HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-22, Page 4PAQX 1 II I 11•II I 111 oil II I I pi e err,fl1,teee SPECIALS IN Misses' Coats and Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Dresses tor Friday, Saturday and Monday 77 A Special in Misses' Coats for 16 to .19 years,' d best materials, such as •french Imported Broadcloth and suerivlike Velva Bloom, linings of silk crepe or attractive rayon mixtures. in newest colorings, rich walnut brown, cocoa brown, and the soft pastel shades of fawn, navy blue, emerald green and wine, also black, trimmed with opossum, Regular $35.00. Saturday and Monday $26.$O A Spectal in Ladies' and Misses' Dresses. ,Regular $12.3o. . for Friday, Saturday and' Monday,. $9.50 MEN'S- W1NTER-COATS;lve have a 'splendid --1;;;If Men'e Winter Coats in the season's newest styles. The materials are of Milton, . • Cloth Chinchilla an -1y Barrymore cloths in checks, overplaids or plain. The Coats are lined with satinantwe you to see our range before you buy. NgW CAPS --we have a ,nice range of Men's Caps in the season's new styles and colors. • FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR We have a full range of Ladies', Xen's and Children's fall and winter weight Underwear. We invite you to see our lines, made by well-known manufacturers. The prices are reasonable. • I I I." 1 THE GODEIIICH STAR HAYFIELD Mrs, George Har4i it Clinto».ie , viAting Mee Green at preeent in. the I M. Jamee Fergus -en left, me Sat-, urday for Lenden to *peed the wintre teeth her son, Jemee, • Mee, Gorge Woos, Mile Nan WONIS and Sties Gladys Ilavieee event Satereley Leielon. Me. Wra. Parter aaleed home from •Sarnia ort Sunday lest te epene a few icier; with his parents heee, A number of St. Audrew's •eliereli- reerebees .attended the publie speak- ing contest on Monday -evening at Blyth. • A joint service v:111 be held in St. Andre-v.7"s United church ea Sunday evening 'next in connectient With fee Foreign Bible Soeleey, Mr. Carte, Mrs- Mich. and Mre. Scofield left on Sunday fee their Wine in. Detroit after isiting their mother, Mrs. Green, who la ill cit pre. sent in the village. Meeera. Rechard Elliott And 4111e3 WilltrtPleY left on Monday ion. Detroit to eciesult a specialist rewarding smite intern.al growths. We wish them succes$ and -a epeedy recovery. Messrs. Robert and Harold Penhale made' a trip to Menitoutin Islane in the 'North and purebased a carload of no eheelli.eviiielt.ther are -selling -by a CUM' at Veinta, on Tuesday efter. igkeeeeeeereeLeerLaw_eio!r*!"'" " - •1111.46.1)AV, NOV. 2211J, isga eeaperaiee tiniatad wetk ter the pre-, • ,- SOT!' Yeifir, Thee tied far mere bee:- , /WE this year eeer wee expect -I The Woolen:* enstitate held their . regular ineately meeting cm Tueetise,:;„ Net-. 2ethe the president, Mrs. Weide in the chair., Miss Kele acting as ST2- retaree After the itlIS:11tZi! was ! _ traneaetcsi ihe following progieirn wait - given: Sai9 ley Mies ieeetet Stotte0 • an excellent repert of the Walkerton COtiCeilt2Ott was given by Mise Luella .• Joineztom Miss Ruby Carter gave a exadieg; a splendid papee Was. read bv Ws. Megridge on the sueject "What constitutes a good boinemalie • musie by ft Quartette composed .