HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-22, Page 3db. vat Re DAY, NOV. 22nd, tette ' THE GODERICH ATAR Husband Was Afraid She Was Getting "Neighborhood News Nuggets lseatley. Dee. writeetee 4 Lag ovintec Etre Gila -dee R.R. No. 2, Pneumonia Picked F lierom Our Exchauges, iV,k,tww With a very bad celd, fuel my heohane WWI afraid X woe getting reentrenia. „. • WetinSpefford heitre'reoeter of tizo hutizegers otege 1•••• 4,r-t'rc cf Zgat,.1 CLI1,241tCd. "One thy ono ef my neighbors eame daughter of M. ro Chus, Spafford, Dieuotrotie Early Meriting F ELLire En WA S Etig2x5ted that 1 try Rivtle to Mr. 11ewhert Wel'h, of / About. liaif rest two 4;0100-:,' Friday Dr. Wood's • = • ' A04-415teN: vies quietly sole:nue:0 onooerzeo, Noe. eth, Ito home mr. Tnraty chercle Myth, oa Setae- Deot vanoielee, Wingimmnear to Norway Hese Nov. 10th, at 1 Vata... LiA'• Ave!, C. N. R. station, was tliscoveree Oil ur Shore, rector e2 the •eluatele pee- I fire, the ficaue3 having centred a Pine forming the \ceremony. retrang told on the Intel -ten. The flee Syrup Death of Clinton Resident .brig.ado were e0011. at work and after Elizabeth Porter, a Clinton, pan. , etubhorn battle drowned out the 1 1. t001i 0, few dosca and I was -welly E'ed away at her late Toskieueo, Mill 1 am but not beforo tho' whole house relieved. street, on Sunday afternoon, Nov. wos brelly damaged. "1 atn velleveil nty son, agerniee, llth, at the age of 60 years and 11 Ilockton-McDonald of the croup. months. ' She had been confined to A quiet wedding? WAS colenmized at 4 tX will never be without a bottle ce1 , her bcd for eight weelra from the a- Drunieo on Saturday, November lOtie 'Dr. Woode' in tee house, end 1 on- feet) of 'a fall. t when Laurena Sarah McDonald, only not recommend it toe highly," hletertaid-Ilckert daughter of hIrs. Susan McDonald, of Price :Iiie, a bottle; laree family oizem e A „ very pretty autumn wedding, Plattsville, Ont., was -united in mar- -00e. at all t1 01 Wife selemmzed in St. Patriekei riage" to Jellif C. Hoek -tot, adopted* Put up only by Tee T. Milburn. Ca., emoree, Dublin, on Monday. Novemson ed Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, 1411, Toronto, Ont. LEGAL CARDS 11. DAMIOW. her 12, at 1 a.m.. when Agnes Mery. Market street, Seaforth. Rev. Mr. _ daughter of Mr. Freaerielz Eckert, irf Eriekey, of the Baptist climate. ofl). Meleillop, became the bride of James elated. The happy eouple will reside - Edward McQuaid, sou of the, late in Detroit. Reeve F. J. McQuaid. and Mrs. Meo Quaid, of hIcitilloP, Death ot Mrs. E. Limbach ' Barrister, S'oneltor, Notary Public, Etc, . I Steinbach-llowald • The death took place Saturday suecessor to J. I,.. litiloran . . morning, Nov. 10th a Edna Stewart, Phone DI tom um square, tioderich. An interesting matrnnomal event _ beloved wife of dr. E. Umbach, of was held in Zurich en Monday. ERNEST . LEE. - k g` 4 g Y. Miss urie days. Mrs, Umbach had •-been viso Toronto, After an illness of onhr h•ve M 1 eeere• oe •' Marie. eldest eeughter of Mr. and iting at her home in Soaforth, when Barrister anti noneltoi Mts. Henry How:dd.-became the bride ,she WWI taken seriously and was- 'in 4 beantifullOr !bound volume J. • them pitin, most Mae Dominion Bide., 465 Bay Street * E..Le IRossignot has preserved for, ue verse. We noir given a vivid o Ur. Orville J. Steinbach, of Lon- r moved to the h ftet o•h h some -charming tales Of Old Quebec of the licentious'progress ot I I I 104 t, BOOK LOVERS' CORNER (By Jana Holthy) 1,A Good Book is tho Bost Companion" Telephone Adellaral DUDLEY E. HOLMES.' • nggslitt'CtilliogItirliter°tIslY errisrr. DR. v., J. R. INE, EAR; NOSE, TIletOAT • Late- House Sureeon •New Yore' °ph-. thaltnie end Auralcliospital, assistant at Mooreflehee Eye Hospital and Golder: don, arid son of Mr. and Mrs. Renrl" passed avray early Satoirday morn - Steinbach of Zurich. Rev: Tina'. ing. is. 