HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-29, Page 2. _ • • MUMS CRAUCCUOX • CANADIAN DOW CANADIAN GIRLS' ONFORD ANNUALS PUCK'S ANITALS 'TIGER TIM , Pint;f1 ElCHF .. • ••. Christmas Books.... .11 t( THE GODER CH STAR 4411.04•441NIN COLBORNE Breve /lege rite gee eeinenieliee oesearze ,es igiffa 3 cx.iiii:iste r.13 VAL nese .1:101ift 40.4i4ItT i.icottwe on 'elle mete eierreen aioete et tee Vorla, az eardozore ;aza mitten -a endee, Ogdeen ire sate J. La. Minot 0-4 tiut3Orlen, in tee nneement to Alive:in engem at Port Amen, oza tee:ages?, Leovera. ,= eer sate,Z3ti p.m. 'ene aaerea wed eerve innen. severelanly welcome. asdreiceion fel eente. Boys and . g Girl1,vilistrinuw eeier en naturdno. oe no MrWee Meter -nen 'wee a fleece -lei erra, Meeittfe, nr., is visiting her slauentei, rare Wm. Taylor, oz. et. %mucus. e N'NUAL elieoee Blason,,of Winginoto relent NNvAL ,lainclay with tneir triend, elm; Mahe! Wreden. hike 1na McDrien, of Auburn, visitee on Seedily with her aunt, Parq Goidon Snell Mrs. Wm. McDowell spent, the NEW NATURE DOORS-- - -wee-laced with - her IrlOthOrs--- blr'a• J. -Anderoon, of Blyth. Chub, of St., Helene, it; male. Ina an eetended visit with her daueb. ten Xre. lilarein McDowell, Mr. Kerr, .of truer,els, wee the gueet rit the home of Ildr. and Mr;. Wm. Wehlen over tile streeleend. • • VS. John H311i0fl arr $011, or - don, et Goalie% visited. over Sunday Order.; taken for Personal with Th. and Mrs. W. IL Campbell. -Greeting Cards Mrs. Hatay Cook returned home on Wednesday last from Toronto. Little Erma is still in the Sick Childemes Hospital, but we hope for a speedy Co ie s ook StoreMr. und Mrs. john •Snell and helm,' recovery. of Detroit, npent the weeleand 'with ereee... their parents, Mr. 41141 Mrs. George Brien, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs, Necomb, ' ASIttIELD of Blyth. Me, Donglas Campbell telt for TINY Illrf.S FATHER TINES MOTIIEB GOOSE and many °there So our new and latest Copy- right Fiction and Ileprint beaks Mr. mad Mo.. Tom Bogie, of Port Albert, visited at the home et the lettere; parents on Sunday. Mem Lilian Mackenzie visited frienda in Wingham over the week- end, , fate W. ed. sr will nold their monthly meeting on Wednesday als ternoon the home of Mrs. D. A. MacDonald, at lerzehalsh. Dr. Cannawineof Toronto, gave an , addreas on Sabbath echool work and , young peoples societies lit illshlield Fresbyterina Church on Sunday morn. fug. Miss Doak Ribbon, of Wingbam *meet Sunday at her home in Kintaii: Mrs. Dunain hiacirernitin has re. turned home after spenditig a few daYs with friends in Toronto. . LANES Mr. and etre Welter Alton spent a 45,, In reicknow vecentlys Miss Lena Hooka% of. "trawanosb, spent tho weelaend under the paren- tal roof here. Mr. and Airs. Rimy Hackett spent a day in Godetieli recently. A number from here atteniled the, eine of horses held in Wirigham on Saturday last Quite a nuMber from here attend - the tonort held hi Duogannon on ay evening. " Mo. Alvin Bowies retortion to her home in London on Friday last, after epending a few dos with her inother, Mrs. David Hackett. IttiSSOS Myrtle Johnston, Elsie Vint, Melda and Winnie Lianas and lidera Hackett, all of L If Se' epent the loch -end' at their homes here. ,,,,1444$ , , , • 4. 4. •4 North St. United Church Ladies' Aid ,BAZAA1? WILL UK HELD 0,11 Sat., . 