• of etre, Sliew, Mr. lIoween, M. ; Hill and Miss Sadie Carter. The • last number wao a reeding by Mrs. C. Straugban. The meeting rimed with the National Anthem followed•, When yoti are in need of :Sick Room Supplies Household Drugs Prescriptions P11014E NO. 1 I-1. C. DUNLOP Phra. 9 ' THZ RFXALL DRUG STORE BEDFORD BLOCK 'Aura here. Rev. R. 0. MeDermid, gregations, Donnybrook, •Westneld A- nt meeting of t e t ree con -1 _ Last Sabbath wan a red:letter day _ie. the annals a the Presbyterian in and dedicatory' and Auburn, will be held. in •ox , preaehed two excellent sermons, on services and Evirrieist:dechhinaur,chwiolnl tToullesod:ytheevewnoirn: in of Goderieb, had ebarge of the open- this week, when Rev. M. P. Smith, a at .11 o'clock in the forenoon and the th•at land. -- • - - ' se - other at 7 o'elock in the evening. The Radium le worth about' 0,750,000 . cliareli was crowded at 'both services an ounce, * and numbers. -could not get adniis- - •• • •- *'•• --• --•-'" T • lueele anti social lialf haute GODERICH PH01‘,319 Per Upbolstering. Repairing and ftfentshing. A Woe raneeeof Sample li.";oyer. Ines carried... P. A. irsabla.sEt.R..MAN churele.-They and Myth formed -a - _ sion. In 1925 by an -adverse vote of 70 to 84 the Presbyterians lost their • no n, Nov. 27th. pastoral charge and a year age they SHEPPARDTON tion and gave a call to Rev. T. W. became a self !sustauung congrega. Goodwill, which was accepted. After may eeenees,. is at home a good deal of bargaining they sem- Miss for a f Mr. an few • nee eC the Methodist church and Icom. Pletely overhauled it •and they 'now 'Mrs. Artnstrene entertain- have a beautiful -church hoine of their ends last eveele,end. • • own. The kind act of the Baptist Miss john tore our teneher, spent cliureb will over be remembered in her • Thenksg ng at her home in opening their elturch to them and giv- Lecknow. ing a home to the congregation till • mrthsivgwt5,1: D riaandirrsi0.11Green Greenin!epent ,the present, (ever $1.100 was realiz. ed at the opening on Sabbath. - I• ?dr. and Um. Jo n Bennett at- M. g. Bennett •is vieitieg at her tended theemeening of he new church brother's, Mr. Jae. Metal. at Auburn Sunday, end sister here, wpm another correspondent) • " Mrs. j. Thompson is the guest •of edr. and Mrs. Harry Jo es mild two her sister, Mrs, LCoIwefl, of Ease Wa. hiSys. •Iimine• and George d Mr. j. waneshi At Present. Bogieealled on Mre. Jon's aunt, 1 Mr.fl Mogridge is attending the here, Miss Burrows. • oRoyal Winter Fair this week. Quit e a' nurnbeF iefrom hae a tend. Mr. and Mrs, I . Carter of Goole,- ed the banquet given by Mr, eo. rich, visited in this viciniiY on Sun - SHOP EARLY AT A c0RNF ELD SHOP OFTEN AT THE STORE Spotton, our member for North re daYe ,THE STORE WHERE YOU ARE • WHERE YOU ARE .All ‘ettieyed themselvea immense day ith art. Wen. : on. at Dungarmon Friday even Mrs. Little, or Hensall, spent Sun- INVITiCte TO SHOP WEST 51DE OF SQUARE PHONE 418 GODERICH INVITED:TO SHOP • eq.usulemvg the emwded helL oerr,wher mother,• , Mr. and Mrs. Harty Jones ttnetWn SliatV, ovof Toronto, was the = =4=T sons and Miss Biggine erid Mr. Bei- ! a of Mrs: J. J. Wilson a the spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Jottes' Clokey, of Belgreve UCCSSFUL 4SMIJE"to e , lee, all motored from Toronto to wee _ene,. I t th h , 1 loriday sLo '.in of Indian ve Songs hY ..etael.ents, Mr..and Mrs. .T. Bogie, Gode- her el e, Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, over S,. IaPadY ho y tlisd ay mu given on Saturday night, Had pet> I, Bourque, was very pretty, with In- • • Mrs WitlieNBogie, her daughter nights and a third performance was Mrs. W. P. Saunders and Mr. Desire "c"* ' ' ... . , e the wee en . Musical Revue Under' Lions' Club night been a fine night there is little dim Maids and boys reclining about Violet, Mre. 13e,Green and Miss lif- Mrs. W' . Craig and little daught- ers Ila• en Betty, were vieltors in lint the past week. P. Stanley:, of Alvin - and the receipts, were substantially went over well was entitled °A Sum- , Mr. tied Mrs, Harald Bogie, a Aub-ehere for the past few days, returned auginented by the third production. mer Boardere, in whieh'neke Town urn, • ,• The Goderich Lions Club will realize the summer boaster (Miss 'Ruth Cor - Auspices Proves a Big Success . . Although only nine days wait spent practising for the big musi.