee eneetien anneal 1.'1 . / mai ehanen tip. , l' ' Barry Sieraon New President i Or. Wood% Nonvoy Ph* Syrup "The -fleet bottle I need *teemed to relieve lc NO WWI parehaaed the ••tett.emceed e. rota eet epaeraen et, • 'teen. ene • *TM* 'Call tu South •Iiintose , At the annual ineetitig tit the fem. ; Tile Wee A, K. McLaren, ot rer- an Reel lietate Boatel reteratty tnr. Harry egeroern formerly of anreee onto. bac accepted a eall to the V.Q. elected president tor the cnetling (4.3tf' Vf , SOUth Einli355, etnetell, INI1' , . ,. 44 eompletely 'hit me. , wile retired front the °Mee. ,tbe resignetion et the Rev. J. L. James, now at Ms a Craig. The in- woond wet, nil, uow, I lind my couget t4I obeli certainly never be without Grocery Steek Sold ' &Mien of the Rev. Me. Metearen at bottle of ',Dr. Wed'' Plea Syrup . Mt 1W.IL Harness, grocer.. of Exe. South Killion; toot. Ideee On Novem- ,.. in the house:e " ter, La's dispose4 of hs grocer,y etost kr PeF•tin Price 85eatini Wet Itere-tirattlY *Ito t° 1qCss.' '7°Hes 4!. 51°41., wh° 'ha" t Mrs...John Dccher, Sra Passee ' 60c. et all dru ists wal.dealere. ' taken it over. Mte Ilarnees hitit! gi. 1 . • . Late 'Unmet*, efent. versal Metal Products, of Wiudeot Congratulatious slay illorrung, Itiov. -Oth, when she LEG.AL CARDS. • " 'Dr. 3. W. Browning. Exetetee annul ;fell emietty aelenn_inte..the rt ba --' - - - , . t F. ti,peteetneet. Old- mane who liai been practicing Yenu. Sn was nt heavy sufferer medicine in this community Fence be. since last ChliStmas, but bore her ad. • Barrister. nolleitet.' Nolan:" Public, Etc. fore Confederation, celebrated his flietion with ehristian fortitude.. Sim nueresair te J. L. leitieran 84th birthday on Wednesday of laet lived prectically all her life in the 'Phone DI- tlifice, TiSquare. Gotterich.- meek and received the enteratula. nieiniten being a dnuohter stf the late - , tons. of many fpends. Jacob Rader, ;of pasittreod. . . .A sister pies . .Ene'agenients Aanouneed_ . ea occurre on ov. r , a Mrs', Leonard Wheelet, 60 Chal. Vaied th d N ' .. a d .t. , • .., Barrister end Solieitor - • - - . • • DOnildiOn TIW.„ 4e5 Day Street • ! Toronto "2 • ' Itdeugrove. Iowa. of • Mrs, Thonms mers St, -Galt, announces the on - *present of ter youngest siseet• A.tia . tnelephone mcialde 41.63, . :COMM, a sister a Mr$. JAB'. Fitteb, Of Clinton. .Mrs. Cowan was formerly earn:gar-et Pugh, to Mr. William 'Cyril *Pat np only by Ties T. Milburn Coe cn a position au troveller t The Angel of Death came as a re- t lief of the eevere enfrerings of ItIrs. Sohn Dectier, Sr. of Zurich, on Tees- jy,wo.;EI: 1I01,MES. Louise Wheatley, bell* a daughter of ept eon of,. Mx.i.iand ' • Barrititer: Solicitor:Notary toemeetp. Tim marrtage to tate place an Gait I 1 the late George Wheatley of Hallett Jo n -E. Wieght, tane Ont ConAllaneer. earl in December. 'PT,I0*.t7 1141.tglell'Neett.stagtlt 0 Death of Margaret liaitings The engagement is announced ef — Margaret Rantings, a life -lona ee- Beery .Grace, youngest deughter sIdent of Turnherryt passed 'away me and Mrs. Robert Love of Bills. 1)11. T. 3.11. F0RSTRIn Wednesday, Nov. 14th. in Ridgetown, green, Ont., to John E. MeEwen, where she had gone to visit about a .' 4' .. ' t' ' e • - month ago. She hod been in her us.