HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-25, Page 6Ir. rrn nr• r •
:AGE Sin
ood fed'
Red Rose Orange Pekoe
—Tap ° Quality
In ere" bright Aluminum
Huron County.
cav,-,',,c; cut, (...xelai:ou-il. 'fir) .:::!vt gis•i, timstpand mar ' aim g -11 !
ik.:-..)•,:0 til4t 1:)':.I -.') i.:41'.<4.b7) E)T.73?Fi 'IA 41 i) , NM
, .
illfaS Altall1 . liE.I.teiiii SERVICE
ct isw
24,,,,,A. ,,,,_ ..7,!_ „ple tro,,t4ti 1 ,:-)o gr I o; ri.o f v ,•1
onwow_ wan
Can:a= 71edical 1.,,sac:azion
, Clt
at tizzawa iii'.two '
of la:Ton Ci_,;',.;.W.,..i'''s fc--zr utenibersa ANCe
e wee Getting
et ,,Fs., a'J'n t.1 the coal5iy co;in-, Pneumonia w.th ti",.. atraivikag,) '-'i;:-.t. WO 1•1.3W
.611, whiclia .c:;ave a i‘;', -.-nut to , Le 1.1.3-,11 ; porwitZLO CLiii) Ot taLcer I3 only .
, °Thu nitc:r..6:;,2 iii:33:10a VCES i')ela !,-.1 i Witcaliz ilia. w:Z.1,-“Last w'i5teif, !. nixed eal.-Irsz,itra prcilee twat..na,M: ,
for thio pal-FF:,:c., I min'. mon. z. RJ xe. 2_ 40,,,,ble When the
- Landing, haviqg 10: -.:en elcaed w,:ing , Gra lay mobatal aal laNaiii x woo , Ont iiif, th:;, ronsoas for. advising
. dm Star thon'ae, tho C,Li‘egiato : I was wtherod ilia a very latra c4d, i:st_iiil.ed at 4 xe,
'to tho fact that, oro a its tcaci:evu .gettiog ptaNewsis, }; that every psiton shoidi fi;0 tO ili;
dicn,ever,:d to Le ill widi a foal. 4' 44040 do v„ ur my twig/am-sr carsi family pOyddeinri once a year for a .
. muilicablo iliccas:). 'Zile Pragraw in and idie saggerted. that :r; try `i:;,‘altli Ciarnination io to provido foe ,
, ,- „ ,
' cpcmcd with tisc., ii'ading 1:y the ce2., ,_ _too tic..o...,very oz tIscasa in its car4
. rotary of- tho ratut-...:os of V;t3 last[ Mg INOOd'Ii -'Illf(C9 and sa pormit of treatment .it
tueetiii,V, which woro cpzIr.),vcil a.s. . , a time when it .oil'erz:' the hest elatulce
read.', :Election of oill7ers thou was-,. INI0rwaY -.n2 eure. Otherwise, it is left tO the
, held, with tho following. re3a1t :Piuntrained lay pormn to decide fOr
ne -
, vrecailt, W. A. Arellitlalii. Sen. . hiancelf that hQ is in neod of medical
forth: firot vice pro3., Wr. IA, Fut-. yrup eate.
:tqle. Bruss,As; 2nd vivo pres., air. lilc.,..,, took a few doses and 1 was greatly . -' Vox the particular benefit of this
teller, Sonforth; cedy.treas., Wm. ' • latter group, it is, necessary to point
Reht. Davidson._ Dungannon. The. ztlievel
'41 oleo relieved my son, sged isto•---er---__.. -Olt the -conditions which, if they 04.
president, Wm. IL Archibald, presid. cur, Should be considered as danger .
. a tho croup.
„ '- 7.$1 *ill w
never bo ithout a bottle of .., signals .and should...turn these Persons :•
' oilron;t43. 401T:inn, 7,14.,, r, 1,4, .,,,,..,Dr. weeii,s, in the llama, arni x nan. in the 'dirceion of their family phy.:;'
icer(4444 "attwb''441 144 4u1' ngt n000011014 it tee high4"." ' . experiences one of the danger Signala ,
stolen without delay. Everyone -wile '
THURSDAY, OCT. 2h lora
, -.111,11/00
Educational Association ku"....,!,4 ' °"44
‘...'"'"*"." t". J16 "4 4" . Price 35e. a bottler largo family sizo
414.am 04 60e, at ell druggists and dealern is not developing tOneer, bolt It TO. :
upi only br The.v. Ka= 04,.,..luclriteirnvie9dtictaillelsyncipill ttoonitsfesvcilleitunzAeot. '
ii".9!-YfEt*.?-1',14Y.." 44-:.4451t14/41%.,..1.6).. 444 Torostone4t. "" ---- ' --- . prisett mean cancer.
