The Goderich Star, 1928-10-25, Page 5ir --r1141.111111nmemen-- THURSDAY, OCT. 25th. 11.-2e viva aolow.... STAR - - the Hsu" road near the inn n enertnalre as ag•40•a- "11"111°. tviltent to pat •hts inttrstt as being • j; .-itr• u 4 Z emptied tn the festeresta Jena:meow...a ete.., tee ttrasotet b iti eremp a way ars 40$ et carrying. ! Musical Instruments thth, ewe!, er the vigil?, hand sear estatemeet for semen:meg. 'be tete, keg 'Olt debt. bet. est smit.e. nes to.td • eust 4t. alf...4i4 Of tirt. eat teirerg t!'*e.... to int iimeture, .. tea igt.. oil trAliti;iltds„ how* the by. • utter env, se time tine vepla net fest 'Lite tee tomiliets. septited hieetg ,latt ye issue tlebereerea. , , by. Tee ‘Ot WO'', StandIng Eat Q1141 .Palised ad appineeens tor Oi,iiiiiiiit Tile minter of the eel, ef the Pa- !, • the .4-veupant not in fs, ife feued ent epesa rat trustee: te .etee tisms !.; get plant to the Detienima Road Ma- ' "etre,. teat it wee chief yettinel ineetees and repence that the wetalmhinery tee came up swain nut tee . ' reewairees cam lim FOrtli:7Ser) Viittlt- !atlItt ligh's te'neltpten ties stestelien Inlayer said; ne lad not unaetetmel ' ,ed to kteee v;',.A,..,:bc.-.:, .;,t; wee eneetese inin auttreates eiesteie CAlt-E4/ V411;;O!!the etteinintee vseme t....4 ▪ • mine .:)1,' 4 cae to Le esse eIN ei emeta la sit ei • et the ,stendeirt Vett mirk be sletea puny at. :Ilene e PO:Z. in tett th es , e• :' -.! n eerie e a 1 teee te twierge. eget ea eni tem et, sy wee de - t..4 wtthi.nt ,. sti'on, 'The Chief was telNel en for en; ' eteet sm. remelt -el ar,i sesetanietetel iSi011e i'1tittit34 ft-Olil elm eotrued ars ;. ,..ersion isf ti c? eiste and steted that ,,, ;mat tee pitteusat et piteeeneerw be to what priee they weete akeern end I i'.' motion as tr.', ties bad mettels If- ; . hie_ cast was Let pattni hat was stein (1.'-steteltinetefi. ----------- Pg'd with the right Wield veirel only 'elle cenletere ann tratee. eemmit- tier fin:thee enreussion the commettre abcut low inches freon Inn .edge of It eereternmuted that est in. -sten he i agreed to F.QO Mr. Mitseell Pte Tot ',' • the pavement. Ile hail only kit the Ltalt-ed 011I)10 teestmet ef live. Titian clawing attetaestee avid tho eemens sae „ ear fol. a moment end left the engine f iPr prraustion to remove teee trent :reutfted to illck4; o,-;;Ii,cit c.ic_t 'TItut.sdv ;- : mining. Tee matter was 1f t'.1 illtecte ennet in trent et her resit "evening. ,, (inence; tepeeted baying rereival 4 I; The ecAme'il met istertin this Tntese, so the everial committ2e. ... Dr. mem was preseet and again "futthee letter from toe Pravineial t 'lay evrning .and rereived a repott :• e- .. Der artineet of Asseleulture regatels ,Ifrom ,the 40t 11 Shipimilding rote. i tweed the laying ef the Wellington . .... ., THE. I ijii:717- --, street sidewalk outside the teeet..,nise kause of. damage to trees ;dories .iftittee, reporting that th... Dominien n ' . street, who wail present, nteferred-aasaCef0•0104 odd It' nPnearcd as if !Peeeared to inerease their offer. '.the wails on the ineido of tee treee.:;t4Q1-0 w cu.' no Peseibility of learuingi ' A Motion to offer the plant ta tee Mr. 'Wiggins, anothee resideet on the •• • • .. N lite harbor lull The /vele' WaS verY i Road Maehinery Cernpany t .. , Councillor Serena then moved. that - ' s • " - " rt*•°. er s 3ea1 • 0°0111a14' °r sst was altald ' &• trate tliene ONvIng tO eariplailuts. est Cotenillor Multiage cilia amend.' - • .. th0 decision of the couneil to- Int Die. t. . t . .L - . . - --- - ,„„ : . walk inside the trees he "stewed Iran the Omens we reeentreved. ed by rotmeillor MeIstan and an ! ' Supreine Court at Ottawa Refuses TOWII Leave. of AppeaI.Couneillor-ILee seconded this orot sushi that the Weetern Canada Flour Mills ' amendment was made tiniethe count i' ' . in AleMiehael Case: . • 'h *t 09 feet streets ehould be ear. Cp. and the tit •i Elevator and .. eil accept the Company's offer of ' i . . - • rowed. 