HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-22, Page 6Your New
Radio Set
You want the best radio I
for yourtnonry. Conte '
In, are k and hear ie—
Mitn you'llowant•toownp
Huron Motor Saks
sc.& St. Godevith
11 * "AlitilttaTiousmit II
kteet. eaatail tee ateet inta," ran,
eet, teanne, inaatee tee". cat, leave Had Trouble
i,„ay. --,-,-.7,,oil intel
ate ed, Man Arelhvcr Fence Meant ti I With lier Kidneys
carecante or.
, leave tit.° J;teeS-;.r.fil tOnate', 133f.li." ' 'lack And :lead itchescPI
; Gy Meted reathee cteeetv tee tato '
1 atetrent tine te ttre Cant:ante mbar. e
. Jae dieaeray eft kyr pinta anneetel . Itate. IL Iterijartineeit, OW, 31az,
?Zeti, and tier theta 22,02170,7, re:arena senteoete"inently Mate nee bate et!
lr EA ,
941/ 1 teife ifi3LCIMeillalt rig IV:i1,,, Srie.frinSd Fly little gtal J. te114 Sty Elck
ill 4041. wee
ttaptain Cc a:team in !no fate , 23 Led nest of tee tine. 1 Loa bat
„, e -
is go 0 d tea.
•,„.: ,,(IkElt?
,to • iby til0 ';-,12,31.cri, aondliepa eelice, hcaotaeliee, and eats all atioa
Um laegeet eat. wane tin doe eniina , theme and i Lod trentla wait ay
i: 4t . !. Liana -es, 1 tacit all lamb of moll -lime ecaottely beeeatlz the tent°.
. eteavt:lie2 e cey began crate, : ben (nothing. me ablo te retievee race
Red Rose Orange Pekoe is ,, it .,,,,:.,,,,,,o i, atea Aretee„? Leete Lem, , As I Leto eight. elaildrce, met my hue,
c, t _." Vnadtereee(gewhasomseet. Itnacii twitakglIboetteitatat
,, .lattetaieu;z:_folor rae:L.3, Ttloiatottle7ortitatat20.
the best tea you can buy
'horcelf." . brought elm aro honce a Deana'
In tereanoetriaht illifiniattn4
° oyou (bat oe,,,,, seht ee ejaculated. -., tlahle.dinneyI Pieleillt.e. ea'Auftue;h14„:1;:ateeer rermehel
.. "'Well, •Mint of that notv. What ore ,•
4 •ogaila able t?loolt after ray family
---- you gone,* to tio about it?" - and lioneeteorteu
"What am I Going, to(o abut let" ' ..
. Pyle; ieet itt. boe.
e ialetal". aelrlte dnieftit; 1:1*
• e „ ten.
aDiSiettiS . divan ea reeelpt of
Pie IS
137 ETh
the repented, inelignantly. "Nothing.
What been I got to de Oran it? I
Termite, Otet.
tatOPYRiorie 027 by
The WOOS -Menai et. co.
.11 moining steamer, any WOO tite on.
‘Returning to the fetal* on the ear-
l. poem -agar to leave the boat at
..Evergreet, pier, where Ae found no
line - of ears, not giant)of unhurried
)river, to receive iter. While with
her two hande she vatted her heavy
bags throutth the otebard and up the
long grassegreeu slope to tire Lone
, Vine, Gay's tweet sang a soft little
sone of eontentment.
al shall sleep," she, teeught, -001e
'Idle, Idle little island, how I shall
.Aa eht stood at lastbeneath tbe
%treaty pine, fumbling in her bag for
the kept), it was the pride of posses.
sion which throbbed in her pulses.
wes her mammy heritage, the
reward of ten years of constant. lain
(or; it wee hers. . •
Even with her hand ott the knob,
'Gay realized that it was not she who
opened the door of the cottage; that
. .
Mutual Life
ssurauce ompauy
of Canada
READ OrTict a Valente:1o, On
-Di IL MOONEY, hat
Pupas tene
ZAST lift. 4 2 GobtnICHr
tee •
jt opened to her, instead, trom witii
in. And AO she stepped back, start-
led; she was commuted 'suddenly by
a • woman, not Mrs. Andover, not one
o the three quiet ligurcet :nom the
Captain's kitchen, bue one she had
never men before. .
