The Goderich Star, 1928-10-25, Page 3e
THURSDAY, OM 25th. iuts
I I MI or
Was= Zs Neighborhood News Nuggets BOOK LOVERS CORNE
On Her Beck
Vilee-st Mulse. Tuaker,
Vit-1it eummer 1 was 'aid up
hers en ray back', I could not
tee ono), er J etyibinge 1 had fifty.
thee of demo Owl of lay frietate
•ativiseit me try
•T got a bottle and soon noticed 11.
great deal of difference. ini I took
four hottlee and 1 am in good
health and have eiever bed any alga
of a bod since." • .
-• afaunfactured onin by"-
• bum Co., Ltd., Toronto
Barrister, Soltelton Notary Public, Me.
Successor to ,L L. Enteral:
l'hone 97. Office. The Square, tioderien.
EES T al. LEE.
' Barrister and Sollei
minion Bldg., 463 •Bae Street
Toronto 2
Teleplione Adelaide 4163.*
PHONE 27. ItinetiltategeeaTREET.
" Barrister, Selletton NoierY
Consetaancer. ate. -
TAO), Heilee Seirgeen New York Oeb-
thalmle and Aural Hospital, assistant at
rqfritgle;Igilo 4olAstrtit tolintein
y eltai Gele
Wateeloo - St., Stratford.. Pelee
. phone -267 1. ° •
M Hotel Redford, GOderiete on the
eveoing of third Monday of etintignonth•
till the following day, Tuesday.. 'at
DnunLEss rinurriVanti.
. Picked From Our Exchanges 1t
Ore Jane n,:,:oT),
*4A Good Book le tho Beat Companion."
Death of Mn. Jae. Beattie Williem Jurac3 lint lat. Detroit," - - . ,
i The tainting eit the Leal 23 a ,inuiL work?' "Illasoite New Tree " • ''
The cleath eeeurred in Bridgelearg Yordlgest sennof Illese Matron and the 1 Lir:xi-dal iti.,301; og that ciever, ceacie.., beok. that trite of iliteen line:a:tele-
after a protracted illness Of Mergaten late leatte Ifutten, Durhano .Ordarie, irtirter, tearnh eterteggr malitt
:oninsIs:tiicir'.e"i6sitifee'rx:3111d.r.R3.r.:eille'da:ttit7l'ii79ft;:ili:::41106)ger-: ';;;11;:hae 't*-TrlegilloT:adeallttiglitc'ter el:11111-tee.edag .ee":.%avtru'?'''4111.-eiCiiataiirsr.P.L"IlL/(1 61:tir 111.3:11-1:4 1 drii't91111°11.4fit:tg- latinanglilt.‘14;41tPLI39;:_tvat'ililw'P'atiEttcrgiitiiteu4-111.1,;:- .
„ ea, arid beeldes ;Rana. :niter teetent . a hand at auythirg that needed te lie
; smith. -Mr. and Mee. Denald. Finkte•oee, Ia. The story opens with ekt Nathan !of Uganda, repairing a beat whose
• dian Road, Torente. te I,eslie, son or ennd Dr. Dithehn Planina elutes. Na. 'bow had been crushed by the eurs ef
Mr aild Mrs W. II. bleFiroy, Illyth. thaws Fan, Saul, a doctor. who re. ;a- hippopotamus: Dr. Anatine wit()
e A - quiet wedding was soleearaized .1 M. ,.. .'
1 he mal-reake will • take Place cluleilt. ; turns after his studies abread, la the •opened the tient hospital in Tibet and
the Egmonchille euanee ma atidlry i '
ithe early parted N'oyember. !ineana of breaking the dewier link.- did as many as thirty-eno .eniputa.