'On 64. feat -streets he uould lialle'lt 'C'e.. astde hesnotilled that ithe . $8,000 moved by Com -wilier Anne .. trees aloug the benls•-ebove their pm - : and seconded by Councillor L. The • ' saysnut the walk ,itteide.the trees tut - • Matthe Wide streets Wein' trOilld 'atilt' 'Perty .ure -teeing •ftoin some`nnintown ',No etztend-thie Bttuurns-thelovvinus-: - cause, and that the town wouldlike ' meeting,' four to four. Couneillors be about MI feet inside the walks if •.• : - , . . --- ..- VOR,PAGET.-PLAIsTraakt-orttstde-411e-etreestseesoteneillor •thellletneleeketeter. thelreedinetetatet- Imes-Barnet-Sprou1-1n1 Remo -Turner . . .. s , -.. . ,.., .....:. • . , - ' Gould favored having the ;vain made ° '-1 t 11 14 tI OI( s al Y cause Coat- . eing in 1;eves of tlw 'I1I a s' 1 . The "Ins'. and the "Outs" Pail to. Agree as to Proper Loea... "ttly,getl.e. I,1,13011`11:4tiotd..",,e1;:..1. tgv.gieVerriluItereArlgt! tiv:ili 'llodukft.TIfigintar.•::ttx84.013112:: i.• :' Illf • , .„. . tion Wellington -Street Sidewalk . iNtriolp,in 'Ppd. Ur. Wigie were .agaitist (1f 24re 'Ct MairtE• . ,. . . ing $9,000. .Deptet Ramie •Oraigie I' is. :The waters light and harbor -tones did not vote, bang interested in the 1 , • - -_, _tt. he 'said. eut.ltesttionght lifter the - • le .1.nittee---retonuriendeet ehatttlie petia• eettiptitty.• -Both -nutted...tett •Iiii.4 1110.1 4. 4 ., • . - . - - - meets were terraced down they wou 'tn f r another street light on Pict tien were lost and finally a atm- ' - AU the -members of the town coun- buildieg eeemits were referred to the 'leek. better wtth Die walk mite • . Qv., ic• o . :ton -.street- betweeri. South street' and promise was agreed uPon end a no.. .eil Were present for the regular meet- fire tommittem . From Dlr. Jas. Intm 'Councillor Bailie Wan not iii favor et . • Waterloo .- Mg on.nriday everting last. -Thete ehenan, to ,erect two 2 -storey houses 'the 'outside went riorte of West •sts greet be referred to the tion made by Councillor. , Bailie and . esere a number .of deuteates cold in- on Newgate .etreets walls 'and roofe The reselution whine decreed. the • water and light tommissione • Sproul that the Plent be sold for $80, , -• tereeted-spectatoes- and -at tintervnlet -to be-eovered witlittstueee and - slatee - inside- want- wastemseinded.• .. --...e. • ..--, These-reportmwere . all. adopted, .- .... 500.. a bYlaw.totgiee -the. etniManY. 4 $0,•-• .. Couneillor Lee teen moved "down. The que ti n of 'the deal with. the notnipal assessment ein both Inmate linkmen., tile meginge te.tv• visiters surfaced shingles,. estimated cost .. se • • .s. o • . , Inelusinve Vidor Phonographs, tteselelen Denitit, tans, Mandoline, Suppliee of all Linde If We have nor your nee& Sleek we will Ise glad tei emr!e: tne Large aesarlinent se: atlas -et, ete. MAY WE BE OF SERVICE TO YOU CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Galeria* • Phone 90 COUNCIL DIVIDED ON OFFER, PAGE FIVE 1 .01.1.11111011111111pw' A FEW LINES OF Curtain Materials • at Clearing Prices 12 ONLY corroN PANELS. Caring 69c at each- le 50.INCli SILK MADRAS, in Rose, Gold n Blue and Mulberry. Special, yard-- UV - 2 PlEdE'S OF 36.1Neli SUNFAST en SILK DRAPES. 