HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-15, Page 5• 111•401•0111. rbknitspiir. soy. ttoth. ass \ -011•0••••••-•.../0111••••••••••••-•00•-•.••••••1.0•••- CHRISTMAS GOO .1 I A large part of our Christmas Gift Goods has arrived 1st. and is on display. This year our stock is the largest in our history, and we consider it by far the best, quality nd price considered. You are as welcome to look as to buy. Christmas Greeting ,Cards and Pencils 4•:,: • • Fountain Pens Peadtone - Waterman's and Parker's The new popular in attractive Gift Boxes • TOILETWARE Extraordinary quaky for the prices asked Ic' to 25c Also Personal Greeting Cards , Toilet • Goods i Stationery that Pleases - in single pieces and sets • Novelties faskiens decree, exclusive • Fancy Boxed Stationery - and !beautiful Toiletries. • of many varieties , . single. and sets, at prices - at Attractive Pricesto suit every purse.' • • C up. amtil)fell's Drug Store Phone 90 GODER1CH OBITUARY •.1, • !WHEN YOUNG GIRLS GROW PALM AND THIN Ur. wsiliares' Pk& Pills tilmild Isere to Barbell *te Blood • When girls grow %tete..ite nJ Deo. porriee should not neglect, thew; eseopteet.; to de 24 iTIV4ilit The girl ia hrt teens eemea• ilevviesp situ+i. bi soilitaahee•O uh,jI an I abundant eupple of tier, ved blood M • her seine It is the lack L thie that • or. the itecen Double with. tune tett of ttet, Dr. Willem -le' Pink PiIt• hese aehieeed worldoviale fame for their room -WIN bleealtssiking pro- peslite. In these pills thes-tee vigor - ],etre lieeltn, with %Lavoie' v -leeks and :IsOarlsling eyes for every weak, pale 4thi. The •vcdue of the pills in eae.ee -of tide kind is shown by the state, !merit of Airs. Winnifred Rutty. Bate! tea street te•esS, Hamilton, Ont., who!. . -'ssays:---"Abonateva nate-ago my di - PAGE PIPE Woollen Dress Materials 1 For Winter Wear 4 -Inch plain lire.ss Flannels iti a good range Of shades. Our iirice per yard.... ***** S4M60904 0,091100V.• 404nelt All Wool French Serge, a very fine quality of Krge and an excep..1 50 iionally good material for 4p Misses'1 school. wear. , Our pr! --per yard. (tot girl got into -very b" heath* 0..Ineh All Wool Santoy in the darker toot her to a doetor who advised low., shades, for fan wear. A splendid One; het tonsils rtertoved. saying this 025 owas the seat of the troulde. lite hod them removed, but it did net help wetting eloth for the kiddies. Our $i 25 1 1 . her. and She eeemeel to have aliaorbed • price per yard.... . , ......... sn gmett poison from the trouble that , she didenet PIA: na ateell, She eauM • Also a -good range of Fancy Plaids, and Checks, in ;', neither eat tor sleep, raid what food • tithe did tuke did not 1 digesIlien Woollen Fabrics sbe developed a cough that kip:: her • awake at nicht, and Vent down in • weight to 95 pounds. A neighbor - •- - - _ • I said to me. You bave tried eo many •. thinge why oot try. Dr. Williams" F. E. HIBBERT • Pink Pills?' I got some and besforo! she finished the seemed box she began - • tb eltow improvement. She, eontin- • Next Door tall*. Standard Bank . !I ued the use of the pills for a01119 tiM5 inot. 9ne °U • " THE CASH STORE mut is now lo the pink of condition.• r . 1 sble to work and play.. and eat and ae• •, sleep with. all her olci•time vigor. IThese statements can be verified by - , __•" •I i I 1, .