HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-15, Page 6•
,TEA"is good ted'
*nib...144W and plaL;t, and '.ay Detente
i4,1.-je.t,teili .04 1 1iI-13 kcY 41 I4AL
• nra fra. y t a t rev
• Village a CA ccar;:h t4cee•n•itt.-
!: ire ice., oreelig tien.reeenig teresees
Were ene ei.ereg.ictlicel cease, s;f tne
Hew etender sturdy feet W3G first
man the gangseane. and it was slie
who lcd timatteesa of eager totirZste
4: t, eneeing her way with envie
ietiently ateek aieuranee te- Tiji head
C35' eV a linovEwaitieg tawis. Iter
brink seesttne ef intent to ride
iavagilf op a, iali, fair, freckled lad.
• whe came With afew but wallets.; gait.
Red Rose Orange Pekoe an ambling roll to Ida leeemesion thet
WZO ilhattOlt ceaworthea
is supreme
wat-A to loon at cottaeoes,"
In clean. bright illuminant.. "Welteeall rigid," he essented
slowly ire tho soft Now Englaed
• ••• - • e • -•• drawl that curlously harmonized with
•walle Ow thought, • Ile cranked
the ear andeliel into the-driverne
Per neentlenlen beeideeletra--
..-youstenetly- what ; I--
. want." she began, nd eou can take.
're to it. A email cotton, prefer.
ably, off Ins itself somewhere, -teeth
treee aroand it. and near the water.
()Met, very quiet. I azn going
Glow for two weekoa If I can't find
a_ eeterigeetewill eeke.e.„epiteeea aoome.
Et private house. With ar old
. couple, if possible,. deaf and dumb '
And a bit crippled. if You have them.
• No hotel, no boarding house. no sume
mer colony.Nov:. there it is. First
- choice, • small. quiet, furnished cot-
tage. I don't •care if it is nnir
shed, if , lz. quiet,•• and tool, -mut
Outdoors Qr ittd000.00,
whatever your task.
Let WRIGLEY'S tefreeh
; you allay your thirst, aid,
appetite end digestion.
liel ireepteideAran;
e P terne-
a of fringe «smart •
sxmonly a aharp kfloi
nd 1,cf•
tat .411 kit..
then door, iiprovaittiviy ',petted
fr.i.3..11 without acre k•' f
• • ,Icra.o
Q( fern appearcd, briek ewe., ,
wil9i a greet ateeempe gt.puti
cheer :
ircrning. all!"
The rioid•-. wero fo”owed by a
woneen, chh-t4, but tali and reneight.
with a face wheel Ina carotene,
hehooled e".•ery iloggra op-
"thiod mernieg, repeated,
en her foil atirvArau?e, and added,
lather steretre •God aleraing,
Then Bile turaed to Gay with dab -
orate affability. "kicae, meeting. I
caw you leoleng as; tho Low ine
and teen aa e•eu came on here 1 laiew •
.you wanted it, co 1 came right oyez..
e • IreAnselstektenneene-nrieethe dear little
eeeeettigere ---tdeeheape•ray, •dear. edirese-- • ".
777iih11413.7 wanteit---eor --
TOt ifrlitAV. NOV. Mk, 1112$
Wo have the west highly skilled workmen and tomplete
facilities tier Auto Body work in. Western Ontario. Don't,
drive adented, damaged ear; let us. inako it loots 14C new.
' Body liepairs-Upholstering-Top Worke-
Blaeltemithinge-Ducto Refiniehinn•
24 Hours Service
- Drivennetesda-ye-eDrive Out. tanuorreare-. _
Plunte-leletcalf 514 Verner -Tork-and Whet Sta.
tire season?'
"Wen, 5•e -i, I thint: co," Gay turn- •••
ed doubtfully toward the Captain,
who had. acknowledged ownership.
."But it seems to be occupted--."
denied promntly, and •
1".311 his ainvnee44.hisegentlee
ness;"-IWWtio-lefein the insertion of • the kitchen table and from tt velvet
his 'opinion. "Not yet. • Bat 1 never n hr writ took out a fountain
worry, about that cottage, not that
more wermly she wanted It. 'Lone, Pine. Well buiit, enug-likea pen and !mole of receipt forms, one
Slated of one large Toone, the email course p, boat uow-" • handed to Gee. wiell a set of kersfor
the cottage.
one. at elways rents Popular, the of which she filled in, carefully, aud
The lower floor of the vottage corn boat, soznething like a none, but of
"A most desirable cottage. her",14:112,ievfli°1110:0artY'S'Ilsie isnaidSetypetermin:
no jeihminorge. tzlitanviaaa llned
The oratorical voice cut in upon
alone." thinughout vrith pine, -darkly stained. Only fifte dollars a, month my dear 1Y. Yon will adore. it. Nirlietl. wiU
"Well, now, that ought to be eeeY."'
he said slowly. How maey are
there of you?"