'Icet!ptiOnal value, yard C SWISS PANELS* in ECrir shade only. to /.29 Special, tip SO.INCH CRETONNE in floral patterns. 0,1 _ Clearing at pet _ See these lines in our window HIBBERT Next Door to the Standard' Bank I Phone 86 THE CASH STORE ° would -keep droPpitig int showing nhat 000; front Mr, Simon G. McKay, to ed by Councillor Sproul, that the Dorannon Roads Machinery Co then for a, term o ten eears to o su mist a nusual mterest bent re -roof r n C ted to the people at tee expense ot • ttiC4e was n u g es 2 ee on anteron street; walk be constructed outside the trees cattle up and fit was moved by min - taken in the eouncil prosteedinges As from Aim Chas, F. Breekow, to re- and proeeeded with if weather pen- oilier Lem seconded by Councillor the company. AR the eouttela voted her Immo at Hanover on Sunday tart a matter of fact it was 11:20 P.M. be roof feont part ef dwelling on Angle- mitt. Coetecillor Munoings voted Bailie, ehat the offer of the Dominion for this with the exception of Count after spending the past few weeks foethe 'council adjot- ned and then e from, MrLee Han'e to with thee MONTI; Ulltl seconded* but g Roads illachinern Cos to purehome the eillor McLean, and the Mayor, 8010 with her sister. Mrs. Wm. Durant adjournmnt was made o the Tueserect chicken house on the south sidthe motion was lost, the Reev reeoltded tbeir votes as against it. EERURN . • • r ursea etreet . • dom afternoon following. of Beet street; front 111r. W. A. Web- Deputy Reeve and Councillors Bathe National Shipbuildin0011(1)3134,0011(1)3134, ('444.,, ilie, ae per their offer of Oet. intio for The 6004144)4l also timed a motion ...-........................... _ , A report from the town auditors ster, to re -roof dwelling. oe Rea et.; Gould and McLean Voting. aguitist it. $8,000 be neeepted. The. effer was to construct tbe Wellington street Mi. and lire. NV. 0004 Were in L • stated that then' had audited the tax front the (oderich Planing Mille Co., Councillor Bailie then moved teat for the Paget Door Crampanyeblant sidewalk inside the treo arid to P10 \\ the walk be Iaid outside from Briton- for $8,000 together witlt,the lot for- oat *With the work if p°ssible. it et t f G Woodstock last week. were quite in order foe the new col- ten greet at an estimated eeet of $2r nia to West and inside uorth of flutist occupied by the Man Compny An trtldirY do to the Arteraft Ade. h th , ean un or, o . O. L. otes ltt, her Collector's books to date and things Ltd., to erect bungalow on Wallin , lector to take over the work. l'file 500; also 0 'statement from Mr. Jae. West, but r,ot no seconder, and known ns the boiler company tory was made by Mr, It O. Hays, . onto over e weelaend, ge he desires Couticillor Lee moved to lay the site, the- heathen ssrstent, line shaft. Nvho may have a proposition front a I i Ansa Grace Horton is in Goderich report vitae laid on the table peeding Bite -batten that the cotta P1 -113 of bylaw confiapm rming the - to ove from Wright street to New- walk outsiee tae trees to "%Veit st 'Mg and anclient to sabmit shoetlyAn inquiry cre in the buildings Tee at proent nursing a patient. . pointntent nf the Mr. 3...H. Robert- gate street Would be fixed up with and leave the north end over, and - company agreed to pay $1.000 down. ?firs, Terrence Ilunter is elating has also been received as to price the SRL stucco 'walls and slate -surfaced shin. Conneillor Bstilie itecorided this, $1,000 one yeer. S1,000 iinthe secondfr ends in Datrolt at present. town NVOuto for,the Brock street plant 1 A report from the fire department ,gles as soon as possible (tine teakes but it was pointed out this action year. $3:000 in three steers and $2r of the National Shipbuilding plant. Mrs. P. Bogle and saintly spent would be, impossible under the pree- 000 in four V( 1' with into •e t t A mooting is tieing 'held el Kim- it-e-eseg sal- . . 