HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-15, Page 8PAG1L Elkin
Wen eat linked te
eitur in and MA
OVele OW' CAS(113
nue feiture. Iva
know one ealuea
prettioue eame tha
line la batter thee
over thit year.
Select retire while
1 I
Ml; 1 /„'i,.: , ., 01i,., Par khill. , On the taw ei thr LiestrurUen. Mr,.
' Antkeey referred kory *fervid,. lei
-, Tee N ...wale.' 1. L.,:a f :i "I.:.:i.,.16,,,,,„
iSt.', o' I (iF.', ri,r1.1i.•" * [ilia, aloe* ,tiat reePect we :ili.uld PeY t'fr Ili* Now IR she time to iho
_ , ,r,i ,00,..,:. ,,,,...,_,,,:::. .,,, n,,, memory of the pif,firer., uf ths, boa your
1 ittiotte, at OteaAtoi, iierrazgoar , f,,t' the e.*Y tbey 1411401 entitiot, nuw. " .
iaild 1..!iii,i 0.. IC 1 re Fi,:i :iiia -'0 Air, ': i'll'n end erwati 7.1':Artki the ititeiteae;
' !itch ti„at a bol2day and CrWelv he , *to welicit*, % 0,..MeAt .04
i,.LicriToz;;;;.ciii,atigicm.Lerizr,rvi.tr, eg 13. j.ilicr: jun :1(.*t_zilti:teiriatty iirasz.i., , 7%dveLtlie.i.p...5,u1:1,iiirtil.i,ti
- iipikirs-0), iliiike CorY' irelgogitt ti Ike '' " a° adi'i z;11""' l' 11" 4.14- ' I, Parta.011s, Belts, Needlelk etc.
i t ke..1t. %c.o., al'Al of Refit etieell, ohs. [!['iIgi'"''''' 4 nd * att.-ailed boa oa ;
= odlitetcd lieezenonmeztt tied death by AStito LLD ,
uoi:ntiolefic,ottly6.04.,11.1,,,,,n011021:t4 c:uc'tP0[13'egetic)et Bro. Mr. Ptitollevai, 1-•.E _td, ?.at-• i;
,,ivae obterveit, . „world, pirecteed in Awrifieti i-tobye r.,
(1 (lleeeived too late foe lett iesuoi i Tilt t.)thItty *letting of the to. el, ; - lialahllsibliere Mack
i, tteien i heir h on T ii# ilk igit,ing Day. i
Idea. Mica Wilton, of Carboot tatent ; N. has keen pott'peaed tiil next Wed. I ------trroOto.---••-•-..-•—
_ 4,ruenqay the eueet. of Aire. toriletv`ocoday. on iltev;ISIS kite() Pli'Ci3bVtQl7 1-1012 will 4,pli aro delicate the = .
1,arob, of Salt ord. Meeting in 1.4tknot,".
Dire. Alet•Illlert of Goderich twp., The fedowieg event trealoogieitio !aell.zt,rgt%Sel:,41!hir,113',th!no,t,101:i/ihg,111a jnfAt =
crziont tA few daya with her datiglacr. at Mute oespeetive TROSEIC:31° Mr. Dun- i 10th there will be a coneett ;n the
Also. Lill Contwelb • te e mem i• 03 '1' ;church DtIti good talent bar, been pro.
