HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-15, Page 7, a .11111111,11"1",'
Teumaty. NOV. Iiosb. Ion
* •-
00DilitiCH STAR
• , 4104141•111011011111044•144141s•SISOMMININININIONIOS I p:,,w th• unispeekable privilege a costi ,
""*-- -
I Su h day 'c4fiernoo , In both, their treat in God eta,:
. eorsiently, erystaniting itself hoe
. memos with God.
59.9 ISAMEI HAMILTON, Goderich, Oht. n .,theinite prayer. To prey witheie
47 Cieciing. as ha e s t Ma4,1 tne comer:Se
.4 d .
- resaire setheseeasedasseasiehainallailedeaeateeeteeeekeeeaesso 41: t•h° 11.-IIrt• ''' right 4""I'd* Ged•
I it, t) 0, i a+ riot a IP kali matter ellen
0004"e like his I.erit, the Apoetle preyel
Oh, the pure delight of a single hear year faith in the Lord deeus, enillsse for his converte. He tells them end
net before Thy thton.* 1 ,oend. Until Aiti the s,aints, cease :let to site i us that in eterY nrleer ef his he
When I kneel inpcetee, aud -,t•-,:h thantee ter sou, making mention il in -awe mention of them- -er*Sinft
Thee. my Cod, eon in my iitayeeer, that the tele ee p tight arsl day eineittiriely, - preying
1 eeeenturte 43 fr771:1 TX: ii feiend. t311;!AAA Jessie * hrist, the Father of ",,frequentis and - 1 les D. . ele ,,agosireirg
Draw me nee:Tr. nnetee. Ms:stet - 93011-* irate g,ive unto yea the splint gaa prayee with ..t. ii: 'ante Gel
Lent, et wiedeni end revelation 1st tne I fe.'t them, Xt:,'",' oltt• ii:1 he Prat- fet
TO the eeees where eiime etece eeeet, , latuvacipo of buTur, t1).e .eyi_t„.4 IA your tIZIF:t A111111€4iate eeeectes, but fee an
Draw me nearerncetese neater. ilideretandn'ag, being . (=entente/eta; U.'s', salute in all the cnue.•hee. nil
blessed Lord, . fie c. , ' e not p
narrow eaesses as eons tee
' that ye may lesion" whet is the hwer
o" • -e
r ri n : ..4tt.
etude the prayeve P.i'. the
.Apestie are! Hew far-reeching in
their reope! 'low ninembracing are
, accordnig to the *wink- the subjects for *Aria he prayo I
' Lessazi Toplee-The PraYet3 01; ing of his intel ty o ' • (E I 1-1n. Inn requests are fntque, se- (kw-
-Ns:It ----- - 4 - - r itty. , ,, .1 . o
ing that the vsensiangtqc. 'atita•dera -
----- 'a . ••••••••
''''S''' ' . '' • LeSi10-4" -Piisiiiiitez."..-.TG...0136;ItSn; V). t!1 bow nly kneee at- us. Or sliMITI• the prayer in todayrte '-
Eph. 1:15, 16; 3:14.-21 (Thenksgiviegi te t he Father of our Lord Jesus lessen.
Lesson). Christ, of whom the whole family in Were we to follow thP example a .
heaven and earth is named, thee he the Apostle how full of prayer our etiden Testte-I Thess..,5a6,18.
* And when he had vino spideen, wtvuld grant you, according ti ; the ' life would bet Were we to follow
ridee of his glory, to be 8'6-we:there- the exhortatione of the Apostle how
kneeled down, and prayed with them , ed with miglit by his'spirit in the in- coristantly should we be found on nue
alb „(A.cts 20:86). .
• " Vbereftire I Woo; after I heard of net' ratan- that Christ may dwell- in ' knees beAtre Cod. - It Wnt-)tin -denim-. - -
your hearts ; that b 'nd
...6.,.C. • . Yep ez g root. that men in everything and with
i . ...--- . -
„ and grounded in love, may be able to thanksgiving. should make their re-
flood Palpitat ing
. : gemPgeh.eat,-wainticl tin:Art.s.rhse4i,t)is
. .