1-.. -gave particulate of the P101 411.. at 'it contain to the town's bylaw eegue . • , i s a ..a various hydrants at a recent test. lating construetion of buildings in eardine Note lit to arrange for e. dee t ent petition, tenew petition being ma- rearonable rate of interest front Dee. • This was referred to the Bre commit- the tire Dente); nrom. Mrs. Wbitt- cessary. alst, 1929, on unpaid princioal. putation to interview the Depart- "iv h tee. • man, to re -roof dwelling on Quebec A letter 1.,,... the town ...elicitor Coundllor Munniugs thought or ment as to Elluewater IligewaY and e is slows were presented and referred to street; from Mrs. Eva Bates, to re- the Sopreine Conet a ottawa for be willing to. accept. The town had liens who could eltet.so 04U47044.local utprovement sidewalks as fon. winter porch at dwelling on Colborne s- committee with roof awelling on west side of Iliwilte leave to appeal the liellichael ease put A price on the factory. Then. the the publie work power to act: West side of Albert stnsfrom Mr. Herbert E. McLean, 'to decision had not been granted and company bad made an effer. /Now it CESIVE street from, Newgate to Emit $t; repair roofing of store on the Square there was now nothing futther to do, WO UP to the eouncil, havieg eeject. Mr. Alden Hasty, tie esucknow, ILS. Mr' 11(43nes encianed the letter of edthecompanees offel. to give a new WOO home for the week-ehd, west side of Hinekt st. from Britan- between East street and rKn his ingsto Ottawa agents from which we niece, lee would be willing to acme- Mrs. Wm. IL Maize is visiting at nia to Raglan; south side of 6 -sunbee street; from Mr. .A.ndrew Penton to ' s his reeidence •eThe •Chief had in hi greet from Waterloo to Wellington; make improvementa take the following t the entripany'a tater if thee -would tee home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. { add an pee eent of the inventory Hasty. Jnstice e pos Petitions for the construction of street; Irene Mr, C. W. Lille, to erect Orted thet the towres motion in the town should ne..a„ twice it Woo d the council decided teal all the mem. north side of Qaebee et* front Wel- on Church streets all inside wo, exsi .. .. _... .... . chimney, • Asnn Part 5 of (l2t O. le Ott eon" r4luati°° °f the rraued• " tan and Mrs. Bruce Shackletori, of II Vt /deem laying floors ard electr.rtother ecarpen- taining tee -reasons- for Judgment of e- Yoe en gave sante ni - -B. C.,„ are wetting at the home el The followirig riitpli&atiefis foe . ,„,e....-,................ ter work, estimated cost $000; and Ridden J. A. in coenecton with the matten as the selee of tthe planttMr. and Mrs. Mat. Shackleton. appeal' to the Appellate Division, theraga Co.ei in 1P17. It was being Quite a few a the ladies of the roof dwelling on Raglazr'street. . . (the Chief Justice pointed out that stated that this was $6,000 buto tee w. itt. S. attended the W.M.S. meet.. _, „ , - from Mr, Harold Newcombe, to re,- The Wed Street A request from Mrs. I*enc ISI G • aecorditig to these reasons it was deed -registered in the registry ill ing at Auburn laet Wednesday. -..see-senessetst • vin for permission to erect, a "stnialji Plain theie was no dispute about the woe for $9,500. Since then the ance... 6 Mr. and 11 51 Sh k cl rm. at. ac leton an Electrical Shop. -electric sign in front of her Beauty Seoppe on Kingston street was ren ' law and that the CAM turned entire. eex eras built, •warth .