HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-18, Page 7•
' .
unday ,Afternoon:
ISAVEL HAMILTON, Goderich, Or #*
sammisarsol-o-Actosit4Fassesdasacticiti-oliw 4- ..i."-"-`7•4-"••144-31"1"111144.
esu, Thee Fee -eye &eine.
Oito Sevieur, anti our King
Thy hare from eeety :mare end fee
Shell greet deliverance being.
Sure ite Tb truth hall last.
Tfr :on shall he:given
The brightest gloyiee meth cm yield,
And brighter bliss of heaver:.
T. Dwight.
S. S. LESSON FOR OCT. 28th, 1928
Irogeon Wpireeratiat's Lase eleUrney
To Jerusalem.
WIWI Passage -Ads 20:I7-21,
28.38; 2 Coo, 11:28.
Golden Teto-Aets. 20:35.
We read in &apt 19:21 that Paul
purposed M the sit, wben he ;led
pase d through Macedonia mei
Achrtia, to go to devueelem. He was
tiove actually on his way there and fel,
feer he might be delayed and there.
fore would not reach Jeruealein
the time of Pentecost, he did not go
2 e
THF GoDzalcit grim
fit•nab, tee e-detit, Feet( rice er
Arnim __Bor
A weeniree at (Id it..4 1i.
itettee 1' ttk c tie if to•ta to -1
1! TTZI:sa, Via3 a Vil'Afil Ori..? crriV)
, Z9 .I.',1:'.W•i...11:i but &one fe•t• the eider, 'ea C011irif 171t71117a1V111,0 „ tocLi a iie are rew• tie* real caretet
:steeloweisdea gee:: a day ieff en hie iteteletiatt.
TALI Ft CONVEReATION•itte tt esee t
, - • iif rto , •. ,71 i
le12quent eiseeereat to ite tonne aazit etetteeto L31)„c.t:, ere et eaves -too ter we have et-otie ewe nate entaggote Cidels are often feiltwed 'by fetver. •
:tee eatree ett meet ilea at Ailleette I,
eietante to S9Iile 74:(A...Y
i troy tereitiet it:: EiCIWE'I.CII VI tneul se.,...1 , .
IOU tr.e MCC Z... tenaer, aueetenone, ilea 1-: re exec:* eeeeteede, in a greet) Ye Oettieleml, et d k
1 flovonlool-;;211-Atic.,b'eoivranloundax.ft,orit.bills:i 5x,evanif,.s: tt,;:infUtLailtiec5etilfiello'nuiaticeoentsz 1--;;Ii-i,Itelisc1.1--li7. i'lra4": ni1:70“..'Li‘i,,t!nal'rili,-ellt eit‘;‘ntlicilerell:ctie2::0:Idue t le;TfileTet ttithaitIVaiTT rftlIrOta. 73 thrl.
twisere, - it is ezeataugay tieteriptive et siree" eo era.: QV t,c,•,q en toe p y
.tz ovincea iIII5 deep concern for tem 07 teepee:axe whith wail enliet tete ince •ileatl* e Zi 5 I. PM'. : _ . .
jr.dfQw,„_18.,,itill.,,ot. .tc.r.der _rolit ,diiriadeeeeteaatittee eta Allow iene:itt..telaime.t.a -tae world that you eao not . '1'0 eattate a pre,;itret /e.tca: sternit
Intreose ot hia eout to line to tee atemeete •ot a company to rnoaoranizee!caletiee' Seia do aot sionfoeta to the Itfi 112a'/"T:11211-i te " ••• ---e._ ., . _ _ _.
L admorattion. It cep...loses the firm . the hcaiget oe rudeness fee ene ite etteioeteMeeeeesiee'-e'eeeliee -3"ea• arodieeerebeto
It is estimated that S7 rer tient nt
glory oi God, and his expeetation to tile convereation to tae exelusion oe ,elNeeet er tltar, Yoke ere °meet inueh of
•ne pereecuted still; and is a 11108t clf... OtherS ill the room. • ta eossil and entirely tett oe date. Ne thie etettnet ere erected to men -onee
' tectionate anel eolenra fatoevell. :No 'tut did you, ever stop to think LOW wonutza events to be tagged this, and eauca era1130. ,
men can read it without being core. we parents are likely to do that very •Yes" fylemie evIll set engeY eating • iidt 0
,you about witit them if you are !to Ite---"Yeel were It0 Clning Chieterk .