••,--..-I 1 ,. - i 1..4 -.1•-•-•.,•-•-•,•••,-,. , relattleire who watched her eestered fres."( ill health to oerfeet health." Hoy and Calvin Rutledge motored to [trip to Cre leveland, evhethe deka ee, your medicine dedier does rot • • gtite3 will be necorded a eivie reeve keeo theses uille yon. ran oet them ,hv Stratford laet week, • peo., land lAone, ond for the fourth day Mt 'Atha Selma Go tine end eriesidestion and entertainment by the Cleve. * sooR et efle• n• bor fort The The Wit- of Dasbevood, els° the former'e , „‘,er /meetly, . , • • ,bably: a hendleap golf tournament:* visited Mrs. Rey Friteley on entertainMent feature will be, pro- - limns' Medleiee Co.. Brockville. Ont. re, holiday at the home ee it.,ers J Mr Calvin Rutledge vcitureed to ' ` ' Dietm t lee t 0 Pu y overnor Ilawkinn ' • i„ ,„ hte, made an Inters:otter.. and •autualme g U3, . Alessrs, Clove Myers I.erne Cools cite., Ross . Buffalo last week to help es** ee ' e' speech arid Lion Itinde of London, boat after spending a eew dayn with epoke briefly on the, 'junior Lions friends here. Club which be. has orgamzed In Lis Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Atderson one I ehildren, of London motoree up and spent the week-erd at the home, of the -lady's porents, Mr. 'and • AMA. Davidson. Misses Ellla and Lizeie Sowerby, of Westfield, and -Teeswater reepect- ively, spent the Thanksgsveng eetuton at the home of their pareetseeely. and Aim Thos. Sowerby. ' • Last Friday evening 14Ie TOM , People's Society- of iertioe etterell pre- sented their play, 'er...nnese "ioosores Yob” in the town hall, •Clizdoe, to a ,large aed appreciative audiebee. !• The annistge day service in Union United church was -teen attended last Sunday- alternoone Rev. M. C. Pare prearmed•e very une $ermee, his elan-. ject ming "A. Warless Wortoe. •lsor- I dig the service -Mts. G. lial%•ooirs 'Air. and IVIre. Elmer Altoo. . • .• • and leliss Bella Cotee class placed,er Mr. and Mrs, Sain Outdo end, • • floral tribute ,on the honor iofl 4 1 eemily, of St Helens, epent SendaY . solo"Christ in •Ielanders" was 'rene with M. and Mrs. Jet). Campbell, dere'd bv .Mr.- H. Barker and Airs. Mr. anti Mrs. George Lanaand son, . (Revs) M. C. Parr sang -a ;solo, "Lei Clifford, spent the holidays with litr, us have peece," evedeb wercooseth exi- and pees. elm ,Raelenei, near River, anti 'IA friend, of Stratiord, sPer•t a The happy gatherintt WW1 brOUgit few days at their eoteage istneci to a eieee shy the einvie.„ of the Noe • tile•hunting. •t tonal •Arabella ••„ . Mrs.. John Tigert motored to De- • trait with her son, 1Nreece.., on Sun- Atothere Vila easily. know W11041 ................*.v........s. daYA where the intends epending a their thildrett are troubled evleit ' few days with friends. worntsand they. Wee to time In zips • Plying n reliable re:weir-Mother .• BELFAST • °raven, warm Extermnatan. . • • , • • Mao Wm. Hunter, • of Luelinowe is •AtIter (at bedtime): •_ **Don't •visiting with her daughtere, tire. AS. Uttalible ;VOUr oroyere, Ifelene and Alex. braeltett. , . • eau't hear a word vitanave* . ancl Mrs. John Mullin spent Helen: "I wamet apt•aldng 11yout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs:. Henn' MIIMMY-. • . Mullin, of lateknove. erviver ' .'