$2,200, and the eating plant (less the boiler and "4', ens°fli \Is' Jesse Gray, of Goderich, one . B ned lir. ena Mrs. ' ly,-,ort the ,faets. that y I t 1Plump which were in the building last week. day e , rented to the palm works committee We carry .0 good stook ot _,412 Fottteer tromact 0. .c r b the end of the reasone Mr. Justice when, sold to Paget) was inventored board Riddell says that he would Place the at $2,025. The ttvo main cranes, Mr. and les. Jno. Youngblutt and 8900 • and $2,000, and chain block family, of Auburn,. visited the lat. Electrical Appliances asking" feorr 4°20/1 $10°n their' tetetroeor decision of this case on the ground uarel that there is no evidence $125, totalled $3,025; bringing the tor' s brother, Mr. Isaac Gauley, on Stinday with Mr. and Mee. 3'. D. Far. vise. • Threshing and eilo.filling are neat finished upnthe wet weather Inteirig . nes* the work back greatly, • MissOo Des* Grout, ot 'Letsenrits and .Annie McDonald, of' Dunlop.. cpent the week -end their reepeet- Ivo home in ItietalL Mr. J. D.- 1'4U4 41 east 'venal The Ed. Lawson's earm for a term of yeate and :Mr, Laweon In notify to. Carlow to live. We are awry to Ilse Mr. Lawson from our •neighbornood.- VVESTFIBlen- lir. fine etro. Jolurnmell and table Detrort, spent over Seeder with tee normerte parente, Mr. and Mrs. T e Ilautfovd, of Stratitti'd o Al•gtiNoeinal, spent the week -end with' 4)13 • ' - with the folks who deem it neces- sary to send out of town for floral work of any kind, but more particularle with those who he. lieve that. funeral .pieces of a__ superior sort on ao procured only from an outside agency. Five major items enter into the argument; Design, Price, Qua. lity of Blooms, Selection, elle Each week in this space Ire shall deal with these items_in the 04 der mentioned. Watck next week for argument No. 1. Wiring nf All Kinds FiXttiteS etc We Specialize • • .• permusion to hold them annua act. • breech of. the Britisb Empiee Legion, the finenee committee with power zll A eeqUest front ' Goderich Dees let payments Woe referred 0 _ maintained thie opening in the street. for the shop lot, would make $17,750 We are sorry to report that Mr. al 0 to that the tieLeans qu s Under these eireumstaeces the Chief of valuation, for welch could be urged that there Was any justice asited to indicate how it offered 88,000. Avid in addition the with lame Wk... We hope he will e tion of law involved and further either ettatte or • total uP ta $40;11.50. Adding, $1,000 Sunday last. cement floors, and office partitions be around again seen, had been put in sine the gale for Mrs. Alex. Anderson returned to the company Wm. Crozier is laid up at present U " • application ' - greeted.' ' interest. Hie attittide•was that this Councillor Lee. poitted out that, it that there was a matter of pubec $9,500. Estimatee gi een on . anima= day poppy campaign was leap° have tree in front -of her pro- Mitt was net going to grant leave was not a question of what the plant Al/ Work duaranteed •-,, A reeueat from term .Martha T. Petty removed was referred to the imeecrewlyheitohrertheo.rpunroptoseth:f consider- had cost but what could be got tor it today. Mr, Mitchell heti made a sues Frank McArthur Public works and parka committee. Division was right in disagreeing cess of the company had he was in Appellate i A request front the Water and with the trial judge's findings of favor of giving