HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-22, Page 1.-
6‘.4t,. •
Be sure to rea4 The Sterte Nev.
,Serial. *Idle Wend" ise Ethel liar.
own. $ee page 6..
The Godarick Star to Now Soliscribers
to Jan. 1s1. 1,30, for $2.00.
M. I •
Y.Ir Owl amino freest
ebtricr4 Star
Soo The Steles else -tee *via, tees of
bleat. yet whigt we Print egi-te in
tieerinee elee etteples of itehes.
helve of Pereenti tireeriror Card,.
The Codorich Star for
Service and Satisfaction
SIXTY-NINTH 1. -EAR Stforwriptiont $2 a year in Canaaa
12.50 a year te IL S. potato GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THCRSDAY, NOVEMBER 22m1, 192S WALTER NAFTEL, ', Willer«
- gee -ea-- - - ----.7'4... ...---:"..--''" --„:-...,."-^""'''"'".-7**-- - ,,...- ' , -7-", - a . ...•_--=',.=1"-'-'-'-'""- '''.;r- ".7.---"'" ._-_--.- -- ---- - :, •••.. •••--•-•,-*,--,---'.------,-nt•-•••,,,--,a•-a----2,--.-,,-.,_. „ ---- .
Blue Water Highway Annual Meeting Postponed -ft -Dominion Road Machinery Co's, New Building Started
,..,._ ._...._......
__,.. ot.••="'*.rt mv,-••4 r ,...::::;".....+,--.'''' -'-' '../..4.•,'"..".7."""*".••* • ii4I--,;0^:10;••“*IM T,...-, ..•*£4,---Z—} ....14.-.1.*,.......0,-
‘,,,UCI`nnW iMnswile "age 11°8111 i PEOPLE WE KNOW 'Ail' 0-N-Giiii. il'il'' tit'''"i'''',11'721-4S'
Sun , Lite Assurance Company ot Canada
, , . : TOWN TOPICS ea
Maier liuckland Will Address
Children'e Aid
.... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,---,,,,A.P.N.^,-,,,,,,...,,AR, i
' '
, sisters= correation i tfiCti were in attendance at tee neat- t' wa_e_nnenea no (Alla - - o„ 1 rineitsnliarnheevieuncritnttrkgoi;stiren:lotcuiritteieueuftiesuiktr4oWutegial.0,i-
e,onao to iki0 the
it: , :., i,igat i.odge. I,uekuow, last Friday: ' to Oshawa the past week.
i "e4,10,41e:tzilleinnwtug annoann from oette,„ , Mg. Ikoward. yourg spent the past I) ,. Baptist, (hurt+, Nov. 25th: . nttoer: .___.
talon est tne new tease reetn et old t Mr. Robert Johnston made a trtp
a lieereut it ce,'N; Doles. and the attendance of Ma3or Bueldand 44
Arrangements -are being made foe
- g e_ . , . •
. '' 'W nt Dal het It• J. Megaw, Pt Clare, a Misn Maenta, ime lett to spetel the celItug.ehutatittniliu:ta fetal up tu yew
WILL Toluca a Part of what life eepresente-life's earning
Life Insurance cannot replace
meeting of the Children's Aid Sado- under auspices of St. Georges
the pravincial offiee at tile annual on TUESDAY' VW" 4th , "'14ta'an15,.4.1'1WitrtkekileSittie'koullY4 34.1 NJ:17. 3"Itulte"v1.71.4lig.iflizrarkt!lus anued,,,,inlut5•..e. Mille neon)* irtieGIZO•ehureh next sumurch the,
1, ene most worshipful Hon. J. S. Mar- • we -0 .' o , te d te i • e la
power. It doee help widows and orploans. In (toes buy food and
teething for our loved ones. It does lift the mortgage from the ty„which will to held in the Court Church Women's Guild. nee ' tin, grand master of the Grand Ledae ;
Howie on Tueeday evening, Dee. 4th. these comedy spinsters trang. of CaPatis, in Ontario . f `lilt and Mrs. nt. If. Moore visited Minister will have donee of the rer
: home and educate our fatherlese children. It does ease the minds
' of busy husbands and fathere, and cam their load of fear mut
' wary. And ilualle--like a benedietion at twilight -it does help
i the old man, when his worklug days PrO over and he sits itt the
' peaceful glow of life's aunset.
Miss Ross Passes at Cornwall geg. - . • f°rW-11 ulta beautiful enning - ceremony of dedieetiett Mid et the . Mre.--Moorena parents- at - Thoteende vices; bill') OVeninfilnii: Atelleratid '
, Maidens -this is ttte read trans- -close of this impressive e()Mlnon:‘,^
; VI Sunday. • . will tell the Bible etoto of "Ruth, the -
The death took plate in Cornwalt . formation, Don% miss it„ -members and . visitors numbering i Meabiteea"--thot beautiful old T - t
this Thureday morning of Miss Carrie f Vekets 31 • cetits. Mrs. A. G. McDonald lies returneti ..,,,„-.1,.,, 51.h, ,,,,,,.,„,4 ,,,„;:e4,...si,4*
. fibeiUt 200. repairW to the towu hail 2reta a WO areeta' ViSit in TOrOnt0 '47."- '11.17...."''''''''' 4"' ""*.'" ""`'"'''''''
Ross daughter of the late IIon. A. ' • Ruth, by Oat% Will tilell be render-
U. ioss. The funeral serviee vtill be -,-
. -. served. During the banquet exeeeq . Arr. Roy Linington, Qt th''anti°14' 'ed jrtY st1'11:esedlalYit'afternoott tho W. A.
rind Guelph.
, Where fl eumptuous banquet wus
, Can you afford to be withoul it ? CONSULT US TODAY
held -ed. -St. Georgen eburch Friday n-nennee. • -----
Huron Old uoye .4,sonoatinn ot SI. Georges elturch peeked altale
, Phone 115 11. R. LONG, Disftict Agent ; afternon at 2 o'clocle interMent in
Maitland toMetery. . • lea temsie was supplied by an orebe it sPemnvt: afeotiv:ally,,teenaot:riti.,A.EJl.giLninii.illvee-
"estea composed of members .of the.: tetes, Victoria St.. • ..
Luelnow lodge. A toast to the hang 1 of clothing to be seat to one of the ..
- a - . • 4 ,
-senane. /- Canoe Club At Home • The annual meeting -of the Huron was proposed by A. W. Beacon, D. ig; ted her 'daughter b en d at the same time also they peeked a
1 mtan twat Indian. reserves in the diocese. and
The November at. borne of teo. Old Boys. Assoeiation of Toronto, G. M. of Blytte The toaet to "Our iugm..lii.tatknegii4vairoe :7..etilt, ;. ee., ...
