HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-15, Page 3Tticazo*Y. NOY. nth, inn lied Tette leilleetb !Neighborhood News Nuggets What you wake up isi this rooming I IN, the liereieg Picked From Our Exchanges1 . with a furred toecap amid a 144, bitter i . i time ix yout south yuu rimy be sure f . '..7....,.-.. ` Cant on, Orea in the mult L'y3Fp,, Sitikaag Test Well for oil i I'll'At SU" 111P" i/1 4" 1111"11.°1144 0 --at; v,D I- v ( -:il menceo too 'tai ott itri oilier auth. impede turd requires *Umtata' at °ace. , to is'ani „i• .: - _ •a 0 ._ eid a _ _ ., i I" lOs GI the feet ..e.s. for ea on Buthanan•Clark Mrs. R. J. Calming, RS. No. 1, :, the favin et Mr. Ben Charrette, a few . A quiet wedifing WAS sOlOMY7Zeki Oli :Serena Bridge, Ont„ writser--"Ou milea south ef at. Joseph. ' Serer...My forenoon, Nov. i".Kiii, at. sen raring in the maniac E found 1 had a ; Rebuilding Exeter 'Rink :' raelock tit $t. l'auin eburch, Heneall, . bad taste in ray muuth -which 1 later i workmen are rushing rae soma sa when R. T. W. jones larritei in found out was slue to the bad Mate of ' rebuilding the Exetee skating Tinto marriage. Maw Mny, eeeond daugh- . my liver. The clerk in the drug store which eellapsed it winter under a ter a Mr. filid Mrs, Louis Clark, to , • , suggested that 1 try 'Mliburn's THE heasy weartit of enow. The rink is ' Mr. Robert Ismicat Buchanan, you/so- a eirasoar aea,pc alleasesio with iron, est ;Ion of Mr. and Mrs. AtdV0Vr" ”1.1., The 1, :1.* are now all in piece ready chanrin, both of Teeters-401th. for the sheatim , , Meets 'With Acciiient . . Engagement Announced Janda the little daughter of Wm. "Now I run never without thene fa Mrs Geo. Jobnaten, of Sannuerhill, and Mrs. Munro, of Llyth, had the the house and wish to thenk you for -announees the engageraeot es' her alisfiorinue to he striaiers' by a ear oa what they did for Me." youngest daughter, viola Rosa, to isunue.y afternoon, Noy. ilth. On , Charier- Edward Ilallam, of Auburn, routine. out of St. Andrew's United - Price 25e, a visa- at all ilruggisfe -or the marriageto bias -aim taiyeniacuo Sunday Ii .i she ran onto thesprivea dealere, or mailea {Bract on •recelpt of of November. ment juet its a car driven by Robert , nee by The T. maw* Cie, Ltd., After 21 Year Gives 1:p Business Thomson was passing. . She was After serving the buying public a knocked, down and received injuries. Winghani and vicinity ror -wenty-one te her teed and spine. i years, r. .T. A. Mills has --deeidea to Sparling-Moore •ADVO 111:1 his general store ousiness in town, and in, future dbyete his entire energy- to his flour and feed ibusiness. n LEGAL CARDS J'. R. DARROW. , Barrister, Solicitor, Nutwy Public, kite. Aceident Proves l'atal Suricessor to a. L. Bailor= As the result of injuries received phone irt. sauce, The a'quart'. Goderieta on September ilOth, during thresbing VILNEST LLL. - °legations on las farm et afoosomin, • ' Sask., Mr. Fred R. Plewoo, eldest son Barrister and Solleitor of the liste Mr. Joseph Plewea, of Deminlon Bid-,. 463 Bay Street • Toronto 2 Telephone Adelaide 4163. TaiDLEYi. HOLMES. Barrister, Soileitor, Notary Public:, Conveyancer, ate. PRONE 27 IIAMILroN tiTatBaT. SPECIALIST B. P. a it. PORSTER. BYE. BAIL NOSE, THROAT Date House Sargeon New York °Oh - their)* and Aural Hospital, assistani at Mom/Media kiye Hospital and Golden •Bqare iThreat Hospital, London, Eng. liasterioe, St., a. Stratford. Tele- phone 267. At:Hotel Bernard, tioderiela on the evening ot third ;Monday of earal month till the fallowing day, Tuesday, at t , otuRoPaacTic DRUGLESS PRAGTITiONna. DR. A. N. ATKINSON. Chiropractor mid Druiness 'rhea -mist, Goderich • ,Chlionic, °manic! and Nervous Diseases soul:Aped with Diathermy, Electra - Magnetic Danes, Bleetronic Electrlo Treatments and Chiropractic. • Office hours—a to 3 and 7 to 9 a. na and by appointment, :excepting Monaay -and Thursday afternoons aria overrines. Office Hours -2 to 6 and '7 to a Pala Lady in, Attendance. • Itosulence and Offierso-Conier Sorith'Sfs • and Britannia twain ss AUCTIONEERING ' 'THOMAS OtiNlifftY & SON: , "Late Stria; and General Auctioneeess Eton Ave.. Goderlell. - lee madeseverywhereitind alt efforta: to iraial aotrotatieteettorta— timers' Sale Notee Oisarattea. one.lia, afte()BERT ROBERTSON, oitietioneer, Eldon. St., toderlch condiret and arrange aria sale on • the latest methods to get best result. :See him, •or drop a eard and, he will give it immediate attention. Farm Solos a specialty. runta. ETC."