evening, • Oet. 12th, when Elsie,' t; he _weekly. game of • .IB-tbat.tions in on() day: Tames Erane, on,
Turnherry Twp. Memorial Oates
: youngest daughter of Mr,' And 31re.! ;bound tbese tea) eld men, eel Diet. venting' the (re Syllable System for •
Alex. Lowery', became -.die bride of • -• , Ilse -effete,
Ihelm, a German :waived man, whoee Indians in Northern Canada, maltine
Mr. Gordon Little, SOU of mg. and An impressive ceremony in cornice- ;son bad been killed in tile wer on the• toe front the lead of tea-eheete end -
Mrs; -John ',Little, •of MeEillop. 'The ,tioa with the \mown fair this year ;British side tent he -hiinself outraged ink from ehimneeenoet-eoeit men
ceremony was performed by Rev. W. was the formal einvelifuneef the me- ?bY English inhabitatts heeause lie, were .no dreamers buildiug eastleo in
u,s, at week in as relley Oidevert
Rose, widow of Jemes Velma,. and .t rfie'"age t') "re' P (11"g•* :Again seene te laid in oeutte Aiet. eon Ail of thent woe remit- to tale
, I movial gates et the eninance to the refused te-reruove a picture of the the air, but praetical Men wha did
• T
Par he Were' erected to conk. Kaiser from MS horael' could llot' thim?s, things in neer
, Old Clinton Resident Passes bear tbe thought of the return of the There are stories, too. of our let-
morate the eaerifice of th
On Thursday, Oetober Ilth, Mrs. men of Turnherry township who fell Jew's Son when Ins would come no
, , n t e Great ar. The formal un -
at her daughter's home in Torentea veiling wits done kr ,colonel H. It in:ThreanersteifvaelabznenvditeleEnctaffeinrase. acvoalrul-
She had been in failing health ranee Coombe of Clinton, who organized ng- to Iiree out 4 literal interpretation
Inet et ec o or the Battabore inewhiele mostof of the Bible, canan tin the hale Above
/warier a Mouth before her death, hot
'suffeeed little or no pain, and at the the Turiaberry soidiere were eolleted. Gideon and are directly and indirect -
The movement for the erection -of 11t' the cause of the option et the
test fell peacefully aeleera . tins fine 'memorial waa inaugureted ;Ikerest'svelit
Death of Wormer Clintoo 'Resident by the Women's Institute, who, how. erouinsti:dat telrigir2111113otehr°,
well versed in his Old Testament. It
Mies Elizabeth Betts of Clintoe ever, enlisted the geoerous aid otthe waa tie be "a great city, as one a the
received 'word ef the death a her tovnis m commi . -royal cities," but it never fulfilied Its
brother, George W. Betts, at l'ort Wingbam Fall Fair a Great Succese high destiny, and remained a struge
Huron, Mich. on October Oth. He
, winghtun fon . fair scored its gling tort on the veldt of about two
been 1 or aboutwo Yoko's- gmatest SUceess in many years, on By refusing to join a company of
had a •
The late Ur* Petta was horn alai Tueeday and Wednesday, October 9 yileilents formed to keep these Le -
spent his early` life In Clinton, heat' and 10, with a record crowti, and a 'cites in cheek, Saul Nathan is
had moved away a. good many-
ago. His wife preeleoased him seen
ears veldt' -wonderful display of exhibits. bronght into -conflict with Airnold
eral years. The Ideal weather was a contribute Duerden, .thel leader., but into a
ing factor to the success of the fair, strange companionship with Arnold's'
Donald. Macdonald of Clinton died .e h More.
Veteran Plower Wins Honors Tuesday being vealsummer-like, and 'titer ITernue•
At the• i t while WeOnesday threatened rain, to- This Duerden is the centralizing
at London recently a special priee wards noon the little shower did uot
consisting of a $10 gold piece was
s'eriously• affect the attendance. It
'oted by the directors to be donated is a long time eince Winghani fall
to Robert •Carson, 86.yeer-old voter- fair had such an exhaustive entry
an, who 'walked from his home in ta:`' list, totalling 2054. Ho. John, S.
gan township, north of Mitchell. It heartin °facially opened the -fair on
is averted Pat he Rare a remark* WednesdaY afternoon, being fram-
able exhibition of plowing. deiced by Mr. George Spotton.