"One. Mee, Just myself, no
•XPYrtionr 027 by mom" - • , t
' the eoeas,rMeftitn.t. -CO. vdn.u.saiivica •cy
'Youdon't want a house all by
yourself "
flthel Hueston. who -contributed to
ze happier world with "Prudence of
eihn Parsonage" and similar steries,
Ras turneil her •attention to nn en-
eine* different locality and cant of
aharattorawa 'summer island off the
smt of Maine with it o tYPical
and visitors. '
When Gay Delane, broken down
*am the heat of New York, rented
lie Lode Pine cottage on Idle Islands
'he reveker In the little dry shivering
of tie forest, the subtle salt tug of
the sea breeze. It was to be her
•ilope thest, her treasure •• house, the•
Ateadia of her heart's. desire.
• One day 'she went enploring.' The
-elide 'was coining In; riettrlY and
she was obligee to move back a step
or two to avoid 'a wettings. But she
email not, tear herself from toe place.
The narrow sheleeted little beach was
.Retelier then noer picture. GAY nntfie
ed at it, in vereelove oe ite beauty.
• 'And as ehe stood she saw the income
ins. *flees bore- freighteaa barrel -
Gan 'watched it curiously 'and, felt
Th little thrill of excitement thatal.
IVOrt tomes with thought et treasure
*erne by the sea. "Treaeure. trove."
nha whispered, "pirate's prize. Find.
gee keepers." .
Now it swept far rorward on the
wave. "Oh, an old blanket," she
thought, with keen disappointment.
Then it, needed again, .suckedabeck
*Is the outgoing water. But caught
Sun at last by the surging tide, it
swept close Into elore. ."011, V do
believe it is a sea chest -wrapped in
rum; or something." she cried aloud
joyously. "Oh, believe It is!".
What. the object proved ze be -nei-
ther barrel, chest, nor sack -brim
the beginning of a mystery and a set
of eireumstances that influenced the
whole sulesequent life eZ (411' Delape,
It remitted in problems,. adventures
enn romance.
It Might have been tall, straight)
slini young boy who swot: alone, far
up in the bow of the white. steamer
as she nosed from island to island in
All of outraged New England con -
volition epolie in hie elow low voice,
"Oh, yes, I do. Not a verr big
house, but a house.°
"But you •ean't stay nights in a
house by yourself-"
Gay cut in brisliln: "Now, the
ghettoes. are that I know what fwant
better than you do. All you have to
do is to find it:" Then, as she no-
ticed that his eyes felleand a slow
flush rose in his fair face at her re-
buke, she added pleasantly: "I have
lived alone for eight years. In New
York, too, Thai den of depravity. I
feneY there is tm more rampant elan-
-ger here than there."
her run up Casco tady; toylike the enknoth,er one of them nutay New
feet planted squarely in sturdy Eng-. Yorkers,' • the bey thought, but his
lish walking boats, the hands thrust immeshes face did tot' betray him.
deep into the pockets of smartly tail- He • drove slowly from house to
ored knickers; boylike the set of the hot*, deseantingeou the various vire
straight shoulders in the wine -red tties, decrying their obvious faults,
suede jaeket with the zoft silk man- specifying the number of rooms the
nish collar and tie showing at the condition of the plumbing and the
throat; toylike most of all the sleek amount rent..
'bobbed head in Witty leather hat. • Gay was diffitult to suit. While
But all the boyish east of Gay De- her own notion of What' she ,wanted
lane was given the He by the soft- was indefinite enough, she was quick
ness of her slender face, the delicacy to decide whet elle did not want One
of her throat at is curved into the , cottage '9441$ too close to neighbors,
mannish toiler, the dark weariness one was ip a swampy amarsh, one
of her grave eyes, the tired drooping looked coekroachy.
of her fine red lips. "I never heard tell. of ani cock -
The rest that (Say Delane came roaches there." he said thoughtfully.
