HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-22, Page 8- PACC irr ne -enee nen' etten' nen en.....nnonr-r-4---entennennen... C5:0•0111.1.11**•••.***••••,******IPOINOWNO Christmas Books..,. -FOR • Boys and Gi:rls CHUMS COATI VARA CANADIAN BOYS' ANNUAL CANApIAN GIRLS' ANNUM OXPORD ANNUALS PUCK'S ANNUALS • TIGEB TIM NEW NATURE DOOKB TINY TOTS FATHER TUCKS • MOTHER GOOSE and many others See - our new mid latest Copy- ' _ right Fiction and Reprint books • GODERICH STAR COLBORNE DISNGANNON Reeve Helga suit d441.) genre:eine t Mtn., 34 Caven:on left en Moiria .c`.;jblvga annegieiarte ti3D ,! 'fen Toronto, witere si),o i3 nate- ., tee encan int e leer sinner, itIrs. Itietnene, nir. ace! Men Jan C. Inggine„ of 1 Theintel, V.TFO Thanksgtving gtore with the tattana nunt,Mi aviC _ .••••••••••.••111., S" Now is the time to have your • • MUT 4SIAIBIt1 A taeture On *J1,t,z0 teepee Meemen . eeasale ee tee wow, et Caroeten, taleen, Ilam zantora Emden, wail be given by Sli. J. in. Ineraptete, of tne Ratan ef note 4. N. If. Min:34 .0,-r ti6aeri.et), 24 Commerce Dant Dungannon, Valri a ai0 t.....e_enacrit oz tee Anglican CriWc.11week-ena gueen witti erienne et Lone at Poet ,A.Pent. ea atteenne nevem. 'don and Beaten. 'deo satires welt eery° mtge. nvereneey WOICOLY10. n.dreintion eti cents. - SITI lea - Wm. ,IeLiP"),TCli 147313 a Gedeviela vienv on :iaturdo.) etre. MO/Atte, tire is visiting iter &legates, eire. inm. Taylor, oe se. Nra. Thompeon attended tit cent wedding of her geteraddaugh -.aleaeriU. r, Leanne neeapeon, daugh ter of Mr. and DIM. Thonmson of Louden. Mr, Fratetnn Thee:pea° was up wetted on Sunday ..vath her aunt, from London nor the weekend, and 0, hs retie -en was accompanien by b: • •earn Gordon Snell. lnotor, Urs. Wm. Thompson who i Dare. Wm, McDontil spent tba ,51X. auti 474VO. FICCd lkiWien 132 Wateentea. vieited the forareetne par outs. Mr. and Mee. Beery Fonienat Thankeenene, Dr. George Case, of - Cebelt, Mr. Beneon Case, of Toronto, wee weetneed vieitore at the home of dim parente, Dr. T. E. and Mrs. Cave. 32100en Mason, of litizebares spent nenciay wan their extend, iso neabel wattlen, Mine Edna Marion, of Auburn, • Sewing Machine OVERHAULED ,Parts, 011s, Bel% Needle.% etc, MISS NOBLE Diaisle inteliange Block much pleasure in one nutr.nor rend. ered ley tetra. Tao° congregation which have ereceen, tbo ;miming, is a '_ ;minority group, arid deserve mune .1 credit nor teen. enterprising. spirit.. .in he former Methodist -ehureit was Purehatied I% them, end hes been corn. pietent treinefornred,.so that it bad. vue cippearemeo bf en entirely new -., 'minium, and presents a etret pleas- e lug and atteactive nppearance both O in as exterior and uaedog The 4 WitU reneed And a basement Placed underneath; vrbile the ontsicle d has leen finiehed iu red brick, and the a interior is finielted In light oak, nwith new seate pulpit and organ. Elec- tric lighes heve been. installed, and. it ; heated by a furnace, Ur. and Mrs. 31. Hoffman returned - reeently from Detroit where they an, Jowled tile wedding of the_ latter' - n niece, Mies Dorothy Stoners to int. Burville Mitchell, son of Rev. Wil- liam Mitchell and Men Mitchell, of Detroit. ne weddIng took place hi Roger Itlentodal church, Detroit, the ceremonY being eerformen by Rev. Mitelieln father of the groom and pastor of nbe churcli in which it took *ace. The wineotne beide looked veer chernanie In a gown of white crepe satin, with veil of Brussels net caught with orerne blossom.; She earried ahowee bouquet of white - roses. She was attended by her sis- ter, Mks Evelyn Stoner, of Toronto, who Acted- as bridesmaid, and was -gowned in, Fellow transparent velvet, j and varied g bouquet of yellow roses, Following the cereraonee the happy bride and bridegroom received the Orders taken for Personal • Greeting earns . Cole's Book Store: week -end with her aesthete Aire. 4. 