HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-11-15, Page 1ee•
eteentese eat
• te Ned The States Now
gertal. Wane ley Ethel Hoe -
don. 13o. page
The GediericA 3ter te New Suinerilloors
to Jan. 1st 1030, for $2.00.
See The gisee deice ealootion of
tdanks on wiffen we p.4.S yew own
i., toeing, also og &Mese,
ithrt of Personal Oreetiag Card..
The Coderiek 3ter fer
Sergio, and 3atin1ietion
Sueeeription: 82 a year in Canada GODERICH, ONTARIO, CASADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1928
42.so a year to U. S. points. WALTER NAFTEL. Pablionor.
The Dominion Road Machinery Company to Erect Reinforced Concrete Building at Present Site at Once
stetted on the eonsteuetion of ;he ;the time in the forencton nathrt „ 4
TM% N 'IRE Aiti tt RV Flt011
Ae mutter of Ian It was Mrs p.m. _ .
At the 'reeling of the Water and
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
)..There wateuteapettitenhouee Them- the Stitee new serial etery, the opente wkre oteener of dose
estante. Draws capacity Houses ; port.t itd9t 3,,adirg ewe isia„.0,„,!Ighoitig, !rum. anld eninuiteeiveirehn t• ronte•
---tett''' ("heroine and Arnusine • e
„ time *as as notate . ale „
neat:Ilkley wheit the wetth 34-...145 1111. 131)1'daY tiolt 1t.1•0.t:77ThAR:Tdminy.
Mi4s E. Hume wa3 Teronto for:
. •
' end a very ii•rie eitter inn• 'nun 011014e e of this issue. "Idle - •-• " '•11 tenti * • '
-er-eyeleing fee _the_Preductiopitee-peelenme-atte.whiek win be tettagt ea,p netretee - Kay. trererte wae a ettent Sur- tith• the st of the tattle
glieesee. the' the Week**Tiki.
-. Okla d fok an • tam& WWI
Life Insuraoeikeenuot eedave a lifeebut itDOES, end ment it wee. The performenee is e "
teth II utes out, ard three. punter peked . * "tug.*
power., It doe help widows iind orphans, It does 'buy feed and
IS 1 i, L replace u part of what life repres et:tea-1i fe's earning
will probably he repeated Saturday a number of otheit ettortee neat nave tiewetr recte"e, ermine, The nregta
behig given .again Friday ;eight and of er ruclenee of the Parsonege" ond '' .'• •
• i tie priority Was to .bc'' given to the an- • t7-aY 'tisitur in TorAte•
tine tie the likely time. In ease ot -a 'Miss IN'tlenn :th3'llorn'tki was a ;tont I '°11(1 and* tnt motion oi Mr. ' Taylor, it
makes S1,000 whieh the eat It treas.-
s an Is y . e ueston. aut ter
Air. mew" mote was home feign !Pahl ever *ft) the town council. Thie
. .. wee paeeeti that the sum of 42,0tet 13#
11.Wnle iind educate ,our fatheriese ehildren. It does ease the minds
clothing for our loved ones. It noe's lift the mortgage from the night
. Ist 8 warld et reaaur8 alidlin,F•Iseeeneneleemi third prizes therefore go • „.,.,;es.; „ ..... ... . .. al . .. _ .t tt • *
; roronto for the holiday. .
lthe 4%.atetteorkg department. Applit
.,..a.bu.s:, ttuttiatd,..Arxttuthetwarld carry titer kutat.0.1.1ear_and... ,..„ . masonic Atathering at,,,t,. mans__ .„ Stalea the-e.thia- Wiltereinattebe-t.iterliv.,174%.*,R; phateetterettgrenesiFjevern).,-:- -c•t-,Itaostplet 4,01,,teethet,StwrATeener e-eteeetettint - nenteettl have renened his ever fano
y e s p1114 ft. -upon to eatry a sense of fun,.
• worry. And finally--111te a benedietion at twilight -it does help ' 'The following from Goderich wetee .., sure perception Of lovable e .1.• (of the Cinderella Beauty
e the oldesan, when his woelang (bye are over and he sits in the
. in atteedance eit a Masonic gather- r tel-
ly m diameter and 1 verde o I re-
• eee at -aud Mr. Sam Morton, Beige:ten le, P
• • / • I ,--, Mr. Douglas Nairn was home from invtgrioentirecttitt.edelefertortlae tfiteingit nottNtrinviirce:
peaceful glove of life'a sunset. ing in St. Marys on Nov. eith, Nvben .9 . .. , S ll e Na. 1. Mr. Platt wins the •beautifull temrein...,taeuirill
hsh of life. They nee•er fall to aust torte Wrist Watch, ',edited et $27.t10, re. R. IL John 0I (mein Joalasv.:Asu'iposimbliotld„, LBreetitt st.r. Kerte}
in lel hnow
CONSULT US TODAY . 4 number of Grand Lot:go -silken
were 'present: AV'. Bro. II. IL Reid, tain interest of the keenest sort,
,The Alm, Girviniwins the string et' Deltith ' Thanks lying
eau you afford to be without it 7 -
Phone 11S
Huron Invastments
Stack Brokers
Road Dealers
• bisttranne
. ,
*Graham, Rt, to -or. Bro. A. e e ti ant a most) teru 0 e peeris and Iffr. Morton a bat. pin. Iffr. I ussell Bloomfield,. of noneoa, Wellingtonest.: and IN an Somerville.
"- T .