- . . tateinfouse• Surgeon leeev lanet OP- nal good health although she had e 4tha1rnie and Aural Hospital, assietant at enbeen subject to beert trouble, which 'Moorefield's 1.7t7P HIV3Pital 0°4 °°""*", .141113. th-0 Catlee of her. death. Square Throat Itospital. London, Eng. 53 .Waterleo St, S. Stratford. Tele.. Rev , Father Gaffney Leaving h ••• Youngest son ot thenate and Mrs. William IVIcZwen, of Renee% Ont The marriage will Wire place quietly the end of November. Goesto Cliuton . • . Alfred W. Anderton, •organist of 4t new Bedferdtioderlote on the Rev. Father Gaffney, who late been St. James' elnarch, South Teondon, han ev *en); ot third Moment' of toil -month la charge of the Clinton and Blyth qtti the following. don, Titesdar, at patish for the.past seven and a half purchased the the late , residence of Rev. 3. Snowden, of Clinton and ; years, is being transferred by the eapects to takeup realdence Bishop to the 'Logan an Mitchell tering the next few weeks. Mr. An - CHIROPRACTIC parish and Rev. Mt Sullivan of Ghat- ierton proposes devoting his whole 'there' "DRUGLESS PBACTITieretien, •ham has been appointed to the cliu. thee to teaching, ,and hae resigned Ills , - tGri al'a nlYth Itallelt• •••-!--- eppointment as org,antst at St, " Dlt: A. In, ATICINtON. lames' church. .. Reeve 'Kennedy's House Ranted , 'Chiropractor and Ornotess therapist, /. . , . neoemee ., The fine white *Arno home of a Death of Mr. Jahn Yearn'. eChroule, Oniaine and Nervous Mimeses Reeve Roland Reane4Y, 011. the corner On 'Thureday, Nov. 15th, there pas- , nteeene of the It pen road and concession 7, -sea away at his home, Goderich street f II go i pp e el w1th Diathermy. Magnetic Baths, Electronic Electric: Tneltenneith, was destroyed by fite east Seaforth, Mr. John Young, aged. 1 • Pre:Owens and Chiropractic, . early,F4lay morning, Nov. '16th, +inn . Office hour -•-2 to 3 and 7 to 9 P. in. with the exception of some of the , .ana by appointment. exceptina Mowthe' downstairs futnituve, all the contents tand Thursday afternoons and evoillnets• •were also burned. The cause of the Office t1ours-2 to ti ;and '''t to 0 p.m. . -km fire m un OW13. " AUSTRAUAN COTTON/ ' erg: an i.zre, ti tin se Re ettescle **(et' Ike K •1 Re te OR' teR0_,_N., TIIERE. Britten s'aissustiweissa li at wore to i Promote ilie thentiatt of t eaten In ' the- Empire. la Order to futon" ; In,leetentlenee. "The woed contra eaa lat traced to : the Arabic lauguage, ue the plaut te iralteraeous to Arabia, mitt ii eettea at the present <lea `Uttna' ta the Arable tougue," eeya Richard Reed. tun -is his "woke 'Cotton lu Andtrae ILL" "it IS all attach) of great tignitye over 2,30 yeats ago it was ; converted into Clothing. and was il, teinEcini US) ill. Ilid.li4 IOU; benne tha li Christian era. retereate° being made t to cotton as ear naen. on nee Bee. Wo I' are told that 'MAI Emperor of ehltra posseased a, robe ofi COMM about 400 Ilan: and Nearchus, the admiral of Alexcluder the &treat, men- tion., haelien Well. It 81'0V7illi; awn% the eltorea ex the Persiaa Gulf in tin7 B.C. Its introdnetion -into nu. rope oceurred during the aioliatuniee den era. about &D. 6ate and it wae„ firat manufactured into tient in Mo. liannuralan Spain at about that date. The atm recorded obinutent of ,cotton from Australia wee from the port, of Sydney In 7.830. _ nThe Engllelt denten IndustrY,' un. itnestfonably the greatest' industry in the world, had its letrtit duting the near 1607„-svlien a cotton factory watt establielted at Wiper. Since then tt heti grown apate. James' Hargreamete inveation •of a 'spinnieg -jenny' tit 1767, and Richard Arkeetight's liven. tion of a- spinnIng mechlue In 1769, • did Much to give the induatry a start; but it raay ' be sald that Samuel Crompton, by Inveating his• 'mule' In 1770 <so called because of Its being a cruse between Arltwright'e macbine tout Ilargreaves" jeunY), was directly reeponeible for putting the Finglieli cettou industi7 firmly on Its feet. Lancashire's teXtlle trade received greet impetus lu 1787 front the ap. attention of Watt's steam-ea/glue, and the Invention of a power -loom hi Dr. leaniund Cartwright; a elergintan. 