HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-18, Page 41.‘"iirR
Special Values in Ladies' and Misses' I
TiirVe7DY, OCT. letie ias
pipieg •hrough 3 s1ie3; ut'l gale A LAucHuNG BABA y
is GREAT jait
Vag Na-Oction 'has psi; been followed,
biota pump. being connected t I lee, ,
old auction pipe. in the test it was IC hat1 give nu're i'-4 in '''e
10;eur;ltietr tte a etel:ctr41‘1 sIee-ethird l'peli'dhil "pi ' 'shtfrest.9V‘rl,h.t1 kiarua841keeirlir • s.' ehis4!'etY hi:p7;
vinen the first, one via% viaziommt. Vigil his tunetne gurgle and hilget
Lc:4 esiddebryabfloewitignifficoualtlytevsetake aaepet kr: ,,'LauiLigyhscloTricfot II: iash
ing) getting under the. scat on the :: it is the little one's ziatuve t3 ba
esse %ewe, Ti:, of cur, put bahhariff when well.
pumps out of torainisston. and lije Y Moishers, if your baby is (nese, ie
strongly recommend that the separ.. be cries a great deal and no anrunt
' t
beg5 ehililacileir 1thPi
, :ecfirmilL:' nanrtc
yt.gleenbizr::13 det:4se 1111.)eHai-yrri's
'o point which should be corrected j W» Tehletetind he wineon -ebe weil
the method of obtaining cooling vsas ',arid ready to s'adiate that happiness
ter for the gasoliue engine% Tim i thiough the home again.
present arrangement consists a g t liabs's Own Tablets are a mild but
'i small suction slue to the circulating itherough laxative. Tbey regulate the
pumps on the engine, telnr-11 into the powels and sweeten the f.tomach and
; suction line a tne pumps. In ease thus banish constipation and indiges-
-theepanipetirepseitesseetionietbe.- on.. 4 PM _Prf4 11P c olds and simple fevers
gins has no cooling, water. We ,ene ceereit-tiOse. trodbles will& ate
I would therefore, recorninend that eorapanv the cutting oe teetla and in
this suetion line be tapped into the doing those things -and doing them
discharging line, in which case the tvelleethey raelse baby hapPy and
, circulating pump on the euginewould heel) libil hannY. The Tablets are
act es a reducer valve and prevent "old by medieine dealers or bv roail at
, exceesive. pressures on the water i ri0amcseentiedalebino: Co..froBrTollvDpire; Wonilt-. jackets of the engine.
, A. third connection is the piping to .....)). 40. .......i
0Ogin0 dieeharge pipe. At the time MUNICIPAL 'COUNCILS
of the test, themater was piped into Colborne Townsitifi
\tte top of the discherge line ,and aa.. , _ :
N.04.4nemi 44A,I, ..ii
ss this water was closed off before et. s e e . , -,.....4..)".."1.,"4" (iet°ber
the engine stopped, the cylinders of -4' '' - 'V."'" '''"'" "" `11'''''uees Pres*
the engine were flooded with water. te","e ittitt'tp:e"eal, tlett4 tatuelair etmew.e,"n_i!
This -cooling water should be -intro-
duced into the discharge line at aTTt,ling,'It"1174tIfla'-4A4911)''',2441e" "M.'
, point not less than 6 inches below '1"`"t' '"'"' em's4ug 411°"1131; " ‘-'nur4 ot
the eXhanSt manifold on the engine. 4"P5AUn °ft. 41 -inn (14441. assessment
1 Before the fire pumps can be en- Ivy" v:::;:nylmo:nlievo::
tirely satisfactory, it will be oeces. essescuerpe anti , .e. wilson. ilte
pay for the Water and Light Cain- mu
mission to provide a separate suction
well for gasoline engines, and fevers
ate auctions from each fire pump
should be run to this well, We would
recommend one into pipe from the
sedimentation basin direct to this
well, and also a large pipe connect-
ing the two suction wells, with ruit-
able valves in each pipe. This would
give, a very flexible arrangement and
provide sufficient widen for all the
town. requirements. The new e -inch,
suction pipes from the tire pumps
1 The report on the domestic pumn
, ereosupldeetths.en be run to the new well.
is that it met the specifications in ell
, A letter from the Turbine • Equip-
ment Co.; Ltd., signed by Mr. L. .1( -
Austin, the manager, states as fol-
lows :
1. certainly agree that separate
suctions are_ superior. as the eazard
i is- redueed 141 half, although this ha -
1 zard is no. greeter through' heving
Ione suction main supplying two
pumps than it is where several
pumps feed into One discharge main.