• cal Revue, "Smile," width was given in the opera rouse last Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, a wonderfully entertaining perform - twee wee, produced. ' Depire J. Bourque, the producer, certainly. worked hard during ,the time he woe here, with a suceession of.relwareala eacli- day. Even after his arrival in town just two weeks before the show was to be given, be was neceesarily absent for geveral days in Coiling - wood, where he presented the Xteviie the early part of the week previous to the week of the production Ifl Goderieb, and The Collingwood pap.. ers svelte very !highly of the perforine doubt that another crowded house. and both Mrs. iSaundere and Mr, Burrows, all ettencled the -opening of Deelreie would have been recorded. As it Bourque received rauch well-deserved the. new Presbyterian church et AO- Mr. and Mr was there was a very fair audience applause. Another oink skit, weech urn on Stimdave and also called , lett leltiltday. • • . pretty -dose to 300 out .a the pro, Mei) and Grass (Mr. Fred Stur- ---ekutuRN me. E. Farquhar,_ duction. In addition to directingsthe dY) 'exchange some elever eepartee. aver of h har ;and !Mrs. W. Bal spent Sunday re. Geo Farqu. 'Am Ail sizes and Grades, „ INSIDE I' STANFIELOYS Two GaamtNTS ONE • ... -monionmoix. inStock . SOLD M. ROBINS Phone 3*iff' LOGS WANTED We the undersigned, are open to buy all la& of titmber again this winter. We will pay you good price and give you "liberal measurement and grades for your logs deliVered to our saw mill here. We believe it is to the filtered of the farmer to cut his own logs and deliver them, but anyone hav- ing standing timber and wishing to sell on the stump, • Idndly see us before you do anything and We will be We will pay you spot cash for anything you have to offer, and as our lumbe.r, is largely manufactRed into the finished product, it helps our own province sellifig to a concern like ours. ogs was ship- with the ladies' brother Messrs. Jas. leading part in many of'the numbers. the p iformers in a, clever dancing Mr, Recert Asquith, of Colborne, is Mr. end Mrs. Bouthon, Ile was able Supported by the local net, assisted by. the Elaek and White the geeet•ee his sister, mrs. /Towson, talent and the quiekness with which Girls. Rank and Brutus make en* a present. ' attended the opening servic $ in the • Hensall, local performers fell into the various, principals take part, assisted by the showed the readineds with which the Them." And in the next scene tbree the 3rd coecession of East Wawenush - eft. Mr. John Snell has sold his farm on IseuvuodxayPiraesst.b.yterian church ere , on and Mrs. A. .J. Andrews the whole predaction was gotten up other appearance in "A Fe of • whole production Mr. Bourque had a Mrs. fl. Major and Mr: Bourque were peel by the Fareiers' Club, e • * and Geo. Straughan. Orellid Girls and Smile Boys. ler. to his brother, Ceorge,, dances and songs. • -away on a Motor trip and will v are it In the opening seem) 1.Ir. BoinTing Geo, Buchanan snug tfno Dreamer:* Aty. 0,E.,Ereatt's• saleelit the sta- Guelph, Eitehener and Toronto, ta sang the solo, ,(Smile All the While, and Mande (Miss Margaret Wilsen) Om was I'Nikl! attended. All. -Atte ing in the Roeat Fair a the