81)endiuR tbere. the •levels with •relative - Andereon, of Blyth, I Mr. DQ4e0114 the newly.appointe Mra, Chan, of St. Helens, la imak. inspector for West Ituroni, paid M in' eetereled visit witb her daugh. first official visit to Dunganno ter, MrS, Marvin McDowell. $ehoon on Monday. elle also confer Mr. Kerr, of Brueeele, wan the red with the flawed board who met a gueut at the home of 31r. and Mre. the scbool during his visit. Wm. Walden over tht, weohtend. ' Mr. Robert Davidson and Alla nlre. John Harrieion and son, Got- Reed, who bad been visiting relative don, of Godericif, visited over Sundan at ElOra during the- week, returned with Mr. und Mrs. W. H. Campbell. to Dungannon on Friday evening Mrs. Harry took returned home on itirs. Davidson attended the Educe Wednesday last from Toronto. Little tional +Conference held in Guelph on Erma is still in the Sick Childrento Felder.' Hospital, but we 'lope fee a speedy The norraeatteen for the meetetne eecovery. , electioris far the townsbip of Aeltneld Mr. and Dirs. dolm Seen and babe, is being he/ti in the township :hall on of Detroit, epant the week -end with Monday net, Nov. 20th. The elee- their parents, Mr. Ad Mrs, George tion, twhich i being held a month onneStlyti , Si.,and Mr. ;led Urn Necomb, earlier this year than usual, will take f place on Monday, Dee. ard. Mr. Douglao Campbell !eft nor Ines. C. O. 13rown attended the fun - Guelph Monday morning, then on to eral of a relative, Mr. Young, at nee., 'ot.enter ettrilgpt to take part in the forth, on Saturday. She niso visited junior narrners Judging team at the at the home of her :daughter, Mrs. Repel it. llarvoy Webster, of Goderiele who Mr. Norman a/eDawea, elle en the with. Mr. Webster, accompanied her winning ten in held at Clinton. reeently, left tins tnnJudging contet on ' sleullresn: notla urn, tInlheeer leitarlisenonsSetnenrddaetr; nesday morning for Toronto to en- fur vralaabah whero she Will bea tend the Royal Whiter Fair. He will guest for the winter monthe with her be a .guest at the Eaton banquet end daughter, Mrs. A. S. 'Thompson. She theatre party on Thursday, wen necolelparded by her daughter, eenne,,_ enn, * Meta Alma Free, R. N., who will roake 4 short visit before her return 'The Sunday SCROOI Are holding t° Uilurttnt"" their annual, Christmas program on The k'''r°d• 13"wn 1444"e omned eamhigi Dea. aa Coe which Appears in the Parish Hall, Dungannon, every night during the The commumtet wish to express to Mies Ford their ,eleepeat'eympathy 11 week, is attracting large audiences, her veeent %id bereavement. Apart fx(nn The they sttle:an and fan Friday on last 'week Mr. ana preent they are sellien me Mrs. Ralph Pearson and Miss -Isabelle °tiering 1414ea ("lb(' baby s"uritg Rattianaa, of Hicksonware laaaaas at the higbest number cf votes end abo eresent otentr'neatut es of interest... the home of ,Rev. and Mrs. .J. W. Her. been‘The 'regular monthly meeting-. Rev. X. of West China; the Dungannon brimeh of the Wont- Meesrs. linton King and Mac Brown, en'a Institute will be held on nurse of Iltetesone and litre. E. M. Brown, day, Neve -29d, at the home of Mrs. Eunice Brown and Gladytellrown, Ale Fred BON at 0 P.M. The topic $o of Iliekaon. were guests at the will be, "Menus for Christmas date Parnonage on Thursday. e tier," and will be taken by Miss Geer - On account of weather conditions, gin Allen. Roll till will be answer - the etteridance at Y."0.. League on ed by exchange of recipe. Friday night WaS not as filrg0 45 us- ual, but those Who tame were allepin rewarded by the splendid topic given ny Mrs. Ce -Cooper, on Sharon. < The young ladies of -the Mission Circle bave reason to be proud or the nuccess of their annual blizaav held in the