HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR
maim •
THUlteleiete NOV, l'atit.
" ri •
Distinctive New Winter Coats
on Display at Cornfield's
WII-IETHER it be a =fait Misses° Coat, in small size, or a garment in 38 or 42,
W them is a generous selection of new Coats from which to choose. There are
no two models alike. We have listed below a few of the noteworthy features o!
these new models.
MATERIALS -Finest of French Imported Broadcloth and suede•like Velva
Bloom am prominent in these new Coats Linings are all silk crepe or attractive
tayon mixtures that are notable for both appearance and wear.
COLORSL-Rich walnut browns, cocoa browns and the soft pastel shades of
fawn are all new. Navy blue, emerald green and wine are also prominent, while
, black itt as fashior;ible as ever.
FUR TRIMMING -You wili noice a_ great difference in the fur trim of
of these coats. The paquin collar has captivated the Sinattly -dressed woman this
winter and this clever collar is worked out in genuine opossum, Mandel and
'eaten% Let us show you these attractive Coats, which are offered at moderate
MEN'S WINTER COA TSi have a splendid line of
Men's Winter Coats in the season's newest styles. The materials are of Milton,
Chinchilla awly 13arrymore cloths in checks, overplaids or plain. The Coats are
lined with Satin, and we invite you to see our range before you buy.
NEW CAPS .Wh f Mthe
e ave a nice range o Men*s Caps season s
new atyles and colors.
We have a full range of Ladies',INIZen's and Children's fall and white
weight Underwear. We invite you to see our lines, nade by well -know
manufacturers, The prices are reasonable. •
Tat sTonin CORNFIELD iii°P FTE •
0 N AT
• •
Canadian Legion, Town Coutieh and
Bend Ike Pert in Special Service
at let. Gearge's--Various Town
thurchee Mark the VaY With
4Pecia1 Services. •
A Very .impresSive arinistiee day
terviee 'was held in St. George
e.hureli int Sunday morning, merle im-
pressive by tee vat cangregaton of
people that gathered to do honor to
the memory of those who gave their
lie m in The great -war and to retail
thank: giving fer , the blessings of
Peace, and inaae • double impressive
by the very fine 'rendering of elle ser-
vice ley the lame congregation, so
ably led by the, choir and by the ,
sistanc03 of the Goderieh Citizens'
Band, band and .eltoir being under
the clever leadership of Bandmaster,
Orgisuist C. A. U. Wilkinson,P.T.C.M.
Mayor Xaethwut mai the town oval.
ell, ?dojo): .Sturdy end officers and
niember$ of, Hun* Post 109, Oaaa,.
dian Legioneattereled the .servimi and
vete met At the chile& doors by the
chereltwavdens, Meestei. E.11, Hill
and Douglas Brown, and given a wel-
come, onci, preceded by the choir and I
clergy, advanced to the seats. reserv-
ed for them ae the Proeeseional
Hymn, "Before. Jeliovah's Awful
Throne," was being oung, tais iollow-
lag a prelude by the band, which 00-
cupied seas about the organ at the
front of the church. late Passion '
Chorale '10 Sacred Head Surreund. i
edeeeley*.Baeh, was ablY lilaYed by the
band and'iifteellibrthelavo ,mmutes,
silence Was observed ey toe emigre-
gatioe, 'staging. The close of the
period of silence WAS atitiounced by a
' triple toll of the cliuech bell, after
which the thanksgiving one VraYnr
for world peace, for remembronce
and eonsecration, end a cormnemora.
tem of the fallen, were saideby the
ieetor, Rev: I. le; It Mille, the tom-.
neettiorAtion plotting with the prayer :.
"The watt we do is harder .for,their
absence; tbe Triad eve tread is lone-
lier for their passing. .God be with
them, and .giant that we may meet
them at the journey' end. Help ns
to live as faithfully and bravely as
they died, and through our witrieee
' buildethe Cite? of Gad, in the lend for
'which they ,gaveethelr lives, All we
• • •
Preferred Stocks for. Investment
Dividends payAle 1 January. April. Jolly: and beteeer.
PRICE: 100 and Accrued dividend, yielding .. 6, 00% ,
leech Preferred Share carries a 25V, bonus eiCommen Steck
• 44P4 the riSht to Per.ChMe additional Cernekea. .* . • •
Dividenek payable, t March, dune. September and Member. • .
PRICE:. 17.00 and accrediviciend. yielding..