Island" • are delightful, Idle IsIsefi Other elo-e euel *ere those of evatedeonge for Thanitegiving. Quelece et. The engineer reported
Hs RI, LONG, District Agent '3. MaelCan W' Cref:t• Drete' was a little !spot for summer vlsif5 o etre set. ef diteettitew ne mie, urn, i ease nose Streng wee hottie rem the Met of installing theat to he:
il I AV. King. Ilro. M. Robins, W. Bro. en, on e . a e co ft -ie Place of Te8t earet Wils%n notti- web m - ntei t Kingsville for the weeittend. $1600. It was pas,setlk On motion of
' Tiehnourne, W. Ilro„ AV. P. Chu*. l'il,
I 1 ' A i W. Al". S. Martin, G. M., ot• Port Dovt - -
quite in keening with it o eame-but i.a. The bt;Ilots were checked over 'it. Me. Jack ItleDermid was Int from Mr. Teelor. to install the servieee. t
into tts frtmoon ere ea ere . most nne
h t d Th It iv'ta Dee
Lennon on an fig i g ., 'A number of applications for eleetete
PUBLIONOTICE - by Mr. Robertson and 111r. Naftel, the
Wor. Bre, W. tilde. Logan, t
expectedly, crime., mystery and ad- . e . Mr. Ernest Pritchard watt with liglaing eerviee were passed. It was
i'VirttriTSY eitstintt eungeneenta G. S., of Hamilton; lit. War.
d - — a venture Like ail of tit , the., inept etots of tbe Signal attd Star.
Lt . . B. Dargarelt DePuty G. M.; Rt. Woe, etories. thia one bas a heroine a$ ,. ,
Will (*ended Sales *anywhere. My Bro. E W. IVhite, D. te. G. M., St. cbarming as sit.
terms are rensontble 4ind, i will try and Marys, and a number of other D. D. e in amusingBaptist church, Nov. 18th: Foto.
give satisfaction. Anglican Delmore Laymen's
G. IVIA were preeent. lug, "Thou shalt not steal,"
Phone. Carlow i314,1 or address II, R. Aseoelation
• Gotteelele °Ataxia
Phone* 430 end 44$
Britrieli Office at Ittrinobage Ante
• POle SALE7-Clikt TO IteEN
op° akiNT.---PurnWhed rooms to rent",
-e• on The Square; „Neely eilSee
,rro ax>ir.--sio.oe per taetan. email
*e• brace eottege,, corner ,'ot tiesex
Tula Quebec -Rs. immediate posees-
sion. RAYS tellAYS. •
11/VE litiNDREn DOLLAii---. DO Y•ati
WANT IT?. By buying this
• eighty tierce of Kett and productive
leen Witt good naeutal. ana utilised
arainager Also. pleturesque
one or tete best, in the vicluiteetyou
Will be PreditIng this pout: Said
Inlet Is 'about two Mlles trout eittnton
on Base- Line. Iltaidinge cod:get of
geed teepee, large barp. ttrivine
also windmill and reservoir.* Consid-
citable inrai.,.Residence in btates
son for sttexliiice'. For terms, • W..
ItRYDONE, Clinton, ,Owner 322 South
Min Street, Rant% Miehlgan,
WA= P011 SALE. -P6- aerese Lot tie
Cin. 0. Eastern Dtv. Colborne
Twee, 1 1-2 mites from 'station.; eehool
on *corner ot lot.. 'Well Watered, tenets
In pod repair, Barn Vitt60 ft. and
four -roomed Pelee $3,000; ease
t ornate bemetnate possession. wm.
lee,nettiller ,t11. lit 4, Owlet,
Mit 'W1100163' fet7rit=rrC
-low as -Sink Send:toe Ittelght
1ELL THE elOVER. • • '
' Pithreer Distratt% Movers of Canada.
Lear geet. typeedy, Padded Vans. New
' Eettipatent.e Latest Methods, Two 'ex -
veneered Men every trip. AIL 10a14
tortured. Beyond tompare for eltin
and earn. Before you MOve, Write us,
or wire and reverse,the ehargee. Reatt
OffIceeelaintitont retteelre Canada. •
, HILL PeaArovia,
Nutirota TO ederiatgetitereet•-
-...... •••••*•• ••••
weriCE bereby.gleten to di per -
tops having elaints against the Estate
he elle leoltete tole of the TownshiP
of West Watwanosh, in. the County of
Room Fernier, who died on or- about
the etit day et Otiteber, A. D. 1028, to
itend•thelr elainitt, duly proven: to the
undersigned on or before the 24th tittY
of Noventeer. as mend efter taat date
net Bxer.ntrixei; of the eald eetate will
make dIstribetton theerate _netatet
emong the -he "I%oli3 erititled• to same,
having regard 'eine 1,o the monis of
which they ehell then have mince.
DATED et Oodertelt this 6th day ot
'November. .4e* 192e.
0 °detect., 'Ontario, .
Solipitore fer Exeoutrixes.
THE AnmsTatoxo REAL ESTATE and,
Lira -inourineo (Sue, Litet, Aothient,
Auto. et., hisnainee.
Many very elleag propereee for Salo.
they terms-elne eirlace fot rentero
eonverbing aterte into pagnento on,
Just. a few ef• the many listed:
'Nett -eating°, well -equipped, 8900,
$100 msh.
Floe tee Ailey Iroise: fin' Iv -indent
•-e-fin limed; /armee •heatetl. Garage.
' Fine eighteroem hunealow.
bardword iloaftlt well deemated.
itionvemen•tee. ftiettinegamt terree.
'Good lee story house, well lorated.
wormy entire. Muse beated by one
'reeve. Price ete00,,,EICM term. .
Choice red briek heate (not old!.
modern. Petee e3.150. '
• Fine briek hoiree. All modern. Ha,
+atter bealvd: hardwood 1100rg. flr-
PC1111 iefati£M. 11711'0 9.21.i00. -
Good Int stoiry house. East street;
Big bargain for rinteit gale.
sttant. line well interreted 'farmer for
elle very cheap; i•ay feeme. 'Ask
about them
ror )1104411-kr?1.t:TiltP f rr see
• Heal Elate.•
Box 89. Wile:era, Ont.