•";1-•e• ,"' e•es Mr. and Mi.e. Manning and family, • of Lorelon. spent •their holidays with s .00* slued post -graduate work at John ited at the home of lirelT. II. Tay- Ladles* Aid 'meeting and initial co•-• •' • 4'.! leledical School, Baltimore, lore sap, Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Bel- rangements were neede fist a play IVILLIAMS.-Many Ilii2entls. All and later in varrious European hosed- more, on Satttrda shortly to he given by the women themselves entitled f'sA, Ladies' Aid emieric.b will learn with ragee (lathe tals including those of )3erlin, Leto -•Special ThanIcegiving terviees wera The friends exid neighbors oe Jas, Blair and Misses Samna and Pei- 1. an r . erg .1a zabeth Blair, gathered at them home family, of Luelmow, spent Monday with the fortner's parents, Mr. and - and epent is very pleasant evening •''i'% to their leaving for +1 1. ,new Thos. `Fergaaon. - th of Dr. Charles D. IS Seams, • nd noa He practised meth- held in the Westfield 'United, eirnatcli Meeting Moils Crossroads. home in Geoerick, A very pleasant Mr. and Mrs.,,,Cecil Mullen and son, • , a ._ kis 1)00413o -dent his Isolate ne•Cleve," clop tend surgery Cleveland tor a ore Sundase. Rev. Alp preached are The •tea: hesteeSes. Mee- emu,. g• was. spent in mosteamo eel.. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perguson and Cleveland's Bread surd, OW, on Noveneber I3th. Dr. garter of a centurY, was a Member aPeasseneete Sermon. The choir gave Watson and lera. Leslie Pentland and oral addresses were given. Dining children, Mr, and Airs. Max Raymond aidtewrve eieeirimeeetChereo!3eing the Cleveland Amaderne: of Media a Thankagivingainuaber—The 'West. evereshody eneoyed tie "dainty lunch the eventog toe' fallowing address of TeacknoVe-SPent Aloneay es.on Mr. • a tempting complement tot •- and lendirtg•zest 'to the rest of eiaa high eelmols tiits town and eervice was coridueted on IVIondity, heroes. A baptismal aervice vsas al- • COLBORNE.. Gadmich aNwjlo Nov, 24 Ma. Printing That Pleases: Advertising the niertu. • oftet•wards the OriMrio College of November 12th, „at Calvary Presby- so held. Mr. S. Pfrininer sports'. a' • new Deat Friend.s.-it is with deep re. That Pays Is Star Service. a eon of the late-Xr. and -Aire- R- eine, and one of the mese sticeessful field ened's quartette sang, "Soldiers' Preluded* _ . was read and- the family' teas pc-ek-at- and Airs. Waltet- Alton. - cone mea a-clelielelle &t It Williairts. He uttended - the public physidems ethe.seity. The funeral Fatewelf" in memory of our Deem . • • • ed with a beautiful floor tamp • . _ Your . frouily will demand . PbarmiteYe traduating.liatil the ;de- teriau church, of 'which he wee a •• • - GODERICII .1,10241S uny °thew. Encourage them to twice aa much of our Bread . • Ford mach. • • gret that we halm koala of your .401. gree of Pim+. B. and 'winding ell t;he member, theepastor of that -church, Nux s s h ter at Putoarn. lefiss •G. iT•reble is visiting her size cision to remove from this neighbor- ., hood where you have sb long played EN'TSIITAIN LONDON AND do so, as it Is the inost health- • Me.dals of his Years Atter his Re'a- the Rev. Dr. officiatitigo US- • t • iss • y via egoss was owe front &ration he conducted •ci