letter assisted by. the chorus of Smiling and *Old Black .400 (me, Harty' stock offeredeWes sold, and very fair place. • • Girls and Bees. This was by way SturdY) all did their Parts Well. -- prices were realized. The community extends congratu- • of prologue. Then came scene one. Por the °Petting uf Part It a little On Satniday afternoon the C. G. jations.to Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Hallam • ante there. Por the derieh -the in which Mr. Arnold MeConnell bad play was put on in which the parM T. will have a bazaar in the base- on the , (medal.= of their marriage, Goproduction song. were cleverly taken by Mr. Ned Salo ment of the Presbyterian eituveh, which. toek place last Thursday a Gederieh Opera Rouse Was crowded the nontre of the stage in his e ., ,... °While the Years Go Drifting B," as Bruee lierrington, who has The no use e dies' Aite ev11 I provide tea. • Suunnalull. . i " • Red'which he Was assisted by a chorus for women; efr. Harry Creighton as elise lefebelw ingbottora arrived Mr. Ince Hoare went to the Olin - Ross Orange Paha. of Bridesmaids. Yellotir and Black jack Webster his room mate, 'who home tide Week. he Mid her another ton hospital early this week to under - Girls end !Smile Boys. The next has; Miss Gladys Ginn as Peggy Lee. startedat once for the Soo, Niche- go treatment, Mr. Hoare has been scene twaa ty.comie skit with Rank 'leek's cousin, and Miss Evelyn Reid gan, on a visit to relatives there. ifl Door health all lament., We hope toms* as tutar• to_perreotion as any tea can. Everything that taa exports can do to nukhe Red RosoOrange Pekaa" superior' in quality Savor Hey and Srastus eltyred and Ir4t7 tui • Seth Stewart, Peggee college Nekt Sunday tha Rev. James to hear of hie rapid improvement. World Is Waiting for the Sunrise" his. woman -lading ways. Mrs. W. F. Prethyterian 'church at ell o'clock in L . stuidy) as the p ormers. e chum. Bruce is duly coueerted from roy, of Hensel', preach in the by the ensemble • introdueed the next Saunders. and Miss Margaret Wilson the Morning and 7 o'ciock'in the even- S me t. an rs. on: ne o n - M d M ".1 11 f Wi d Now. S eep All Night °nil and value is done nit die groat • scene, and Mr. Arnold McConnell an- *ere very pleasing in their rendering ing, Red Rose blending roorns. peered in a rollicking sailor song, of "Croon. a Lullaby." tri the next tt. dean Aluminum ors. Bank and , "Spineear egnit andMr Alfred Sturdy as. Di. Hugh end with the j4tients tine:former, Tr( it to -day. Fut up in this "The Yachtsman." assisted by Sail- scent Mr. Bourque as Percy Vairfax Erastus rum -steam eql wads pudu peamont 4aosi a,* in unother clever skit, Parm. were the principals in the next Pew nays' 'Use of leraiobs Pa° ig.11' wr'10 ' - The Dalian scene as a setting for the scene, "A Stubborn Bachelor." , An 1'41°4121weekg helle• the` beginning of Stops AIMOY100 nittildeP tern:Moe -- the . other scene Erastus and Rank Signed - E LUCKNOW TABLE CO., Ltd: LIICKNOW ONTARIO PHONE 5 BOX 206 f 1 THE BE of EVERYTHING _ - „-•„. Get thin. !„1„p -"filen ts t .1 hurch-Sunday, the services being • our Fresh Tiros.s the trials and dis- • follows,- and +hen. a pretty -gypsy There xvore ThrtsitieSsiWthe4rEttir;', • camp scene, with Mr -George Ruch- lit e: the Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr. ee romfoits Bladder Weakness Mould be interested Wits kitten, "I have been anhn As Thd 0.7085, Boy, miss xoloo hdreavit °Whig to the opening __GREY _AND MUCI- C N .11ourque as The Rover. Rank Hay The annual Masonic at home of tin. was eimost tonstant-•-and WAS All . y Chri Laura tu dv as Maritza arid S mr„ Shore attended the services there bothered with Bladder Trouble fee RAISINS, (bulk or -package) plies have arrived for our -tinas Baking Dolor; as a Portune Teller Miss more than 3 years. A burning trite- 1140TM COACH SERVICE CODERICII.4TRATFOR' • • ' Read dawn tead up .1 • Pan. VA% Gode-rich a.m. --------- 1 1.30 7.00Itolmesville 10.25 . 