HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-22, Page 7,
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leimposigaimmiesonabiapeassassaressiaa***6•4***111044aliiiiilleaY ▪ wHEN YOUR BARI
1 , Sunday c4fternoon ti. ..,,-.„ ----. -- - 1
,,„, orote of ail precetatons bale
AO lug tile cilangeable dave a oue nut
iligiSelt'soll. When the Ara seintiteras
onlisisaanineseeetwassatiessinelitaielleiliniliensteinantostowearnawasallittalatapliCer-SaeCtieg'„ wanes- -- f the
.e a
'Praise the Lord; His glorice show, rim tnat it might be learned with a IfeNc3" mamitig 11.?se- iiab37.6 (4vr4
By ISABEL HAMILTON, Golierich, Oa;
as One'i Will take eelts--e•peradiy due,
certainty whereof he was accused of Tablete hotial bo given at etre
a .
,Shits tvithin Ilis vends below, " Tie? will a idi ' break u the cold
Praise Illin, all that eha:re IIis love. ' eil thatcominoned Paul yeara ; taintIsnwere't me;ic‘ cc°125 c'11111"'
Eartleto heaven exalt the strain; before, to pereceute the Chri.stianai"`"'
Send it,
ea cu, to earth agahO . He tto ed bef'ore them now as one of i Illotbens‘ who keer. a box of Ilabztaa
Age to age, and chore to ehore1 that new scot and, as he gated iato 1 °y;srl T0,10,3 ir, tho hollle ah-ca'NE.,3 frcl
PtailE0 MM. praise Itim evermore I ; their faces eornestly. gage roi20 to i. safe. In fact fin aro% like having a
piusERH: 1?. Lyle. „the baid deelaratieri thet, tous % Iii. n -.
in spite, ee ! deetoe in ti c' t. ey ai a ger
r -all aceusations against Lim, lie bc- : tie bin thoi'ough la:native that covtiets
Angela reeled Ills throne above ; the Jewl." •Ibat was the sante Coun. • ‘`'? rpt p ••
lieved he had done. what %vat, riebt -
; en tbe ntoniach •and regulate the
'We thank Thee our Father for the A 1 e nroce de I in hie oodstste On bowels, thus driving trot tonstipas
recoil et' many who under pereeea- 9 1 - e t• - -" s'"-""" ''' • ti 1 I li ti I li i tb i i le t we nieon else writea
great unreal.*
CO to that the tiliO4, en ant nt ges on ant re ev rig o ::: 111 n , 116' a rirefer that.
tion could be trite to their faith and --anefete- f ' ' '4 ' bah,/ of the mann childhood ailments -uatuttu testut tu toe aet. sae saymn r *
eating; for Paul's life, had i e LAMP SHADE, i
' Art easily made lamp elm& awl Or 4ssaa' Meat 9# 4991441144. Ire 4/01.4
him removed again to the ' Castle w uch are the. direct test* of 3 clog... on et stars ea tne eau,: is not it na. , iefirA,
be ever obedient to our Heavenly
ions or Jesus.' sake. Amen. Soon afterstafile he was eon to ceu: , god condition of. tbe bawds or sour. etaal enomsninent and unly worts ;
: ono which is easy •to iceep clean and ammiless-s issealie
S. S. LESSON FOR ItEC 2nd 1928 '
' area to In
before Felix the gays • b i
• . stomach. They are absolutely cafe- nate or reeentment out or tad' Synicai , •
e reo guaranteed to contain no drag _ ot tile opcomet, One tnat an tne *pion attractive is the one covered with n . . • .
.• k 11
..x,.. i
•ve. ,-1... Armee Rittdick Bizrs
......-460,4..."810._ ,..-
c...„ -.,......T.
THIS r NSPAN KED ktENO"RATION atel dot with. that ,nle ;taint coo/Oleo I'
the other. •Thia tat 010 ..r: ...tatt/cd t‘
diet t Wendt ie tory latest, Another I
way to arolve at the sato ten&
re) dab- en the team; %vita a ;pint II
beash mid then, With 3 bnni?llekit Up Is
not look too dietinet. Oaly eae Volk% •
ran, cower it ant a bit. that it wilt I
rather than two, may be rated if eon
%tie atectsiets, crayon, ue now
ceietten tot tee aceigon -spare zao.
ten mei 4..!;a14(3.." "11,tr(ray
vardt" etteete th:it eareara.
eiesinintion, coat oitaneastracco tne
i:oterty leetio t.4 390 ocieopiniariiiit.
