HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-25, Page 7THURSDAY, OCT. 26th. In28
11111111111•0611111111011681111111111•1118,11111111861k I, 11•6111111 II Oil A Lii. lb dIllidillie IIIISeell & p
. Sunday,
elfternoori ji,
Sy ISABEL lHAMILTON, God'erich. Ord. 4. aamiammostes400mw04111**44110111614111111MW*cwirort-CliCIIIMSAINIt‘ot
. tO
fro him 'het teen:omen-a tied gisetha ta lee feet szven verss a thi5
crown ; cheeses. Pete &1St:UE:1,9 the euineet et
Threugh teith we fliall coniper, tee etn.); eent5 ntat t „ant ,-,,,,,,,et,)civi4
though often e.ast down ; i got -etre -sleet. The Staittian roegem
He who is our Saviciate OUi.i, SU:Mgt% contcnIpx.(4:c1 trio .....earinii: cs
will renew, eons amid other kiegaieme, Macs
-Look ever to Jesus-nlc will catry tams 1'1'•.turaelue ante:auto to
U through,. the Lord JeCii$ -Christ; he wee their
11. Mkner• •
la w.giver' their ' sovere!gn, their
.- PRAYER incite. Itbecame, therefore, a
Remember, 0 Lord, that we are T queai on of gsnat impottanee and
elust, and accept the contrition of our difficulty, what • hind of aIlegiteehat, that we 'who tie- the infirmity then. were to 'render to earthly
of the flesh are bowed &mu to earth, mag1strate:5. The kingdoms of tbe
may by.r1hy geaee he raved to Rea. teemed were then pagan king -
yen; it as of our own that we fall, it doses. They had been generally '
Is Taine ta muke: us rise. tkaoaah founded in conquest and oppression.
jeaus kliarnst onr. Lord. Amen. Mow i:f the oionarche were bloon-
y,. WeeklY. stained warriors, were uaprineipled
Ss S. LESSON FOR NOV. 4th, 10e11 men, were polluted in them private,
and oPeressive in their public char -
Lesson Topic -World's Temper.,
. acter. It was it serious question
Ltsten passagett.Rem, lasti4.0.- -whether Christians were to aeknow-
et,.1P-' . _. -..,....._-;:-.-..-..-7.-7..__ - -j..- -iesige the laws, 0 stlek -kingdoms and
eo 4. ','"Of such men. Paul sets forth the
......_r_____Golde:a Texte,-*Ilom_r_. 1_3:16. i .1 „i great principles on which all Chris: -
tans are to act be this ehapter and
Heart Was Weak from I "
Thet ,giollternsnrenntselaveessenatialr, mid
its necessity la reeognized •by God,
Nerifail Were Bad vediil.isui,r,r bgabtriehtsair.TIng:
• arthy and diserder. (2) Civil rulera
4011,1111 NO H0SSEWOR1L are. dependent on God. He has the
entre eontrol aver therm and can set
. year woman tecome took Rao ma them up or put them down when he
down and unable to. look after their pleaees. (3) The .authority of God
as Superior to that of civil rulers,
household. &ties owing to the heatt
the rl'hey have no right to mane eriact-
action Inconel:a' g impaired. •or merits which interfere with his aunt -
nerve" sYsterU "ent4reng' ority. (e) It is not the bodiless of
Nature intended worgen to be Strong, civii rulers to regulate or control roe
healthy end happy instead of week .ligion, That is a diatinet depart-
eandseeetelied, and to all -women when: nient, with which they have no eon -
heart is not functioning properly aud cern.exoept to proteet it. ..Tlie
whoee nerves are nettrueg we would rights of all 'men aretto bi preserved.
recommend Illen 4re to. be allowed to worship
God according to the dictates Omen.
own conseience, and to be protected
in those rights, provided they do not
--a- violate the peaee and. order of the
, community. (6) Civil rulers have no
eight to persecute Christians, or to
attempt, to secure eonformity 'CO their.
views by force. The .conscience can.
