The Goderich Star, 1928-10-25, Page 4PACE FOUR
Noo, • • ' N , ' • N , • ,N• • • • , ,
WE must make room ior otherwe are offming-a special in Ladies Winter Coats on Saturday winter goods and in order to do so $
and Monday. Regular values *from $18.00 to 825.00. They
must be cleared, and are offered at the reniarkable low price of
• $ Come early and do ate miss this wonderfut value in Coats
. .
. . . .
Dressy Models m Fall and 'Winter Coats
Beautifully made garments of broadcloth in all the newest styles endors-
ed by fashimifor fall. All are warmly lined and interlined. Elaborate coll-
ars and euffs of opossum. A good selection of • the newest colors.. Splendid
values. •
The' New Dresses'
• V •
Ladies' and Misses' new Dresses of panne Velvet, transparent velvet, satin
faced crepe, flat crepe and Georgette. A lithe poplilar cloths are represent-
ed in these new Dresses. Two-pieee effects and straight lines takethe lead,
with flare and pleated skirts. • Fall colors of rose, beige,,, cocoa, tan, brown,
navy and black. Specially priced for 'week -end selling.
Ladies' ,New Fett Hats
Special sale of Ladies' new Felt Hats in this season's styles.
2 49
egular price, $3.60. Selling at •
Ladies' Velvet Hats in latest styles. Regular 84.75 and $5.50. $3 49
Clearing at.; „ , 4 *****10 044**41,40.44* 411
Children's Raincoats
•Special• values in Children's Raincoats, just the thing for the 2 39
wet weather. They are splendid for school wear, Colors of rose, •
green, and blue. For children from 4 to 8 years, at... •
:For Children from 10 to 14 years, at. . 2.
. .
Flannelette • Nightgowns
Ladies' Flannelette Nightgowns of good
quality white flannelette, long sleeves; button- 95• d 2
•,ed front style, with high or V-neck. Special an
•value atm.. 4,4444;44***44• 4********4440* , • e
We have a full range of Ladies', Men's and Children's fall and winter
weight Underwear. We invite you to see our lines, made by well-known
.manufacturers. The prices are reasonable.
1I •
Qatairlik, 1'4 v;t:kil bth1-e5474,nd- te'sx.ral
"4 "nab's' :1E00 terY evident!). nitat 0:3 TafitlaV iley„ t'.
0--.InPirtriY taken unanares. • ciente &i1l Ihe chair. nee
A median of Engl.:6h „Ifein.P.ailene event wee held ;a the neenes nourth
wae sknfaily played PY ear. inaeor I4307,3, ttleh was prettily decorateci .
a 0/010 Oki. after which the ereeeie for trin Of 2aEiPn. 11"14 bEfore the
tame of prizee eiferea tseehi a epereug ef tie ptogrem M.
el:61 wait suede bY MaeEvinie Jenuer el:eyed the inane white the ,
wan Preveded the Ireesentationn 'lin "garnering v. -as zencriabneg.
extending congratitlationa and geed the infinduetery relearn
nas; ne
on &dog tho town' nen"- the ctheman cenolare ceng teen '
a and referritin to the pride thee echeol cog arel gave tinne anent
tenni eould feel in eeeene work of es- yell,
decorating the ached interion paying ayor MenEwan eves eailcd en te PIIOAE NO.
.,,,ick 1?Wooheilin Ysougreaer le jeinneed o
Household Drugs
, Prescriptions, .,
elee a tribute to the earetaken M. in inn= Mr. Victor Leeds:ton, ann
Harrison, fin, the beauty ot ebe iu his remarks he pia tribute tetht
grennds, seinen were a •beauty spot • wenit of Mr. Ales. Sanntlere, and
cu? ftn-one enterinu Abe town. - 'The lave service he Lad Leen to the town -
It C. DUNLOP, Phia.