, and height; and to know the love of (Itea-zsrtelleeikalreltlelnktIcilenut.tsititGotrlda'toilttiCIlirCiss'ill;
Christ, -*which passetit knewledge, should have the constant. earnest •
. • . that ye might be filled with all the 'ae'enizing Prove= 0•2 all whn, knew
* fulness of:God. Now, unto him that Mine ye eves hie deeiretthat leis fet-
Maio lier Throat - -
. . D.bh, to do exceeding abundantly tew-believers should uphold him in
above all that we aek et" think, ste., his . work. 130 tbat his mouth might
sadChest Throb eording to the power that worketh in be (maned to speak boldly the Word
. ins 'onto biro be glory in the church' of God as he ought to speale-tbet
. by 'Christ Jesus throughout all ages, open doers mieht be found for ills
•world -without • end, Aileen. (Eph, Pteciehed Gospel -end that the 'tVarti, .
e 8;14-21). , • , ' when nteaehed. should in answer to ' ata,V" PeoPie IneY be unaware 9* Rejoice evermore. Pray without Pre9sr he whised to have free ecurse
lateriage.anything wrong With their heart Ceasing. In everything- glee thanks; and •he glorified.
" ! till spme little exeli'ement, overwork or for , tine is the will of Qocl in. fliwiet WORLD MISSIONS . •
worry start s it to palpitate and throb, ',•Teznz deneerning ATQU, ' (I TileS'. ... Chatra •stood waiting to .dinve. his
: - - .-
akip beats1 ast beat ffor a. t
n * 1 6 18). hera Into tile m
e sealue as they cae
' une ad 5
- In a U. Robert onttne village news trent 'the June '
-, then sslow as to seem almost Vo samlthlet en "Preyer"
tein traidtvell.giea. Giooln was written on every
then it consie great anxiety apadargi. the Apostle wile tognizant of the tle- eeature, and despair was in we creep ,
. ' .talls of his Master's earlt* life end
, lifrs„ O. Hicks, Chatfield, Wu., .preetice de o question difficult to de- " ' •
of his erame. ne, watenecl the. gime-
• a e, owever, been intl., .-ing west .with apprehension. 'filet
aq eil to be Very bad with • '
palpitaniszt of the heart end sonsetimes,. 1411 'N aequaintert with everv minute sky meant frost: Around the 4.011111. ,
*evitlt the' least eteltement, it would incident in the life of his Lord, St: foagnieStroellnlatistseiruna"±"eitilnouislei;iae; eta;
Paul tools!. not' have Mare perfeetlY .earim. • ' -
seera .to beat very Inst wacl. make Isy: reprodueed in hie'Own life 'the Pray;
throat at a chest throb.: • ' oriel habits of Jesus. The' 'practice eteood evening, brotit§e, The tickle
- ef tbe servant- touches at ell points are beautiful.", ' --i- .. •
To Thy precious, 'Welling skle. Ins calla -tete and what is the riches ef
Arden, the glory of his inheritanee in the
- _
Fenny Crosby. eaints, •what 10 the •eX:.'eCadg
LESSON Eon Nov. xith, tees ; greatneep of his newer to us -ward
"I was -told bx a, Mena to try
the peactiee a the Master. His face brightened et anz .grectim,
Both were men a unceasing preiy- and then clauded. "1.0013. at that
erfulness. Both etirried the prectice :;Itielertl'altl:t te-nicht. Alas! foe the
the channel Our kabias
, a prayeie 18t6 the minutest detains are almost empty for -the rein ruined
a a, very busy life. Both aaerifieed the, corn crop. 'file mice ens ianhite
persotal comfort that they might en- are now in the dente, Rust has be-
--,gun on our weeat, What are we to
. .
• whic1 . did, and before T.Itad taken
half the box my trouble had stopped."