not be compelled; and in the affairs'
QX religion mart must be free. nee&
. sums up his statements thus: "Ren
L9 the 'nest Terneely to tone up and der therefore toall their dues; tri -
strengthen these weakened organ;. ;bine to whom tribute, is due; custom
Mrs. E. Barron, " Bulwer, •Que., to whom custom; fear to -whom fear;
writeeisa"Over a year ago my heart honor to whom honor. Owe no man
Wm weak, nad I was. so nervous e anything, but to 'love one apathies;
• coulaget very little sleep. I 'became for he teat loneth another fulfilleth
so bad 1 was.pnable to do my house- the law." This injunction is often
work. I got some of Milburn:1s Heart repeated in the Bible. •It is oneof
and Neryg Pile 'which I used with the most lovely and obvious 9f -the
great endow. X .eon mow do all my duties of religion. Christianity is
work .without any trouble, and AS r not designed to break in upon the
sim the mother of five children and 'live- - -proper - order of esociety, but rather
on e farra you etat see.a have plenty . to establish and confirm that order,
to do." ,, • , - ' . - It does not rudely assail existing in -
price oen, 6 no, at all ateggsets or . stitutione; but it comes to put them
dealers, or
on a proper foothig, to diffuse A'uliki:
mailed direct on reeemt of
pries by The T. Milburn Co,. Ltd., and 'Pere influence over all; and to
Toront4, Ont. '• secure such rm, influence in. all the
.. relations of life as shall tend to eta.
s,„ett,,,0%oneeetetetteettesteeteette,„teeste' mote the happiness .of man and the
. . _ ,
welfare of the community. Concern -
'T SW RTS' ing the payment of .tast debts Paul
teaches that there as a debt which
te ' can never be diseniged so long as
.gilto apt tient) Livarg there la opportunity to do good,
i • ,In order. to illustrate this Paul
, flank siftliffg. it • - • runs over,in the next verse, tee laws
ss tt n t") e'. of the ten commandments in relation
.. 11140elitonisil, Strest • to but conduct towards our netgabor.•
3.13$t OfftheSquate
if the law of love were engraven on
, ,
every Maine bearte and practised in
1641114111. ,
' his life, what a. change would It init
ggyaltal, FIRST4EASS AUTOS READY mediately product: In society I All
FOR SERVICE -GET YOU ANYWORRE . men Would ..at once abandon that
AND WHEN YOU WANT TO GE? THERE which is fitted to work ill to others,
'Busses Meet all Trains end whategu,,cinfluence would it have on
Possenger Boats the-been:esti and caramel:dal aftaire
.Paiiiingera galled far !daisy of men. How many plans of fraud
Part at the tOW11 for all and dishonesty would it at once ars
trains at O. T. R. or C. P. R. rest. How many schemes would it
Delnita. erush. It would silence the voice .of
Prompt Service and • the slanderere it Would stay .the plans
of the seducer and the adulterer; it
Careful . Attendance* •would put anend to eheating and
eseseetes fraud, and all othemes of dishonest
our uyery tind. tuck serviuu gein. The granbten.xestren the pro -
Our of his nelgneior without any
will he found uto.to,dattt
lit every reeltecL,' cornpeesation. and. thus works 111 to
him. ;There are many •employments
• geese's to all whose tersdeneyis' to work ill
once Suttda.
Your Patronage Solicited to a neighbor. This is pre -eminent -
T• SWARTS ttle in spirituous
• liquors. It cannot clo him good, and
Phone 107 Montreal Street the almost uniform result is to de-
eetneeeteeseeseesonsertesessaeisesseseessta prive him of his property; health, re-
putatine, peace, and domestic coin -
fort. ejle thate sells his neighbor
U S E liquid fire, knowing what must be
the result of it, is not pursuing a
•niness which works no ill to him;
11 -
' y ro* ectric pountlirthrtmmit rag.
"Woe unto him that giveth his neigh -
THE 'TOME% STORE bor drink. (Hale 2:15). .
Condensed from Barnes'
Dr, A. J. 'Hunter has for twenty-
five years beers working among the
foreigners north of Winnipeg. On
his arrival he found the people su-
spicious of ,any religious effort on
his part. To his curative advance"
they responded More Today. ealla".•
. cially when his pifia, and potions
were 'provided gratis. In time he
was able to eatablish a small hospis
fel among them.