Dividends 'payible I •Janeary, April, July and October,
PR Me: At the market. yielding.......... ....
Dividendspayable I January. April. duly and October.
• PRICE: 101 and accrued dividers!, ......
•Piviciends payable 1 February, May, August and Noventbet.
PRICE: IN :50 and accrued dividend. yielding . . ...
nese Semialeg tarry cur reonmeadatioti.
Pap deserirk Circular ea mired.
menet& 6%14001001 WINt41110
thttnOtt, •1040. - • E. It. weal, litaithet• VANCAUVER
Pad Ohm l'OftCerths le/GNI St. P.
• H. 1. L. ttorteametes, 000Ettlat, Math
• Riad down 46 Read up
a Getlerich *At.
7.00 Ifoligtetwille 1025•t1,2S
School 7.15 Clinton •100 Sin
7.211 Seaferth 10.0S Sweat KW
CIO . 7..35 SL folumbart OM 1105 7.60
111 It 7.1A, 94; SA 7.44
&Is Sid Isirt Mitchell 11,411 .1.55 140
11.44 1.A.% gait .1114ithsetville PIN 4,40 725
LSO 11,11; • Stratford 9.14 4 25 f-Poin
tjeb 5 .00t.4.11,, Of Wee• 415 7tt0
yr, It ea a.n.
�. het. et tn. 7+,0.,
" • •
it "hog speriala Mends. Tuenday. Wednesday. Thursday pad
rodimy only_ listatnisy MJIIt slosh loaves flintier& At ta
paia Wh14f4'10 Se eft habil* sod larva •nyans.
tGatitteith drew Main = itereefard trim los depot (plmne TOO urea poet
sow* Ws WS'S.
Anima t• itetesel shit**, OttIodisi Atsaldstd wheel
•••••••.4 1.•
ask through the. mediation of tleSUS
Christ our Saviour and Redeemin
Rest eteinal vont to theme 0 Lord
and let perpetual light ehme upon
them. May they vest in peace,
Amen." ,
The 'bend thee played- the Dead.
Mardi in I Said ,b3,: Hendee, led by
Bandmaster Wilkinson; followed by
the sounding of the Last Past by lefr.
Robert-- .11enry, the congeegation
standing. through the rendering the
Dead March and the $ouneiee of the
Last Peet,'
After this thweegular order of ser-
vice for morning prayer was follow-
ed, the verses tommeneing. We the
resurrection and the life" and eLet
not your „heart Abe troubled," 'being
used for the opening sentences. For
the leesone, Passages froMethe eftli
chapter of the book of Wiseein And
from the 21st chapter of Revelation
vgere used, Mee. Canon Hilt read the
Prayers ond Vele Arclicleacon°Jones-
13atemant ‘the lessees.
IThe Testing ?lour of Liberty was
Rev. Mr, Mills' subject for his ser-
mort, his. text being from the 4th
chapter of the Acts of the Apostles,
"So when they had threatened them,
they let them go. And being let go;
they .went to their own cellOpally.'
Mr. MilIa referred to tee circumetan-
ees of the text, how the disciples,
who up to this point had enjoyed the
semirity And protection of the upper
roomotow earne out tack the World
and met their first n was their
first axperience of the 'mixt but they
proved worthy and preneltettlim gee -
pelt and the authorities after threat-
ening' them let teem go. In many
waye in,life we inetthe testingewhich
'Caine with the', h011r of 'ibex -
There was liberty from • the
par. During the war, we had been
tied dime to the work of winning it;
now we were lit liberty, fro to COMO
and go As we 'wished, mut tee past,
ten years tow corriing ecore of Yenta
were flee testing time of liberty. The
relied growing. Up reached Its nOtr ,of
liberty, its testing time. tie termite,.
Mean 'of the `hours of labor VMS all -
Bronchial Cold
Loft iiihr with a
Dry, liking Comb
MP, A- Priori% .'36 Ingram ot,
ciolato, Oat.. aaa plowed
to tele, this upeurteeity of telliog yoa
ef cite/amts vith
Dr. Wood's
Pine INE1tY CO. WILL ;
, Mn , Cranston took :he solo earts ial--""--7,
i aserliad by Mt. kuveet kleoci i..f tke Wilea you are in noel' of .
: tlii an IFIQW... frit *Art 1'..•7t Ass ; '
trAtektt band. 1
Jlit the Baptist ehurea ...e, suggest, ' Sick Room Supplies
• ee woe! es si-rsele .....e:r.: out by the .