" ta- Canna CIO WAS held successfully on will be hole in the auditotium, T. M. -Guests," was proposed by T. S. Reid •
... . Y r ;Meek, ettenuel . they support in St. Paul'a ochool,
I e, Huron -Investments- Lit ' 1.25". --
teen •onil 'Kincardine. a enn. spare tat the ladiee a elite Hundred and agfr, -for the election of °llama and tan- . Opal speakerof the evening WAS Mr. I et
• Water Highway . between. man. WAS the evinnerof high: score anion/ dal! evening,. 30th inst., .14 il o'elock, ..:11. I.inklater, .Teeswater.. Tito
an oteaean Nov, eine. on mue :Wednesday night Miss Edna Runt 'C. A. building, 40 College St, on Pei. of Lueknow, und respended to hiving. I. :axe: Dulitleo, hist:week.
„ 'P0 1111 evangelistie service in Vile;
-' ; the funeral of far tun*, Mrs. Serene
. e Blood reserve, Alberta.
Christmas box for the Indian girl .
. .. .. • ,and tiro cover. Reward. ninder nal. Chas. Black of the -gentlemen's prize. action of geberal Intsmess. Mr. John . Martin, evbile other speakers ere 11
ty STAR orrice, . .. totTlies8. sloQtelrte Tit! Illti•Hesekl-leieriltivilft Miss Bonino will preach in the morn-
toria st United cluirch next Sunday.
.. - . _r„ Stack Br#koki' ,...,.. — After lunch dancing was the order. • S. 1Viciainnon, Isi Blyth old bey, and -W. M, Logan, grand secretary, II
Wends. ln London arid Thorndale. ing a ii 0.111. rind Miss Riggs will
...e.......o.......-e. - • . . -„,...... a Moth, orchestra supplying good recently Canaffitaa trade conumssioner . liton: G. VV. Spotton, M. Po Wing -
music. .: • to tho World'a•Great Pair, at London, -hang D. Coleman, Paimerstout Mr. i Miss noon MeDelmid is keying Preach in the evening. Song service
' '''. Pdaile TIOTICE '•• •
. , Bond Dealer*. • ."
" . Insaranca -....----,-.-„, . • Eng., will deliver, an address 41U1 ng Mooney,. .Xineardine; -.John Wittene+Ileat Week fee Toronto tit eoter on. a lit thwevening will bogin a q,stu
WESLEY W. FIzellealt Aleel'IONNEIN,
...., AUCTION` SALES the evening on a po War topic, and Auburia, Mid Dr. Patterson, •Lock- cones° et training ire Toronto Genertil 'aTehheeeeivuatriguell)isults,. ArVialiliobwOointit tipluel.nkkr. •
s. alospitaL • •
. .1..,...1.,
'Will corideet nelee ',lumber ore e .
iT4M1(17e Qi.k i r ov. .to, ti0000 everY Hurorute annul hear him. Re- now. Excellent vocal • selection
: , .110yAl, BANK BUILDING . term, are reanoogoe and / win Lae alio ------ - -,- e . , .. • ," .„4 fresbments will to served, aril a • were contributed. by Ora aCrawford, Mr. ROSS Allison, a former bue North St. United church: In nen,, •
. . . . Gatwick. aotaaelo. • . , ' ;give eatistae note . • - - " . 1111 -Nn leX14-11.\101" an4 :SIAIll'"• hearty invitation le extended to deem of Ripley, with Dr. Coned, Luck- driver of Kitcbener, tind his friend, 'Melas Siandey Club, topic, "Blessinga
. •
_ ' - . - Phone Carlow 1311, .or addeeese R. IL _ • -we ace tontinen7.t-t-na...; Huvanite in the city and suharbs to now, at the piano. Guests *were Mr. .Noble, visited tluring the wept; -'in Disguise," intvodueed by Mr. P. .1.
, - • - • Phones 430 entt 445: . • i 4, Godeetele. .
, . .. 1.:, 1 . be present and take part in the pro- preeent . from - Toronto, Hamilton, a the home of Mva. A, Brinkley. • Caate)en• htiSSI011 Band. Christian
• Branch Office itt-Winelueen Dea. e REWAI1D. . -.. ,. ....- '
- ----- • • - • Edward +Rotel. Stables, Kingston street. The Latest at the Model
to Sell 1.1.4.p9=Naul‘-eiti"1:1:11:;\it gthe King ceedings• rich, Wingham, Lietowel, Kincardine. • onto. My. and Mrs. Praser dem her gee"°°" ' 44 a'"'I' um" ' Pad.' '''''"'le
LOA(101)a Kitebenera Walkerton, Geode-
. o ----ogg oe..agg, • . *The Munielpal Council of the Town. tioilegele. on . ''- Blyth. TeeswAter, Auburn, Riplee km fac..a, giteb
. Mrs. Abrams has returned to Tote treeeellewiship, Class.....1 ,p.m.,., So..tinhaialy
-Ilaorshi 1 0 ducted kr the Feeder.
. • FOR ,ALE Olt ....t0 nr.zrx . . glip. ot tioaerioll offer It 1.1*.i.‘"alli ..of engaDeee: Nog, too., . . . I met by -Min eantfnae, •Where .h '.1 w" -.Note'„ealliturieiann school anniversary
e . • Petrone OA° Model 'Theatre oire
• • In' ' neee-en-enenegee ttinnel Per deft to • arty. oite • retching. . • commenting enl°31" "Ileti ImPtaved servie 1/1° aAncatioettaX'oinDUP%romissory Note naval% • I Mk'S. 'Grenville Cletie and t.tti., Dee, lind. SpeciaL preachor, Rev. A.