In those eatiy days conditions of
.tvork were difficult With no water
in the ;building and little in the slaty
. of sanitary arrangements or equiP-
Witt, one had juot to do one's .best
and for the reet truet, te Providence.
The eountry roads 'awe trail;
through swampa or treer stony ridges
with stumps where trees had grown.
Often the doctor and nurse were eale
led to drive forty or nfty rnilee into
the ountry. Breakdowns of the snit
biele were to Ito expected, and comes
times they secriven too late. More
often they vsere oble to relieve pain
and often to cave life. For his fee
for oue such ttip the doter points
withenide to ttvo jack pines gi"ing
in his front garden.
Cook by Electricity
is Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
Chest** than Coal or Wood
An electric Vacuum Cleaner
removes the dust; a broom
just moves the dust.
We guarantee all Hydro
Lamps for 1,500 hours.
tifalk in and see display at
The Hydro Store
ministering to that dietrict.
' As the (teeter rays, "Medical worIc not do nly week •
becauee ost pains ---4,--,------
may in time become monotonous."
medially when "sentething more it It: hi tet 1/113t 'aka Wr. . CANADIAN QUIZ COLUMN
Ithan beiltV010110" woe needed to
eotaie to a better uncletstatahnn with
OM 41Zeittlig , If lutit lioughttr ShLiws Sign* 41 r(
Aliitiiiiii a roine ti AO:4yd
Ana_ .,n.i, iA, ilitle%; kl 1:13i. k.s.i.' Weisel,
370ititet Rkklick Boys
capvist.kr.eutto 4 ii.e,i i COM ',A own g eceveag g,.".s `41i1.. t.o
,--;-,..71,4-..ii...:411,111' ' li : 1)IlItlimilt-iF ";-- •-t, .7.7-, -, -11 lt 3 llivai bk‘i."6-AiSe tbe blaee so
MOPE SPAck: , pep ourselves up: aud •il, a.-,. yz..,?. .1,.1:1Citill 10Ci.a.)111,ti iall::::Vi715!le3 ‘11.41ilig
te tee aetit.,a I,a,...1,,. ,per,,,,) lb cr,..._,L... kaeringitt, L at a alattcl ui i,,u14 derciersreva, when Wale elat:11
IF and greatly ia deoand. esed:naill: habit' Per4iStt't1 i" dV,oficr ihlY.
nut in you ready to undertaEw it or \vivid ' its sor;tic.sii '4,i'lleitt-c:-•'eelist t:•ilitterin'' '
if there is a; growitre fsollilY.
YOU IMPler have timt fiabb,,,, paunoh, ? dor„-: 7,- • - , 'i ane — - -I - - -'
any &wily, pe.,,a-v7ians avill aeaumv- SWEETS., FOR CHILDREN -k to gtovi btwe g riVoriC. 1 -.very
late, and ideas and demands will ean gt-owrng gal shank:it e,?,..usionally tako .
for enlargement of the Geld of aztion. Children erav.... and need fl, esetaia a tersie to ward di th1.3 MiLdiiAUS
There are :nano ts'ann 141. Ttle.eli the amount of. sweet. but the ellild who trouble. It i* /3"'aT3'3 eg their Paw'
space in the home eon bo iwreased, nibbles candy all the time is doomed erfui action . in rebuilding the mood
One of these is to add move
windows,: te poor bealth.
. Tim otty b .,„ ., thst Dr. Walliaare r,,,,,r11; pais hAve
. g* -111,,, made a world.wide reputation. The
1 • ' I It Je (no et tne iiie,3z. •,annic..‘..1 inut iki. '
tilt '',I.ITY:C lima. CcosZ. URI4t-eii.iznt
tone ta eat sweets, as after good ease ee mies elate staltivan, Pincher
whieh Pserinte fuller US,,' a the roenti
yOU now have. If one romil can be meals, 'when Plentn of other ... ;
needed t:trcek, Alta armly proves the Vain(
made into a sleeeing Ivrea, several foods have been eaten. Too many of Yids medieine; fiss Sullivan sttY:
members of the tinnily can occupy it, sweets irritate the stomach, disturb "During ray wheel days I suffered a
beds in the house. and manes Ocoee eappetite beteg*: hotly need$ are voile great dee/ fame thin and watery
the normal digestion, end catisfy tile
and this reieaees the space ',sect for
met. The child wlio has eaten a bloocL / wart continually weak and
atiolai)it now as living or 1013.4114v pieee o ti .h before a meal Las no
f sleep unrefreebing alai I was trou-
tired; nay appetite 1.17111 roor, my
rodent ininnerly used a$ ben 1,0=8
3,00111S. ,'.,.i V,.,.& haekaelies. To make mat.