‘"I' "eltaef. B.11L/EFL r v NOTARY Plifl1410 General conveyancing done r, Good Companies Represented o 'PlIone No. 298. Cloderich, Ont •e- •-- • INSURANCE aliatKILLOP MUTUAL VIRE INSUEI- ota • ELITY.INsuRnn. pAflM ANn lAntATta TOWN ,14(611- EtokY INSURED. 'Statue of oronerly insured uP to Jan- Uatsv-1910. e3,003. 075,09. Connollv. Maria aient Goderich; ,Ti;. Evans, Viee-Presi- dent, alleschwood; T. E. naYS. Sec.- Treas.. Seaterth. nimilarons—n. l. OleCtregor, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; •Wm Wrin, Conetanee; Grarge eftelartney. Tuckeremithr John Ferris. Ilaeloctio John Beim...wale, ilinatihogen; Murrey Gibson, arurefieid. , AGENT -.T. W. WO, Goaerich: Sandi, Leitch, Clinton; Wm. Chesney, Sea - forth : 11, ilinchley, Seaforth. . voileyholders Eati pay their goose. ments at Calvin Cutaa store, Doderich: A. .T. aloorislin (nothing store, Clinton: or J. IL R'id's, Dayileid. FIRL voSv KANCZ naVO uttended to by tho • WESTWAVIANOSIIMUVUAt FillalNinfRANIn CO astablielied IRS . Head Deice: Danorinnon, OAL Thomeson, Auburn, Preo.: ° • Wm. Watson. Vice Pres.; .tamee faro sine lion. • Director; Directore—Wm. incOuillate St. -Helens; W. P. Ileed, . 11. No. 2, loseknowt Ilarra: L. Sal- lee!, naderich; Alex.,Nicholtion, Luck - now ; Thn tiriffie, 11. 11: No. 'I, Luelinows , • The happy merchant " • Never before hi the history a the world has it been pees eible' ter a nierebatt in good Ilhe horne of Mr. and ?ars. Thos. If. Moore, IVIdteehurch, WilS the "ecene of a verv pketty wedding at • high 000n, on Wednesday, Oct. 2411g_ (By Jane Hanby) , when their drila—altitighter, Joann 'N Irene. ler,"1 wilted in marriage rsi afr. 4,A Good Book is the Beat Companion" Nereid II. Sparline. 'Rev. IL G. Whitfield . of Wilitechureli 'united tliiitiCH STAR 11I I oil A Breakfast You Never Tire Of ,cooks he ash to isionstes CORNER church officiata Death of Mrs. 11. R. Sharp The death of Urn H. R. Sharpsecs curred in Clinton on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Sharp had been III : for some months and it was known • that her condition was serious but it • was hoped that care and miming might restore her to health. -She •is survived by her hugbana and two young daueshters. , Death of Myth Resident • Edward Watson, one el the *nest widely known leuainess mensin the distmet Of Blyth died at his home there on Monday, Nov, Sth, following • a short illness, in his eighty-eighth year. Mr. Watson, who• had been in • the eattleabuyina business 'eine° he was 16 years of age, was 4etive up to a -few days preceding his death and had shipped a carload of cattle to Toronto a week before •Iiis death. Death of Mr. Jas. MacDonald, Chnton The death occurred on Wednesday • eredit to, do so much business ef last week in London of Mrs. Jas. with so little capital. locked MacDonald, • daughter of the late uts in stock. Thomas and, Mrs. Archer, and sister of Mrs. L. Rath, of Clinton. Mrs, One important re4SO4 for the MacDonald, had been an invalid for present prosperity is, that in-• yearsand had been. a great sufferer. • stead of haying to buy a big For some time she had resided in the stack at the beginning of west but'seine years ago site and her husband returned east and they had • been making their home in London. City Pulpit Seeking Exeter Pastor A deputation areal one or toe large laeep your 'customers for city churches was in Exeter recently miles aeound miming to you, anti waned on Rey. 0.. iilaavisu. • forowhatever the nevi. tn.. pastor of James St. 