At the Harbor The harvest thankoffering tet St•
Saturday Iota the Simian, dis- Layman was held in Gerrie °et* 434; magnificent sum of e54950
The fall meeting of Revert Deanery George's chum)). has reached the
'charged e cargo' of 197,000 bushels ef -with a good attendance, the, northern
The ehmielial Gonne!! ot the Town- wheat and pats at the.elevator. On pariahes. being well rePreeetifed• The regular meeting or the W.M.S.
eine of Coded -eh offer a reward ot Montley the A.. E Sebnekler unload. The speaker of the evening
was DA "XilVY of Knoehureh will be held
21100 Per (log, to any one catching ed 326,000 buebels of wheat, ex Du t Seleox, Principal of nee Stratford
in the lecture room on rruesday, Nov.
such dog- &tenor olive white worrying lath and on Thursday the Home Normal, school, who eempared luau 20th, ot 3.80p,m,
sheep In gild toweship. Smith unloaded 90,000 bushels ett to a six -cylinder motor, each cylinder The senior W. A. of St. Georges
By order of the Council. oats and 144,000 busliele of wbeat. of wilieh must ibe workin eflicientl church contributed sixty aars af fruit
IL C. COX, nerve. bustle's of 'barley, 35,000 of screen- six phases of tnate's nature be dealt which were taken to Hump College.'
TlitINIPS(V, Clerk The Quedoe is en route with 60000 d • I, ti
for the motor to e good week. The ten poen a of honey and vegetab es,
WANiErt. ings and 54,000 of wheat., with .were the physical, mental, mote Teo regular monthly meeting of
The dredge has ceased operations
WANTED. -A. woman weets•oorn be for the season but blasting Is genie
. al, econonfic,•nesthetle and religious. the Arthur Circle- of Knee: ceurch
Just as one tylimier of the engine -be hold Monday evening, NOV.
S. nen or hour. Apply et the eTAR ' on. The contractor for the metwor being dead reduced the power far 39th, at 8 o'clock in the lecture room
at work. A quantity
more than otte.sixtle, so any of men's f tt h
.o urc •
VONTED-Youne men with junior a gang of' Melt
matriculation, desirous of learn- of timbers has arrived and 'wet* has Aitees' being dormant 0r Vetvpvted services In tette elarh netl.t•Sa14,-
-stunted the whole :man and reduced bath win b
, con ucte y tee eve .
--te. were laid for the next meeting to be Myth. Sabbath .School and • Bible
ST/IONO, New Toronto,
• NOTICE. --A brown houna, 'nearing a herd in May, Thett biles of aGortge.„ Classes et o'clock, (manta in leese of Hydro store ear.
leg drug bustnesannot afraid oftworlo his -contribution to society. Plane_ we Goodwin, B.A., of Auburn and
Alvin evith references. to $, 0.• Ale51- • Sift:WED
Goderich Weeds foil Thanksgiving. decided that the water service te the
Miss Nairn, of Walkervilk., was a' fair groutula be shut oil by Nov.
auost with Mt and Mrs-. C. A. Nairn. 15th. A letter from the Turbine
Mr, Chas. Humber was home ft•om 'Equipment Co. about operation Of
Toronto Universite for the holiday. electric starter and engina. jacket re -
Ur. Jack Purvis of Stratford, Pairs en new gasoline ,engines r.kt the
spent the weektend his home here, waterworks
Mr, James Wallace, of Toronto pumps was read. The
engineer reported verbally that the
new anthill good wotking
'University, watt home for the Itoli-Parts weru
order. A letter front the iTurbine
day. Equipment egarding damage to
Mr, and Mrs. A, X, Illacitay were Co.'
vaccuunt gauges on new, pumping
with Port Rowan friends for the hole equipment was read, and, on motion
iday. Of Mr. Taylor, it was passed that the
Mrs. James Wilson and son Ron. engineer hoe gengea repait,ed, at
aid vtgre •up from 'Toronto during tho the expense of tne comintsslon, at a
week, • roil of $36, less mileage front two
Mrs. Abramo, of Toronto, la visit- damaged gauges. A letter from the
int; her parents, 51r. and Mrs. J. W. town caunci asking fur a written re.
Fraser. port on the condition of the fire bye
Mrs. IL I. Coone, of Toronto, &ants was readgand, on motion of
was with Ur. and Jamee leech. Mr. Taylor, a motion was passed that
anan for the holiday. • the 'engineer send in a 'Written report
Mr; anti ItIrs. Hilliard, of Weterion, and that a copy be forwarded to the
ceuncit. A letter from the town sole.
were at the lady's mother's, Mrs. H.
• odor advised procedure to have coy -
AGENT WASTED.= -:One loan wanted : 'etame 11114,y! ;&armretn‘enil: Wrgetier and For w e serve a
Mra. Jaina3 Uamilton is back from .
In earn county to appoint men t t .. no W. ItL S. thttlik,Ot:el'alg meet- „
' lunch after •tbe nmeting, - het I net with Mr. and :ere, Larkin hied out and it was passed that notiee
and nonien Ito sell wiksii(), we)'hee genteel, tor Inummation. tin 'Windsor oe gtven neeortlinglyt A number of
clothes • without rubbing. 0 14' a us „..._. _ ..,.,. is whieh wee .greatly.appreciated. • • .ittg of North st. Ultima ceurch will
.A Thanksgiving Day Golden Weeding A. Walker, B. A., Dung:tauten will
. be held on Friday at 8 p.m., Rev. J. ,, Mrs, McNally has returned home t Acineertnllet3eON'in%"leePiaosnseaddjto°urrnel)citi!ineut..
everytteng nee megiet Different. Best, '' _ IUCTIOn nettla
, — wr.....•:....nr.••••,•••••,..../..•••••,......•4 . .