2 '28 Sale of home.Intrie Baking, Aprons, Fancy 'Work Candy TEA SEINER -FROM 3.30 is 7.00d. - Guelph Miniday morning, then On to Toronto at -night to take part in the junior farmers' judging team at the Rove! Fair. Mr. Norman MeDowell, ate of the winning ten in the judging' contot 0131(1 eat Clinton recently, left thio Tuesday morning for Toronto to at- tend tbe Royal Winter 'Fair. He will be gueet at the Baton banquet and theatre party on Thurs .daY itormusylLug The Sunday :wheal are bolding . their annual. Christmas program on IFeiday evening, Dee. 21. The conuntinny wish- to express to Miss Ford theft -deepest sympatby in her retent sad bereevereent. On Felder?' of feet week Mr. and, Mrie Ralph Pearson and Miss Isabelle Kaufman, of Ilieltson, were visiton at the home ofRev. arid Mr,. J. W. Her - bort. __Rev. M. P. Smith, of West China; Inerere Hilton King and Mac Brown of Ilielcson; and Mrs. E. M. Brown, Eunice Brown and Gladys Brown, ol- eo of Hickson. were gueets at ' the parsonoge on Thursday. On account of weather. conditions, the attendance et Y. P. League on Friday night was not as large as us- ual, but those wbo came were araply rewarded by the splendid tome given .by Mrs. C. 'Cooper, of Sharon. The young- ladies Of the Miesion Circle bave reason to Ire proud of the streeeSS of their animal bazaar held in the beeenient of the church. on Thursday evening last. The splendid work which they offered for sale WO nulekly bought up by the many peo- ple who were present. The program which was greatly enjoyed by all, was followed by lunch • 'The yowl/ ,people of ilohnoville anil ty 4s;eithl)esnte'errsattozi their rally SerVite 011 Sunday evening leen Bailie Walton led the meet- ing at a very elliment winner, and Elmer 'Potter gave a very convincing sddress on "The Case 'against Alco. hot," Rev, j. W. Herbert spoke briefly on "The Challenge to Youth," which WAS responded, to by Norman W1.0 Wilhelmme Tresearthe. fleeter. talon of purpose tee& were nigned by nearly all those present. The' in. •spiration of the meeting 'wee mater- ially increased by the musk fuvnisle. ea by Ebenezer ovehestra and a ape. Poo dens etiPir. fl1ttNM)\ MF:s2. LW, .Gavreirea left cir illeadae- ; lee, Towline, weer() gaLu SiSZCro Mre, nteKetee • Zr. ae.ci Mre. Jae, G. Figgine, of Thor.eld, were Thankegiving venture with the btscies aunt, 5.1zo. David; , M. zeal,. co', of the F.'asee of Conlarett° c2ati, iYarz,F,,an1104, ;735 week -end gaga with irierele at Loa - don arel anew?. ler. aim eaa. ed 176-tvlers, of ;Wailiertou, vented the forreetea 'par - cots, M. aed nine lieury Fowler, at aliarakegivine. i .1)r, George Case, of Cobalt, arad ' Benon Case, ,of Toronto, were wee:sand Wolter:int tile home of.then perente, Dr. T. E. aed Mee Cowie Wm. Thompoon attended the. reeeat wedding of her zr.rindilaugh, - ter, Misa Leanne Thempeori, daugh. to of Mr. and eare. Chao. Thompeon, of London. FranklIn. Thiele:ma was up front London :for the .weeli,end, and ore hie vetwen was accompeniee by XII tootner, Mrs. leen. Thompson whole spending_ tWo_ woke:with _I:clap:NI there, Mr. Beacom, the newly -appointed inspector for West Hilton,. paid lib first *facial visit to Dungannon schood ori Monday. Ile also confer. red with the seltool board who met at the sebool during his visit, Mrs. Robert Do.videon and Allan Reed, who had been visiting relatives at Elm during the week, returned to Dungannon on Friday evening. Mier. Davidsonattended the Educa- tional ,Conference held in Guelph on Friday. eleetiorts for the township of Aeldield is being held in the township hall on Monday next, Nov. 20th. The eke - tion, which is being neld a month earlier this year than usual, will take place on Monday, Dec. ard. Mrs. C. C. Benet attended the fun. oral of a relutive, Mr. Young, at Sea. ter, Mks Evelyn Stoner oe Toronto - The ateminationd for the municipal ,-,44.41444.44.4 Now is the time to have your Sewing Machine OVERHAULED Part., ON, Betts, Needles, etc. MISS NOBLE Crikish rucheuge Lickeic much plateere in : 'ereil oy teem. tine cor.gregatiori wiacb have erecese the beaming, is minority group, and deserve much eredit tor their enterprising teurit. elle former Metbodist church was