The Goderich Star, 1928-10-25, Page 2a
CAlt Ruin:slava
ItteiVie 2! TO-Dlay - Mire Oat Te4tforrerte
*as GAhraaain .
Ultraialans. Oust °Reds" the Ring% Cup for the race around
on eeeent years the gonnenmeote Lel' ,gland, old it was also piloted by
aettvitiee of tlm repreeentativee a CePtalu 44Hs. l-4 wite71, lal act up
eetet, leuesia ;taw been eetaewbet ,Itaa altittele recent for tiglit planes
turbed in Canada, Great Itritair, of W1000 feet.
Fsance awl Italy, and now the New EoMe for the "League"
Ukrainian peasants have had ' After years. of delay -of political,
enough ef them ewid- have revelted erehnical ond eentimental eharacter
. against the BoIsinvist authorities -the League of Nations i$ on the
-at Zaterki and Otte. According to eve of obtaining ite oWn palace.
a wow. evhich omes from Chimney, averecotibte the: lent obstacle, which
R0111nani2, a.110111 bialds,of peapuets would have involved the dispose'.
eeized the municipal but/dings at Z. sing of an old lady from the home of
terki and Orte and when troops were her childhood, the assembly earamit.
eent egoinst Mem the. seliliere were ,ttee *nil the Swies tGovernmen't in
41riven oft Some versions of the conjunction with ,various architects.
trouble stated that hundreds 'were engineetne and Swiss and federel and
killed or wounded in the engagement. vanttmal ellivials, liave linalty agreed
Heavy reittforcement$ oye on the way upon the beoutiful park Artana as a
to the eon° of the tiptoeing, and it ts telltale eite ancl in a comparattvely
eat(' tbat the Sovioe GoVernmeat in. short time Ole foundation work of WhOn D. G. Mackenzie of Brandon,
tends to crush the movement with The new teatroze.aeoenibly bell ante Manitoba, 'i 111 be rs'11tOrn in au Min-
- ovembelming force. • secretarial will be =dor way. ister of Natural Resources in the
. r. Mackenzie
'rraila.lttlantio Plied Pails New Pulp Mill for Maritimes Manitoba Cabinet1100 repe00ente4 the wMMackeT
est on the ar_
Another -trans-Atlantic flight xaso ' - international Paper Company it Deem-olute veal%
tery ie likely to retnnin InlealYed want imve ileehled to proceed with con. • --
the dieappearance of lieutenant 'truction of another pulp 111111 in IkTeat '"" —
Commtuid r il C. biacDonald, .11,t. Brun via, the iw lard t b , eh" , Sport in General .
bah aviator end mitigator, who hop- ground wood „mill which will be lo- The (locoing University rugby
ped off from 'Newfoundland in. alight cated at St. Leoraird, on the Caratlian squad managed ko steal a march on
Moth plane, in an endeavor 0 fly side of the Saint dean river, opposite McGill University at Montreal, and
across the broad Atiantle °coo to Van Bum, Maine. From this - new won by the .-core of four points to
England. Commander ilacDonaldtb plant the Interoatiouel Paper gem. two. It was a very disappointing
plane was a naldget in comPalisore any Will follmv the ohm inaugurate , game, which did not hold to the
with the machine used ' hy 'Colonel eti by the VranOr Companies Litnited. standard of Senior Canadian Emote
Lindbeeteln and his attempt note look- at Pahranolstort and °obottt" the -pulp The Argonant Setiller$ battered
ed anon Its 411 set of suicide by Brie outout across the Saint John river their Ottawa rivets into subjection
t to gain a. decisive victory. The sore
. was 20 to J. •
..alre. L. A. Godfree, former British
lawn' tennis champion, and for a Year
ebeddere a she wood's title, seaged a
steel -no etimchaek last week when 1.te
won the BrInsh Covered Courts, Title
feteneetceet tetpteo pteet-otee Ifteted the Tmeett2e ettairtee the
reeeth ciente ca Jape*, tt tpeoo beet rtewmrs The amction toe
ceet; to:teethe note: MEaitici-. ilk. mud, veae a chetat _erettle
tee, teeto a., neett•e, , tow wereif:port- qc;',,, a (valour*. teef.fyiner et/ tile an,
c1 igtun* the nett-mye*tuycckoteritesit cezge ,
eon* tei;icet wee only etegOely demote= 'ci.)4-,-,2g tuck., Ile tweeted tbat: tee
ed ley the cOotiete, ecateietti free:, day would matk le ttegetrleg eft .