'a e ear e apse ,, io re. ei, e 'o t • the power -Went was fIrst 'brought an.-• 'to protifeblense at Clesgew III 1801., Prom then oewards the incldstry ex-. pauded very rapidly, but this eapan* sin would nee been imposeible, Iia not an American, Ell Whitney, per. teeted hie 'cotton saw-gth le 1703, thereby enabling more lint to be eeparatecl 'from the cottou seeda in one dny ot labor than could prey. louder be done by one man in welly menthe. The Word 'gin! is en.abbre. vlation ot 'engine.' In England alone et the present den over 3,000,000 treaty. depend on cotton fer a means ef Ilvenhoodaand some, Thee. -000,000 are affected by it in one won or another. Thb world's 'annual:pinta • War consumption ot rave eattteitelit for coaverthineinta weating apparel, or fabric or all kinds, amounted to 5,400,000 tons at cotton, 1,250,000 , tone' of wool, 600.0.00 tone ot flax; i 24,000 tons of snit " ; ' Apparently ;often of the most ex - toilette. quality grows in Australia. Me: Bayley,: of Mancheitter, England. told an audience there thiet: "About •Ave years 'ago a few bags et Moreton Bar •Olueensiand) cotton were ship- ped to Liverpool, and -1 saw tit taneo I. that, whit Kuril vestly eupertor cotton, yore peuld be produced finer than any teat &raid be manittactured lo India or Great Britain, -I bought that -cot- ton, • earited. it to etaneltester, and. spun it Into exquisitelY fille. Yerne I. found tbat the weevers of Lancashire could not produce a fabrle front It, tt, VOA so exceedingly delicatett the weavers ot Scotland tould not weetre it; nor eould even the nranuteaturert -01--Frente-• weetve•-tittireyarneintenithe '- muslin.. te occurred Ib me to end It to Calcutta, and in due time I Pad the happinees of reeelving from India some of the finest muslin ever manu- factured, the produco or the emit of the laindoos, with this deIleate Aus- tralian .cotton. At the Paris Belden Ooze some ot Ms muslin Was placed In the same glasa cue With .a large • golden nugget from Australia,- ad - the two attracted much attention, The so an c Meath et Queens an are e apable 'of Producing, with 'proper care, 600 lbs. yearly per acre of this exquiettely line cotton. -1. value thli cotton at is. 3d. per lb., which woad be equal to £40. per acre. This Is no given 'I.s. 8d. per lb. for Atistralin over estimate, for 1 have recently , ' •THE . cotton," • • mote the greeting of •cotton in the '• There ie a regularly nuteitilized •OD E RI c H Dieted). commission at worlt to pro. , IgraPire, In order to entire Indepen. et . • • deuce of gie United States, which is. apParently hopeful of accoMplishing and East Attica, wad. especially itt . titAir itfeRt'.. a. good deal In Australta, In West ' g ` lee C.tgane!..1 .7.;!. el, V.'