the home factory a Phone 82 . West Street Light Commission to have trees in fact. chance. The price he considered sat- • the vicinity of lights trimmed up so ' "The Chief Justice. in dismissing isfactorY. The town had sold him ,..seee r \; as not to interfere with the light was 'Our motion, indicated very clearly the sununer betel for $4,000, when It -en- ' 'granted, the matter being referred that where the Court below has re- cost several times that, and the hotel l 'MIMI el 1: . gul heatre . , i The Mayor read a letter from the volving imPortant questions of law a Year to maintain the empty fact. are worried or suffer because ef I to the public vvotits end Pantee win- fused leave this Coure wiemegraneebed_dayeloppe item .0_ big thing for tee I taitteee to attend U.. . leave exeept in a very clear case in. town. It was costing the town $702 varicose. veins, or bunches, the beet If you. or any relative or friend • I Great Lakee Harbors Association or some matter of greet public iin- or3t, , WEEK OF OCTI. 29 to NOV- 3 daltillg the aPpointment of five dem. portance, and all the ,judges this Councillor McLean thought. the advice that anyone in this world gates to attend the convention in To- mOrning were unanimously of the price was too small; the town .anct ean give is to get e prescription that liONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY iedo 0 Nov. 15th and 10th. Reeve ODitlital that this vtas not a case the company could go.. together If literally hundreds of people all over Magic I Mirth I I Turner thought delegates should be where this court should grant leave there was a little give and take. Melody I the country are using with complete ' BERT JonmsoN sent and Councillor Lee agreed and when same has been refused by the councelor Bailie said ne had made satisfaction. widely known ae. a competent and 'on Councillor Lee's motion, seconded court below. -' up his mind und was yelling to accept Simply etek your- druggist for an , en t ertaining magician, with his by Councillor •Ceaigies that the Mayor "The respondent's McLean were the offer and thought it would be original two.ounce bottle of Enter- tr 0%1130 of versatile enterteinere, laud Reeve were appointed as dale- rePeesented hv• Mr. Ifereidge, IC. Ce dealing fairly with the ratepayers. ald Oil and apply, night and morning Complete Change of Program each i gates, e „. of lettawa. Noone appeared for the councillor munnings moved that to the swollen, enlarged veins, rub. Inspector Moser- of the sidewalk pleintiffe. Mr. Hetrulge wan not the town offer Inc plant to the Dont- bing gently upwagd tind tonewirthe Night' iTuesday night -Free shot i music to the first fifty:AO) ladies. . I work said that the contractors. had caned upon, In due mune the re. felon Road machinery Co. for $9,000, heart as the blood in the :mint flows . , , . ienOligh forms laid for a week's work spondents Will '110 doubt take out it on teems similar to the company's of- that way. Soon you will- notice that and he wanted some intimation from fotmal order dismissing our motion for of October 151h, 1928. Councillor they are growing'smalier and the THURSDAY NIGHT ' the council whether to allow much wherein will be fixed the costs of >lethal' secended this and COuttelllore treatment1 should be continued until MARION DAVIES • more work to he paid -outs lie the motion, and when the whole mat- Munnings, Gould, McLean and the the veins are ef normal size. Enter. with IVIaele Dreseler and Lawrence :thought it would not be advisable to ter hoe been settled we shall forward mayor voted for