:plow To . RENT • Plitinio-Execilent ,suelt dog• deader -alive. while *worrying . , I dun, ire ale a ekia
et 1 onlock tamp : Mt Maxwell inetalled his now pro- I n hturray Stuatt, of Mitcholt
-41- • Mason ,and Instill Plane to. rent eneep in eel(' lowaship..----:----- -- , 16 textre i,,pee „, t TS '14500 Ihs."0.Att jecting• Loupe. They are known as' for Clover Seed . . .6, !daughter, Gwendolyn, ' of Mitchell.. The annual meeting of the ehoir of
tree for the --winter tetontleenY peeing ny tirder •of the Connell. .. Ing'4'1114u iv"Illi Wit e • the "Morlight" Reilector Are- Lamp, On ,Saturday the case of Me ee vs. '.were eveek-end visitora • at the hem
• • oFFIOE, . • . • ' . ' • • • H, C. MX, Detain. - e e. -
IL na '111°'•UPSC)Ne Clerk-. • g•43.4.4'neacil.g.,411-Nitlxit nlonrehie. c-rrelfietuo• n fare-. and by -the 'use of refiectore it is
last Thursdon evening in the form of
• • :the eartage •expenocti. Enrollee, at STAlt Sangster came up in the county court of Mra. N. R. McLeod. • North •streot United rhumb was held
Dishing apgroved Joint notes heaving tiainted Viet they give 40 per cent. before lias Honor Judge Lewis. This .
li ht The new lumps- are tho was an. actiou by. Beg, McGee to no. And Mrs.. IL on, •Spicere of Brantford, nt tho home of Mr.
iltr. and Mrs, A, MaNallyn and 'ilfir. a social oohing
'RIVE IITINDIanla -50OLLARSe-Rfa...YOU- Diallailei.VIION ergartiles tee 'where. Int!'resi 'a t l'er 'geni Per J.• R.• Wheelen, president of the choir, ,
• .e. wANT -. iT T a>: 4141tItt, tillS •L . nboute of \\1111 un MeLeatt, or lee ' come Anti look at the, borate: n .a .
„annum, eie . more § ,
letest•t ing out and 'are 01 41 1,
...e -es, .11. , „ „ _ , . „ , , . elSliee,A 041 .....43 aa011102 0.. val. ano. -meg and eirg wheeler. egg eto go pride
; cure team. John W. Sangster teroin o o A 4. on h . et- . , at
- °fealty taineisnoor gee and. eroduelive itiotbera Catherine, 'or -Weir netts, if •
• • • owni. he *t the stable(' from leuv. ilest.
A. L -Cole over theaweeloend. hem was .appointed pvesident .of the.
lain with good natural. and artificial eommudicated. to 'Dept, Mat. End., .-IIAN111,TON MbetANUS, ProPrietOr- • new equipment cost about $1500. - 'Pro= , Y , .
stellation of the kind in Canada. The Ammer • oe. Ltstowee payment of a •
'star note With mterest, the ete ena me,. Age..., otele....„ eea
- drainage,. ale° pleturtiteme location- mote Life los. (10,, Hartford,: Coen., villi • T. GI3NDRY te SON, .Auctioneers, note bentg given tor- a 'quantity • of ttain"anannannaelninnaannyne‘naeranninaa'ii`a`in aehnTrniir". 4reeeelae6riDevnast°mAte. Igriclettitr:
one •or tbe bestalq. tee yiel»ity-oou ee to miens a/vantage,. „ ., , ... , a W rk Started 011.1161010ton. Read. .
, - e tweet elovee .' eeed. The note , was sitent - the Thanksgivine holiday at Mr, A. M. linbertson Wan VO•appoint.
. ' faera -Is ,ab011t tWO InaleS. trOnt, Mantel) . -, ' .
evill be profiting tills- amount., ' ,teeld.•
WANT -ED - • ; •
.. , . „, , WorIc commeneed 'on. Tuesday on $536.26. The defenee• was that the
Co°.'s New Building '' ' , s''''' . dated Jul'. ntd last and Was . fot Brantford, Hamilton and Toronto. a ed art oetretary-treasuree and var-
.. . .
.on Base Line, insiblings . consist of .- . ... •. • Cabin' MAIO; 0°at l's3P .8ale.nnn°(.111* th • vet' -of the ground nor the. • t 1 • d f h' 1
..,e, . , virtue of a. eertain swee c over see or w ic ' e no e
th t • . Mrs...Joseph Martin, who hits been 101n Con -mitten. were named. •
egood bouse, large barfl,,tirtvIno 4'41.'4, ViTANTED.-Mahl far -light hoeseWorke uutt. LW
. ellettle e PIePtI - IIM
t.) . USW factory building the Deminion was given was not according to sam. in very delicate health etince her last The weekly meeting of the N.orth
. else !windmill anti reserve -he COW- vy No nvaehing .Eimulre - at STAIN 'mortgage, elated Marcel -the letti, 19-8. I
Road Machinery CO ' IS PUtt111.0 UP Ark& i, ' 4 that th I i tiff had . • t serious. illitess,• eve are. sorry to eay, atreet. la P. S. was withdrawa • Just
. • ' mega both.. Residerge in stotes gen, ,,„ .. o . . ... . . . .
' . • mole • 'far 'sacrifice. k`or -terms; •Nte, "V".3.4.' • ' 1 fish ig lro 'tootle forty in digging out foe- the foundation with the defendant that in case the
have •seizeti end itave la my poeseselon . . . , ,, pp, .tene p a naglow.
has again been very sick, but at tho week and the members went over' to
BRITON& Clintote. owner 32e ,Sputit A 6/ -75 -Cris ,Nt..ANIfilD to. ion beeenee feet, six lobes. This lteat.lisla good walla. The new +building is to be of
. one cab it It at. . .
eeed shottld not be according -to sant- . - . .
along nicely.
• thne of going to prece ia getting the evargelistie science in Victoria • •
- -•oefatn Street, Borneo, hilehigan. . . • ,41., dIrsee to :Wearer. Send for Rig condition end may be vieWett at the reinforced conerete, 110x68, walls 10' Die, -any loss. or damege incurred by St United church. .The proararn that, -
. at'OtilleHi POR SALE; --94 merge:Lot. 6, Vino 'Selling . _outfit tode),., . lope lea, !MilnOl! It elle Village of IPTOOKI, where • inches thick with vinare . at each 12 defendant .Would 'be, made good. The 4 Mt era •PlfrS. T. IL Mitchellleave was. planned for teat Week is be •
•Cen. nt Salatern Dive Colboene'elflild eEl VI •IIL Bros
,..,. , ,1,2
, 4.1 4; t Cel A LS OF CANADN lx loam nos- . e., • e• feet, walls to be es fo. nigh, mesas, defendaet alleged that the eaniple i today ley motor en, route to Merida,- given 'this week,- A debate, °Resole-. .
t TOD London Ontario . • • " .. This boat.will be. ut un ''' nit 13011 ., who . have had tlie eontract , Submitted Was of such quality athat Where they will . spend the wiotered•
. that Aplatie bex
e cluded fro
-nt Cin-
in1'WP". 1 4-4 Inikli rIvAn 'stati°14 'selm°1 ' ' IMI • ' - ' ' • *- . . DeWitt *action et lthe ot eftiArf e!