. ene.,,,,,,ennete/•.eteee eactel Elea) in nettle VA; V.1..,q1 tee (30 V.4 rent Uttar -we. ine Teen 41, •4‘../k\i terra, Sc ftencet eiza•:,1 e. peeteney in anima...nen a Neleia et tea-el/neat\ 14'04-0:rit e•oaree nettern reeneeenarive at the taanert. eeeriet, end Neve:rate et Patentee ettatee ineatt n Vete viten wet, elste teeent wipe dickers wear tanteee and titian went' covet, but tbey all weat travelltne Itinten besea" A per -wean A. A. tillate•. rantaiig arateery etym. te teetered lay a eldpinent 4). ntxty Mac/entail silver teses eta paeted throunti the Wrati. ear Street ittatten retTatly ti rout', to .,wituidiand trom valeery. Thee' , rattan Pacific Expreee, who ruty ii, . were "meter the weig" of the van. ei that the aninnar, eta their diet ot 7. raw meat regularly. ;Se. The_ _atleo Pere a inoterietabeing-- -141 Strict:en vatInetrark fever" end put. • • Vt. excitement bas been reported from 1 Mtn Ilia car into the ditch In hie Niplgon Ultra' Bungalow Camp and 11 the Niplgon district. Mlle drat. lag along the highway between Port Arthur the =tenet watt start- ted when a &et...appeared on the • 11 road; before him, Whether be tried 1' , zit to chase the animal or toraot ho ' was, at the wheel, he doee not, atilt'. -, but when be recovered las sensee ' •!' he• and his ear were in the ditch, , w _ • X.Ittle.. damage-- w.ae-tioneet The buildlna of more than 400 •Iii • . • tidies ot new -branch num witb 71 now statioutt and shipping points ' nittlis lip in brief the construction Programme' of the Palladian- Pacific - . Railway- in Westerri Canada during the. past summer, according to D. ' C. Velemant Vice-PresIdent, West- . ern* Lines. By this means hun. dreds of ranters had been brought emelt closer to transportation Paei- 'Wes,. and thousands ot wet or nieli agricultural. land .bad been made much more attractive Oran • the settlers' Viewpoint. . IBuy Your Christmas Gifts a , Penn TiittEa • e. 0 II Special Orders, Tailoring and Men's Stnart Vilear L...... , THE SQUARE . Phone 219 . GODErCif BLACK'S and make them all smile CHAS. BLACK 411 E LEA D" wow .ortor---,---tomi.; '• -• " • •••• • ••••-. _ , litriaSig,114%aliC,A1-eliMACU' tiCUAMAC$.4itAelf: • 'at Pla an• 41, . -Residence end Office -Colette,. Srailb St. Answers.the Call . Staffa where his parents were . . !... , and Ilrlanalta ttoott -•On Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 20th, iltwmontei -/le--IrJ11,4a-ltv'ea6otta4ttia$!‘heirwerteoritete<Y1.* . tutettiotttBERtn, . Catberite Zimmer, relict on the late to Seaforth, where he' ba since- lived. William. Ziegler, of Brossels, slept t - vrilattABOUNDRY at SO4. quietly away after an illness that had The Leto Mrs. Harry Allen 80 years, For a number of years Mr.Young had been in failing health, but had been able to be about until his ill. TIM' six weeks ago. Been at Tor- r. -Yottng-came u , extended over the past two -weeks, . In the death .on Thursday, Nov: e 'Lan an Stork d Oenerel ,Anetioncers, although only ;becoming serious on enth, otMrs. Henry flullett. . , un ay. e deceasedWas an In , toWliShiP, takes another of its pion. Sales made everywhere and an efforts -Northeast Hone al yens ago. *Mr. -eer residents, and one who will long entade to give you satisfactlen. Ziegler passed away 23 years ago. - be remembered for her kindness of Farmers' Sale Notes ellscoleted. ' • ... • Phone; W. e A Bad Fall .; 'heart and unstieted assistnoce to •n• in the.early days Cf the coin- itORERT 11013E1ITSON't• Mrs. Sam Hanna, of Seaforth, met , unitY with a painful ' accident on Sunday - mvaach She lived tot' many yeare. She ha' been in tleelinirtg health ler many monthsand /teethe the Inevitable, vrag not uneXpeetel Arnetioneer, Fedor* St., Coderleh evening of last week at her home, onduet and arrange any sale on when. she stepped into an open cellar the latest inetlione oteget heet, re:entire. • -- Cie. -dee -ilk a card and he 'will , • "" neentet • Sales a specjelty. • t • give tt ated ate attention. Farm NOTARY PUBLIC. nXref. DAIT,74, . . • NATArtv PUBIet0 General Conveyanolag done • coed Compenles Ilepreeented Phone No. 208, Goderleh, Ont. eeto , INSURANCE ittenILLOP •alt'TtIAL FIRE ERTY rssiThrix •"FARM .1.Nn IS0LATIeD'1'0Wtsl ERAY INSUOlt.D. • Value of oronertte Insured up to Jan- uar) 1010. 