this motion end the ilia Oil is a peraprfuli yet harmlecie , Gray in a riot of love and laughter. I nave forms laid too far in advance, the order and the other documents to Reeve and Councillors Lee, Bailie and germicide and _re:lilts are guarenteed -• A. real fun full leap year picture showing the gir el OW . g h abIe for work after Nov. 1st, as the aecounge as there would be hardly a (IV suit* You together with statement of our Sproul voted' against. The vote by H. C, Dunlop, E. It Wigle and all 4 being 4 to 4,. the motion wan doter- good druggiots._ ' mem • • cement cid •not dry. The heaps of The public works rommdtee re. ea lost. Sin 'bylaws were then put through "THE PATSY" gravel on the street were dangerous ported as follows: We recommend withoilt lights and the contractors that the following' walks, as petition- for the conetruetion of sidewalks re - staid they had not got lights to put ed for, be constructed if petitions are commended in the committee'a re- .- , aunt= CHASE C051EDY "TEE FAMILY GROVP" on. Some discussion ensued as to eulliciently signed on inside of trees. port. ., the placing of the gravel on Ntrellingt South side of Quebec fn. from Wel- Ceuneillor Borate then moved be - FRIDAY and SATURDAY ton street and as to whose authotitY linter& to Ersexneast sidesof Canter- for stile couneil adjourned that the that allowed it. on account of the on from Britannia to south side tff Maeor, the Reeve arid Councillor Lee. Sweat er • , "I3UZZ" BARTON disputh as. to where the -walk was to lot 1172; west side of ,Cameron street be A committee to act in connection • the la ile-anninute thrilledste.e011(1 be placed it looked as. if the work 'from Britatinia to Raglan; south with negotiations with the Dominion Chapter'almtet the red headed waif of igratteLwould have to be moved. llre 'Waterloo; torte side of Britannia 'finally withdfawn arid the matter was ' COMA y oungster. Another thrtn laded. , would not be done WS -Your and the Bide of Pieton greet from South to Road Machine Co. 'This motion was A.Innninign exprosed the belief era from Wellington to AlirellesleY, loam left to the Nationa Shipbuilding I . the west. . 'IRE W I Z A RD or Tun SADDLEe 'forme far 0/0 two days enerid tion to be decided later; north side of committee, •thia on the motion of Dr. Emmerson WAS Meseta to er" to North; east eide of Wellington The council then adjourned to meet at Iteduced Prices . Napier and Anglesea from Victoria Councillor McLean. MICKEY MAGUIRE. in ehotild be put dotvn, Matinee Sat. at 3.00 p.m. dav afternoon about 5 o'clock, when have permitted C. II. Humber to er- *lode Menis H e a ther „ "MICKEY'S PARADE" port an occurrence a. veeek ego Sure from Britrienia to Elgin avenue. We again ors Tuesday. afternoon a 4 'Nag greet and nave received the meeting on Tuesday atternoon. B r o w n Sweater , ea a ingn In front of MO storm on All the council were present at the nsual bond of indemnity. With TO. ferenee to letter of Sept. Ritte, 1928. bylaw appointing Me. H. T. Edwarde A bYlaw wa5 Pasmd "lending 4.'e Coats at $1.75 from the Provincial Itepartment of aseeeaor and collector by subetituting „ commend teat the ditch from the tee bylaw, I Sizes 36 to 44 Health regarding miter outlet We re- - the name of lin 1 It Robertson in I cower outlet be cleaned out, and that .' The Mayor reported having/ recent. i , 4 a gate be put ort the dump grounde supervision of the caretaker. We the Blue Water Highway Association M e n's All .Wool ed a telegram from the necretary of , to be locked at nights, under the heel) the lannuat meeting