AWL'S uuu lAtuao, AulAJ 4,4 'woca At 44. .0ev -.„---_--z..- ,,,,,..„„„,„.,, ,:„.„„,, ,
i1614.4 404 otts•aerr.in, tasillp lasvO TO its early stages, cancer is a la.
overt a.„‘omp,,.,,,,int t.t.na Nvundurzhi neetion with the echeol noir. He -cal condition, and. if it is completely
pusoanistutuo, sas Deters us sun. "we wouid like i.o. $ee eaea SC11001 in pea* removed. tbero Will be no recUrrence.,
..10 441 14, 144.11:64iA44 WOralr said no. SeSiuou of at least one am of rorest If it is net removed, it spreads to
-tre nituit r.iorm piing 4uorv",--,24114r Aay Anna, eitner natural or 're -forested, , other parts of the body and may
EDITH DICK OF HAY THE CHAMPIONny 0, vonapotonno for eAo..,ago..." .0.0 where the teacher could take nor .cause -cancer in these, ether parts,
sposo or 1,nj. vonoot1341 resources 04 classes for nature study, etc. nie This is the simple explanation of the
o.ois unmet' ex • ours, , nor tOreetu, closed his address by expressing his need for proper early treatment.
, Oratory Contest and Miry Oakes, No, 4, •
Goderich Townchip, Third.
Association Disapproves of Basis of Grath to Urban
'The fourth, annual meeting of the "Why our Bingo wait to war."
uron County Educational „Aasocia. Grata Rorner, No. 7 llay, "Can -
tion Of Trustess and Ratepayers was ada."
heldin 011Mon on Saturday, Octoh4r Cairo Pentland, No. 8 Ashfield and
.120,1028, with SOSSlOnS at 10 a,rn. and W. Wawanosh, "Better PL'arming."' "
"A IX° pm. All former meetings of - Iklarian West, Clinton, "Pauline
'the association were ixelti in the Wel:oaten,"
month ,of June, .tand the change of Searle° M. Culbert, No. 0 Ashfield,
(late this, year was to permit of the "The Value of Birds to Man."
Public speaking contest for winners George Roil, No. 18 Howicir, "Agri -
Int the respectiVo,ritral school fnirs of Culture Fifty Years Ago.°
the county.' ' Edith No. .14 Bay, "Jean
The morning 400sibu S!3 bold n Dleivett."
etbe bcutifnl, comfortable and well. Florence Dieelure, No. 4 Colborn,
lighted anditoriuns of the Clinton "Success." •
Collegiate Inaitute, the oratorical Nora Stewart, No, 1 Stanley,. *Tow
contest being the feature of interest. X ran bestserve my community.'
goodly ullnlher of roan and 'When' the decision or the Judges
.teachers, in addition be . rirstees. and was given, little lidisa Edith Die], of
ratepayers, livened with rapt atter'. No: 14 Hay, was *pond to be the
tion to the thirteenndtiresses, which champion speaker. A small girl, t
-were nil 'of a high order, and -much dressed' in red, the cantivated her %
favorable comment vim exPressed audience from the veo, beginning of e
following. the program. The opeech. ber adhess byher charming manner '
nos were given :by the following coil. and well,modulated voice, as she re, C
testants, ii tha torder honied: lated The life history of lean Blew- o
Gordon Rutz,. No. 0 Snennenn ",Siril ett. Her teacher i i. Oral $
Vretection.° • Masai, of Dungannon. .She bad a, t
III,LneE$ IlunOraoui, eL,c,, ultt pointed ko snmpathetic interest in toe associa+ Any Junin, particularly in the fem.
the great opportinaties vacrou oy twin and thanked the executive for ale breast. ALLY abLIOrmal•diSollaVg01
f1.0 agraciiitu,t , pursuits. •Ii4inadit s their co-operation in the oratorical any sore that does not readily heal.
nretinest, Assets, nowever, are .our eentesto, ete well os their interest in any wart or mole that changes in size
&owe, then wines and Atcome ine, ether Imes of work.