'Limbach, who was in ber ' . thirtieth yea; was a daughter a ay, and Mre. I:). H. Stewart and lees bop and grew up in Seaforth. -53 'Waterloo St„ S, Stratford, Telee Flashm. g Eyes $quare Throat Hospital, London. Enso phone 267. . At Bone'. Bedford, Goderieli. in the Laughuig Eyes VII the tollowIng day, Taescloy, at own.east Eyes evening of third Monday of eaoh month ' D CHIROPRACTIC' Eyes tell . Bituor4sS PlIAOT1TIODin. YoitrCharacter DR. A. N. ATEINSON. me Prettiest of dimples -or lisp • or a sigh, Chiropractor and Druoless Therapist, Neer can compete toith the Go.flerleb - charm of the eyes ••Chronic•(weenie and Nervous Diseases • E,quipaci with Diathermy, Eleetro- • Mae:liege nettle, Electronie Electric: • • 'Treatments and Chiropmetie • - Office houro-2 to 3 and 7 to '9 P. In. • . anti b'sr appointment, excepting Monday, - and Teursday .afternoons and evendige. .0111oe lieurs-2 to 5 end 7.lot pan, jeoly .Atteridanee, ' Reactance and °Mee—Corner .south St•. . and Dritannia:' Road. . • AUCTIONEER/NG - 'VOW OUIrtY & SON,.• 'Lire Stoek and General Auctioneers, Eloin Ave., Goderleb. Salgs mode everywhere and all efforts evade to :rive you eatiefactforte < • - Farmers' Sale Notes ellseeeeted. Phone 119. • . . rogtamsz. Atietioneeo; Eldon, St., •Goderich will eonduct end arrange any sale on the latest methods to get best • results. s See him, or drop e. eard and Ile will give it immediate • attention. Fahri Sales a speelaity. NOTARY PUBLIC. 1,•••••••••.W1.", Arm, BAILIE. toe. 'NOTARY PUBLTO General Conveyaneing dello Good Companies Bearesented 'Phone 'No. 208. - Goderick, Ont. INSURANCE WeeKILlelP MUTUAL. FIRE INSUrt-' Axe. INSURED: re• PAIIISI AND ISOLATED trowN.- Pm* ERA? INSURED. Value of properly Insured up to Jan- nave,1010. $3,01e, 975.00. • OFFICEBS—James Connollt. Presi- olent, Goderich; Jas, Evans, Vic -Presi- dent, Beechwocel; E. Days, Seee Treas.. Seaforth, DIRECTionSeen. F. Meer, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve. Winthrop; Wm. Write Gonstante; °emote Meterinev. TookersmIth: Jelin Verret, Harlock: John Bennewise, Broadhagen; AlurrAy Gibson, Brueefleici. AGENTS—J. W. Yen, Goderiell: Sandy toilet), Milton: Wen. Chesney, Sea- eorth: Itinchley, Seeforth, Policyholders can pay their aosese- enente at 'Colvin Gutt's ohm elorlerlch; it. .1. Moorish's (nothing store, Clinton; or JO 11. Bayfleld. 'zinc ivovittANCE Ilave it attended to 1)y the REST WAVIANORI MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Established 1878 • thmoanuoire-Ont,- Thompaon. Auburn, Preen "Wm 'Watson. Viee Pres.; James Giro -1/irector: Direetors-oWni. McQuillan, St. Itelens; W. P. Reed. IL 11, No. '2, Lueltrtew: Harey L. Sal - held, Gotlerieh: Alex. Nicholson, Luck - now; Tint tirlMn, n. No. 7, totteenow; Chace Itewitt, Kineardine; lioht. David - eget, Dungannon. Bate -42M •oer thousand. THOSo STOTHEBS, T. O. ALLEN, Treas.. BrODlleil BrOS GongrocH • The Leading • Funeral Directors • and Embalmers also Ambulance Service Orders carefully attended to at MI hours—night or day. We aYe the inspeetere of atistomY In and for the County of Enron. Phones: Store 120; Residence 217. Wheeler Funeral Director arid Embalmer