HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-18, Page 8PAGE Mitt
I Bolter kss
- • 11141110141114•11ONNO•
,- ieleney, etie. ita.;41 %5th Mio Urii nies• (' AC 11:07:3€41 ligy, tiw Call5i: Of detith
Jae eisitiinriney at lienitaneee enallbieleg cancer of ..ee liver, ller hue- I
etteiWea tile amneeisary in the ite, lease; er.ileotallnil bee fourteen years : Now is the time ta hay*
It. •:t ,,icatee thEre, ago, fiflO Wiii in her Onth year and •
- Nit'. Qful Mee IS MS Lean,' of leeves to reuurn her lees four eonl. j
em I Kee, ane se is -e mety cunnings , MilfileT60/1, and Neleine of Stanley Sewing Machine
hi,., .f Port Aibert, and Meape
. twie; „Leeeeerci, of Clinton? and Nib- I
filre, Nelson Graham and family, of ; a.'no *no' land with her Ot home, *Ivy- !
. , • mete Sheppardten spent Sondes,' OVERHAULED I
„,, 1 six brother,s said ene seder in
- the lienive el Mr. Roy Alten and Mr. kNoelttbliniririturnb!'n gaebno 1101)erfi IS il
R -
eurice Lane, Samuel and Edward, Parts, Oils, Bebe, Ne,eclles,
aetc, 1
„ SHEPPARDTON G. Johnston of Corinne,
else one daughter. Mary, wife of W. il
Four years of proven per. week*end wi.th her want, M. "Jarrow& t service 4,4$ taken by Rev. Mr. WW1. '
Mre, May Purdy visited aver tbe , clue on ciescae e tesnoon, De
funeral was held frem her late IRA -
Bran& Enstanee Block
1 fort -online without .Bat..- ' life. David Grew and sister, Belle. iron of Ilensall. the pallitearera being ' ..
- - .----e-_--e-_ - - , .- - sittemied ti- 1;4r aervicee in iGeerge -Ada 4TOliff eiVitle. = Samuel
mime. _. = Knox elieseb /last Sabbath. ' 1 Houston, Henry Darrow, Russel end -- - see ---•ss - -s eeese.e.-esseese— 1
' rite fuses/ of ow, late Jessie% IWie, Hearn. There was a large else) be efeeeed for
Ranging in price from
, wooraan tvol; place oil neansdae 1 atteudanee tit tbe feneral, whiiei to -
Card of ilhanks.--Mrse Elizabeth I
elm, nirs, Vim. Vromtaan.
parents, Me. 1 gether tvith the many fiowere eent„
1450.90 up.. ti Ii the .ilOille Of his
and was „showed Ole nigh esteem in which ehe i thieeirmajennederefagmtiplytittl:nleortothemliklensys!
eery largely attended, ipree nte, was beld by UltITIV friO11(18.
, expreesions of sympathy and kind-
Arniutto for a 41,euxonstr , Pars., Pastor of the Anglican church, ____. .4: _................
PORI' ALBERT ?nesse* shewfa thent during the illness
tkii intrY4ater •heline• = 'conducted Abe fanerel, Bilden //deg ,
* n.s...ag..,d_:-'-n-7-__:at church. Ile was . land subeequent death of a kind and
Mv• neX Perde IS. haying n furnace iegfeetionate bueband and father. .
7 Om 4 meniber Of the Orange Order! i instelled in his house ,fer the cold i M. R. J. wictions, who had at.
' which teen einiege of the fintere weather. .
SOla by
from the church to Port Albert cete, ' tended the teachers' convention at
• Rev. E. Hays and Rev, Allison all,
etery. The sympathy of the coms . Walkertoo, and -o.ftemvards visited
C I ° Bcok Shiro Triunity goes out to the parents in weenie% , .
10 e s tended the funeral Gf tbe Iate aryden relatives at Blyth end Dungannon,
iira et their sad loss. Among those from a returned last week to resume ins
distauce attending the funerel were ilte. lileetor tTigert. ',of Flint, is duties as teacher at . TobermorY
Ile tractor filling sane.