..i. natural ounnenittent intiest wince
urea 4110re caleCU,Ve. natAllal pun-
Children thrive
Pes . Sal V Co:
Bee f ti tey want. Decf
builds uptinn licit and
muscle, and lays the
foundation of a sound
•constitution, OM) is eon.
centratedPeefat its nest
• • in due tune his accusers op -
Lesson Topico-Paul Before His erimr'd • at all harmful to MD the yoimgest tet. •
• : square of soft Lila. Chooeeta neto
Judges. ' WaS given en opportunity to, defend ' babe' TheY cannot possibly do harm - ,I,Nnt,nrai punishmenti ere such as tral color. such as light .yellow. g.ath.
opeare age nst ilm, and ugain Paul '
Felie dieenissed them saying, "When Baby's Own Tablets nre sold ler all wno over eats; or giving' a ueituasne
Naturo gwes. masing hit the eereon
tc•tvrid dleipetelniet°eIt*Igtet)siteitnlestOUline pYrtieuttryliciare(,
26:19-29. n . oaring ear o si es, ;
as purple or red or -green. Between ;
Golden Text -Acts 26:19: . • Lysiati the chief vaptain sall come - medleme dealer° or will be sentbY to one who stays up too late. It
down, / -----------tnow termost a _ man at 25 vents a box from eIli'. elm does not make up her bed, re. the edge and the center will be un.
The chief Captain who 'had charge
of Paul took him before the Bathed.
_ _ . ,• • AINOMIle. .
except Saturday, for Toronto at tS30
Palle arriving at 7.10 the next /30111.•
The trains between Toronte and
Sudbury' aro of standard Canadian
National equipment, inelediug' oleo.
ing ears, ensuring the best of serviee
Oe Sunday nighta from Torento
and on Saturday nights from Sud-
bury, the through sleeper he attached
to "h Confederation"' 'leaving' Tor.
onto at 9.00 pan., or leaving Su ure
at 10.55 p.m.
Full information aa to'reseryationa
tickets etc., ;from Canadian National
Ticket 'Agents.
tl 1
Lesser! • Passage-.A.cts 242427. himself Il • h d th 'd ey a ways do treed.
h 1
nra.tter " A fr d ft Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, quire her to sleep ort die floor pie even, parneolored shades grading
. .. wards, witb the evident design ofOn nignt. At John (toes not spilt kind- , • • 1
Making himself • better acquamted; -• ling for starting the tire, ao not let the square; weight the Oruro with
mead was wok with the charges against Paul* and detained and nattoea over to MS sue- eat a ccioited denier. it tlick tassels and throw over the frame
a/so with the nature of his belief,' teseee, oilve 1,0 Louse ler tnnuto fails to bring in his skates, hide them for Your lamp shade. When it be.
comes soiled, it can be washed and
" 11* • • • -.on tog to natio lane do not let him have them tor a
oelix ever
WWU wei. Bad company •oY his Wife, Nebo being a • Gsal !appeal Ot -Vaal WIllen at nrst - week. le Martha shies; out too late dYed, a different color If you wish.
g Jewess racist likely was curious about aroma". D's Conscience automatic um& at night, do not let her go again tor FREEZING ICL Cittlithr
afterwarda gave his life. In doing so ing •over ins neW (aims, ne 'was no Tong g g bitIrtter thie mats. 'Wten Ili
taftue, women become week and run
• the belief of this new sect to which tremolo soo Ills sum 3 welitare* a e"."111 time' Turn the ilasher slowly %Ma bo-
a/1110n 801110111S• EWORK Paul sbeloligea. Paul was reedy to e eint 'was succeeded In, °Igen by Natural punishments work quick ginning to freeze ice cream, and
hero will be less danger of maluno
ansWer for the faith for which he rested met wnen ni eoeuseient tak. cures. Usually one application is t
• h *flue eett thin about
he those those Prineitiles of the Vhriss. %millet& atm% • Paul. rilS - enemies t rat Puniehment is that the person t ore y e il ed, urn the Sias er rap-
elown and unable to look otter then' hold , grudge idly to beet it and intom it fluffv.
thin religion which were fitted O ar- Were even after two years, as deter. Punished does not
rest their attention, and, lead thera to mined as ever to tiave Ms uteauett
household duties owing to the heat against the one who aumnasters the Presently it will begin to turnha.