of tee Sweater Coats in have let the job of putting shutters °3Ithag if 60(101'10h wd° PrePdred to on the windows rind openings of the Read This! If You Have Varicose Vems parents ; 51r. and Mee L. Ilantford. A large nutuber front Westfield at tended the anniverearst itervices at Album on Sunday. Mesas, Jennings, of Windsor, spent the week -end with trees Snell. Mr. d. Johnston, of Auburn, is busy installing a- furnace for Mr. lA Cantpbell. Cause of Astlitratos-NO elle el•tt Say with certeintts exactly what causal the establishment of astefnatie eon. o flowera, from grain and various oth- er irritante may set up a trouble poseible to irradieate eXeeNit through a sure preparatieu latch ret Dr. J. D. E . TEWART . S tKallogg'a Asthma Remaly. Cheat - may exist US. to emote but there ean be it° Uncertainty regard- • . FLoRIST irig a remedy which has feeed a gene „ eration of asthmatic vietima from TELEPHONE 105, COHERICrt tide seourge of the bronchial tub.'.:. It is sold eVeryweere. ' • . • f JUNG SING, late of London, St. Thomas and Ingersoll, begs to annonce to the public of Goderich and the County of Huron that he has acquired the Restaurant, hitherto known as the 13ritish Exchange Cafe, and will continue it under the name of HURON CAM -and with entirely new nianagernent. Ills long experience and thorough know- ledge of the catering business ensures to all per- sons the best of cm, vice in all branches. V (sit theLlURON once and \ and you twill come again new grand stand to the Getierich nitthwaY Olive and Grey only Association in Goderice in 1Manufaeturing Co. at a price of WO. the eourt° of the next few weeks. 1 we recommend that ono trespzg. The Council suggested some Hum sing" signs be erected "on the new deg°, t_bt0 hoi(11111? of. 0 taceeting .in Special $2.95 grand steed and at the fair grounds, istoderPcti and on 111011011 of Councillor Lee, it was (144441444430reply to the , ;and that the loolieo be instructed te I)1seeet the fair grounds promieee tnotecrim**geviienhv.iting the meeting to come hied_ ft e -a V y 'daily, that $10,000 of 19Dotl 28 minion of Chatham iallealsle -Werke offevinn i lInion P u 1 1 o v e r The finance eonneittee repotted Another telegram was from the lee .Sinking Fund fell due Oct. leth, timid Shipbuliding plant. The count' 0 Canada bomb ae held by the 1344444413» $100 for the Areekotatk of the ince, t 1028, and the 1151440141 1nt!} been der eil deeded to accept this offer. 'weaters. Sizes 38 posited in title ttind ameettit. $2,- Sow tares of ncre were dimurtcd to 42. Special $1.45 1 000.00 has been Witleitsawn to meet ,and *telt with. the Company'e sie :satire eameetit; of i . A bylnw to aeseereset tee 15,)ris,,w. I. '-'----'-'---'------ ehp.!•tti 11-4m funda Gil bend, the i stsoroa Sn4 teeeten. The Depetes! , , r. ,RE,OBI1VS $2006.00 al 1100 Ott 1st. And we, mg or Ske2e.10 to pay foe &darn:lea ii a. irecominetal teat *soca el' lemainionl, sitar* or gee (001 of the Damen Itead ef Canada 1e31 Victory bugle Ise ears ,1 pavement, seas. sit tereugh tilt ite IVI e lbstaGcder.141 Olgall Co' h** made "-1F1/1e the toter Intetcst ou the amount i maare--Phone 384 n ea be fully regieteeed. tiheilment 44 Thee:nays !lee teen chalice." Muhl Mee oteacr rlpttent of $740 en nheir due by tile.seen and t.tier4.6W4 71.415 . . • MODEL THEATRE GODERICH Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Oct. 29th4 30th and 3Itt SPECIAL-- Muriel, the Woman Who Knows, and dm Slog Sing Mystery, D0031 OPEN AT 30. PERFORMANCE AT taln P. M. Campany's Own Orchestra Prices -Children, 25cr, Adults, 50e, Tax Deducted. 1.