. einem" that it came groin a heart ion thing at 211eaitime with our ehildren.
, of love and Ithedness; and thet it Parente are suen busy people and :different freta the othee women on -tvben I merried you."
i telect--"No, 1 eves a little geese."'
be entirely •employed in one great with OM .anotli& the many things .
easeuss the street. •
St:and in frenttof tlie .gities mid try l
. evinces a great und noble purpozo to they iieve so little time to ..ntotte.
. aim and objet -the promotion of the wlueh t. c a ., ,on -eheur hat sad ohserve youreelf. 'Teeter. why does a small :cavity
Set your hat at different •engles and ee s- a 00-0liff 0 " • ' ' •
glory of God, in the face of danger Aare so eonstantas leseitering mut chat- ' .
Best for
ICI( cool onornings
and of death. -
tering over' tbeir oetty intereste, that
see how different it make yen look. "Jest the ragural terdeney of tour - • - • - -
pull it down; tongue to exaggerate. / suppose.". And tae poplaes ehalie with a ein
'The elders of Ephesus had had -the parents, if they aro me:del:fut. Wcur it high' «onot
WO/ eteam.
d k 1 Tit t 1
. pdating not only in their city hut in sure all sorts of things which are beyond eg
push it back from the forehead t A
snutt le it firmly aunt the ears and
know. an a e oo . Ito one e;
n• abundant opportunity uf knowing will talk about people they
The mist tango lbw in the volley's I
Heart Pal
Mode Nor Throat
sod ghost Throb
Xany people may be unaware of
having anything wrong with. their heart
till some little excitoesent, overwork
worry starts it to palpitate anti. throb,
skip beats, beat east for e time and
then so slow as to seem almost to :tem,
then it eauses great =let), and alarm.
•Mrs._ 0. •Oliateekle Man,
writesi-04 used to be very bad with
palpitatron of the heart and sometimes,
with the least exettement, it would
Paul -how he had lived and asted kooks, Polities, money. matters, and well turned ankle always brings • heart,
rounding places. It as theeefore a the interests of the children. Yet we "e hmv much um° unulm'n Yeu uP"
• A satisfaction hearty; •And the \enter is calm nave v.itert
It else bringe a well turned noel:,
- 6trong-proof the holiness of hie- exoect-thetelalren.totbe-couitee-us-to- PCme .
t d tb t h s us When we are aged it will hurt ate little lair aboulffeebbre leneeto -- But on a-elifferenteparten Of`tteeidliterieg 'fish tietiletippleeeteeee
fl -.0 • Anti the cur in still vs)ien the SIM
the start
rac er an e was no pa e . the hat. Loosen your locks tri
tor, that he tould make the appeel our feelings if they treat us in that and pull them out, to let the world "There's a good. deal of difference einka low.
• he did. "Ye know. from the firstday waY. no
have e that you aro t bald between *mon and sight." declared peace and to plenty spealt me
. .
that I came into Asia. after what Wouldn't it be a much sweeter and iheaded. your hair is too thick a new. sheik. "Now there's my Through a wealth of eolor end •
seasons." talk about things at nice' time in
down, eet to a beauty parlor and have • and nenciled up of an eveninee she's And a blessing comes when the day ,
manner I have been with you at all a inure polite and fair -way to dote and heavy to permit your hat throttle Sheha. When elle wee all painted tracery;
..eaul reminded them th
how in e which all the fareily can share? To th °
em cut some underneath. They a visisret M the metninre with the is done, .
once .g.teatty 414,YeSsucl toy tne oppo- day or some mterestme things seen be stubby, and stick out. 1 •
For Indigestion
.-ii6p„;,.iho' suffer front indiseettee
usually have tried mon, eta
omen and vavious dlgeottce olds ants
got Ilttlo more teen olleht temPararr
rellef-solnetlenco not c.ven that.
rut befoto gIvIng up to ebonite hill..