• system unstrung. be oroueht oown to eerusa. and feels the justness of the ;punish- it Is time to drop back to a slow
staiice WAS the more remarkable as hnn to
• tepentance. His boldness in this hi- • tried to Persuade lestus to sen itn.% Punishment, but blanr only himself
notion becoming impahea or the do as it is becomiug rrozen. Then
ITature intended women to be; strong, •he 'time deiaendent on Felix for his leno They were dereated in tills merit. pace so that the cream mit pack
healthy and haPPT instead of weak .pardon. His purpose War, lloWelter plan Ot 1311111g him by the tvay tor Better thao punk:Immo is Hie down,,
' al of stimul tin an inter-
und wretched, and to all women whose to defend the truth, and. to store, if a estus sant he would oe tried at (Ass newer1 e a g
heart is not functioning •properly anti Possible, the zeta of Drusilla- chid of, area on his return there. His aecus- est in something better. Repression labelling "your canned fruits
. Whose nerves are unstioug we would Felix. Felix brid in his mind the ers ' again lam mauy and grievous la not goad discipline, but expression. and vegetables, use gurnmeo paper
recommend , , • hope that Paid would give him money. comptaints against ratta•which they Do not tyllip a ehild nor cleprive him such as the merchants use to tasten
to make hint good;
an .exehange for his freedom. All mid. not prove. lestus liatellod 's0 of solnething, the wrapping on .packages, It is
such must have vanished as they lis. Paues detence and then asked bim it but give hint better =toasts arid very• inexpensive • 11. tne strip form.
tened.to Pau' spealting of 'righteous. me would be 'willing to go back to activities, tinells and expreseith. A more expensive, but effective label
ness, temperance, and judgment to Jerusalem, and tnere oe peva, The child who *5etimulated and ens for fruit etiris and betties is adhesive
come." Paul had chosen well for Fes Paul roiled, **Neither against the couraged along good lines is much tape, which some -housewives at '
lix was alarmed as he had set before lutes of the Jews, neither against the ,niare likely to become hondst and
eueizegttech to containers in the meditine
him the plain truths concerning sio temple, nor t -et against Com, have I noble 11159 1.40 one who is cabinet, when the original label has
and judgment to tome. He was not offended apythIng at all, I Aand at CHOOSING YOUR COSTONIE fallen off. .
ready to turn over anew leaf just Cesar's judgmeno•seat whoe I ought 1:40,v, uvdabea 51.8 enong0 tor the
then. Rather would he thrust such to be judged:" aonoge e, ...tom aeon: ease ti sow PARAFFIN -
1. • .••
disagreeable topics aside and. so he Not long after this appeal of Paul's' e„,...„„e„„ es„„„ toto nosegiu et A little. enamel teapot is a good I
• .. y
as the best remedy to tone up and Said, "Go thy way. for this timm
e: to Cesar had been moo 1' eestus had
..ei.,....e 4.....;.o. ',V 1,11.11.1 S0receptaele in tvhich to keep ourUM 4e jiltloa.
strengthen these weakened. orgasm, When I have a convenient season, 1 King Agrippa and•lus sister Bernice ewe y 8t4* want, twee sit33184 ti.;: pow! Paraitin, for jelliesWhen you want
go mut le Deno; Buoter, Que.. will tall for thee." visiting hut. In order possibly to otn,,,,,, liefleme. I ott are 1,414*4eL1. ,ta ..cl eaver a glass of Jei:Y, you heat
e teapot and pour toe paraffin
writeet--" ver a year ago my lea Though Felix freouently saw Paul get some help as to how oaul should Lola autt sienna caoose only (more tn
' 0 I rt
-*vas weak, tud 1 was snervous I
aganeand halked with him during the be disposed of, Festus told Agrippa oecOnang 1,(1 /..)“. from the spout.