as large es they ean be made, will a rt n
The theughtful another will see me in a very weekened state. My
appendieitis and the operation left
Several wireowe in the basement.' much-needed simpler toed&
,- . g . tereavoese-reetee-tittacked Vilth trent,3
. _ . _ ... ._
give iiglit and air to that- usually that her children learn td save their mother, learning of the value of Dr.
dark and dismal portion of tbe house, had me take
candy foe tlessert," and eultivate William& 1"luk RIIUt
and provide a plaeroom for the cies. their health and their willpower by them, and after usiete, them for some
elven, and a room for ironing and Inflating to oat candy befeire meals.
For birtlidane. holidays, isartisa time / can say the result was simply
doing many other hottseboM tasks. vvonclerfol, AS they completely Tester -
pea fela..away. anti other festive occasions provide ed my health, and new when oppora
Built-in furniture
beds increase the use Of a room, per. eauclY substitute& Man,v a' merrn. these pine toweak, Vale girls. suffeno
tunity pours. I alwaes recommend
netting it to no used as weeping making Is spoiled by having a candy- ing as I did."
rooin at night and other 1.1 11.0 in :Rink ehild in the hmue. Gelatin of 3reu can get theso
sand closets also relieve the house of diffevent colon, bard coonies,, pastes metileine dealet Qv bPyinms. afirl°1.14 TO
the day time. Plenty of cupboards
its turdens end permit room.space figs, dates. raisins and dried apricots
of • chopped fruits, *renew, . apples, cents ea box from Tbe Dr. Walharns
to be utilized for general living, rae tare an wholesozne candy substitutes - ---teet --- ----et -et —
Mdiclue Ce. Brockville. Ont. _
titer than as depositories nor possett and 'satisfy the child's bunger f
shins. The built-in inning board. in sweets. -On Soon Unfeeling. and jealouoies avow
its slit in the wall, is a gamine of .. VITIMINS • between the two ram end the tWO
this. • • •
' • Scitntists have Alvided vitamins ine English were getting undue advert -
creeds:. The ;French felt that the
Many spaces for cupboards and to several classes arenalntermined the age, cud this caused much trouble
closets zniebt be culled from unused various uses of each in the body. 'atm,
and hindered useful legislation,
in tvalls-a pot ...opimard under the 'because they not only promote ROMAN CATI101,10 CHURCH
spaces under stairways and roofs and They are galled "protective • foods" 'en" -
back stairs. the built-in medicine growth but protect against certain Roman Catholic church in Canada?
Q. -What is the strength -of the
cabinet; the broom closet- in the wall cbseases itrad Increase one's reeistance
- A.-4Mo Roman Catholic •Church in
and many. others. Even. the VOW to =lotion. . Canada is 00111110 ((1 as follows: At
stairs may be turned to advantage by It is not necessare to know' the
. elibishops, 12; Bishops, 88; Priest,
having a box for tuthers, one for classes of vitanuns or them speeial 1,0.38; Univereities, 4i Educational
5,308; Churches, 2,4713; nlasnione,
small household tools, and one for 'virtues, but every housewife should Institutions, 488; Charitable 'rustles -
the 'ehoeashining 'outfit, each under a Provide her family generously with tioo$, 252; Population, 3,591,y08;
etair. The board of the step Indy be vitamin -containing. foods of all hinds, Catholic .Churen Exteusion SometY1
box space provided underneath. 'butter, whole milk, cream, eggs. tos 67 Bond St., Toronto, One Catholic
on hinge and lift up to disclose the in turn. They are: Cod liver oil,
Under the slanting roof, near the Women's League, about 50,000 mem-
vegetables, especially I fv VOirP bero, Head Mee, dal Bishop at.,
undoes. *ranges, lemon.s, gx'apefrult,
tables, potatoes, dried liens 'Montreal, Catholic Truth Society of
eaves, is usually •niuch %vote space
Van -
to utilize in closets.. Here might be beana whole cereels ancl milk, .
ea ' -- -;', Canada, branches-Antigonish,_ Mon.