As ate homes are so Wul tho ylakaim Zara, Davidson, the secretar3ntreas. ' Pain may not ooeur in the early
on .Ane AtoLlIe 4$ tne burivarit'or the imer of tile associntion, was appoint- stages. The person who thinks that
notion. .1,1 0 ether ine is so consort. ed a delegate to attend the district the condition cannot be serious be.
as /arm tire •Artla nnuali004,zond convention whieb. is to be held in cause there is no pain is mistaken,
tromanttood are:devOLonen in lto.,4 on . Guelph in November,. , ' - and, 'us a result,' lio moy. allow the
taoiarzu. ,At present nae trek eoninos The following resolutions were pas* time for cure to slip pest.
to Oe away troin tile urn, wny .t. scd by the association: „ Medical and surgical knowledge,
ticonomio dominions are. not sad. • (.3.) Resolved that thiS auSociation experience rind skill are at the service
oiently ravorabie. It they were, disapproves of the bt*sis of distribu- of the public, but they nmst wait un-
sold ne, -people would pa falung .1.`utort Of grants to urban schools and tit rite public 'decide to call upon them.
over each ono: to get -on farms.- would reconimend that. the same be Questions concerning beolth. Ad.'
fle urged toot goverranez4s make distributed to all urban schools On la drOosed to tttO Canadian Aleclic4 As,
farm Ana .113Vai lite inove slOageatal pre rata basis. . soehxtren. 184 Collage streetf Teton -
and attract:ye. (rood tunes xor tar. (2) Resolved that in view of the to, rut be anowered by letter. Chien -
niers ore. coming, .04; IsoL rapiely fact that the TOWnalsip School 'Om% as to diagnosis and treatment
nough. Boards' 13ill is Eitin before the people, will not ne anSwored.
that this, association is in. favor or
,iu. ,1304041 tnoh announced the
deeibfee, ta 1,00 jui40A 40 we otatma. asithoc each township council to call A NEW 4ANADIAN MONTHLY
▪ La. euno,.,Qi., refaarwutt, upon' ti.t0 6,X. a Ineetug a the rotoPaYm to as- ' - -----
ce4ence of me .00409004d00s and -OUS3 the question. • MD CANADIAN MERCURY is
ss"suvery and toe value of tros (8) 40ILtanviconwtoonftrtlhAtfeasetatothatutgtelye tobienntoermaetulf, aaurciiewoomtacionnthurlyacohurhriaals.
U as prizes. maimed, suou .wov,s as to the upkeep of, the high seboals, heon annOarised for publication on
* ut0004on Poets," trate at Two this 4515°"Itinn is in fnirnr a t1.1 December first' in Montreal. This
Ities,.. ..4,01,00 vssyte,.,, ..curiosttiss naid high schools having on their Our- Mu, journal will be edited bY Lee.
rieulum each subjects as willt.bm mit-
f cience.` tind others. °If tufo as-
ociation 'Id not irrierestn other than ubl° 20 thol'1103r0 alitl girls IOW" futnna alCulhun4cIrt,rablivilta.rwlfanrit trrtilug gni"lteai
nose of promoting and inculenting to Make 1444nin•T their life 00F111).4*
au intereS& In these contests,' WS tion. Bes.0.1ved oat we aroof the for"Mits. p9.1tpAll"04$01DrtteX el"ntnnliCsnUnigrenblinl
r. Paterson m this 'commotton
their worts would 444 wen .snortil opinion that . it would he in th'if best , a magazine whIchwiti bring to the
interests of the Asset -lotion -it' lid& ,readingt ptiblih of Canada the best
IWO.' Ito 'then announced that the
von nen annual convention lir the
town of ',Vaughan:1. . '
..... .work in the field of literature, &num,
vinner of the first prize, Miss EcIpai
felt would go to Guelpn to compete 1,1 . r uded the , , ,,art, politics, mask • science and in-
* cont
t' trie distriot convention to, be . mid ich was noirceded to be one 0i.fFre olustry Vint the -writern of the coon -
lune the third., week a November,
o -winner there to be one of the; „„,t,,,,, . . produce. rt win be its. nor -
best meetings in ;the bistory of the, 1,fr, .43.°
xispetitors At the provincial conker).- "'"‘"""vn, .. . . `,0Pxy°41,°e'suslosn°, ftoirci5teruseicatarrIldlendut4w°1iiII.