3.0t8. 0000. OFFICE11.ne-Jarnee (temente'. Prest- elent, °Merlotti. Jae. Evans, Vice -Prank dent, Seechweellt T. E, llsys, Sec.. VrenS.. Seaforth, DIREVTORS-11. F.. tIeOreetor, 'Sea - •teeth: .1. G. Grieve. Winthrop: Wee. 'Wien, Conetatiee: George elefiertnete • truelierstralti: John Perris. liarloen: e-- -•-- • -a ;ion • Rennewiset tcrefelliegeiteellorren ' .0lbson, ADENTSeet. W. Yeo, Oralereelt: Sandy tench, Clinton: Wm. Chesney, IortliS . . y, Policyholders eau .their ariSOSS- gaents ateneivirc flutt'eetore. Graterieh: • A. J. :Moorish% C101111117; store, Clinton; ' or J. Dayficht FIRE INSURANCE • !lave tt ,atlentled to by. the " VEST WAVIAMOSIIMUTUAL FIRE' INSURANCE CO . . . I. A Inclabliebed 0111re: Dungannon, Ont. Wm. 5. Thomnson, Auburn. Pres.: ,• Wm.Watson. Mee Pres.: James Cdr. via. !lora lareetor; Directors -Wm, McQuillan, St. Helens; W. P. Reed, 11. 11. No. 2, Lucknow; Barry L. Sal- ted, Goderteli: Alex. Nicholson, Luck- _ now; Tlin Origin, R. R. No. 7, Teiclinow/ chan ItewItt, Eineardine; 'teat. David - Son. Dungannon. Or Montana. nToltallS. T. G. ALLEN, Treas. -,a4444. Brom MU, I Is this trde of your town? Oust as there are farmers who make very good ,natmey by intensively eultivating a few acres, so there are mere chant e in small towns who do a surprisinely large bust. -nee& Of course, they too cultivate their territory intensively: They don't evait for their • epsterners to come to than . -they go to their easterners with frequent offers of what they know will tempt theta. And they eerart to sell every- body. So regulerly do they keep in touch- with their customers that their afore of merchain diva are eagerly awaited, and. • ore read .as if they evere news -which there. •' ' These merchants use Long Distance frequent, to oeder goods for prompt shipment or to fill in sizes -and Oen „ find it geed business ll *ca " important customers. hy Long Distatme to adviee theta Of opportunitien, I • - - - -;-;:,-...: ..z.1.-,:ar.,-;.,-------------- . aorwRicit The Leadieg . s7.1 Foment Directors sad Estkalssers 'Orders carefully attrudePtn, dso.AalatisaceServiee A . . bate old Herb at all hoUreentdght or tley1 we are the Inspector:4 of anatomy In and for the County of Huron. Phonte: Store 120; Residence 217. eele uneral Director and Embalmer Ooderick Ontario *****4•010 • „ t day or night. Phones: 8 t-0 C. 1.011 ; op ow* my C.) • E. Elliott Best Horseshoe Tosser - At Wellesley on Thanksgiving Day rate hundred and sixty-eight horse- shoe enthusiasts contested In a oath. wheat and wheinthE strience had cleat- ed away, Charlee .Elliott, of Wing - ham, came out as single champion, *ith Ed. iSmall. in fourth place,. C. Elliott also took first prize in men's singles 50 years and over, With A. -11.---Gootelet nat-phetrier-ether et an tat place in the doubles contest. ed good health for some time, baying been afflicted with heart trouble, The 'late ?.Ir. Eackmier was ;born in Germany and came to-tennda tenth his parents and to Logan when he was two yterate Old,: t ,.. . , . 