• - - and kreal, Ottawa, Regina, Toronto, which is not eonsidered high enough
a cedar eupboard and large dratvere • POT HOLDERS " . • Knights of Columbus maintain' dub '
couver, Winnipeg, :and Yorkton,
and many seasonal or olden.: useel.eush to its rescue, and no _.'kettle hold- house;; in priueitial cities and bave
for the storage of winter clothing , A smell of something. burning, a
_large membership, ..
things:- -- • i er tale found! Can you think of ----"' CArre rAILISER
leaf table will not only save the : IS wholly unnecessary. One might A. -Capt. ;elm Palliser (1807-87)
Q. -e -Who was Capt. Palliser ?
The breakfast took, with n drop anythingmoreaggravating? But it
housewife 'rneny etas); and provide a jUSt AS well have plenty of holden comnuandee an expedition, 1857-60, to
place for many meals much Imre clean and always at hand. Theo ;dere the country between the 49th
dainty and pleasing than the custom= reaO .be made of scrap; of licarallel and the Notith Saekatehewan
ginghares, and between the Red River 1131(1theary kitchen table, hut it seems to in- denims, cretonnes or any erm goods, Rockies. He was also instructed to
crease the size of the house, by 1'2. Pohl them into squares ot a convene ascertain *whether there were prod'.
lieving the dining TOM of much use ient size, tura the edges
much of .the time, Such a dining onally
and freeing it for other purposes • around them, then stitch across diags
from elite corner to reaother,
in and stitch cable passes south of Athabasca pegs.
'The Palliser Range, the. Palliser Rise
room is available for formal meals perhaps circling around the center, er, and the Palliser Railway Station
and company oecasions. but may be to hold them in shape. Drop them on the C. P. R. are named ate him.
used as a living room for days at A into the wash frequently, for they enanweet are Canada's chief int -
time. when the family wilreuse the will dip into the food end geten es Imits2
.e -Y. A. -Canada's chief ivpdrts, fiscal
breakfast nook iThe drop leaf tableIt them • range
in the breakfast nook will drop away witere they can be seized. in the mo- Vegetable products, $574,994,162; ,
---- year ending March .31, A927, were ;
out of sight and permit the room to r anent of need. . an mai products,..$167,291,58e; fibers
Dad after supper. 1The •eolorful bathroom, with tinted 120,267 •
and textile products, $1,665,503,
be used as a sewing -room or play.' TINTED TILES
Itles ie another reason for wanting to Wood Prods & Paper, $284,-
d it • a t , 74,
room between meals, or a retreat for
a living toom. ready for use, with its i are tau with a bluish 284,824; non-ferrous metal produces,
k dining unit may be emitalled in A live. Some of the favorite patterns .v80,09,107; non-metallic Mettle prq-
or greenish tint. ducts, *213,509,838; chemicals and at -
drop leaf table, its cupboard above 1
this and. a general foldom elite:1g out -I
i The tiles are larger and more pros lied products, $1a1,574,753, all other
mental than the plain shiny things commodities, 18,077,313.
fit, all Concealed behltd French doors
sort appearance as though made of Q.-Whae are the prospects of the
we are accustomed to, and have a THE PEAChe
when not in use, • ' e. . a ' '
Co °over your house with the idea
of discovering places where you can somsething like plaster of Paris. Peace River •Countrye
thirds of the way to the eeiling with A. -Peace River with tts marvel- ,
Some bathreoni walls are Meshed -two
increase the use, and you will be
these beautiful'tin
nig& bus productive ability, its thousands
amazed how many of them you can
of virgin acres and its cheap land, is
find and how greatly they will relieve
the congestion of family living. destined to berme the g,reat
Head lettuce, always expos:lye, gtation 'nape or Westtrn Canadflia.