Windews opened on the four sides of On-lv fiftty 11 the rest of Your fannlY be uP1'
it, to the forest, to the orchard slope "It a'n't wuth mown Zorty.fice," "There 35 110 family.. I aro alone..
and the valley, to the quiet bay, and said the Captain gently. "Now, "You -Yon -You are going 40 live
to the full Atiantie and the farther Alice, she don't want te PO fifty' a alone -in a house? Witizont aeea
islands. The roont was ehaately few- month. Tenet wuth ate a month. mane or-anyhodY?", .
Welled. with occasional ibright spla- We never gat fifty for it Yet. Tire "'It is better than living with avian
ehes of calm: an the walls or in the young lady--" who doesn't 'belong to me, is it not?
uPbeleterb4••• The drePlece was , 'elohn. Fifty clatters. I an the Are there no other womezt -who live
administrator." iThe voice was low. alone On the island?"
t they
Iand firm. . "Well -there are a few. BO
"It a'n't wuth it, Miss. I assure
you, it a'n't," he persisted. "I built ,
"eeess able to • protect themeelves,
• it -me and Rand, that is-" eau than I But re the all old ?
Every one? Think hardee
"Well there are one or two." she
confessed -reluctantly. "Not so very
"Oh, ate am I," said Gay sturdily. Ilk
old. But they ar.e-equeer."
"Very queer indeed.
(To be continued)
A Poe to Astlima-Giee Asthma
half a chalice and it gams ground
rapidly, but give it repeated treat-
mente of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma
Remedy and. it will fall back even
faster. There is" no half way meas.
um about this reinedY. It goes right
to work and eirives asthma out, /5
reaches the inmost breathing pas,
sages and leaves no ylace for the
trouble to lurk. Have it by yeti fon
ready use..
'Whose cottege, is it, anyway ?"• ,
Gay put in euriously.
4'0h, it's all in the family as you
might say," the Captain explained.
, get the rent, but she collects it.
She's the administrator. by sisten, • •
Ilevee Andover, lelist Alice eendovere! •
"The administratot," she amended
grandly, trying vainly to frown her ,
brother into -silence. 'The cottage
has been thoroughly ,renovated, and ,
modern impr.ovements installed, It
Is well furnished, as you know.
save yon looking in the windows. It
• has electric lights, fireplace, hath -
,only Utz a month, efy, dears thiok
of the view. Think of -of the fire-
place. My eon, it -will break your
heart to leave the place. 'Perhaps
you can stay. through September.
Glorions Septenalier, glorious."
Regardless of the mooted live dol.
lars, Gay% mina was made up. She '
wanted the Lime Pius... She. knew
that she could never •res t until- she
felt the pillows.: in its window couch
beneath her head. She explained
seeking in the Northland, she bed Seems like folks. would have .itiee- "A Darling Fireplaten Gay Exulted'. lel the city„ add siSked if 'the cot-
eatned indeed. Yeare of wilful slave tioned it". . wide and bigle. bui1f of island, stone), tage* could be reade for her arrival
ery to paint brushes and palette, Broi Gay waved him onwith corner benches a the dark pine_ on the first boat the morning.
dogged petsietenee ateter easel 311 nberes the Lone Pine." he reflect-, . darling fireplace Gxu
Gay elted...The siebninistraitar, tom between
the face of physical exhaustion, led ed at last, bard nrersed for further "Rand did that. 'Polks mostly glowing at Gay`, and glove ing at
Inevitnbly to relinquishment of hopensreeoerces. "Bat it's off by itself- on - thought he wasled a lot of time °is her brother, assured her that all
• • the hill, and at the edge 01 the -creeds. it," the boy vouchsafedi pleasantly. rant& be in reads.
soall. y um OP. p - -The rate Pine," she reflected at corner
V' 0 ki b II*
You'd be afraid there. But it's high. "Come here," GeY called to him. "Oh, my dear, it is a bappy
f a
And it Jets out to sea." And 'direeting-tds- eyes 'to britt liter before you," she crooned. And
• •• • ces. it's otf by iselt. cca. the •that•woolen rdbe, and the 'fat •cuslis- Capttifti: "'John, you go righe down
OPe .Shir Ion Jul . And it leeks out to sea." folks. would be surprised r tea itt. :cues staet. the Captain Shook
You'd be afraid there. But it's nign. twenty minutes. Po Yew Bursa. Apple 'Tree." .