.. tattieg Voila and eilo idling. and
Mr. Roy Irwin la out this -s e3 with •ond Airs. Will Burrowe, •Stratford; Messrs. Walter and „Hector Tigert 'Boieevain Estee g and
. .
cuttended for last weehl
BELFAST , - Mr. and Mr. Ed. •• Dunn andedaughe apentgn" "uPln.44 werekci'llelici°F3 -Mrir.-Wigginits renutined for a visit ,
etneeeas, Riegel,. ow, eneier, ete. Mr. Tame McMilirio is erecting a bie, at Myth.
Hector Tigert Detroit, cousins of de. the place of the one loet by fire, thiS folytuedra•eadteivnegshtt4tuilirveisyistbultttedyveleite,
ceased; Mrs. MaY Purdy, Flint; Mr. summer.
Walter Tigert, Flint, Miele;
ter, `Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. fleeter
Mr. an vs. Davk, Toionto. and friends motored from Flint tk err ptal, City extive'd
...,-".........".. - ' attend the funeral Of their coesin,' den evening:. Ile reports
ere. new steel been on lis farm to take
et bis home here. with ber parents, Mr. and Me. No. '
Mr. James Davidson, wise had en.
. .
threshing are tile Order of the daY. . BAIntifsal.f • , ' : arYden Vrooeman. be booming in these, eistriets of tree. .
Mr. T. A. Cameron ;attended tbe Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wills, sif Lon. _ Nee_otti Welter Tigert and WO- teen Canada. With good trops, favor.
eonveneion. of lemon held in Term- don, epent the week -end in their cot. Jmin Dielteon Motored to Flint on nide weathet, and the threshing about
to. '' sage belle Sunder. Oct. letle the former having completed. The C. -It. Bp tram. upoii.
aft. and Wire, Waiter Alton and Allen Tye aud wife of Sarnia, nee anent the week -end under, the paten. which be travelled ran into a team
sid reef. Surd „wagon about 13 miles. east of
little son, spente Sunda afternoon visiting their friends' in the village
hear Pine River. at present. The funeral service of the lete Niampeg,„ At Oakbank, when Annie
Mr. and yes. eiasey 'Groans and . Mr-. Margaret perosan is visite Bryden Vrooman leas held in Chriet seenetby was killed and six other
tudrea, of shavoardtaa, vent ;jag hai„ sister, who. Geddes., at Nraws cburch on Saturday. Oet. /3th, and mentheert of her funk were ionised.'
Sunday with the lady's parents, Mr. learn at present. ' was largely attended be, friende•ape at a level Crossing. It. as thought her
and 'arse la. K. Alton. .
Me. Arid Mrs. George Lane spent visiting frieitdis ut
14r. and Mrs. F. .A. Edwards ale'
mtahauer aro sed to Mi. and Met2. Will Vrooman
relatives. Much riYmnethY is exptes. efaonthfeurs,edwtgrOteheo tih4ttseanta, te,9eavenermaei
'Waterloo at present.
Electrical and
Radio Supplies
Electric Electric
and ift11111Y, who are left to mourn cars - which Were anntoaelling and
Miss Izetta merner and miss Ethelwas held at 2 o'clock, within
, e nes became, detected from the woon
Jowett, of Nes Dundee, snout the torment in Port Albert 4orilotery sand ran AwaY, -
eve;,thrughter of Detroit attended th
taendwwithEtheirdparefilts here..
hem in Port Amert tinned cburch on ,narigh
Specie/ re.opcniug zervices will be I There will be a hot supper in the *es*
, .
halle ungannOn, on the evene eel ended. , 1 n in the_nyininge 4.--freeswill
funeral of the late ears.etieera nere
•, .,) - . . e Sunday, vet. 28th, at il am and 7 i mg of Fenian October 26th. under I
I The Ladies' Aid of St Andretv'e Ttie church bu d
il log has been raised, t heoirt i'i tilleTi rfeeslige:11,1htesettlit. f-'tritirt6e -ItIliti.talligeisanebielealnl!mriAssickedby .ft711;
one, to attend these ser:csv.e.19 cot 1 on Tuesday. • beautifleation are being eompleted
am. •The extensive alteratIo'ne and the auspieee of St. Pa:n4eft.:Itis:lhic.;a111, h h
'' served from 6, to 8 pan '
church, Dungannon, Supper will be '
4 lowe!en social. Full Partieular_g will stalled, eery windowe of amber eath-
United church are talkinfr of ki. Hats a fine bagement built, a fureeee ins an interesting peignoir win, be sans , sury that ell the members be prese, nil irmtatten m extended to everY-
dered, the entertainers to be nieri. eent us there is a lot of lmeiness to
zel Young, on Saturday. It is neces- elm are er ta ent .