Price 500. a box at 1 'druggists or
dealt% or mailed dir repeipt of
. /glee by The V. rn. CO., Ltd.,
Torontee atet.•
illibiatresti Steel*
just off the Square
'8Ustie0 M494 all Train' and
Passenger Beats
Passengers Celled tor litany
part,. Of the town for ail
trains at G. T..8. or C. P. It
• Denote. -
-Prorupt- Service arid -
Careful Attendance.
Ake Livery arid flack Service
• will be found op -to -dote
in every• respect.
,Your Patronage Solicited
•Phone 107 Mortreal Street
Cook by Electricity
, Wasik by Electricity
Iron lry ElectricitY
Mower than Coal tar W00d ,
Au electric V4letniiii Cleaner
removes the dust; a broorn
just moves the dust.
We guarantee all Hydro
Lainps`for '1,500 liours.
4/Valk in 'and set ilisplay at
The Hydro Store
....... '
For refooto sod C101drep
Is Us* Fee Over SO Wont
itirkutite; of
• . do.'
-I know what'to do," we het' an-
swer. -We'll send, up V.0s. iietvest
iConvenant Cry at the namp-fire
'meeting to -night.' • •
She knew the desperate, necessity
for dh answer. She had been., told
that last year some parents had lived
on half h Scene a clay in °ester that -
, the -children might he fed.:
Biwa for
Fain Homes!
'House work is naturally
harder on the farm than I' • ' s Y P
•• The glow of tne camp -tire fell upon;
a circle of anxious face', er the elci-;
era and' the carefree • ones of the f.
younger crowd, "It is eold. Will
• • • •••• •
• I I
there • be frost tonight?" sent all L., a p. 1 mg to beat me tint, I gave soni or -
ewe sky, A ehotee ...awn the country and wished to I.
cares to the clear, dors and asked sense questiens ne
pesr jues as sea aim mwanctioty-line
of, "Frost tonight and the wheat and •
„wee, . as the occasion 41 1111(1041. e nad- a, though, cordial relations between the
chnnna will go!" spoke their front office and the back shop were
tion; :black sort ot 'chitties, a Mack tie, and
or a Somewhat strained. Nobody but `My -
my connterianee as nuturalty
,,,e, Taking up tee ;Anne and turninthe g to, . aS
in the towns . . . there ed the Harveet Covenant. Theh - at sa
area play tne part et ' emet mourner ?art anythlag. Finally there was a
office, I heard one of thent remarlt to
, wind. not be en iteeping with the rest,
Lord will- not hear me, She then
• the lankees Put it to buy nte a •iseV.79•1111911 doThere today; doeinft he •?"
Self 'seemed very much nurthrbed
very sober and :austere order, i might
• a complete silence, and as
turning to Realm G6:18,she wad.; =any. euch events. Itt on this o- u11,
my back walk back to the
are fewer conyenience&---- -if--I regard iniquity in, -re t the- my grey neit Iforsalino hat
another, "Gosh, the boss look% like e•
But no farrn need be called, for humiliation and"confession 11q.
without that greatest of o sin. a o , y The words were not meant for my.
God knows what and b3, whore sine black hat, which wotild complete the
got through *itlf •me he had loaded but tunied on them, and in my flere.
. and adornments - on!y were ear below. n a ew
adornments, so I decided* ee
ears. at least it appeared that •way,
.. all modern conveniences were confessed. Quiet whisperings solemn outfit.. Before the salesmen '
est, ittaecatto remarked that, "Well, I
one of those black christy stiffs onto
hardwood Boort. words. the Convenant Cry arose from
one and. another. rat/log/ging, the war mid While plenty of those
me, which we all used to vvear before nlaY mea that way, but I ean assure
you thee I feel like e fool."
le and earnest 'lowed and , •
Estimates gladly fur- Vine? arose to go, 'Stretching) 9itY shieks are sporting them, yet it
nished. . self, Italia Chatra remarked, We an- ...s N ING
tni hack cohntry„. • Now, as yoa SERIES QV INFORilATIVE
• - ways have tem nights of frost." know, there is nothing; ess transforms ADVERTISEMENTS.