"Oh, 1 beg your Darden," Au cried,
"I didn't know there was anybody
The woman did not speak for 4 Mo-
ment, but stood Deanne up, near-
sightealee into Gay% face—a small
woman, ahort and slight, and a soft
flush gave her face a pleasant
ish look, although as Gay learned
ititeie she was very old, older even
that Alio Andover. But for all her
smallness and her pittances, there
was eoznethieig impressively deter.
mined, something indomitable abeut
her that was striking.
"Are you the Captain's wife?" Gay
asked, as the woman stared at her,
smiling faintly, puzzled.
"No, Pea not," the disclaimed
ealehlY, half laughing. "I'm just
tAuntalmiry, 02110 in." She still
brtd," she 4112d1w!tillad
my best glasses are broken. 1 can't
seem to place you— 'Taint Mary Glo-
ver, Is hi"
"I am Gatti Delaiteeethe new, ten-
Theesoit little figure became eight,
"The new tenant," she repeated.
"Oh, they didn't tell you!"
"Tell reel Of comae they didn't
tell inc. They were afraid to tell
me. he cowards!" But she said
this in the most amiable and cheer-
ful tone imaginable. "I wish Alice
Andover'd tell me. I'd like to hear
her. I told her. with my ovn lips,
that 1 wanted to stay here myself
this 1311111,11rie •
"Oh, I beg your pardon. Fie must.
have forgotten it. run right up
and tod them --
When Gay stooped -to lift her bags
There are many ointments
AU! I 1-0 • GI
-u .1
.. was the end of it. And as she is tire
"I Don't Think You Can Do That," original tenant, r have lied all mat
Ile Said Cautiously. trouble and worry for nothing." .
And then, with reluctance, with in -
ill just tette back my money--"
"I don't think you Can do that, he nate delicacy; spartne •Atintalrniry in I
said .cautiottsla. "I dont think so." eveerwatt possible. Mrs. Antlovee ex -
"Well, I think no. Renting a eat- plamed the situation. The little old
WOM44 in the cottage was not a ten-
tage that isnt for tent! Whoever
heard of such a thing a ' Of mese I no 'She just liven • there. She paid
can take it aaalt.". .,, no Tent, she had' no MOW, and the
fully. "You butte rented the cote , idle alt
afilorIvinitteel. housewitligtuot
He shook his silvered heed donate (lenetettareen usetahnflee
tage," he said. "It is yours. If an be oceuitied, mueli Better for Atintal-
outsider comes he on you—why, you nitreevh7hpletnenee:leedta'entrmeeetielnfe—e 0' ay, eget
will have to take measuree to get ' her stay then. Dent turn the poor
her out." . thing out on my nceount,—". '
°Gay'stared at him: "But site Nees And 640 Mrs. Andover grew real -
there first!. t aril the inteeleper." ly withering in ,her retaliation.
"Then I don't think Alice will re, Torn her out! WRat kind of peot
fund the rent. I don't thinkso."
ale d� you think WE are? Do we
Oh, if she Is like that!" Gay said look like the tent tortutu anybody
scornfully. "She doon't look sa. dise, eat? We just want' her to ;sieve
honest.' e down into her own house, tire Apple
"Dishonestl Kyr sister, NW Alice 'Tree." , - •
Andover? Dear, dear, What gave e "Oh, then she isn't* so peon if she
ynu such a notion as that? She's • has a house a her own,"
honest as the day—but she's a very But, Auntalmiry did not ewer the
good administrator, very good la- Apple Tree. Auntalttain did not own
deed?' • • ' ;Anything. WO. Andover sea it was
"If she is like that," .Gay
5614; the Estate. the Estate whiclt owned
"Ye. ° a
feczi,re ... the lend, .the Minato evalet lied built
the tittle Apple Tree Exclusively for.
a -witness to the transection. You- iteettihnirte for her eetY mem flirt
go and get it for rme" nfAed .it for heT, relate -fried it for
Re was deebry troubled...an-II rent
. t iApple }Tree was. a dear little
can't do thaa Not. today I cane
Maybe temoriow. taut I got- to go cottage, weft built. charmitortg facet -
right up now and fix. Mrs. Willough. , ed. Mrs. Andover -said; rather netta
by roof—leaky roof—Traid of rain. larrtig, that it was the' nicer ef the
aaoks like (rain, think.?" . .. wo t , „
catteges and the eery reason
'You fixed that, roof ae.sterdieyale erne simple tnd pure petwersity. The
iAtrritaanury preferred tile Lorre Pine
Gay said furiously. . - ' , Lone Pine Wriri too big far her,
it was
"No,, 12480i I aid0..get. aroteet to, more inaccessible .tiway up oft the
it!' lie sighed &dist. ."Seents like. [Weirs, it was farther fawn the gimps
I can't begin to get around to things !and from her friends, text she prefer -
any more. And I'd like to get e ht. veil it "for Iter Christmas party."