• Death of Mr. Arthur Silas Death, of Mr. Joseph Brenner, of
Word was received at Blyth of the
death- of ?Am, Arthur Sims on M _ Joseph BreEnrn7nd lor of the bot-
day- Oct, 15th, at her late reside:cue, knowri residents and tov
08 Airdrie Road, Leaside, Toronto. Proprietor of the elr3nninnyrfoil''ears
She and Mr. Sires Heed in Blyth un- t'gadttiBr:111::: giiset2ebncyhear.e thArer, a little over tee years ago -when bxi
Brenner had been ill for about two.
hey 'moved to Toronto. Mrs, Sims,
weeks before his death. Born In -
who was in her 38th year. was form- Waterloo •County, Mr. Brenner came
rly Miss Kate Arthur, of Auburn. ' to this summer resort 50 yea '
On Wednesday leonine* Oct. '17th,
Death of Mrs, blathan Cliaomaa _hiansd zeselynetabyeDshetidritth_gghlso_tmelawnyeinhersplawesaaill
business he earned for hiraseli"
hortly after four ' o'elo'elc, lVfahoI circle of friends. For sorae years
Amelia, 'Bailey, 'beloved wife of Natti. past he had lived retired from the
el ChaPenarne of Brussels, passed active management of the hotel,
way at her home at the age of 4 winch was taken over by his eon
• •
Chiropractor and Brimless •ftieraPist.
Goderick t
throttle, Orville and Nervous Oiseases
• Equipped -with Diathermy, Metro-,
Magnetic Baths, Eleeltxmle Electri• c e
Treatments and Chiropractic.
Wilco hours• -2 tat 3 and 7 to 90. m.
--o---ond• by -appointment. exeeptieg efoneley
and Thursday afternoons and evenings.
• Oftlee IlOurs--2 to 5 und 7 io 9 p,.m,
,Lay lii Attendance. •
Residence and °Mee -Corner South St.
end Britannia nos& a
Live Steck ana General Auctioneers,
Elgin Ave., Goderlein
Sales made everywhere and all efforts
ehavaeter-the linla that joins the
groung. '44It was strange that he
should have turned out such a fail-
ure. He was so fail of good queli.
ties. He had an irupreasrve body,
triumpheat health, enthusM
laS, en -
Re was a Sportsman. He
was a clubman. He had high stain
deeds of what a gentleman might or
might not do. He was decently bore
too. His ancestry was sound, upper
middle class English and Irteli joined
'with a dieted of eeputable Dutch,
and his father had in his time, own.
ed one of tbe largest farms in the
•listrict • .
Ile wo even handsolnely educated.
fite had gone to _Cambridge, had eat-
en dinners at- the IVIiddle• Temple -and
•been called to the Bar.
Ioved Grenfell and thine:stone, the
great -heart of Afriea Both bove
and girls from ton yens upn•ard will
be thrilled and inspired by these tiles
of :briny. • .
-"Blazing ;ratan'? by Archer Wate
lace. is published Int the Musson
I3ook Co,, Toronto. Price $LOO.
THE TIMID STENOG. row, Sinn me- male. We .raust no to the finished product, end' in addie
El I
t'et.ti THREE
Special Prices
Groceries Teas
Tobacco Dry Goods
China Dinner Wear
Call in and look them over
. !wow. Buis more toomed .raspe, out tri-tgnorgoogmriL_tiwie inunelwinnyorrpotwevs.
Whurtle ski nt f th Wh ' • -7- "b the :Canadian
• , re e o e ue.
tle Whirlwind Laundry Company, •to
his new Stenographer, "I want you
to understand that when I dictelle a
letter want it written as dictated,
and not the way you think it should
be. Understand?" •
"Yes, sir," said Misa /Hogg, meek-
"I fired three Stenoge. for revising
env e ers, see.
'"Yo, sir."
"Alright -take a letter."
iThe next morning, Mr, 0. j. Squizz
of the Squi: z Flexible Soap Conrpanet
received the following ;
"Mr, O. or A. or J. something
(look lit up), Squizz, President of the
Bquizz -what a name Flexible Sciall
Cotnnany) the gyps,. Detroit, thatta
in Michigan, isn't it?" .