*gm w •wrignm
e.rogloci51 (finii,fitter VifiF, foliuWkd
An t Wall and Rev. Air, Elliott
hiato:7', the 4...4441., emeeee
; were dead yet halt he iive," bring.
' ing out to thought that :he Chris- ;
tato, by ti;s: influence of his life and
elialaeter, 11%7(3 on after phyzjeal
The Star was tun •aG a.i stantie_ed ,
Syrup that the deal for the purehase of the
"Efgly laet winter I suffered from
screw bronchia/ cold that left me
with a provoking., drklineltiag cough.
A.fter beixig bothered with it, befit (ley
ana night, for some time I had a
Maitland Road p/eitt by 'Lae bomb -
ion Road Machinera, Leda weC
called off by the • Comaseec. They :-
started their negotiations for tee
purchase alba plant eery in May'
angot ne actiOn Ou tie "1: the
• I •.
ggige:181;TUMIP"lilrehZumlokewniate:Qante; mere recently, when tit mattee waa
council for months aftentaecie, 'and
fill results, and, now, it is the.°13Y, ;hailing to a head. Precemo time wee
remedy I ever nee for colde.”
pike 05e. v. bowel large family size lo ost in trying to ir.duee the Company
nerease their offer, when it was of
e0e. at ell druggists ar dealers, tbo utmost importance to the Com -
Put up only by The T. Milburn ON pany, if they were to tem the plant
Lble-Teeento, Cate-- ; alletbat immediateAction- be taken
SO that they eould get the building ,
ludo shape for the winter's nnumfite-
after which the tongregation stood turiug program. The caution having
during tho two minutes ' silence. This agreed to sell at a certain prk,e, the
W15 tellowed by an introit, Special Company naturally supposed that an
voeal numbers. were the quartette, Agreement of nate would Jio drawn
"My Taek," by Ashford, sung by up, contingent upon the passing of
errs, W. be Saunders, Mies A, Nairn, t a. bylaw to grant the -Cenupany
Mx. II. IL Reid and Mr. J. F. Thom- ,nonainal fixed assessment, but metead
son; the anthem "The Recessional," of this the bylaw as pmaretl was
by Deleoven, in *bleb thd soloist was made to include the terns of sale and
Mrs. W. P. Saunders, and Elsa* many other details widen were not
chorus, ihes
ofleopolo ohnednigGietraarkle'nsobl; a;tird. aecepteblolo the Company and the
Jae. F. iThomeon. A beautiful
wreath wae placed over the tablet to
the memory of those from this eon-
gregation who gave their lives in
the great war, and the tablet, the
pulpit and the organ were appropria-
tely draped with Union Jacks. For this Wrauer• The e0P1144441Y'41eve made
the offertory Mr. Major played theh* plans for the erection oe a neW
iTvtaw'ellaedryinueranenciOuirtnyattute: pllolu
esrtoedsee building., 110x53,. of reintoreed -con-
crete OA the site of eeeir present
Pilhenen,rn% hinyistthere,eaunaRe.
re.npo.eemr... plant, The'ntir ebuilding will face on
of the '15th ehripter St. John to completion, The new accommoda-
St..David street and is to be rushed
mid, took for his text the 13th verse
thin is rendered imperative y the
"Greater love bath no man than this :e
taking: up of the inatiefeeture of the
that a man lay dowl,,ma ofe for his new line of power rota: a:address
our soldiers in. the i.var, Ur. MeDer- which the Company embarked on .the
past season for the Atoll tame. As
things now steed the town still has a
tthrieenwcigt‘ki oWfisthervalegel°awnidngsaterribiauctee otc;
plant on its hands whica ntearis an
time that would heve taken in
getting a new bylaw prepared, Agreed
to ,by beth parties ond submittee to
the ratepayers, would nave put the
time when the Company could have
got possession of the Mending- too
late for it to be of Any use to them
id nassecl on to the consideration
of the results .of war. annual outlay of about $800 place
"'"nistice f b turned into a revenue pro-
• and PeAce° was 1113 sul;iget CI leer at Inst to the eXtent of. the
result of the armistice came the setl°°1 •kaes` and the
wars. inc evening eerviee was made bers Of the tOwa councii\ Ittat tile
aii stiee e osed the war and as the
eLre aoP aid°hie dNnaltritreadillrlibrieTenthteeeSsPeeoat Pure ha s e Ptice
tain elate. The belief by some mem-
d th ;were en the
PeYable after
ifousehold Drugs
H. C. DUNLOP, Pluni3.
oWaS Wm. J. Uarrow, wee made tee
tibitanee in 44 minutes. Third wag
Eari,1Wero,--ti minutes. Fourth, Ian
le. McKay, 40% minutes; fifth, Saul
B. Waltersr Oth, Patrick Page, 48ii.
minutes.; 1th, Ralph Ilendersou, 48
' • .