8.25 1.45' moot tui Clinton 10.1.0 School 8.10 150 Special7.20 Setiforth 10,05 Special 8,05 2.05 5.10 „, 7,35 St. Columba 9.50 5.05 7,50 230 5.15 7.40 Dublin 9.45 - 5.00 7.45 2.15 5.20 7.45 Mitchell • 0.40 4.55 t40 2.30 5.35 8.00 Sebringville 9,25 4,40 7.25 2.45 5.50 5,15 StratfOrd 9.10 4,25 7.10 3.00 0.00 8.25 r 9.00 4.15 7.00 pan. p.m. A.M. 113, natl. 'un. 4! It 0 • 0 X x Seliool speeials on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday only. Saturday night coach leaves Stratford at 1.0 p.m. We stop at all hotels and farm gates. • Coach leaves Goderieh frotti • Coach leaves Stratford from bus depot blione 70) And post office.' *Through Votiet both ways. Special rates to -.Awl ebildrerrattending Stratford gybed; .11.1000001001160001 also aoneare in this scene - ard us Morning Star Lodge was held in the obliged to get out of bed five or six I ehotvn the gypsy beauties by The Masonic hall last Friday °yogi*, times during the eight. Then I lieerd enjoyable evening was spent. of Or. Southworth's Urata hs and with - :Rover and Very evidently is . duly There was a good attendance and e . thrilled. Maritza and the Rover do " verY lout much hope of help, tried ' them. iWouderful relief earne within a few ,r! 'clever danee. Then - followed the A returtidd missionary from China' trays. and I now feel an, trouble Is 'finale by the ensemble led by Mr. . gave an address .in the United church rinnetkally . ended. 'Ain very gratefiri . i 'Bourque, .on Tuesday' .oventng. Owing, to .tlie for what 411Is -grand medicine has done I Much of, the attractiveness of the - rough evening the turn -out was not tor me, and vein alwitys UM Cratabs 'production is due to the yaried hued •as large ne Would otherwise have *whenever L costumes of the --various grove And . been. • feel It Peeessary,” !- , I 0 ma teterosmt NIr :if& tay be, it. va t mid - the large number taking part contri- - La9V Thursday evening;. 10th, Mr. t 6;iin and 'stelae sof 41,gtiestise snati4 AI ',bide much to the animation and en. William j. !Thompson rind Mr. John 'pry, due !to leladdee 'Weakness and Ir.:. lertainment of the scenes. The fa- -!Wilson went to Lucknow for the de& riations-you should try the amazing I lowing were the membera of the vat- 'cation of the new Masonic hall. Mr. value of Dr. South:worth s "ITRATA118" ioue groups : . Wilson- is the oldest Mason initiated at mice- . -11 Smile Girli.--Mrs. Major, „Mary in that ledge, being.initiated over •59 In% liontieworth lis a NMI - known Farrow, Aileen St -owe Beth. Thomp- years ego. , . , praetimeg physician nf nearly 50 sow Martina Hussey, 'Bali Cormier, mr„ and' year!( experience. 11BATAB:17' are Mrs. Prank Stanley were 'made front his OWIll private formula .Nnyine Mallon, Margaret Wilson. In this loesility. last week for a fettr and all druggists are authorized to •Bridesmaids-,Tean Kyle, Mary days renewing old acquaintance& isuptly them on guarantee' of money Acheson, Peggy parsons, Phyllis With the close of last week' this 'bac if not itatisfartory. Cooper, Mimi Burrowe, May nen. - ----„r _,, i - ----er-e---- - for Your Protection demon. Yellow and Black . Girls -Lenore Craig, Mrs. S. Moulton, Evelyn Reed, .. Alice Nairn, Mrs, Ethel Rays, Dor. : •° thy Marshall, 13-eTss-Murphy, Gladys ... ..