4,... • , .• , . Young Lad Dies From Eating Pill'; !A tragically sad Wren' happened on Saturday evening?, Nov. 17th, when Dcmaid it'arl Clark Radford, a three- vear-old son of /Qtrs. J. Radford, of liVingbana died very suddenly from effects of eating some pills which he mistook for candy. The little chap soon ,loat consciousness,, when Ilia' . mother ealled a neighbor whoesum- '. moned a ,doctor, but his efforte were in vain, death coming in o. very ehort 'time. n Death of Joseplf Sureeteet Joseph Surcrus, son of elt..ariiel Sur. ores and „Margaret (ICaercner) Sur - rem of Zurieri, 'was borri November. lath, 1848, in Wilmot trairishipt Wat- erloo County, and departed tins life on November 16th, 1.6ft8, ' havinte teached the ado Age bit Tit nnitin and four dayee In nis intoner he With nie pnrents located on the Bran- non Line m Ray townahip, Where he helped to clear the Sueerit; home. stead and together they transformea it from the virgin forest into a pie- !ductive farm. . CANAltIANS TURN TO FLORIDA FOR AeCATIMPREIt WINTER SE SON Serai-tropical . Itiorida is again i * drawinn large tambeen of Canadians „... for the winteOPSenspn. onteis. becteq. inn naoee,poputar every yeav-prmel- , al4rally bee/nine it is 1.11! near, its climate • as cm thinning, aryl it offers sawn en utray of tuterestiato e orte and i IL Itinee peculiar to that part of the K eaunPT* 1 b VI 'd 1V tete e ee ut . on a can ne ell- . I joy hotter retell au exciting novelty ,notTarpon fie/ling-or awilaplataine•- [ or '' aced b ti I r t . WI Rich in those heeding herb* !eke can one motor foe tinice tIlVellffil Indians used avenueo obaded by graeefull pint -- . by great ,eltnie evovee of rate:Mug Pet:fan t;n etippted ley Rheatoefirta Mein oranges and lealoste----oe along tile rnutin't, walk have takea Gellaghere ehore of the Atiantie. Filler,* golf ' Itidir y Bettie :Iv awl got well, It is tee -all wieter tong: 0 , iitneet ("core Mkt kern the litalst la morale; in Florida -any Cannellan t Mitchell Itedident Dies Suddenly On Monday mornlng, Nov. 19111, while sitting in a chair reading a pa. per, Mr. George Eiclanter, St, ef Mitchell, died' suddenly in his/ seven. ty-seventh year. Ile had not. enjoy., • "I .ean say, witheat any ,besita- gen, that Canada is the beat tram - try in the world for rarming at the present time. It has greater Dos- sibilittes, and there are indicationa that there is greater stability and prosperlty than .rain be found; in any other reentry," said Dr. E, S. Archibald, director in charge of the Dominion Expertmental learnt at Ottawa, addressing the Yong Meets • Canadian Club in Montreal. Dr. Archibald said the crops in Can - ado are worth M167,000000, whteh alone was epual to the fisheries. mines and forests all pat together. The province of Alberta graterally will receive more game fish than ever before, was the opinion ot 3. A., rttibb superintendent ot ash cute ture of the Department of Marin and Insberies, who waa a recent vieitor Calgary. 'The whitetiele natchere just aliened by the Derain." ion Covernment in . Leeser Slave • Lake, will help the commercial fish. °vet Itlaeu-tern, "sort innoceilti; nevellegslibobtetrildi Mountain resort, efill be greatly nip d' d fry and fingerltrig guntotish tliattlavo been plaece In the streame. The batch- .11;11;111e.fitill7he'fieriffe'11.4:dd,Wedn' owtikll'Obele ex: „..ecaq whe cisme to Ontario, tnmarviettltlanta nemade his 'home here. Went In for thhwan,,olaitt_iistnonwur_e the e_ftoogusta—axtin?..egotettocoesticaeol: • Mini. retrivlitrile t'itcTra but l,o irtl, . 