tle work done on my boat it I could. , And then Alice Andoveres voice
find time," he finished patheticalla. ' sank to e whisper. "If ore says
"Well then,' she. said Itindlat elle anythlog about a Chraltenas party,
able to be very aovere with one so .eott tell her John and 1.sayetre can't
iamb -like, "Jed tante along With. Me have a. Cluistreas party this year.
to get my money hack from Uwe An- • Tell her it is too expereelge in the 'first
doyen and then you can hurry eight 'place, and it wears her all out in the•
along and get ever so Illarig things second (place, and it'a. amt. immense
done. It's early." . anyhow. Tell her John and I mid
Ile stetted bue put on his cap with nen" • .
disarming meekness, and thee :let out Bat when Gay sugaetztea that of
together. course, she, herself, Inks. Andover,
"That's her tottrage . douro there."was going down with her to give
he said, pointing off to, theriefte-"Ita-theset explanations to Atuatelmiry,
a'n't far. You go rieht down . the administrator was regretful, but
throuelt that little gate, and see Melt arm. If ,
Andover. lir' firm with her, misa, "J. can't; sao said,. "I wish I
,you be real.firm, You lend out fent could, but I can't. I—I am expect.
iyour right;." ing guesta to dieter." She looked at
And with incredible .ceterity, before her watch. aGood heavens, it le at -
Gay eoukl tatch and hold thn, he had ter eleven, and 5th e pota.tees not so
, ehanabled away out of -eight around Muth as peeled. You tiee how it is.
the tottage, and there was' nothing I wish I could, bet I. can't. You tell
for her to de but go ott atone. Her her. Skald understand. Just tell
indignation rose again ae olio cut her you lave rented the cottage, and
1 down the pretty, green -ordered ein. paid, the rent, mut fall her we insist der path to alas. Andover's door, but john and I both insist. -..that sae glee
An was met with reat friendliness im the Lone Pine immedeetely. "fell,
by that affable awe efficient woman, her if she dom't—weill—we'll buret
. es .h ___. a' the Apple Tree to the ground, and
I.---• sell the /Ane Pine over her head"
RHEUMATIC VICTIMS S G D' lane, alone, UAW 'd e d •
0 ay Pelane,
------. • the lamblike Captain. utisuPPortedbY
Can Pied Relief Through Building the efficient administrator, broke the
., aap the Motel news to the indomitable little old
wonian on the hill. As she teneeted•
'Pain is the nymptote of rheuma. very modestly, almost diffidently, tire
' tism that every victim reeeglitene Aireethreats of AlieetAittlever, Amit-
: and he generally attributes the trou- almiry broke into laughter eo Iteerta
Inc to told, dame) or eleengetible wen. it seemed impossible it could have
, titer. But doctora know that thin. emanated front so small a soutee.•
; bIood is a marked characteristic of "My dear." he gasped* wiping, her
i the troultle. Trying to cure elieuratie eyea,"/ wish they would. I'd like to
' tient, wItile the blood remaina thin and see it. Why, rd have the latv on
poor, is an imponeible task beetatee them." She fell inte heleteee tette&
re is nothing to build ma Atone ter again. "I'm a sort of a common.
like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that en- law wife, my dear. If you keep um
riches the bleed arid areee it grout long enough, you cant get ohut of
trait:mom iropuritiea soot banishes sue. Such talk. Mite Andovett in.
who took both her bends in cordial
"My dear, how sweet of you to be
so neighborly. How charming! low
are a real acquisition to our summer,
colony." .
"Mrs. Andover, excuse me, but that
cottage you rented me is not for
rent, Auntabniry is keeping it her-
self this surname. So if you writ
kindly refund—"
Mrs. Andover's affability froze' up.
on her face. "My deardo you mean
to tell me that that creature had the
brazen effrontery, the unmitigated
• audacity, the—the—to stay there af-
ter Jelin told her I had rented thot
cottage?" -
"John didn't tell ,her. She didn't
know it. The cottege was not ready
for me as you promised—"
"John elidn'teaoltn—John 'Wallace
— Didn't you hear ene tell him to
tell her to -a."
"Oh, yea you told him. And that
44,•,„1:,.. 1.