ba-sement of the chinch on ffitursday evening last. The splendid work which they offered for sale was quickly bought an by tbe many pen. AsErista - Mr.. and Nye, Tom Bogie, ef Port Albeet, visited at the home of the • natter'a pavents on Sundett, Mies Lilian Madtenzie 'vteited e friends in Winghare over the week., end. Who W. itf. S. will hold 'tit* monthly Meeting Wednesday aft terreoriat tbe home of Itirs. D. A. MacDonald, at Loehalsh, Dr. Cannawineof Toronto, gave on nildrese on Sabbath echoel work and Young people's ,societies iintslitielen Preebyteriari church on Sunday morn- ing. Mint Doria Ribbon, of Wingbarin epent Sunday at her home in Intritail. Mrs. Diiii0411 MacLean -Ian ims re- tailW(1 home after spending a few (toys with friends tn Tovonto. . LANES Mr. mid Mee. 'Walter Alton spent a not, in Ineknow recently. Miss Lena Hackett, of '1,Vawenonbe spent the eneekeend under the paren- tal roof here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hackett spent a day in Goderieln recently. , A ?ember from beve attended the sale of knees Iteid in Wingluent nn Saturday last. . Quito a another from here attend- ed the towed held in Dungannen onFriday evening, - nine. Alvin Bowles returned to her home in London on Friday last, after spending et few. days witii her mother, Mre. David Hackett. Misses Myrtle :Walston, Elsie Vint, Meld& and Winnie Lane, end Mary Ilitenett, all of L. If, S., spent the week -end` at their homes here. •••••••••••• „ North St. United Church - Ladies Aid •"A BAZAAR Vas lilt anti) ON a•Vittt /Vogt 24th '28 • * Side of home.mado asking. - Aprons. Warko, Candr TEA 5E0E0010* $.30 Z00 P.*. Mr. and lifrs. David Nevins, and family,. who had spent the sunineer itt Sault- Ste. Moine *nil at points in Itlaniteba, anefered It000 last "week; The entire tripe both way*, was me& by motor and proved very enjoyable. Mr. 'Nivens, wlio mane A stile in the meting and rented his fora for the year, .ilattra on Tils tam again in the spring: t ple who. Were present. The program Despite the rain and tog of Friday Aetna was greatly enjoyed. by all, evening, Dammam saw one of the WAS followed by lunch. ' largest etowds ever witoosseti allY 'The young people of Holmeevilte gatheeing. The OneaSiOU was a free and contmunity are to be eongrate. concert eponsozed George Spotton, kited upon the splendid SUeee53 of M.P., for North Iltiron, and present. their rally service on Sunday evening ed in the agrieulturat hall by the lest, Barrie 'Welters led the meet- Wingbant Dramatic Company. Toe ing in a very eilidelit Mannar and hall Was packed to tbe doors emir, it Elmer Potter gave it tree, convincing the evening, nod minty. who came late address on "The Cane against Aleo. er 'were turnea away as every avail. hol." Rev.. n. Ilenbert epolot ableeepate ents occupied. A speech lividly on "The Challenge to Youth," by Mr. Spotty% in his fine oratorical , Which was eeeponded to by--Norreate-steleeemidedeinueli to the entertain - and Wilhelmine newartita. Declare ment of the- overang. Ponlowing the atien of purpose cards were signed, concert. the crowd tonnregated in the by nearby Ali those present. Tile it[W- Parieh bain where 4 dance wee held, saltation of the meeting W44 nutter- tln,i Musie ebeing :welshed by Attlee tally inereated by the 'musk furnisb- era- ilvenneen orthestras of nnin - ed Ebenezer orehestra and a sie. ham. Ur. Spottert announced that t fitiLl rang people's choir. would be made Alt annual event. - Mr. Itscht. Arinstrong, the Dungan- Rubbers! Rubbers! . . Our Stock is now complete With. the • best than money can ,buy Luna Rubbers are light* soft endouthk bitres, Boys' aral Children's in light aro isinvy weights. • Rubbers for averymember of -the $11411 ter every Oceania See our Women's Splashers, the all rubber Overshoe. Buy your _Rubbers when your shoes art -dry tutd get abetter fit. • • Buy your Rubber* at Hern'a Boot Shop Ltd get the Best. The Squaw W. Hern's Shoe Store ILLINE Phone 43.w non-Goderich mail courier, met with. on accident while zettirrong to Dun- gannon with the mail one day this week during ti blinding snow storm. His windshield became covered with snow. mid in endeavoring to wipe it, failed to Me ttn approachine truck, . with tvbicie hecollided. His car, which was a condi, turned upside . down in the ditch but strange to sow, i that, while it was otherwise broken, . none of the iiIn53) was Twoken, and. - fortunately, Mr. Armstrong himself sustained but tittle injurnt A pas. lainr motorist brought litin min the mail to Duriniennon, and sine tbee he lies need his Woes for delivering the mail. - n at, J. Vurttiat oe :sentient, bad hi: ear badiy smutted on reeday tenoning Willie driving to Dungannon, whonne earneeoreenyutn . ,ontact with a Bell .liseleputine polo as he was , driving down the river hid on the 4th conces- cion. 'Lae night was so foggy that it Win very dinteult to Bee the road and Int. Manila waa just about to stop hiS vac to get mit to tee where he wa$ when the impact ozeurred. The polo woo broken tompletely ein abottt half- wey ere the upper portion fallang up. on the car, witteh the ekielded side- ways to tile . fenee, tearing off two wheela The top of the tar currored : rather badly won the broken pelo fell upon it, but Mr, and Mete Davila are congratulating theiliselves that they esenped serious intury, a soy. ere shoek and 501115 minor injuxies to, MI& Dumb* arra, being the v;iorst. tine wonder it that theee were not --Imere aeeittento that night, at the rant 'war; E:0 der:50 end thew were en Mann • ears en the read, 1 A large immix). &ern Dunganuol : and vicinit•y attended the opening of i the new Presbyterien church at Aub- urn on Sunday lasts ntheri the new chart% building was formally opened and dedicated" the impremeeve etre. e molly being performed in the men. tenee of it large congregetion which ' filled the buildior to its utmost cap. aeity. Rev. R. C. MeDerraid. pastor 'I of Knox rhurce, trodevicb, efticiated, ' and preached forceful end inepirinn A torment et both morning arid evening ,-ItAttbutit ritoir lel tn the nervice of .1111•11k Specials in Stunning Hats for for Winter In Fabric whiph leads the mode of to.day--) Velvet Felt, and Velvet and Silk in shades at once becoming and correct, On FRIDAY and SATURDAY at $3.75 and $4• .75. Corsage Flowers in New Shade 4) YOU ARE fORDIALLY INVItED TO INSPECn OUR STOCK 1, MISS MacVICAR KINGSTON STRUM serene". At the retooling StrVallth . ,j prone", an Anthem h the foil choie; •aed AAA he- MtilA tie and Mr, 11, McGee tenor very runts enio.vel tetegen At As 5pfriat nothe oveninic ..01errire the ehnir ot Clinton Prenity, ttechin elikorelit lad the rnspot trOnd011,4 two anthea„ linton quartette wan oVio heard 'with conrretulations and good -wishes of a host of intenns who had gathered in the dumb_ to se' them married, both being VorY Pentane' young people. Afterwards, with the invited guests, who .numberen lebout thirty -live, they repaired to the home of the bride's parents. her a dainty wedding sup - nor Was served. After ,dinner spee- cgleueesitthweireenrrtteat,thbeyr thessepvoekrvinofoow_ "rinegeent°61y aell'atthed!'erUplelatViwtYlia4gbtolithe plie . The nenlowing cley the bride i tiekti Wedged the smile in 'neat w- and groom motored to Dungannon, benne aceornpentern by lifr. - and Urn; 0 man, whose guests they were for tnfew doe prim to their leaving for St. -Thomas and tater for Detroit, Whore thee eeill eteitteen _ Sinmay scnool' teachers officersand 1 i vprepoisle,newdhoeenvenattenittneeethezilge.'Sturivarieriyietsnr- connection with •the Ateitierd town. ship Religious Enueatinte .