Dear Mr. Souizz, Ininum : •
Your a bee- of a busmen mere •
No, start over. He's a crook. but I
can't insult him. or the rbunell sue
ow. The late shipment 'of soap you
sent us was of inferior quality and
want you to understand, no scratch
out I want von to understand. Ah,
Miless you can ship, furnish, no, fur-
nish us with your 'neuter soon. you
needn't 011ie us no more period, or
wiintever the grammar is. end please
Coming Industrialism of West
(Owen Sound SuneTimee)
The people of the Westera TroV-
laces are turning their attention to
the poesibilities of industriel develop -
Ment never before. Each of the
Provinces has large stores of raw
material, eapable of being turned in
Yet, when he returned to South pull down your sidle, This d-.
-Africaato praetise as an -advocate. in -i cigar iseout avail; pardon „ie. end
Johannesburg, it can hardlY be e$Pd i furthermore, where was I? Niee bob
that he did so. Strange, and still, you hare. •
come to think of it again, not se paragraph,
strange, Arnold Duerden did have a I
defect His brains were not very •
The soap vou sent us 'wasn't fie to
, .4 ft , watth the dishes. im make that doge
Years. The deceased worried had Ezea Bremer. He was the son of- " • I with comma, let alone the laundry
been in failieg health for .sonie the late Jacola Brenner, of. Waterloo. This long quotation is given not comma, end we're seuding it back `:
only to describe a tepical South Able period. Your truly.
Mr. treener is survived by his wid-
months. She wets a devoted *neither
and a member of St. John's Anglican ow, Christina, as well as two sone, cant u o show tne Author's clear. I Read that over, no, never mind,
Ezra and Maurice, bdth of Gratin cut style -her telling strokes and the won't Waste any more time on that
church and a most patient sufferer. Bend, and one daughter,' NITL J. H, wonderful result she so easily egg, look at the enebon tomor-
achieves. We . see Arnold, and
Former Mitchell 'Man Receives Minima of Alberta. The funeral
de to give tyou satisfaetion. - • -
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted.
none iI9.
Auctioneer• Eldon St God et te •
woo held on Tuesday, with serriee‘nt threugh him see a -whole type. rk
will conduct and arrange any sale on
the btest methods to get best results.
See him, or drop a card and he will
give it immediate attention. Farm
Sales a speelalty,
General Conveyancing done
Geoti Companies Represented
Phone No. 2911. •GoderIch, Ont.
- •
Value of oroneriv insured up to Jan-
uary 1919. er3,048, 97540.
• Gunanlitee-Jarries Connolly. Pres: -
dent, emierhth t Jas. ',irons. Viceelerest.
dent, Beechwood; E. Hays, Sete
Treas.. Sisaforth.
F engirt:got Sea -
forth; J. Ca Grieve, Winthrop;
Wien, Com:tante; Oem•ge MeCartreiv,
Tooltersmith; John Feeris, Inaba;
John Bennewlse, Broadhagent Murray
Gibson. Brueetleld,
AGENT:a-I. W, Yee, CiOderiell,; Sandy
Leitch, elinton ; Wm. Chesney, Sea-
fdrth• R. Rinehley geaforti
• policyholder& ean pay • their assess-
ments at (livin Cutt'a store, Ooderich;
A..1. Moorish's Clothing store, Clinton;
or J. II. Reid's, Bee:field.
:en= ---eneeengn
Have it attended to by the
roggist 'Tells
two o'clock at the United church. It is a hook `of lonely peoplae-the •
• . Thomas 11 i-. tvf Mita:elk:has Rev. iMr. Coiling officiated and inter. old Jew in his E W T Ed
little shop, weere tne
received a promotion in the banking ment was -et the Grand Bend °eBibles were kept next to the patent• asyL. av o
bueiness. For some years he had teree, medicines, "on pierpose?a askett Sant.
Deatit of Dr. • Bela Formerly of "Yen . mean the Bible is, a patent Bladder. Wea" kness
been manager of the Bank of 'Mon.
trod at Nobletoe, Alta., and he has
been transferred' to Calgary, where
lie is now the manager of one,of the
breeches of that bank. Toni is a eon
of Mr ta G. Matheson of Mitchell,
and a native of the town.