- good -.repair,. Barn 40x0ftelt., and ' - ,-- • . . . • .
oneorner.ot loe Well water &Ogees T
ENDERS W eNTEle. .. ' • • .• . • • SaturdaygDerembee Me .ist, 1928, at . the for the eement sidewalk in town, have it• legato easily elate into, a No,,. 1 Their address wilt be Sareeota. -We oda. as the feature. : Miss' Thelma -
heat 1 ouse on The not
th ,f,thie .01. the taken the contract 'for the -cement grade with very little shrinkage. `wish thom Inpleaaant el* end a safe Cheer and' Miss Edith Priddlo will .
fouterooinedettouse. • Price: ettt.000: 'easy . — • . 1 1.1. • •
1 °ems amonadiete possesaien„ eer,g, eleniticre 'for suipplolun and Installing hatter et •the Village of13(tyileld, . work and the contract tells for this After the seed !sae delivered the de- return to (Ioderielt after the rigors uphold the affirmative, while Mr.
, . .. SelliAenninee BeO}adller (a. R. 4; '. . newitot eh farattee,in-rioderich PubIle. Dated. a ooderien, this ieth.
Dodo" . day of. work eto be. -completed by beg U.Oth. fendant. cleaned it ail and submi,tted- of the wintee will be over.• • . Dettglas .Campbeil and Mr. „Jantea .
. . •
rich) . . . . • , . le'brary • wilt be reeell.etl..,up. to 6 pm.' Novelle. ter, A. E.. 1928. • - 'weather permittine. Steel. emelt will
. • --......---...e.,-..,...., . • - • --- lWennestalY. Note With. 'Plane and spe- onoitoE tienilloN, Mortgagee. • • , be toted.- It is likely the eomparty a fair . sample to -the' Government •, -Mr. J. Pertnebaker, of Osborn, Ida... Sutnerland Will -union& the negative. . • ,
' : • """--"..:'-""--."' "STRATED-'- - ' - Seed Inspector and received. a certe ' ho is in tioderich and goleorne town- Thegie meetings are for . the young •
77- eilleationseireY be teem at Pollee. magi. - . eleaggie..ellennenln Atielleneer- will mo its. own loth. inaputtieg on ' I C 4 t I ' .
-neat° 'that the seed geaded aa No, 2. ship visiting old friends. Mr. -Penne- neon e. *moo an ere your s lam •
. • ............,..... • . • „,..,...n,-...n.....a. -str,ate Ilted's officeeNortit „St. • Toroler6'.1
imTurii' .Eizt : or ,
sTrayra,-,-rwon. int ennefalleandeenagte neetetwerited .to elit tE..,A. REIlk. ne - ,.,,,,,,,e „,,,, ..,..-t,mr.1.1yek.4„.. ..en'i.kcj: Ihneelot,beettleeidea 0 vi...vet. .... '
TinSIOnNelti, the i'eel though thin -ewe undatatand, Subsequeotlyntheolefendent veelgoin inuor was born in. Coseeene end ite ' Ort gridaY, Nov, .2314. at the eal-,- .
'._ ..:keWiani-^‘-taMporniy.z: -twee-. er red :4t,ele -e;e• '44 to '-' ''''' cn.- a :----. ' n...aa . ' n: - . '0e:,-7•14-1‘).$''" . ' annr. ''' -as --..-1. "-- ' q - et -` ' • for it -' - -0: -.. " ' d ' ii. .-- t'ti d b th 0 I I i t
ea the whole of._theoseed AS.eNag_2-evasoeeschoolentete-oflgo.„-BeCeeferae-vatiose-Araty•-•liarrackee-lirigadieteencte-- ------
borer. •1;year old last •-entirtg.. llos aj .,;',,,...... ' '. •••• '''' .4.,•-•••,..... Lit..' • • . au . rummer o . .• AA • R. and gra el rin evoit no 1 e y e ot,- I% rigs. n rem ft sconces ot old (lave film. T. Burton, of Londoe, wilt .tion. .
talt 'in Tort ear. \Vet. SeviiVENS,• R. R. 2, t ' • • COVET' OF azvistos - .. Party visit Goderieh . • • moment- Inspector that a. portion of Me. Pennebakev recalin on incident:duct A opecial meeting. The Bilge-
' laintom Phone -162e Colbetne efunieee, ........,............~..W 4.40.4 0..i. . • . .\c'e ere, instructed be' '. „ • . • Mr. 11, T. Malcoltroson, generid the seed: sole by the defendant had when be, and Mr. Munninge 'let the tiler la in charge of the tendon Diehl- . •
inkt ieeerlaw. tentrann. ,. .. •. --„: tettlifee OnaltelenSION„. . . . ' • •• . - MISS WA-ISHINOVIC ' . . . • =Onager of the "In IL and It Railway, been examthed by himand found -to flip of 110111 decide where taco would lea eaeniilltrhusiteun,i;eurvoLsiolithtif mtweeettlitc. .
, .. , to14011by .publie auotion. af ha? ;rest- end.e, party of -friends from mann. "ba al0a.3 grade. Wad the defendant try their fortunes, They had •been ye
• ' '*. rehlOVING ' N i; e I h 1%. • I,. • 1
,-..:,.., - ' • ' , -. , - • .....,.....,......... Notw (bold, pursuant ts tbi, veterae denee, Ilaet. Street, Oodcrielt, ors • •
. ton, were in town Lest week.end, ar. nrgunder threat of prosecte. in North. Dakota and at Vargo to ed wIll commence at 8 oalock. On Sun-
- ••- . gea. • • .• .-.... . . . • : teen, en Friday, the -7t11 day of Decent- eotarnenang :et 1,30 o'clocke sharp leaving the• following day ,at 3:40, counter -claim the defendartt elamted go to Taeonta,
roltsz 'sftoarnsdoillIng ardd seed. By mrEg a the goirt to deekle whether they...Would daY, the services vain be held tit it
Wesho or bath to Min- .
a.m. and. 7 pan., with Sunday ;school' •• •
'IltlIfILL. '111E 'MOVER. . . -. .• . . Gists ..ecte•at• the Parish- -feel,. Pongeta- SATIIIIRAY, OECaellet,'R ist, 1026 • •riving ote Friday about noon and •
. . • . Pioneer .Dietance Moon -Of Canteen ber,. 1921l, at the is.• me. fee bearing tilt . The very tomfortable frame t• 1-2 The other membere of . the • perty $000 damages for breach of warranty neapolis. Tim avas in 18416 end the at 2 in .the'aft,errioon. The tonic for
-,Logg.est. Speedy,- Padded Yam New complaint- node eigitieet -the fleet end story. dwelling, ronteining- large tieing- evere ,Mr, • Stewart • a, Loos, and contreet Wietten argument to eolo 8314 inineettoolis tend eeinnetwee. the morning service will he, !Vallee -
- •Equipment. Latest methods.. Two ex- ,see.ond rerts- of the ,Nenerte hist •for the roeme, dinlog- room, kit -ellen, pantry. firm of Geo. ft L a d•So manu of the -
Lel- n n, m n . be out in. IL. E..Dancey for plaintiit. is- it was. , .