prize inners ra e
weas. flla-se:es a ro
1 pmirtent citizen, L
ennong his
Clarence Bridle, Venice. Randall. ectivities being that of a member ef
Robert McLean. Joane Lee, Lillian 1 the public wheal board ter a great
Ryan, Vera McLeod, Freeda Barber, many years, durinn which time he -.en. „
Doris Baker. Grace McDonald, Loue lied eaken a eery an'tive part in edu- ' •
vain Bloomfield. Mildred., Marniek, eational raatters in the town. M. G. --.---n--- z - '—'4-"- ----- ',:-------"" — ' —
Merlon Meinaie Madge Tamen, Betty I. Parf."ang. %vile had eneeee ' neY, Clara Moore, Beatrice Camel- piano, and efter this MSS; Sher...ilea
Grey, Ewan brought congratulations to Reg. Castle, Aethur Freeman; pasz, Margaret Shepherd ecaning et nice
in ntary McKinnon, John P.areorts, was made the recipient on a beau.
Whitten. Roberta Johnston, Ross on the boned. wes re:eying ri-eiiiiitere
Pennington, Margo:et Taylor, In of strength to the board. Mr. Mac- James Parsons, Reward Wilicius, ful bouquet of cbrYeantimmume,
A vocal sine by Miss Burin wan teaelionn ana PuPlin on hohnil of the Alberta Osbaldeston, George ,, Rose address end the presentation being
much enjoyed and brought demand town eouneil .and veiled on Viet ', Jamea Sheardown, Clayton Leith» made by Charlotte Linnington on, bee
for a eecond number; which emsLeurieton to presevt the eilver teed- waite. . half of the graduating class.
en. Mr. Major playen the accomPane an In the course on his remarks Mr, Inspector Deacon* Was congrettila- Mr. Naftel, cheirman of the school'
intent. - - - • - . -Lauriston recsdled thnt it yaw. in the to en his address and -remarked hoard; Mr. Parsons, the new trustee;
The prizes won by the graduating house now oemed epd occuped by the
etraainatiore iefavernthatsiteelied w'henela eGotien tralennemon
that thie was his first visit to Con- and Xri -nteriehouse, principal en- -
victoria sehool, were called on arid
A. eetiplend neeitainiin'ilSY theenntle-resPonden-with-wordn efeetolgrntine-
d 1 I s.
were presented by Rev. C. F, Clarke, nett m Ins school days and it was
the winners being as follows: here thet be wrote his first steryat
Gold inedal—enarded to Madeleine the Parly age of nine Years:. -Mr.
Naftels for receiving the Itigliest Larrieton then preeeriten thes silver
marks on he Entrance examination medel to Douglea whom
in the Gonevich Public Seneele, 1928, he enegratulated heartily. '
by Victor Lauriston. The eless had their cortgratula-
The Wonten's Institute awarded a
priee to nohn lifenteltert for receiving
the second highest on the High
School Entrance examination, in Ince
tor% ithool.
Avithinetic—Awarded to Madeleine
leinetel for receiving 100 per cent. at
• the High School Entrance examinee
tion, 10213, Also firse in geography
and history at 1'4 Oaderich eXamin-
talon centre by R. Stopenouse.
er girls, M unison, were *Oven, Mr., twin' Min nn$ . .,
Xbyarrs.aejeuthneern,ainatinox. isAs vneireanomelleaettt, to Mr. Lauriston for his fine interest
in the 'school and to the Wanton's In. •ii,
was cleverly given. • stitute and Victoria Rome and School
'Club for then donations of $100 ann.
Rev. F. -C. Elliott bad sornethinnno $00 resPectiveni towarde the teeth -
say on punctuality and neatness, ing of musk. He urged the re -for -
tone too in the form eif a song, eaten showing that the ee were endications
given also for Para Sheardown. a, Deeper, reelect attendance, donated matfett of a Horne and 'Weed Club
Posed for Douglas rtnd this was fol- of a evell-ordered minn. He present -
former pupil of the saloon who nes by the school; Ettie Rance, perfect connection with Central Scheel
lowed by eheers. Threeelieers. Were ed the following prizes; Arence in
wen a number of entolarsbipe and is attendanee, eionated by Mrs. Carrie; anti dropped a hint for the benefit of
the Mayor that befere many Years
tine university caner at Victoria mod by school; Keith naunders, per- "nagiss Sharman thinik-a-all wile beer
don. th..,:abitilding i, if 0, new 'Central school
on the present site should be meld.