A Silver Wedding
On Saturday. Oct. 13th. the Rev,
3. E. and Mrs. Hogg. of Clinton, eel-
ebrated the twenty-fifth anniverearY
of their wedding, when the occasion
was marked by 4 number of congra-
tulatory inessagee• and gifts from
friends. The Wesley -Willis congre-
gation seat as its offering' a hand-
some silver platter of the old tree de-
sign ad twenty-five roses, meow
Hensel' •
The funeral was held from the believe in, the Bible, SeuL 1 hitwe 'Pleasant, InexPensiee Hem e Treate
not found more senee 1111 anY °tiler ' :tient Quickly' Relieves Daily
!ninny resiaeneee -dement 4ocorooY book except Shakespeare," is alwasts Irritotion and Gettingeup-Nights
medne or e sou no, no. I
arterileell et -1-)r*I)aillei .13", Nvilo was hoping far a companioliship-withelus -.
elide, on TueedaY
found dead in his motor carin tlint, .on that .he never achieves. Hermia, NO matter what your age may be,
non at glint, witere Air. Bell had band and child by her writing and
last. Investiga.
!how long you have been troubled or
the energetic wife who eupports hue-
pet:defaced for years, led to the conclu- how many medicines you have tried
singing, and yet has. no spiritual
teem thee nis death was due to 4 Without success -if you are a victim
comradeship walk either of them. I
heart attack. lie had complained of of Bladder Weakness and Urethral
Tetyana, the waive doctor, was the
not feelnig well and his secretary, loneliest man in Gide= H .0 Irritation, causing days of trouble.
Miss Runlet loung, Informed tne "--e waS°'• some annoyance and nights of broken
ponce That tne doctor had Animated middle height, brown rather than rot -you should try the amazing va-
black. with hair brushed until his na
on hate aay of ins eieath that he was -. hie of nr. ,&.outinvortles TaRATABS
Weal pepper -corns were straightenea
going to oonsult with Dr. M. S. Chal-
mers, of that city. Dr. Chalmers from a special formula. sur-
a massed wooly smoothness. He 1 at3oinadcee
stated that he had advised Dr. Bell to was a Basuto. He belonged, that ht cesefully used in the Doctor's private
to a nation not as aristocratic as the
take a rot, Interment was in the practice for nearly •50
Zulus, but but with amore brains." /
him we see the tragedy of education
-II I TABS are particularly designed to
swiftly relieve the paIn and misery
for the native. "In South Africa a of burning Urethral Irritetions.
Kaffir was simply a Kaffir. And that Backaches, Bladder Weakness and
he was a doctor on top of it made Getting -up -Nights. Saf9, Pleasant,
him ludicrous even to the poor in i d
family plot in the Herteall 'Union
partied by congratulations and good -cemetery and the /littoral service was
wishes. eondueted iby Rev. Mr. Sinclair, of
Douglas -Malmo the United enurchelfensell. Dr. Bell
Was born on a Utah near Reused and
A -quiet -wedding was solemnized at ,graduated from the Detreit College
Trinity church, Boston, when Miss • of Medicine in 1902 and went to Flint
Olive Munroe, R.N., daughter of IV. 19 Years ago, after having been for
and Men. Geo. Munroe of Stratford, some dine at McBride, Mich. Ills
became the •bricie of dr. Tt. C. Doug. erife died some years ago. Sburrovtihtte.
lan, of Lucknow. 'The bride was giv- jeig ait,st.h"eu 45ters Mitt tviti •
en in marriage by Mr. William Car- H gh Alawen and Alm
rick a 'baton, great unelo of the Jessie Beni Hensall; Mrs. E. A. Doan,
Morrin Alta • William Bell C F R
Established 1878
Head nelee: Dunganuoa, Ont.
Wm. .1. Thompson. Auburn, Pres.;
Wm. Watson. Vice Pres.; James Dite
yin, Ron. Terence; Direetore-Wm.