fOL' the Jj f3-.7 era ef ereeneetty ine: the Tenet
I -Arend for Canadien (*flare:et
Tazo LA-Civt:-;ce fif New Deuesevtere
Factoriei en the Prair2e
* Evattextes ere beGteniogto de:
1"rtto 13aene l'utetide Pe"4" Ilcstv41-t 4-73nadlat
ePPA:cat'.203 tins 57cara expooteci to 71:1:0 LhCI i3 °ff
17,:IIU Co approximately 13,60ORtia fte''ee.oa,l'ae°932,P letv-313,ti.3
einnatroesetreez. the Greatest num > "ent-etnoe flAnnutO.-,a,
,itett cwt. stityltett forti ttat pro41520 wan and Alberta. la thee° peovincee
,Eteon07-3 the boundary* acconling to of»
ticiatsc transpertation eccortanzes
who have heeo in New Brunswielt aro
;ranch* for shipmenta wiztelt are ex.
uttualty regarded as prely age -zeal. ,ri
turale there are now te2,10 lactoriee
sulfa on invested capital a $2ftd,F57.- ,
270. • The emptoyeee eon -titer t10.43in 1
,ecetcd to etaet ?flout November lotto the eunuai w4ge bin Is $4%1119$91 .
I Aithougit the s?ascirt ic.,, and the valve of menufactereti pro- ,
dads $101262,1S1.
itwo months or so away, eutting op -
i orattons are already going on tn sew- Iprovinces in the volume of its menu. I
Manieeba !Pada tilt° tItree weir:0 ,
[oral yerts a Nov Brunswick, lecturirg industry, with an amend
A vacancy will occur on the Federal
Advisory Tariff and Taxation Board
tide aide's, Tim Moth machine vrag. to Van Buren, where it will The used
Ithe one used bet Oeptain Hope to win for the manufacture of *heavy bag pa
Per Or eon*similar specialty'.
ifiags and Princes Pay Tribute
nlournessi, The firtal'teremoniree irotheendshty
Pain and Bloating at the burial of the tate Dowager.
Oloskide Cathedral at GoPenhagen
xtEentsgdestimouoingitts nattotertiounione: tblite doenfaelatrionugndb.fireaEnittleoernotten, nFertatnt
Follow Even,.MAJ
........e..... its well as inany minces ne the veto. eantured the men's singles title from
M, ake This Simple Test for Switiaml lolls European naThe Duke 44
York represented Ring George attite
Suee Relief .
burial servIce.
Ito ogickly prove 00 per tent of '1,0tolott and Can:titan Pinalit-CS
. tlle British Veteran G. R. Croles-
Bees. .
Etomae elistrees is absolutely e1111:complete. reversion of financial :tem.
neonatal and that Yeti eau eat and don's attitude toward Canada. has
enjoy most anY food you reall3r went taken piece fin the past bur year*,
...get from Your druggiet some As- aecording' to J. liorneePayne, son
.. prated Mooned* (powder or tableta) of the former President of the Brie
and tart a little ttfte, Your neat tish Columbia Mettle Railway -COM.
• "%teat fa a alanda' iaaaPan417a narn4 and member Of a „well known.
test that van be depended eupon to firm on the London Stock Excbanget
prove its value in less than 'live min. eer„ geene.payne *reeved in wancon..
idea. In eitoet instanees, relief cantos ver recently for a visit, accompanied
InOtalltbr by Ids wife. "The attitude of British
Bisureted Magnesia is a pleasant, iinallte toward Canadian investments
karmic% • *on -laxative form of old has changed gradually in the past
fashioned Magnegia that, when taken three years --I might say it has: been
.after -meals, cleanses, sweetens and reversed in the past loth, years," Mr.
metetralitee the dengerons acids that Iforne-Payne declare&
.eautte retest etortmen troublen. One eapeneee Teem:toyer sone
Oars trial wall convince you-osh
/war druggist ifor Bisurated brag. When two '.t el* of the Japanese
Meta today. Navy met head-on while engaged 111
nree..• .oeteeeeee'e.teetteleen. t •
' ••
Icutout of,t132,718,4;32, Alberta lel-
lows with s3.42,4.031.• and Saskat-
chewan is third wit S47,108,097.