could. get very little *deep. 1 became two years an which he was unjustltr about mm. His interest was atoused • 'enure ore two color types, the DE-MOTHING FUR'S
SO bad X 'Wag unable to do my houses •
work. I got some of Milbungs Heart
ilia Nerve Pills •which 1 used with
great sueeess. 1 can now do all my
• work without any trouble, and as I
am the mother of five chilaren and live
on a num you can Kee 1 have Plente
'to do." • •c
• Price--500.-it 1101r nt lardrugg,ists or •
dealers,. or mailed direct on receipt of
•price.' by ' The T.. Milburn • co. •La.,-
- Toronto; Ont.
guto and 110fEe Ulm
flank Stables, Et.
• Montreal Street •
just off theiSquare
'Busies Meet all Trains and -
Passenger Boats
Patmengers called for in any
part of the town tor all
trains at O. T. R. or C. P. It,
• Depot*,
• Prinnpt Service and
Careful Attendance,
Our Livery and flack Service
•evIll-be found upetoedate
• In every respect.
Vour•Patronage Solicited
Phonte107 Montreal Street
Hydro -Electric.
-••..;d; -•
Cook by Electricity
Wm& by Eketrielty
• iron by Electricity
Cheaper than Cold or Wood
An Mot& Vacuum Cleaner
removes the dust; a broom
just moves the dust.
Wo guarantee all Hydro
tafrips for 1,500 bouts.
Walk in and sec display at
The Hydro Store
Ifse WWI tad Childrea
la Wont Ovor30Yeeirs
Awe,* Was .
Signatonsof 444
and he asked to hear him. On the warm type tire woe wea e.UVill IL,....irTo keep furs free nrom moths,
-following-day Paul was brooght into auu atewe eyes atiney nave Ilene even in the months of use, ae well
the presence of the king ant Festus yeaow in tneir man aim suouid 'sweat 115 to keep them soft an silky look.
set torth the ease. Again Paul was toe . warm colors: tan, reu, orange, ing, they should be brusoed occasion -
permitted to speak for himself. No yellow, ana au tneir imams 4no'60m4 ally with a wire hair brush. Do not
matter who the audience was he was oinatiaris. lee 000/ typo flavti, sAue use a stiff wire brush, but a eoft one.
always ready with •irresistible elos eyes ana• Heat hair anu alumni wear . MRS. SOLOMON "
quence and argument to defend the the coot caters: zrayt owe, onalen. arta ,
• Matchless
In Charon
and Dignity
No use talking. . for
sheer floor 'beauty you
cannot beat the artistry
of nature's graining.
There's character and
refinement in every foot
of S- K hardwood.
And it harmonizes so
• ,delightfully with any
color scheme. 24
Goderich Piattnio Mills, Ltd.
te datC1111-
, "Located in the heart of the
business district.
Overlooking Grand Circus Perk:
A inodern Eke -proof HoielO
500 rooms: each with bath.;
Rates: $2.5.0 and upwards.
ill Famous kestaurept stet musk
also Coffee Shop.
ew women tome OWN gotr.."thro-u—gli
,--As-he-proceeded Pestus Wolter au their snadee and comomations. making their home toe object of
• in iipen him with, "Paul, thou art be- ehe intermediate colorea may select their dearest devotion.
side thyself; much learning doth tram port types es coons.
. mak; thee mad." At once Peol ap- erom thet colors becoming% to your • SMILES '
pealed to the king, who could riot but type, seleet a neutrat tone ca Inc col- "Does your hushata: retoember
be acquainted with the things he had or you desire, tor a background, and your birthday'?" •
been speaking; of for tliey nod not a secondary color to orignten, Wlnen "He's got such a poor memory, I
beeh done 'in a corner; and, toe, .he you wilt use in small quantities. A remind him of it in Deceneeer ond in
• was not ienorant of the prophecies monde might choose gray and green; May and get two presents."
respecting the Messiah, for Agrippa and a brunette, bMge and orange. .
was a Jew. • ;When you have clumen your etnor An optimist is one who tweeds to
- Agrippa candidly confessed in his -scheme, stick to it throughout. Sups find big roll of bills just around
• reply that Paul not only was in his pose it is gra a and green. Have a the eorner. •
right mind but by his powerful ap- coat • o'f gray, gray hoses shoes, A pessimist is sure 110116.0. them
peal had nearly convinced him •oi the gloves, a gray or a green has, a gray will be receipted,
truth of Christianity. °Almost thou and green sports suit to*' morning,
_ perstzadestane to be a Christian." In business or school, a green afternoon IDLE ISLAND
his reply Paul again voiced his strong dress for social 'functions, Sunday
Minerd's is the enmity of
all rheumatic troubles.