7 Porsla. int trY the effect or a lime
4isurated Magnesia -not the OnlInary
commercial carbonate. citrate or tallk.
but punt loser:seed magnesia wittch ytna
can obtain front practleallY any thIlIF.
gist In either IDOWiler of tablet for=
Take a tonstloonful t to pow o or
tour tablets with a little water aftse
discnarge ot. nis pupae dunes ne was discusa school or the doings of the k hOW it so that it will no?, makes p off, she's a sight." ' And the sliy is aflame with the eets
ting sum.
sgaort of we Jews waten impedea nis or heard, or tell a jolly story and be i
na recanted me progress tn merry and malte,the mealtime a so. Perhaps the reasou You wear your "Only one lump. please," remarkiel
wore, a
evenune stele to onnst. eats mud ciable time to be rementbered by the hat high is that your hat is not the the gangster. as the cop struek 'hint
eight shape. Aryou trying to wear with his dub.
concern was to preach in public and whole fennly, as the yeaan
re g0 by d e
THE ,SHAMPOO scarcely any article of dress which ' Epitaph for a Marine: He died to
one of an ancient vintage'? There I -0-
s i
tram house to eouse that only Which the family is scattered.
lelo' doctrine that would ete profitable One gannet keep the Italy nice with se effects your general contour as uphold same forgotten policy.
wouei ' promote their real weltare.
does the hat. 1t$ shape and the way i
tnat would advance the welfare of beauty Merlon It takes daily care anri sweet-lnolting or hard visaged that. but when we get an atteehment
nis flock was withheld, be reminded to 'keep the hair beautiful. teleauli- nd unattractive. You cannot afford to let US SPQ eureelves ne °there ,spo
It d it fitti g that the snould h ld b b h d t ust mbede KITCHEN AIDS lite* about.
- 0 ••••
atd lee withholefrom tnera; no labor only an oecasronel session at the you wear it may Make you attractive Television is wondeeful and all
tereek that, having sinned ageing keepiug the hair healthy. The Imir
them. 'lle ever urged both Jew and ::es is the most .tinpereant tutor in to neglect so 3,rapavtant au item. us. we shell have something really to
seem to beat very fast end raake ray o , was ri Y s ou e the e . no j co
ex s
pre s their sorrow to the Being gingerly to preserve ou are,' htlaillesS 'WOW% learnedto
throat and chest throb. Witoln they had offended; and in doing i Y •
s s w ere the permanent wave is • use the supplies mid conveniences of b "Agree Ith her nuleiriily'n
so they should acknowledee their o eetnfore. ast no term nal. faeihtles,
teX was tola by fiend t if discovered that these eame
° in Jesus Christ through wnein Every two r th 1 ,devices naay be useful in the kitchen. I
' • ,
• A. M. IL,
A Condition Due to WaterY Blood -
Heady Coreeeted Through the tsse
ot Dr. Neilliants' Plug toile
eour next mom UM SOO what a =cr.
ence this makes, It will Instantly nen-
trallso tho tlangenntS. hartutta aettl
fc;ed toAlwt, mei emir, rmattm
buInddea or h:gie l'eeeng . that.
'tense to follow snOst everything '$'cra .
rt. -VOu ton enjoy your meats witliouti •
Thin, pale girls leek the '0'.V. 1' •
eesistanee to diseaees that rich, vete. tet-e-e-ettesesesee
'blood gives. NOrYOUS beeattuown ,
the result oi true Mood, 80. is Wilt ettettese ioteee
gestton, headaches, bat:kat:hes and eetr iTtnea
• se
many.oteer trout:nee, :_tox-is se:fermi; P
the stomach which now et:macs your
AIR 1nalgeatten. .
front emu. Impure blood need just thiaith e
Hitch voila .1vagon to a movie star . • set te e tits e.en
,. alone they had access to Gad, enough to, agn.apor :iiNVeAciS• ialoofteca i The wire baskets- eve useful to hold 1 ie For Menv years Dr William's"
raul, a$ lus discourse proceeded, it too enough,
maket therleir too at the divorce -- - * -
•ivsehgeesta, bles, -or for the leaves of rad- mid Vovell
pufl unCelery tops, 'pea saelle and court.
rine lens ,Mtve 0.?..41 worlon:mat
elocei 'Memel: anti. .41:11'4 iestorer. •
enjoined upon theee eiders the int- ‘dry and brittle and is likely to fats other refuse which should be 'kept I•SUNDOWN IN OCTOBER Ince. Actually male. .uew, teen, Ate:, I
portanee oz their work, They were At, as it removes too much of the na- dry and burned, and also as a dish blood *Men imparts TleW vigor and
duty faithfully -to more frequent washings than eon dry drainer or a tree to hold the slider. i Wendering down be the river's brink
team and guide ad promote the Labe ' For dry bair, the oil treat- lite to iet the organs 01 the owe.