Mitt Lemond and little daughter ea, Bessie and lAgt,_Nsisiten* and ttetod, „far the tocesiero oil ore la,
i -ere. in -Toretao; the rdziette tif Milo Matgar_et Itteeforidap, i-ar. TOtriiiititi t vitt-it-to attendee -At the tiOlTiees Ork
g.iter000do oareeta liiie weeli:" 31r. Duncan Mellae, of Ilillverten; othe following Sabath, the 25th inst.,
Ilira. Elle, a unohoka, in vieiting Xt. Chas. MecGregoo, of Ititchener, the Lev. James IlleIlroy, moderator
A4 Wii0On C314 other relatives „nom], X,lat Charlotte BlaeHerrele, of of the Iluron Pretbytery, will peeaele
-'-'"•-° = at Stiopparilton and Goderich. . , wtrommte. - - • ' and •on the 2nd of December, thete
feed 'so Tho remains if the late Alvin Mae- ',will hetanion ecrvicee of the Baptist
Cows Beek sfArp.- qi7.),'"14:11-11151;37fa,;,Dgt.Pliellie1:476-9-enii;" Donold, eoll of alr. and Mrs. James and Presbyterian coneregatteris in
*VwV ' tiny reeentIO with XL nod him. John IllacDoraid, of Paramount, were laid the Prosheterian church, In churge of
to rest in Locbalsh cemetery on the Lev. It B. Graeete
Air. Aubrey Walters and brother, Irlie5dv' (Front another correspondent) • -
afternoon, followed by a
Sieving Machine
I II 1111.111.1••••LIK
.. TIWASDAY, NOV, sib;
Silk Velvet for 'Dresses at $2.75
VELVET—do* fabric of beauty and fir service. French
Silk Velvet of deepest raven black, of exquisite quelitri
width, 36 inches. Special per yard -. $2.75
These Jayi when cola. plays such au
important part in the .w.lierne boti
ihirnishings. The ilainta shades of
the new Blariket,3 and Quilts are very
pleasing s•liades,of Rose. Blue, Mauve, -
and Qold. Blankets ail whipped- and
finished Awls. pattern •
cheeks and Plaids.. Finest an wool,
unshrinkable. Size 72 o 84. At
each.. • • • • • • • • • • • • ,$5.95
52-Ineli iine all \you/ heavy soft -Coat-
ings. Blues, Brown$„ Reds, "Mauve.
Per yard.. , $2.00
ilotno on Tuscday ITISgO SNIESCO..upse tz,f sorrowing friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. Maiming, of Lon.
• CARTAYW Hriroici, orrived e?ides his paierds, seven aistera doe. called °nide parents on Thenks.
evening. from Um , Wank where they ""
enivive to mourn lue toss, Mrs. Lorne owing. .
. Mr. W. tiewoof Guelpil ,ia on a ePelat a Ztear or $001'0, - MtwLeattan, of Virindsori Mrs. Rob. mo ono
visit to h1s. fatherrldt, blow, of Car- .. Dlr. T'33 (0 Anthony,. of Thomolt ert Balaton of Paramount* Mrs. -"?' -- Mt4* IV* 1464Y14.tv "a silvil' '
lOW. . 14)4(10 VISO ,W4S the onnivereary widi x ' i / . were holiday ViAitOSES Ut XS'S.
4'1' emPt047 0 owner:Annie .leahe•
MSG Advil Rookt of TOr011tOri ViSita preacher, woe the guest while here of Dunlop; Amanda, of Kineardine 1 'T. Strauehan's. •
Itaitliby SS 3. 3(1 ft in
0 with the Roberts= Thanksgiving of Alba and Um. John Young. 1 • Mrs V
lospitab and Phyllis and Rachel, at ' ° - A . ' . '
Dan Mr. erid 'Mee. Amootof near Park. home, much empathy is feit fee an 0ttaek Of (10100Y* ,V0 hone soon
, Mr. and tire. Cbae, 'tempo, of God. hill, who visited with their daughter the family in their emote awl emit to hear of her recovery.
'oriole visited with MI'. and Xrs• Pled and een.belaw, idr. and bite. Thos. den bereavement. • Mit. C. C°111tes, (4 -U°Igra.vet shill.
tbilledel recently. Wilson, returned to their home on NVoid comes to hand of tho cleatioof ped a ear of pressed aria trout 'WO
, Sr. ThoP. Wilson io loadhig biz IllendoF• • mre. Henry phidipt, et pet,tieek, Ai. station hero the liret of tois week.
`fifth Cartoon of buelittheet ot tfcGow llir. and ilini. Lorne MODonithi and aortue M. phinipa before her leer. ,, Illor. andt,Mtrs.0.1,,tos.t. ,Ctarter and Nose
Jitation since i ay.