' tik• 1,ng. t ) rat.t. ;
upt heeenr gee ea eine
Waite Auertaintre i.iir3f?,.74 ,
teitr.nea bee taitiett, tete:e'en-, Can,
eeeinet re-ire...tee her tap gtenen
Lett he tags in a cenne UL, tize •
way teed went to the wale cantie tein
was vette time. wirtien canete
tempted ker.
*nal lie dowit, if tton cane% mire," te
can call. "It will *tette) me eta ea -r-
e -eat. nuee 1 ntey go V/ steed.'
She stretteled hereela &n o the -
eoucht luxurineely, and etotaa her I
eyete Tee 127,3 dora. darkly •:(
veined. The ape, in retaaation,
drooped with wearineee.
, Poe two haunt .Auratainaire cliyealt
eetftly about ttie houoe, gathering te-
el-ether her medest belonginee, pack,
• ing bankete, t ags and bundles. And 1
or two home Gay slept without etir-
Idugs. anottning faintly now and then./ ,
At one oteteette Autitalreiry prepared !
dinner for two, with a tenet (oat of
sham! hot tea, and vet the Relegate i
lee table. alien, e'it h a titan toucht I" .
elle wakened Gay.
"COMO and eat, (Wavle." sbe said •
eently. "You can red batter on a
full stomach." ..
Gay smiled at Ler, yaeiningt andPheated it, made toast, opened a story. of bete new home, she left the
stretchitg luxurlonsly. "You are a tee en omen -
up shaking herself. For the arst time since she left in ter hand, went up a once ix, ta-
w or ,.., B 0 .., ,s mon tray ,lit the window, and, cup of eoup
darling, she said. "I wasn't a bit
hungry. and now I am." She stood eee -a 1 h un,.• fr
"Vga elidn't begint to rest my too e
to feel,a mental reaction to her en- stairway iron the lowest step. Su tiy rested plow switebing on the lighte.of tithee
• Auntabuiry watetled her shrewdly.
"No. Almost too late, in fact. So She arrange ler mo es supper on .found it modest enough ;Above the
far, I am too tired to enjoy Testing, tee ease
a tray, and toodklit to the wtall-seat by
the window which looked down over eatkaiiurgs: huatheclreeanwattsndafriaersohe, all to. her
closet on
210021, she eald significantly.
,Inosuhteb,cauorwiel the'
svelof 1%3.1 shoos
i: - line .of maneThee lityrrtleigfollinortd wlirginiakitsilfr
th black showed where boats road atphepollanntedding6einudotoomtIeeTteft, b
leelym .
but after a white. a week, or. a
h0Y1$1113ri about the legs of the Atm ouet the night at anchor. Intermit-
WAS large and cheerfully' bright in
furnishing., a 'bed, an obi bureau, a
e to w te M t Y e e llg tea
tentl the black wee. meltowed, turn -
and two small chairs
relish. And as thev ate. Auntalmiay d Y hi.
o a mesearchlight.
let b th Iidi a
at the teble, and although ehe was
descanted at great length on the out- 1 lightlui stored by the long sleep, Gay carried
Her natural energy somewhat re -
not hungry. the tea she sipped with
for that rockepite. told her to look it. I'm glad I came.
"Nice," sbe said to herself. I h
,Auntahniry is awaher _bags upstairs and =panted teem, ,
ocean sidie and enlarged on the son- a dear, the (Captain is s, Iamb', 4-1:4,e
that administrator parson who'trios sweetly of cedar. She had brought
y into drawers that smelled
out for the e erughty window on the folding- the little silken garments
rageousness of fifty dollars a month
dition of the kitchen woodwork. . to he so very bossy is a kind, sweet,
generous fraud." with her nothing but the sheerest
She recommended Luray Lane for , ei 'Agent •
neceseities for wearing. Iler weari-
lobstera. and Promised to and him. up Remembering then that, she hadness had been so great that her only
ogesairveec beersvonarley tihroounightw, obrakd, beeseenaptoe.
aleitaDaY, Nitta 22nd, Ittee
Drive In 11°4)a Drive Out l'o.IVIorrow
for ardent'. And at Arattaliniry's not yet ee, much as seen the upper (Collthloadeallellege 1)
suggestion Gay made eat a grocery
list to initiate her own light hou/ANNES/NRINNOMIk,
keeping. and gave it to that same
small' obliging' person to leave at the
Pier grocery store.