of the r Om she queen,. Leo 11 them. with one of her swift changes
last rd pressed for further reeour- D0 you seg. that Wraht soft conch, wins from•soft to severe) she turned to the
. . hill, ail at the edge of the ,woods. ions?: • I shell be sound•itsleep ntieree 'and tell Auntalintrse to naove intoethe
tO theY waald." . • ' "lC. e a'n'ta. tree, ehild, it a'
d. E lust rub if on the tomented. lame
914; yest I railer maybe
• " and he voice Warmed. "I feel the and fall. asl
Ch ep ?'"" . • • •ininistrator lapsed' into a severe
Parries(' of relleVing all joint aliment
. • g. . vibration of. • a responsive chord. k
ven roak Rh eu mactic
I etnhe Lone Pine," she repeated, break the door down end go• right fa withiquedless elinekles, and tbe ad- •
joints And in Just 41 few seconds it will .He stopped the ear at last, in a a
Now! Take me.."to.. itts. Guardian. tree's* he exPlained. "Its. merlons°.
mnettinatt III *settee, EtIDOW, penetrate to tile bone end bleesed coin- narrow lane) A. grassy slope rose, ei Down in the orchard. We name all
Angel. 'Zit it id mine already.
• • steephr beYend a Small orehandw and he-teet is. tho 'Guardian Angel -
Shoulder or Finger Joints eur houses for trees, or such. We've
absonbs!linstantly and is So dean 'crowning the hill aeeming a growth wishes et° rent. ite wen. ann .good. got an Acorn, and a Cherry Stone,
Yield to the Mighty Power-.
anti stainlese that mu can rub it on of the.rocks themselves like a giant Otherwise I shall' simply oxalic, and n Persian Perech-" .
tort mines uickly. .„
Often and rt thereby results *melt mushroom, a small cottage showed in I hens. and burn hia eemeene roy fire. hni Go err- rY
ful Influence a JOINT. mar, antek When, ,-the jOint' •the fringe of as little wood." place. Lead on, lifanDuff.in "
EASE- nee flamed - and- -Ageriy- lidensb. • breathed a a turous ."Aftl'• •
tt.To t
reacher neneath Ids big rock-
. Being goat a r owerrul vodka* •Irrit-The 'boy. eyed. bee weeny as she er and Pulled' out a dusty battered,
GaT p
t - It cannot ' Lehi bringlof (speedy She gotoutwithout ro. word, anti ,,ttitte .marched before hint down toe eras.ey A 1 upside down to
Slope and through cap, turne- i h.empty
.. ' '. . ' l'et 'her Wit in taven and Its C• and helpful results in coaxes loft, sore 'lad followed her through the otc the. archer& it of two kittens asleep t ,erein, .
• neitrikleP,aned. Br .. It WIgle end everr live throat, +chest voids. lundtago and nen- ard...„ .... : •' " , . .0 . . . But Be reumuted. her await the cote 'Tea:tot go now, Alice,' he obiect-
at-waist has 11. . .. f valeta anech quieter than tdraast' ettY tewill have it, , she eaid, 1 °king to a . He sad.. th oti tai .. 1 ed. eilerot just this minute. I got to
lit is st low trios remedy. te be sure, remedy you ean buy. : •
DA that doeen't plop it frOnt tatting But you ,must remember that. it In
nize. Lmk. lameness or torture out of for eoint afflictions,' that it is Mostly
up.lvi.th 3g ,in her eyes, 1' wet n e
"- -- -a-6 I surely, rent it, ' becatse en wee ear to eight up to Mrs. Willoughbyee cat- : 0
,n„our troubled Joints. dispensed und its heipfulneSs. will as-
p.iirse it is compounded solely for the and other teeativents have failed.. ,, , ,, .
Murder 31'S011. theft -what are theses 0 wunteit ie:
• . iThe louse to which he, took her the kite en wall. It was tvee-thirtyi
06. ..11146.....t. w.as butea *ire distance up the earn° "Gosha'mighty, I promised Mrs. Nile
it 1 ave. .to ommit extirder.. renanNaturally, that eat* it. II tatt and fiic .that leaky roof of
Those' rocks shall be my anchorage. ,Ga nt d 't 't • h. „Said be."