minutes; 8th, Ambrose Colborne, 4414,
minutes; 9th,. Frank Allen, 49 min-
utes; 10th, Robert- Grovee, -47 min-
utes; llth, Murray Hetherington,
Dlee minutes; 12th, Roy F. Erring-
ton, 52',a minutes.
Morrison McKay is thus the win-
ner'of the cup and he and Wm. Bar-
row aud Earl Mere will be awarded
sweaters as prizes. Ian McKay, the
fourth man in, gets It pair of -shoo.-
Sam Walters, a pair of slceting bode,
Patrick Page a pair of skates, and
Ralph Henderson. wins the sueciaI
prize offered by Albert Harker of
Hunt's Hardware Store,
In the junior race, four Ialf4round
the Square for boys below .14 years
of age there were over. forty entries
and first, second and third place went
to Carl Bloginfield. Jack Benoit and
Jack Greet respectively, their thne
for the mile. being 111, and lfiVi
minutes, respectively. Me first
prize is a sweater; the steona ptdr
of skating oboes and the third a pair
of ic t
Those who finished in the cross-
eountry race and the winners in the
mile rare will be entertained' bY the
Lions CluVet their next
whiCh be -on Pereay, the 23rd
The Poor Man's Friende-Put up
in small bottles that are easily porta
able said sold for a very small sum,
lir. Thomas' Eelectrie Oil poriseseea
power in cooeentrated foi.m. Its
eleeapnees and the varied uses to
, which it eon be put rnake it the peer
Iloan's friend. No dealer's steel: 14
cS.POPlete without It '
• .
1• r;r7-Ctetee 3,40
1 For Uplioleterieg. leeleeele.0
fe• nd netintahing.k
A barge range of Sample ctteer,
• P. A igNeini.nitirEst.terAAN
An- Accessory
Instructor (to .girl learning to
drive): "Now, when you want to
sten vOu meat :net an the brake.'
• Girl; "Ohl Why I thought the
brake came with the car." •
1 --the West Street --
Electrical Shop
We carry a good stook of
Electrical Appliances
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in
Wiring a ll Kinds'
Estimat giveu un
ap motion
"in Wpik Guaranteed
Fr nk McArthur
Pit/ne 8J - West Street i
"(2 - -7/ r 717--"r7reivorn rip r
t • l0at deal nore than, LOGS ANTED
the offer ,ef the Dommain. Reed a.
the. special thanksgiving day service. P an Is 111" a a'
Mr,' AleDermid's subject. wiis .',4Takinei ltinery Co and may yet, :no Sold for
musical numbers included anth- their have' for losing the opportunity. '
eine, "0 Worship .the Kane by Nigh. of sele to the Dominieri „toad Mach- .
re, ene Maunder's "Praise tee Jeord, -
. At North street United . church the '
' front of 'the :ante 'Was 'decorated :
with Ilags.tind"filtiVers. The morning - Day c rass.country Run in 39 MEP
service, miff after the oPenihf.: 'we* Taat Year's Record.
elide on the organ,. the two minutes' • . ..._:..„
' silence was oliseevede followed by the ' *
. 'in 'enite . of . rather unpleaoOnt
••ei . higher •Bgere 'la the consolation
Our Gifts far Granted"' end special,
0 Jerusalem, m both of wh ch Mrs inerY CGMPanY
W. F. -Smolders- was the sololist. •
Makes the 'Course in Thauksgivini
service Was the. special armistice day -lite% Cutting Two Mieutes Off
International Peewee as published in wooer, ;eye eivionday, Thanksgiving
vice'Peepared-litthe Armistice Cere- .:."