Ay etTION •B•kt.1.1 ott ' 103 Nettie° On Monday, , Note 12tle Mr. nett give the address. Men •nee women Trent a \nett 'with her daughter, Mrs. --
seller., Greet repeater. Notleng -bee
it. ale() ,weekly 201111)1e free. BolISES. Mrs. Thee, Woetten, Huron Itoad, cordially lavited. Caton, of Port Dover. r
"NVAtelitta Alexandria, Out, • II•tyfield Dad retertilng
ett Teesday
celebrated their golden wedding. At North et. United eherte eeteicet Mr. anti Viva. J. A. 'Campbell am inorniu.s.
AGENT 1VANTED.--To sell a line of ‘.;•At the StockyardsWintm. itt noon the famint sat flown to a Senday, Nov. 18; 10 a.m.. teen's fentily epent the 'week-ena ;In Handl- et. •
e • mantel Ittetttiffieni, Toilet Art-. SATIRDAtt,-.........................3,tisumptuous wedtling ditmer, the room Sunday Club. topic, "The hlgle cost ton. and Stoney Creek, , • • •
und Mrs. •C Ferrier of' °sit.
. awe, and Mr. and MrS, W. FL Inem7
ides. . Exclusive rig it tor District . tominenehtg at 1 etelock sbare t beine prettilyttlecorated with golden
epee. La MARIE BEAUTIFIERS, 01- eiledes end Belgians. Class. 11 a.m., public worship; se ) e e ft Me , reeen Y.
inBtralduceFlIbY Ir. onbhile'sr. fFrieGtitis3)s:61tntr'.°atndRiltnIgras1,1a..eRalV,
11 W 11 t ' I; tl
given, Went. lounedletele as our re- I 70 colts. -20 Yearlings, 10 1.11(1 It Manta, At the concludion the bride e% teaP lievirrc and baby daughter, of Toroutet spent
Presentative V1,•111 be !in your dietriet 1 tette: .3 * threetycartoldst P444 41 and groom oe nfor yea s Were p . ern. ss on an , e ows p the Week -011d at the 'Immo or mr. and,
teem. Ont. JOHN •PlifiNIS, tenctioneer. eented with a purse of geld, Mr. Wei. Revival We Need." n p.m., Miss Kato Hulbert. of !Toronto. Waa
Xre W It Pinder.
T,OTEIIS' LIST iszerroz,
, • tee---. • . •
VOTERS' etettlei3Oefe
-iwN tOlt 00DERICH,
- ColeNTY tele
' Noltiee hereley given Rat 1have
energaled-ovItheSeettont Vat tlier.Votera'
:List Art, and (hut e have eaeted up et
my office at the town hall. OdIerieh,
en the thirtieth day of erteber, 1928,
Ibe 411" f oflporsons.entiLic1 to - t
111 11113 said mureentelltv tat municieal
eleetione end that •eucli list. remains
there. foe Inspection. • • .
Anti I hereby i3all upon alt voters to
take Immeolateproceedings to have
env (viten •oe oaniestonge(irreeted ac-
eoretog, to •kewthe lest dav for. apa
"glee being tithe 200). ofeNoveraher,
'•:.itited et einderieli gas Drst . day of
L. L. • '
Clerk of, the Tewn of Orodorteh.
SALE. --An Vprigat vein In
tee geed oondithel. Barmen 1 o r
quick sale. Mote 39.
FORmiat—tord two -door Sedan:
nmv then' mid In greet order,. W.
S. BOWDEN, Keels St.. Ooderich.
. .
Wilt he gold cheeps the owter is
_ _ leag,wn vinto
Real Estate
tenet et 1. I( 1.
Rumn*ge Sale
'NOV. 16th and 17th,'28
hi the Old Bank ofHtmilton
Under auspices of The Maple
Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E.
t'Open xnorning and afternoon
allti also Saturday evening.
To the Radio People
of Goderieh
A peblie raeeting will beheld
• in the colleen chamber of the
Town Hall on Tuesday, Nov.
201.133 at 8 pane to deal with int.
portent mattere arising out 4
the reeent visit of tne Radio
Inseeetor. All Radio Fans are
requerted to atteed and &cuss
the Inetliods a eliminating in.
terference suggestert'hy the
Impeder. Come and give us
your ideas And euggentione on
the improvement of radio re.
Iteption for tIte coming' winter.
n_ r_t_ Gawk* Witt Arsefietieli
neat csite lestrallet I no SAIfftlik. MK" MM.
Pres, P.retetTreis. ,
, Wootton,• the only son, giving the ad- c hgreh school.
onAitr omoixfo,5 and ,MABES. grandchild, made the presentation. Ai% ."The Pattern in the Mount." Theulfsgivillg. •
7 pan., evening wort the guest. of iffiss Mabel Balite over • a r To ey.
Mr. apd Aire. Scotts MeNante of Dee
A eCTION , it ft. VA dress, and M ss Jean Price, the 'oldest
la telt 16 nt. daughter, Bolen, of Port Dover,• Attie,
The adult bible elass irt ,connection Mr. Bill ttf trorotito visited
8*1441. I '. . . with St, George's church has been re- his parentii, Mr. and Mrs. i'. wew, mid ivirc. A. L. Cele.
t "t t TI nit ' I 'th M .