`, Soefetn ,woro we repaid Lor braving the lir- element weather. On Sunday morn. non Rev, -Vinientr. rannavvine Xnee itt.D., of the Ilteesleyterlira board or :telialous education, Totopto, conduct - cd divine service, in .Astiffeld Istesbr- nerian ebureb.e -In the afternoon tte- ndaresaed the touvegatien of Ifaek- ett's United church; neerinethe even. ing he spoke in Dungannon 'United church In the evening the subject of his , discourse was "Ctorartatie greatest asset!' FonOvitibir tur out- Mee of Canada's veentrrees.ber nen, .......••••••• • THURSDAY, NOV- 22441, INS -.10.44.4•P- • .11ii•-•• •••••1•111•110 Silk Velvet for Dresses at $2.75 VELVET -the fabric of beauty and for service. French Silk Velvet of deepest raven black, of exquisite quality, width. 36 inches. Special per yard - $2.75 WOOL IIIANICErS These days Wileil color plays such an important part in the scheme of house - furnishings, The daintyll shades of the new Blankets and Quilts are very pleasing shades of ROse, Blue, Mauve, • and Goid. Blankets all whipped and finished singly. Nations • patterns in • checks ffncl° plaids. •Finest all w-ool• • unshrinkable. Size 72 x $4. At ' each • • * • • • • • • • * • • 4 .$5.95 - , r KID GLOVES FOR WOMEN Finecape kid, out seam sewn, British make, with one handSOW. d0.11W fasten. er; shades of Tan and Sand, sizes 0 to 714. , • • • • • • • = SILK STOCKINGS Full -Fashioned and heavy a3Lilk, witlx deep garter welt, in a dozen new shades, • sizes 8yA' to to. At per pair, 41.50 • WOMEN'S cons Tweed, Coats in •neat effects and of softest Ennileh materials, trimined with • finest Alaska Sable, or Wolf Furs, arid beautifully lined. Pried special at $25.00* $45.001 $40.00 and COATINGS '52 -Inch fine alt wool heavy soft Coat- ings. Blues, Browns, Retin Mauve. Per •yard, • • • • • , • 4, • • • • * .$2.00 SHEETINGS 72 -Inch best quality unbleached Sheeting on special sale... ....394 UNDERWEAR Men's extra heavy all pure wool, Red Label unsfirinkable Shirts and Drawers, •size 30 tci 42; At per garment,$1,95 GLOVES Finest Gloves. shades, sizes 6 • for.. quality, heavy Chainoisette 25 dozen pairs on sale; all domes •and pullover styles, to 8.•Value $1,00 Per Pak, colvirowrats White ctton filled', sateen covered and splendidly 011ted, various deSignsi in „best coloringi, size 72 x. •73. EaCill 4.1 4 CONGOLEUM RUGS • sizes') in the new patterns, 'Gold -Jr Seal" lio• i quality. New,prices now • prevailing.. ACHESON & ••••• Wt. P4U1 .144e1, fe'r.a fewdatgethis.„ on Tuesday: nrom *Undone where Weelt• • Iliad sPent a week.' Her -daughter, Mr. R. M. 'Yining . bent a very • ate. 5,41.14. Alvin RoWIes, accompanied her. cesSfut sale -on Monday. Everything home fot a IOW days. • eold weIl Aild Men Yonne realized , A large la mber .front Belfast vete good prices for ilia -stock. We Are vegeta itt Dungaunon to hear Mr. Pleased to. report thdt Mr. Young is George Spotton, M. P., give a very lonaaining lb the community, he hey- George- Spotton, X. P.; give a very mg reserved five acres at the corner interesting address to a packed and will have the cottage remodelled home., and will occupy" it in the spring. THANKS A very suceetisM, meeting of the W. M. S. wan .held on Wednesday, Edit= Goderien. Star. . NOV. 14th, at the home of the piesi- 1 SingeMay we, Post 109, Godenich elent, MSS Nellie :Clark, with ail at-- branch Canadian • Legien, through tendance of 22 members. An irepern, Your PaPer thank all -who helped ann, taut. feature of . the meeting Was tiie !eontroarted to maknneur pOppjr earn- presentatbon of two life mentbershin ping* the sirenees it was. The sum certificates; One t)o- Urn; Jan, reagnin I of 000.04 was retained this Yent wthheo imadaide: afetntthtinngeir refilnwen tebeeankeirij .18-74'3G-1'4 11;;74‘prns,Abe:.0:mrai.....z92y72`'. thoughtfulness, and