entering ore what is evineatly to be a 13. Glidden, perfect attendance,
A, clever and atistie plano solo Arthur Freeman, perfect attendance,
'University. n . feet attemlanee, 4ontited by school;
'was given by 'Alen joiner,' after donated bY the school; Ruth Curwen, taken part and the singing of the
Oeargraphy—awarjed to names Which pupils gave a chorus, "Tis perfeet attendance) donated by the eNe4tiedi°1171: t°A____Pathele:Is(3•breu°11t the ile... :
Naftel for obtaining the second high- is Xy Task,' very pleasingly. school; Iris Warnock, deportment,
ot at the IRO School Entrance ex- Miss Margaret Dues"n second at donated by the school. Little Dance
PHOlfg nee 44
• • ' t • *!
amination in Victoria•School. 1928. the midsummer examatatione, was deportment, donaten iby aus. C atm,
nitre If. R. Long. one -of hill* thanks to the teachers mayor u. A. XecEwrin; Bessie A large rtinne of Semple COYer- _
For InpholsteriatARdedfrinluinsg
Alai? firet in reading awl epelling, by the valedictorian_ and ter nddress was George Boss. elettotment, donated by
Donald,. seemed highest. marks by the ils. Valuable lessons were draWn A nice exhibition of physical ex er- p, A zirtlivIERMAN
Home and Snheol Club, Victorie. from the hexagon. • cities was given by a number of girls, Nelson st.
U. Writing—awarden to jean Mac4 for their e orte on. behalf of. the PuP- Glidden; Billy Reid. _ ing$ eeselea,
semen , Rev. mins gave the ad- Nunn nbannan aaeolanyinn on. the ,
npelling—awarded to Mice San. dress en the graduating -class and - 'sere
tters, Peennd higneet 'merlin by the pointed out the dangers. of drifting. '-
nintrieek Chapter, T. 0, D. E. A definite purpose in lite won need-
titernture—awarded to Andrei* ed to prevent ourdrifting- Other s
Nvenandi highest marks, by W. F, evils for the young person to coin-
nniftel. • bat were personal preeuniption and
Grantroar--awarded to Doreen Bell pride. He extended congratnIatldrts
third highest marks, by Miss G. ,to the graduating class.
Hamilton. •The ehairman then reed a letter of
History—awartied to Herb • Bridle, congratulation from Victoria school
Third highest marker by.. Maple Leaf to the medallist , and graduating
Chapter, I. O. D. E. class.
Composition—awarded to Ida Car- A piano selection from his own
nick, /Wettest merlin also first m composition was rendered by Mtn
writing at the Goderielt centre, by Meier, the musical instructor in tint
W. H. Roberton. • schools, which. was much enjoyed,
Mr. and Mrs. A. le Conn Prize -and- Ahis was followed by another •
Awarded to. Madeleine Naftel for her chorus by the pupils. ,
.year's work, ,obtaining the medal, Rev. R. C. nneuermid presented the .
getting 100 per cent. in Arithmetic prizes for efficiency in the year's
and first in Geography and }Vetery won, the following being the win -
:it the Godevieh centre at the High nersi Jack iineKirmoni Primary, do- -
Scheel Entrance examinations. 1928: mated by Miss Vera Elliott; _Naomi ,
Deportment prizes (entente of Webster, primary, donated by Miss
class Toorns)--awarded to Helen Vera Elliott; Junior Second. Margate
Black and Philin Carter (second year et Lannaway, donated by Mtge Ban
for Philip) by IL L. Salkeld. lie, Geraldine Saunders, Junior See -
1 Anether nouple on thermos by the ond, donated by MSS Bailie; Audrey
childnert. were .very pleasing, and Burrows, ' Sr. Second, donated by
these were,f_ollowed by an address by Miss Margaret ;Wilson; Ettie Dancer
Rev.' it. C. McDerieiti to narents, in Senior :Third, highest total for year,
which he emphasized the eesponsibil- donated by Xing Ball; Vera Clark,
it of the home for teaching children Senior Third. donated by .Miss Bali; -
obedience, respect and .love.Many Douglas '1Viiddleton, donated by Mts.