to be on guard that they might. dee. tural oil. Very oily hair can stand
. weltare of the church a God. He mot at the beauty parlor is a good up a recipe a-bove the tabre•while you I sit me 'clown on a carpet of greens an rinprome-uppente; theu the sett -
The clip is a convenienee to hang 1 I pause to rest; I remain to think. Their first meet le tieuaily snowe 0,
Aud gaze_ in vapture upon the its re . te e arat eteitititsinS5 tie ' me tit & ---.
charge their
was the mare 'rent in his adinohie weed 'The oil makes it soft and proper page in the recipe book, The
are using it, or to hold open the
other places and because of his know- eo shampoo your hair,n
. ave soft
.. te ""et card index is useful for recipes 01. ']1'-''erasses tall try picture tense ; eor sunetors none anemia, uervotte- -
scene* ' e ' letvee way to henita restating sleep. ..e. i
tions because a whit he had seen in silky. -•
which X ad, =a before I had taken ' ledge of human nature. Front water. If you do not have a. water for aceourts. The Account file or In the air or water it looks the nessi general weakness , or physical
the loose lea book may be ma ter 1 sante, , exnauetion ora- ammo I we e itis
, t t v Itte
half the box my trouble luta stopped." amongst their own number there soetener the botne and eanziot go ,s -
might be mee influenced by ambition to the beauty shop, catch rain watev ereotnihinsitshe::e eiotiirpthoienel4s.4 Tolacao,spolin.t. POT thrl sky o ethead and the bay be- ale a restorattte of the u mos a .
low anis is proved by tne experience se.
Price 50c, 4 box at all druggists, or Who would produce distractions and or use boiled or distilled water. Use ,A. itieltacaerm it, R. No. •
divisions, and greatly retard the on y m d s ap and a liquid soap at
1 a il o order or menues for the next day. Alike reflect the ruddy glow. mess earith
pen ile rubber bandit* down, time years IMO I became very wealt
trees grow up and the trey grove 3. N.e., weo says:--•
, •
prosperity and Trier the pea.ce of the that. To rub a' Cake of soap on the Apart •
Then the convenient and aveilable The
dealers,. or tnailedxrprect on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co. Ltd
Torottete Otte' • • • watch. In -doing this he oriee again not have aliquid soap, you can make uti emcee nee %I area convenience tti The, wohtwe bend to less -the stream, and batet. 1 IllSO had ereeerene Paine
, referred to his OW11 COneern for tneir one by shaving up some mild soap the eitehen. Mgt an office sunplv in the Week ot my head and nsce. 1
e ure t eee ore urge t ern o al. makes et streaked. f Yoe do- wilheeive-paper StriP.-S0 eteeeesatet in Red rend green-. russet -and brown; and nerveuse rtaa_ 114:O.S ia nweitile _
hh,11 hf
d 'h t•
"Loccted in the heart of the
business district.
Overlooking- Grand Circus Ruh.
A modern Aro...proof Rot
SOO rooms; each with eat I..
- Rateei-eaeP and upwarde. •
et Famous Restaurant aatt music.
• welfa e--eRereember that b the awl addin boilin water 11 Pet), tbi v s very pale and very Weak. I bad also 'Coffee Shop':
guto.and florte tiverll
ifaittablei Etc
. $
sionipeat street
put 00 the Square
'Busses Meet all Toting and
s Passenger Bern
Passengers called fordo any
Part of the town for ail
'‘ trains at O. T. R. or C. P. R
s Depots. '
Prompt Service and
areful Attendance.
Our Livery and Hack •Service
will be found Opito-clate
In every respect. '
VOW' Patrodage Solicited
Plione107 ' Mootreel Street
dainty lacy Dresdens; plates audeof- e •
__es. . cuted, imprisoned and banished from
fee -pots flowered like a piece of an- walk over it tt oreat deal.
, their homes. It woe not until 1873
. : that the notice boards were eentoved dent calico or.checked and striped MRS. SOLOMON SAYS ; '
usE ' the very year that,Dr. Cochran and like ileilerY gingliams. A good dispoeition hi based on a
Taste is in evidence in the modern good digestion. Here is where the
Dr. Macdonald left Canada for the dishes. The ungraceful shapes and balanced ration comes in.
• six weeks' journey to the Land of over ornate design,: are gone. In
Hydroillectric pire. . their places , are sir/Vie patterns, - i.
graceful lines, beautiful color hare What are aneestors, Pa?"