Itteleullian, St.' Miens; W. P. Reed,
R. R. No, 2, Lueenow: Harry L. Sale
add, node -Kell; Alen Nichnteen, Luck -
now; Tim oriel% R. R. No. Lneknowi
itpwitt. Kineardine; Robt. David-
son, Dun:tat:nom
Rate-ee2.0e per thoueitide
Treae. •
. -eon-a _
BrOphep .BrOS6
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
also Ambulance Service
Ordere carefully attendea to
at all heurs-night or day. We
are the inepeetors of anatonty in
and for the County of Huron,
Phones: Stere 120; Residence
J'. ft. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Goderich, Ontario
ca!!'s prewar git•Or-3 to
clay or t, 3
tilrle!,' eters• oine 33AW
whites . . to Rallies he was no
good druggists on a• guarantee of
supplieu by
longer quite as they were, and,
tainly, to himself, he was no longer nmeoendcyltbatneekdiiefinneotofsattihsifinedianldf, you
quite o they were." •URATABS today !
And Saul -Saul gives his life in •
the fight the LoYites wage to main -
thin their right to await the coming
of the Lord.
The curtain falls on this marvel -
groom, and was attended by her eau- agent, McLean, Sask., and Dr. James loua portrayal of South African life
sin, Miss Audrey Yeandle. of Boston. IV. Bell, Hatgisburg, Pa. with the two old men -German and
Mr. and Mae Doughte will reside in
New Yorlo
Mrs. John Heard ?ass Away
The death occurred, at Clinton Sun-
day, Oet. 14th, at the home of her
sons .T. L. Heard, of Jane Edmundson
Eagleson, widOvt of John Heard. of
Stanley township. The deceased
vetiman who was born in .1881 near
the village of Moorefield, -Counter
Antiira, Ireland, came to this coun-
try with her parents, the late Mr.
and Ares. Wm. Eagleson, 'who settled
in Stanley township in 1803. In 1891
she was married to john Heard.
Pour sons were born eo them, 'Em.
:meson and Neleon of Stanley tele;
3. Leonard of Clinton, and Minion, of
Engagemeets Announced
Reverend arid Walter W. eirylie,
Aliso Ceetig, formerly of Clinton, an-
notnice the engagement of their tee.
end daughter, Janet Wilton to Mr.
Herbs, all Herbs,
Gallagher's Keeps
You Wonderfully
Jew -again playing chos. This book
A GREAT PUZZLE • is published by the Macmillan Co.
. TO CAREFUL PARENTS Ltd' Ptlee $i`430e,
• One of the greatest puzzles to the
careful parent is to know just what r. eDid it ever hour to you that the
medicine to give the little °ben' effective missionary is one* who is
. Wheel the child falls .ill with griPing prepared to take ()tains coat, roll up
Pains; in wined ivith eeld ex' it'verr, re" his aleeyee• and get down ta hard,
fuses food or vomits what he has =
tolten, evhen he criet3 a great &eland
cannot get the sleep so necessary to
- the grotving child,.the parent is in a
quandary. 'What is to be done ea •
such occasions? An often as not -
• there is not it nuitable niedleine. in
the home._ The puzzle _is what to
_give him to eet hirn right quickly.
• It is to meet emit emergencies that :
-Baby's Own Tablets were deoigned. •
These pleanant little Tablets quickie !
reduce fever, break up colds, relieve
constipation and indigestion end
teething Pains. They quiet the 1
• nerves and .prornote restful health- -
restoring Meop.• They are guarani.
teed abeolutely Imeraleca and cafe foe
' even the ;youngest and moat delicate
Oen; Tablets nee cold
; medicine &elm or by mail at 25
; cente it TLTIN from irk Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
.' Darling: "Mamma, I Lave a cue.
_o_tprise foe you."
Mother: "Yee, Cie:ding, e what io
. . •
1 Darlitin: "I've swalioweil nal"
rake it. " heifer. Sleep;
work* play better,.
. Mother Natured 'own geed heels, rich
in heath -eking newer. theee AM what
renke Gallaglienee Toole and fleetern
Buildcreeetenet itigellywaikewoneltea
fen:andel whohreeointipetni, ritrielowft, .
ttervette, folk; eith!i ham Ain dieelort
Ewen etke1 i--. F'!% yicals to it.,
Try A le:trite Tt keep nee Oise ef
tett weetletr net Milor ,
bather Iferbailleseetend Remedies ern,
by •00 se
Campbell's Drag Sten, Goiletia.