1 Messrs. Leslk Mott and eohn whole interior upstairs and down, de. urn, and Mrs. Van 'Wyck, elocution.. (4 en party.
I Leintimee arrived home on Saturday corated. ,A, new pulpit and chair, the lite, ot Wengham, -.Addresses win he I Mee. W. Walters, Mr. john and Rev: Wir. bean Andrew, of Zionespent, a.
1 from St. Marys, rebore they he'd gift of Mr. Bennett. of Chicago, a son nenveree olr Rev. Ereieet Hayes, of R. B. Cumming gavO reports of their coPple on rldw lot week with Adele,
tb 1 —
e oss of son and brother. •The fun -failed to notice the 'train. The tor-
1 11 111 1 I I
THrlinitY. OCT. 180: 1938
SPECIAL .F0100Fatened c.tilk and. $ 1
W 1 El se • • •
• a 4 0 • mil*
Smart Hose of beautiful, clear service weight Silk and
Wool, fall shades, atmosphere, Arab, sand
- $1 .00
Sizes 8V2 to 10. Pair
Heavy fast pile, Fieneb dye. leds,
browns, black, blue, 234nch wide. Per
yard ..... 65e
Silkaline covered, double• bed size, 72
x witite cotton titled Comforters,
are well made and quilted. Price less
thnu cost Of material. Each. -$3.75
_ •
Bleached Cheese•Cloth, standard qual-
ity, uged for a hundred purposes,'soft,
even weave. Reg. ac per yard. Per ,
smelly:1G» ... . .
Extra •heavy, superior quality, un-
bleached. Sheeting), 72 inches wide')
Regulair price 55c. ....At per. yard 39e
A group fif depleted lines reduced for
rapid clearance, silk and wool mixture,
V-neck, b.utton front, pockets neatly
trimmed, •colors, rose, greens, benna,
- browns, etc. ° On sale. .....
Women's suede finished material with
shawl collar and cuffs of opossum, all
well lined and interlined. Sizes 34 to
44........ ;. 427,50
Children's sizes, to i2.4ears
Scotch 4 -ply Fingering Yarn, best
quality, in black, grey, heather, white.
-§pecial October sale, <per lb....$1.25
Extra heavy, finest quality circular
Pillow Cotton, 4 2incbes wide. Reg.
60e per yard, for.. „ 4.. „ ...45e
.Standard quality,,b,stanake Wh'ite Table Oikloth ni
1Y2 yds. wide.. Very sps?cial. On sale, per yd..)7C
be given later. Wind glass Put in the church, and the Harvey MeGee, comedian of Anise .transact in Preparmg for the Hallow- IVIAPEAING
spent the Peat two Menthe working •of the congeegatiene Andel new ear. Durham. eind Rev. (Captain) siv, impressione while attending, the ing ftienits. 4
uNakail. 'math the. hydro gen • . pet for the platform the gift o Mrs Allie(in, 44noir.9r, formes. rec rs Larinaten Missionary Conference in ive s e, f sa lie en n
"WISItC1 114011111-0 fThern be no tVices in St,' An., Cunningbarne a ardent esenebel,--nit; of the Pelson of Dungannon t:nd Maseey ROL 'Toronto, .a week ago' on -the teek,einci el:itft.ebevi frie'e-14 t
nd, istg
;drew's 'United ehurcli Imre on Sun- being Put in Place arid nil will'he de. Port Alberti, ale* bY the local 'clergy. , Sundae. All three emphasized tbe Grace mane, .