In your Case it would have been an
absolute impossibility to have festal -
led separate suctions for the two gas-
oline engine driven 'mains. as there
was no room in the well for them,
and one suction pipe for .the two 'me --
tor driven pumps and one for the
two gasoline engine drive units !list
about occupies all the available r one
due to the size eof the foot valves.
We can refer YOU to several installa.
We have a splendid selection of Ladies' And Misses' Fall and
. •
Winter Coats 111the season s iatea mama eS;- - - &eh
like broadcloths are specially featured in navy and brown, also the
new lighter shades. Large shawl collars and, cuffs. The prices are
more thin
•-Smart New Fail Dresses
-- ratite you -to -come in -and -see -our new range_qf . fall Dreasea, in
georgette, velvet and crepe satin. The styles are the very latest and With the -
quality and workmanship you have every assurance of exceptional dress value.
• Gloves
We have received a new line of
Ladies' Chamois Suede and Kid Gloves
for fall wear and we are offering these
at special prices.
Men's New Over-
Quality material's and excellent
tailoring are very apparent in these
stylish garments. revealing the snap
and style for fall and wintte'wear. We
invite you to see these new Coats.
wurnt YOU ARE ' : •• ' WHERE YOU ARE
' !Engineer Castor Recommends Sepia-
' ate Suction Pio for Eire Pumps
to Make System Satisfactory
All the members of the water and
light commission Were presented the
regular meeting on Thursday last.
An application of Mr. A. de Max.
well for three -pins° power for pin.:
tare theatre 7% ben Class A, and
lights, on standard rates, was pas.
A number of applications for light
and the following for -range sernieee
Were pissed: lierbert E. McLean,
„ the Square; L. S. Walker, Weterloo
street; F. Tretehier, 'West at.; and
Edward Johnston Gibhoris
An extension telephone was decid-
ed on for the hydro store.
A request front Mr. B. C. Mune
nings, chairman of the finance come
mittee of the town council for pada
the surplus from the water depart -
tient Was received: and, on motion of
Commissioner Taylor, it was passed
that $2,000- of the surplus be paid
over to the town.
• A request from Mr. J. W. New-
combe for the rentovanof some hydro
, wires crossing over his property wet;
The shut-off at the stand PIPe was
reported as now working and that
the standpipe can now he turned off
from the pumping house.
A request from the Turbine Equip-
ment Co. for the balance of their ac.
count was received and, on motion of
the Mayor, and Commissioner Taylor,
it was passed that the balance of
contract else aeount for'additions be
Paid in full, and that the town be
asked for the necessary funds pend-
ing sale of debentures.
Aerequest Was•made that the 'coun-
cil have the trees around any stieet
light WI:Med ea As to get the best
results. •
It was passed to efeet a street
light on Oxford street between Mait-
land road and Regent street. •
----• - • -
A motion was visaed to request
Mr. Walker, landlord--ofethe . Hydro
store, to install a furnace immedia-
tely. And the , superintendent - was
authorized to purchase linoleum for
the store.
The report of Mr. Castor,. chief
engineer of the Hydro Commtssion,
on the recent test of the new pump-
ing equipment at Goderich was re-
ceived. He •pointed -out certain im-
provements in the matter of connec-
tions and recommended that they be
made. We take the following from
his report: •
Ison these pumps was to
Fire pumps -The only test which
could be made
i see that the meters and pumps func-
tioned propeely, and that they were
!capable of discharging approximate-
ly their 'rated -volume against the
rated head, En the specifications,
section .7 stated. "In connection with.
the tire pumps., each unit is to ,be
complete and 'Independent. By this
is meant that each unit will have a
separate feinch suction pipe with
suitable foot valve and usual dis-
charge into the existing discharge
, NW(
Pharmacy Week October 14th to 20th
&els i1.1 iei1Ih
No ntorchant ha5 confOt-nir with so 511311y Dominion and
Provincial laws and regulations as the druggist. .