,Unt.Ease is elle name. so be- Walsh You atter all ortiMary Ihements ,to The Lune Bine lot give me aY. , . ira strayed to the clock on
"Well,anow," he oaid deprecating: Tue. •
.11, • • `
• . '
iamosoorlir • •
• rtt•-•
.; n e, --"r";
t • -
• Your Nev
• -; Radio Set
- You want the bast radio
for your money. Come \
in *et it sad near it--
. th'enVOINSWia:440*OWne
441CeIstet. ,
- End MOW Sales
'With Goilerich
"All that you took in
Oyler, 4
I •
akourbyr, xmlisbs.e tyhoeureli altikeenteh. asthancot
ing face. flush I • PIZ ensue make the deal with the
iy, with et sidetolog look at •
Captain emelt get it cheaper," he tag°. but it annt wuth rnore'n. forty- ,
The t ottage 'estes'built et` werdhere •
stained shingle and natural rock, and cautioned her. "But they may try • five."
to wish you •off en Miss Alice, 'cause "John Wailtice. Tell Auntalmity".!
stood 1311 aeledgd where the grasey steel the admiaistrators and she "Looks like rain, miss-thinkt r ,
slope dwindled to 'solid stone, Be-
holda ent'fee'eaore ruoney. You ask should 'a' fixed that roof yesterday, i
fore its door stood one twisted, crag -
You'd better go to the kitchen door, or day before.- SeemS like. there's so '
many things to do that' / just natur-
illY Pine, and 'behind it, ea that indeed for the* Ca Min
P Wed stiek to it.
it otood in. itn very portal, the little
If yen' go to the front doe; ally don't get at any of 'en. Good-
forost of:birch and pine rustled and . la"
t ley t nk yotere company.' •
1 ai id - - s by mists. III come ants see you."
elliveredin the. -sea hreele. •
.und vrosted a velvety hewn to the
Gay nodded back at him, amning, As the door closed beneath the gen.
tie, fraiI, dignified littIe figure, the
The doom if the cottage were elos-
ed "and their knocking produced no
kitehert door 'which was opened to strata voice railed hi ilib Wako:
rinewme Ille led Was teeth to imeept
Ms inadtriissten. lie knocked and h°11 tn'ileh by a lit i la-4-1-4n-All.talini17.-"'
t o o man,very
knocked, frbvining. dissatisfaetionat gray, very frail, very gentle. If tie - nfie WaS na attraetive wtintan, ad -
the unfriefidly ilence
felt surprise at sight of the boyish • mii%ble, rather, Mrs. Andover, Mete,
s. ,
girl in khaki gray and red leather on fully dreeeede with a general 'air of
, "Oli, there's tiohedi, here," Gay his step he gave no,sign, but in a soft well-being, 'i1 k( MO dis-
protested. °OM' pounding -would and gentle. voice he greeted her. missed her brother with a wave of
thitime." !
'haw; awakened the ---the druids by - "Dsay I speak to the Captain?'" site the hand, and smiled upon Gay with, s, • ,. • ' ' begun bom
- ore eponteneity tow that she *
"She's alvngys hereAnntairail" an ,
he Tativ't 'id lieretit he insistd- "Well, naw, I gueza you- can, mein' relieved of tlui necoasity of support-
. ty i
he eellen. •tAtintalmireet" ni I'm the. Captain, myself," he said ing hia softriess vith her personal
I • to thsoeiably, and etepped out dieereetly trinne91.
Gziy lauglicid at hie, pereletenee. e porch., making as . if to - close As an atiminietrtaor, elm was di
Elf ellen lierew 011e'il deaf," she midi the deer behind him. ' .
end Walked twolmil the cottage, from eets effielent cunt busineselike. ta re.
But his attempted Secrecy failed. turn for Gay's elie,•k, she Pat doztrit tit
L('4.' 5'i window, peering in. And The elooing door was ouddenly ar. n,
the more her opying chewedher, the rested.
w A firm liand appeared in the aper- KHAms
tare, and closed upon hie atm. The -
Headache* so. Boa , Captain looked back with gentle ha -
Could Not Steep 'Irang"wislics to COMM.; With liV••
Day or Night' • eereonally-- protented mildly. -
Mien I). Smith, ER. te nee -mete firm Voice front witlent. And the y wONDERFuL
.thit, loam -4 had severe headaches door opened, the Csptain was driest .
x ---
Gramp, yen wouldn't keep
the lady sterding," ramenstrated a /0-,
which went to bad I could not eleep back to the kitchen,
tisy or algid. 41Corne Tight in, 111932. C.L.t1 414 ese I
term teer looke. won't you? But it is
'Misr 6t "6"r lft-aer41 right tho *got or Meaning and-•-."
