HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-15, Page 2PAGE TWO
0.10001.10010.00. .
at teen Terse alleged eke> Cr ut ,
4. 'eras! Alvaro oilmen, ate eleoes Preih
(lent- elect. has 'been cortvicted he
eure of hie peers and sentenced te
death before a ering equad. &futile?
Corehoeion a itextean nun. enarged
Ahr with being the "intelleetuat anther':
S.4.77PLES c".4.1," gerAr .E4 AVE zromi,
ive man I'J1' T york MINE' 121;;SPIXTION
- ft ,
cf the irnr istil eetee twenty yettre
implienomeit. The eeure in han An,
gel adoweethe defense five •days te
Perfect it$ *Royal. ana tei saidthat
if the San An eet:It's, verdiet it
mietained b.v the higher tribunal, the
(late and place of C74COUtiCat 'WM be .11
' fixerl by the th.aetner of the Fedeeai
The Lerd, Moors Show
With pomp aud ceeeniony, the iihe ;
_ of winch has net heeta witneasea fl'
, the memory of a living eeanisernate
feh the new Lord Mayor of Lenden millions of owes - an still the
r thirtyafivegears the falerite cereal
'.terei unit eitice on 1.ord Mayor s
leir Irikr
431/8 0000474041.
. Day." To the true born Coelertey, the favorite. flaked all the way through
Lord Mayor's show was $0Yetta feto .
in wideli the staid and conservative
Englieh Mod the Pnraderh who
marched to martial music and with Made t
ry The Cesium:11mi Shredded Wheat Company, laid.'4
a is4tikstir wafer
flying banners *a the new Lord Maas
or- travelled tbrough the streets ,of
Bishop of Loudon oheechhrheseh fr,r4„„Tat ee„„„evh „eel hfiateee_ he the Brit sh cap ta from t 111 Aces ed President Galvin Geothigo
tale --chhhe.hhhh he-thh. toethie Lave -Courte.- After tlitter 2*- tho next -mem -de- nt a the uniteci
The people of Ienaion wero eurpziee , nfo h a an Inn% 10 o * a
lava e proson itiln there air Tr Stat.' Not only did Id It
ed and not a little alarmed when it 1, rush of the three. principa
make a elean sweep et the polis,
was learned that the Hisao a Loh. steeame, which for a time tbreatened ren o
don bad defied the authority a Par. the whole region between Miscall hith-hhhell be„heelet
Anyquadd 'art 9glir e famou Lord 0 e
watee dela °,,t the eehinteIfeall Presidential candidate,
liament over the Church of Eegiand and the sea, diminished in intensity, G hui -1 - - but hie party else established clear
in a letter he addressed to ineurnin Although the flow tontinties to travel tti nil w en t Prime Minister inajoritiee th ext Congress in
yids of 160 churchea ire his (home, A Oa tl.VC VO yer a ark our. e and bled ,Cabirtet;u foreigatt trbassa- o ens ane ouee. °venter
tit which perpetual resereatten of the groeperona town of AlaSeau ante the dors an many
Were present. --
etingus e a."e48 Al Smith of New York State, Waa
surament hes been permitted in tbe eine of 10,000 persons, is now a ' the liamocratie candidate for presie
Past. Despite the feet that the Bri- 1"088 of lova and shooting names The Radio CommIssion dental! bottom
tish Parliament rejected the wised' nothing being left but pitiable wreck!, Appointment of a Royal Commis -
Payer Book Oddly because the vub- 4)2co. - don to study., and report upon Rad- Mnrithne Minister %kiwi
V 4 Pelle le conditions in the Dominion Is ex- Maritime political end social cie.
Efferetti of the extreme Radicals of Pected within the neat fortnight,. cies received A shock with the paseang
the French iChainher to reorganize Parliament voted $25,000 for this of Captain Hon. J. F. coon, min.
the ld oelition with the Socialists P1111100' • last ession. It is under- later
thoot Portfolio, and itasiSt-,
ted before Pailiament's decimate wee for the Purpoee of forming a new stood that the Minister •of Marine ant hwi
linister of Highways in the
Made known. 'This is declared to he government, ended in failure, and the and Fisheries, Ron, P. J. A. Cardin, Nova Scotian Cabinet. Captain Ci-
dellance of the declared 'will 4 the party generally known as "Radical has in mind several persons tonipe banwho WAS a son of C. IL Cahan,
Blouse of Columns. Left" eased resolutionurgingM. ent to make the invest:lotion* and &Co of Montreal, died at Halifax in
_ _ 'St Poincare to remain in power.