" at r*ater- ' ., OUR, WEltIRZY LESSONS ' ere, who lacking a market for their
The next oPenli,'er w4o Acor- 14‘. R• ' IN ENGLISH literary efforts lir their native Iona,'
. Sit:claw, of Tiverton, who intro- .
' pave had to neat rinblication in Ain -
aced tne subject. ot the proposed. (13n W. L. Godou)
'owosiop School Boards! Bin. In a. Words Often Misused , °dean Taae'zille inn. fultArny,r,r
ery fair and uninenidieed, inalmer Do not Say "T. minuet help but bon. i The "Irer a* ' '. 4
o summed up toe Dill, calling at- neve Innis .mm61.... bay ,41 onnot. Arortcowr wig (60 brominn literal.
114-7tbriT-Iie-ttairgiat- thaf,ther ma- , ' Aithough publishing irteratare and I
ention to the chief points, pont It0,;,agov,boaeving," -. --- - - '
OA fOl. 410 bill is too fact that with 0001°3 not say "Llooked earefin, but I. ;anticies of. opluilin •written in the
not find it bay ocarefutlyn' e012.14Z7, itS policy MIT he to eseriew "
resent -school boards •tliero is lack :
f intereat, mid failure to disciis!
atterS. Lie, himself, wan not en- visited npt
'trait but also Clevgallti."
.00,110t, SAY ":116 not only .visited ,ue. 'the idea that there can be- ne Cane.
on* Dar* but aim
Sa3,` "he drat literature nem It dent with. the
natrve forestS And Dratriez oo-..;
anpearooee are danger signals,
vora minions, Ine bootie piesent. eountY
• Vary Oakes, No. 4 ,Goderich--"The close runner-up in tile winner of tile •
Benefits of the School • Fair le the `second prize, 1diss Claire Pentland,
ComMunity." who spoke noon the subjeet of "Set. "
of Dungannon SellOCIL her teacher
Enropetill Rorer." 0
g •
Gladys (oleman.* No, 7* Stahl**. _ ter Parrningi.-:-Tlin latter is a pitpil
Lloyd. Horn N. 1.76601101, F.ritoes Third nrize Inert to 1)
litany alto, No. 4. Gederich, rind
Paarsen, No. Stephene-fiairti: to 'Marion West, Clinton. The t
tornoon sa.golesus The rarlOrt• tbo co
. ;Ix r Irrrr AV/ r n
urlzoa Imre nresented during the :if tit
111(1013 WaS given bt* Mr. Beacom, CI
the rPcontly onnointed inspector ter
the sebools nf lturon. who gave *ell- D
remitted rwaise to oll eonteetante
and predieted o bright future foo
some of them. Pour 'orizee. valuen v
nt AIL find Ad. were oresented
by Mr. Peiratin, of Goderteli. count'! t
An,* of Huron. thenibsoneeonf-0.-
;1. Itai)48. tgarriOns )1441,0 was Anreted s
ln Mr4e0 thO '114•4q0ntattolls Poch of 1,
the %nee nennten eontestants Wne 0
prAtero+gliti•tvitli tv book. •
nrnprtorrnrrnorn.rannrrrr, Inarnr..nnKrrnr•rnwn/rmrirmre
IV The Spec
Cnoks 1st 21,4.1,o 5 minutes
(144) • '
An effort Ls being made to es-
tablish an airport at Vane, Alberta.
Government officitris Wore inspected
site near the presort golf links
444 the prospect that a field will he
PrePared within the most Year la
Rub it in for Lame Back. ---A brisk
rubbing with Dr. Theaule Ecleetrie
011 will relieve lame back. The skin
will iEntnediately absorb the nil and
it will penetrate the tisnues .and
brio" speedy relief. Try it nird
convinced. As the liniment sinks in,
the pain conies out and there% aro am.
bright. - pie urea:Ida for saying thot it is no
excellent article.
A furtber surild7 alkPlanee and
AfrPIALAS parts arrived lir Montreal
intently when the Canadian) Pacing
• freignter "Bea' ford'' broUght two
• 'De' Reltilad Moth:planes, out case! '
'�f wrap and two cases og vote
calf for tenders for n largi '
elhvator with capacity of l501Y,CLeee
bushels has been sent out tit*
Saint, Yolat Harbor Commisifon,.