• Fed Mr. Garfield McDonald, nil of Peter- floe was lYiary ZAUU. bhatklotou. sOr nog, in vox& Argue motored down
•• • •Mr. Ale& Young mut Mrs: }Tendert x.inglor,,, ,oh ,sthway, earring center ago in. Aeldield, a tleughter of the ,Xies Bertha McKenzie, of. Toronto.
boo visited with •Mr. and Mrs. Ere She woe horn aboilt fotty.eight yeare to the Parental home tor 0'0 A0lidais
1°I;r2V1*A,lltgoilbncisit/pkosgolvatPFte.alviiitiNlv.1*' and bottle With the ternaina of their site late 'Mr. d X* JonathanShackl. visited her rather, Mr. Alex. Meleen.
. An IS. kr.
• ter, Aire. Brown hialleugh, who met tett. In eady tladheed she -was Imo, zie, and other relatives here. 4VO1: the
Miss Josephine 1Veir ond ;nett via' with such o tragic ,deeth in Petero eft of her mother and for the years holiday..
°ea' with til'°i(' •e°115111s, Dovothl, (thd boo. Mrs. McDonald to a daughter prior to her marriage she reelded Mr.. and Moe G. Durhalue of St
-euristine I:Aortal/lb oeeentitt. of Mr. ond•bire. Errington. with her grandparents, the rate Alr. Geo" woe holiday IrisiterS At the
Mr. and Ms. Andrew -Currie, Itir. Sunday No 4 the atty. seVapart end Vire. Matthew Shackleton, and 1 home of the lady's parents. AU. and _
„ and Mre, Peter Gowens and Ilirs, oto, special tartest Itsme owl zmuuts. assisted in, the Crewe store and post Imre. Joe, eerguson. ,
'tithe of Whightati, visited with rola. °
After A iier marriage ,, in llOtt Mr. W. Mutate of Clinton, spent
ativesitere on 1J( .13 told in ooderielo dither servece ;in Smith, Rid chueen {date.
proved 4 beautiful day and large alio went to Algoma to new. ego lest week valith. WS aunt, Mrs J. ter-
72-Inelt 'lust quality unbigobed Sheeting -
on Special sale......
Men' $ extra heavy all pita wool,' Red
' Label anskinkable Shirt w and Drawers, ,
size 36to 42. At per garment.$1.95
Finest quality, ' heavy Cframoisette
QloveV 25 dozen pairs Dia sate; all
shades, diarnes and 'pullover. styles;
sizes 6 8. Value 81.001 per pair,
for.. .7.5e
Fine .;aprt. kid, out seam sewn, Width
make, with one handsome dome fasten-
er; shades of Tau and Sand, sizes o
7N. 'Pah.. OI,I4g101.4 •92.23
• „
ull- CV-cy all silk, with
deep garter welt, in ce dozen new shades,
sizes $T.*. to 10. At per par .$I.80
Tweed Coats in neat effects and of
5oftest English materialsi, trimmed with
finest Alaska Sable, or Wolf Furs, an*d
beautifully lined. Paull spacial at
VS.001, $35.00, $40.00 $415.00.
White ett9n filled, sateen cov4hat and
spidnially quilted, various dittirs; in
best colorings, size 72 x Each-
slies1 in the new patterns, -Gold
Seal"' 1 quality. New prierw.now
Xr. ond Um. Geo. Piiterson nd cHEite9. .•&° $ON
Martha ond Fiore watiLtTOgilt10243. AiiSumodItt lbote eeseeect leaves to moat% her lose her too,: andtother relatives ln this.oleine . iriarirararriaiarraro
nee* of 1110' and OVOIling. 1110 ..CIIIIrds had Itueband end three ehildren, the tht. ity"
Tor t est about thirteen years of ale, and
Xri..8tewartellthe E. Cloaken.Mr. Pork, were callers it the• eillage on No mod to suffer with ores, oo to For forty days he drove the Ark
on brother, John Shackleton, of Al. stud ivirs. JAS. MeSSOISOS4 all ot vr moo ditimaity. , • „ run the tisk of paring them. Re. -Before he found a Place to Yoltfk-
gone. Another child mot death by ham, event Ilienkagloing at A, J. edr. flarold King mei 1.1414 4" nd move them eurely and painlesely with'
the effecte of the aback Mrs, Phillips. o Mr Eldon. Steitz of the O. L. O., week.end 'with Mr. and. Noe. Mae,
,were holiday visitors at Mr. R. Tato Ititertener,o*epeut the WAAX-Anfir Wi"44. He had !ix toouldes, sem as you.
atiauel!h, orn,e:for T%hanksgiv.ing, ow:ricer: parents, %1r.