• YOUR FIGURE The Peace River elistries produces the
size a delicacy the thrifty housewife will best grain•in the world, and world's
try to toneerve. When it comes
Stand in front of a mirror and
yourself up. Are you the Shape stf from the tor cl ' championship for. both wheat and
p S gett ly y letting was oats • having been won by a ,Peace
and does your aabdomen sag? If these ter run on it and wrap it in a cloth
things are true, it is not so iamb a wrung out of toickwater ant put it
matter of eedueing niet a$ :mute! in a paper oak in, a cold place.
stamina. ' One "head lettuce may be mane to
What you need is to yank yourself serve three meals. Wash, dry and
MI physically and mentally. These Chop the outer leaVeSt mix with
defects are, probably the fault ef French dressing, and. serve as a rel -
wrong posture. The right posture lish meat. Use the prisp outer
is; head erect, chin drawn in, eilygt
leaves as a base for some combine -
high, weight on the 'belle of the feet. tion salad, as eelery, apples and
RenleMber these f'aur it°119' Ueltl' nuts, or pineapple and 'cheese, The
orize them and see if yea are living crisit and tender hearts serve as head
tap to them hour by hour, and walk- lettuce salad with dressing.
Ing te them as you stroll down
the street. Or do you alweys ride in
Mayonnaise in less likely to curdle
the ear? That is one thing which
if the oeasoning ie not added until
ails us moderns. We are taking it
the emubsion is at least half nniebed.
too &any and letting our bodies and
our stamina ;slum% If your mayonnaise curd1e4, eet it
We need to make ourselves; more away in a cool place until the oll hae
Firstrerep Japan teas are admittedly the finest
thst mew mit el the land of hiseesme. "IkfiLADA"
Jaws green tea Is comprised only of first -crop
111 [PIM
"Mob from the dordom
the "Ouinip:g(itt." ou• "dirty Ir.V401. he Natioes Rowel:ten tear
so veiled beeatiee the word "t:14. t,1. Ont., wae tie, first Outwit
goo". the name of the nun:town ln Uppar fkanada and the tirat
trOM the shoree whiset • hey Q44111011 Protestant built ha eather°1
meant "dirty water." The term Pee or Lower Canada, An interip'
4641irty water" is generally taken to thin reads: "Saint Pants Ilia Maj.
refer to the turbid atmearanco of the ee tr's Vlaatiel of the Mohawhe. en-
teted Ring Ciaatee• ns',5"
k efter 'orm
inQizevehettenteNNvaDDreQ0uesbateee te.ouunieduer, Tiirs.efleasnets eahenrue.vlse Ileac !1' (1 t:iieersylet,
given by Queen Mine. a large Bible
A. ---The City of tnuebee tvas fourds dated 1712 ATal an aid tell roado in
ed bv 'Chttniplain in 1608 a$ ea base 1780 and sent by Ilaldimanel to 103.,
001 11:ef al:111)1%1; s lapueoexibeputtoe rtashti egl or inst. tit e. surza:virteurni ett feoi: BL; avr ac cd. i._corbabotevoe:eititireinos 1:1,sititattilelodellittraz
river /mare it: ralild 11004 thr.aagli and the Lord's Prayer, set up in 170.
andther rapid channel between Calie
Diamond to the north and the Clitfa
of Levia to the South. The pomace. ^am •
alld SlIONVS A ateadily ineinaeieg amine FOP bilff d011itS
tion of Quebec noty exceeds- 125,000,
' •
Q.,,,,,enthot, were tee thief prant. Pharmachata time, Viliett all
$0 -called remediea fail Johan-
fintoh op neentsptilit t aval gl 0 theta Ea talxistoe: Ntvoi
11:illerndli pleats oaly-that
why you ave mivased to use it for
Constitutional Act of 1791 were :
That, Canada was divided into twoloottnetis.. painful, ibilanted, rheumatic
provanees, pper and Lower Canada.