• We are Instructed, by • i wairrictge in the Angiican church, organized for the season and Tecorde over the holiday. Miss Alice Shot:Mari, e''7. Reginet
,t Ruddington Nottingnamettire Eng-
, . • a splendid attendance. The officers Mr rtnd Mrs Don* Patternon
to sell by ublie auction .at ule El 1
-Ereetatel eio el Stablee, Blagsleti iii'f' hi US 1i
t ade p a, , „ All ere r. o on
lard. n l
M Wa tt aro: President, Miss Isobel Raines; and baby, of eVin'rlsor, were guests of
I id t nri teed !I 1.i it tuirioiTe ,'-iliul'iLl nto°ve ':t_.!iseitt!:
Goderiell. On k-' ' ''' ' 4 4‘itl.111 Tallow -0d the etredr: of sknitting, In v ee Pres- en • - sa -- e IV Achgt Mr- ella-Vra, Ilaerl- '3ill'e* ---` - --- tiglierairat6rilltrii:"liTitt-Vidd
-. TIIII,P, .„,, ,, '1,-, .1,_•_ . ,B.,,,,,,tuel,...,,,1,1,,,,,,.,,,a_un,,,,,,u,..,. ataq,,seereissy, 4.. 131 ping ' iffurison ; Mre gild Xre Arthur Xelec4n* -01 4) 14)14 returning West, •
4Y-'N't e eel' ''-
'e'Dn '-. • rer wootton went in plumose zor
- treenc'ng in 1 *enlace genet 1 '..,,°'''' .....- Y''"v''''c't `"Ym1.17W.gr :7".‘.."' treaetirer, Mr. Jahn Patel otganien
otr. Mtn AIM Kat AUUrpty twee*.
le extra good delft nita•ca and geld- it, ' 14,, , „ .„e„ , ., ..„,.. 4.,...,:e. Mt's, Rosa Harrison; assistant organ. e
Chatham, were holidays visitora with er e et,• ,
Al'. fold isim P. 3., Calitelen• panied by Mr. and Mrs. J.and
Inge erom,inee0 lbs. up to 1600 lbs. All ;loose • arm Irt 4?" nu ann tee e"""te ist, Miss. Gladys Shore.. The class A ,T hl /
0* F. CAREY & SON Ltd. '
11.1spholve 230
good rotors and all well broken. Intwu a e erte • .:tv ere V v hekl a social gathering in th it 1 h Boa can c Cenzie, of Port Colt baby Bill, of Deteolt, spent zitenlese
e ar s lt giving at the Inone of the former"o
TERILS.--81x months, credit on fur_ resided ever since. The ichildren and hall on Tuesdae avening. borne, spent the weelctend w h hoe
reshIng approved joint notes beating families were all home for, the happy parents, Mr* and Mrs. T. T. Murphy.
_ The Young Peeples Society of. the mother, Mrs, Douglas McKende.
intereet at 7 ner rent per annum. occasion, Incloding; -Mre. W. It: .11.
• Come and look et tIte horses; they priee .(mwthg),
2W11,1 be at the teatnes from Nov, lath. . Nirootton 'Owen &malt Mrs: Geo.
Godetieh; Itir, Wrn. IN
their weekly meeting IVIonday night Yls e e - le .3. . • II ,
orth street United eburelt. will hold ' ".1 13
hi3errtilnart • Dntlaewiletir4)f nTdur°Mnrille.', oni:or);'w4ene4ilt ‘1Tihrai3;ils•To"gRithniVig(iv"'1:1;to°rta:tvIrti-i
Mi in the basement of the church. This ttarry Down, over Mating wag. 'Mr. and gine L, L, Rm.% eerie
IIAMILToN etratANDS, Proprietor. miner
Mr. Kenneth Sinclair was Ito from Moore lo a sister of late. Knox and
1'. (11.1eDRY et SON, Aurtioneers. prank ,Ga, diner (moionce), •stra _
' ' (Ethel) Goderichn
t it; the third week of the "Round the
ete.E.eniNet AUnTina, SAL11 OF FARM ford, and ire. Geo. Kennett (Grace). 17`erld Ciatteaign," so don't forget to
. , ring our friend, and to be there on
et,' efT011K Am) IMPI,EMENTS, leuhreeille. - ..
• • time. A debate is the feature for
'WILLIAM F., IgeDAltillY Maitland i.cene Elects Officers this week's program. The debate
melt sell by publlo auction at east half The- anneal election 'of officers, of will be given by four very able de -
Lot s. Con. 6, W. D. Aebtleld, one rant Maitland Lodge No. 33, A. le. & A. bators. The leaders of the North 'ot.
east .of Kneen, on
Wk3INEte1)AY, IsZOV. 21 • . .with the following reetatie We Ide• eneople or ttti . churetnteaittinge religt
tammeeetne. at 1 oteletek sbarp•: Bro. A. .14 Cole; SVet, Bro. C. M. ' lovely, eduegtiot ally :tndDOeitillyd
let.,• was held tot Tuesdey evening Y. P.'S. are trying to give the young
Horses. -1 'hay horse, rising 14 -nears; Robertson. .L elf., •Bro. II: It. Halt; Are you getting yours. Come an
1 • P l r ' m re, rl'ihr 'ea - cbapjalti, "'W.- Bro. R C. MeDermi , see ! • . , *
ibi a' gyenmell,PATAr 7111°yrseiters' .ilinTliotuai i el. treasutent'Bro, R. G. Reynolds, tee- • The \o'. 1)371 meeting of the
theft iiilietrising told
rotary, AV. BrogR.. jniereghw; tyihr, eyn K •,s, .of yietorie St. e(11141111 Was
e 1 tar . • •
gettie.--1 grayeeow 0 roes old, due Bro. A. T. Kaittmg; auditors, ,,.W. held bethe echoolroom of the church;
Det.10th; i black row 6 years old, due Itere H. H. Reid. and W. Era.1 j• ,W1C" with a large attendarite. The Devo-
Jan. 18t1); 1 red row il tears old, due 1-eEwen, This waa also Past Maeterst tionalhLeaflet was •reat1 ;ly Mrs. TO-
reb• ?Dlit•;„ ',,,,,111P. 1.7,,, .6 1'Pf.f3 It night anti for the- 1,xtprk tli: ehitirS' liott And Mra Allan lee in pray r
'-due'ite-th 1°111' I red- v ety fi '-'e at
4 '* were 'occupied by the- feltotymn ore •,tdre:41atakins 'Was -presented with9 it
due March 1st; 1 leaek .ts5 tars
old, due 11717P lOtill: it steers 2 Years mer masters of the lodge; W. •Me life niembership by the tire members.
old, weigning 1100 lbs.• 1 fat heifer 2 V. W. Bro. A, S. ,Chrystal; S. W. at. r The auttienn thankeffeleig Wita re -
Year% all, -weighing Ipso lbs.: 4 81440114, Wor, Bro, H. C. Dunlop; j. W., 'W. ceived, then. followedan hour . of
rising 2 'team old: 15 heifers, rising 2 Bro. (co, MaeVicar; . chaplain, oht: prayer and praise: Whit ts preeer7
yetamrspietsepnrilln,eitetarl:Letev.ay rake, to,,rt,. Bro.