Aviroilaear:4 itenry • Maren_As:.:*.eo,r,
Mr. and Mr. Walker, of Oseavea. Mr. and, Xra. Percy Weston, of Men Noth sailed the waters blue
`giving with Mrs, Wileon's Parente, GOWS Kingdom, trying to keep up g her sorrowing ;fairrilet Mr. mid Xrs. Washington, Mr_ weston, in the outage, • , _
stalldard of righteousnese rate Welt- : Waiter WaOlintett and taro' o. Ofeeers. Robert and Meted Pen- - MALE eta VEIL* WANTED ,
neon newly decoroted and a proxuston
tioliday with. their relatives,-uere inlit of chroaantheiname end other house
'ett "Auburn. plants ;Tiede Inc interior eneery and
Mr. Ileeb Itiorris IS having the co. inviting, Ilov. Jae. Anthony,
7U3flt flooring put in his fine new barn Teames Rood ,Unded enurcti, oecue
men from Goderich. larhen corn- pied the pulpit in a ver eflie ur
letcd it will be one of the anent in manner Atte text, "Let tit oise up never :fully recovered. The funetal
the voentry. , end bui.ki," taken from the'prePecay took place felon the fomilv tesidence
-hod Thoa., Wilson, colt; e*t Nehemiah, was very, ,apprepriate, on October 10th to Portaoto cemetery,
low, spent the week.end aed Illanks. suggesting eaoh ono ea a bulider The syrapettly of her friends here go
11 etroke of ligbtoing which tonanniett tterghtease.. . „ Iwo oarxer, er, .oftenitto s of II ityte Vri: Re •
...their home. soine. years. ago. Front pent tee ,, o o , mover.
- to exalt the Spiritual welfare of AUBUR.IST
'matt motteredato Loudon or. Xoriday lmie left by motor on Tuesday of. lost
• „ to snood ThrinkaVving with relative.% week for Mariitotzlin , island to pur. EA 1! ,$,25 to 111• (11t
li *t a Ch It lus.. or her VetnnttalitY. lila ;speaker 'M., d Mi."ice spent 'Titanic& in. that cit.y.. t• chime a eo.rload of Sheep,. ' ' ! . r4sirt):,1°P;Ile-Toela„,vto. et%
referred to, the finer
* ... n.11 ! . UTC out by such writera aid:1811e j)tIrrIttlelet'' giving with fioende in Iona. __ _
, -,, The congregation of Elmo 'Grate • Mt. and Mrs. bam,t..teaxe and, son. part tient tvlele ..r. ate
I '
Oaten', Aid Scott and Robby Burns, allowing how i t blt. Peclo.i? il' • 'field, was -Ft' vim. ceurch much, appreciated, the solo, "5 •Paul taeove and vote and lexiniy, rantee tcl0ht08 ,ct 10Wing
o fr.,•48 4 figing trilAtt4 On Armistieo ,triends. • "INIV.ifir.ITY. _IildR, d?E ltradlti. ,..
- building. Ile gave many practical ii. omit Tuesday. in the oiling
WIt,t. lir BELO ON Inulintitieus at bow many MA bei Mr; gptiraim. nolo of. Toronto, -- 3) - 't a ev't'n. "ea"' "
ad 0 our A.. special thatiksgiving, eta arta- 1 yzING, 11111411(.,LAYING, PLAST4 "
,,,,,,,,, A A OA HY MaaAMINO VUWAN.,
. t ,
d a k. - .rwrainent , uproot mid destroy. Mr. Last Sabbath tkerning the Washy. Na.. goth, oe etto tem. -Miss Loelia east ite ..i otioce, ....tier toe Bing- i EMpiCiFitrIlt .serrice from coast
o ay -ter repo eamlootie to Mint
oaptiet choral) conean ion , . tit a er n n et- minutes ot silent power, tideowed ot• mioa Tiede heboolo Onrilied. now
AZAAI? oft times * helpful mother toot vitae or_ jrn the vz ageatlia week. . Valiant lioatts," gtven by Mimi 1114ro motored to Bad Axe, Mieb,„ on .kot. tradee . .