'Milted church with Se view to secumeg tuni as tneir Pester for the next conference year. Deputations have visited the church , on enterent OECRSIONS to teal• :McTavish preach and :were so favor- -ably impressed that trie deputamon on Tuesday was the result. Mr. Me- Tallieh. has declined to commit him - each season, he is now able. to buy small stocks and re- plenish them promptly by Long Distance. vent ways of inducing them to visit .7011store, or to or- der tram you by Long Dis- tance' and, — they tell us —you '39111 not be • seriously sa:-$otherid":aliish. competition. :• Long Distance ia making happy merchants in dame self and is taking the matter under towne. Don't overlook its advisement great possibilities. Death of Howick Tp. Resident William Rutherford Elliott, How- • ick township, passed away in the • eerly hours of Sunday morning of last vveek. The late deceased was in . the NOD year oi res age Ann woe Dora • in Beverley township. Be as twice married, his Srst wife predeceasing • nun seventeen years. Besides his 77 widow, he is survived by two sons, sammalimiggiammaionagi namely: Prank E. Elliot:, :Superin- tendent of Law Enforcematos uncter the Ontario :Government, • Toronto, and J. IL R. Elliott, editor of The litlytb Standard, and one daughter, Mrs. Wm. thahnm nI Howick, chil- • dren of the first marriage. • ,ittaays tarry aaaadiaa -- 4•rottss ',den ptoy's nrxellers' Mapes. Nootiallte , steryahae ,ge •i. :OP roam the SCOTTISH 81611 LAN IS iAis AMUTI)kil Sce the purple, heather- oovered hill: of "amid Scotia" this gent. And make goer tranoAtIontio voyage Via a luxurious :Chas. Hewitt, Kincardine; Robe David- Emprese—regaiDacheena Hoe, Dungannon. •• or comfortable Canadian Pacifist cabin Allt . Trat(3*---$2.01) DAP th011gand. clik4S saip. European hotele and rail- illaarliOS. SToTHERS. 'I'. G. ALLEN, Treaa. roada—like dhipoesarenow unermalcd. A thou:rand Old Country ripht3 Dna 3, .........-- - ------.... - . , _.„...,_ .-,4. ceenesteracalliargy014 Low fall row NOW Effective. Information from our Brootion 8ro$ 1 ,.. 13* MACKAY, Omura Arta, C.P.R. Illrigo Tomato local agent., or ' ilihrfil KiletV x _ e Adelaide a105, The Leading Caiiadian Pacific' Funeral Director, :.•:oricirea latrATC,IT i'll/WrI, eyencis WI and Embalmers also Anslonlinee S'ervice Orders :carefully attended to at all hours—night or day. We are the inspettors of anatomy in and for the County of Iluron Phones: Store 110; Residence 217. •IL Wheeler Funeral Director and Embahner Goderic.N Ontario All rmrnIn day or a Paellitr Mara ttelainii to t. etas sow Won ahields ' Two handsome tropuies were won by the young people of Seaforth dis- trict in juoging contesta this year. . One is the Caii.E. Huron county tro- • phy, won by Gordon Reynold, of - Seatorth, eon, of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Reynolds, Market 'atreet, for 1928. The other id the Huron county field day trophy for highest aggregate, ' won for 1928 by the Seaforth Junior Instituto and aeaforth Junior Vann. era. The latter shield must be won three theen. Death of Former Wingeam Ludy Mrs. Annie McLeod, aged 89 near.;, formerly of Wingharn, died Sunday attettroon, Nov. 4th, at the home of her son, D. B. McLeod, 1014 Lillian •street, Wandeor. Deapite her yeare Mrs. afeLeed was oaten till a week before/ her death. Though a great reader elle had never needed to weee . glasses. Born on Prince Edward Is. land, of Stioteh stock, ehe came to aes side in Ontario when a girl. 