sfeeteeeSfal siited 'ity the Illerve E. L. Williams. • w. Jewell siiipped a cat; of -ape the part Of•good neighboring and • SEAPORT)! CLiellis fill and _nourishing food they drug businerte In his native town. but rector of Holy Spirit Episcopal leeedon ter over the holidaY• ellginfioned It to pursue -lee etudes of church, Clevelarid."brother of the de- Miss Aliee and Mr. Edger Sheri- es on onday. in tbe natural 'worse of life these. District Convention Will Ile Held in can take, medicine. was graduated from eeased. laterraeat 'wes made Thh°111 'were henie for Thanksgiving. Mr. Thos. Vgilson loaded two care changes ate sure to come. .We .sine, London June eth, 5th, Gth • the Western Reserve 'Medical &hoot Seollwood cemetery Mailsoleum, his .A baley boy has corne to the home ef betekwheat. last week.' . . CLEVELAND, - „.f Cleveland, Ohio, In atm and bo. brother ” 0/mato:time the committal et Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews. Mrs. S. Allan. is eisiting ber sots.. only be one of lcmg years but of en- . • cerely hope that the future orty not and 7th Next E. tio oeuse of Ids. eminent quillffieations service, Other relatives • surviving COngrataMtions'i • •Alden, for a few. days thia. week. • joyinent front tbe eelaxation. of the The Goderieh Lions Club had seven Phone 114 . 'West St. 7 peon In Lovesick! besnital 'in that der and Miss 'Ruth eieters, chief and Diettict Deputy Govern. - andes Velma, of Winston, writ holiday ot hero home at Donnybrook. who -spend -their live& Alvan the farmisy_ I M . • Icindly friendsbi'p. Vee realize that Wan ar,POIlltment. aa reefdent sue- ere: Hie w•Mre. W. D. Alexata• Miss 'Oral Finnigan, of Hensel', Miss Aiaygaret jeffeeson spent the I conatant duties devolving upon all members of the London Club, headed. . • eocity. • Afters1;aving Lakedidehe Par -•both cif Clevelendc •W. Williame. Sunday tend Monday under the paten-. Air. eand 'Mrs. Arthur Clark spent • The're much we would wish to pay %ier Bill- Ilawkitis and Convention 7 . of Clevelard••George. of -Chicago, and to) veer. . Thanksgiving with. velatives at Her; • regarding our esteem for you and atemetree eeyen „ Thomas and ten R M NT • In expreseion of our best wssues :toe memberie of the Seafortit Club, as A GU E • • Graben 'of Toronto 'brothers.• .New Kin _ - Rev. E. A. and Aire -Lundy 'eelee rington. brated 'Thanksgiving with their . elev.. Mr. and Mi'. Poulter, or ; eon, t . 4 your future but ye simply take Pie -4- their smosts at the regular luncheon ' friends, Mr. and Mrs. B. X. Crawford, Cairngarni, were visiting 'X • , on rliday eveeing last, the gathering ou with tide t• SPeatalaeS •• • WESTFIELD friends at : 2"..- •Pr.esenteng. slight %token of the same, not aa 14 3 Q lit goea. feerino %timbering .about forty,. • • 0e, "."'m luta y .• fun oxpreseion a'af. tsar telt"ef Lion'e4 D. Croft occupied the • Thousands of Pairs Offered .Pree . Rtm. MeDpwell was busy on *at Dringlamen•• Benntiller on Friday last.' • • ' . ent nd Mr. Lorne I. d rs W. I • • P' % M P Lo ' froronto Ont . -A new clearevlsion Pentland trd Me. atig 'Mrs Dusbew gvaegtni''t Jtfh toward you 'but rather as a memento hair and Seeretery Lien A. Porter Friday pressirig'hay. rs. la IVIr. and Mrs.ltle. A. Cantrell were mill; ;t1ileritXT1171.0 I:of these -good' and