Oil in jemes Bey •
According to D. IV. S. Dyori Pro.
-vincial flealogist -for Oroarao, .who
boa :pat returned from late tiord
survey of the mineral resources of
the dames Bay elepe, there is no ma-
son why oil ehould not be found in
the geological formations of the
Moose River basin. Large flows, he
stated, could not be..expeOted, hut the
well& being sbellow. would not ne
very expensive to drill
Britain Sutlers io Storm
A furious storm raged over the
.Britisb. Isles on Saturday and Sunday
and much property damage wee done
by the gale, which reached a velocity
of nearly a hundred miles per hour in
parts of Ireland. In London a sixty -
mile wind tore the roofs off buildings
att if they were made of paper, and
the telegraphic service , was some-
what disrupted. Ireland was practi-
cally isolated and communications
were only partially established with
the northern parts of England, while
large areas in the north were inun-
dated by the heavy rain. At Doug-
las, in the kle of Man, situated in the
Irish Sea, the war memorial erected
on the headland, was 'completely de-
etroyed by the wind.
Another Accnient at Welland
A bad landslide at the Welland
Canal near Thorold resulted in the
deaths of two evotknaen and injury
of five others on Sunday. The slide
occurred near the Ontario Paper Mill
and the tons of heavy blue clay which
plunged from a peine near the top el
the 90-fttot canal tank swept toward
a group of ten ,workmen engaged in
lasing a temporary track for a tram-
way at tbe bOttom of the new canal
channel. Three mem managed to
escape the avalanche and were only
slightly injured by flying clode. The
other seven were. ought between the
bank and two dump care and precti.
oily. buried.-
A signature to a cheek has been
sent by radio. Theworst of it is,
Di an exliibition in -
Toronto, "no "no f n3d " ean also be sent by the
'Ravi :RozeTutt, prolessienal tennis same Precess• '
;- - -
champion of the world, who bane .. --e- :° sound really travels
'from Cheekoslovaltia. defeated Vin. If a ram
cent 'Richards, United States star, in time around the. world in a oeeond
three eereight lets. . I it doesn't make much difference if
The long teelayed marathon race You don't to each it the firot
betwedn El Otzafi, who won the O1yin. time.
plc Marathon for France this year, ' - o «-
and Joie Ray, ef the United States, trao cilia advantage of a sermon
took place over the eveek.end, when by radio is that You can turn a little
the Algerian runner won the 'twenty. dial and aiedd feeling self-conscious
Nod Trento
TlittitSPAY* OCT. etth, lots
I ile...~......01,11111Mr''"'"1.11:111011"'10111216.- - ;0111:1101
Ira Nor Illidloys , .
I I Coats that have the Pep
• Suits with Style and Snap tip
Book sod Novi Acker.
in ENVUOIling in Mest's Sneer Wear in HariTored and Special i
Ms3, IL Bentaminem, Otto, lila , e•
writeet--44,9ntetny after tic birth et aide's
xmy little 01 I teek wee ettle. *el via A SPECIAL CLEARING IN ?,N'S SHIRTS
ia bed. meet ef tne thee. I lad beck- :
atiane htodatima, and was all mu Regular $2, 3. and $4, at $1.49, while they kat.
done wed I tad mottle wah nwe Come early and get the best choice
kith/4a I Weal ell kie of melicitte,t .
but nottaeg„ waa atie to wave me. 9
As I have eagnt eleettroa, end toy HAS* B LACK
bud was. away at. tne tiree A seat for ; e
brought sae Eve bcmes -of Dcantsi I I THE SQUARE ''''-' Phone 219 --*. GAPERICH
tau to romo 11=2e, and when Le dia be '
Malley Inlite After I had Valehed ' "VV E I. E A D"
theta I felt so melt 'better I wee 01=04-
a able to look otter my family I •
wee eeetettrel...2k„,; 4sice rez a tQa tatpejloNixtteist ass! boost thy intereets of lott as a complimeut, that we nen •
:uterine up to has been ene
at all druggids or ttetteitnewe oll ehormette-settebeethe reed to us. Let ua getioore wom.