the other to Mrs. , . nu" Thos. Menthee, whit was unable to be Times aloe present -owing to health. After Titin kind eif mother Wii4 useOiaiiged d to r the meeting the liestnset served a Oahl' nay Dor. twilliteuyear,o/d daughter ty lunch and n seem hour was Spent. :vitas stn., se she coorcr torvei on ernereera Morning 'Star Lodge, An F. & -fare rrovr says shes ,sixteert so U., held a very successful at Mane' in ,can 'chive' the. • I -- ATWATER KENT BATTERVIESS rd. 74-W for 'lemon- stration MacDONA thltittilL the lodge roma here Rridant evening. r The evening was anent very pleasant- Printing' That 11c480; Advertising tr. The program,most of which was That Pays Ts. Stet Service, music Atxt singing, was given by i Auburn and Nile. tonna, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs, N. Hill and Mine Sadie Cater SIALE aye FEMALE 113131,P,Aiteeeinnn and. Mrs. Ricer am:loosest, and JAWS. EARN 5"5 ia $50 PER WEEK Ube Gladys Tanner ewe et recitation Positiontn,olten call tant'eninie sdid Me. Frank raninwain and Mr. L. • try towns.. Wren. evert.- • Sara . . iloPPe Pentland favored` ti* audtence with Pallt Unite while • nearning- nvo ' • 44 rantee teacitteen fellsqvillg Cur. Square and Kingston ett th -tile fielde, bee aplendlir i:ivarterways,.. her forests, her mineral) weal* etet,'., ete., Dr•.Xannawin went- on tog ante* that ner greatest 45.10t is het DVS . rmil gills, her young people; *ad, ; ttrtillg 1114*411' eniVuiwiled:P* ne't :lave selections on the vialfus aecom-- - nenittn of guiding *On' "rlezt Uanied by his mother on the organ. their earlier;,$ears, let means. of the rhe senapeeee wean even by F. Me - Ore Y Craig oat, xery . \ 1 1,1.4 ttvocthe organ. Mr. Parrish,. of Leeburn, P.,LECTRICITV. GilitAGE comm;athnreiede bofytmiliefsor commiraeosoltelentdionosn. fit otsEd6.4 rolivritut Streacir..raf(t4r-astatoirrie) Other'. Sabbath' schooleatui Yemen Pleonten t Urn* an connote* eyetanho alimmee11 ent, 4A *. 90ACOOMP.allned mothen, The speaker, ,wlione tang j$114,114- on., was much enjoyed.After pie pro.: Deopie, the cense neea. eta& at snip/en by remitters of the craft,. con- tirelY,4evotodtto vh3rk. for the.-yonnte grain ofemusie and tinging lundewan, mart, and hig steeeepee and earnest- meting of ham sandwiches', efkkei lee .2lienescse held utrevbParttellottf"'au a4304111:t%r$, ariahe.* 'e,gerdeatrd4anndoecwfreente. alhowennstaailirs'wallrip cern.: tn. PertfaYed • very vividly the reason's. 3°Xed a few ht)ans. -*tail-P-731as- rear tins genet work among the. young. • Idled b.V litr.-Vairish.and Mrs. 'Far. tIpon the none -wing thee maudlin, 11., erish and all wera home well pleased convention WAS held. Iii. c.440 united, with the-evening'outing. h h, D g , • ga ea. • /tom praeticauy every Sunday school Mid elnerelt in the township, of, Ash- tioni were present,. A Round Table Conference. wan, beki.` When. subjects of vital interest to an were discussed. This was followed, he. another sinew-. did address by Dr. Kentinvin, his subject being, "Winning .the World for Christ throng% inhilttitockl." Sup. per WaB' served in the basement of the church by the ladies of the W. M. S., and later an evening session was held. trhe -following officees were en. eetea for the entuing year, and were duly installed by Dr. KataittWiiii President, P. Ross; vice piesident, Ur. Matthew nhadeleton; .seentreas., Mrs. (Dr.) Simpson; children's divis- ion superantendent, Mies E. Elliott; boy's', division, Aupertnteodent, Palmer Kilpatrick; girls' divbina superinten- dent, Mrs. Albert Alton,. young pea. ple's divisien, superintendent, William A w B 11 . 1 • fe frent here attended the eon..