'Moat of her life was spent in alTinghant, where her huelband, Murdoch 1VIcLeod, who died 46 yearti ago, carded entire town's first merehant tabor businese. She moved to Windsor to 'live with her eon in 1922. With tar thorough a prepazatiori at Itand ae Milleee Worm Powttera the mother who alloy= ber ehilaren to suffer from the ravagea of worma iir untvise and culpably careless. A child suleicieted to the attaeke of worma ti always unbealthy, and will aim stunted, in ite growth. It ic 'Merciful act to rid it of theee de- 21atihe edono wilt/suit dianculty. etructiye paresis:to, espeeially when • OPEN BRANCH OPPIC.E . IN Loivnolv The lill-irPeNtwt ereof Ark12Naturaierba-Zbrot., , treat Stoek taeirange card Moutreal Goodness Of , Curio Market, with head efilet in i- • , Montreal, •have opened a !gallica of- Gallagher's Clears U ' . flee in Lorgionafant., under the mans Up 'ttg,entent oa Lt. Col. W. IL kappa% 11 Eczema -D.S.O., Mk. , Mope% Newton & Company, ranee , ite ectalainitment, Lae met with coos Stop* Indigestion. Tont* eiderahle sweets Andearaed a vei? entire ovient. ' trivial& reputartora an anemia/ cars -.deo faul with the publie in geveral.. Them at no mantel drug* la Gers -, line preeident, M. S. IL G. Ripper, - legher's Tonic: mad System Birebiror. - ntior to oreringtha tam ainiz.of Nip, Itiscatirelylietbe, Natural. Amara*. pen a in Iiiiiii,s was Artsint- ly healing. By• purifying the- abed am : eienerel Manager of :the Merelainte gently atimulating howebe kialneye Asa Ilivitt and Glie of the belie kvewn her, this reliable old rernissia demo ' harikari!: fa the eotintra'i Me. E., 0, apeAntroaist., Nriftvorb.digfthmt. .P: Eii)13Pno INTeetvo ?ins nn the staff xentiewneeorilliontoneetouageA„moireas of tiae Peek of Montreal before the &conk isetteratanyoutaiotesiaaaapa sear aed vintiii 2523 when be entered:. a them, Me, Al Mh4.4. ir;SOASIAst . lbo traif Marta & Via, won Wad laransaata manisasaaga, by,- is • (Oxtail °aith Pailear & Whits!, oigistm. i c mown. oreg stem 0,4,444044 earinatiers, lifeetteel aln. F. G Nes:steer, Dirktr, efter- the ;war *mei To most of ue the name George Barr McCutcheou suggests a tale of some remote coantry, plenty of adieu, romance and improbabilities "Blades," his latest novel, lives up to all these traditious, but in a more un- usual if less glamorous matinee. Blades:—Jasper Eliai. Betnadott Blades, tut known at college es Barnaby the, Barnacle, eroin his propensity for "hauging on" to whatever he tackles -olives a gay life in fashionable New 'York, Ile is never able to hold any job long, but 'never holds a grudge either, and goodalurnoredly 'pursues a haini:V thoughtless life until lie is made aware that he is the heir of a great uncle. one Prime Dinuncsdale, who had lona vanished from popular via. ion by soinine a religious sect of "Pilgrims." These people pool all their resources and had establislied a community in a remote district in northern Maine. Blades is invited to visit this "company of ghosts" as they call themselves, for a period of three months—on approoavoe. To hie surprise and theirs, he is a "throw beets" to Puritan anees- tore ond decides to vast in his lot with them. He has won the love of :Cynthia Standish. a aescendant of Hester Pronne Ilawthornes "Scar- let Letter," and Blades is of course a Dirainesdale. ond for a time they feer love will mit bring any more happi- ness than it did to their remote an- cestors. • One is transported to an unreal world :without any of our modern in- ventions or conventions, but a ham, peaceful, busy world. where one rests and is refreshed- by its wholeahearted simple people. •• "Blades," by G. McCutcheon, is published, by Dodd, Mead and Co., and distributed in • Canada by their agents, McOlelland,msd Stewart, Tfor- onto, 344 pateee. price $2.00, • • . • G. B. alloCutcheon died in ,October, 1928, at, the age Of Indiana is mostly happy, prosperous farming region, but McCutcheon showed that romance could come from it. It was in 1901 that -he entered the literary world, with OtGraustark," and 'fr'oth then on wrote about fifty novels, NV. eral of which were best sellero. .1 An absolute testis in otore for readers of "The Window." You can't help tut be tharnied itessa delight- elful novel of post-war life in England. • The