Menial ContMitfee. Then caoii, ,r.ifto eurned up for the ertves-cauutry VOA
hymn, "0" eanada,": f011ineed be,-'eue efibigselleoei:a4hltrgmearmvube a'Qrft;uri°d'rnificer
Psalm and the Memorial .PraYer. soave; .Tee
,During' the taking of the iifteatory.- coarse for the cross -
Organist CamPliell plaYea "Melodic' yebenartli Yea' VVIng twhae°SqUilaeres,aelniaeC'd.neti.are
oue last iesuerfeeen order of, ser- Day, a ^good number of contestants
.(Marelt runobre") .by Chntlife In the bridge, Saltford, .Menesetting Road,
anthem "The Recessionae,.? Miss P
ee--.,* Goldthorpe's Corners. Adams" corner
Graham took the • solo milt, • xrus and back by eatford to the Square,
was. telloived by the hymne."0 God and at sem points along the eoute
members of be 1, oris C ub were ete
Our Help in Ages Past," end the t ;
Scripture reading, 'Ree,,7:0-17. At tioutil to check the ruiners as ha
1 i t
was plAcerl libelee the. tapet te the to these there were four hospital darn
t s point beautiful poppy wreath ing• passed these points. In midi on
tnemory of Abe' Yoking .ruenleeire the to take care of any runner that
congregation who made the supreme might. find it -inadvisable 7 --
sacrifice in the win-, the 'wreath being t fi h
' We the undersign d, are opeh to buy all kinds
- of timber again this winter. 'Me will pay you good
price and give you eral measurement and grades
for your logs deli ered to our saw mill here. -
We believe is to the interest of the farmer to
cat his own lo s and deliver them, but anyone har-
ing standing mber and wishing to sell on the stump,
kindly see s before you do anything and we will be
glad to s you.
We. '11 pay you spot cash for, anything you have
to o ',and as our lumber lar;gely vanufaettred
to e finished.product, it helps OUT own province
elling -to a concern like ours.
Signed -
PHONE 25 BOX 206'.
borne fromethertoimininion table, on There were fourteen ers' in,
iby Messre. IL Rehertelon And E., -two eteeke to it to th Anisle----A- -
the race for boys 14 to 1g anti all but.
which it here teposed up to this Point,
Wee Pleyea onNthe organ as an hiter- decording to age am the -4.4.. .c All
Anthem' Pa°v;e1Eieetrr.hele134:4stegArria'tella
Lord's Prayer in unison, the Mitional
gar's "Pomp And Circumstance" Waa Iletherin ton
.Prldhein. Geilmant's ""Elevation' soaocaila of handicaps as arranged .
•lude, after which came the addresa as wows: Patric Page and Roy • 0
b •
ven-minute start
en. They started
mute • later Murray
and Carl Staddart
the organ Postlude, The °Young • started and t imother intereal of a
Mere, Win. J. Barrow,
rson and Prank Allen.
t,s assigned and genire
did not ,start. Sam B.
and Robert Groves had a 2.
start over stretch men, and
ert Stoddart and Ambrose Col.
rue one minute. R. Morrison Mc -
*y and. Ian P. MeKay were scratch .
men, starting at 10:11. The former,
IL .11Iorrieon McKay, eves the eirst
man in, malting the COUrge in ao
Utes, two minutes better than the re-
cord last year. The second num in
•service wag 4 Thanksgiving. eermee, minute, Ea
Two anthems were sung, "While the. Ralph H
Berth Remaiiietle" Mautider, and no The 6nt
Herielerson being tbe soloist ie. the
Give Thank :Unto. the Lord,"
latter, .Rev. Mr, Clarke' semen wee
Mr;-, 4e le
on . The Grateful Strang!'." The
other .sort of liberty, velfieh proved 040 poztlede was Tellinan'a resti-
our testing' thee: Alia the real bent yid March "
of a meres character was shown in
tito thingS he instinctively turned to
vhett ho was off duty, when he watt
freo. to indulge his fancy. It was
like a vein of gold or of tam metal,
while had re habit of coming to the
surface unexpectedly, and the gold or
bareness of a man's nature .showed
itself when lue `was at libetty, free
from restraint. The pitmen, agewiie
a time of liberty in many ways, lib-
erty from Old 'restraints, a time when
!conventions of all kinds were ques.,
tioned,.a time when a nine liberty nti,
to Sunday observanee, for inathnce,
bad been eleinandeelf foe weel or wee,
and the very freedom of thought and
freedoin from old 04)84031' 4213 made
the present time a time of testing.
The disciples, being Id go went to
their own cempany. $e we, -freed
front restraints, went to .our own
At Victoria stred United thurelt
the morning service was the thank
giving 'service mad the eveniug r
vie° the armistice rill serviee. 1i4v.