The new structure. is to be erected
0A MA COftell ruei compifirs4site,,,
In West Sint John, the worn: of
• constructiOn to be got under wan
as nominee. pOssible.
A Castilian eedari .equipped with •
rubbber innulated 13teel flanged!
wheels has helm specially.equippert
by the Angus Shops of the Canadian!
Paniflo Itailiray at Montreal for thw
use of the engineering department
of that company on boycott=
trips. The maciiine has an • extra
braking system operated by tiffs
Steering Wheel' and can. make as
treAt a speecE on, the rails as in
can on the highway. Over seventy
•Inilea'Aa hour WAS made on trial
rim. • _ :•• _•___ _ ___. , • ._•,_ ,• .., _,
A big black' hear triedto. steP a*
-Canadian. Pacific freight:train the* .
Free-a:tell:tar:4:01u° county V:110111441
....,...tario, and when the encounter was, .
over there was not enongli of thw ,
' hear left to make A pair Or mitts.:..
Bruin evidently Wandered on %to the.
tracks during, „the .nigiit and waal.
blinded by the glare of the bead- -:
. light, Zack . bear • . are found',"
,. oItettEi4getenni, 'exCeep"tadd4sr.b4gt:f '
the, berry. season as . they. are mow,:
. . 7aanwacolt:eysse's' 1.1 .11 ail' eta:000i' tyO:4 . ro.u',7 :O;Giti ..7‘ 4r Trade -o'
aa-ai ot yr) '.
:,Chairman and Preeldellt At the Can- •
Anion Pacitio Railway, elated that
present prosperity. In -Canada le;
: clearly indicated b), four realli..fac..•
• tors: . Record Of railway 'oar loan -
7 'itfeliiittenniciPair lirsloetinSet VII::: 'h.' illitrtag;;
,,.. (showing the volume of . us14.
tonstruction, These Indices Werk.
of special' 'value, . he remaricecti btnt
ocausenof-the-onidenrange ot.netivity
which they reflect. The greas earn
ings of tne nompany, Its ad sa,,,t
had been greatin-deereased„ how.;
ever, by redueedineight rates., .
. A unique pieee,Of naliway,equinn
mein, a dynanimneter car, has beeni
,construoted by t n . gue s opn ort
•the Canadian retitle Railway, The!
. apparatus is intenderto test the,
.etticiency of locomotives at IrAtikAlfE
SpONIS and is placed between the,
tender and the train during opera.
tion., Ties forces exerted on tile,
Coupler of the- car are transmitted!
b,vdraulically . to an • Instrument
'mown. SA a chroitogreph, Stltieli
.records upon I. moving sheet of
paper. it Is stronger by far, than
• any of its predecessors and is said!
to be the finest ear of its binding
the continent One of its Mat
duties will. be the testing of Me
now "8100" trissengor locomotive of
the C. P. A. the largest engine) lit
the Brit1.111.Emplre. .....1.,....;., ..
Arr. PA t6rqonwi1aron Countes porn ni
nlan onricultuner representative, un- t
der whose direction the contest nvas d
swayed very markedly against the , th) not say "she don't nee him. of. inlurv (blY the Rona' Cerridian Mouot...
rely in favor of the bill. Much in- 'Cleveland,' wra tas outrived. treat, polls& in its
r .
(treated clieenseien. f011oWed hie net nai "L havhasee an awful Sight' .fifstcren when all its people were her -
6a onci, upon a, standing. veto ue- things,to purc." Say "1 have
g taken preponderance of feeling .a greet loann."y p'oneerto who were protecten from ;
LTHOUGH the "Bigger and Bet.
xs. ter" Chevrolet offers a Standard of
beauty never before thought possible
in a low priced automobile althoggh
it offers the features of advanced demo
and the perfection of detail demanded
in the world's finest cars . .the funda.
mental reason for its tremendous sue.
ems is its amazing performance .
. So smooth, so powerltd and so un.
failingly dependable!
Come in and drive this car! You'll say
what hundreds of thousands have
already said this year—that no other
ear con give you so much • at prices
so amazongly low! v.)3404le
1111i MOM C Mere& rim Merle«, NW**. Oa* WOWS
Obi gorge grorroggige doodl *totem= sot worn of *Molt ertarrryng
lel il•effie4
Goderich, Ont.