Goderich, Ontario All telht 1)ren1taiy totterderi to day or eight. rho..., :tome 3354 iterip *vivo .1 Walker Stores Ltd. Increase Space Walker Stores Limited, WillgbalD, has found it necessary •to increase their floor spate, to take) care of their expanding business, and to properly • display many new lines particularly in demand at this season. So the basement has been turned from a storage room to a well lighted, ,conb• fortably heated, and well arranged department of its own, with shelving on four sides and spacious tablee on ito iloors. Announcements -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller, Brus- sels, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Lena Jane, to William W. Boyd, of McKillop, son of Mrs. John Boyd, and. the late John W. Beard, the marriage to take place the latter part of November. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moffat, Wing - ham, announce the engagement of Brown eyes for strength—Blue their youngest daughter,' Mae Winni- for generosity—Gray eyes for fred, to Mr. Alvin Cameron Edgar, jealousy—Sparldiag eyes Indio son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edgar of cote beauty, yes, and good Wingham. The marriage to take 'health, tool. D6 your eyes soarldc? Are the whites clear ;niece they tinged with yellow .--intlicating an out.ot -sorts condition,— duo to constipa- tion? If so, you need inegoVIL 111-4°!VT12411 To it teenier daily autos. for short gurriod. Your arm eiti soon nal ..the A Vegetable otaeY al *prayed ?robot bent*b• i:Ls place the latter peat of November. -• John Ford's Sudden Call Death came with staxtling sudden- ness. to John Ford of Goderieh town- ship on Tuesday afternoon Nov. le, when, after "preparing some kindling in his woodshed he staggered to the hitchen door, opened it and fell dead •ecroass the threshold. He had had no waffling by previous attacks and his death was a great shock, especially to his sister, who resided with him and was alone in the house when the tragic • event occurred, Ur. Ford was e native of Goderich township; Bead about Chareeter from She Byec being a son of the late Thomas I'ord, • future Beechen* Advertisements. B.IT one of the pioneer settlers, and was 'born on the fru% on which he died. So -far • — ' and yet so near! • "I must call John by Long , Distance and let him know I got here all right. Then , neither of us will be worry- ` woederfal to be • abie to visit you like this, and yet keep as close touch with home as If 1 wore there. • What must it have been like in the old days, 'before Longe " Distance made it poesible?" pleee 'the, eall for you while you are taking off • your vorapre" "That will be fine... just aide ../or (Mr number, .1.24, oo • get the cheaper -Station-to- Station rate In a touple of daya.1.11 tall up again, tbe evening, so can have a fev, words withethe children, too. The Evening nate after 8.80 fa really very IOW' "Zvent Dell Telephone le at Lone Dlotatie Station." 711 9011111.10011001111111111010iNiailistiN Death of Joseph Fowler • There passed away suddenly at his home, Huron Reed, Tuckersmith, on • Saturday night, Nov, 10th, a very highly respected resident of the dis- trict in the person of hfr .joseph Foovlexg- 11r. Fowler had ,been in Wink health for some years, but he had been able to 1be around as usual. _ Abogt.half an hour after retiring at - night he passed away with a. heart -attack. -Born 74 Years ago on 'the farm on which he died, son of the late Francis and Mrs. Fowler. his entire lifetime was spent- in Tuckersmith. On