THE PEOP For fifty years the work of the could poesibly imagine.. It seems "Welli I'm SMILES
he Rising Sun, the•neme the Japae-
tee gave. their beautiful island em -
monies, and,he biggest variety you yieur Graodnia."
one of yours and so is
sht") "d rilfUlY 9 TaX f vou use Red Rose °rant.
space of three years I ceased not to Ruh the scalp welt to get it clean ehte letviewhich mate atitl ;lay and 1 - - attacks of neevous irrititbility, anti at
warn event one night' and day with and to eaten the dandruff, If you comfort te vnir ItemqekeeDing. Pekoe Tea irt 1928 you Win
About to leay.e therm probably to olive oil iinto the Toots of the hair a I if
LAYING LINOLEUM enjoyCattacla's
materially reduce your tea
finest tea and tones 1 wee SO 1101VOUS wet ute
seerned hardly. worth living. While
tears." t- have much of this, it is -best too:Lib
Yon buy a, good linoleum and in this eonditeon a trieudserong.ly,ad•
Pills. I began taking these pills anti
want it ta•evear well, see -that it is bills. Red Rose Orange visect nue to take ler. tan s
' see them oto tnore Paul 'committed few hours before the massage. This
them to the feithfUl elitieeeitnd "keep- vela soften up crusty substances and'
.ing of God. "And when he had thus leave the scalp good and demo We laid in the right way. The old meth. Pekoe lasts longer because
spoken, he,kneeled down. and prayed need to give our heads especially ca wag to tack it downs but it would ita additional strength and used thent for about two months with
most tender 'and affectionete eare- them. to make up. for our deliente ,as• the weather affected it, and it
tended to crack there. The 1Lietter flavor make it go further.
very paCkage guaranteed. improvement in my condition that
the ve.stilt that there was sueh, an '
friends would ask me what I was
with them alL" Then followed a vigOrees massages w e P
hen sham no hump up in a line, as it stretched or
• way is to cement it to the floor. It
• takleg, and I was unly too glad to
• well scene. It can be -More easily eomOing and brushing between tnnes.
W. can 'leant that. the effect of true tenthly' after the:head is clean or the linoleum will last much' tenger. If, -se
imagined than described. Frani it Rinse the soapy Neater mit il°r" does not cog mud,. extra and the e r
religion is to -make the heart more • iteir will be °gummy and stieltv.
tell them it was Dr, Williame Pink
.•Pills. I am MAW' good health
• you use a waterproof cement, it i and tun glad to give this statement
tender; to make friendship more af- Rinse in several warm waters. A.dd makes the seams watertight and the
feetionate and sacred; and to unite the juice of half a lemon to t eltise ,
dompness 'whica usually accumulate%
more closely the bonds a love, weter and this will cut the curd there will not rot the linoleum. The
Condensed from • which may remain. Rinse the lemon t d li 1 Om i smooth solid •*
Barnes' Commentary. water out afterward. Vinegar vile eemen e no e s .
taloi the place of lemon. te te nest 'and Peemarient, and .the seams are
WORLD MISSIONS to dry the hair in the sun end la • • almost,invisible.-
It is only seventy-five years since but if t a leri The very hest way to lay your
you canno o that rub it ee
Japan was opened to trade with wes- tween warm towels. The
is to cement it permanently
_ were P RY DISHES fele Wood floors are subject to
' . in place over a lining of deadening
tern nations. tthen notice boards
forbidding Christianity we. dis 1 - t
ed everywhere throughout the Ern- to while away an hour is the. China slight eontractioniand eenan,sion,
and a felt lining absorbs this give -
One of the most interesting Places
I)111' Notwithstanding that Chris -
Shop, • It is gay with 'color. today. and -take of the wood. If neceesare.
twenty was forbidden, solue ' great The dainty, aenexhic dishes of Grand- linoleum may be taken up without
adventurers for God and the work tif
mother's day have given way to the injure.. aftee it has been cemented
His Kingdom knew that Japan need. bizarre patterns of the moderns and over felt. Felt mime a floor warm-
ed the Gospel even more than she
needed trade and the first mission- the futurists. e er,-is a fine beat insulator, see makee
Here you will find cooking dishes a cuseion on the floor which tends
ary pathfinders entered in 1859. hi
those days Christians were perse- f bluei . towera quiet and be easier on tbr
' f tie for those who meet stand and
itet been in Canada, In 1872 some lead -
Methodist Missionary SocietO had all that every little service has a dish thetil?"
all iteePa. why is it people brag about
• s own.
ors in the Church thought the time . .