- - • ehe .Tele advime the Canadian Government up- the yieteala General Hospital, where
Mount Etna in Eruption .." clears the situation so far us it con- on 4 policy' that will ensure the maxi- be had been a patient for severa
Mount tna, the hietorie voleaue colts the Radical extremists, l
sea mum service to Canadian radio list- weeks, faillowing a recurrence of a
. E
of the Isie of Sieilse bridle oat in makes it more likely that M. Poine eners, who now „number more than serious disability suffered in the
Great War. He was thirty-nine
care willfinallyeeemsenteto constitute 5°°0(/°°' •`' '
eruption last Week 444 streams of
ries perndtted the reservation of the
saerament, the Bishop has deetded to
authorize the reeervation on the same
conditions as those which he permit -
lava have' been pouring trent Alta new ministry. Thus it would ap-
years old.
e peat tbat M. Poineare is the only Canadian Grain Record •
crater down the slopes of the moun
tabs spreading a trail' of destrvietiOn
Man in France today who can fom ra A grain movement unparalleled in
and driving the terrorestrieken porta- Cabinet.
Wien of towns at the foot of the Mel Slayer or Oregon to Die
heavy Property thanage has been which have lasted many menthe, bee •
, Vali° frent their Mince. Although After inveatigatione and trials
•a. •• • ,•••••••tort. .0r , • ,••••• •••••• • I .......,0•••••••
. •
Orange Lily is a
certain relief for alt
disorders of women.
It is applied loeully
and is absorbed into
the - suffering .tissues. '
The dead tra.ste mat-
ter • in the atongested
• ,region is 0 expelled,
giving immediate men-
tal and.' physical- re.
fl the blood vessels and serves are toned and, strengthened,
_Ana the., ereenietiteug teneeted to normal sg this treatment is_
based on strictly scientific principles, and acts on ,the aetial
location of the disease, it.•eantiot help but do good in -all forms
of female troubles, including delayed and, painfut ntenstrua-
thin, Leucorrhoea falling of the womb, gr.owthst and ovarian
troubles, etc. 3ee $2,Q0 per box whieli is sufficient for one
mouth's treatment. A free Trial' Treatment, enough for • 10
days, worth 75e, will be sentPUS to any suffering woman
:who will send me her: address. liinelose three stamps and ad.
dress: Mrs. Lydia W. Ladd, Dept, 10 Windsor, Ontario.
Sold By Leading Druggists Everywhere
Tits wictittn IIAS k. NEW
Flight Lieut. D'Arey Greig,
(above) flashed over a measured dia.
tance at Calshot, ..Englanil, at a speed
-re- .320 miles,. per. hour,
of worldrecord of Majer de
Bernardi, of Italy, by almost teeo
miles an hour. Although this is the
highest speed a man has ever flown,
under official observation, it was
not enough to give Lieutenant Greig
the five -mile •eatngin neeessater to
establish a new world's record.
Greig's record was Iliad° in a Brie Although the date • has' not yet
tish-built plane. been announced, some consideration
is given 'it and the probabilititie are
Presidential Elections that the Dominion Parliament will be
Who presidential elections , in the called for the 24th of Jahuoren the
United States have passed and Mr. same corresponding hate as bet
Herbert Hoover will step into the year, Which, generally.milted the
convenience of everybodye' Prelimin-
ary Preparations have been begun in.
the drafting of estimates..
Basrah ' Wants Seperhtion
The . Baghdad atfabic newspaper,
iiAlhIstikai" publishes a store stating
that an application signed by iand
owners and . other influential people
.in Basrah has been addressed to the
British' Foreign Office and to the Brie
tish High Commissioner in. Iratheee-
• relenting that Borah and in; district
be , separated front Iraq proper and
.1 be made responaible to Great Bri-
• tain only. The report states that
, the signittories wish that the teve-
nues of .Basrali lal spent in Pasratt
.and that officials be natives. They
also whilt Ilasatill to be the Mr Pone
, base, the railway. bane the Customs
headquarters and-te site of a uni-
ereit.with' westrtt expertpro-
res"1.8.Itly'S *.