perehaoed by them, and bee been coat- ptetely traneformed,,so that it bar, Inc appearance of en entirely new pending, and presents a „very pleas. rag and atteective appearence +both n its exterior and interior. The heilang_evea enleed end a_ bat'ement Pluded-nraleineatli;' .1.1111e ihe outside has been flniohed in red heck, and the interior is finished in light ook, with new poets, pulpit and organ. Elec- tric lights have been installed, and it Is heated. by a furnace, lefr. and Mrs. M. Iloiftrien'rettmed reoently front Detroit where they et. e atter's 'Moe, Miss. Dorothy Stoner, to Mr. Burville Mitebell, son of Roe Wit. liam Mitchell and Ma. MLtheiI, ,of Detroit, The wedding tea place irt Hager Meneerial•ehurch, Detroit, the eeremone -being performed by Rev. William lifitchelg father of the ego= aud paStor of rile 'church in which it , took Place. The winsome bride took - ed very charming in a gown of white, crepe satin, with veil of Brussels net caught with erargo Moments. She carried a Shower bouquet of white - roes. She was attended by her - forth, on Saturday. $he also visited at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hervey Webster, of Goderieh, who with Mr. Webster, acompanied her on her return to her home On Sunday. Mra l'oree left on Saturda toe Timmins, where olio will he a &est for the winter menthe With her daughter, lYlro. A. S. Thompson. She WAS accompanied by her daughter, Mies Alma Free, et. N., who will make, e short visit before her return to Dungannon. The Fred G. Brown Faeee-Comedy co., which appears in the Parish Hall, Dungannon, 'every night during the week, is attracting Urge 'avdieneee. Apart from the stenes which 'they preserit they are senate mei:vine and offering 'ono •for the baby aeluriee. the highest number of votes and also resent. cktl‘tr features of Internet. t who acted as bridesmaid, and wa$ gowned in yellovr transparent velvet, and carried a bouquet of yellow rose*. lrolloiving the ceremony, the happy brick and bridegroom received the congratulations and good wishes of a host of friends who had gathered in the eliureb. see them married, both being' very popular young people. Afteawards, with Me invited guests, who lumbered about thirty-five, they renaired to the home of the brideo PateatabNikere a dainty wedding' sap - ver WAS served. After dinner epee. des were made SY several of the guestse Whiedt.they spoke in glow- ing terms ofothe.pctpularity of the recently rtUVrifeci- couple, who both uelteowledged the sieve in neat re- plies. The following' day the bride and groom motored to Dungannon, being Accompenied by Ilfr. and Mre; riothuin whose' guests the 'w f y me t ays p eir leaving' for d • The regular re tint etin +of A few 41 AO th 1,1 Norma muswounromi Plimihoimmoimmems, No in N 0 ogs awit.arodu • -s-1.01101.01110r, .abt . . Silk Velvet for Dresses at $2.75 VELVET....the fabric of beauty and f9r service. French Silk Velvet of deepest raven black, of exquisite quality, width, 36 inches. 'Special per yard.— WOOL BLANKETS These days when color plays such an important part in the scheme of house - furnishings. The daintAt shades of the new Blankets' and Quilts are very _ pleasing shades of Rose, Blue, Mauve, anti Gold. Blankets all whipped and finished singly. :Various patterns An clieeks and plaids. Finest' all wool. .unshrinkable. Size 72 x 84. At COATINGS -53-inclf line arviar tieavy soft -Coat: - lugs. Blues, Browns, Reds, Mauve. - Per StIEE.TINGS 72 -Inch best quality unbleached Sheeting on special sale...... UNDERWEAR • Mert's extra heavy all pure wool, Red Label unshrinkable Shirts and Drawers, ' size 36 .t(7 42. Al per garment. $195 GLOVES Finest quality, heavy Chanoisette Gloves. 