4, is 'only the odd one•you see up. tirourid BEL' ' THI EPHONE CO RC N
• "And”we shay h.t. tete° "Ids ee
the appearance of ehe ordinery man C...F: Sise; President ' of the Bell
0'4:Aerial% Pianbv NM Ltd.
"Locatedirtthebeart of the!
business district.' ,
Overlooking Gland Orem ram
6A modern fire -proof Hotel.
500 rooms: each with bath.,
Rates: saso and upwards. ,
It Famous Restaurrtateld music
• alsoCofFee Shop: *
prayer, was tee ercem rep y. as A dew hate It either • improvo Telephone Company, has sent' a per -
Early next morning the missionary
serial letter to all telephone usens,
looked out of her tent door. Mar-
vellous! The sky was overcast -with ihre ;thveenvdeeff7udlliyekeonrs',intehkaetsisht 1;00ult
announcing a series of inter:dative.
tisty dsetnt •tto• '008be,fi'tshrickeewd.
peat* in the Star this week. , . •
ing was sent up
no frost, What a try of therikegiv- up stairs Where rd be private. to try e'er. S. GOO', manager ef the
• ' it on gain and get a look at myseett • 4n 4
light fleecy eloude, and consequent*. gieir. use o . h aviiing a ei advertisemtnts, the first of whieh ap;
have. found that tho Workings -of
the telephone systme ate slot well
understood. We think this is
not a good situation, either for
yoa sr for ns. because .the tele-
phone system and the public
have a mutual dependence • tot
ditch other. and are wpm& con-
eerned in the growth of Gm rem-
. try. • '
. As the advertiseinetdd eon-•
• .thltie.we shall also deal with 'eel,-
tain subjects of particuler publio
interest, ,including the financial
record 'and'•policy of our Com-
. PanY, its relationship with the
• Northern Idectrie Censpanes and
s-nens • '
, - Next evening. A thankful nre n
- II' in oifr own looking glass. Well, they. minting to the Star •that. the per -
Again the answer came -no frost,
to snare rabbits ; from the salesnuat's high pressure eween the public and the telehhone '
They organized I got in front of that glass, awdy assfst in a better acquaintance be-
sthtt, I wasn't ,just as stuck on my eyetenee
and diving into the wheat field% after, ,
appettrano aa wnen I was buying it, ..ew
Cornea y , frodelich explained this
gathered about the eoron fire
say 'misery loves company,' and when 'pose of the,new advertisements is to
• kestrels were seen hovering •over,
the mire, and, wen the wheat ripen- hatguy SaW wasn't me, or I Was- ,e think •we• ought. to he *ell act
nivnf and examining the graitis,
ed,, a group was Seen beating out a
t him. We *ere strangers, and the
audinted," zap. Mr. Grin', ."because ;
telephone and the •publit, etre
whilst rie admit .there were t. e •
"Not much damage," was the ver-' stein closely related and lunVe '1 1(144.4
h bl d
atnontghsera ntmlobtoudsy wchoueld rfigehmestley*.:al phone- company which ceinsists of,
diet. • Qn one hand we 'have the tele -
"Merely coincidences," some one that gii•ik was as good looking ellan.eiver 14,400 shareholders, of whom 95 .
will say. Maybe, but very soul.sat- as I thought myself to • be, Te he 'per cent live in Canada. On the oth-
isfying coincidences that give eisuse perfectly frank I rather blushed 'at h d •
for thanksgiving and rejoichig to
nis appearance. 'Well, I wanted down which is really a great ; ti
er an , is the telephone enyateni,
many poor folk. etairs te the kitchen •to join.the 'fain- body en people who talk with `eaeh'
co ope a ve
hastentrig to 'catch the motor, which Some woke Inter, the treesionary,
eh sly, hoping againot hope to be greet- other through more than 700,000 tele-
• ed with the usual salutation received phones.