failures at school 'could be traced to W. L. Rotten; Clara Moore, highest
larealein.iof gd, iscipline and proper hone• • cinhapethetrrecchearatemproasnitnikinng, toAn,hhneiget
I. Another selection by the orchestra est in entrance art. donated bY
followed and then the 'Presentation Striithrs Art Striven Alberta beheld-
-• nn Mee Victor Lauriston of the gold eston, nature study collection, donate
'Imolai to Mies Madeleine Inaftel. ed by the school; Dorothy Horney,
held in the kindergarten room .and
S E. Tom, wite hue recently resigned as 'MI% G. 14. Parsons; Margaret Mien
Xt. Je collection of pictures, donated by
e • . hall and an excelltint program was Iallrist°11 WaS Intivtilleed kr
given, opening with a selection by inspector. Mr. Tom spoke in high ton, secant highest total at entrance,
. Knox echurch 'orchestra. Mr. Wale
ter Naftel, ehairman of the "bile 'tie:" VIctolr. Erdal= of hi
sin geatIttSaym,PitglAteiggbby!stt 011.41;
ode/line Naftel and Douglas Middleton the Winners
. m 6 'eVeting, 11
selmol htid,inwahsiotohpaeirnminactirfeomrartkh: ',achieved g. high
writer. , reputation as a Leaf Chapter; Warren James, first
. in entrance geography and collection
made reference to thanged conditions . of Robert Park friernorial Medals
in the public schools since his dae-s 1 McKinnon, highest is
- EL -
as a student, . among the thanges called on for her v
the chairman road a inesonge on eon, 'onetime reading, donated by
the •
Just before the geld medallist wag of woods, donated. by -Urn Prank ---
11 tt. X
aledictory addrese, * , tweet
trance writing, donated by W. G._
being the, place note •givert to the
Commencements at Victoria and Contra
• . teaching of singing., for winch the gratulation to her from the Central 8011961; John Parsons, highest in tiwan; Douglas Midditon, en-
were indebted in large meas. sehool. "the &hoots of Canada"
nwas the subject of the valedietory
al profieieney, donated by Mrs. Geo.
s ure to thenWomerne Institute and the
It De Id.
1S1'' E
e na , Ruth Cowen' first in
Prizes and Dipldincis Presented ' at Gatherings at Victoria Home and School Club for address- ,tepd, a very interesting ode
grammar, donated by Jas. A. Camp -
Schools Thi* Week. urging the adoption of this subject 'areas was well given. •
and for financial assistance. I Prizes to the boy and girl consid- 'bell; Mogaret Sheppand, highest in
- - A, touple of &erases. by the ehil- i ered the best in deportment outside
Stewart; Charlotte Lennin tort
entrance literature, donated by _Geo.
tether, and tiren followed, showing in a marked the school were presented by Mr. 11. I
nnhei commencement exorcises in ntede it in honor of hie
0 fi t Meal rial medal WAS won by degree the benefits of the training .te Salkeld, the donor, to Helen Black g , efl.
trance arithmetic and reading, donate
these e
et. e musket instructor, liar. Ma- 'selves decide- the Winners of .
. able' mentionenJas Parson; art*
Victor ',Ralston resents Medais•
tonneetion witit the two nubile „ „ the -children have been veceiving un. and Philip Carter. %lie pupile them- d by mine I. E. Ehetnien.
ei rs 0
enhools of the to'wn were held this wanOt eonnenan+ d
week, on Monday evening at Victoria
school and on Tuetiday evening at
Central school. Mr. 'Victor Lauriste
on, the donor of the Robert. Park
Memorial medals, was here to matte
the preeentatione in person, which
lent an added interest to the events
at. the rebottle thist year, as it is only*
on rare occesione that the generous
donor gets to Goilevich to this fence
tion. It is eight years since his last
visit. .