• had come to open a foreign mission. Among the novoltios are tray -
.Japan was decided upon, if money platea with eompartmente for the "Would you like to -contribute to
coffee cup and for each separate ay- forei missions?"
tiele of food, They eliminate sauc- "N et ,said the stingy • ola imam t
and men could be secured. The
church quickly reimonded to an ap- • . . " hen take aelittle out of the box."
the collector. "It's for the hens
t a
r13..• rr -
• peal for $10,000. Thie liberal offer- ers an ea 0- is es 0 g a ee.
eut„. They are called "bridge sets" tandem, sej
ing was an earnest of continued
useful when serving a lap lunch on Piens'
• port.
The opening ef the ea-elive Shocking to our old-fashioned
-theoporele or for a breakfast in bed. • et ----e---"*"
* a . very important undertaking. STATIC
ideas of propriety are the little eig- _ ....
The beg men the Canadian Church • arette pot -4 like jam -pots, with inidi e -There is a Man who is Po fearful
could send were needed for the new vidnal :ash -trays to match:, The roods of being electroeuted that he will not
venture. ern bride le likely to get a dozen or
more nets of these among here wed- even attend a Chamber of Commerce
ding gifts; and no PareY table is, taetellewTnfirfearthlveeve
irs°.i eming in "11
supposedly, well sat without the aeh- -0- •
tray per guest. ' • EMULATING GEORGE '
, e r "What's Wei What don this
6‘ out]) N T InairtakV all! et% olirerea?sneng ;t/ahniA tsI
happened to the loud speaker? Ye
woR FOR Gods! What's thie mess of wire ?
Cook by EleetriCity
• Wash by Electric*
• Iron by Electrical,
Cheerier than Coid or Wood
An electric Vacuum Cleaner
removes the dust; a broom
just moves the dust.
We guarantee all y dr o
Lamps for 1,500 hours.
Walk in and see display at
The Hydro Store
Dr. Cochran and Dr. aluedonald
were the first foreign missionories of
the Methodist Cliercb, Canada. The
faithful .a.nd effective work of these
pioneers was the foundation of the
mission which brought into The tu-
fted Church of Canada a mission field
in which d native eelf-supporting
church is organized and one in which
today the missionaries find ever new
opportunities for "work.
Dr. Cochran and Dr. Macdonald
obeyed Chriet's command, "Seekest
thou great tfihiga for theme% seek
• them not. but seek ye firet the Rine-
• dom of God." They were among the
master builders of the Hingdom in
Japan. God h sti:1 looking for King-
dom buiklera for Canada an well an
for 3anan.
Reeord and Missioterey Review.
Who .pulled off those dials? Wherees
the aerial gone? Look at thet bat-
• Ai NTH tery charger: It's A wrechl Speak.
cherry cabinets?" .
1114 young man. who hacked that nice 1 W
M it with my little) MAIM UV'S 61.01LIOuSs
Reatored to Health by sa'rATM (****•...,,_ Soil this fall for Southampton
' Lydia E. PinIchern's They cay inillionairee get many -.C'herbourg-Antwerp-Ilamburge-
threatening lettere, vaying comething leeerPool-Glatgow-or Belfast "
.....................•,......... r , Vegetabte• Compound
aevfeti will happen to them if they Canadian Pacific. Learn the pleasutea
Sores Flee Before I: -There are don't pay enoney to the writere. ot avol age aboard a luxurious-I:impress
-many %vim eave been a:1i eed with Port Elgin, N. 11. --"For three --regal Duchre-o-or comfortable cabin,
Gesell, we get lots of them.
Saw in the. paper "C( i9 where a fis" ehiP* 1-4)ri fall "c3m"CirCCtiVC.
trOITS nil 110.12S dritren re- o awav months, I %vim nervous and Weak with
' with Dr. Thomas' lecleetrie Oil. All - tired Wino slut ban ' di ' h t
i s o a father and con with one Frequent railinca.
,, For rtsenteieeseepre yore ietoloprie4410
similarly troubled ehmald loee en tcould not do ray bullet. Ilow is that for eeononw.
:eaves vegetable litsfore the ttotb.v.errt Move.
leydie E. Pink. • 3. E. MACKAY, General Agent
Mono Adehddo 1105.
RILE dr., Toronto.