Wore: Powelege act go
thenotteridy that etoseachie aod iv:-
teeth:at WO11115,,par....o fret: tine child
without being noticed and without an.
coevenieace to no Raltrer. 'thee
nee painleee tend yr:erect at-tien,
and a all titte3 be fofind a heel.,
thy reedit:iota etweetatning the On
fenitilo etentaela atel tetaintninieur
to vigeroal efeeeatenn, ED thAt bee 1
betOng op temiftpte.„,
taot.i arr t•Fint'A h•reitit.,g1A,inw 0
then' citeaff.,
• suffered years of agony.
through blind itching Nino,
say..1 Mrs. W. Hughes, of
f strengthi
complete initety, Wan My
' daily la until I came atrieNd
ZanW3uk. I know now that
there is nothing. on earth
to equal this grand herbal
healer. Since it lifted me
from suisery my earnest with
is to make Zarn•Buk known
to all mil/crew." rcx,
Nave* Pain Ms Magla I
111.4 /141..g S
trocRogAt 1'.41.1ti . •
WO Mtn
HEY LISTEN/ voutl. Es*
Solid comfort
AiIappinees and wartilth ,
, A .sena0 of well-being caticcd by a
anod dinner, it mellow cigar and it
homeonade comfortable by the
i 1feet Folks.
• Delet tool ally ef thence Lappy evua.
inag. rApri,t ( around elieee
lese bouee during tile 'fleet cola
dayo, when. it little fee:glow:It
ilete insure comfort kitz
For Good C103.1: Coal
Phone 98 Goderieh
and r -capital
and enterprise going to take a lead-
ing part in industrial development in
the West? Eastern Canaehen busi-
ness men should be fully alive to tha
situation and prepare to take part in
the expansion that must come in tho
West in the very near future.
. First Mother: "Did your boy win
many prizes at college?"
Second Mother (proudly): "He
wee presented with bath fdwels br
forty different hotels,"
Mistress: "Let me What'a
your name?" et•
New Help; "Minnie. mettle."
Mistress: "Well, Miltilinam, if
you'll only do- the maximuntlot work
we'll get along nicelYe" •
"My• dog is like one of tholfainfleau.
"Which one of to famify' is he
it on the
:_ifor your
iv- and
the best Peppermint it
Chewing Sweet for
any money ex up
NATIONAL Oft0C11/113 C-0,40041' LIMITICP
0..+13,13101.04 0 51
, mums VUE Ammon cONDiTioril pRouEdir tlY THE PRESENcri WOrd1113
, • 7.4
.Where Qualit9 Counts" .
the iffeliowe'en Ark&
Pumpkin for Pies, Hallowe'en Candiee and Applen
In fart, evenithing that goo to make a glorious Hal-
rowene for the kiddiereesucli was our thought when pre.
paring fhb list'of timely euggotione specially oriced for
, the occasion.
• New Season's
Watnuts tsoo -
00111110 NU EV
Almonds a lb. asi
6 tor 1,2$6
peanuts • lb. 0
Vhcoq Brazil Nuts Iliae 270 1
Our Own
nahorj) Products
dolly Rolls ri 1Se
Madeira Cattere go
Cherry Cake 1b. esti
(44:ctr,,, acx44. Our 0144,
n A/ sins naker.v Prcdoets
tab lbs.06-016 TASTY 24.oz. dik
tor A30. DREAD Loat
WNW BREAD 0 3140
Glass thanks lb.490 DOMINO
isetteditatsitookcs,s HAKiNG
BaysIde Penehus POWDICR
; 16.ogi
Tin A
AW- This As
Finest -
Comidlan '
rer 25eib.
Jelly Deans lb. Z3
Gum Drops lb. 2•36
notelet: Alleerte
Ile, aSa
Cnocelete Deello
P 41c
10 non 39e
P e
4 ger 250
Chrlstles 11 or
Assoited male 230
atscurrs trE6r-'