1,1,9.z..,,:str.crittros hardier beeause there hien. Anyway. rirtitiallf°11."atrel4 !..p.old which brought on pleurisy', tuul tdittuslildttelo184‘eititizillYZg°1111,:artai fought on, at home, tOr (war O. year. lea use: Toe (meter. Irately gave him littoPopaintacililtatredatigenwt—mli1411i jolanYly(' ethatnacr. So hre rI:etete lb. III the htuskolta . dioetors and rtiurraatIoTPAvareanr .S1't! rrIence aro trylin to logl ihae141 AsTle. "..cA‘.1r grf 12.141,4 .buoTielr"iiirtp than the fate that 'used almost ino •ovItablv, to overtalce the consumptive poor. Would you not like to help In this great work? A suboOriPtion you , Such may be sent to Hon. NV% A. Clluirlten or A. 12, Ames, 22.3 College Street.' Moronto Ontario, • . , Remedy for Sic Kidneys -the Soudan. • • , 4 • • , tt„.jtommee. , • OINT-EASE FOR Stift, Swollen Joints , Rheumatic or Otherwise CAltel:01.1.4 1NSPGCT EAintli3OT or- Co. ;ov AW6 Now RAY we sae YOLIR UntkitER'S -COAL apP14,,Y .wa . a Says: "When Joint -Ease Get: in...) e. /pi tt wee. a higlaclase pharmacist! , 1:1;40. ., ....Joint Agony Gets Out." , -who owe preseription after tpeescrip. ' A)liW. e tion fait to help hundredo or nie eus- . .,.... tontexa to get rid of reenmatee ctwele tinge 131111 Dtjfe, inflamed joints. And it was tins atone man who as. , , . r ,,,Z,.:4 ----q 1 .g iliC ' eitmpbunded that would make!' er Nam%•. . :meted that a retnedyatould ard would i crealiy, awollen, tormented jointa i if you had to go direct to the mitie3 'WOVii With j1.1St LIS fil11131 1•311101)t}inen ! every three you evanted coal weld& as they even did, ; n't -coed buying be a feels ? t/tote this prescription, rightly ran.: Even after rhu,ttiit. tie the mines,. you ed Jornt.Ease, efter being teeted nue- •possibly tvouldn't Icruew whieli cum teeefully on snarly obetinnte caeeo, is t tt etiooae. C •through progreomve phartaa- i That s..1 the big thing tee have anee 1 .3 we ndetrella lcaien &elating Arrang6 now to epend emir Whited „ ' Natienal Ilailwaya Agent will glatity ,t liftelitatle battatilt-te llitt•V fitqte ratettt !! supply note with information ahout 11 ateei teens ana nattgieg teautar nts . tcotete, route; end ite te.eetee, • ! i Tel:MO.11V tatt!rd .htt inflamed eidetren , ealletthea'a hert)e nate thew! it k. 01,1) of 3rnere tintlitethriee fetnees • Children Ors,' tentverel;1 Want Itonatteld Remehre. '104 FLETC11E1t3 nerd new by v,.. CAsToRIA „ nee.' Clete to the millione of people who 1 for you. matter from ailing Joint e that need !. We have 'carefully .eclected the 'proper ! littntte,oilittegn,upt.winm lnihanted, nth, ofsoratnlidirgerreartite9l,cinds of furnacee, e nahatermented jointg are tteuallY! All you have to do is to aline Nib ett caused by ,rfieureatieta, Inft whatever for it, . the cause Jo.nteEpee oealto tight in, . three -ugh ship. and gcoh aral geto rinht to and conneto the trouble at ito comae. CALL THE !MAT Peti,13 Reraertitter JoitittEaoe it for ail tents of the ointo, wlethee in atildie, bita Maw, cl°111(k70 Ct'ivt° 43'ie For Good Clean Coal fie:lett' awl when yoa Kee it, on, yo , • raay enpeet opencly ;met gratifying re. 1, n novi n COAL suite. ;, /t sieta era rate at R. la bantorn'e, !di 0 in U0 'Rau COMPANY, p,. rital cleeernete Phone OS Csoderich ettieee feet cet cane ecelet, • cEWEN'S EFery- Dar 'Prices-- . • . ,,.......„,,,,,,,,,....„....„ • ic 11 Shelled Almonds,, per 11)....'