The tohaeco•hudget shows a cheer-
ing holance sheet, with a profit of
two milliards and a half lire. Not
only hat; smoking inereased in Italy,
but the export trade has grown,
while imports have decreased'. Cig.
erodes are more popular now than
before the war, probably by reason of
the items%) of the habit *mug
women, especially in and near the
big towns. Curiously enough, pea.
sants have taken kindly to cigar-
ettes. Cigarettes figure ne wadi -
oily half of the total' consumption of
:the tobaecos smoked in Italy.
Japanese eCoroitation Costly
' The enthronement of the Emperor
of Japan, the oldest and most solemn
state eeremony surviving among the
modern great velvets, is also the most
costly. But it is also the oechsion of
a Tool distribution of largemee, hole
ors, titles/ and gifts, uuequalied in
any other stete. According to pre.
- ..seeeeheeeenne...-ee,..
= the Melton* of Western Canada,
which has taxed the eapaeaty of
count-ty elevators and loeding plat-
forms and treated thegreatest de -
mend ever experienhea for shipping
cave, is commented, upon in the
monthly report of E. A. Ursell, sta-
tistican to the 'lord of Grein Com-
missioners. During the month of
October more than 250,000,000 bush-
els' of wheat were received At ear-
ioue points in the west, while there
WAS also a heavy volume of coarse
grains loaded at -country elevators
and platforms.
Net teebt Reduced
. The net debt of Canada decreased
by. $84,923,297 during the seven
months of the fiscal year ended on
, Oct. 31 last. For the same seven
rnonthe of the lasit !fiscal year there
was a decrease of $78,516,605 in the
net debt. Ordinary revenue of the
Dominion increased by $20,828,404 in
the seven-month period. .
N.B. Hetes Record
A New 13runswiek hen, a barred
Plentionth rock, in the winning pen in
the New Brunswick Egg Laying Con-
test for 1927-28, which has just clos-
ed at the Dominion Experimental
Farm at% Fredericton, has smashed
tire Cenadtaft-efiteicil -egg :Whig re-
cord by laying 33.2 eggs In a year,
Welt is within one of the world'e.ree
cord, made by an Ontario -bred bar-
red piymouth rock hen in -an MI -
America contest last year at Kellum
CRY. • '• • *
Opening Canadian Parliament •
ilumt last October,
lainidsiideAr the NASiiir '4001
MASH "400" sales figures tell
11 how emphatically and over..
whelmingly the public has en-
dorsed this new and finer car. 'P
la,* 2916 more cars than any
ply in Nash history-in.Augusr,
4498 more than any previous
August -in September,6176more
thin the best previous September
--and in Oetorper, 10.166 more
d 6
Warlo Carl than itot October/1'
The circle of Nash owners -the
circle of "400" satisfaction and
enthusiasm -is growing) every
month, every day, erery hbar:-.43e.
cause the money never bought so
fine a motor car before: .
,Before you buy yotfr new car, drive
the "400." Let performance show
pin why the motry has gose IsEash!
Zonis me illortof iso Motor 4tVer.11eleee
III POUT Nisir vinvirtstEs owortie cask tt.L ranw allfay
Itirctafutype spark
linociaill**14 Lovejoy
shock obtothers
emir/tamp epoirii410
igloo Sours
14...8k St.
Aluminum alloypistons
brew doable drop frame
Torsional vibration
7.1itat'inta ctankshaft
tatraNyvrenya figs
illittr centralised
chassis Inbriceion
Eleatic clocks
battier metals ate
k:hronie plated onkket
Slyest main* radius
Nape wheetbas:3
Oneiyiece Wort •
Clear vision front
rinse posts
Nash Speci31 Desiota
front and (oar
,r;oder ith
. ,
I . _
• •
• I
Varicose Veins
Rub 'Gently and rossavil Tessera Ow
Heart As MANI in hetes Flows
That W,as.
• • •-k
inobs' 1,,,o,1,a•A‘', 1....,,,d1;', .11.,,,1,-K,1
Iola Itt41.14so th,t. /1,01, 10,, n 10,1 1., 10,
fo,vo !hatthere':',4 HO rem +, thod v111
/Awe, m.tr,11,,h 1.,11.,. Iowa 10o,„1,,....
1,...,...o,o,,, ,,,i3O„0
.40,, ef Meow', theiereet i$i fen
efreteent, to $ee ;tree ela‘s Arita .P.rf•
:;t184 AlilliS' A Itisrlit itivt 6.0•Ttitlir a.