the Government of eaeh to colialsi, of
a Governor, Executive Council and
dean and stainlon and quiek ate
tent) a tube
Joint -Ease limbers Op the joints -
Legislative, Council appointed by the sautltlei.111.1e. re'D8uenuiroepnitt78111.1 una
Crown and a iLegislative Asomnly
elated by the people. Each mites ("abate tinlArbere-
ment had pewee to •levy taxea. nor nn" tnnn"
puhlie warns but the Governoreire
Council had oaten of the revenue
Diets)* Crutinal TAW WW1 to be na
4 (
ferge, UPPer Canada was to have
freehoid tenure, and Lower "natio
ySeetti7so.ral tenure and Upper Canada
mentioned was removed in later
to have elergy reserves. The last
Q. -What are the Sunken Gardens
of Viennia,
A. -The Sunken Gardens of Vite e 4
Orin, D.C., are one of the chief at;
tractions of Victories, indeed they are
_world-famous as a wooderfun "noolt
•of loveliness," where an old and une
used query has been converted into If
a realm of unsurpassed natural beaus
ty, where flowers .bloom practicelly
all the year Inlaid, and where the rose
bioseoins Ito perfection. Spine of the
plants and libwers are Alpine in their
clutraeter, while 'many other rare
specimens flourish.
Q, -Where is Mount Begot and
whom was it named after ?
A. -A peak of intereet on the Bri.
tish Columbia-Ala:Ikon boundary ie.
Mount Begot wieh an elevation of
7,155 feet. It its in latitude 50 des
grecs. long, 135 degrees, and is nem -
•ed, according to the eaghteenth re- —
port of the Geographic Iloard,of Cara-
ada. after Sir °beano Begot; ish
tentiary to Petrograd in 1882, in eon -
Ambassador to Russia and Plenipos INSURANCE
aunlidthe heart of %hal
business district. •
Overlooking Grand Otos Park
A modern fire.proof Hotel.'
500 rooms: each with batIt.1
Rom $9.00 and upwards.
to. FamousRessauriptss0 tonsiO
aria Ogee Shop. (
• o to. .d
, to The Alaskan boundary.
0, -Where is •the Old Mohawk
A. -The Old Mohawk Church, in
p e, remove ec ying
letter S? Do our •
:St shoulders droop • . River farmer in 102G, thus demon-
strating the wonderful fertility of
this part of Canada known as the
Last Great West. , Settlers are ,stead,
ily finding their' way there. • •
Q. -How many boepitals are there
in Canada ?
.„A.-sifhere. Ate 700 hospitals "Iff '-
Canada, not including those for tneh-
tal patients or oanitariume for tub-
erculosis patients. Of these 400 are
public hospitals, 275 private, and 30
Red Cross. The public hospitale are
by far the Iargeat unit:;, 'Tlsey are a
little ovee 66 beds per hospital; pri-
vate laospitale average 81,t beds -each
and Red ,CV(ViS hospitals 5 bede each.
Q. -How did Lake Winnipeg eget'
its name ?
A. -Europeans learned of the ex.
taunt, both nhysnally and mentally., risen to the top, then pour at or. Add istence of this lake about one huns
We need to get over that chronic ta teaspoon of cold water to the egg
"tired feeline." UrP need to throw, mixture and beat until the eurdn dis-
out our cltests and draw in our aline. appear. It may be neceasary to add
and our "tummies." There in no two teaspoons if the whole egg was
royal road to good posture. We eat- used, or even three. When you have
not buy it at the store nor ket it by beaten out tbe curds, add the oil and
proos. Nobody' but ouroelves can heat it in again as you did when first
meking the mayonnaise.
' MRS. sor,nmox SAYS :
'Many houeetvife ia feeding her
family, not wiaely, but too well,
irsIty8ag.Lt8h80 baby half.. of
I MI Ili° MUGU thc"Ytititne the Aimee wine
"Yoe may have lem nightie"
baited to Wahl' by Taking
"What is your narne?" she asked
Lldia E. Phidon's Vetes the new maid.
table Compound "miss Corithers."
"Do you expect to be called klS5
through Ills efforts a larger hospi.
tal, a School Home, Coromimity Ont.-"/ had twin Carithers?"
babies and for quite while after /wax "You won't need to if have an
thureht and a; fiervice League are '1'1'100 wok toula alarm dock:"
• . . .. • . . - the Ukrainian People in tvlidni he wal ,
.",.&:_i____ particularly Interested He frit that -
C A, sTO R 1A ow-Pir,:jalltlieoenilefttrolTidscAtsht° 4rt"ic)tngtellnl re
Deople. They tiertiNI education.