peeves it strong, eriarectee nutio . Jae, Themes tt,, • of Goderich, etjaeltuut at, thO morning eetvicee oat, last to open tow days zostong SOVSE WRONG, INOVelitiol.
sat .0 No vs,244,4:28 I lelirdriendir,lagireilrsir ,31 nittlii=itnati! t;iltintiilig. *lend.1. thoiss ideality tre=g,. igramr., "n""G". 4r° :
Side 'Dr 11°Me*Mil e Mg' -1AntbOV Proved in wry. doed,,tt, lotd. too,: -.ens held their. last services in the JohnetoO willegtve 4-.Teport of •the oet er. toe oloamogy came tae too too edits Bee demand, write
Apron,,rtincy WOrk. Candy • - 1
ler or prayeir lout 10416 every one feel- • ; t hold lk to 0
a deo ier tare to live closer to
330 1, 710 -1ChrisL Oho ehoir furnished, speaal Mis$ /1419'.he* been esslett shibibLi 11441.11tt jtaav.12"411.°14X- (4110aLlesPOrSasYee:WhoYSeii titea.ttclio° -r
roe OW opertitlog Hemp.
„meek; and. a (beet ego Rob. ing biz Taylor bt:the %tore, has lett ci!.14•3*g*A1-43
ch Troubles
, „,,, ertsen and Mrs: Wo W. Walters, the sitaati°*, ' ultimo, Ootooteetood, • .ii.f.,;. Lne,entted. rill **teems t'Proure• to SAO i ' 11111E3! r4SIt4,.34111.°)Winft091-311040(1V7Ine.i
uje*us Win Rua th# :Mu& Aviky,,,, 114430S EISie and, Lottii0 LaW141'ir Oi the Thardistri4.hetatarki,grit 41:P4-,:' 'a----ervion." by the pastor, after woicathe B04115RIN Tattle SCHOOL%
folio -Wed by an , impresnve ,, ', merit Chartered' GeTeiraUteg '
was * well chosen number. The aer. London, sPent the week -end with otitot mop, z. itaima.„, .
watle. Miss duite, quartette sang at appropriate , • :." Limited
vice at 1.80 'brought: forth. a hirge their parents her'L' .„.. . ' .. *trilt,Oto Mitisplta to
Ranee, with Miss M. mace; tdatii Sokar."The ' :service •-' nella'°1144.,OlitlotOr
witIO M. We
congregation, the tooting eapitetty ' tittadret Mrs. Goodie:I-Karim. snow. Jackson.' at home .of. bitters brothel., ,efoted, 'with the National Atalleln. , „ • * 10astp1471-i13'a-jlip:ti ,,' ,
heals tuily timed. Three Ministers Thanksgiving with, fried& in the lo- Met .114 1413 laiSS AloutoMuteh • 4 1,1$ '11.d) 4, ta) 14,041,k 'WAWA „ tr via raolidnir tie/grata Itidiluoti
at are D....,..e lent glAtO and oligailty to the woo-, eality Of Toronto.. . „ with. het ,pampast too eoe tees. J. to wee oitee le 0...etiturew.e. united ' OtOrWa. • 't.•-
vennityd* view sion. Rev. Mr, Alp, a former voter... • r.. .'33,,. school. tiacher . Xiss Mutat 'Itir. and Mae G. Thompson, taieree ou eturviao eiteang betweeit :.
<CUT TIM OUT) rd. tito suipturo, Delectittithesstb. w,ash, pent orhatiliagiving thsiting at Mr.- 44:trot Mr. and Ain, 4.4e. yezear peoteee seelecy oe lityte dii"•••"--
.10.. owl titre. Irwin. vilited at the
home et Mr. Witunotte„ttsea the for.
*nor part 'of the.week. • . " •
On the dth sevetal tiut
senie Fraternity attended the lodge
of instruction at..s.t.warys,
Mr. mid 'Arse Alex. Shetmartio of
041414C416, :enjoyed, • t.coo-ne.sgl.vrng
StSiSO) exhorting all to esti. the friends in otetreho • aultin •Xr. and; to. R. Adams and. umted. cuuren mat oaonelo
Lord. Ilia prayer and supplication Oho, thwart,' Attione, at eite home of twee etthed ote twang to tee wool
Some toms of etoinach troublet
nealetted ieften lead to dangeroue
tives• arid iitronger „resolution.- Rev.