At both schools Mr. leauriaten roe
ferred to his own connection with the
Genteel& public schools in the days
• 'article his father Mr. Robert Peek,
was prineipal of Central tehoolnand
to the caveer ot his father in mem-
ory of whom The medals have been
oftered now for tveentysone year.,
The fleet medal denoted by Mr. Lame
iston, the only ntetor Lteuristen
al, woe won in 11907 by Miss Oval
Steddart. After ehat Mr. Lsuriston
changed the name of his gift end
atrarwir tOrt"--' L r
Mr. Lauristem paid quite a tribute, , .
to the ploueere, seek as Gant and eonn. - . , prizes, the reeult being obtained by nein Castle, ttna . e . *
en i ce arithmetic;
nave. rainier, president of the Millet. -een .1 Gain Rosenotranc art; Reward Wil -
Denton in whose honor pillars had kins, grammar; „Arthur Freenadil, en -
been oeeted at the entrance to inn Itoime and nchool Club, presented the Another appiravance by Billie oe
trance pr zes donated by the club for peen nolmston was oath enjoyed arid no
town, and to his father and gave a geography; Albetta. Oenakless •
short eketeh of Ms life. He began eleneyn, the winners being AS fonews: fewer than four nutnbers were given non. entrance grammar.
A delightful eolo by Miss Margate I
as all apprentice to an seen mender natherine Baton, Mary Howson, before the audience were Wiltent
Kink fitobertson, Susanne Iraevtion, Ilev. F. C. Elliott made the addrese , et Wilson was much enjoyed.
and Inul his part in the constnietion 1011 1) Price, Jack Kershaw, Ruth no the graduating eons, and ater re. The diplomas wete presented by
of the hinge Midge over Kettle ereek ferring to the fine school and cud., Mr. J.. E. Tom, the following being
at St. Thomas.. Ile bad reached the Daert, Ntinnen Snroni, Inveena lItile '
Dan man, Margaret Menton, ilea staff of 'theaters, he riddressed a
age of twentynive yeers befove he non, " he winners: Horione A, Liming
Middleton, silver medal; Margaret
deeided 0 prepave bimself for the `in
Grace Xason, Phyllis De Peudry. 'students who had not figured among es on, algae° s teppard (Aar.
Jean Robertson, Keith Cat, ,few words. of encouvagement to the
Hu -ton, t M . t 1
teaehing profession, and by diligent Master otte Linnington, +Ruth Curinen War -
nee of his spate time he fitted him. Billie Joe Jobneton, the the prize winners. reminding them i 0
eighteyenir eld beet wonder eloeution- that ninny successful men and Women ren Janes; Honors II Dor th'
o y nor.
self tor the week and. pitesed the ne- lett, delighten the audience with. hie in after line had gone through sehool ______Ine-nnee-nLne -
ceseavy examinetions. it was for e t ti f Ed* . ni ' "S n
the teem 18S9' to 1804 that Mr. Park, r CI 4 " n Vit twat s trang. without winning spectaculer succene -
•wee prineipal 'of the Central sehool
ere within our Gates," and had to re. ees. A. high aim was. urged,
here, and after that be was made nie d t r . Mr. Beacom the now inspector for 1
epector at Chatham. Mr. ,J. le Benue, principal of the West Huron,. spoke in congratulation
chic winners of the medals wine eii Cnileniate Institute, ulnae tne pre*. of the nuccestful atudente.
follawni Id d I;
entation of the limn nehoul Entrance Mrs. Archibald, of Seaforth. preen
leine delta ictoria ellool;
coagratuleting teaeltere dent of tilt Dome and School Council
I et. medal, Douglas' Middletnn, iVlir AI d -
eon and Students on their 5110005500 and for the county, was present and
vand siltinlimInnsi
traI enhool. urging the co-operation or parents spoke briefly.
and pupils in earnest endeavor .to ex- , 4
Vietoria Fai0611 oillimetle91.etzt wac %airman Parsons of the sehool °
-wren f tl il 1 t .