V7Orkr A friend a4. ' The latest collegiate troucere are a 1 ,
ised me to take tliote in 'which two atens--are taken
loomponnertine 1 A beby wive 1..IM in a fliever. Had Canadian Pacific
, 'liaise got good res a sAttio tight freest: tho nfort.
-ulfs front it and Some one triad that all airplare* o a WORLD'S GREATEST "RAVE, OMEN ea
thers."-- Leta, swor.clered to mail dstimessomeeleeilleel
ecOmmettd it to chould be refetred tie ran urshe." a
. if thia nice appliert
for the benefit it may •be to Soria*
other suiTerer," • • •
:You an get thee pills front, any
• medicine dealer ot by mail at 50
. •
'Cents boxefrent The Dr, William:
Medicine. -Co., :Brockville., Ont.
Minard's is the enemy of
all rheumatic troubles.
Rub it in thoroughly and
often. •
lt eases the pain, stipples
tho jointsoenits oew life
into. the tissues. •
Rub it in. 03
• in applying this nulendid remedy. ne
there in nothing like it to lie had. It
• is ebeap. but ita tower in le no way
• C'A S TO R 1
For InfiltHS and Childrrr
o. I Maylie tt:c old cow (-rooted the
rood to rot
in Use For Over 30Years , plited feA.
0 ihotter vic.o.7 ft Idgh.
Alwayse beats
Solving the
Problem! .
Dirt trayked in 'off the
street doesn't matter so
much . wb-en you
have hardwood floors!'
It can be cleaned up in
a jiffy, arid everythingTYthing
made spic and span with
practically no effort,.
And hardwood floors are
so inexpensive 7,
Goderich Inan:ag Mills, Ltd,
) .
Port El- !planet,. \
This dereedeble ; lean dwave Pak:marl (admiritia I . ic`f04.1111:flarcwo
o- 71-Mvi
' A &mei" care t i%2h' droglit-ts etrelP noworeil): "They'ro lacautifal. They taws
;;4°Q ,,,At co winat tbt. felkyvo who
orraintl me of you." '
e.,'"rscgaik3o Et.
s."'"•;":;`"`'' craotigo mob Rit7M. PeZtos esteei meet>
- 1.
• The
Mutual e
Assurance Company
of Canada
s atabSsimS thstt
II RAD 0 Vio : ViliTEIttrOO• (INT
" D. D. MOONEY, Agent
rnoNN 2A0
, DAILY EXCEiel bAeet
Lee. Goiter:eh 0.20 a.m. .2.20 pate
1 " Clinton 0.44 11;111. .2.50 Pa%
. " Seaforth 0.59 a.m. 3.08 par-
• " Mitchell 7.21 a.m.. 3.35 p.m.
Arr. Stratford- 7.45 tole: 4,03 p.m.
" leitchener 8.40 a.m. 5.20 p.m..
" eltielph 9.04 iteme 5.50 pee.
" Toronto 10.25 axe 7.30 p.m.
Iteturninge-Leave Toronto_ 7.55 sme.
12,55 p.m. and 0.05 p.m.
'Parlor Cafe. Car Goderich to Tor-
! teni,tocolivrrebortuilhg...dtcain, and Toronto
c•hange. •of ears n h‘eltuevi aNng
Toronto. •
Town Paseenger and
'Phone at • • Tick° Aaell4
tee tot _ •
AiteiStftid. Night C.B
Add enjoyment to Our trip ratt or 'West,
gising you a delightful bleak in yourjoutney.
Each Way Every sight Betweea
Buffalo and Cleveland
era calI=Ited.fEllitfee. laztad:og !me, mean.
elle stateeoct3 tluelotaes a I-44 tosliesetfreobtr.s oIesp.
lox:woos csbbes, wade decks, escelleat dintr,s mon.
seevrze. Gem -acts arrevd.o.n. A etto 700 "AA Long-
serembtr. •
CettneCtinns at C4ovelond for Lake Resorts,
Decoct* and Pokes West
Daily t.etvico May, let to lloytn-abor 14th
Leaving at 9.00 P.1.14 Arriving at 730 A. M.
2;5ter fact come or teurig agency
for Vacs t-za C Lot,
New Low Fare VI.50 4501%
AUTOS CARRIED 1$411.30 AND 'VP alt
The Mottled and Regale TraosteCesteany ,
eateetoe-ehr41-nAce, r4::!te, scft.. za.
edeteetieeetieteettenteetees. eeteititettee
_ 4. t. nap -
•0 eve