October 18th. 1882. he was united In marriege to Miss Elsie Modelaud, - vale survives him. Head Off Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis With This Fine ' (fld 'Herbal Remedy right front the Mort of Nature 'Ward di all, tlee cald teoethoe Rh Get, youggif a 114t1to of Galleeheret Indian Iereg , lectlosly. It will mole and keep ',Seet laelthy -deal, he it:bleed tietere reel eivo you? bhmtl reed body now viper. • Leen t tio reset fa 17,:iitat 'V tesoly al. i red 1 i the Eietele. Tide) Ste rsetee eso ptetee ,9 w eel, rain dell end t sewdo 4, frenedelen levee. 'lima cle ree, title * el olio? Core-oferr Fl•-atsal heeoehohl. flosoelete ILZial ii )3,-.A ' • ye 4 etoepeell's Drog St3tC., OYIP.17.410. \ • Death of Mrs. Centel= A weil-known and esteemed resi- dent of canton passed away on Tues- day morning, Nov. lath, in the person of Mrs. Widiam Camelot, who.dted at the =nevi her daughter, Mrs, 4. E. Brooks, of wnere she,had been'since Inc death of her husband in May last IVIrs. Cantelon was in her eighty-third year and her health had been failing for some time, she having been confined to her bed for several weeks. Hydro Power Line Nen completion Work on the 14 miles of hydro -el- ectro) lute /rein Wmarham to Wroxo- income tor tno year.. The appeei - ter,- via Diagonal Road and BbleVale, Wag sustained and the assessment ' lend oe the month. 1:he large gang Miss Shepley appealed against her , vtAitititytytt is expected to be.compieted about the was struck Mt. of •men• employed on extending the income assesomene The appeiti was _ system lins been making geed pro- oustained. and her income assestenem grege. The extenoion :will bring to was reduced from $000 to $420. Intervening reaidento the benefits of Theeappeal of Mews.. & which will be :drawn /rout Hays on behalf of Mr.- 'Mortimer Kee. the local syetem Wingho.m., Many leher against ossessmerit on lot of the fermers 'are having their pia- 'eon. C, at $300 wao dismissed. ces connected up for tight:; and some The appeal of Mr., Robert Winters • are installieg equipment to do .their againot asseasinent on property on feed chopping, Pumping water and the Huron road ovas sustained arid domestic work by electricity. Gen- the asoessment 'Was reduced from ' oral satiofaction is expressed at have . $800 to $700. ing the zervice eetended in the dm- Mr. jos, Itaechler's asseosment for * htriet, where Oat oil has, up to the property on the Huron road was re- „ present, held its •own. A few farm- filmed from $1000 to $900. ' ors who had Delep systems have join- 'The Maitland *Golf Club, ovhich re- ed up with their neighboro to make cently putobaned from the C. P. It. the hydro- posalhIe in thie part. the property which compriace their Unique' Family Gathering golf coviroo, appealed againot asses:4- '41m O'Neill family, anemic the eer- Tent at $3,050. This wars reduced to ' ee 800. Her eettlera in Wavvanosli, he'd a 'fa- e roily leC••1/1111011 'St the home of hlre. Frank Watoon Winghara, on Thanks- ' SCHOOL REPORTS were Grandmother O'Neill, who deo- The following is the report of S. S. years, is wee and ?warty No 7 Colborne, for October: •Jr. V. orma Pit' her 82 and ao lively as any Melt reboot chi n Durst (a sent r. b ) J IV— 'What if the eardy Coionials had ig- • • ", ,,,,,,, ' ' ' PAGE 'IIIREE _ Special Prices AT MeEWEN'S IN Groceries Teas Tobacco 'Dry Goods Dinner: Wear Call in 'and look them over J. J. McENVEN THE SQUARE Norina Lee, Rutty Young, Harold ll,e_e_re Stevens, Dorothy Fisher„ Willa liol- -Immo ton. Nunober on •roll 23. Average a "pro- uuder the title of "The Beauport phet"—the father of Annie Sprag attendance' 10. mtsoN T h There are nine of these *etches, His taint is upon Annie, but she g-- M I JEFF i . , Ow er. Road." through, the wot in a covered ovagon, ` ` one of the most appealing perhaps achieves her greatest importance In S. S. No. 5, Hullett and Wawanosli" tams the desire for a grand mansion is the means of bringing together, Bernice Lawson, Reg, Asquith, Eli- zabeth Good, Si. III.