These laws aro necessary fol. the protec.;.*.on qtna safeotatdint',,
of the. health of tlie putgic.
The handling and sale of poisons; the dispensing of physicians'
prescriptions; the mixing and contpounding of phar-j
macontical preparations, all require professional skill,
secured by tong training and experience, and .such. Skill
produced by training and experience, is to be found m our
drug stores.
.--.---.-.--...,-- -, - '- ''''.-"- - ,- ..- ---......-----. ... - - .-.--- •
ritatalkeallE Via tutit'not was iukerp=d1twevgd-tovvrY Esire ---
our might that produeed the abunde mous one.
at harvets, but God. We were ta Tha thanksgiving eervices really
toolttion to
ewonntoanadt titaiinagterasovfefuersgeptGtiwnegr thostgeitt esternpdeedhoavvienretwo Sundays, Rev. Mr.
wealth, and the servion was an OV... the trsiolie Sunday, dealing speeiale
occupied the pulpit
In the afternoon a very interest -
"remember the Lord thy ly itt his sermone with the sebjectef ...
ing service was held in the elaureh, thanksgiving for spiritual bieLt-.4,:,.
giving and presentation of floral SCHIOtiOlerLptEur sOaRTIS
being the children's harvest thanks. ''""`""' ee
stye sight as the chfidren went for- Eva postman equal. Sr. IV. ---Ben
Honors 755'0; Pass 605"S. Sr. V.... -
gifts. It was a pretty and irnpres-
weed le present their floral gifts, Reta Fisher. Jr. V. -Myrtle Good,
beitutiful croiss-thw flowers to be tat- meessegreesnesifoy, -07,-,jr,SIves.s. _
Straughan, 84; Frank Walters, 77;
which Were placed in the form of a
ex. distributed to Ida and shut in lieletn Straughan 72; Myrtle Pfrint-
eervie and the address was given by el;
E66velyn Hill, 67; Gordon La Rosette,
ones, Rev. Mr. Snell concluded the
Rev. Mr. 'Sharpe, who, by means oft. ; Carson Hoy, 68; Thelma Allin,
Albert Vanstone, 59; Bernice,
wa4 the gift of the heart, however Hogartle 52; Emmerson Edward, 50.
smeaaull tuhe gsi;Ym'igihtushera, and how
wt the Sr. III.--lvlarie La Rocquee 81; Hans
large contribution ,of someone whose so"; Walters, /9; Bert McCabe, 78;
heart did not go out with the gift, Adelaide Houghton, 71; Roselle Hoy,
thet.made the bells peal scout, and in (4"d'
Edythe McCabe, 66; Melvbir
letting our heart's sympathies go out mer, 10; Gordon Fisher, 67; Luella
58; •Ethel Hill, 56. jr, Me-
.13;se. , -g.shler7,; 1C587n1hroFthisyh
'vest is the lord of the ,age," Matt.
' At the evening service Rev. X
$1.1211 spoke from the test, "The har-
r. wridoswehgaeurre41,..61: Loretta Kerr. 58; Annie
Richard M8 5C3 5W: .
Harvey Pettman, Ile, Elwyn Krim -
h Gi Sine: ve ,II;P-- Q, IT iEthelmu en teleii,F 1 7s1:48:,
ei.X.c6jalbeG, Grant we often found that we were enter-
taining an angel unawares.
The choir were in good form and }Jenson Edward (absent). jr, ,11...e.
rendered the services very beautiful- Cora Pettman, 84: Ina Xaskell. Us
ly. The Ineaning anthem was "The Norma Min. 711, Jr. le -Alfred
Earth Is the Lord's." by Hollins, and Hoy, 76: Phyllis Jewell, 7,1t yronne
the evening selection, "Peale the La Itncaue. 18. Sr. Pr. -Betty.
• Lord, ye heavens adore Rim," by :c+rabehan, Helen McCabe, It' axrIr
Turner. The organist, M. Wain- Westlake. Jr. Pre --Bobby Jewell,
son, rendered specially fine voluutar- Joe .La !Recipe, Irvine 110Y.
les. E. G. E. DOLAN. Principe!.
_ A, special thanksgiving Collection E. L. CAMPBELL. Assistant..