happy memoiiee Infuhed a sPice of humor into the e Sturde• re-. • dem elmsfilerod by many buyere • .eshing and IS a great hopeovernent iting ber daughtee, Airs. *lee: McGill. The readies' Aid are holding their 'Air. Aubrey Walters ami res hi- be abundantly outpoured upon you. 19u8 nacoe 1011 101 -:1•1 spent el'hanksgoting ay' wit -eV, laiter'S parents, Mr. ond Mrs...I:Tee. e epectacle 'has been civated, militeh is Goderielt visitors one day aSt week. 1 din of the ntinutes ot th • rev- • eguaranteed against hrealtiog In* tarns Airs. Nethery of Beig-rave is vis- . , and 1VIrs.1Vhite at Elirrivilre. . oje, .. . , ' which 111 1171 rieh mid edds do sorrow. : A • t / F .0(1 y• Of' the paet. May that bleselogi e 14, . . e p Quality io that factor viry set, over other makes, as- they well Anablo , Mr. j'. T. Cui.rie and son.s, of Wing- mutual Mitartaintheitt ' on Friday er, Harold, have been smiting their • Signed in behalf of Gsrace- nt ec. ionoie,,, evening, Dec. 7th. It will tiike the parents, Mr. and Mres 7. •eseWalteris, (+well -411o% as miming Wong' In fine I almotit anyone to read the you...strati- , iitgz.eliti,i• cititmitpliteliebdtt.sleofiarcisintly ruhlfit b W Meld " 1 Stitt am, were es vim ors ort - MeCture. le..I. Harmer, shape and Lion Frank Saundera .lese print, thread thee finest ereedle, ewe . . parte t mama production, when eempaymet peieese. And yet .and see far or near. Hundrede ;Time lAtliea' Aid." There will also Mi E. 0 E D I '• T thi M 131 'Emended. verv es . o spene *litanies. 0 r- air .ve • . 'Thos. McDonald. form of u play entitled, "The Old recently. Miss- Elsie Stonebouse alsiting be instrumental and voca: meek. giving at her home neer Hamilton ably, thanking, hie many friehen for bn3lagd:onn,3 elrIrte AW$;1111tC41°. tht°1111er°111°Iled.AUprottilliteaPwnee*:;1811 to emphee :thousonds theATI are already beiog SpollSOtina. .. • sirt in this: That We airtolutely ,worn. The Manufacturers. Self -Teat h t Mrs. Ed. McDowell, of Tote .35 er aun , Admieroon cents. artd Miss E, Campbell at hei home their kindneee. After re freshments Lion C. IC, fieunders, of Goderiela can tomply Plowern and Floral - ktipticat Company, 29-33 Melindiv %Ste e t Next Sundae- is W. M. S. Day and near Seaforth. ,Dept. N. W. Off, Toronto, Ont., are, MIAs Ella Sower y *en Doha- thankofferlog in all the mita•chee Mr. Chas, Allin, who 1. 7. Oodericelt freeng to said thousands of peir4 with 'her. permits 'in Goderich this ebarge,'Leeleurn at 11 a.m., Pert under the doctor's -care, is• not eci d f th • Work of First Quality if deeired and Moo cheaper graders when , wanted. We cannot AO first . free. If you ore riot amazed and ftewnsh p. , Albert at 3 pen. arid Nile at '7 p.m. proving. at; much as his quality blooms ot"eiscondir price: delighted, if you do not thinkeeltair Mie Monroe -Bair, 1j 41., visite(' Officers of tlie auxiliatees will 'assist would wish to see. reanY friends t Miss Edith Jolt:naafi spent lard forth, •• contrIbuted some hiumonira and we do not sell "seconds" at erected -es at enlY $348 equal tallest! .olle day lila week with Me. and Mhs. a the services and Miss Bantle win, Mr. and 146:a. Geo. Pettersou and I ilarrfele GOderiell- ' • I wee" eft itit her sister, lefts. Albert ! numbers. to the' enjoement of all. ° sad