• his (AM 1.170r4b' "When we admit a '
' For Wittig ond Children. 1.4V.1.#y numbee of ether peGpte into
' with* rot" W. just Ssve to Dalt
in use, iprorthrofr301foare 'tin -115
Atisay-s boom ,Aether as t'inartiant and "seek the
. Ole beio, thing* from 'whatever country
Alittgatuta ot they ,May, verse."
Tins lliaalonery Monthly.
also hod headaches VERCHEIZES
and got very littleFIRSF PARLIAMENT OP
. I took Lydia : LOWER 'CANADA. •
E. inkhorn's Vet.
amcooinanna e Q,••"--Whn and wIterewas the first
9oon 1-4,1#4 Parliament of Lower Can3d3
iie to get un *r!:; pa:Ilan:mat f1:151.56,'
omrprolt. 1 bA/05 Catteda. mot at Qnobc ittItccelet;6•,,
on three betties 1792.. As thitty.fisio el' the fifty ,
and / am fine9 do my work without members of the I,.,•-gAgtice, A!9n
trouble' and sin 'tenting its weight and Illy riere irrenrh., if, was derided that
areagth. I will gladly reeonnteud the nrnember 'night ,!Ilifak in eitbee Eng.,
liegetetele Celery:ad to • men-- 1.1fels oe ?restate got an Ines
tle_1 F. SUITOR, Den 220. Ile tionta 4,)2 Ohnie raper°
, Oat 0
11' were to he printed bah languagei
dreci years 'before the date en which
it as known a white man visited it.
The lake became known to the Jesuit
inissionnriee teen _the renoies of rev-
ing Lidians belonging to tribes living
upon its chores.. In the report 0011.1
home to France' of the happenings of
the year 1640, the is a reference to
The forerunner of olds
and grippe.
Heat and inhale Min.
arA's end MI it on theL
thinest And chest.
The Veld prrtirentitY.,
Epley Comfort
All the Year t
_A solid. slab of Wood,
out to size and shape,
couldn't be any tighter
fitting than a floor of
SeamamKent hardwood.
-That's why dust cian't
work through • ... why
• cold in winter and heat
In surnmer are both kept
•Goderich Piantog Milli, La-
Mutual Life
Assurance Company
of Canada .
MUD OIVICO ; WirreatOo, Cavr
D. D MOONEY, Agent i.
. Mom 250
1A6T 8T. 1 : Gornotten, OM
Lye, Goderich 6,20 a.m. 2.20 pan.
" Clinton 6,44 SUM •2.50 p.m.
" Seaforth 6,59 a.m. 3,08 p.m.
At4.‘r, INteatTioird :Tn.. 1..g3
" Kitchener 8,40 min, 5,26 pen.
" Guelph • 9.04 a.m. 5.50 p.m.
" Toronto 10.25 nen., 7.30 pan.
Returnieg-eLeave Toronto 7,55 tame
12.55 p.m. and 0.05 Pan -
Peeler Cafe Car Goderich to Tors
onto on monies': tram, and Toronto
Goderieh on 6.05 pen. train. lie
change of cora between Goderich and
Toronto. , ,
Town Pacirtenger and
Ticket Agent.
'Phone 8.
kid enitronent reryour trip Eirat or West,
giving you at delightful brealc lii yourJourney.
Each Wiry Every Night Detwera
Buffalo and,.Cleveland
effet you uttiattotd lettodlos WO, meat.
dottereciMdtat Ir_t=e !rim orehesrefrenUng atm.
Ltomaeot rat:.te. ivtdo de:kr. excel:Me dateut.tocas
sovfcet C4uneousintenasatib,A 1,1'you Yoe foes
• remet000r. catimbipio nagoOkISE
Connections at Ceveland foe Lake Root%
Detroit and Points West
Daily Service May 1st to November 14th
Leaving at 9,0G P. /.14 Arriving et 7410,A., M.
A.A. ?cur Oa aceng totelts ege3.c1
1,:a• tickets til. liae,
New Loww,Imre.ore 0.$!.50 4411
The ClereLinot *A4 nook% Trat_st• t Cessoasy
*New se. NsAce> nziet, !resit.. ti>x.