11 !lifted one'a thoughta to higher. mo. reiri Adam Mies At Sheppard, atospealios not being ab;o iat oopeer NOTICE
.1191. theretr„ Mot A. Sheppord, 144 siC404/1t of SWAG mishap. op. toe
bt. here. on An. lere ettl t tudts to all ',the
cenditionseankere eancettoothen.• Cuntitigt Welcomed the One:rogue - 'toad witn taelr ear. orie Bayfimu
ettntrgic*I opefstion is ttbout the on. ti . h
attapia • o Vest old e quartette 'mullet,- Ilfise.0117Kilintriek of Sttatford,, 4aa aK'teea leant tnelr ePeee41 .lealre nariv t
Jtobte t
this reason,. even the most. /4.r.13,1(tte% till,' Ent Pe eveeIng °61.1riee' majoham6• . sntiocars. 0001g ren4Y Wer0 C41044 on
seht latinutichl 60)hr,, *IV voice. aden of Galilee atid Ilitien Beryl 'Sanest**. of .Lle,t 'am"' °Ale° It(1111(eo4ePP'41elltitife- toe 040
i41UI4&flL. .4 4.41 Nut horno woe, new heado,„ One allaienert 'ASSOMOien SOt tee ogee- . • " e n our'
d cateful attention. e(3 nevelld Weelr0. neleetlen' 714
tering, peopletettidcony of Grua One. Coe...Rust rad
hough 'Tone SMO' tte SOrtt" WAS home for Thanksgiving.
. (loam
witritrionos in, VA Viliagen%
On saturday,, tun toth, E.
Erratt sturuico, o vartona et cattie
trent the 'stattett here to Toronto. ,
iodine And don't mielit be specially anctitioned. tr. a ere 'eauren, Porter's .rlitt, Was One of nilyveyy IDRuiTs
isos3 rotancis 1,11143. ,spent.- the too speakers, taking tar ber auotect, SA.11.4hA114 1-
Uhk"Wh a"et Anthony took for text Walla%
At•the very first and Lot at the eartbee of 'eta '0 0' week.enti. with her cousin, Whinifrect ',the . League. of Nations," *bringing AND
Blake. " • . forth most of the /aeta and agree-
ao Sr -W1. (10 g°(4 Abrahamtgave Lot the drat eliarice Xrio Peal Reed, of Lucknovir is the meats' between the rtations oleo the '
etate 0, ean een ° Mid Lot followed goo4 business a'bIlity. Mrs. hicilvene, 'Ciintdn, event
winkrth of pure II:surged Mitgriesid. choosing the 'AAA 'With Artltr .Thinikettivra with. lieV* tnend Mrs.
l' la eKdelild4newfla CemPt/a11(1 1° mood water and near a goodonarketo 41...tlen. 'Ae°41(g'41‘h`!.)3: tee 111
1t i-10 and Plevant to talce-equickly,, But laavivgt partqt 11`0111 Abraliam'a o miring tho„,Past Week „aro Ntisori
almett inatootly, eire•-tive and does compentonship, • titio ...Via a virtuous, r ort Iros mie..cuot t',4 her driondt
not att as a IRXIXtiVe. Bo sure mid P11100, 'Lot drifted into the taimpariy of Mrs. ,Tttlin Somington, of the village..
aelt for IllSitIlATED. Magoesia for viee era finally W33 living nt Sod,clu Our Tata earl:leo 11110 a 11°1144Y on
- ottontriekteenblea only.. .
0.0 Monday, it one of the Akita
• • •
Rubbers. Rubbers!
they tiee. not required to take 'the
. mail, ' • • - . . ,t_ .
- Mr. Pea Weldon las wilted Ant.
Frederick Y011011)03 farm on the
Iltb concession of litillett for 4 terpl
' a Teette.
o'btr. and Mr'. William Sheppard.
• 'of•Clintoit, spent the foriner poet of
tne :Week •v!Stting .the letter'S sister,
. o :Mr.. inui „litre. Dutham, of Brant.