elsewhere at $15.00e You can campben. give the address at eaeh place. ISiort Perform of Goderich =de a hit edrste price, - e of Torofito speiat Thanksgiving, et•• Toronto on Aionday Afternoon after popular nonge, un floral patronage. Phone, writtea• two. daughters, Martho and Ploreneeol Anse Alice Sowerby returned to•with ono of his We reepectfully solicit your *end them back. You won't. loee Al, Nit. Werren Bamford, of Stratford The November meeting f th VO- - They wilt also tell you how to NAIrrtial, spent Thaseksgiving under i1?,.,._ ,1, Societies, W. AL S. and La- the London vinitoni tontributed a vo. were serve and Lion Bissonette, of Seaforth, led evening was spent very sockibly.• the assembled et nerd in Annie chorea (Received too late for lasteseue) • singing and Lion Sutherland, of Sea. the Irome Xr. end Mis. C. A. Itilb- S, plecisont teri-day visit at'her hoine eat "tank"• , get a pair for oureelf without cod- the parental roof. dies' Aid Was he'd at tne parsonage oxtson. t Lion Thomas of 'London, an eon. c • Wtite them to -day. •d Mrs. Wm. hieDowell Were 'on Wednesday air last week, with an ••• -' • I here. .. . - -- - --e.------,- ees e ------ - gamete. of Mr. and rs.._ tan ey 1 • a W. M. S. meets busy pressing. apples for ewer these ' twit, motored pp and. aro spenthno.. • •••1• • • ttnaane ' fil s' 11 iliti rgi ,w Mr. aundtAirast.„ iTi.etoil,leke;f9LiD. lyli 10s.. gerfreuprlei Ttitiii%,u,(1,,, tiovx .; . - . thine:, of ,Blyth, on Sunday. . . land 'presided &ming ero I)) 411114‘tber Iaggeilfillercliwfrour als.sinlek;;•1:laateivveeelkiiveireei.tingevith. .-frind.s 1.1c1 r.es- ifite-14,11:o5i°11.- , eention en tts be featared by a balit pnoet of all in making it The third day of the min- a . 14114 a 114# MIS arilue Vincent .orr Staralay. Miss Minnie Table.••Reporte ots the eileraooes. . . - %The young people's society of Lei- , 'business concenting the Thanksgiving der an oPeration for appendicitis in i eltimmte Yonnotee Yob" itt 'Clinton Xr. an vention.manager, told about the diss • M Aiesars. Baxter and Tutton rime Mr. and Mee: Wm.' Elliott, of De- ! • , , ; t nye ti neut June and astvil meeting were received anti • Air. dare Feagan, Jr., who went ons ion church are presentingotheir play, • WEEK •OF NOV. 10 to 24 Miss Alice Sheppard, of St. Caths Amhara Getting-UpAghts • arieess visited on Sunday with her eakness • friend, Mrs. Howard Campbell. meeting comPleted. A Pleasant fest- Alexandra Hospital, Goderieh, on town hall on Friday evening, Novena •• • t't.MJCI" • w 11 as be t 3 , • - " innomr sod SATUIRDAV •Air. and Mies IL Stenehouee end birth among old faience!: eted reIat• .3ACK HMI " Dottakt, of Gedetieli, vieited with the ieco Ats ell ht token of mie eeteem MigS Adelaide Davit -Pon, of LAU. •MOMAY and TUESDAY DOVE, evitu lir. mid Airs. Marvin McDowell .ure of the meeting wee the presenta- TuesdaY of last week, is doing au ber •fitb, under, the. auspieee . the church. Bladder• W ion o to. as. r rent of a life e ran expee . Sunday school, of Ilolinerwille Lintea CLIVE 11111001e visited the latter a mother, A s Ic :Member's pin, the address being Teed • Quickly Relieve•d ! by Mts. I'entland mid the pm:entre- GODVIUM TOWNSIIIP (rn • Priday evening the eangrega- and .a Peefect cast in the etratigeet (2I41412. 