Ruh it in thorouehly and
It comes the peke, supple*
the joints, puts new life
into the tissue*.
Iltib it in
. .
C • d f • g
desire for the salvation of souls. "1 afternoons and dress -up, and an ••
from the city, finerest. •
would to God that not only thou, but evening dress of either gray or
also all that hear me this day, were gthen.or both. • Gay Delane, not a New Yorker by
both almost and altogether such as I No matter now charming a bin° birth, had become one by labor. i
Work was her • daily tread. She •
am, except these bonds." , hat you find nor how great a bargain
- WORLD MISSIoTiS . 1 ,look at .it. ;•It is not tor
1 is, don't eoupted accomplishment the end of
it with life, success it great reward. With
you, You could not • wear
The sweetest sz000 of the season. in Gay Delane there was no interest as ...
your outfit. The thief delight of the
our C'entralOndia Mission is only half ensemble is its entirety. There must to one's possession, from whence ene c
nved yet.. A little orphan boy in a came, nor from what family line had '
niission school iost .ins temper long not be the slightest note of any dint
codant color tone. Even umbrella, sprung. The sole .point of peritonal- I
and -he saki, "Kindness have 1 taken everything must harmonize. Then •••
slicker, beads, galoshes- its' to . her was this: "What is he '
ago m a game. He waS punished, purse,
at •the heeds ot! the mission, This I you are quite "It" and may feel at '
will not take." He left, sought out ease., ..
his own non-Christian relatives, set- In 'selecting your color scheme for
tied among.them, later married, and the next season, make it harmonize
strove to forget the mission. Once with this, if you would wear your
be came back, for he had an elder left -overs. Anyway there is little
brother risen to be a master in the' range of colors appropriate to you,
schools, but the brother said sternlY, for the color of your clothing should -
"While your with le a non-Christian, be determined by the color of your
YOU are none ofsmine!" The little eyes, hair and skin, and as long as
wife herself replied, **Doubtless your these do not -change muelt, neither
religion is good. I, too, believe; but should your clothing. .
if 1 openly worship, my old father •
and mother will refuse bread at my BROILED STEAK
hands. They have no one else. Steak, to be broiled, should be ten -
While they late I do not take the der and juicy. A porterhouse or
naine." So the prodigal went back sirloin steak about an loch tnick is
sorrowing to his village, then moved beet for broiling. There are two
farther and farther away from his methods of broiling. steak; by direct
old surroundings. A few weeks ago heat, and in a fry'pan.
he came to the tent door. The great To broil by direo heat, grease the
parable of Luke 15 was told: When rounds of the broiling Men, lay the
asked to read the story himself, Laly steak on it, and place aver live coals,
read unfaltering, then, closing the or under an electric grill oni gas
Book, began to explain eagerly, "See, flame. If a gas. overt is used, do, not
he said, "that son came back a long, clooe the door. •Sear fitot tni one
long way. He had greatly erred, but side and then the other, being care -
his father locrea Win, and -and-" •ful not to • break the termer coating;
for 1,1tan not he himself the younger searing, reduce the heat and turn
Here the poor, eager voice faltered, which holds in the juices. After
son come home. The story is not all occasionally until cooked as you like.
written yet. Soon after the little* it.'
wife, sops and daughters will ;bear To pan broil a sneak, greneegthe _ _ g ---e---- - — -----
the name. Then should foliate school annislightly with beef fat and have it She Counted Accomplishment the End
for the little ones, but there ki no dealing hot. lay the steak in it . at Life.
sehool.-Mrs. T. D. Patton.
• 1928 Christina* Seale
The I928 Christmas Seals, in aid ot
the Alualroka and Toronto ilospitala
tor Coaaumptive$,' halt° Just been
issued. These nandaomo Seals bear.