RR: .J.0...iviMecgDawer:msid. tne.,ec,w,rert4,3•ry0,,,;.1%0... was answered no. miss Hem Who ' itelidegir(„tmeents, Itita and Mrs, U.
imee the privilege of prayer 1 was ' 'au'''. "(E.°011117)NUTE(141NAVIVIURES PLEAS**
Masseyollarrie binder, 7-ift. cut; CYR,- .,
sinat fertilizer virile. nearly new; 10- lichbourne; J. De.W, Bro..O.,14. Par- answered by Mrs. Geo, Baechler. Mos Ruth Elliott,- 01 London, vent- ANT, ('()M14)ItTA111.11 .
Melt mean chopper: Bissell 'land roller; soils' S• Se W. Bro. At 'GaltendoS.,' W. JOURNEY
Mrs. Rivers and tare. Mew. read pap; el her grandparents, :Ir. and We.
(lotting box, 12 incii; •wagon and box:2 Bro, T. IL Mitchell; 1. 0.. W. Bro. 3. ers 071 "Asking" tend "Thankfulness/ (t. M. Elliott, ever tee ',...anifsgivine ganaelan Nationte neate33t. 01.,
sees harness: 6 horse collara: 2 light J. Metwen. W. Bro. tr. .II. yrooman, ,Mre. Moore on "Tompeeentc. et, . holidayo.
driving. nollarst Ford car,' 1024 model;
:delta 3-5 tone. of bee.' the present Master .of tee Lodge. Special evangelistic serelees 'will Wzn. Hall, 4 Brusette"; teal M.. 111-meaviingarceentleuineirl Jicell lioaptuullaart e di t.: oonc,
The 005V11 land young *rattle ore an presided for the feetivities around .beein in Victoria St. United church and Mrs. Geo. 'Hall, of Flint, Mich., federation" in operation----- between --
extteotionelly good lot eten In good' - ' n .-- • •
the: ba mutt table afterward", and nelit Sunday, .Miss Henn Ringo, of wero. etielforo toyer the week -end at Tt ratite .and Ittlinonton.„ -
condition. ItverythIng eilvilseliono3.4.1boAtaheitilwfr,rt Jackton Mich.. and Mioa Grace Hot 0 Inds ineovation hat; diminated
be .eald without, antnreserve. cis 1 am markt; was a
miventlsed will among those
"4" nine, -efaVandallet MICIL, win eanduct Vieritrinani.81tItir)11e128R(Ino31:t7:Paer, of et/eat heist of the* delays eenperienced *by
sheet of bent and must dispose 'of Peterboro.
them. • , • . the 'services oa ' ffundeye and . cad) Lorne, Ont., spent Thanitsgivine travellera crossing the Prairiea la
'rEtteleenTwelve menthe' +credit will Thanksgiving Supper and Concert at, levaemeltilmenilig_h:loseinegeelottn Ssatitundulatti., iptehee. NtyaletItiortihael5rt.801:1311%,.01enVa.gell,.1. C. Parr, at the winter time ao it prove; n feet.
be giver' .on durtrieleng. approved- Joint Victoria Street Church a Pine .
mato. A discount of 5 per eeot. al- success - 2nd. T•he seryicea will begin at the: through, cvotanfoklel:ipoetcle:viceuitaontdEond.-
ettILLIANI lettfcCADTHY, Proprietor.
R. H. i. enuntannon tei.u..,,u,p,,,,by,,,thae Itadtels'il.,_id,uot,, V,,,,fc,,toria .. . .
The gooee supper and concert gotai - h . . • • • • alter a two Weeks' visit with 11, Regina and Saelic,toon. By title
„ne. orient enappy sow. ..ei • lees Pneh i Biwin Rutledge, of Detroit.- -
.. Mrs. Ruth Thonipeort hag „return.mi monton, I
all important points by lines radia -
route good connections are made to,
lewett for -cash, • • eta:cwil 1.4)tellat 0nniSgrIlti."‘Theririled co1v4irlIP Ili/ 1:Afirgbtors. Mrs. Joe YoUng and Alr"3r'
Te. °Minn' et: SON, Auctioneers. thl"u nut" edur'""1 ." "`"" e•-""'" night. The evanieliste are e,,,oellent
.., ____.......„„..,._ . — . _ - of Thanksgiving DaY Proved a verY en'eeeletr; . ...
0 LEAMINIII ACcerloN S.Vint tat .k oucceseful event. An abundtince of - and able eprenceers, the'r H.R. Mtnetty, tif Lonien• ',Moe tl" filial these eitlea'•
Provided 'fee tile ;3110 public are eordialle ;meted to' (Habit Murray,. of Toronto, told Air. ' Itull inf4rtnetion and Teservatiorrt
C e SPLiteant) te iT -01,' Ili iri.'Rlinit,D good • thingo war, messaaet being clear ad nersuaqivie.
FroNIMINW5, Atert tilitIll1.11, ETC. supper aed four hundred peraone Harold Murray, of -1,Vallenton, relent g'ionl any. Canadian 'National Hell-
Messrs. John •Loriginire and George* wa.yerle' peAegiaeintm.-eeting* Of the Woraeet'a
we bte,,,, Teeeivii Intel/miens 10„04 were revved. Provision was made so , tlic'Ir ue''''*fr
guilds '4 li i Jeneenhip • to a.mg the holiday at their linnet here..