Our Stock is now complete 'with the-. Mrs. Rill, of the village.
ford, .vvit the week.ene :a Um vil.
-ter. Mr. and Alitooltio. Itergusom
best than money can buy • • lap visiting the-rarente of the lat.
Ladies* Rubbers are light. ontt land eaduroble • - Lost FridaY Our 'public. tichoole. lio
Mien% Ottlet and Childran's in light maul below weights. speetprvof tenon met in 'the village
guest of her ton 1 t • X Th *b kt
el et, Min. op, ene ts er veil from the a tee:none •
Andeisort • • Made X X p oto,o,
Mrs. Audrey Tuft, of Canboro, eeeting tee young people's society
14 teeent visitor with her niater, Shoat of. Eattfield ehurcre woe the other ,„,
Master J. C. Reed, of Whitechurelit
to at." the trend 141 the Yew* Me*
leaving the farm for the clty 11143.
•ch Fruit market lifEydenzwing44i:oiing
Facials -
rime 239 for Atiolutinents
• For.
Mac00 A
Beltannia, oatt
Cor. Squareand Kingston
g Street. (a.p.stairs) twee
GroPo Store
LSpecialist in Care
Scalp preatmenda
Hair Bobbing.
Hair Tinting:
jate.Culbert. • „ • epeakeit taking for his eubject, ROW'
ts spending a week with his coedit.,
trete& Anderson. . hringingforth many wove of malarig -
th lif
e country more OnCOUratring armaraiaarioaarra
.•• •••.••
i. fittite a windier from here ettend. am enticing for tbit young reople. jir.
!now to meet the tenteaaat5 of Lon.
„We. are pleased to report that Mr:
ed •the. 'fetid tapper at Dungannon., Both speakera Imottglit forth greitt eWarilea
°there °the .etincert at Lucknow Fri. praise zoom the authenee. They aro
day evening-
thahoro circuit in Queen St, Gaited
Jno. *thaw returned home Own rehurelif Blyth, eu Monday eveningb
proving. steadily.
Wingliam' hospital Friday teed is ith. next. join, tvishirei our speak...
era sueeess rut that °OCAS 011. 1
;Miss Allem 'Ritchie, of Zion; Mr, litre. Waltet• Johooton Mid esent,
Ancon And blip 4),5M b01041144 arid Wilhelm are visiting at Clinton at.i
Mr. Chapin= .: and Attsa. . Tooter, of present.
Vartia, visited at Mr, Thee. Blake's.
. 1
on Sunday.
hir, 8..11. Stothere, (4Esse spent
4 flay loot weeg *mei teiatives Here.
With so thorough a melioration at*
hand as Xidex s Worm Powdora, tho
oh hit warn his methet, art) tome mother who 'allows hor ehildrete
• • , told examined. our pew continuation
who had been visiting her suffer from the ravages tif worn*
Rabletell for every member of the family. and for evstry occasion 'tr'43 f'qVCIP! 6t4)ther4 111311 eUlPahlY
e vne •eatot, Chg81(2awrIugc.c" eagic%
See our Wanerio Splaherso the olt tubber Overahoe0. ,trottamakingprepv. t;itpi4d*nn,aldeial anera of
f r thitNxt flrwill Spend he winter at 131 111,7410 131 754 aiwats**healthy. and w
ill .
Bay your Rubber? when Our shoes axe dry and get * better fit. dayo 'the 3.7th inst., lin has an auction- --;.;.--`-* ....- w--.1.0411. . be stunted in its growth. 11 IS a
tale at the etationtdispoming of
1 his '
Last ,t,,,k,iday .dir„ to.t.t. ...unmet, Frank Erwiwoof Kitchener, visited 'it elm be done vitthout tlifaeohy..
Buy your Rubbers *Ultra's Boot Shop *nd get tilt Best. stat on band.
34teste W. Bern's Shoe Store
merciful not to r14111 -of the:re dee
BOVIIILD atiuctive parasites, especially. when
a the baae line. ttudett, lat'4 ati aue.„ friends in the village over toe wool:.