—Pranklin MeltreSrgothiefrrtir.°1V.° •I Crnig, being that of the .Abbe Grandlnalson. her death in Italy, evhen she is -sup- . ro Si.lY11(11 g, while acknowledging it is a sin, hale of St. Francis of Assassi. Her death Mai- Ferguson, Wilbert Lawlor, The Cure of St. Savor de Quebec, posed to have received the Stigmata to restore the foroner glory of Ids Winnery, a "literary..gentleinan,et.. Carter. Mare Mend*. Gordon Dobie• faithfully*. desire ellooved to interfere with his den companion of the evealthy Mite. Bean, Beryl Wilson, Martha Adams, tire 111,---Kiftif Arthur, Maurice name and ancestors, but never is this 57. and Miso Fosdick, the down -trod - turning from an enforced rest, great The only character of any humane Lloyd Miller, Gladys Good, Irene dieeherged duties. Iteo Weatherby." ia his surprise and delight when he /less is 'Aunt Bessie, a "barmaid, who Leatherlana, Francie Good, Sr. II. --e , diecovers tloat his parishioners have marries- Winnereo uncle, thus depth- Harold Aequith, e Jack Wei; Bob built him a large new presbytery. Jog Winnery of a fortune until her Craig, 'Annie Leatherland, Eileen But 'his happiness is as hie house— death. . ,, Carter, Garth Rice. First—George empty. Then he fills it to overflow. There is no continuity and the el -• ing with children and needy ones—so fect is far from pleasing. It is 111 - full that there is no 'room for him, most impossible to believe that a He returns to Ins little two -roomed , person who could write such a book stone, cottage and one day reading could haVe , merited the extravagant from his Book "In my Father's house praise given by a New York paper : are manor MISSISTIS," his happy spirit "Indisputable evidence that a splen - slips away. did young novelist is going on. . . Pax Voloiscum is an amusing one. that we hare added a new fixed star "A priest zealous for good feeling to the American. literary nienameetet amongst his flock decides to mix This book. is w•ritten • bor Louis names and see if •this will *help blend Brorefleld, the author of "The Green the two raees—Irish and Vrench- Bay Trepeo oPoasessione' arid ' "A Canadian. Thds Bpgette La Pon- Good Woman," It is eistributed in table and Jean Baptiste O'Brien me Canada by McClelland •and Stewart, destined to tarry out this marvellous Toronto. idea of marrying and cementing this union of races. They naturally hate each other for 'some time, but the JUVENILE Care's efforts are blest, but not be- "Let's Pretend"—No ehilde girl or. fore we have ;had an entertaining boy, from six to ten, will have to pre - story of provincial life, , tend they* like this book --they really L'Artge Gardien is n dear little and truly will. Mollie, Betty and Peter do such community that bated the idea of change and outlaws her only pro- exciting things—lots of them are just gressive son for using a mowing pretend; but something very rauch machine.! the same nearly. always bullpens in No book et Freneh-Canadian real life, stories would be complete 'without one i Sometimes they, me pirates, Straughen, Evelyn Plaetzer, Mar- garet King, Marjorie Arthuo, Stuart , Ferguson. Helen Ferguson, Gordon Adams. Primer—IIa . Craig, Ruth Arthur. Mary Munro, Norman *Car- e ter, Billy Hill, Perim" Lawler. Aver- age attendence 85. K. M. WELSH, Teacher. GODERICH .,•••••••••• 'Biggest Ships From Montreal • (311111STRAS SAILINOS From' Quebec • To tihreerwdlelfast-Literpool . Mr. 2e • - • Minnedosa lorom St. aohn Cilerbouro-Noutts.akupton-Aut.wero et'. • .