. - lesuted. - Beeond compare for ekill • . .
. oerienced men every, • trip. MI loade Maniel/Atity of West • WaWanosliefoe• -three igedrootes. with etothes •closets otf tut ri i 0 m E v- II II Mur hy and IL Oellays for dee . • •
ear t, a goo( tel at and a geed laree- u rig ewe era* , r - Illsey • • 111
fend int , „ • • .... LOST FOR TIN 0 TEARS :delevered by Capt. S. Wade. At
int with GOO," and fife IOSS011 Will be .
. or wire and reverse the eharges. Rout gay. of NoVernber, 1e2e. - • with l'I'llik In 41 trees • now bearing. J., A. .1-1.e.ndesson, eveholesale .-(groeer,y germ! Oepter_ Ejects ,Officers and. , - - - .............4
- _ ,
nett eare. BefOrO you mese, Vaklie AS. - Dated at \Veit Waivanosh this 19th garden •lot .
, • ,
part of whit], is set aid .rnanager of the Standard Rank; Mr, . . . night Lieut. a Eim will deliver the .
Meterograpla'Sent • Up f roan Goderich a ove of bloney." 'All Are a erdiolleo
' ttiessageranr1 hie' aublect will be ."The
• Office. llanditoneoeterio. alriada e . . • • Dietteee puiLtips, aerie Talf, :property is eontennently situnted; bielters. me, rereY Ward, of the Vole Beeches Orend Superintendent
.ept. I4, 1026, Pound Th.tnksgive • invited to theee services. -
HILL tillE MOe'Elt, ••• I ' • • ' • ' • .. • about twi) enlauttes walk frpol C. Kite don MacKay CoCoe; Mr. W.. .1". \Vesta-. The annual election of officers of
• . a -,............,....-Ne. ' WIND OP elENISION Ole voTE1W Depot, and belittle iror two. blooks from way,' president -of titee•W, .T..• Weetae . . • • ing Day In spite of inclement weather. la t
Intiliten. 'TO:CREDITORS .: • . ' C LIST,' , . . • , • . the .Square. way • Co., and Mr, r. rit. Mortsin. The Ma -on ; w e- held T d . ,Thoati who. Moe .- witnessed the meeting.
Huron C.haptet No, 80, Royal Arch
... a 140TICE. TO CREDITORS. - a . ' - . niteniCE Is Ingeby given titer a Court, etece at time of ealeethainate-onetanitare
' ........... AI: • ' emus on ProPetle.-10,0 of purchase party travelled in Mt Malcolnison's ieg, . with the !oltritwi.00nnTanr;csur,.: _Z,.. [new
1)1 IV e TA WA Odell -a d the 'vt le ke, Como, ,a eee * • Friday the W. M. Se thanitoffering
in North street United .
NOTICE is hereby given to All -per-
*a.- ee- - - ' - • Will "be tette perstrant •to the Ontario 2nd, 1929. Or arrangements' tan be was vately a nieesere jaunt.,
. soft ra7 Ill'g:eftiji'lla liggelt)hli4IS:asot -rlift0250131., 4. -gar:. ;7ntil.L .11.tter nitileretts't,, Tolguiri '' •
"akee.• l'ate er the TinvirnIna. WO linebef artite Wirt House. (lode- mere • U V. Dunlop; Scribe N., Rt. Re. report' of tile finding of one ot tneee ' ca ,: ,...:. .,.....___.
Voters' Lists' get, by i4t4 Hortour the made to eery tee, of puechase.p.rice oil go . „ On Comp. Gordon MacDonald; J., temp, i
ttOritt having eleIMS enainst -the .Estate emote /icor Jemmy cotteleore_geneeowee_mortgage with enterese at 6% per an- eireeif a the Blue water Gam and. ___, _ _ ,,
ciae afterdoon the pa.rtv blayed eg. Roope; Scribe E,, Rt. Ex...Comp. tor a school carrying meteorological
instrumenta will be. inteiested in the the • chair, • A solo Wall rendered by
. of West.N\*MVa110511, in (Rre County
Huron. Farmer, who died on op ebout -bet 1028, ate10,130 oNeloel; ht . the fore- be sold, incite-ling...II,
of ride ea Friday, the itit day of Decent- At the •eame. time ail the contents wilt Country. Club. „ , Comp e St B. Croft; treasurer, Eie meterographe in a owamp north of , nno
. . anti. IL Henderson, a specially lir-
. fins -Oth day.e,f Oetober, A. le 198., to *4.-. Williams Vona Piretteinnter Storage Cargo of brain Comte S.. J...MeEwcial P• lie Conn/. Orangevill
tablea; Arrives' - °Iirite-eodrsin,ttaiTi°efa'Ponr
• serid timir 'claims, duly proven. to tile noon, to hear and determine coMplaints and bencheidiftleboard; parlor - NV. Ge elVittentillain auditore, T4
-^K' ThiS partioular instrument '4. 4.1 nent •
•° °n ThankeElainia rkiT• vim offered by the minister, me C.
!undersigned on •or before lite 24th day •.of. errors *nil onilselons in the Voters' ;Mout 5o yards of g
List Act of the Municipality of like 12 rooms): nunqc. ,r!i; .waiaut
stole fires:Able carpet. — . y
weanesaa WAS a very dismal Sort , „„.,
Comp. O.. L Parsons and Comte -T.: •
e UP frost nloderiche Sept. _ _14th, 1920, P.' Clarke. An able address was giv-
f NoVember, as on.enal after -mat (late • . . •
natd t t, t ant -Town -o f -Lot t ch. 0 I hatbok 'With the 47. antenen; eallitane Conlin An le It wa$ found by Mt. Guo. piffling, a Dungannon, late. oe mine,
en by Rev. ,I. -Ae NVallter,:-/I. • A., of
'•• ' . 3.- weeenteixers-•of the - 4 4 e I 'Dated at Oodesecit tIsis 2 st day ofealliurner oll stove and oven; garden strong, wind_ and drifting -Deft. snow,
le e • I r- tne ear epee, -,tair /loth -Sera; Okryele; 1:nowt/ ramos; • of • day around the- ., Matting. Tuesday evening also' wan Provincial Air Pomo pilot. .
enake tolistributioe of tho eald . estate November, A. ix. ion. .
b VI, oe. .