.'..: '... ; .. .. :3.59c #31"„ ... Shelled Walnuts, Per lb.... :. .. 4 ... ....... 39c -Cut Mixed Peel, per lb.-. ... ..... ........25c iiii Lemon Peel, per lb.... .... .....'. ; ..„ , .25e IN Orange Peel, per lb....., 11 . .0 4 * # * 4** O. f * V 0 ..25t t Citrun Peel, per lb.... ,...., , ...... • # 1 4 35e • Fresh Currant, -per-lb.-:.-.-.--.....-..:; .........-.18C- patiriea,1„. per lb...... , .. ; ..... A * * . 4 # • W * * . . . 5 0 Salada ,Japan Tea; new line, !..41b. package 35e 5-1b. Tin Syrup... R:.! * • • * 0 * 0,' * ; 4, * A # * 0 • V 35c i The new crop of Seedless Naval Oranges to , k ,. -hand, a full line at ....... .... 50e per dozen . . Fresh Creamery Butter every day from the creamery: 1 .., , . . .. 1 . Try a pound of our 59e Tea. Its a" Winner. ' ' k Fresh ground No. 1 Blend Coffee, at per ib. .60c .' . 7e) • ocEwen • "'" PRONE 46 TilE SQUARE ..'"" " ..P9DERICH Wel 106,610,MrilVraVVItiiroMr;#'1%10:01,410r* „ Praises this Asthma Iternedee-A grateful user of Dr. ,), IL Kellogg's Asthma Reinedy finds it the- only remedy thee will give •reller, tbough for thit•teen yeare he :10.a aotight other help. Years of ileedies.. suf- fering army be ;prevented by using thie wonderful remedy et: the kilt warning of trouble. lee use is sim- ple, its cost is !alight, sana it can be purchased alutdet _anywhert, °What ie your chief woreyn" Worley." , at didn't Itnew 'yet -wain truy." 4t St • NIVIII.M01}00111**1 x• .V11410/0,///•"*Niff.41,1***1.* • - *•• • Astern teas tire known by experts as the finest tea* grown— a fact which explains why Red Rose Or.ange Pekoe has become so deservedly popular in Canitda. For Red Rose Orange Pekoe is chiefly composed of Assam Iteas, which accounts for its die.. tinctive quality and value... Every nuengca gUaratatech ..Whore Quality Culotte" oWboce (Walk* COUnti" Nowt Worthy Com., 2 portion Loaf to Oar.. woeirrel ief A Popular ‘6rAsIfr Breacto' giurnoress-souests kr *Weetel, &liar textured, cial_.otY hreacr have resulted in our crowning Balicrp achievonent..."Kreavoy White" 1 Brata, It het boon Skid, 'Ott hint, to iteernet tee our firaose Tatty , ersad, but we feel that In "Itreatny White we have a breed that will • - Osage artel satisfg the utast fastidious. . .E............a.....*........-..........* , oY or 'lowest Combion • TEA nt?r,e h a s "'Steamy COFFEE. 4 aletki 10 suit entry taste, Wode" Fred, floastod evii Graltd /MIA. 1311/t/C Try it4441ell WC:Itb W100 ,,Shitionk Uomied 4, ,., . rani/Oran quatity arq lfaccr , I West English nagretlast iritrn.a.n......a.a.m.yr Tea. lb. MS0 "airwoman SPECIAll. IIIIND DOMINO BLEND Ib. 450 White" ureintai.t.o WAND •lb. 4%• U*1110110 BLZIM Bre.di Cold in staled tins onfr• A flavorg blend,44 Assam, '1111‘°. Toon qualsty end never Coyne, cod Thelma:ea \ A Full 2.4.os. 5,14b, Tin 9' .6 Slit ' ' ' "4"..- IN. 150, ' ,, ', Tat '' ' " ' "a•lb. thr Nils at' Good Qualitg fir Regal, Plain er PEAS2Tins21e / Salt 3 Cut." 25* Vietery Sweet Relish '"z. Ma51ie1d arena Bacon:Zit Fre•ar igaitar's 3eCocoa °C° 21 Whit, 1,1atin ,•••• 56 Flour Sas LSO . •Eleisz. Tetuats tetik's Friend 110AlltwIDIRECIR 116;000Zittlit. 3129e0 KetChU 111 1143: 214, 'nay . tbat;k0 Ne411.11 6412:9. 22; Rzttokoed CeTratte 1 Mayonnaise atle enta CiLsAlay Wrgerneat) • 2 ibe, zee tXtetda tZta MOON Pcaa Etbectik, P„,04. In, 210 . eel en„e ne„„. atom' • *mitt 2 tte 210 • Pc4 las'Iden allanowi Dates • :c.4 can 042 "reN19 G L-2.M!*•44461 AL4,AltititAILIC“:111int‘litrant.gint Pumtddn 2 tr 2 ,‘ a. I el a