OF GlIkIRRAL moron or -CANADA. tamer
• ••••
bill. /Those taking part it the •dis- ,tsji.,,t Say osne doesn't*. *Tortoni is ect lhlice, an idea till kept alive by
cuseion luere: Dr. Field, 1. P So• equivalent to "elle do not."Ametrearr rrioving picture directors. !
nc....: waa- ealledulfttm ettia airdilles Do not say "no one cari sing no well ' It is time to that C'anadian .litera.
Ch4e btirtseun. . A.n ' u - no -hen --say Han she" an aloe).- ture should portray flint ihatiiie;" `
- :gin, Mr. Powell and others. ' Words. Onten, Mispronounced 'stated Leo Irenrecnr, editor .of' THE .
In an address given oy Geoege
Spocton, Sni.r., roaming tinnvot.i. on. FriS in tiagod lagrant; nrst a as in "flay*" not. CANADIAN' •MEROuic/. imeiiii features of the new learn-
t, . n
the btu* he exPrenscn. elf... 48 me: GYLLInnrutin, Pnonounce the last a wig be u Monthly' letter en British '
ing m sympathy Wan .the tram ten
Se11001hOuse* aha Woo nOu in laVor: Or: two synames zi-inn, not zhunr. Mattes by A. P. R. Coulborn 'and a :
seeing idisappearniencongratulat. "Institution. Prolionnec tad u fain- Paris fetter dealing with Coirfirientrd :
t . not as in,"ruien"
ed Imo trusteen present Upon' tneloud.,"ir in- Esis0d10; 0 us. is. ..0to lot .40 irk., titerature from I Leon Edetn
, torest, find visited 'to express one orion., -
1 thougat, nnat uariada's gin.atest no. Patron; a 13 as izas in "pay" is preferred.. 14-trisr8EI PLEASE
i set is. foe children of tne nubile . 1,, seam , .,ra6,.. a aa 12.1 ‘,001,4*, por some weeks past th0 leading
Sol 00IS d that n 1) if
trustee'to be true to tile chorne laid. accent on last syllable Is preferred. :eltie4' a conalia mve been within,,
Words Often idisspeded reach by terephone- of practionlly all!,
gation And are not faithful to in gothe mono important centres of Great
maim mid rdsign." Ile . thought Ceiling; tin int fe. Moderotorinor
viIiitain -rind Rasterrr Europe, but up ,
not . Immodest; two in's. rin,
teaehero should lay greater stress op- verner; 0100.1 .msnnisaust tureo 0.2. err this tinn!. arrangementa for bring.
on the teaching of British and Can- ', in this trans-Atlantic services to
adian history in order to inculcate•Li°• 6er; not z' - . telephone veers at •the smaller Can.
• love of country -and allegiance to her SynOnynts am= tar/1400es Two b.200 !scow.
Jaws, andalso thounht that physical Afraid, fearful, frightened; timid. piet.e.
culture should be emphasized, m or- timorous, cowardly. It is nov announced br nrounneo
der to give the boys and gide oound ' Proof, etlfielleC, certainty, f &-
bodies LID well as cound nunda. He demonstratIOn. s. Grit'. of the Dell Telephoto
, th
thought then ell men should ho actu. condemn, convict, Punish, solitanws e°211173117' at Inorif Monday, Oct,
cited by the same desire, that of the chastise, death. 15th, te/ephone users at all points
betterment of mankind. Awkwarduend; inability; inaptitude, served hIr the CoolnanY ore 3180 able
1)r. Ineinnl. Ps:sS., not was called inefficiency, incompetence, stupidity. to eon, or be caIred ItYr aarteierillOtin
to speak upon the oubjeot et **Grants ilealtb, vigor, strength, •sturdiness, in the' European countries whose ser -
.to ramie 00/10013." Ise gain, a very rolonitneos,vied lias been 'inked up for trans-
Inem enplanation et znin nalljeet min - Classify, assort, adjust, mum, ar- Oceanic telephoning.