01 St. 1101122111.- Helena, on Tbliradilee GEO. STEWAr Florist Telephone 106 - N fragrant as a MY .and lov* an firlt family, a .Crewe, vicited Smithy The following- is the oddreso: CALVIN. CUTT'S ug ate son, 0, izam ton, y gathered at „the home cif Mr- Pleasant !tome Treatment Worlte The ,young peopleee •eociety of 'Cu- ;tallefircidaelpaervtcunriell:g Dwuirtililigtlihenet.evbelli;fle What a wolliadnerY•fuirlccalfort it is to •eanteo gives her best pereoratarice in MSS Rath Vincent, of London, wee We regret very nuiell that you are • -"THE YEI,LOW ;AIX" a holiday visitor atts the borne of leer •about to leave our luidst and sever St love story ever told, Romance au Mr. and Asa- 'Wm evezier and tion made by. Miso Sheppherd. 11111 ° tion of Grace United chute+, Porter's • X II h D 'd • eets' a Pasekon Rowels-, The Sereert With 511% and Mrs. Nee IL Campbtll, Dear Mrs Girven spent the week•end with Mende and te • Jas. Blair, of the e.,ut ine and epent Fine; Coed by Doctor for relatives hero. don United church will meet in the • ma male and esieeea male were pre. ore .Newi' MEMAID COMEDY' parents,. Aire and irs. time Vincent. s fhose etameetiens.which have been so deep all night and, not get Up once "Y(117.1.14 BE SORRY" ' Mr. and Xreli O. Smith, of Brine pleasant, as wo have worked together church en 14144•Y ever1100'. . ;mated with an electric lamp and ad• from Bladder Weal:more and !mita- AIIVEDNESDA'Y and THURSDAY their daugazol, Airs. Melvin Taylor. for with your going we lose our last tho Thankestiving holiday at the ,Me(iire, and Mr. R. Y. Cox made the Ile daily 0 itenoyamos, restIOSS at. 'charter member. we cannot let yea home of her tither, Air. Jas. W, tell, I preeentation. Air. Illair replicit very i raget„ f I ... A number from Gills vicinity e o nosery, backachea aud tier- Pritioteces, ItAlliON NOVARRO. 30AN ClIA:we tended the Thanksgiving supper and go without tryifig to morose to you The W. M. S. of Union Uilited,ilittinglY• 1' 0110 their aPPeeeia- Your; ,feriteldility that result Iron' ,PORD and ERNEST TORRENCE concert at Lorideebero on Monday what You have meant to as in your church will ittoet tble Wideeeday ata 1 tion of the gift. Inning the evening Bladder Troublee are wrecking the 1 ' !tad yort through such adeenturone night. generous oupport of each and every ternoon at the homo of Aire. (I. Her. a number went over to Mve. Lind* Item ofethounatde who alight ether] ezesilliceluleetdi . threes as you"ve 'only experienced. Mr. rind Aire. Bert Wiggine. • say's and presented her aith alit eke- wiee op se the beet „f health. i of attivity of the eburcli. fro you each wood, Oes. hehe es Iowa in 'Noe cameo at et, !departure td) their new home Ili GNU'. peacefui, health-ttivinv sleep and Leman '411aehing ite wey acrete the path of lattineo liarents, Air. and Mao T. tires and we feel we are 110t Otliy • sels, ,are visitinfe at the home • of %for rnany years in on. ter, ea, se Mise lielen Bell. of Windr,Pr, repent dress which was read •by Mr. John I. .;••• ' 'Yellow men sued white omit Tontine' lecOmmory, epent Monday with the of ns feels a 'weal lover and anorceiae Note FoNey the :jervezo will be la tile lan1P end eddreoe bolero their To be at your hest. you must have s conmace* Noble. ing a velued member of Qui* socirty