name Christopher always seems to insure the hero teuig juet what you want him to be, and this whi en sical, humorous, impulsive !Christopher •meets arid loves a reds liant Pat "who bad saeriliced 1,0 much for the child of 4 war hero. "The Window" le 4-memoriai 11 , fond mother insists Upon erecting for her sons. "It. ruins- her liusband, but she has ber •witidow . here with , the real memorial to poor Terry growing up .before •her eyes." But this hune aan memorial the old mother will not recognize. ;There is sorriaw and tragedy, bet eir much Soy and vivacity, such witty conversations aria 'so much "human interest" that one is fascinated. "The Window," bit Alice • Grant Rosman, 297 pagea, $2.00. • , associated with a'New York firm of industrial engineer. lie went to Montreal in 1920 as purchasing agent; for J. W. McConnell -in the St Lawr- ence Sugar Refineries, This position' t he left to start in briefness •as a mem- ber of the Montreal Stock Exchange , Newton et Ca. in 1926 and aater formed the firm of! Lt. Col. W:. H. Xiamen, manager of the office in London, is probably one I of the best known figures in military,' civic and businees cireles in this pert of the country. During the war, his ! meteoric rise from a private in the lird Canadian -13attalion in A.ug. 4th,l 1914, until when as tamer eotamaotast ing the battalion he was wounded- on Sea, 2nd, 1918. was Oit4 or Dm out. standing Canadiah achievements ' of. the war. • • • - For his services with the Canadian Expeditionary Force, Col. Rippers was awarded the Distinguished Set - vice Order, the Military CVOS wither, - Bar and woo twice mentioned in diva. patches. ; Simi!, the war be has been actively engaged in the interests of returned men and is President of the Canedian Legion and Ontario representative to the Doivinion Executive of the name orgatazation. ' He it; the present Cali- -cer Commanding the Canadian Pura - liens (City of London Regiment) and in the eavie electiona of. 1926 wile elected alderman for two yeate and headed the polls. The London offices 1st Kipnen, Newton at Company ate roasted at 113 the Royal Bank Buntline. and are completely *quipped with boards room, direct sire rovvree to New York, Montreal and Toronto. .N Telestype machinewheb is the mat modern and efficient devsce ror ouick tend accurate Inoulling of malacca in- formation haa been inetalted and event pozsible opportunity hes been talien to armee eatisfactory and fact f(.n-vice. • 1,11AT OTHERS SAY . A Matter of Emphaeis •• (Canedien Churrivalari) • There la grave dauger in attempt - Ws to formulate a eived, for no Intel- , leetual atatemeut can over b,y itcelf give a catinfuetuty underatanding of , God. God can only he knowu by . thee who love Him and who, lame ex- , 'minced the mighty lova which.: JUVENILE The INenderful ;Locomotive," written by :Cornelia Meigs, and pub- lished by Macmillans, Toronto, is just the story boys oad girls, too, from six to ten will love. Peter lives:near a roundshouee and has a great friend, Nets Stromberg, who need to be an engineer, nut ;oho now does the fixing Inc the yard. He fixes up his funny ojil. engine No. 44, which he says is guThg to run to San Francisco mime day. Nhe hear all about that trip. raw: is engineer. One night when Pete's, is sick Nets mills him and tells him everythina is reedy. Peter, with a :stray dog that loins him, has a wonderful trip through tunnels, taking 4 doctor to a slick :child, and rescuing .a Sunday echool picnic fromaa 1oros Are. Peter's adventures are an very thril- ling, and there are aosonaeraul pic- tures of this -wonderful train and of all the wonderful things It (Mel But when the trip is over, poor old engine No. 44 is worn out and Peter is very sleepy! • pours from His heart. There is also a settee in which it is true that lie who Analyses a flower loses the flow- er and that he who eracas itdaimood to see what it is, is aeithout both gem and knowledge, Yet SO long as we , subordinate our definition: to our loye,• and our creeds to our exper- feriae. we-tantlis Bait- 'the -intellectual statements upon which the church eventuallo agreed comprehensive,. reasonable and helpful. The faith of the fourth century, whieli .Yras: the great creed -making veneury, eaas that they- were :concerned with con- fectly* formulatine their faith, ,but their, lost the emphasis of the lint reentry and put opinion on o higher . pedestal than love. 7.4 THE ODERICH UtAtittitkt Isqr HAND. -ro A euow....