1 many -who had not understood this range, oxray.• It is interesting to note %%Int this
twitter benne wont tonne reeling .. Ill'ord Study timormto to in the number of tela.
that:44Y bad rceelvd alual °alight" "tree a 'word three tinior,. and it iS plierieo brought' within the talking'
eranent. lio mowed now linorat the ystzt.:Qt
government 43 with menen givea Imo Let us inor0840 our vocab114 'radius of Canadian subsertib:Irser.bone3
tole upkeep of mot tnhools. whew; ii.tavrirantliuterasttlelsillignsesns2V:vetct evh flaY.
: the° terming ' onirounity contributes Great Eritain ... , ... ....1,C00.000
but mac towards the money used for INSOLUDIS.',4 not capnble of tieing . Germany 2,850,000 •
inexplicable. 14,0,,TI,rse are 1 xitioum.,
' cilliric)lelel..4ynefurteani7sfert ife'UiVaneist L-i°o"niel3intiens, idtb.ic:°41":1';14° '1631°3 °I -4-- Holland ..... ... . . .... 237,000
• , .0 fl04,000
,1 forests, gatielino 'co% 'Aqua Control DIS.UNTLESO; fearless. "Ho swit,zes004
(let, ete., OtCrl 4' The goteminient la ceeraeti tho embsclittemt of dauntless vreatzeo (pari,) " • 121. go4 :
: cannon paterna/ in ii,D 41CanSt's WitIk WeillatiC11:4 Dt'AMark (Cops:Amgen) la7.000 ,
: schools., ' said he, "co atiapla"41y arc (, EVFACS; to 011tkrate; blot out.'; ,,„,„,.....,„,. (*mow... ...... . 4fven
„ thoY leaked utter." Ile thenn14 I WI ntoinorn of his nast life IN:13 eg. s `-‘""ei""Y
howe- 't 1 la a'• .' g 1...' qaix.til.
AITTUORITATZVI.:]; Laving uipment orn not large cuough to duo Steekholin ....118.000 -
1- c
upon him. ''If you Accept •the obin.
Went Wawartosh
The West •Wirwanosh Council held
its regular meeting lldon0ay. Oct. 1st.
The minutes of last nmetiog were
read and adopted. The council pas.
sed a bylaw ptoliibiting trespassing,
lonnthor and shooting on certain t,p-
tined! 1ittr,o3s, The following accounts
wereread and ordered paid: Wm.
A. Humphrey, pay sheet, $100; Mich.
ael Murphy, •p837 sheet, $0,5;..T. W.
Gibson, pay sheet, $11A.Ifi; .T.
Gibson, part salary, $$7,00; Wm.
Craig, part payment for bridge, $400.
The eonneit adjourned to meet Nov.
5th, at 1. pan.70IJRNIN
township Clerk.
it seems
h.arcliy fah*
Fathers and mothers lissd ton,
- look forward bravely, but not:
always hatipily, to the time,
when the boys and girls':
would go away to school in,
A 'distant city. •It so often
meant a brealt in the habits
of home life -a sore trial,
Thanks to Long Distarice-
the boys and girls at school
or 'college can still be kept '
,witbin the family circle
111 don't expect them to Po.
rci-ng'Dilitaifno-ca,I s out -
tneir slender allowances..
That seerna hardly Air. The: ,
demands upon their none too. .
fat purses are too frecnientn
and too insistent.
Fix a day and hour when.
..' you will call them, and you'll:
' find them eager to talk with
you and %veleoming the voice, ,
that' can best cheer them on k '
i their "way. •
"Event Bell Teleptums is cn
Long Distance &effort,"
- •
— 111.101101.011
For Children's
onighs, Whooping Cons*
1 nroneintra, chestAneettans:
Soothino and healingin its ac.
* • don AgGIER'S a/VISION
is an effective remedy for
children's ailment s; -.-par-
ticularly colds, coughs, bron-
chitis and whooping cough. It
is also a safeguard against the
chestcomplications associated
with measles,.karlet lover and
grippe. Angler's loosens the
phlegm, relieves die soreness,
of throat and chest, and its, ,
cleans!ng action removes body
irnpurides thus hastening the
patient's recovery. ,
ANGIER'S is an emulsion of purl.
phites (lime and soda). It is leas',
Aed petroleum 01 with hypoiohos.
ant to take, buildsmp strength and
vitality, and can. be given to tho
children with ahosaNte COnfid:neek
For ovor thtety-fire ^yens."'