• 1 vention in the United dearth at Dun -1 gannon on Monday afternoon and ' - Mi. end inns. George Lane attend- [ etening. ed the einyentiovind the U. P. °nand. i U. F. W. Oe at Wingltam oil Pritian IIATTVItY WELIMiO.; 1/1:1.CAN- WM, WONG. pititi3EliriG A.140 I Randoymeit •serVice 'from coast tti VOnst amend, Write -today- tor tete cataltione to Dom- inion Trade School's Limited, now inatrag g and operating Heme- l -ell Trade Sehonin of Canada ond V, S. A., both Dominion GoVerri4. 'pont Phaeored -Companies DOMINION -TRADE SCHOOLS Limited Wad Oleo 11ONG' St. W., ' . Ea:stern Drancliecr: London *.kiontreal Hamilton Ottawa afternoon. - • Mrs. Dad Hackett returned home s AL oF FALL MILLINERY ALL PELT and VELVET' • HATS et greatly re. dated prices. • Side stratus • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 244 'feint; adult slivision superintendent II, Lednor; home division superintein, a dent, Mrs. Richatel MeWhinney; tett' Millinery eheve training superintenden.Universal M t, Rev. J. A. Walker; missionary auperinteti. North Side Square Coderleh dent, it. 13. Young; tereperanee supt, John. Poster. The newlenelected pre.- - swan Mr. F. Ross, then took the ehair and nresided over the nicotine-, the main feature of which was an nd. dress by Rev. roe. Kannawin. Using the words ot oar Saviour in nelliug his diseiples. "Follow Me," he pointed . out the wonderful leaderahip of Chelst whe has power to "draw sit men unto Himself." 'rile convention nexyear is to be beld in Haekett's h Uhlt thareh, Arihfield. ave •just received a , CARLOW Mr. Tai, OilllOge,3ui sEter, • lie, visited at St, Helens on Sundey. • Mr. Thom, ,Wileon shipped two ear. kens of stock on Monday front Me. taw Station. Miss Julia Yonne spent the week. end with her portent, Me awl Mte, R. M. Young. Mrs. Harold Walter* i$ ependitig her holidoy wtth her pareete, Mr, and Mrs R M Yowler, Several from bor.oiteria.ii thc• Attune evening of the Preinyterien cnurch at Ashore' oe Sunday. Mc and Mr % Join hleterty and two children. if Lundon. trent the week-eini with litte and .Mvit. e, A, Rohertnon and ethor relsoli‘ra here, Mr, and Men. Oa( **del and Mt. hnwi. all of vri the taimaret paren Kr and large assortment of Junior Bridge and Table Lamps. Now is the time to make your sdertion, J. R. WHEELER /FIIINITIAIC - VINERAL alltIKTOIN • litsaitan Strove Phontost Stare SW Iu .1.. • Furniture baa yete Don't Fririllinrei May GOP. riage, *ft.,. until you get our prices. We pesitively sa are you money.. The fineist Furniture at the low. • est oat. • • HAROLD BLACKSTONE'S FORNITOEE EXCHANGE • On the &midway et Goderidt Specialist in Care of -- Permanents Scalp Treatinen Shampooing • Hair Bobbing ✓ Hair Tinting Eye Erow Arching • Facials Manicuring Phone 239 for Appeiotnimis OPEN EVENPINGS WHAT TO OWE koic ares • t tto gift onuses/ Be iudividual. Your edection of such a gift Indio -des to the recipient your own. good taste. Its atemsage of loveliness is just the right nift for the person who has everything." e Our Complete Christmas stock is here -and our ..eirtena are tea. smudge too. ••,--.101400•4,e.al, Smith's Arland Oft Store , " 100011•1•4••••••ilit 11 11 11 11 11 INN* RUBBERS I • DEPENDABLE FOOTWEAR AT FAIR PRICES Everywhere under all conditions them is an insistent de. mand for sound quality in Footwear. The Boots, Shoes, 0.x. fords, Strap Slippers, Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Goloshes and Overshoes sold by uS have strength, quality, and style that places them in a class by themselves for wear. They have reliability that comes from long experience and most careful methods in selecting footwear that we know to be the very beg. In Life,Buoy Rubbers there is no question about quality, style and prices, Th can be produced by a factory making rubber footwear excl iv ly. These are without exception the best prasure cured rs on the market. Give us the opportunity of showing y the many kinds and styles, GEO. VICAR Norm XDE •••