Among the persons entitled- to. mine. • . /4. .000nozoon .
'tools; rubber hose; lawn mower e Wash ..aiid•wriik. on the various Government
- - the h?ecgaaon Ott)!!! tilleial '.0 it of meteoregraphs zent up 3,, . t. T . nen position and opportunities hi the
• having reentra only- to bee clams .of - : : leg machine: .conotplefe. bedroom suites, cootracts was at .a standatill. oguite • n. • "n
Rt x omp. to ii, nose,. of Wing'. vatione religiouo .systems of the
onto,- office --and many are turned
Clerk Of the Town of notierielL aneittrese and sprines; iton bed .con- a portion of the southa pier contract ' ham, grrind superintendent of Ii 4(113 eleeee *twit year -tonally. have lorger wield. Prom his own observationin
evidehr thee shell tnen have elottee• --- -• • •• - - --- .• - • . --ee--- .oklet 'dressers; %lash stands. pictures: ie emu
Noviember. A. D„ 1028. . • • • ss- . ,
. DA lilt ot Croderksh this 6th dae ..of• "e•--77--
NOTICLOPerolESTING " ... ---loolan dishes, cutlery. large' linoleum: - . fatted but there ie still a sub- District No. 6, and there Was a gl'n'ti ' flights titan tine Goderich one, but 5
China he gave illuetratione of the
Ooderie11, Ontario, • VOTK;li, • . •
• nomerotte other' ttrtieles. • Everything
't t
progress ig being made oh the eon. Chapter Mei a number of visitors '1 '.ti days. vat- nTieeoltragamplfe egira , etiarlient: ctsnhoT41"Inh°,raal pslEsetil'oto;sileallowla
mil wood' mitt stantia portion to be put. in. . 0.00d turn -out of the menthol% of Huron they .very ra dy
. ' • BANS and HAYS.
• , Solicitor% for Executrixes. . ' , — , ' oniust be %dd. There wilt be .au Le
• - struetion of the exibwork at the west from Wingnanh Kincardine and Sea` i rapidly under the lifting' Power oldie nult of Christian education and in -
e -- •••... .1.1.0•=00.1•1............i........ ..,
..1..M.W., The annual meeting of the Colborne .serve„ , .
. .. side of the harbor. 'The first of the forth, The „RoyalArch. deg1e4 was ever-expanding balloon to with+ itA
neiManna to
fitly taktillOOki. Nov. 29th, at 2 pan. for et, =Gunny 4 estN, Auctioneers. • 'teat 4. 04.1' when the barge, Alex. Hal- ' epolte in. high' terms. of praipp of the the bursting of the gas bar; at a cer- anealter ViCia' proPosed by ldre..Itant. •
fluence. . vote of ' the n' (Hub teel ete eteld. on Times- M.I.Sq WASIIINOTf'N. Deoprletress, winter fieet of grain .boato arrived put on rind -the grand ouperintentient attached, and tvhen it fang -nue to
-.a. neettenteee. ReogNey. . ' , that of 'the .audifors' report und oilier ,A TRITION SALE or Mini niT0611. and
Andre election or (sincere mid conseleea- , .. ley., wabrought iiby theSJobn eficiencY °- the aicrs of 1111011tain tempratur-t daudience. Tee offering
ilton, and heartily endoreoll by the
oda, The Holley has a cargo -of 202.! room a banquet was terved iti the six little red fl0q13 tacked on tn ineure nmoullied to $200, wMch has einee
. . , ..
' • buelnese. • Ericeaon, which proceeded on to Tol- chapter, After the wort: in tee lodge , in a light wooden frannework with
Life Br -serene° (Sun Life), Aceisibnt, (le '9e)1,1ritleet, .. et 6.*:K"RXr(71"*IN. --
• SecrelarY. -#11tere will be sold by .ptibile auction' 000 bushels of -wheat ox Bulutb. banquet hall and for. the 10 44111 of
• an .upright landing and to attend al.
e been inereoeed, by additionol ('144. 41
. linto, etr„ In 1)4' . „
*di Wedneeday of last week the Homo toasts which followed the lint pinto I tention from passers-by, A note at- butione to S300.
• Many vere reheats Properties. for gale. INT-
EnT/NO OF HAWN 'MONTY COCele "- eloNOXY. DEC. Oril • Smith tudoaded 89,000 bushela of eiroal. Ex. Comp. A. J. MacKay, pet- 1.....b........ 1.1b............;*
, torwerting oats into l'En'TMPAk2 no
Eana' termae-dne °trance for •rentecs nth ene Counell of the Corpora- . ieennenrgne. at 1 en,, sharp; . elate tind 144,000 *bushels of wheat at toe& TED. troaa to the Table woe the meteorolegieal office, • . The Rubber Footwear we are anti:.
tutted requests its prompt return to LET rs ALSO SE1tVE YOU '
••------ --- 'Non petite County of Revolt will meet •
. •hornce. • ' in the, Council Cleterliee, tioderleit, at 2 At Lot 3, let Con.. W. I). of ColbOrne. .,.•
P the elevator. On the leth the atle. duly honored, with Per, Comp. Berlor Mr. Phillipni find bad Plopped •cloWn I inn. 0
lustet few Of the many listiel:
Neat college. II tstam. Okgovit lathe afternoon at Tueedas, the .1.1nlie east of Ooderich the 'folloeving u
„. oc di (1,4i1 /0,000 Imelda of bat- at 'tile piano. The tonst to Grand throUgh a tree. T ) i . y • ed Pnat7onhscl,..3:tinallt uiss trrre.eatll c'pflePaleetztlr144; .
quiliped.. - sew. eel (ley 4gmeeeroect.„ Am Au account, &Oa and Impleinente: . C.1 eater WAS proposed by Ex. Cernp. • ' es iiin e wooden
. ley. 36.000 buthele of screenings. and 1 . , .. .. , , frontetverk wee gone. 14o wore three-' t„ ue to le, eiee..to.olve.sueb, cortnee,
. • ' ' - $100 cash. . • .