endoteed and; progertbad by the
MediealProfeeleo of Gt. Ihrloale
and Canods000illsoodinafildfetee
firirarrgzinitn Awns(
. give suilicient.oncearageniont fertho astr4stity. vositice.. commettear. ; Cotitonburg „. nionto To haye Mc ehildren sound and
,' 1 parchar.,,e. of botter equipment. All 1 filia Race was
, present felt that this. adiress was one i 1•2&c,flossilm abslrbed; .coia/c.d, '
.t. of the ' thes 13
., tho tonventtnirl_ful of all heard at I Me was totally togrossnl in bi3 std-
glavein authoritative." ii Malmo
Totai in Europe, ......5.76moo
. ,-,
'.--."----- Worn: Exterminator. ,
10,,,ripai,. IlLey cannot be Maltby if troubled ' „.
nnonvn, with wern1S.' lThe Mother (raves!-, 414,1111$1.20-01 all dm:gist's
. lmaittly Ls the first care of a mother. r.
, no,..n......-
n 1 1 ingemeirignan
,01,,,,............................. ,,
' Mr. Iliterson, uhe at the last Miro " ,
,..ri,Ie kindly ;consented to eubstnute for MALEVOLP,NT; malicioun. spit:i.ii The Canadian telenhone user is at.
oixbin, who waN ilL mut wit0 ful; hostile. "He went eboin 4 with se. within reach through the instill- i
.- wan to. sprek mien the tubject of a 1aMcv°1en''''' irtg'tuitY''' ' ment in his haze or eilice With tele.:
.'. 'Ile Teaching of Anriculture in See. 'n- •' '-- r.,-.---n!...n.nt•nnnnnn . phonen in the Westera liennisphero.'
las .
!endow oeis," outlining the roan-
1 follows:
net of introducing this oubject in the , 'l In the Innted States..28.,N19,norl ,
lreCanolarY LiCh001‘ thtiniploat thr
- Trio Cohn . • • • • .. • • 4 • 0 • • 112•1900, . 1 five -lent course, the elichirgin the • I ) ( 1 1 1 I ). ‘'') In Mexico.— ..... ..
. .1.
.! schools being augmented by vititn to , In f.ainada. - ........ '1,280.060 i
,,,falras, ponLtry plittitIr t`le„ for object
. lessons, which, he b'elieves, assistenKIDNEY Thin make, a grrind totel of tele. 1.
" vern materisdly in giving A better
gensp of the work iii hand. nk oar Tv'horoes within the circle of oral rem.1,
rnuoication. of nininnin)00 in:-Irtere, '
'schowl eyieret compleRe'r' said he..•
13.I I 1, S ent.lo. .
' .
Ne., to Jarlar, by *hat. WO hove beard
today. If .u' *t Os cireastiary far
' other businessen and prof•slirovrg, ia it It Will Prevent I'.kerated Throat.1
--At t'''e first snmetons cf tio.flif-3,
. root oleo froo.ocelgary ieor tts• larginerr 4 t bs,stsr, whLril norm ,o3T4Itt'S UTherAtitrh Aftl l'
4 foitiglhit, NA worm, paramik, on. 1
4 inflav,a, taw,. n. son';infol P .W.
, peciwily fnt)writ, C; atirg t:whr chit- Thom, o' r eloetrir Ott: nal ei, 1-0),l,
417.0 arblitinal ilefergt la *hp farm 1 • 1 tigroAr '4t lf fr4 mrito. n! nollinnhte...
by prroontirly tboat with a ridf. a 'kt41
$ •win rms.- the innionnn nno nrcnno, '
easphorrired tit, ;r1 isortagre ol" ffir
they eralst hare far their, area_ 140 1.1 I :r • lip' • sail!!li v„'
I• thy. ol.--•••tio- gro4 !...eptFror flon. 'v.'
ron, rigiltor4 'M.N. 44-1i,..,} wele notTnn
ease". a nor 'or same poultrN aolokb
'Mr 1044. t t5 0,1%0 11.04„), ri •
training. creels -ad by cbildcwo can- porde thorvereirri !moo*
Make it a rule
Oxc makesto pinin, calinary
fare.. 0E0 eivestheappetising
.riebnesa and savour of freshly -
cooked lean beef to any dish
in which it i used.
OXO is concentrated Beet
at its Best.—the Housewife's
Great Economy.