sund., Rev. rich. 11121 Jahn MeCha° rood the ad* freedom from alat'W irritraion-thatet• Mee. M. Griffin and Alio. IL Coven- bat n ilek°anal ag won; helve L lifter pt-e.sela e deem and Me. Itobt. Ilerrriev mode why Dee emit:moralise casATAies ()range • "ACROSS TO flietGAPGRE" "FAIR TO menor. gueste at the home of their sietee, gret are those of glacinees that you fe, ere eh, .iharecetriontr,, Wilily* a quiet one, owiag to tern. 1 n ray n d d Made from a special formula and COMEDI• ' • tey, of Wingheen, were% e heliday u. ever mingled with env feelinge %of Tee sues r 44,1 teechee ee s F +No „the preaentation. The occasion was give eueh wonderful eatinfaction. Citron voor beam, .I,Uaell UMC4 eerso ueed in the Deetor'n naecerssful •Sertip, 5-11% 33c s t ; • e littward IJota. 00.111, • bag .$i.191 - %Val:1019. .49c. • Almonds. 111.. • • 59e Pact por tit 25c Peel, per II% • . .25c Pool, par 112.....3.3c • 'Nita .I. Tali& aro leaving the strenuous work of the iit t .e home of ter- pireentei Mr. hoe•s shi wog evenher wa5 tvate practice for warty 50 Years- liniolne 4411 iSe 50c * 29c co of c 'farm for a home in the plaee of your mile Writ Rase% Londeeteri. it t former's; perente. M. and N'orntal. %pent the Thitalcogiving 4 in a vivel aroma of Gynsy lite and - i . e plenee 'accept thin W. AL S. pin with * • a - loom oe sorter Beteete,„ 3 c rid „amine faintly, viniteil oil Saturday At tht i enjoy your new home sold year well. Mt. arvii ales WI1L F,11323".'. of Itee 0 c 1 ' ' "1 II ' 'tittle tevito is , ''hoeilleeef Mre• 5•I Ogee eiet"se M r . • I par met te!tt, Signed on behalf ar the Datil. who lesee'ecew v°e"rtii; te ' Mr. end Men. It0Dt: iloy. of Ge%de.1'" hew 19°M' Thedkhlt° Yea have ue". .....1 i , .e Vatit 0 - o 0 Mr. Moo, j %V, Stroofo ,, 0,0 Ila ke7 seeks with ;elm Geo, Demi- tee imaTAno talkie yew. (kap Phooe :119 Kingeton s , 41/IX TIC likittii" , ( UtItt./ Theater, lielintste. - W.M.S.---Mie. J. IT. Pfntloyinf, ifryw„; we.k vgkh Prirtitin nd reatito e 1W:1'i-401kt, viited friontia 'how kv-t voole- (f8t1 ttith°ut PWIeli '''. 1•°'' cl"t -1° t ED) irwrtaNtat. (-omci)17 lay„; if, pm ig,,, eteleirt Taylor anti ?Lee. `Fresno • **ACING DIAehtueder„ F,IPutor; ii4c, T, it Tatlor A.t, the 4 lase of tiso 'W. M. ee meet- r‘resuiee. h free lift 41.4* • .. . ' Ki.it !Cill referl the man (ere if %brought to a dace. IIIIRMABS, now' obtainable from ore. have beetight quick help rand PORT ALBERS your droggint for inexpensive IZAtile Parsnips,. :25c • hem. A teem Ito inwired btone tome, MI Monday. .thc, best wishes ay the, eoeiety, thst • holidsty art the linMe b • ee earente, Mr- tYrelitee Tistetteeif Flint, event earefeet tf) loarq thimeasule. t,arro•per pedt 2$c' ;hitter hate. Mr. and MVP., Albott Watol arta ,,you an 4 ME,. Ciipvil% rimy Hee how to Xr. and lers. llobteltrividsoi2, ! No matter what V4ar age itteee, be , orgee yeti lisee Blaild(r and mew CALVIN curr CA Mr eeed Mr. !lett Tav/o*, okiwt few. tiros J. Table f•sec y,•• Mee, Thou, )(2, 0 . .roi. on Sunday, • , i Mien Ain -eget -et AeIttera '11 eresding the "et se ro,liefst, anri.m,azo5a elay.1_ 1 ‘' A WelliAlt it LW IMO* : orsi Mr. sad Mrs El In Taylor, iff- iV4! 1,411. VISFM, tenk. dor'. et thc Totorto.., i It e...... 4pcnt thc..., Mr. and Wee toy Wale, Je3:1C Nal 110 rot WA p40neen1 •