While they were still at the table;
Gus, the taxi boy, came up .or Aunt-
abniry's things, end trudged off down
tthe hill, heavily' laden, and Atiettat-
-,mit7, hastily catching up an armful •
of coats and etteteses, nipped after
ill= t
Gan waved -Cacao away and tented",
back, yawning, into> the pretty cote
Mee, turned again, grattefonly, to tha
iviate emelt in the satedowy corneae
sinetched herself owe upon it,. and.
caeeed her eyes. ' (
The afternoon wateldl. It boy'f'ffronv
the Pier grocery steely hi:weed her
buaket at groceries, aid: left it on the•
Minima table wittioutellaturhing her..
Dusk erept out of . the fewest and i
&tanned -theWindOwsi.. Once Gay I ---
stirred, restfully, sensed, yeesiinea in.
her sleep, seemed to fad the gszt: of .
hymen eyes Upon her ut. tbeeeilence..
Reseadfulay She forced aths heavy Eas
to raise. In int., snadovasys dyirolight,
• she • seemed to so a . small figure
crouafting near her, mull te. sine& eac%.
yellow and evtinkted Ilk* parelunena
with. pinched features and sleeting'
almontash,aped eyes fastened betpriott.
',calls apon her eyes. nenetrtar. one: . •
eyes ; 44 small ririeSeellt..110Wed. Salt '
shote- in the yellow parehmente It
WAS the scarred and wrinkled/wee of:
a littlie old Chinaman. EMAIL in her -
sleep, 'Gay knew it could.not ber andil
smiled faintly at her foolfah franem:
"It Is a diteam," she thought mist,
ilY. "Dream oh."
San dosed her eyes menu:
The little yellow face receded ihtct
the dhokt the smell figuretiadedimih.
eat into the shadows, and there was
not. fee slightest SOUrile from:the
email,swift moveag feet as he step-
ped eller the sill of the went:live mite*
forest sift, and padded away among
the trees.
Hears after, when .Gley- wakened
from her sleep, the house was stilt
andtdarkl'he greitne of km( ,zea
taxation pleased her.
"Lean go on like thir,for week," t .
she thought blissfully, . "smelling,.
sweet evade of sea andiwaselee 15P'rr
Ing strange II0iSOO of ghostly breaths
and phantom footsteps, holing the ;
touch of fairy fingers-- 01x, good
heavens, / wonder wherethe ni.ghoa;
ere, a'a f
Beamed by ttee rude thought. f.rnm.
tlie sweet lantasy Oi 044220 elm -got • •
un from the couch, endefelt Uthout,ririt 1
with outetretched greeting Wands; Dee
eating, logically, to tallow tht...• wolle
until she came to flea kite.hen dote,
knowing she would dud, matchee ever
the kitchen gas stove, she crept along
the wall to the left, Inviting her way,
band following handeuntil rho found
'them at het, • titrutth twa together,
hurriedly, and was glad, to have the
fun light of electrieity flooding the
room. Doors and teelalows etood op-
en to the night aa when Auntalmiry
left in the afternoon. But on eon- -
suiting her watch. Gay was amazed i
to find it WriS the 'lour of midnight. I
"Wen, I olept," she said philoso. .
phicallY. •
On the laneaeet table she found her
basket of groeeries, and feeling
somewhat refreshed the took a real
interest in unpacking ite contentaand
arranging thent neatly on ohelves in
the little welt aupboard. Carefully
she closed and loeked the doors and
windows. , •- •
atio opened a can of prepared seun
ttlututriatiern front the eyetent. So deed! Why didn't they tome and - womEN oF
long 43 the blood la maintained in a ten me all thee& high doings?"
healthy eondition the trouble will not • "The Captain had to llx Mils Nie-
irettun„ Thie is not theory, It has mat porde and Mrs. Andover is peel.
Ince .,proved in laundrette of eace3 ; ' hag potatoes for a company dinner,
here is enteetatfte J. W. Rose, ile It. 2, anenet .. .
it Albany. 1).111., nays: —"For some 'Ike Captain's ' been . fixing that 1
years I wee a great, sufferer from pm% eee, pew meet and never tee t
rheumatism and although I tried a foot en it yet. And as for Alice An. '; IVIrs., Goodkt 7 Tells Her Experi.
f great. many eemediee, I did not get t dover, my dear4 she nevehereeleil a i eke With Ptahawes Compouod
any permanent relief until after 1 = potato in her lift. She's avistoaratie. I
took Dr. Williams' lank Pills. The Peeling petateete My dear, Alice An. ?
trouble was located mostly in ruy _ darer wouldn't know a potato withIlaittrioer, Alherta.--"This Change
shoulder., rill4 at times was so had : the Ain en if she nom it.' ,' et Lite was the trouble with me and i .
that matright riTril VMS almast use- "Put '!r Ml'-."