..,,, , •
to pen ily eithite wiener, at. hpr rpA... t110 order in whith they arrived and BRIEF TOWN TOPICS flay and spent the day with friend', Totinstlauttnerti4alyilraftelirerilodonin, go3ve.giVtili!aali
McLeod inototted to Atwood,. on Sun.
eine. titinDoN keVITY, that the peeple would be served in ' ' Y . P " ' Van*
this errangerneut wee ranch appre-
demo.,Essex 'St.. tiotlerielt, Oh .
• 'TCESDAY, Nt ree• Mix eiated, The ladies of Victoria street There will be a meetine of the , Mrs. l'Amogniire returning with them! tlet,o'!..elotet. • A full attendance is ..to.
Mr. tint! Mrs. T. N. eteineton, of (31 t
teemetnenee at t teeteee, eherp ; chttreh are gloat peoeidera and 100 Children's' Aid Society on *Tuesday.
Noe 20th -.at 415 p m in the nupete
intention's office on North St.
. , • . . . ?fennel, end Mr. and etre. J'. E. Gm- •
ham, visited on Tuentay wita Bern.
The regular meeting of Alutieel: 4 Safety' Mem- Elation obarpened.
Clime/ea I. O. be 'held In en.
and. Mrs. Pence Graham, Sheepard. Gillette Medea: 35e doe.; :finale Edge
t Illeelee. 25e doz.; Double 13dtte illaeclee
the Public Llbrctry on Monday ater.,, • Mrs., Will.. Aitableoneof . Vi inttlieln. ::, 4e..°Alttst„fatreEtipen/,,,,tneitadrar•aan..tseoc",:t,'„
noon, Nov. letb, at 4 o'clock. . and Mr. and innl. Thos. Aitcheton
Mr. Robert Johnoton Imo pureltaced
Mr. B. It Taylor's 'residence, corner
eitina eabinete t itinbia room rue owe; chairman and after his ,openitig rel- ' of Waterloo and Lighthouse streets,
a tilontry wieker letetiett anti tittle; 1 dreoe the followitet iturabero were and geto, pooeession Dee. lot, when
melee:tiny ban tree: 1 Week elninut given: Mot3ort song, Hope Mutelt l'ArR. Taytot !nonce to Mettle
itedreten suite: 1n-dein* 411,e,-;:4cv. gnat- ! and Walter Stewart; solo, Mg Tre. Soma eara choice gift liottes 01
trfss t.tred curing. nearly tim 1 i /Wirtz mei, //wanton; recitation, Billy Joe sta..tionotg suitable J'9r Chriotreas
vahlut ehiffeRlen 1 elr•strh' ran; 'i Jobnston: onto. C. Tweedie: ilietrut gifts. Soo them at The Star office.
PertizttPre!,7447eLirellit.,•7;1;t:2111.E.:g4.1!Pltiale..Nlollct k ingental, Mrs. M. C. Parr; addreee. rl. A box of ctationery with initial 511. and Mro. Ogle ., Needham, a , lences fel enlY 84'6°' ill/ 071301' &11J30
talite'oriii 4';Itc: 1 dreen=r: 1 wa111111 iC. Cumming; monolocuen, 51 .1 le tinted On Melt ebeet would 11S0130 a d Pinkerton, aed ter. mem twee% of ;4.2 fremee anti 1encea at °wee P
tettelt etaitit: 2 spiernen, 2 terlITtAt tik,,q Muteht nolc ,George Boehm:n(3i read.: nplunell aPPr.e.eloted. ffills„,t.ttia,,s, ,D3i,,,ft. ,Eingarn, have been vioitiree their .. EV,,03.._er,s_a_ri_ll.ted_ ,,' 1 3. F„ go,t F: „ V. . 7 lie it ; 1/1 li, . ,?. .1 al !
VISO' V,: FirAerall E -mailer FM10 Mel tratl: ings. Mrs. B. Wilco. 'rho oinging of 1." aleemit3 01 tall1 , z i 1 13 u andnarento, Mr. read Mee. 11. /Um. 1, rillu Ptavlirtrs yeIt,'-ec:"Ie'alue'rie'aeo:"°31G
1. ... tg• on --r
2 331*) itifl‘,.; liaill1 VON' raPts: 1 111M- 'the Made Leif Forever brougnt to a
einoe. varript5i, eur-talite orate. raga: ogee the fr. • V MrtkiD.g peetetate. Monday next. Novereher let t, tv 1 e eon, caderiaa.
t .71f-li v about ti 'i . rd"the eetmere, tegteett Reg ail,,.(..v.Y7ona:rt: te:h7:ttained and ot
ptsiii5; •ratirry: t oast ecist.range sad , - edit in MacKay Hall at 3 pate Tien E. W• Pare. a Cattadian Ileidne ' a
roews: 1 3-iiirtnre ettal ell stunt, atel Reg. I'ltitt Wit13 the Wateft .opeeiat rang cetvice. Alec., rem ( 0 "atop . 0 in 13. wife, viiit.: dsur
,c ri, a e,. w c3 0 Go:Melee. Yoe ate
ihl , lea
IZT:::i..1 t.,,il'irtk'gr: Ili! ialf-'`'es!:!,-129P: • Lunt 'we* wars etelle 7I4teh Wrkcc-I4 dal yeaveatlarl LM in ri'48siltP re' 13 17' `-' ' ''' '"5' T""r"aVI FddlaY. N°Y°Ellibt'.
Clitr, at NtOritl L.A. t1SVCOtOg0 OV0a , r,,ac ,-,0 (.., r: rags ALT setoeten
tantere ona eateretee• eterdeee -no, etre, , ....t .......'. i•;', r., ..o.--rettsort'S Sewn -ell/ ecettly, Socelal invitation. to mo:i3. the tteek,e,m.
in !Val". c :,;,:', (-v. ,,-.7or e. iill,;:13, 1= I, pplyhkulgt VnItch run before it °top, (leen. nevelett rtra )awao, of Poet . 4 . . . . 4 4 i. • 4, - ) V , 111E0
1 7.,510.grit 4.;zanst: 1 t?tehee ftee, ...eel( fttere, introdoeing the vete 40-houte neva and friende tit ha oreeent.