‘ Metegante • To Closeewolielfast-Lioerpoot MUNICIPAL COUNCILS Dee 7 .. Niontelare Colborne • he. 12 Otteliet.s Atitoll Council met •at 2 p.m. Nov, Me 11.4` montrol'od all members present. Minutes oi • October meeting adopted as read, on .T. B. itiaelKAY, General Agent Apply Loral Anent,: or motion of Mr. Young and Mr. 'Thom.' C P Bldg Toronto. one treasurer reported paymg $14140 additional W. 8. E. it. R. refund onenee not reported last Month and kipipiiiewlitzt,minauivializiviiiCii leceiving $1.91) returned., Mr, Ed Million and Mr. Owen Moore present- ed elaims for damages' to cars on townahip roads. No action was tak- en ureither case. The road superin- tendent's payment vouchees were re- celved atm signed by the reeve and treasure; on motion of F, Wilson and Wm. Tient. Communicetions Swollen Veins and Bunches° were read from Mr Baird, of St, — • Near Ankle or Kn. e? . Memorial Children's Hoopital. BY- To stop the misery, pain or sore- Mon's, .and from the London 'War ' of the loup garon, but in thls one it cooks; gardeners, Red eethaes, iew Nee 6 wee passed appointing of; tress, help reduce the dangeroue, swot - is a eery human leup, dressinakers, and once—the most ino- titers and poll places for Municipal len veins and strengthen the legs, Franz Johnston has done attract. portant persons at a wedding, .hes election on January ith, 1929, if such use Moone's Emerald 011. This clean nre decorations for this book and it Is came them pretend wedding ring nun le demanded at the nomination 'meet- powerful peneteating yet coo Anti. published by IVIcCielland and Stewart, 1 to take the place of the real one that ale held at Carlow Dec, 8lot, 1928. septic healing oil is obtainable) et Ho Toronto, 290 pages, price e2.50. couldn't be found. The following bills overe paid: Sig- C. Dunlop's and. E. R. Wigle's Drug ere ate o nice us la ions 1.1al, 87.55; jury selectors, $O; King e "The Strange Case of Miss Annie and drawings to sheer just what these Printer (or statutes), $16. Next Spragg'", --Strange indeed if strange- haney children are doihg. - meeting Dec, llth at 1.11 %re nesa. means confusiot. The book is This book is written by Enid Bly- • • G. .1, Merneremimroet-,- a Legs Have You Varicose or Stores, and all firot clacotedeug stores. In hundreds of eases Moormeo Ern- erald Oil has given. blessed relief. Wonderful for Ukers, Old Sores, • a series of episodes hearing little or ton and published by Thornas Neleon Clerk. Broken Vons and Troublesome Casco •no relatimiship to each other•, none of & Co,.Toronto, price $8,00. = •• of Eczema. Mom' have been relieved of corm MOO.NVS coon. OF REVISION • 82; John Hutchins 78; Elmer Lee - by. Holloway's Corn Remover. It hao • • • • The court of oeviston es assess - 60; Harvey McMichael, 50. Sr. 111'. a power of its own that will be found EMERALD OIL DMA tne_eowa was Alta cm —Ruby Hutchins, 71; E'dward Me- effective. leursday evening, INov. Ai- Michael, 68; Jr. YIL—Irarold Htev- pert appealed against aseess. ens, 89; Dorothy Fisher, 83; Elmer went 01 yds I,dr an bign, Fisher, 77; Verna Hutchins, 16. Sr. amme aG 0,4,,, Ldu eemey II.