„- WHEN YOU Ceta-AGC. "Ttie. HEAT FOLVX TO HaLP HER. _ taidoi 7 ;It! Whoever Coolie the familya! meale— Whether it's the lady of the home or : the maid, • • • I e entitled to the beet fuel ebtainalae. 'liar* can cool: 000d food with our fuel. A great deal of dissatisfaction einong ooL6 may be traced to the daily batlike with a refractory latelien etove. ' Solve your seevant prohleea with ' , come of our eraellent heat. • CALL THE tINAVVViit . ior Good Clean Coil MTR*J. BUSAD COMPANY( Phone 98 Goderich _ PAG MIZE Special Prices AT McEWEN'S IN Groceries Teas Tobacco Dry Goods China Dinner Wear Caltin and look them over , J. J. NicEWEN • THE SOVAIRE • Adaptation . Dodti—"I notice that in tellies: about that fish you caught you vary the siee for different listeners," Rodd—"YesI never tell a man more than I thinit heal :believe.° • When a girl takes an.hour -to M $! good night to her 'boa Mord, that's, her father's ideo, of much adieu aboutsnothing. ' • Modern Alchemy Het "My dear, our engagernent must be off. • A fortune -wrier WAS I • told me I shall 'marry a blond within a month." ' : She: • "Oh, 'that's all right; •I can be a blond within a month." —et • CODER1CH AHED ALL There3. Nothing To Equal am BA OR THE Internal and Extern7Pain are promptly relieved by De THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL THAT HAS SEEN tOLD FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARN AND 14 ATO.DAY A GREATER OG. LER EMI *tam to A TESTIMONiAL THAT SMAKO FOR ITO • t5040,80L141 OURATIV4 OUALATIM 'Keep in nand you're Riding on Airr Ant lifts the load off the road. The heavier • the load the more air.it takes. That's why, tire makers have worked out the correct infia. tion pressure for every size of tire for different • • loads, • " , .*Itnow the. Correct pressure for your tires, and stiIt to_it. 1/9nl_gutos it gauge ..IL_Two_or three pounds under pressure cuts miles off the ilifeeepefinIn a tire.indyou' re riding en air, and if there isn't sufficient air, you're Gain straight'into trouble. Pay imeijrly -visit to olD'aiiinion Tire tlipot and !dim . . ' your tires .examined. You are never far away from cr, DOMINION TIRE DEPOT 1-1:1FISHER uiw "pr•g....risixr-ggy I tt-4t.,FYI DOM I N(:),,vtil.....,51 it;111.. `011Vhara 1 i Quality " Counts" iimitsara Quality, Commis run OPIANGZ Maritia1adet.n2le trr PINEAPPLE 2 2-10.1,2 Qmaker Brand Oats *teats!, 0* PICT. 1 VA,RtY flAt7TA CLARA, Largo • 4040 SIP 3"side •01WAIVES• 3 Ne. ke Cho21:11 aelie Arco... .. . 3 lbs. 250 ciAmvs 13sanouleis Sardines,';8: Lerteits ' 2 lbs. 2Sc Dttmcntrz sEEDED Erapasaied Peaches, IG, Jal mom fpnE0Ac/ED Peanntt Puree: Ms 0.2a -" pesAr ilille IF° it • Sh'imrs • ' •• • Till ‘I'k 0 alVrkei: Lean!: .. .. .. . 3. libbs..109: Lobster Pads . Tin 144 _ • ItA1110118 ils,°17""°!,.•.- .21;',* 61:2,Pc ausTAraD 2-1..ireLea.....!_k_.___45_41, w:h,a6;:ewza il I a " riga I' d $ " 1 ,u LAkift Oat VaP e. 23c - Ti-Xs'Ac— ''''' A. 0. lea:000. • • Vic' 8C-7 SmdP r",,..... Tin 17c CLiANSga Jelli, aeon: . . ..... - *. L'3= eiteT01"4Wayt, . . . rat 211c Ma Milts Disecties . ab. L'On 0312erca.:. t7raprked teed' 4,1 TessisP re -e° Cid TEA COFFEB = .1311.1TIOSI% 1:11,44 '.Set Eeesy rens itulli,16.5St Mamie s las Re toe. lio i% Ise z, , ; - akr Fintst .0,5teils!,!'e .. ilea isifli. lienaSe 1 ; slimgainz •r; 11'1 11 . o fita %SO a A Mead ivolt>, , I ::Atl..4,,:rtto i •1 1.1b4(a* 590 ' ' .‘@flikt) 1h 43 , „.--A.se... 4