!ere feel., 1..rc,, 34 3,4,'- -"elle Kennel! :lien ! tt tau emend every OVOningat•-• SATI7R51,1AALVE, ittritt,221r4rt17.-Aucticet Portnia, effet the week-cnil witn tee '', t1;G1:::::::::4v4 4710 1-,..I134-4.33. NA' WI
,....-............•....-..--.....,..........-...-..........- , Mt. And Mgt. I. E. Peck and elfin
-hetet; toll 0,1B4, n4-tv IztPo i.-btlif.r:, l,li•-.4, T:faie WItteh- 1107 long would thin;
Ir'743:4(-?""':...;.;d1., '%* „`",:i ',:,/,',.:',5,...1,"!",:"..-;1111 et terteeli... the tg,:3 thae tfing tit 0 .• ;tete of heave .direft Readirapi au I, fOtfnern, perente... ene. twee eno, C. E. '; *32 te" ,171,.1110* f6r? 11:39 tiv,,eriarc. `A'1i 11.7.
..... i
last. What tante metro, tat tho hinu Vdwaiill AVM
Ring? That: tija5i1str:stlY51, Elitge,ten kite eatteletiehe emu,
large nureetee 04room-it:et at 1 Octet% IfAMILT4)N
itel in the ballet'. Meitiltel'en Prepcieton. T. GUN.
.f whitth' elat•ed Jilt,/ S., CON, Attetior.cete..
Toronto for the weeh.eini, gurot Mr. Moore is Prineipal or, the 1,1ark.
with IVIr. and Mrs. Wetter NafteL dale' Collegiate Institute. .
and Mrs. Hal; and chile Will Longintre returned to Niagara
dren, of Toronto, were guests of Ilt`V. vans, N.Y,, ou Wenneeday after
and Mrse.Clahlge for Thanksgiving. - speoding a few dayseet the bone of
Copp and .Mr. Will •Brinlett. motored ing him and visiting friends at' Pree-
home herelluffeln.fereTblinleenleitiff• teen elletrttnantilfon aP4 At199.4.
Misses Viola. Bloomfield and Vera hio pareets, bio mother aceoMpatry_
Mi. J. A. Staples, oftettlachan, Ont., Mr. hircd-J: Naiad, who was roielt
spent' 'Thanksgiving with Rev, and intereated in the game or.nanntIntett;
Mrs. Parr. at Victor% ;It, patzonage, while he lived In Montreal, has keit
. Mrs,' 'Muedork. Macdonald hatt Te. received word of his apponunitat as
qurned home after a delightful two honorary president of.. one of the
ro.ontbs.' visit in 'Wheeling, West Viet beleuthbas oofnewholegh lute eoviasesar, to:nava:taint-64ot
grneenr4i.cee K. Smolders anti -Wise-Ger- clubs in Montreal. Tier. 4-ead biro.
elaftel will .obortly.be. terevingetheir
aldine 'Statintlere were with Iffr.• and
zummer home on the ,Daytteld Toad
M. Wldtor Keliy...London, for 'the
and etnnblit to town for the winter*
.havirg rented Mrs. thee Cieett'a
Mr. end elm. •Ieltyln Rutledge, 4 .
steus.e on the Terreee.
Detroit,. ;Aunt 'Thank:telt/nig' visiting'
All the eentenfe tie the eaten. bit people' were served the' following day
at noonetime. During the' teevintrof
etudinn: letither uebe.131Pred (1113r.
ter ent twic1 davenportir V qintior eitt the 'Weimer Monday night 1341... (.13.
eak rtreltelot •I large eut ;eat; library peovided by Mrs. E. 'Cranoton and
fable: 3teeetion tett nalt book P3Fa, U1111 MSS Delipht Iffutcli, and affeiwarde
honks: I Amninnti.` eng 311:313: I TIP'.1 a delightfth' 1 'program wee given in i
tiiI I ' "ri • 411.' IlLn'th' the auditotturit of the chut.ch. The ,
rabiliet 1. bier It walnut dinina enite
r.:31114'. Chatirii, beget en) I paotor, Rev. M. C. ?err, tv.ia the
and daughter Dorothy, of Deletes, euelor Auxiliary Penult* in St.
wore' the (Incas of igr, anti rffro. geemeie parieh Ban Stift:Hay, tef,W.
Muteh. from 3 to G. tem. Pleace w-
eir. and •Mi. Duff Blair and Mioe serve the elate.
Iffildred Blair, of Eseex, and Du,.
Manley Blake of Ford, went week." SPECIAL 'OPTICAL OFFER
aftd , Visitors with Mr. Lippatt and '• nigh grade, heavy weivut
Mts. noltvard, spectacles kat flat optierieel
411“1/41, G.t11(1' f.'t!•17. ,, 3177. 611 Thureda
1,n-tee...tee goof' te, ,-...e! d ,..a 1.fA. kirt714 it epos* i
Z.lt ','JP -7 1-1 tv4,.t. )i.; •4ewiert,t,, ' the otteetton sod
i -,.1,, . earm,..t*, 'Imre 4ktt
' cr. ot N. 3 111% A •;14 es 1 tp it..n... r4, ' TI42r, the maeortte
Reck, Inlet/ft et. . 1.,
o c.taq o rogrO3t
bP'.1 1 46:ita7-atiat liG5T/e• '411011 1, 1•:, none teetteett,
fel, Detroit, motored tie Vort-ty to genes( Id
(BA l•hot'zlic'-'ivil•r" *4 \PA.. 0,..111a (i) , 3
oint.t, Mr, end 1.P.