Nue ite astery home; 'full Modern
' alleeenst the Comer mud be in the heath ' -2-Pereherimegelditinsi SO female- Ayie 04,000 bushels of Wheat tit the eleve. 11'• nine *r. cobornd, anti- leal'onded of the ilogo. But the• 'foie:4feet 're- .
. 0 et et toped; lernate heated. ehtrage.:" lItergt64,•'- clia!,1- 400:41ag . ,_ . • ..
' $1600 on eaev tome. •
pine eigitegoom bungalow, *dish- f tl ill ri *Of. 1"ter • than M it 'a) Shires', S•to freshen In January. 3 about tor and on the 11411 the W. C. 'Franz ,
. , and 1 2eyear-olit fresesened en unloaded 205,000 bualiels of wheat. toot to the canaidaten WU' l'641).)12E1. reptaele coatalalpg.
at,9ati,titliend 11'11:taro" 011
1' 0181,
• e was intact '• and Ain- ea ' - ,. ne are our beat ode,
the reaording 01-* best at the loweet potisible price. Our
to,..g_ive the,
to by Rt. Ex. Camp, G. II. Riga. A,
ORO, W. I 10LNIAN, - -
or Colifilll.. Merit
September: i yearliter heifer entl one The Ifurgaenot is en route way with e ,:itt? - .. - -1- --* - - I-- 't' -- ever. and apparentlY nem the wenn?, ,. - rn w whine . menet rind ennaere
d by Cot in •Dr Field c : n I hnlf ' .,
ed :hardwood tioots; well slmottate(L 1„,,s, epilog +calf. 3 brood sows* 6 Were pigs;„ Amalie eneeme „e omen and several othett, And
Nearly entire bow bootee bY One
Good lie "(tory 110113e, Wen leakted• - .. .... . . -. - ...,.. .... ,
...... mower, 6 fL; seed drill, 13 -:lie; all „ ..a. , ,......
. - • -.- . -• e od to be Ex. Conme. Ilan mut Moon- •
i ' Officiate of the metoorolottical oillee , eat itreettet and beet rAtint? in tile
-- daily good naceenS. as it JD the tough. '
'lubber 1Poottvear we have isted cope-
oonvouipirces. •olc,a,p,-gsuri ternee. - .110derlell. Nov. Ins, Dee •
e(Puni""'"" ' e e i ' iri • ' fl el e----- 'ee---- -''' when a atost to the vinitore wee seee•oed- revamp.
0 pigs len weelin Olt gra u neet..o. ...: veto?. . t for the etc-. ea for its long- lie in the heart of the '
. etem Priee einene-eaay terms. •VOTERS las .• • . ' '1)"°a4n4 ' twi"r sTrOteti wiNoows •
plow, both of (Massey -Harris wee; 10 ,.......... -.. ..„..,--...,...,,,,............ :of IVineltom, mei Comp. Ilisenstette. •
) ey, of Kineardiner lax, Conte Suet% , were tiekled to hear Tanta night of ito , 're-ele----Nre-e----•-t-re-ne--.,--te-lee
owlets red Wien, Itetts-e eaot al). .--f-rrEns. LIST NOTICE. •
'''''''''''''''k''' -------k":'"`-•".=•-"'"'"' t hav mice. (4 ring tooth raltivator . •I• • • • . •'.;• • ,, ( • •
le. t ' ' " P 11 f l' • ' 'w . i . 4,)•10115t NS INN ete . ro I) glared 412 of Seeferth After the elneine ef , . •,
recovery. They eeplained that thee • ...
, t, I ,
' MI Thitcat,rn, Priest Pelee°, and dive barrow, a o .reits.N. oni .#I...w 0,3 Af,:in. 14Pnii fer height • Auld Lang Syne elle firiotilifIV for the weeole fatally; aleo
nue betel; hottee. Ail modem. ., Ihst vereeetee iesT teett, ItItl•:ett ba'7gie,nri.TtLi'atpintli,tvoti' t'yzp'ov'ir,14
tette ioratlen. leave groo, tannin 8-1tortir.‘ tread pilnAr SIMI tIIIIIIV /..._, ,,,,,...'• -----' ._.;,.......,,,,,...„..........:......,..... . . , .11
- about d e 'for the die:epee, sine thee ',. ienloie .. ls, one .tgilPePlerlet8r,ileti(i
:teeter heated; itardwael now.-- Gar- ,or one -giggle i?tipr').,Ittfili1.111,1ii, Vii,laitg°;:iral"Ililatillii4iihggIn-selt;-:fillifiatnar.,!ectial.AlinfnNI4'11"'"V' '53 11P• oetherine broke. :. ilttiellaiteatre_a"tovoottutleut •
' COUNTY 010 flantOX.
Goad iti elm atieuse. Vaat etreet . . - BRIEF` TOWN TOPICS' the Orereevilto "returen.
- • hos...with :i0 ft, or farriers', Itell male:1 ' DEBENTritEs you SALE
. „ mn° .be „tiad:Boota, Overalinere elobenne and Itub.-
Many fine welt futoroved earns for met !ten and that / term page/ up at crate; 210 Ihs.• farm wagon, hay rate..." 41Ia
PAINNItl ' NOtiee ie hereby (elven met / have gentpute. fanning mill; (Mogilev coatio. ,
eon -toned .tvier Seetton 7 of ibe Netter:4! UM nose email tplatform and settee) yet lwet" oP otitililliteii IslillExyultEz4 v
•.•,,.....,... ,
, . ..... .. ._ .,....._. . ..a.,
' ' 0.141.:S;r!:.*: Calai ItiiVt 11(:tt:f...ParnetZli Vitt. 1.f. itAr titt,eLturApeittlitoltatq ,4y)11003.1,111Gatirtteillrtily'tti il rrh '.; fht•clta if' 32 -4-0--t&- irlietici:.0-c-ttv- -0-a; a-ra-d-- iri-c:
Big beegain for tratek oale. . laet of the .old typo that they _I e„re / , t ne Lev env treen rale o
eiele very gime% may Reale. .Asit oily „once at the teem item e;oderiee, eind combined 'gravel bole und stoelet seneeeriptien, .1.„1. fiv. . impeit,o,,. bpi • • - .