services being held in Grace Unite chairman alinten PreebYterYs COMO, and enjoy youtselves. Adues- mission work of the church. in Places the week.end with his friend, Riche,
174.4 tio prompt solicit daY next, owing to the -waivers% dicated atetlue morning service bY the This is alwala a popular event. great need of money to carry on the SidneY Erowo. ries laricknow, spent
We 114a0DONALE). thakof Reynold thtirch..will take ,aeother Wen .nnd, favotable known :Seater AT tee pleneers of Ashseia Mr. end Kr& J., C. Stothere and
Tuna., Petfeles Milt on 'that day. pr. 13arribY. M the creating servide eione-Adulte, 60e. Children 25e, Where new ehurehes have teen built. aed Repaseiere,
At Orate nnrOter. Rev. W. De McDonald of Passed awaY on .1hursday in the GODERICH TOVVN$IIIP family of London nt k
liteltatirtla flotett '1 I charge et the Silting
i ehurch for the morn g rind evening ondv Ile, will' pre eh. The e ion tiOrR ce .1 tAn , at t a aneed .
The- ou eo Ws inciet of nin- d with Mr . W . t as a Mr.
.-antes ..._ e ii lay Y
aiii.‘.1 t servieos. _ ,- elloir of Nile Leebunt and Port Al-. .mae- of nunost"ss years. Jam ciente ty 7 ng P if II hold Y. 4 tied bles. ld, Herten. i
• 1 lot one of our most esteemed rem. render special il ..sefeetions. e- On. the Eunougn, evsimee .tie was paying . farin'for term ',of y; tc..'• Mr. Fred'
l'in the cleft& on Fritter" evening
Monger night xeneWalg., Wu:gal sups Ylalt a; the Minti ot nis nephew': I Next SandaY. October a/st, evening. Mi.
eohnetesea De rs?nee,a"and hitentls '
in tbe pereon of Mrs. Jennie
r,er and 'coneert wit!, be given, witb to.aieounenane.- .0.6 is aurvived by 44 SagrAntent• of the Lord's Supper win
Dear& 'Deccan° had 'been in Pc" ellarge of the ' progrem. This ton- .iniageAr. tine Lane, et etiPley i 4. $•.' nsinn tame p ,.. n•endar ssistere Mrs. Carter, of Londesboro,
_ About ix weeke ago she went to
I where she was:a patient sufferer till weerever they have appeared, ....es. - sede% , 4"/", "r$`: .-.4"..
1. .• PattY.. hag won high Praise . teeoege 1..ane, on the eta h01,118St84 in Ock0Ot at 2 pan. Aelc: M. td. z-arr
‘ tit Asni Rl it 0 A - leeleaLle till pastor:, 'wad accupy the pulpit,
'Clintell to visit her son, Leotard, and eert
111/111.17)sikr,:).grentr beinirwperluips thetern , ;lir .;3)a etlens u1s• wne, wee wee . Anniversary services will be held Thursdass • .
' r ele•Mgr4sFsitlf irese.11111 1141r:e'er=
after erriving there took to her bed.
Caswell, pre eceased um an Union Uruted ch.urch on Suedes", MissesAd onn A 4 -
, ,
I ,
. .4........„..,....i.....,... twin, The other teembeea give an 4:ba .1,1t,rid 3rsea%„tv4igo. lie is else sur- 'October 28th, Sin the meortileg ate.1,1 son and AliceeShaellieton, end PK
4Webster. 'We n er-
eougly good account of themeeivee - vived. by two etotifers and 011e Sister: an. and Opening at .1.m) p.m. tcev. /nor eeneeteeek, attended . the 'teach::
Wherever they have performed. -Williana Lane, Tormerly of Goderich, .L A. Walker, el Dungannon, win be. ers' convention
at.Gocterloh Tbursday
,Nett)."" They are Miss Maybolle Smith. plan. and treasurer of Huron CountY, wno ' the preapher at the morn, service and FridaY of last week.
I There passed away on Saturday bei t eetil lea in the praise and wee I °courted tater: yeaa brief Unitas at ' !on,lidr Tom Glen Jr. an **anted his
.churea awe ngof
Cur. So:area/1d Kingston
Street, (apistairs) over
Graf'. Stare
Specialist in Care
of -
1 Pormanehts
_ Scarp Treatments
Hair Bobbing
Nair Tinting
Bye Brow Arching
nue 7,3, for Alleiitteesta
goter .No.