25 (keen pairs on sale; all 'shades, domes and pultover styles, sizes 6 to S. Vahte Sim) per pair, Mrs. Paul Mandel; for a few days this. Week. Mr. It YoungeieId a very sue,. eessful sale on Monday. Everything sold well and Mr.- Young; realized good prices for his 'stock., We ewe pleased to; report that Mr, Teuntx remaining in the conkanunity, hav- ing reserved eve acres at the tomer and will have the cottage remodelled and *cope it in the spring. A very succosral modem of the W. IC S'. Was *held' 'Wedeesdan, Nov. 14th, at the Itente of the preSi- . e 4 e le ark. Not au at- the Dungannon brmielt of the Wont - tone Institute will he held on Thurits day, Nov. 29th, at the home of Mrs. Erect Boss, at 0 p.M. The topic will be, "Menus for Christmas din- ner." and will be taken by Miss Geor- giAllen. atoll tallewill be answer, - ed by exchange of acmes. Mr. and Attn. David Nevins, and familee Who had spent the eurneeer at Sault Ste. Marie, mul at points in Manitoba, arrived home last week. The entire tripi, both ways, was made by motor and proved 'very enjoyable. Mr. NIV0113, who made a sale in the spring arid vented his farm for the year, settre On his farm again in the springs Despite the rain and fog of Friday evening, Dungannon saw .one- of the largest etowda ever witnessed at any gathering. The oceasion was a free oneert sponsored by George Spottore M.P., for North Hum, and 'present. ed in the agricultural hall by the •Wingliara Dramatic Company, To e ball WAS packed' to the doors early iu the evening, and niany who came lat- er were turned away AS every' 0,Vait ableaspace was occupied. A erfeeeh by Mr. Spotten, in his fine innterleal stele, raided much, to the entertain- , ment of tbe! e'voning. Following .the concert. tbe crowd eongregitted in the parish hell; where- a dance wan held, the music being furnished by Artie. Ines five -piece orchestra of 'Wing. 711am. Mr, Spottou ,annouitced that It would be Made ark araltral (Nerd. • nOn-GOcierielk _Mail COUVier* MO with an accident while returning to Dun- gannon •vvith the emit one day thia week 'during a blinclifig snow storm. His winilsbield became covered with snow, and in endeevoring to wipe it, failed to see an upproathing truck, with which he collided. His car, which Was a . eoaebo turned misfile down in the ditch but strange to Say; that, while it was otherwiee broken, none of the glass was brokent and, forttrnately, Mr. Armstrong himself sustaitied but little injury. A pas. eine tootmest brought km and the mail to Dun/minion, and since thou he bas used his hoz' for delivering the'meil. • B. J. eturniin o.: :..84-itk AM, had hie ear badly sinasned on ktittity evening while drrving to Dungannon, when he " came Ihrintny "in eakkG46 Wrt,h *A Hell - tetepnone pole as, he was driving Idowa the river Ilia on tho 4th tonces- mon. 'tile night wa$ 84 foggy that it was very dancult to see the road and Mt. Dwain Wee just about to atop his ear to get out to see where he was 1when the impact oreurrcd. rfhe Tkoln VMS broken completely off abaft half. way nie the upper pottion falling up. ae."0,0 on the at, winch then skidded aide. way$ to the fence, teering off two ,svireels. The top of the car ouffered ' rather badly ,when the broken pole fell upon it. but Mr. and Mrs. Durnin 3te congratulating themselves that they eareped terious injum a see. ere oheek tied tome -ntinor injuries te i hire. Dinneen arm, being the worat. sl The wonder ie that then weie not 4 meal riebidentu that night, as the mist wal 03 deate end there were te mane ars on the read. It large numbet ,,Noto DUngantk43 and vicinity atterded the opening of the new Preebyterien church at Aub. um en Sunday lain when the riew church building was formally opened and dedieined, the imprersive cere knotty being performed irk the Tires-, tear et * JAM corkgregation which filled