:divert 4 ,,,,.,1 ve,181 quietly rf•Cr.. iti Pit
.tirm,,,±tp!,4 vi,h)cla Noi tit 1,witiky.14. ch,l,
.i....20:4 one eieise.e. 4nr: n.4!Ws.#1 IA tf“r
AI, .,•,,, '-4 fAile,.,.1.1 *NI r. i )tAri.it..-4
'00t, t,1..!.8, wok erfill feermio..8.. mid luo
toliv, -1 84d A % Or 1 610% I'm. Ifteleed.
.-.1, 1..,.‘r NI) i • $.m id ''*8 Mid ..111
# tir,a,s, ....r.. .14 iv serr 4111,OR ..-
141.0.#., p,r4Itmf ,001,8 4 n 1r wt, iv Is MM. -
.1,1 IN woe jmon hate their
, In-vw 4. reirmi.l..4 il Millar Awl r
R ‘‘,e1......o kik ur .
iiininorzsothow&it will eon the
Japanese ^Government and the Duper.
tat family together approximately
24,000,000 yen (about $12,000,000) to
eelebratei the acceselon of Hirohito,
124th entperor, in a manner deemed
fitting to the august position to
which he has succeeded. The princi-
pal ceremouy wilt be held tomorrow.
Government vs. Hudson's Bay Co.
The Judicial Committee a the Bri-
tish Privy Connell today dismissed,
with costs,• the appeal' of the Bud -
son's Bay Venmeturefrom 4 deetaiOn
of the. Supreme Court of -Canada in
favor of the Dominion Government
in the dispute over the ownership of
precious mineeais in. Hudson's Bay
'Company hinds. IThe eompany had
elairned that lit surrendering owner -
Ain of its land.' in Northern Cenada
shottly lifter Confederation, it re -
!tabled the right to the precious min -
1 erals in the lands oceupeni by the
, corirpany at and adjoining its various
tredine poste. The Canadian Sup-
reme Court denied this.
Orme. a mother has used litabrs
Own ,Teblets for her little ones she
always keeps a suPPIY on hand, 1 or
the firattrial convinces her there is
nothing to equal them in keeping
children well. The Tablets are a
mild but thorough imereete enrich re-
Igulate the bowels and sweeten the
stom.e.eh, thus driving out- eonstipti-
tion and indigestion, eolds and simple
fevers raid making 4eraing, easier.
*Concerning them, MIT0r Saluste 'Pelle-
[tier, St. Dumas. Que., writes: --.-"I
have used Baleyse. Own Tablets for
the past ten years and ' am never
without them in the Iroise.. They.
have always elven the greatest eat-
isfaction and I can gladly recommend
them to all mothers of little ones."
The Tablets are sold ny medicine
deniers or dirert by mail at 25 cent:;
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi -
eine Co., Brockville. Ont.
Port Albert
Sr. IV.-Vaina Crawford, 86;
*aurora Hoy, 80; *Benson Murray,
78; 'lames Ashton, 72. Jr. W. -
,Cora Dielmone. 70e Kathleen ,Criw-
ford, 64. Sr, III. -Ethel Mackenzie,
81; Margaret Lednora 15; *Elton
Draper, 67; hFlorence Ashton, 65;
',Maher Murray, 64; *Clifford Craw-
ford, 58; Bruce Bennett, 00. Jr. IIL
-Kathleen Lednor, 77; Woodrow
Hoy, 74; Elwood Murray, 70; Sara
Martin, 65; Annie 'Young, 52,• II. -
Charlotte Crawford, 88; Fred Crave
ford, 83; Mary MeMillan, 78; Elmer
Proper, 75; George Fritz:ey, 66. I.
-Dorothy MeMillan, 80; Margaret
Crawford, 78; Cecil McGee, 71; 5Mar-
••••••-•••*,..• • •••••••••••••••••••••..0......."...
a boxl .
Always Take
• This Crest
• BREATHEABLE' Remedy for
"All Canada It the Royal"
Nov. 21-29
Buy Your Christmas Gifts at
and make them all smile
SPecial Order*, Tailoring and Men**;Smart Wear
' THE SQUARE -- Phone 218 •-- GODERICH fl
jovie Maeken4e, 80. h Absent or 1 ,..:TISAI ,01•01•0101•4
.4010,,,In. • MEOF
late nor absent, Woodeteh ilea"- S. S. No. I, •Colhorne
Oho or sham eltalaihatiOn. Neither '
L.A. MacKENZIE, Teacher. i r eh. N le a peaesee, ea, ate
S(hool report for teeptember :Ana
S. S. No. 2, Goderieh e" -October:, Sr. Iiiheentemen Wil-
iam,. i a . e ..ei
° "The following is the report of S. S. iliFVe.e-gaCnem619431; KBeittiluidkra'gart17,;hh ,Ellhieeiill!