11115 tie titrlatint Frgt
1110 o t oa
aro afflicted th conaumption. Every
dollar received through their sale m
Used tar the maintenanc0 Or patiente,
The National Sanaa-Kura Astoria.
lihT3 I In olegio rztopp"Ittlit to Ittiagolig
and at 'Weston. tyhy not buy these
Seals 113 HOW or others? Not only xvIll
YOU got Rood value la return, but
your money will oorve a creator end
-toe it Will tro to help offinoone in
Mamas. "
Look for the double.earree non
cross on every packet. None others •
are genuine,
nor stoo by eehool ehthiren Ana
unite, or direct from the acmes Beal
tZ0001/2arg:1111.L. gage Institute, Toron..
Lye. Goderich 6,20 a.m. 2.20 pan,
" Clinton 0.44 slam 2.50 p.m.
• Sedforth 6,50 a.m. 108 p.m.
- " Mitchell 7.21 nom 3.35 pan.
Arr. Stratford 7.45 a.m. • 4.03 pau.
" Kitchener 8.40 a.m. 5.20 p.m.
Guelph— %04-torrie 550 pant
" Toronto 10.25 a.m. 7.80 pan.
Returning -Leave Toronto 7,55 a.m.,
12,55 pan. end 0.05 pato
Parlor Cafe Car Goderieh to
The Oil of Powere-It is not chim-
ed for lir, Thoinciei Eeleeteie Oil that
11 'will remedy; every ill, hut its ilwo
ore so various that it may be heated
upon as general pain killer. It hao
achioted that greatnese for itself and
its exeellence knitted tO 311 who
have tatted its. virtuea and learned.
by eXperienee. • •
For Chest
ger weakness WI tke
throat ow, ekes*
—for hacking coughs,
„troublesome Whist aggro.
vating bronehitiq, gripp6
tnki sunilar affectIons, tak.e
• For such troubles it is re-
commended and prescribed
by the- Medical Profession of
Great Britain and. Canatitt
and is used in hospitals.
This standard medicine fortifies
the hocly against coutths or colde
• 2- the cause of salons 'chest
trouble. If the cough has "[tont
down'''.talte ANGIER"Sesit wilt
give relief and put you on your
feet. It soothes told heals the
' irritated throat, tones uo the
stomach, luhricatea the bowels
andbuilds up the entire system.
• ANG/RICS 'a mimed), creamy
emulsion of pure petroleum on
with hypophosplateo of lime
andaioda-pleasant to take and
cffeetive-for peoplewfulhage%--
Dritiab Doctor writes: "taiwaya aro.
f41:1,brgft:herltirearrgrAkIr iPoingie;t1
of EA° rappiratory tract "Wgel D.
onto on morning train, and Toronto
to Goderieh on 6.05 pam train. No
change of cars between Goderich und
Toronto, ,
Town Passenger and (Se eutel •at druggists 4
Ticket Agent,
'Phone 8.
ale.re.eve *Yew.
and sear both sides, then reduce the 9 It
heat rind cook until the desired stage. doing? What hes he done .
JUST LIKE HOME Do not addSteater, nor Ulie a eover. Tne death of both parents hi quick.
succession had thrown her upon her
Travellern are . exceedingly mats- When done, lay the steak on a hot
. own resources at- the .age ot seven.
siastie. over the coinfort and convent platter, milt and pepper it and dot
with melted butter.. teen. The last of the tamily fund:,
knee of the individual room -eleeping the insuranee, all 'had gone into a
ears operated by Canndian National VEGETABLE BIN final year of practical preparation for
Railways on both the 10 and 11 .wae0 life -work, in which,. with the incon•
o'clock trairse froin Toronto to Mon- you seen those cunning little
t gruously blended driving of necessity
tree!. vegetnble bins. designed for the mod
elf kitchen or pantry. They are mule end desire, ehe had ntudied etenog.