tho building to its inmost cap. acity. Rev. R. C. MeDertied. pastor ; of Knox churce, Goderiele officiated, 1 and oreviched fort. eful end inspirit* 1 il”Ktnori, et both morning and evening ! lloeriaices. At the morning An -vitt the Auburn choir led in the aer vire of Mi. Rein. .Areastroire the Dungan- ., Rubbers! Rubbers! -44444444 I ,e Our Stock is now complete with the best than money can buy • Ladies' Rubbers Are light, soft and endurable l*n's, Boys' and Children's in light!kud helm), weishts. gobbet* for even' Arbor of the family, and for every +occasion See our Women* Splaehero. the rubber Overshoe. Buy iene Etithheis when mow shoes' are dry and get a better fit Bay your Rubbers at Ilem'a Boot Shop and get the Best. W. Hern's Shoe Store MILLINE 111011•1110 Phone' Specials in Stunning Hats for for Winter In Fabric which leads the mode of tottlay Velvet Felt,. and Velvet and Silk in shades at once becoming and correct On FRIDAY and SATURDAY at $3 76 and $4.75. Corsage Flowers New Shades YOlt ARE MiliDIAILY INVITED TO INSPECT OUR 3TOCK. MISS Mac VICAR KINGSTON SIMI : ,!preige, an anthem hy the fall their • Aral toh'S by Mil!! Weir and Mr. If: iMt:Gre hoinr very much etijoyett lepefilt nuinttes., At the Pvening ti,ifereit_e the •'etkpip pt Chalon 1,‘'e*y., 111'000_4141 into anthems. The Clititog% itsttee that% led the Marring. 51.14 semeie quartette was also iwird loth 1(3 to ance of 22 monitors. An impor- St. -Thotnas, and later far Detroft, tent feature of the meetieg was the where, the:: insinre . presentation of two life membership Sundt:4 .acktaker teachers, ofileersauct certificates; one to Mrs. Jas. Peagau, pppils„ who attended the Smithy ser.;,' who Made . Atting in.PkYt thanking vices and convention' en 1Cforafar, ithe ladies for their kindeess and connection with the Aelnea tower ithoughtfuinees, end the other to.Afre. akii? Iteliglotts° neatihre. Sonfeterf Thos. IdePhee, who was unable ,to be wore well iepaid Or braving tit4 fn-rprepent owing to ill health. After ,clement weather. On Suncley morn -Abe meeting the hostess served 4 dein- init. Rev. WneM. Kiiiniavvirrs fey bitch imd social liour was spent KID GLOVES FOR WOMEN Fine cape kid, out gnat sewn, British make, with one handsome dome fasten., ell. shades of Tan and Sand, sizes 6 to 731. Pair. '*4'* SILK SILK STOCKINGS Full.Fasbloned and heavy all silk, with deep garter welt, in a dozen new shades, sizes 8j4 to 10. At per pair. .$1.51$ WOMEN'S COATS —1"Weed 'Coats -in neat elfeC15 and of softest English materials, trimmed with finest Alaska Sable, or Wolf F-014, and beautifully lined. Priced special at $25.00, $35.00, $40.00 and $45.00. COMFORTERS White citon filled, sateen coveredi and splendidly quiited, various tiesigusl. ,ehest Coloringe, SIxe-72 x 72. EattlA • r•.+14444 • *a.% • 4 CoNGOLEMICRtia sizos3 thi$ new patterns, "Ocddl Seal" Not. 1 quality. New, prices now prevallinp on Tuesday from London, where she ' 4114d spent- a Weeic. ' Her daughter, Mee Alvin Bowies, aceoninanied been home for a few days. ' A letge runalier front- Belfast weed 1,1Gtearge Spotter', hl. Pe give a very *es(lovegli: saoot etgg.auuM„ °P., tgvivheeaar viVIer);.' imaresting addrese to a peeked 'MANUS I ease. re o4 ir i8 i rit7.e t if ad ) re iel cl 3.m Star. 1 tl ito u 109,rpoppy d e1ie1 3ra Canadian Legion*. through your paper thank all who helped and cam- paign the succese it, was. Ihe sum ref e1d.5.94 was realized' this year t agaiOt 474.30 in November, 1,927. WILI*81), E:4 I'SEA'ee.CH-TreEaTst Theft KO* Changed The kind of mother who used to . was cer sottvetwotouyearitid paoungtatg,,, , _ ATWATER KENT BATTERY= DIOS Td.; 2744W for Denunt:, etration MooDONALD ELECTRICIAN: ' spitamosi Road iD.D., of theaderesbateelarreboard eif: Morning 'Star' Lodge, Ao