---Raby Young, '79; Norma Ltd, '73; rant property; as too :Aga COMPart4.1 Ruth Durst, 69; Frank McMichael, witn otne'r preperties. eeeteo 80. .Ir. IL --Ruby McMichael, 701 ' was suetainea WIC Arthur McMichael, 761 Lorrine. Fish- . was reuucea 1.0 IP.DIAL, • Si, 70; Leonard Fisher, Ce. r.v. Pr, . —Edwin Lee,' Jr. Pr,—Laura Durst, An appea y a;4., an Hays aelaest assesemeat ea Let le, Helen Fisher. The above were ex - L NO p*AFICOTIC Jr. PLCASA. AS*81.1GAR (the leeileher itorelo oriole camonlinpeodsitiinonSpelplienrfg,ceLtitearttatemiuretneanedt_ Mr. Danceyes) was ' Withdrawn and the assessment tonnrined. Helen Fisher, Arthur • McMichael, e • ° • Mr. *Wm. A•bei Appealed against Ruby Mclelichael, Lorrine Fisher, assessment on part Art he at. ' • • APpeal aleiguss,d1; 500 assessalcilD - eon:tr.:nod. mrs, :teary Finn appealed against . aseasement of part AuG at agattet income assessinent on tne .0D.ERICri e. me was redueed to t1110. Tv. Miss erre-wee Iiiileorehd appealed • I — 111.1 M WORM POWDERS DUMPS THEMSOTIZO CONDITION OD DT THE PRESECOS OP W01114 " • AND DEOTODC THC CHILD TO NORMA, THE ground that 500 Dad DC AM/WOW 0 mo ARMS—.4%-' wow -rem, comiNG 1 41. eeee, e_ giving Day. 'Among those present 8, No. 7, Colborne ar--.11./.* • 'Her aunt, Mrs. Young, is aleo activ vvillo, nci1ont 86; Enummrt Dcvael noted Paul Revere's warning- -And sand spry for one who har, permed the eel -year Lae; Macro were Mies Olive, a num from Detroit; Mr. and .Mra, , Linrin, of Detroit, a brother-in-law • and Motor; Vera, a dater and TAI2VCO of New York; Gordon and Ernest • aud their mother, Mr°. O'Neill of , Denfield, and Mr. and Mho. Itodgins, nf London, the latter, a oieter. Their • %tufted agen total 550 years. The late Mr. O'Neill helped to melanin the float Orange lodge in tide Wet. end hc- both bo and hie wife were :entinseinotie emerservativeo. ; An3i White/it Aicoliole—Seelee tnany mclEcIneet tzaN.7e 01644 es or poelniaent inFiconien't. A jushe • 4- 3/4;7, ling ef ni(meet:leer! (ell 1 oceseeee lee `I teetered thbeeree ere tette i•seto releetIol in it, 1:3 true.. irM efftele etZ' 11.C136/0g, r t ) 0 D S' KIDNEY PILLS ---- „ — As \ ' I 0 - DN t " I if it 4 Ft 144 00 1.1 had stayed in •tbeir beds when he lode through the night, calling to them that the lifitioh were c 0111.. • inel What if you should Vetere the Heat Fats' warning You might have to stay in your Ledo • for the rest oe the winter . Get. in your coat nepply now, and be • poepared for any emereency. • CALL THE twwftrtm For Good Clean Coal •COAL J. 13. MUSTARD colony VliolIc 98 Goicriell 6110 ISIS°W• N I 43* NSSTO FICtiss:-AS 701M124111P", , 111 441rbers Q__ tousle 1 "Wilton Quint, COlinte • • • TRY 9UR FAMOUS TASTY -BREAD -- WRAPPED LOAF r„ • • 4* 4 DV4,P70:00 olao acrtay SIIMS 0,..4') re. wile) 191a3 Var-g0c2 nO 400 avast Peon, Ved rtevo nitro ettcvnet Motg0 , 110/JO . Citereee relate tt)E? norm 07,1:1411 CVALSItt, 1 1(.1 Zilee0r,3VMa .,20a MAW t1CL1AM0 StleVaref) Me PAMIT/1WD* t$1,..a..sv I V4V 314(11 100(00)0 n415Eig:113 PC7N511,..M 26e0ec, 111. Thl reetsereoe' IItfleZ gthee ncel I RICE 3 8Ilfht,P ;.";T: dee Nook) armed • 4tedeetweett It 1 A og .133 — Mg 4:"0`47Z2!02 $ iliarnuthade Ovongo Sereckled 2 4i1ecreecor 19* stA1104 U.7111 cm": Mosel:so 1 q red to, - aso 0 350 1.5* i inhistheset sts ';i1i2i...i;,1;e„? 1*, -:3'h 496 til° 3441 . „ -7- _ A t" l'":1'1,tea';041' `" - COFIFEE :SUTTER i ,,, . ,,.,r1;74.1"4 .°4Zrttrzs VIA° v.wintb.460 "VW:" Derelao IC _littehe41*. Pi'nr1tii3 NOS* °MT 44e 1 tAs, tot% ireA