Id take her home, ,paszed through
beautiful wheat fields. But far that on such oceasiona when I dppaared I think Mist uS accept the. tete-
with something or other fifteen h
coincidence, tho* 110W heaping with , , r Lotter noow•eintrysse.privetetyienlidbocnh: tahsinkn
o , a y. new emu°.
itihealyflualitenheaartitde dwo*outiledatip. b;hene
thing pr other," hitt no, every .blareed of the 15,000 trained men .and Women
kid in the house, with the hearty co- and the work they „ do 'behind. the
praised God for hid coincidence.
operation of the mother, gave me'the :scenes.' Theee tire tbines ,would
mer y. sa la As mug 1. a regu ar like to have understood and -we know
• ASoldier Builds Sitipe scare crow had suddrily. tipper,. Uf no better way* to tell • the stery
arity. After • subssding. somewhat •• The text of Mt. Sise's letter to tele -
Joe /monde ft roel deist of time
tar, you say,. wrong. Joo WAS A'sob me very much, I didn't look too bad- "In next walls •newrip
Jo a see an advertioement •
amongst them. didn t joth the 11; than through the new a "
anaking "modei 47,91.." A.h, an old they admitted that white it changed - phone subscribers; IS an follows
tviEREN E *dim and no isn't very old at all -
rather serious the matter with him, means convincing, for their first ay- entitled 9ile %Yorke With Ma-
DETROIT.M Ike Li rolCd:rtZsyladk ttreghtlig. u,?ogr, tiona ,very much belied their, 4. (44(1 gic"
tint tater on tu life it OP:loom to nom° al in a few minutes, end was to get phone 'first through new colliery •
about ,10. Ilut there is something 1Y., Their admission Inas by ino it rn ,
(C• 1)1,1
its relationship
ran Telephone
A am writing you in the nope
that 'bemuse you .are dailn
context with tne telephone 113't -
tem, you will be interested in
reading inerewle*efjoinents."
evith the Amen.
and S0140012
-' •
The 011' of the. Varmeree-A bottle •
of Dr. 'Hinman' Ecleetric Oil in the
farm house Will'iiavesinary a' journey •
tor the doctor. It not onle 'good '
for the ehildren. when When with
•golds and croup, and „for the mature
who nutter from pants and achet, Ina!
'• there are efireetions for its use on
Sick cattle. There should altvaye
a bottle et It in the house.
Coughs, IVhooping Cough,
tCrupohitho, Chen Affections
Snothin and healing ac-
tion, ANGIER';
io an effective remedy for
(41111(1re:1's ailment s -.-par..
ticularly colds, coughs, broil-
ehitis and wliodping cough. It
' is. also a safFguIrdagains.t the
chest complications associated
. with measles, scarict feirer anti
grippe.' Angier's loosens the
phlegm, relieves *the soreness
of throat and chest, and it-s-
impyrities, thus ha,stening the
• ic)Iletannensitn,sgiitecctoiovnerryern. oyes body
ANGIER'S is an emulsion of purl -
gal petroleum oil with h)j(apho:,-
.phites (lime and soda). It 19 ple.19.
ant to take, builda up otrength and
vttafity, anti can be given to the
children with ainolute confidence.
For over thirty-flvo years
endorsed and prescribed by the
Medical Profession of Ct. Britain
andpanada and used in Children's
• A Dritieh Doctor wriggle: "16risider your
• preparation eopt..00r ro ane other omuh
sloo or oreparepon 1)avittg itil$CUteileg Ot
dinar*, 414ifill." (S4d.)...11f 14,.
Mutual Life
- Assurance toinpany
of Canada
OVVIC11,•, W/Vri:14;q0, 0142.
. D. D. MOONEY Agent 1
1. .
I'inixii 260 i
• .r, ". , ,
xiaPer ter. • • Gonenivin 3Ler.
Lve. Goderich . 0.20 aM. 2.20 p.m
Clinton OM a.m. 2.50 pat.... -
" SeufOrth- 0.59 a.m. 3.0fi -
_ Mitchell T.21 a.m. 8.35 pita.
Arr. Stratford 7,45 a.m. 4,03 para.'
ICitehener .8.40 p.m. 5.20 p.m.
Guelph 11.01 a.m. 5.50 pan.