F. * A. fare,sinv;va` 8:ye sites entre:rt so she religious educateoh. Toronto. conduct-. Me held a very succeisfid at home ju eau drive trier • " • reeeee.' - •ed divine servieel in .Asliffeld Preshr- r the Jedge'resensrheawweineereevepMg. " car. • -- , tertait cbarchi- in the afterrtOMt he , The evening was anent very pleasant- ' -Priirtninganhat Fteriseer AdVertieirue - • addressed the ieenteregetihn •of gad:- ir ,The program, most of which Wati i That Pays 1-s- Star Serv'ire. ett's United eltukche =din the angle' ,e4"neie and singing, was given by I none,"^-"eg.ner . --- leg lie spoke in Dmtgerinon United 'Auburn and Nue. toot,. riere„ sheer,. -----7 , thurelig In the -evening the sleet . see les gill ewe* Dris$ Sadie Carter MALE mid FEMALE IIIILP WANTED lif his ' •tilse°11186 wtm "Cali* aY8 isdiiiir Rice ace nine and Miss ' ' greatest z asset/ roilowibt an- out- llorothy craig sang- very nicely, a. r OM* Miss Gladys Taylor Rove a I•ecitaturn, Aio mt. Frank Meliwain and lir. L. Pentland favored* the audience with ERR* $2$ ilk $50 .PER WEEX, Positions open en city mid ' fen towns. Fie tin expert: Sara Part Mae white . reaming.: We Xne of Canada's emseurces,-.hey' fer- „tile Dente, 'bee splendid' waterwaen, her foreste, her mineral wealthe etre eta, pr. Kainisevin mint. on to iihow CINDERELLA eauty Shop e” that tee greatest asset is ter tOyft tWO Y thpe of their comic. selections, .1' d •° 'Llx,ins felkAtad* Cor4 Square and Kintsfon • d le Mins lit Pentlend on ra • , ' - ..- Street (up.otaire) over, 1 venity. of guiding ewer ore& in gave selections on the violin, novella. their earlier yeare ler means' of th° - williol bY MEI randier on the orgen. Sabbatie seheol „oatreemieee :The eaxaphone inueie rriven by and girrso, bet young,- peupte; me, in .e.eeemname eylr. 110CSE Air1RING,, 1:111)CSTRIAL. a stirring appeal, eniehastaea tee tie Organ. Aux. .1, artAsst,. of' Jac -court, jEzLIE:10:intak:VE.:111.OGE; ZoAsTBS., fin's atorerear 4 IIIATTEliir WELDING, VILIXAN , 11/11111EftING AND Hun • r DRESSING. • • • A Feriplorenot eerviee from .reast i-ertnanenrs SilicaUricpeirlirneliat.inente Shampooing Halt. Bobbing 1:IFEaaycieria:ertraiontoti:lhAgrc,hintit Manicuring . Atone 239 for Apioaintmeais 1 ween in connection with the ehurnbos. Ilwarn accompanied by bi's motinr. ne spout, •wilosx tune, is naw en. was loolitemb•uesineJ°,antrYadign•rtintegrinPirchiell7; thala devoted VI, Wotk foe the young grAn't ' 'people* has tee mese eery nee& at 6°1.1;04 by nnerntrets of the craft,eon. evert, and his sincerity arid cruelest- entire; of been nandwiekete cake, lee ness held the attendee, ea hie 414 cream and coffee Then ail who ,car. ,ience ter ttpwatds of au- hour,. aa ed te' dane° daW113t4irS "Li °II. •portrayed ve the reasons :roved a few hour% Musk was terns for this steer work among the young, relied byMr. Farrish , and Mrs. Par - Upon the following day, Monday, a: I'M and all went home well .pleased convention wos heed. ut tne United with the evenineenuting. • " church, Dungannotk, when delegates trona preeticeuy every Sunda school and enurch in the township, of, Ash- field, were proent. A Round Tahm Conference. waa held,' When. subjects of vital intereet to ati were discussed,. Tina was followed , by another splen- did address by' Dr. Kannawin, his subject heing, "Winning the World for Christ through Childhood." Sup. per WAS' served In the basement of the church by the. Mies of the W. M. S., and tater an evening liessiou vas held. aim following oilleers were els acted for the entitling year, and were President, P. Ross; vice president, SALE OF duly installed by Dr. Katmawin; Mte Mattheiv tiliarldeton; eee.streas., FALL MILLINERY Mrs. (1),n) SirePeerli elfildrelea 4livis. AIX FELT and VELVET ion superintendent, &US$ E. Elliott. BEMAST • A few fronv here attended the tee- Ventitin in the United clearch at Duns gannon On Morino afternoon and evening. • • twig*. foifree earalainie °to 1.):01! infon Trade Schools- Limited. now Managing aud operating Hemp- toili Trade Sohonis of Canada and r, S. A., bothDerninion Govern -- more neerteree 20oratmales ° 1r0)11MOIST.TIVII)E SCHOOLS Ora OIIjeo,1111 KING St W., TOItimo 1T,atern Dranchew: London Montreal liamilton- -- Ottawa, Mr, and 1Wits. 00orge Lane attend - N «t the constentioneof the U. F. (Van& eWnea. UFW afternoon Mr. David Hackett returned borne at Wi rig ans on Veld ay boys' division superintendent. Palmer HATS *t greatly re- Kilpatrickr gide diviener letiperiMete, dents Mrs. Albert Alton; young Peo- ple's division superintendent, William Reim; adult diviioii euperinteedent, 11. 1141', home V SIM elliletitt dents Mrs...Richard MeWhineey; tea - there training superintendent, Rev. J. A. Walket; missionary superinten. dent, 3. B. Young; temperaaeo supt., Jahn Foster. The newly -elected pre- eident, Mr. F. Roes, then took the chair and presided over the meeting, the main featute of which wee an ed - dress by Rev. Dr. Karintavin. Using the words et .'u- Saviour in eailiug his dieeipIes, "Follow Me," he pointed out the wonderful leaderebip of Cheist who has siower to "raw *11 men unto Himself?' The eenvention next year is to be +held in Itaekettie ATI• United ehurth, Ashfleld. Nve have •just received a • -dined Priem • Sale starting FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd. Universal Millinery North Side gguare Godietich • • •'„ . . 4.44.4•44.44....ort /. L Ali 1 'it OPEN EVE' AIGS: Furntture Don't buyi any _new Furniture, Bak' Gar.. ring*, etc.; until you e get our prices. • We positively ea lee •'younioney. Meanest :Farniture at the tow- eit amt. HAROLD itAmmToNrs • FURNITURE EXCHANGE On the Broadway at Gomm' PS • IVIIAT TO GIVE, Pictures! the gift untisata •Be individual. 'Your selection of such a gift indieates to the recipient your own good taste. Its message of 'loveliness is just the right sift for therperson 'WU- "has ever/thing.' ' Our tomplete Christmas stock is here -led our prices are rear seeable too. Smi• th's Art aniGift Store RUBBERS!, • DEPENDABLE FOOTWEAR AT FAIR PRICES Everywhere under all conditions there San insistent de- mand for sound quality in Footwear. The Roots Shoes, ax.. fords, Strap Slippers, Rubbers, Rubber Boots, doloshes and Ovetshoes sold IT ill have strength, quality, and style that places them in a class by themselves for wear. They have reliability that comes front lone; experience and nv)st careful methods in selecting footwear that we know to be the very bet, In Life.Buoy Rubbers there is no question about quality, style and prices. Thkv an be produced by a factory making tubber footwear e*chivty. They are without exception the hest [MUM cured rs on the market. Give us the oppornouty of showing y u the many kinds and Sfyitc. CARLOW large assortment of • Mi. he. (411)10.10oN oad siotere lie, virited at it. Ifelens on Sunday. Mr. Thos. Wilson shipped two Car- InAtbk otetoe k en Monday from Me. Gaw Station. Miee Julia 'Young speet .the week. and with nor went!, Me. nee Mre, IL M. Young. Junior Bridge and Table Lamps. ilemrIlijo*rwditrt."1414171rNow is the time to make and Mrs. 14, Yowls. •Several front lrigh sitendvel the your sel ie.ection. - church opering of the Presbytetian chureh at Aobern o unday• — • Mr and Mr* Jemi ellelairty end two children. of tif..±Wifte, anent the • week -mid vett% Mr, mid , 4.... Rehetts.en asd reeer reliniree here, Mr, 8,4 Mr*, (1%1, 040 seri Mee. Retthyfter. all pf • i"ite411 • with the forrneet perpn lts,Red • 3. R. WHEELER maim miscroe • sinuous strew Phaiirat 14tora IIL GEO. if VICAR NORTH Mt