• a' Chapeau vice prolidenle Mt R. D. hidden on es MounLein pea!: 1st Pentias•-• . oak moo,
tabelli, VIM'. h,i' p gpi', -on the thirtieth slay et I Plotter, leee, pelt; Olen ele4gile and long oleigii: Porieleig,600.00 ef Town of theleriels isundsti walla elnee 1910. it io nn imeomaoon
, .. , „ ,, nteel-aneel litingY alnillesued under Bylaw Ne. 31 of Mi. Will i Goderieh, wits not eepreeented at th
Carey. dirertor.
ince-an stated provioesivoefor •
, Vint AHL, Pronriotoro
Inest ntreet. Goderiele
1 141P Gil Pi.ritienillieent/i;eenn' . 'the lint ef dll 'Perilous entitled to vote Mil cutter: top
olit the (laid muffle -pante tit numicipal demsterat wt._ . 1 ' be reveitt-d by the 3 own 1 rseeturer. the enneal meeting of the Great theact inatiumente to bo missing very ph„ 4r1 j
There are twenty betide of IiiltionS , Opp. Knox eleitele
nao so. - tenoerion tam eleetione unit that sigh het romaino er; tilting Pole, hues AM. brPe AMU.
* ' 142/0.,k Hatboro Arroesation et Toledo lolog• sne• ,s '•
there for inepeetion. lateee 'time 0 eledgee; foreing chain, 14 ant oto e. e. r ego:lobo to., klifinnit a
(4re'r*.4r--41"*"14`41.111"" - And I &volt-
. .it non all votere to it.; pact hoi"e iiiggiv:•ntaiiie harrow and 8)"r4 ' --- cill'' laagt ThurtitIF• „ „ _ SPECIAL OPTICAL OPPER ;
; at wet* m er Ok PAU kant1011(1 rIkklet,- • ..
iii IWO' slot tear. Pimorat ea.tono •
.41114$ in frann OUP tor twillItY loras.
, fake, innnetila 0 prereedingn to itave barn harrow; it long velar lasblereq frees,. eon& clear intereet et e Pone WOCUs fri»jt mesday vent in
per _ MILL IR. nil Nev. -lath. tele. at hoe
j. W. CRAIGIE . 4,„rn,g to Yew. the teat kZ2*, fOr aP- .smot14144nd hernia& !umber. elteethrequell are ogered til ble.01 Nit.%1PililliTZ .
en MINIM or emessietee voreeeteol oe. rind etott • li • entre' ho t 'tom I
Y g e. 0 - !. a- 11- • - .tejecat oath •intereet couple; attached uhriebnas MY. Steve You Plneeu -
,d i , 1 , . epeetaelen with beat fiat epherical 'Malin
Ai , Hiatt grade, heavy weight mitt -filled leile roe -dente. !Littleton'. nee. John
., . pealing nteing (he li.o.at of Novo:law, fond 3s4 raftere: a qtrantlty of eerelee Dee, — leneea for only $4.00. All eater atyle Ain. 7atn.. idle at 'n it- to. to linleenint
„ , a ilia:rage Gr white mu, mapip. ete.; 3 The fed is; stew open 1ss Inepoellett ntipleetat !Tee Star.' .
ing Conte yet? Be pure to ace vent- .1 of frantea end Imam at loweet pyieetinill'ahnntee:`•;,
lee& witteletrees; f eel Relit sissele ;ZatILPS14; tifPrrkitinT itti 1112 dantkitt kl 1.141.211I at tAP1 t . id f i i
' Ultra 'Ilt finderieb *hie firete deT or 'wagon ton:queer miles; hustles. ovettere, tee '4 '.a Tooeurere Hill,P., end elee e! . Annanctnionnta aton,o, boina made or „ araItySameirtlfaciPLVI„'boSio„9,1T„tv.e°111,, nirl,t'en no,-•ainelee, 'Nev. Noe Zee*, 744' 44 . e, gee% a I, b. 11111111401 .T.A.";10•141,2,,
A le. b. imox. i go light 'clout& haraess; i eet heeve bonen!. tie eo ina o t le annual ineption of . eon, with 28 nilonnann:nnnti'n,naninancnia; Allievaiif, the ide Joon& innate! in tiee
. ogno=opeet„, -ie._ ...:, en-aagegereaoeee all It nowt 4 fn. rieffice belling.; ervoravyg,
iorat Of the: Towil or inederielt.tiletilele Iteieueer; potash kettie. SOO FAS.: ' NA kiAlgeltiPtia212 l'IMPasatilY wept- nha Hine Water lUnallndin,,Anneelatien t yeara coven* to seledestieh. .Ited are .‘`• volt .11 . ot ugo.neti • „n eeeeneeeaee
• , .. • --, Wee.,,MW,1*,,,i*INION*01- - • - , • • ' emelt tette; i'.41 et, welioeetbed illrli Pail
- .4 In Cadarich on Priem' 0' ting v‘10074 .aaeorod of tito beat poeeible optical e,e,. aten eel tame: ved.e eaunetae
4, 1, teettiO. Town Ttee..--enee. with dience at MacKay halt at I (wog: to Lo obtained and at meliorate ;11 th..;61ti°,,, sc's-4,,,,i vii141.
, .. ., ... -, , .
itifPotlly. ilet iiiliVli: 0,14001l:ll:10 bo4i,olf.kil
„silo; Motet ta timr, cis hay reales 'doll; e.ee---_,-•:-ielteeeeeee'••-ee e-----s--e-e-e-•--,e-e•'ee= 116'dd-self, kat the reeetit4 has eaen..cost...teiturrelay. Riney. Noveatiteel; The flawed wail tete tsetse, folio nee
e I . .. 1.
O. F. CAREY 484.: SOINI Ltd
Logs; 2 esp. et Ineartineel feit tlaing,01 p MR 8A1.43 „Df',,tpoaed indefinitely.
roe Nowt of 1111t030
'- INVESTIME1413 AND INSURANCE il iPeTntiatemleonuanitl, ayft. egmlraaenitn :eefvtcriceeeee,nlrsliattseheene: (itaeaisertil 4. ,1111*a-l-m-..i.,v'2-i2
. rOlten'-(-r,eikn-A'a'Bf 0 el.1 m.ocr.iIaflr
w0 ePeaaueeenietta°ItcdO'dIre 01)Iv4siml4a°n15d".° Ytekll a11;:1 2t4.061, 111
°CrO41. 4°
fa M I TI.3PO AZIT naltilline11 ate1.lt1IehIIaV4tIeI le. UdNReArs.tor.:eII„:INPIstthielo.es4ei1,et*e9e.i6ete,gltionTogSiete(, tgPeerPi.ImPIoi'e'n,rI
L-Nlice" Aid of tlie Dargiet f, male*. (allietrite.„ fee toteringa.
Telepetese 230
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