". Toronto 10.25 a.m. .7.20
RetUrning --Leave Toronto 7.53
12.55 p.m. and ii.05 pan.
Parlor Cafe Car Coder'cl t T '
Onto en morning train. and. 'rovontie
Goderieh on. 0.03 pan. train. No
change of ears between Oederirh ase
ANG ER n et -
a "fellow seems to got over a. wound. 'Well, as I W11 leaving for the funer- It tello' about putting tele- • . s
tizok 4,TATa.tor.-Apa.- bran -the ear down at the office, I hcid , and is the first of a:hunker of .1
.1 became too 'Weak.. to hold it. mooraca to go. Feeling very,. very self.con- zidvertisemetite Ira which we alinin
AO get Wttree end ken pente
chost. Atter a while tho tioaor saki SO 0110, I started out to meet the world.. try to tell you of
teeetiframe andputnewlifeantome.butIuldseeleach
e uanseosme
aheigoftwas courriono face faeg with my new hat on, thlhohidf . 1 tinsvoronto1°spinaltorConsumn-Te I met woreome youngsters intd?-1du, ggEisrar'esele3
fies, where thkindlydoctorand hbdpeopie,. emaraca ardoingther best t( 45 osn the neigorhooThy a'We e doing fhba411*
Give first aid with
he fore, and
Rabe ts Liniment. (t.
the teeth, fin it with
if there is ft cavity in
cotton soaked in f
Minstrd.s. Relief is
truck and sure.
The Creat White
Liniment 44
in the wasted lungs. Thoy way sue-
ceed. too, for ,toe worth saving., and e0Untenatlee something of eurprise or -
a, big figtit Is being waged to save amazement. Theo / met a neighbor,
bin*, Wenui Yea nne to bele In 'loch whom I nainted with a half silly grin,
Work? A subscription from you would
be much 7Appreetated. almost feeling I ought to otop and
- such may be sit
sent to on, W., ' explain to him that f `4W: bJatight a
i'hariton1.Amos, .223 Celleite
116W hat, just as though he couldn't
• ; /Arcot. Toronto 'Ontario.
tee that for hinuself, but ae be didn't
A MAN'S FIRSTAPPEARANCE act like lie wetted to stop and talk,
IN A NEW CHRISTY kept011 4/0illg" When utmek. tb°
front street where the plate glass
stay, boot Like a minion Dolts bat tvirelowa are, I got a r,ly losk or IWO
Vda LikToni at snyeelf, which hurried 1117
ee A
. eis toward the office so that 1 niglit
get 18 'I.iefore 1 met a couple of - ray'
A man a "'"tni:1)•1 Iminorons friersde, whom I one* wan
ilt81(iterluletiee311 te't:,' 114:11 wi(althletc'rneatraltamai ler'nuefleel, tO 4bleceet tuireletesgto1 rt,°.itt eitvear balisg-; •
tallttglenngt?o!:.1111etvtat3alrtell3etni70illl,ioailt110111eCi'(telicanitY'd eTelr)eaellikpea;1'.'
Alerts who were ru-.181irdt the eatle ,..neeeee leireee fhp pful T
(WI to. reetterect the cliristy ctiff ennieek•itte-tee•-,.:tde'leteen ti-etu-tiitntte-ire•et
will enjoy readies? tbe 4 e tee, eeee elem. eetteeieg cojoe
LOS from loot week's) Whirler( Ethe pierem pAr.„. dcol. with
1, rho clhtor, :t mune. has: ktlight blm • eery taqmemt.iike ere
g eon/ hat and fee the eetretsie_ ell Got taint!. 0„timing
',sent of seadere hips beee b:* 0.4,31 1 cood m
Inmost fetiiiir4r.r. Ile fey!! .• 0111
Iinst week 1atter tle4 funeral. ,.<10tin that eilbr atia. wt
ner, '
.he meet le..
hdep .
. -
Town Pria5enger and
Ticket .Agent,
Throne 8.
AtiOttablefor -
rece o
0, Syrup,
• 1,11 , 1 ansmilwanallannestossweeewsimaistaa. eamespiereic..„,_