IOU tall
ensts uure examined ann. on Motion
of Se Witson and W; 144) Young, the
reeve and treasurer signed Inc same.
resoiunon :roes Ow= Sound
board or Trade was read and lald on
ttis table, on motion or "Win. Thom
and A. J. Goldthorpe. Bylaw No. e,„
enown as me rates bylaw, Waa pas-
sed, on motion ot Win. Thom and F.
welson. 'Die date for completing the
esitm dram was changed trom Dec.
81st, 111$8, to Dec. 'eine 1929, on mo-
tion or se Wilson and Wm. Thom.
The clerk Waa instructed to notify
the three local banks doing business
for the township re the collecting of
the lull face value of each tax notice
presented from coiborne. On motion
of A. J. Goldthorpe and W. L. Young
the amount of $44,85 was returned
to those On W. B." B. R. R. lin4 who
previously bollges back the land
thtOUgb. 4. misunderstanding of the
legal right of the Lownship to sell the
same. The sum of $68.40 was paid
The Star for printing voters' lists
and advertisements. Meeting ad-
journed to Nov..18th at 1.30 pan.
e Clerk. .
SLOAN.-The funeral of Major 11.
R. Sloan, 'who died on Saturday, in
his 48th year, in the, Toronto Gener-
al Hospital, was held Monday after-
noon to Myth cemetery, with full
military .honors. Services at his late
tons of a sunder nature and at
residence in Goderich township and
Dunnville, for instance, they have 0110at the graveside were conducted byRev. Mr. Gale, of the Hayfield Unite
gasoline engine driven pump and two CO churcle 'while a -service in St,
motor driven pumps, all taking their
supply from a well through AtIgliean church, Clinton, was
one MX- conducted by lien. L. C. Harrison. It
twit mom and they do not experience was one of the largest seen
the slightest trouble. Of ourse two in the district for some years, De.
wells, and separete ' suction pipes to
each of the motor driven pumps from
one of them, aed'4 similar arrange-
ment from the other well to the two
gasoline thigh* driven pumps Would
be an ideas' Peondition, and I quite
agree with Mr. Castor on that point.
ceased man was second iv command
of the Huron Regiment, and served
overseas in the 38rd Battalion, and
•nunthers of his regemented comrades
gathered to pay him their last re-
spects. Six colonels acted as Pall-
bearers, Col. I. We Shaw, ,CoL IL T.
Rance, Col: IL C. Dunlop, CO. We J.
Beaman, Col. W. Simpson, and 'Col.
R. S. Hayes; Col. H. B. Coombe .re-
presented Genera' Armstrong, , come
mantling Military • District No. 1. '
Among other, °Mors Present were:
Major Sturdy, of Goderich. Aida) corn.
mended the firing party; Major Cer-
heft, •Fordwiehe Capt. Dougall,. Hen.
sail: Capt. Atkinson, Exeter; Capt.
• A. IL lime, Goderich; Capt. Town,
Winghtim; Capt. Morgan. Clinton;
Lieut. F. Ford, Clinton. Three vol -
Jests were fired at the graveside by a
firing party of 15 men, otie sereeant
ed one coreorte. meter Seret..Major
James, • while the Last Post was
• sounded by Bugler Mut& The Clin-
ton Eiltie Band was also in attend-
ance. Surviving him are his widow.
, four brothers. Dr, John Sloan, eef
California; Dr. William Sloan. of.
f Timmins; Andrew Sloan, of Brussels.
and Thomas Slone. of Blvtli; also
two sisters. hire. Wesley Wainer. of
Goderich, and Mrs. .T. toonike, of
Toronto. His only child. a girl, died _
in infancy nixed Rix weir; ago. The
Sloan room le the Clinton General
Hospital is dedicated to her memory,
Bev. Mi. Snell of Stratford. Preaches
I Sundae' land -Church. Beautifully
• • Decorated
Quickly Limber, Op
Sore, stiff, Swollen Joints
. Even Chronic Rheu matte Pulu•s1)°tsertIcfilf ftel.loenvilghealtIOriVatted, tains
S we•llin• gs in 'Knee•, Elbow, jnoeinnetstraattetdoilltjhU.eStit oanifees.n• dsebelocnsdssealteawmil_l
Shoulder or Finger . Jointsr6ritt neelpshrueehs•' giuntee'4410Ytly and 15 an eisert
Yield to the iViiihty Power- Ana 'stainless teat you can rue it oa
tut -Influence of JOINT. trloteren gaullickly, when the joint is in --
get thereby_ results mu_sh
'ItE'eAlt!rEe.. tight' ---in town land IL C. leTejt' ilete:fauir.11rtesullites11), in berainnggiellsgtion.4‘,PeseadrYe
learned awl the 'agony Intense.