'lain the class entering ilate an
Nov. 5. Our busIness training ,
fits you for business success.
Central Business, College
oin t D'tioit an the near future.
aeon e ea .of London in eareee. same eseo suns ante • beobservedUnion Canted churee w Clinton, hi
health, for the past three nionthe. . ' el) t. . mr. t.entrie inton,
FOrnitare •
and of Initdough, was, a, bother, .
and Miss Pauline •WilSoll,, cellist and of Saskatoon, and Mrs. Wm. le 1 - ess - , --
reader._ ...see .
. Red, of Luoknow. The late John 'k ,
DUNGANik,TON d the late Mrs. Andrews of Luck- rote '
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McKenzie and now, was a sister. The funeral wit!. '
s son. Malcolm, were Sunday visitors .,be held from Ripley and intermen , • Sparrs Grocery
Will be Made in Greenhill conevr,
. FOR -
Lueknow. Funeral 4 r r 4110111811t8 i
- Mr. and Mrs, Robert Davidson . have not yet neon completed.
ship on Sunday.
visited relatives in Goderich fount .00 :catieziki az Bry.4.en vrainaaa, 1 . ,
1 Quality and 'Service
We are pleased to .tate that Mrs. whose death occurred In Chicago On I, .
9th, following an - WE. CARRY A C II 0 ICE
IC s church,/err A bert. at 2
Tuhrtt Zn., Otuefo0 r it
Charlotte Smith' is somewhat inte
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stothere. of ' GA Nrcl eicCeOr 1 i li ePaLs kV, TvE eSeTe0 Ci la CI" 10ens. $
proved in health,.
held on Sennitan atterratm from
ope a e rev ous ltriday, WAS t c
HA11010 BLACKSTONE'S. • friends and neighbors aisembled to
irelock. A very large concourse of . i and Meats
Myth, are epending a week with re.
. • -
latives in Dungannon.
Mr. and Alm S. 11. Staters and pay their last tribute et respeet to
fORNITHRE EXCHANGE family, of Essex, were recent griest$ one who had been a favorite with, a. outrage and Hams
Siloerwoode lee Cream
On the Reanalyse et tr;eileetth With reiatim in tide district. The service at the church was ton..
I a
iste; Miss Gladye Covnell, contralti). 1$ now 111 Vancouver; Richard Late and Rev. R. G. Whitfield, o St. Eel. •
Don't hay any Mita
Furniture, Baby Car.
riot., ete.rt until ,you
• get our ;mete.
We positively ea
*GU money. The finest
Parnitcre at the tow*,
est cast.
Mr. and Mrs. tired Ross were ducted by the rector, Rev. Wm. E. ,cririgada. ire._ Equip
et:gag on Sunday with the latter's Peery, JeTle, assisted by Rev. Ernest ped
.• sister, Mrs. James Medd, of Auburn. Hayes, of Durham, and Ttev. Captain ,
Mr. Russell Reid, who had spent a Aillson, of Hanover, both former rees
eouple of months in Saskatchewan, tore in the parish. The service at
- near Oxbow, rationed to his home the grave was under the direction a SPARRI GROCERY
Seguss and W. Foster. Many bean, The store of Sormisdiss
tiful flora tributes bespoke the i$ius .. .
bootnlueleansfulfi leineat aneeimayriend; boe eere sympathy of friends. The de- . Hamilton Street
wild geese. Willi ducks are silso re.
snme eeatied your* man, was the eldest son .40, e
time. Sheppardtore and besides his tiorrow. ne011eriCh --- Kone 146
of Mr. and Mrs. William Vrooniau of
'Ported to be plentiful at the present
ing parents is survived by three hr.- We Deliver, in Town
b.- Rev. C. II. McDonald conductecl, titers, Frank, of Detroit; Teddy. and
niversary services at Eadiest 4:41 Ol'A" Tony, at home. Re was also 4 great, .....1.... f... .4 • .•••••,.'4"'""-•''''
'day last. The, service at Dungannon grandson of ,the late Colonel John,
wits taken by the minister . from I Reydtnk a scotch impetita aster,
' Bluovale and Eedies.