-. . First Mortgage Bonds of -Representative ohm SHELLED NUTS CURRANTS SHORTENING LARD OCOLATE OA COCOANUT ALMO ICING LEMONS EXTRA • ETC. DATES FIGS CHERRIES PEELS DEPENDABLE MANITOBA' AND PASTRY iF g UR "GOOD MITER AND qpotr EGGS SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM SEE. OUR WINDOWS FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED Smile Devi -Stanley McLean, Col- in theater, Alfred Sturdy, Bert Mc- Manus, Murray McConnell, Arnold • AteConnell, Edward Sales, Wm. Painter. Sailors -Margaret .fihephard, brio Macfie, Madeline Aeheson, Mar- , . garet Huston, Lula ('rete, Margaret Sanity, John Parsons, Murray Rent»! I erington, Gordon McMahen, John Pot& Joe Taylor, Max Cormier. I Black and, 'White Girls -Laura d SturY. 1)elight lituteh. Edith num. , .ber Jean Amkewe, Beatrice Crimp -;1 Smoothing the Path of Modern Business IIT MIMI' tusitieg§ traii§actioa 'banking ' / plays a put. ,iro the extent that a Bank strives earnestly to .render the West measure of service. compatible with sound banking practice does it merit public patronage. Over Sixty -Two years of earnest endeavour have won for the Canadian Bank of Commerce that invaluable asset - Dominion Wi le Public Confidence. THE CANADIAN BANK, OF COMMERCE Tar STANaltD"ii7,741t .05F CANADA, • 1 Canadian Companies • GATINEAU POWER COMPANY. .. 5'1;e Pirst Mortgage Bonds. due Jurk!!•t, 56, Interest payeble I June and December. ` PRICE: 9Vi, and interest. yielding - - 5 THE UNITED GAS rr Fuel. COMPANY OP HAMILTON. LIMITED. , f,;.,,First Muleteer Bonds. due I July, • • Intelsat payable I January and July'. - PRIM: 9f.S0 and interest, yielding -- '''' 5 53tA , bell, Tay1or, , , • 1.• , -,-,,, q zii,e.,eit1,, t na an oys tart ey i iii6 HARRIS ABATTOIR COMPANY. imam , saundtrm, Robt. Wilson, Don tuft,4r0 Vint Mottsitse Bends, due II Idy, 1947; kJ Jaek Wean', Jim dledditt. ''' Interest peyable I January and July. Orchid GirleGertrude 'Viet.Ten PRICE: 103 and interest. yielding ..... .......: -, I Pinder, Itelen Mellermid. /lair t Wilsons Helen liaecider, Mrs. A . '. • Saunders!. I! Orthestrs,..nougtas major, pie*. ist; Miss E. Rent, htis4 Alma Spent*. ! , Mr. IL Witmer. viditift2 Mr. /(°, Car. ter, clarinet; Mr. S. Palmer, sego - Anne; Mr. R. Itenry, Perrier: Mr. Iterbee Miller, cello; Mr. Wadterj - Newcombe. trombone; Mr. rha".1 Illack„ douisle bass; Mr. J. 11.10(1.4 I! t drums. , The ercliestre. 'alai Mr. Maids, ttt li the peeve gave a geed account efei • Soubtlotat theniselvee. fee ne c titekt zee feet eel mete., ,, !Italklieir a teetere. yet mato rohliet lo the 'ti... ,.f fere )fr 1i .. nue.er ie statun avitch tef AR. d NERAL STEEL WARES, LIMITED. First Mertasse Bores, due 1 November. 1552. Inmost Payable* Meyand November. , • PRICE: PO and interest, .. ?memorise teem PiIIeJ& istrestmeltt, tatily sire. rePtire tirader feesdest. Doivuutoom Secustmes CCNkrocum warn, Alitt4MION. t!,10t it!ttf*V Atortelok V ft, 1004, h.414004 10-11COUVP4t 10.0 Owe! 101104tCt Kee!, If, toete tett Vortmotelt4, 4100f1C114 Orteth WARR'S • GROCERY HAMILTON STREET GODERICH Telephone 146. We Deliver in Tovnt ' ••.% 4! op HURON CAFE JUNG SING, lato London', St. 'Thomas and Ingersoll, begs to annonce to the public of Goder.ich and the County of Huron that he has ' acquired the Restaurant, hitherto known as the British Exchange Cafe, and will continue it under the name of HURON CAPE and with entirely new management. His long experience and thorough know. ledge of the cate*g business ensures to all per - tams the best of se vice in all branches. Visit the IWRON once and and you come again • - ...r