• • -• Being such A. powerful counter irrit-
tunlop and E. IL Wield end- eveey throat,' chest raids lumha-o and neU.
lutggi,issa pliralee remedy. to be sure, remedy you can buy, •
nee smell ipilcifer than almost ttillY
but that doesn'tstop' its from taking, But you must remember that 14 is
the kinks, lameness or torture out of for joint afflictions that it is ;nfeStly
your troubled joints. . dispensed aticl its helpfulness will :is -
is the name, so called be- tonish you after MI ordinary linbriente
cause It is compounded solely for the.and other treatments have failed.
1 •Last Sunday Harvest Thetiltsgiving
services were hold in St. George's
.cliurcit and the clintea was beautiful -
Sly decorated with flowers and fruits
.tof garden And field. 'The special
preacher .for the day was Rev. Mr.
Snell, of Stretford, and he preached
}, two impressive sermons. Ilis text at
rthe morning service Was Deut. 8:10.
• II, "When thou hast eaten and aet
• fulls then -thou shalt blees the tord
thn God for the good land which Ile
•t hath gzven thee. Beware that thou
forget net the Lord thy God in not
keeping his commandments- and. His
judgments and .Ins Atatutee, which 1
centmand thee this ds'
• Mr. Snell's sermon Was a cowmen,.
tary on thitt whole 'chapter, in which
IMoses, on theverge of the promised
; land, was giving the Israelites an ex-
hortation. He told of the life,in the
new land to which they were terabit
, and of the life in the wilderness. In
• • their wanderings they had been sup.
; plied with manna and -their raiment.!
, had not waxed old, their wante lted
been supplied. Therefore they should
• remember the Lord their God. •Now
they were comeng,,to "gootl land"
„vehen they would •eat breed without !,
ecarcenese," but see warned them,
when they loll eaten and were fel/
; not
to forget the •,Lord their God and „
not to begin to eay. "thy power and
, the rnight of my hand bath gotten
me this weiilth."
I Mr. •Snell compared Canada to the ,1
proneeted land, in feet Caned* WIC,
• tUfftstiOP to the /and to which the Is
ratlites were travelling. ('allad‘
we a land of wheat and 'barley, *
lard k+ut nr: nitutic hilte *reset he .
dor %toss and iron reel gehl and coeL
and An far we had oely mersitched the
emi.re, Thie woe a ronetry
„ wetrith hovond rewinatetion one it
• was elkr duty to) give, theirik's and to
Read down • Read up
p.m. s . aan. a.m. pan.
1.80 • '7.00 • Goderich - 10.25 • $.25
1.46 School 7.15 • Ifelmesville 10.10 School8.10
1.60 Special 7.20 Clinton .10.05 Special. 8.05_
2,05T L10 - -7.85 Seaforth Ind 6.0• 7,50
• 2.10 • 8,15 7.40 St. Oolumben 9.45 5.00 7.45
215 6.20 ". • '7.45 Dublin 9.40 4.55 7.40
2,80 • 5.85 8.00 Mitchell• 9.25 • 4.40 7.25
2,45 5,56 8.15 Sebringville 9.10 4.25 . 7.10 /
• 8.00 ' 8.00 8.25 Stratford •9.00 4.15 7.0(r
Pan. "Pan. nen. a./Ti., •p.m. p.m.
*•, *• • • • y • .0
x Sehool specials on Monday, Tue sday, Wedneday, Thurday and
• •. Friday only. Sunday open for special trips. We stop at all
leotels and farm gates.
Coach leaves Goderich from hotels.•
Coach leaves Stratford froth bus depot (phone '763) and post office.
*Through toach,both ways. •
Special rates t, school children attending Stratford school.
You can't meet a deficit in the body without
Proper exercise. Fortune is useless without health.
Your finanCial condition largely depends on your
physical condition.
Try Bowling to. Keep Fit
Free instruction front 1:30 to 3:00 p. m.