Mrs. C. C. Brown was unfortunate the Wilidinills whielt WaS fought hes
who led a brittslion at the Battle of AppLEs w TED
Rubbers!• Rubbers!
Our Stock is now complete with the
• best than money can buy
takaigie Rabbet* are light, ooft suul'entlurable
• bileusil Soya' and Chgaren's in light and hoary weighb.
Rubber" for ovary member of the family, and for ivory occasion
• Soo .11W WOMeite$ Splashors, ;the all rubber Overshoe.
! Buy your RAW* when your shoos am dry arka put better ir*
• Buy your Rubbers at Hint's•Root *Shop and tot tho Bost.
• liern's Shoe Store
- tear Dungannon on Thuraday of last the Orange Order and was led by E.
In losing a fine toy', and * calf sots twee rt Ogdensburg and leingston in, , ' • :
oral months old, upon the Sante day. 1837, at the time, of the American in,
Mr. Then. Wiggins also lost a eaif stolen • of Canada. The pallbeereea
e about the ems* time. were Harold. Walter and Heater `rig- ' CULLS an WINDFALLS
Mr. and MDGFiggiand' lFrs. .. ns ert,.11)00andWiliamoster and •
two children. Agnes and jean. re- Harvey Sillib. interment was made
tuTned to their home at Welland fol. in Port Albert eemetery. Thofrom CUSTOM frofor CIDER MAKING
lowing a pleaerint visit with the a distance who were inesent at the
lady's parents. Mr. *Ad Mrs. 'David funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Ireetor %.`
Glenn. . Havskine, of Robert City, Mich.; Mt.
nd little ion. Joie left on Tuee. 'vine. Ont.; John George, of Tupper. BAXTER & TURTON
ry a
Rev. "Wm. E. Perrs,. with Mrs. Per. and Mrs. Harold George, or Tupper-
dey by motor for Galt where Is, ville; Mr. and Mrs. James George. of
Pony offleiated at a wedding on We - ('hatham; Mr. and Mrs. William Bur.
A wader, 'They are expected to retina rows. Stratfrird; !teeter Tigert arid
this week. Ince. Restriek, 1)etroit; Walter Tigert,
mrs. Rebecca cauhren is hoidibr itivroFlint, Mich.; Mr. Dunn and (laughs
itetion stale ThursdaY, October•.eten, Maan.rion, Toronto, and Frank
25th. when she will offer for sale her 6m
tomplete Mock of machinern,
ments and live stork. The Wm wilt I
We the undersigned, are open to buy all Liu&
of timber again this winter. We will pay you gold
price and give you liberal measurement And grades
for your logs delivered to our saw mill here.
We believe it is to the interest of the farmer to
cut his own logs and deliver them, but anyonp hav.
Ing standing timber and wishing to sell on the stump,
Phone Carlow 144
- • '• L %='-frr- "-------"Ivtl 1 The wet weather hat again delays ,'---- ---- .
— ---ne .'" -- - ' 'ed thrething end' silo tilling.
MALE sad Fitilittt UF.t.le WANTED . ''Several attended annivereary am... -,'We have 'just received
vices* at 4)1% Sunday evening. '
,, ,...,._,,,, _.,.,,,..__ .., ,,,,,_ ..... ,.....,.. , Xis* Reid spent the wetak.end at l''
, EA,* St5 Is $50 PER *EEE large assortment a
,, ,,,7117,a.s7ii.t ii,t,ii,-;.707.;,T., -I:1,7;i, ' i her home near Parkhill.
. port tirno utinc leonine. 'tt,''t, ' A number front here attended tit, •
• soierentee tete-hien leifonere •• teoening ef Kline enurein GoderiehL, 'junior 13ridge
kindly see us before yott do anything and we will be
glad to see you.
We will pay you spot cash for anything you have ' ! c %WINO. .1111Vot 11,11411144i t joyable dlr.
n Sunday,
1110141E •
Meny from het* attended the ite
Kutunimm• 6"4" tornational plowing match near Lon.
suirrium winurmn, don jut yolk iond rtpart eno and Table Lamps. _
to offer, and as our lumber is largely manufactured
into the finished product, it helps our own province
by selling to a concern like ours.