'Phone%kin tale, Ile tealized good peicea 01141' -
43.w.„ and everything was eoid. Mr. Yung- i ,
* and Satin - Metallic and Velvet
awl New. Pall Hate in raathfedand
Matrons styles.
Xiso Elam AleKay, of Toronto,
met retiroor fowl: farrtirto, epent the weettemt with het parents
Mies Annie MeLtoil, •Toront'o
end her brother, Robott„ eyed: Batty Baker. of Londoze Flrent last
Thenktighing with -their parents, dlr.. week nthi3 keno here with his Part ;
' tiM tira." John hiteLeed, ef the base . e71132.
-4 line. . Dr. lied Mrs. Letvie. 'of Toronto.
1, Mr. itarikon iutd rather a mister. were guests or Dr. and Mize. Woods ow,
tune in the villege last week. Ills over Ihe veek-end. W
e' borrow wpm rito,naiiiie at the pest of ---Miss Helen Gerrie, ,principal ettlie
, Ike when they *et e fiightened and public ached, infant the weekend *t large assortment of r
_ , ran army. They were caught before her home near inget$09.
, , worth *maga wee Mote. Mr. wed Mn'. John Parks, of nen- ,
4 lir. iota Mrs> Job's ifouston and matt diattict, ap_•nt Sunday in the vil-
family intend leaving here *lett Wed. lige tvith the *Pies Patti'
Furni are
Don't buy any. MOW
Furniture, Bahteign-s
victim etc.,. Loam zoo,
get our prrego:
o positive," *ma*
Yvocgnitourareeya. tTtlatakintiotow.
est cost.
Oft the Baotou k
e have just received a
Junior Bndge
1 fleodea for ttiP to the land of Mr. Mf'S.*YM., Louie and Prod Towne. et
Herottialt birth, Scotland. They are torden. spent l'Itank•stirmi loith
camgorr. They intend eon*. and Table Lamps.
to Moattrate attd sailing from: their parents in the vinous. O
bAtk In ow. eprirte. We whet
loom Plitiltrkt journey aria
1* Pattern Hats and Ale* beeline from on IIPM reSttrea eate,
4/0 atiPw-
1 lite Pr eoterterioe restragetion
t ere intik litA 71 th• taospiotion
tow !Mew
Rio pstomptil t" fmimer Mra. fieliett and abet_ Lodi*.
frit ebtikte1010,hick Iola a 6.4041 iviatored Moss* Clouras. must on
, sea ••••te•red it loth *irk. lieterdeY htet. ratan** se Meetday.
r, re. -
ford, epent leiturriav and *Sunday in
their eattoge mt Hors Terrace.
Mr. sect Mr*, rrot«, T,r owed. Now is the time to make
wertk libelers vrith Mr. Red Mr*,
Ritharri %Dotes for Thaeltegiviair your selection. '
es reweri .014 het it' Mr. and Ur
bassteret lades it, whteh lent be OW th. 10100*.e
.4ever f� r the illaidooth wheel, thereeelk-
IteltdieR, the mete part ar nee
aree.-biev. tittle Mr. wait
the Moe. WV. et Oette- boa Mr.
Mete, "pet
cottage her%
the "Astor
loilzif Leedom.
, Hyde
111•011Ma1 Street
IMMO elm SW itoretdeare
The 13u1b) Season
is here, and -we hove the Luxor
Pottery &db. Bawls at 35c, 50e,
t5e" mot $1.00
Also good Hanging 'tote for
yourboy window
Large Jerditetres. 50e, and $1.00
S14 e our beautiful Artifictal
Flowers Just in from the Old
Co ti n tete-idwats nomethier
new at
Smith's ArtaliCaft Store
Everywhere Wider all conditions there is an insistent de.
wand for sound quality in Footwear. The Boots, Shoes, Ox-
fords. Strap Slippers, Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Goloshes and
Overshoes sold by us have strength, quality, and style that
places them in a class by themselveS for wear. They bave
reliability that comes front long experience and most careful
methods in selecting footwear that we know to he the very
best. In ife.Buoy Rubbers there is no question about quality.
style and prices, 1 hey cAD be produced by a factory making
rubber footwear eselmivelv. They are without exception
the beet pressure cured rubbers on the market. Give Its the
opportunity of showing you the malty kinds and styles.