.--aicalere, or neira -,Ufairtaeit el the Westfield Auxiliary en as members, let us get out ou our
an So wtth the Aubura Band guar- own street and do our beat
' direct oa teceipt of tette, whom we all adneired. . 1 au conference was broil. ght in a
prio by the T. aLl. - Miss Rennie. nur Dominion branch close by the singing of one veroe of
bun ea., Limitea, ,president, gave a most inspiring ad- that tonseeration hymn, "Take my
the subject tif the Woinen's 3fission--. to Thee."
---7 _ \-,- •- ant Socdety 'it's Caltiurd emiasnsdneitne), 1 praNyiesrs Rennie offered the cloeing
-- for we can .do enr best work ne a
W. M. S. CONFERENCE ' el -Ted*" "We invite,
nze, "ad -women into our )atembersbip '
Press Secretary's Report of PresbY* great fellowship of women."
nodal MeetiantgAoutiyartnanited Cilltreh , tusBfsrese. Rpieestueoe rtetsf HoofoetA Chiednueca„troandew
• e ------ work, of the hospital 'work and of
The W. M. S. Confereitce (west the evangenetic work of which she
section) of Omen Presbyterial So- Was apecmily interested., She , has
dety of the United Church of -Canada been nearly twenty.fiee years in
Aube China and hopes if she lives to be an
Ivurati, hoertidWinednillsettlaytiteOde te.111u7rtehh: INS. old lady she may serve all the Vara
31-rwiTtehh. eaAUrnvderZwintIga2seeGsaetistuoedurileellwhetoesPreops leant 1 erAinAtreauseitnivge nantidanesrpilrviansg aaddtrlevsot
Pres Out, in China. We will not soon forget
by the resident, . toria street chunk. This play was
tr singi g the Doxology and prayer part ploy given by the ladies of Vice _e_
:The ledies from the 'Queen stre,en token front the Missionary Monthly
votionai exerciee$, after which Rev.
church, , Blyth, took ch_arge of the
inetrattiVe, enlightening and _come
de- and we must admit that it is a Moat
Mw. Alp, of Auburn, welcomed the lee prom:wive ntatommet
vorwitgi oat • , drese. She based her remarks. etritelfe,nme jet itebe Consecrated Lord,
A reputation of over thirty
Years is at stake every time a
Package of Red Rose Orange
Pekoe Tea is sold. So highly
is this reputation prized that
tho trlakerie have authorized
your grocer to roplaco any
package free of charge that
does not satisfy you in every
particular. •0-s
dies and hoped onerYane would feet
at home and that all would accept closing address said that the W.M.S.
Mrs. J. E. lion; of Clinton, in the
the .kind hospitolity of the Auburn was the hergest organization of
ledies. He prayed that there would Woolen in tie world and the most in-
to a good meeting and that our vis. spirational. She said. °What a large •
ion would be broadened, our enthu- field eve have; The World for Christ:
siasm quickened. , qlow strong we are" -Not by might
- tidre. Melfenzie, of Batedeld, repliee. tor by power but by thy spirit, saith
in a few suitable words. the Lora; mad -what a c00.0nod
Mrs. liarria was appointed seem- Whatsoever He euith unto You do
tory of the meeting. An 'finance and Concerning our allocation; she cop.
resolution and ourtesy committee
were also appointed. united, do not consider it like a burn,
Of the sixteert . auxiliariee of' the
wet' section there were very encour-
aging reports from fourteen.
The Auxiliaries replied to the roll
call with reports that made everyone
feel that the individual -wee enclettvo
rin t e sure u to what God
• wants of each: So many auxiliaries
- were trying to get each Woman in the
chterch, n member of the Wit X. S -
the Monthly envelope for wherever it
had been tried ° it had peoved most "
sAunecotleisesiraaiM was the introduction. of
Several reports stated that our '
woraen remembered our missionariett
in prayer both at home and in foreign
'fields. It - made our hearts glad to
six rue Stag4(1 in /irons"' Got whendhe collection. is announced.
dens. 'Inter )vas second, three laps ,
behind, and Arthur Newton of Great In the way of loud. speakers 'aue-
Beaton yeas third,
Xi Open tions have it all Over actions.
ng a New nridge - 0 .......-
While efliclathig at the openirik of Most mato sets ramble a careful ---- ----
the new bridge between Newcaetld engineer. They whistle at every sta.
and Gateabead, His Majesty the King tion and 'crossing,
referred to his grief over the grave ... 0 ..., . l
industrial depression width has af- se you're moving to Florida?
........o...-..... yee, joint swore he'd get Cuba on
receive such bright revolts, from C.