Gay lightly nodded iVisy the need 1
for apology, tied oat down en tbe
edge, of etraight cheir %near
the stove, while the Captain returned
to his own big rocker by the window
between two eats and a huge dog.
who eluded his thick lire ever his
teeth in resentment at this intrusion
in hie kitchen. The three wentan res
tired at ence to their work itt differ -
felt ruts of the, room, and the Cap-
tain filled his pipe. •••>
At Gay's eager verse ee admitted
lilitieremetorrgizlir it,hreteInattnsemPlianeid.
of fortillftt oho 0..10A vo i5. ear
kowtow' soon hint eadv,lteaurdree
At tit* setteatorions •
weroettt. vita, for
hi th•ir '10e•osolos1d kiallisrovitiasoctinn
not so amok am a of tolk. nor
1 at Mall bought a bottle, awl foetal it
•1 Ina Selpleg see I on spew teener
Ilso eviesbteite de's& see ewe
eisty by Viisk it. Min
hunk Ole L441,, Tema*. ost
Read This Letter from
Grateful Woman
Vannes. Ont„ -"I think Ladle r.
-'inhboliell Voidable Compound in
wonderful. 1 hays
ad six children of
hieh four am live
sag and ray young-
ia a bonnie
boy now
month* old
o weighs 23
evade, I have
year needle
before eta% et
woe born md
peat lansefit
Oren it. alp say friends te Wan it ma
ata aur. thow win roevivo tho woos
help 1 kiln:mei Mot
Muu.set, Yuma. Oaten.,
14 1
rirms MAX is pitting up telephone poles.
• JL Early in the. morning he is out making a
way for the wire' that is to come, At night
•when the gang gets back to camp he is tired.
But he likes it. There it zest in the work he
is doing, foe he is in new country. There have
. never beenjelephenes here •before.
He is blazing the trial. After him will come
families and homes and stores and faetories to
make another. city. Over the wires on the poles
he plants there will be voices and laughter,
business will hum, all the- world will draw
He works ,with magic. The wire transforms
time and lietance. Today you can lift the .
telephone' it your elbow and within seven min-
utes hear the voice of 'your friend iri.England
say: "Are you there?"
ertHIS MAGIC in the- ielephone has tint
1. come in a day. . It has come with year
after year of experiment and improvement.
The telephone of today is no more like the
- first teleplerie than a machine gtm is like '
howeand-aretew. ".
And the telephone of tomorroW =wflt surpass
the telephone ottodaY. • Tomorrow perhaps,
this telephone at your elbow will bring you the
face of the person you talk with, will hold new
magic we now tlo not dream of.
kir HIS IS tiit. urge to improve to seek ant
to find 'Sotnething always batter-whieli
Ilas been the definite policy of the telephone
ittueliees since the first erttde instrument re-
producett CI,Ne .gteA.*** 4-4,-..14tor aftpodii.
0 r policy could the telephone have
kept ptee `With this eountry or contributed to
its progregs as it has tionefftreducing•Canada's •
wide distnnees and dNferences-of geography. ,
And ty 110 titter policy en,' 4re:te1ephone now
meet the responsibility ofgolviref Canada's
Art AXADA."'S FUME is at feast twenty
Vt..,4 years of unprecedented growth and pros-
perity. All the signs and barometers of busi.
ness point to it. All the shrewdest prophets of
business predict it..
trhe signs and the prophets are so sure, and
the future is so unmistakablei that within the
next five years more looney will be needed for
extension of the telephone system in Ontario
and. Quebec than was spent by the businet;ra in
all Its first forty year.
trilE MAN' pushing poke and wilt into
new country and MO foresight which now
is planning over one hundred million do1lar3 of
new' plant to meet the needs of the next five
),ears come from the same
policy and the same purpose -
to give Canadians facilidez; of
communication worthy et their
country and it futute
rattgottof Tho Mel ref.IftwoOt t'Ologroeg of Noe& 1110 *Ea ow
oroetkoto eteste tkA tereplkoice fitsseera leo see Powilb 9*
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