No.. 2, Goderich. Those marked withl mer RtitIedge, 68; Mersin Herr, 1h..
411 asterisk da were- absent front an 1 Jr. III.-Xenneth-Wilitainsi 82; Ben.. h- -
examination: Sr. IV. -Jean Whitee son Feagan, 62. Si. ie. -Screen
IY, 85; Helen, Whitely, 76; nItediey i Kerr, 69, Jr, II. -Donald Williente,
Prouse, 65, Sr.* Ill. -Alice Gleam -189; Gordon Williatis, 76; Wintrifred
bers, 83; James Young, 78; Bert Watson, 69t Kelmeta I:err), h1h. Jr.
Holmes, 73; Olive Young, 70; Clife I. -Good -Si r t' u e :times( .nuellia
ford Sturdy, 67; John, Prime, 64. `Kerr. Pr. 1).-GoodD0rie Viillianese, .'
Sr. U. ----Marie Munnings, 74; Benson 'Marin Ryan, Jack Wilson. leatr- .vio
Whitely, 03; 'Elgin Chairtbersh al; Arnold Young,. David Hardv,. Glen ,
Behaell PrOtthe, 66. Jr. IL -Bessie Williams. Pr. A.--Good-hictegaret
Munnings, 47; Raymond OM, 65; ' i
StliellieTa htlWracKnge igahttet ndisranulenebelr9.°611. ro
ll' 33' Av"
,Yroovroungsh.enOtid! Bari IF,.....nlineerida6a:
72; Graham Whitely, 71; Clement MABEL WOODS, 'Teacher.
Charlie Munninirs. Doris Chambers. ADVERTISE IN THE STAR
Margaret McMillen, 60; %UMW', .
Chambers, 56. Pr. -Phyllis Ginn,
E. WHITELY, Teacher.
S. S. No. 15, West Wawanosh
ll'he following is the report of S. S.
No. 15, West Wawanosh, for October:
Jr. IV. -Graeme Chaenney, 72; Willie
Craig, 71; Gordon Robinson, '70. 'Jr,
inson, 78. Sr. IL -Melvin Craig, 58; 4 -k,h4;4
Feriae Plowman, 69; Jean Rob- ' lIourlitonevBarit. .
Sam Thompson, 69. Sr. I. -Eat -17'1 V llot Sattsfiedf ,,
Pr ,-11 0 ward Thompson* Louise neitdatir
Thomsen. NumbOr on roil:44, ' Ave hhhereeenarra Au= naahhhhas
erage ahteriaauee a a; . , peen Pooh company oehreaeareeetee
• L. L JOHNSTON, T.teteler. AV e•riatOky.todortiOnt .. -
. . . -
lowireworm. ,,....r: ....,...........001.00•AVY4.001•411•010010.00....4040,40.0.•00000104701.-•,:.;.7.•••••.. -. ..........,_ ,...
Plowman, 75;. Edna Plowman 74 .
Jr. I.-Stewarh -Chanmey, 79; Ted
Robinson, 80; Ted nommen. 74,
20 acres of attractions
.14 "sot shows onabisei is
114000111(INITIONI e,
NolaniaLOAITUI.1111131r orfnelt. NUM*
"ARM or row
DAIRY . IdAkettlIanri
See the &wow
in North Asoerine
et thileemomstorkaer
reZ Alair
itAiK SHIM err COW
m...0.NDO2lit Fair
Radoced Pam oil Railway* 11
• MA
aroma, .
NaTentett Ceitihnita COWAN? TAIWITED
%deaths Diintibutors 41$:
heeps keit" /
awe young
Xeep your stove looking as well
- • '-as it,cooks1 -Learn this ne* and
easier way to keep stoves glossily
black through years of service.
Apply a little &EWA, in its new
liquid polish form. Let it dry...
that's ant aetut and
• quick -and a lasting shine. •
Peg Otero who peedve it. Holm Paw. is era/
reiraeititemo irntabirtnedrao....... oho rho