G. organizations and bands.
After singing a hymn .and prayer the
morning session closed.
During the noon -hour a most sump-
tuous lunch was served by the ladies
of the -Auburn chord'. It will be
long remembered.
The afternoon session was opened
by the Rolmesville Auxiliary taking
charge of the. devotional exercises.
Mrs. Gardiner gave a promising
'financial report. Mrs. Lundy im-
pressed us with the thought of being
faithful individually and 'Mies Lawr-
once hoped that each trtrxIliary veould
see that each had a press secretary
Come In—See 4nd Hear
The New Kolster
AU -Eric Radio
The new Mater Allitlectric establishes a new
mark in radio value. You realize its superiority
• of performance and *plot trance immediately. e
Come in and hear the '<Olsten Novo its value
for yourself.
$00111 %TAM C411101011. — TIMONE
"4411 that you aeek in Radio"
•the radid or intaw the reason .why.
Radio might be all nheld, but the
average woman would rather listen
In, on a party telephone line.
e -
A venerable old Scot zeurchased a
little radio setand a few days later -
his friends asked hint how he Iiked it-
"Welt, it's aw richt to listen to,"
be yenned, °but those *bulbs are nae
so gud to read by." e ••
- 0-
Ity the time one hag kept a receiv-
ing set hi repair for a year or two,
radio lose something, of its mystery,
Nothing is obtained without a lot
of trouble, except a lot of trouble.
- 0-
A inan has less coueage than a
woman. Try to imagine orte with 1Z
cents In his poeket when trying tnt
seven suits of elothes. •
- ...... 041- '
Lientitt.--Notv, rat not going to '
hurt you, so just -
New Patient --Cut ant tbe prolog- -
done' ebatter, old num. I'M a den.
ttst naySelf.,.-
Sylvia -All my al -Mestere were
,litek-Then' you tome from prefer.
red stock.
Let "us endeavor to live to that -.
when we earn.° to die even the under. :-
taker will 1* eorro.
DMA ete.k a lreyoateold girl tebat o
she i; giggling About, for she &men%
know. She ie giggling becattee 'she • !
1 is 15 . nave old, end I don't blame
' lter. If / was 13 Iear b old I'd laugh , - '
lent loud.
%o old man it the head -of the
family and he's tho one that gets the
ee, 0 tee
- Teller -I Canna (ah thig cheekei, '
wedeln, unlems I knew who you are. - '
ottSethent ttutteetugraltotyvtilVtairyolt, ay, wf,rtotelnldtett't
i 'Tyson Who deeen't know who I am.
I Aek nut antillen Why i'3 a bullet :
'!Iaterallttluit oc11
Y crtal.1711
in ont,
"Ihete." eetlaiteetlttet etoiely edit •••
, 4 o,' with satiNifsetion a,ii,h,A iont4leri
0, couple eel" new+ plzratee. "That
„ trivet a Pelt* i 'tete& eet toot! item
the *Oneir• of 0 teetedat
Isteno.olitsmelossoo 1st Ithboat 4.1revrett;roedi s:ronitijoh,, 1
*Ur t , -;- - i..4- ..','... _, .4 '
atorkePIVAIT's MUM* ODOIrnaieV
•PAW Pood Coorepoxyreatkemet.lisilla
J21 niff...4,4,7‘.....usbat
his wittier
UNNY land of
fruitand flowers,'
" where living is a joy
the whole year
Varietyand beauty• !.
--smooth beach es—
orange groves, pepper trees and pahns.
World cities --quiet retreats. Every sport.
•,--every day. - • - -
"California Aficl-Winter Escorted Tours -2/
• expense. On the way -Indian -detour, Grand Canyon,
Phoenix', Calif °Two and Yosemite. Rettirn through
Feather River Canyon, Royal gorge, Colorado Springs
and 'Denver. Leave Chicago Saturdays. JanttatY $-19,
February '2 16* March 246, 1929. Ask for details."
V. T. Freadrg. Den. Agent, Patna re By.:
t riot grensoortatton Didg.. Detroit, Mob.
• Phono:Itundoinh 8748
"I Advertise Regularly.
Every Issue of the Paper
• Carries My Story to Its Readers" .
TIM' STAR Coe* Into the Creed Majority of the
• Home in Giulerich and Vicinity.
The Goderiab Star
• 4