- • • 'Alio following were the winunis management committee, and Mr. V:.
wir eerier, ,o ne ip omas: (a.) means ast it Robertson were ciAlled an mei
.. eines honors and ntin • -second Olen spas briefl,. after which Pvineipal . Ili t Sh*
,4(n.itAI1,3 Itel:rcrnlicke,11. 1,(14114;i1),L;crbnrfiledildc: ki iberiA pant anad thp variAous,honos„wiho
i A); nun M. (A); Drennan, E ; El. I 044 Uonate. ptizes. ne- er sec.eci .
' then the Netional Anthem. To Citerliourg-Southampton
- by, W.; Miteihniald, J.; Mackay, I.; --.------- --- - --------- - -- —„1 Nov. 21
Refold &yin .
it . , . ... r af Read np
pat .
1.21) VOA linInie nine 18421.5 S2,1
1.46 grbool 7,17, t lint on 10.1n. nalioel 5.10
1,14/ Speriat 7.24 Reaferth 10.115 noreial Fein
2.05 tell) 7.ein tet, volumban ren0 5.05 7,5n
110 Sel5 7.4n Dublin ,tiAn in00 1.117)
I.15 \\2A 7,01 Mitchel! finte 45 7.40
2 112 225 P.110 igebrifigviiie, ''' Itnn 4.40 7.21
2.45 5.541, sitxtfera ' 1.1.,18 425 7.11)
SAM fiA10 P.ri • e.00 4,15 7,00
seen. p.m. p.m.
e N. a
1 Seillioat fkriff3tiTS 01 WOMAN , l44.1",, WeAriescloiy, qd)urld!w area
Trkla! OttIV. Nei onus; noeht, conli letter A e ti Winn at 10
p', ilVe st'Ap at Ali hOsols and fene gene.
(*.oink leinne 4,soriiri...11. from bort.,
caw+ kayo. Nit,itt.sed froili lq141 Ale rAt, t( I -S.. 04*, 7T‘lt Arti 11.
. Threat% enerh both woes, •A
Rpbrial rsgipe In thiltirri nt toncl.nq' t-• troll (Aril .14-1101,
p.m. Pitt aY9'.
&boners: Allinson, Dora; D. Stonehonse thanked all who had tett-
eliett, En Jenner, (B); Johnston, I tion by the orchestra. followed and
IL; Johnston J.- Lawrence, P.; Linn'
gges ips
m Montreal
- .MeCrestete McMehen, .1. (An — — • 1'41' 10 shui:t
Naften M. (An. Naftel, .T. MALE *ea FERAILE HELP WANTED 7' npresn
(B); Proctor. 'W.; Riley.. LAIN TO GlaNSOW-litife9t
A. (Ms Thornton en- wane", 1,$,,:11Ttia314105°3:..111):Eittilc!!!K :NN44.4111:': ....31o1110,110
Robertson, V. (Be; Sanders' niteitese et Itcdroni
11 „41/67i,eplotatun,div.A; Irclitottia 2!?r,,1 .... „‘ +11
,on, Dienrin, john4on, teritettar4intie tneither innenent --
.1 .
Iltn Jo
Mr. Hume ale.° ed
<to the atin • MUIR nelltinti. Ineletearlintr. Noe. 2 Irene e
EILECTIOU Mt, MN INK WORK, Vit. Pr ..... . .. '
Pt Treat 2142211Pel: V - VA. 14; ..... „ ,•4T
IPPICk t t1111ity, „„,,,. Niagetr,itut
*ARRERING and ' `45t ---------------------mon:,!
ar.3 ass;s1ant. ii•:?tti•Ti•).t ' .""• ""'"""`•*""""" ':!1:
. thep were called to the -finet ltv the , mgtotpoww, asmt 411, 1A113'
wee. Neon ena morgorpt Jenne., 114 I),* , WT. 0110.14 •
?limner, Ine Allen, Frank.
len?. prowess et one of the nredueteee
Trot MacKay,' in wineinit the nions
Club cup lont Therinegiving, the tee.
-phy being on display.