LUCKNOW. ONTARIO The Senmiller Lathe*" Aid order -
IPPON" 211 BOX 206 I
nem sastmlwr.
— :,8".!!rfa.,'.:,.••••••_
is* and select a nice
Picture fur your Living
gened feltrid-ecelme Marine or
o y oral Print. we have
splendid collection, and with.*
ing gives an iastUtg plat..5ure
aa ft good, Picture. Also bring
in those Pictures you waist I
trunted, we will do them well t
at reasonable prices.
- Artantle Store t
Burns o.4:-)Lihrtilted
6% Cumulative Preferred .Shires
(With Common Stock Sows_ :inti -Warrants)
• • „
This company is eine of the largest business units in Western
Canada and, over * period of more than a quarter of a century,
has had a record oF steady growth and satishetory profits, In the
year ended Dec.ember 31. 1927, dividend requirements on thio
preferred stook were earned * substantial margin, and ,the
reports for the current year teat/ a marked improvement over'
last year's Agures.
The Company, being strongly established in everyloart of Westernr
Canada, will no doubt benegi by the further extensive development
of that country's' agricultural arma, forests. and,other
natural resourees. or this reason it is tet that the Common
Steck Which is being given as a bonus with these preferred shares •
and the warrants to purchase Corninon Steck have attractive
PIIICE't 100 Old accreted dividend,
• to yield 6%
• Each ?referrer) Share toill any bonus of la' of orse. share of fury
•pahl Cosmos; Stork awl Ma right to purehtse ,;,4 of one share of
fully paid Common Stock at :MOO ,per share up to July,
?factional shores of bonus Common ..Yroch wilt be adjuster) at tke •
rate of $8°,00 per Shore. ••
•Dolvtinzon SEcinames
coaPozazoN wuns
MONTREAL•tuatillhhel 1,01 WINNIPW'
•LONDON, , n. Woo, hoiden VANCONER
llaut *kat Icatnetr4 2$ Kira St, E.
• 14, BalL.11,18, IfectTsestamto, COtt>rrt, kfluarb
The time 15 here again to get your Boys and Girls pre-
• pared;for school They will need good serviceable Footwear,
the kind that will stand a severe test in any weather. We are
prepared to supply your wants with the hest lines of reliable
Shoes, Oxfords, Strap Slippers and Rubbers, manufactured at
thernost reasonable prices. Our stock of Boots and Shoes for
the working men has been selected with the greatest caw.
• They are sure to give Sitisfacion, and are bete at the lowest
• Th. #top siena have been put up possible price. We will he pleased to show our large range.
rAisipio,yenent oorrieo 'from rntlif‘f ,near the rif084 11"08d8,.. Stv W8 Wilf 114 Now is the time to make
tna.4 sig fiOarnaeti Wrifr Arco any more artliients at Carlow
.tey tn. free eatelinasso fn 1hr . eat future,
inennols ma tyre aaanciated ._—
"44"4"`" ft" ""0"I Traslf. i Ur. Min WeRenste and Xi Fred
.• ., .
6 • • GEO. MacVICAlt
• wit? 11180118,001 Comoinle. sod lirs, A, Johnston an 'Wednesday. it IVIIEELER 1
with iwordnion Toil.le SC11114114 I .,,,""ornftt. *rith NM NeGt8101r and ' - ° i)
, Lid . bath Dominion Dm prn , i fart- wItIffMtnr, er., ‘Ifilf84 WO Mr.
glistorli Rreneheet • I TInersday. Tea waiii **Mkt fil "thr NOIWIII011 Street
Lonften, Monfrrikt, Haerilllom, soitark, it0•8410•81; of tho chiirek, Tap w w ,-g .
• gar* the Prottrow A linen *tumbler Pluourat StarY aft, theitiareare Wet i.
your selection.
. :•Lita."""..... ,,tatitn.c vi,,Lwilt....."4: i tailed the W. ht. a.. 0: ,awlith Mill last. nimirrillit •— rsrurnst, orasortwa
I • •