"It's just like a home on wheels" ia
the . comment of a recent traveller of heavy metal, enameled, and stand rophy, and at the same time contin-
ued her Masao in art under the best
who deelarea that it% the ideal way about two feet high, just tall miough
teachers'. obtainable.
to travel if one Wiehes to arrive in , to fit nicely onder the kitchen pink,
"I've get to work -but I tun going
Montreal rested, refreshed 'and ready conveniently near the place a need,
to paint," she said.
for the day's tvork. : yet out of the way, or, if the pantry
FrOin the strktly clerical work she
One feature or the individual raenn tse cooler, they fit nicety tinder the
shelf by the window. had been obliged to accept at firet,
tremely popular is the successful They have three tiers and are at. bread-and-butter work she called it,
'sleeping earn that haa made them ex -
manner hi which any vibration that ; vided iuto five compartments. Into; elle had gradually worked away from
• ter& to dioturb eleep has been thin- .tylowaVygest go the potatoee, whiela it, getting into things more to her
inated by th special arrangement of nowadays by the pound or taste and her talent, and at last,
' zoom mid .40 3-' and tile adoption of ' at meat by the. peek. Othera take when she wee able. abandoning it :ale
Lill -carrots, the redone, the turnips together. Black and white copies of
• • athe latest type of box epring 11Itat. '.'er /Also hiwn yol.t? And %%that do seijile *urea, fatliem Pages, hack
i ReP,Olvations irt th "
e individimi rooni .
1 you twee? Teel gamine tittle voge. '*0 1, of 'theft:Am, all t„Print te Gay;
. trocr,en.
' i sleeping ears nhoultt be made v;e11 ;itaeetile°11/itleallegaraiyn, tgkre0A6: trtto,. yale1La, haViairl i:etrror,o9lbe tillowurfso,iiitstg
.... ahead of time with Cali:Aim Nation- ; match the color setting of youe kit-
ati night and on Siniday, ft,r adveineed
• ntudy.
. A Real Asthma tieliettooDio J. D. ;dual' •
Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has never TO REFINISH LINOLEUM ;
(To be contlimed)
. i been advertised by extravagant ;;', yam the liruneu.a haft berome 90 .GO TO BED AT 10.33 IN TORONTO.
• ittatements. Ito claims are eon:neva. i worn that the figure deco not ohow
' I five indeetlewhen judged by the.? ben-, op in e ots, or if you are tired of - ...WAKE UP THE NEXT
. • Iatm' whieh it Isesfohnil. EOPort real i tho old . mttern, or if it 41006 not hato Via Canadian National tou may t
relief and permanent benefits
; yeti buy this maedy and volt will not ,
viten Iseonite• "Olathe tanocolar tteheme of ' leave Toronto at 10.35 polo and ars t
your kitelleio do It meta nest paint rive in Sudbury at 7.45 a.m. After a
limit taw for tlitawfatn alt. 11 st /1, no tone, the folor you livant for oornfortnNo nitdien rlicoll., You I'Vo I
gives perntancat relief in Lanny ea. 0, hack:0041mA then take two two of rented On& refine/led, ready to tem. 1
ties whete ethos Su calied sontedies paint, of tho Brighter colons you -duct ti;e lowinew of the day. Ile. i
Savo uttetly foliZe.f • '
- want to paint in> Lite tvia spcmgen turning train leaves budbury nightly, •
ass mi infalfal
sunny days
for sonny
THESanta Fe will take you
and your faraily there
swiftly, in comfort and:luxury.
A fascinating pageant parades
past Santa Fe train windows,
Far peaks, abysmal chasms,
Indian pueblos, romantic ruins.
The South%vent is wrapped in
mystery and radiant withbeauty.
Six Santa Fe trains leave -
• Chicago and Xansas City every
day for California. Fred Harvey
dining service is the best in the,
transportation world.
Caftan ia ltfid•Wititer Escorted Tours -21 days- all
expense. eni the eray- Inclianglettiut; Grand Outten,
Phoenix, California, and Yosemite. Wenn through
Feather' Biter Canyon, Royal gorge, Colorado Spinets
and Deaver. Leave Chicago Soturday.t, Jan. 2.19,
Feb. 2.1d, Mardi 240, 1929. Ask for &wilts.
V•I'.11onitirg.tiscn• ;;.- ot, Ponta Ir4ne.
asa-Trautditt=tht,teraildi.,1413.14i,exir: eis
"'"!ISI'PC .
it •