To Lberpool
_ <?c141.ta..tst,:hoin.4.4e)guilivt,r4tribtii..rptt.7;iseinit'iartavlioMt i1rndIen, , , litt.,74,1,7111KH,tt,rorpos.:,"614,i_..r v,i..4:8,iest?'o',Iistivf.rti$7)iit/•::iiii.:.: ._.: :'‘'CA° Jt 1.°` — ° '
lie Ratuhurn
. ,
, 1'6 Attliverft
FP •••%/6,trtin. taring vititk 14i.,,r4.14 lOtill e . ‘‘...100 Itteitini.,n '0•,,,01.•• `•,c't •!, I WinN1.11‘11. '‘ %NO 141%%E.11100,4111 'Mit,
. ooff :iihot.reeiaitreatioi_ontiwan......., rrotiii17,!. 47 4044titreet_l woozy:I:a „Ito,: ,4 lowits:. „it = .SIV:t1.041PPS, Wil 124014 PON ittr.11.,
Pad M IC Jai IC Alt ilehro. fte toimir '',"1 0400•" -,*4 *..,•-•,1.1.,mi.g. -
$ax P!'%44 &W. W..:Toproolf0 . ' 2, R. 114.1itt". tow re) ifveif
..levei, total Agents ee
ir 4,
P. IL PM. 1,. lefioo00,..
• Pt Jennor .iw afr14 aro
Jack NeldeltOrt Proi.vtIttl !;:titfort.. Ist A, -.".9.0..”„ t,11.40
iltor. *ad Nr. $oneItetgoe -withtot.,
Republic of Peru
• Peruvian National Loan,.•
6% External Sinkinit Fund Gold BOMISs
Second Series:
Dated October I, 1928 ' Due October I. lent.
Intrre1 PaYoble April 1 and Octoberl Redeettiable itt whole or in joitil
at -the option of the Republic, on any interest date, on CO days' ern-
fished notice,' at principal atnount and accrued interest. Principal
- and interest payable ln United States gold coin of .the standard of
weight ond fineness existing October' 1028, nt New l'ork
City, at the principal office of of the ,Fiscal Agents,
& IV, Seligman & Co. and The National City Bank
' of New York, without deduction for any Peruvian .
taxes present or future; also payable 41 thO Winn -
Of the holder London, England; Amsterdam.
Nfr Zurich or Basle.. Bonds in coupon bearer .
• form in denominations of $1,006 and sop.
The Republina Peru is the third largest country, in South America,
with an area of apptoximattly 550,e00 square rriilOt. Construction ,,
of the Panama C.anal reduced the steaming distance front New York
to Callao. its chief prt and rine of the most important in South
America, from 9.000 to lesS than 3,500 nautical miles.
Mining and agriculture are the,' principal activities of Peru. Peru
is the warld's third largest producer of silver, and for many years •
has expOrted large quantities of low-cost copper. Eighty per cent.
• of the world's- production of vanadium comes from Peru. The
principal United States mining companies operating in Peru are fthe
• American Smelting and Refining Company And the•Cerro de Pasco
Copper CorPoration. The petroleum- reserves, considered of great '
potential value, are being rapidly developed by capital from the
United States and other foreign countries, The Standard Qii
Company of New Jersey, through its subsidiaries. is 'active in this
field. A wide 'tense of climatic conditions result in diversified
Agricultural production. Moat of the world's supply of alpaca
, wool corms from Peru.
It is estimated that more than $400.000,000 of foreign capital isinvested
in Pero, of which about $250,000,000 is capital from the United States,
The revenue applicable to the bOitch of the Pinivien National Loan
amounted in 1927 to $19,413,666, or 3.26 times the annual alnico
charges on the outstanc14 bonds of the Peruvian National Inan.
PRICE 91 and accrued intefest.
Average yield 6 85% "
we recommend the Securities for investment*
. .
- aiCarinEat. IC°1114P°Mit.i.14:19N1901 12241TED' wtraorto
* 84°' lio:d °Molt 111.1Y1C9tstrthati,kkii241St int St. 5- VANCOUVEiit
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