'lett Of COMM) I sufferedmneh "Auatalinity. t!carie, 3ust tifl inc
and. groat inaomeamee. My atten.., Aunt/4%41w. rm not proud."
tion was directed to Dr. Williams' - 'Auntahniry,' Gtoe raid eimenling:
4 rink Pills through an advertisement ly. "ste how I am filed. 1 kale Pahl
in t..,er ti aper, and I/decided to fifty dollars rent--"
!I try them, 1 took the pits "Fifty deflate. Pee this Agra t
te dirtations with the 'milt the'. the , Ma dear,, they etabbed yott-• inert
riteuteettient hal left me. at.ttl have, . never gat men thee vete for se in
... - andweakantecoulti '
not sleep, had a '
*Prietite and
ld not do much '
ork. 1 awl:liking
t4rdia V. Pink-
ham'a Vegetable '
. Compound now
and. I fed like a
' nocr 1110 a trviago <Tel' it sqam 11' the world. Joist yeitte they may get well *NOM": 1,"W
thi<4 mete the eee of any slieuentie thittyalve, Peer ehild, Poor tient, • it advertieed in the
euffettet tev "deice ie tee De. Wet, Abel/ tobbed yon," Panora and ,Ttiod it .
lams" Vint Plan let. ente," "Awl mete Thee after my fifty •or. IC .:,.. ,t.
i AC621 MI Pet three telte fio.03 ett.,‘, , fli:lists. $,C.tIll time my haven I have - •,-,4“1.4 Alnitilte WOO!, I have Wiet;WI••
‚p 14 detiateee Isy nign mt. rolreete • nosier.- I yrneadedit to* let of WM*" /*off* ,' *
..... „ .... .. .
);*4 IY",.!i! fr6-•,-It lIn., lir„ ,icillhot.., 74fecii_ nms. 4",, tit go , ni xi., :lot _ 1.4aa ian. 1.0aptiony. Byereeor, M -
'Eine Co:, Prockf,ille, Ont. . • nosy. Well !!!ew them they ral. bade,
"I)e seer
t'lrHia MAX is a business prophet. He does
not really look into a. crystal ball but he
reads the future nevertheless and he sees new
cities yet unbuilt. He is important in the tele-,
phone business. -
He judges the future from the "facia of the
present and it is his job to judge with accuracy.
He must judge with accuracy because, in a
telephone system, plans must be made for years
ahead and millions of dollars are involved.
With a railway there must be tracks and sta.
tons before trains can run. With a telephone
system there must be conduits' and central
exchanges before telephones can go in.
To wait Until people are clamoring for tele-
phones is toO late.
"---.711riiE BUSINESS PROPI-IET does not
AL wait. He cornea to the management with
• bis- charts and graphsand figures and says:
*In 1930 the dernand in Ontario will be 80,000
nevv telephones. They 'will be wanted here and
here and here."
Or Ite says ; 'W*thin the next five years the
Province of Quebec will need at least forty,
per cent more exchange. capacity."
And the management does not wait either.
They know it is up to them to prepare now.
If they don't they will be falling down' on
their job; they will not be keeping pace with
'the country,
.11.3 spoke in time and the management acted
promptly there are 139,000 telephones being
installed in Ontario and Quebec this year.
Without them there would be inconveruenee,,
and confusion now in thousands of new -homes
and offices. ••
Next year the business outIoolc calls for spend-
ing over twenty-seven million dollars to extend
and renew the system and plans have Nen
made to do so. •
For the next five years thi telephone elcpan-
sion definitely known to be needed in The two
provinces means ova one hundred malign
IDINDING THE MONEY is a problem. It
Al is Us great a problem as the complications
of engineering and organization.
tvepry year as the country grows there must'
be new money ready ,p0 that the telephone
system may keep pace.
Every year thus far the money has been ready
because the policy of the telephone system has
been fortunate in attracting the support of
conservative and reliable investors who have
not been subject to The influence of market
TIIAT IS HOW the business prophet and
his graphs have been raade effective. And
that is why the telephcifie man-
agement has always met Cana.
dian progress with confidence
and erithusia5m.
ro444.4 iv IAA tett Teem%
ow a4etet 0.6 tete
t1.00 s ef Cfteits to MP *ft
Noino.A. **4 toot* is it,