M. Parr'S fflihke1 :11 thO in,tfling
was "The Spirit of Thankfue esa 114
the Development of Christi a Char.
actor." The choir render eteverat
seleetions and solo parts vete taken
by Mrs. D. Cranston, M Cs Breekow
and, Mr. IL Barker.. hero was a
good sized congregafem in the motile
ing .and for the ev nher service the 1z
extiet seating be ng neceesary. to ace
chuveli was fillee to eapacity, some
coniniodate e The front of the
church Was beautifully decovated r
with Mote autumn IloWors and
leaves. Vie honer roll of tlioso who
served i f the great war ants a white
cross fire given a ;dace of lIrmnlfl
- 01140.1 Mrs. Cranston's cites rlecor.
comptiny, in other words .sought uut
s that pleased -us. The 1th. ate the tress with sprays of crysan.
the thing
erty of the preeent day :hotted that tipglontmer1081111,nadMnd r' asplVerinnri:tahn32telv"rsthe
(i.od trusted us. :Way Nye maw tire was presented by the -Victoria lielp..
test and show It tho use wo mat
of one- libetty that our nature as
the tight metal in it.
=, After the service in tho chur h the
tte Legion and ;reouneit
setarened to the soldiers' onument
- the Square and there :Al e‘ large
a rt service condur;ted Ven.
ithering about the me. QOM fora
Archdeacon Jones.lhdienum. Wreaths
were placed at the hist of the menu.
, clifIrttebrY tahntAit}igi Ilt,ht,,SIglitelil;"1111....tetski. i Peace and must come into the human
Chapter of the/ augnters Or elt AA* f,hreaegra.t. be:ft% wetherlinecohrattrt:opune.irfertehaet
Dire. 100 IT/Pritiees NAM' Iftwificf tress Mr. It Barker sant, "Christ in
I,. O., L. After the Owing of till'
wreaths the comrades ef the ,Tiegion per owe
Flandera" and 'After the sermon Mr,
"Let Iti4 Iinta /bees.
advance •irigle Ale and eaeh roan , _
attach, the poppy he wore to the '
wreath ond stood At attention before . aid ibis* Omni% PASO Ma
So harlot pout a fitting tribute to . °aril" " srimiligidt.naglitedi art. 111Z1
the monnment for a whom,
ering broke up and the ban& and the I Woe=
tho, is..irroorr of the fallen, the troth,
1...0es marchell sway, :Oh no daunt I lisizissi. ter ilk
les gladly
feohy ow .respirsitioe of the epreiree
*Artily es the te•tinet I 1 M.' ilog Son
et OW east/tint st.td the rail ta PrOVe• :
At Knee rhutrh the ntettenat ern- Item* 1h trrnitIrestielknOtThiltr. are"tvil..k retwAlbsuistilend 1616 -
vice --
MSC wade thc. aperial arndetive 1 isievi:
,,..„ spaphiow" as Ow ItitsiSdb. .
ers class. ReV. Mr. Parr's sermon
Via%, on "A. Warless World:. the torz
being the passage speaking of the
time when the people -would beat
their swords tette plowshares and
their spears into pruning hooks. A
thought that Mr. Parr brought out
was that there would Ti. no universal
disarmament until ti,ere was uniter-•
sal prate. and peace begins% int the in.
dividual lift. Christ is Abe Prince of
• •••;•••••••••••••••••-•
We have taken the .
Agency for the
Tiplop Clothes
Ths World'. largest
"One.Price Tailor*" •
Come in and examine the
new sampies for your fall
I- Suit or Overcoat, at one
price to your measure
All garments are strictly
made to your measure
Tip -Tete Agora Ie. 604.4.;t21 *04
Uri Si hin-Plaie
I MI111111111 I 1114•1 I •
T of EittRYTffiNG
Fresh Supplies have arrived-4er
your Christmas Baking
RAISINS, (bulk or &chip) 'SHELLED NUTS
CURRANTS sttowroma
for Your Protection
• Telephone 1,16. W. Deliver in Town
JUNG SING, late of London, St Thomas
and Ingersoll/ begs to annonee to the public of
Goderich and the County of liuron that he has
acquired the Restaurant, hitherto known as the
British Exchange Cafe, and, will continue it
under the name of ITURON GAPE and with
entirely new management.
His long experience and thorough knovv•-•
ledge of the catering business ensures to all per.
mons the best of service in all branches.
Visit the HURON once ay• ,
and you corm agajp