HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-18, Page 3-.V -• I I I III, I I 1111 I 11111 1111 I - THCRSDY, OCT. lion. IWO 61.1••••••.•••••••mb . Ilad, Taste in Month .: Neighborhood News Nuggets Is the Morning wk., you wake tee in the morning ! Picked From Our Exchanges - 'Wait a furred tongue Onet a. bad, bitter t tang in yeur nouth you may be erne - e...e_.... _ 1; iteneoneerniure etenatteet fereiTell, 'that your Jiver in reit functieuivg , pre/perly awl requiters attention at once. A client but pectty Avllnz, „too -ii iWinghatti Reeident Feund Rand Itt !gave ineturday, Oetober Otio in the •, Bed . Calming, XX. No, I, ;!Anglierin church, Tlitionsi, weere Mzi.H eliegiere Ma'am -el, ei irinagizare. OFFer4 Bridge, Onto writeerge"Oa Idred Lucille Liveeneere, daughter oa*,wiee ibT the pee year mid a heia hae tialug in the loornitra a fosul I had 4 Jr. 5.1m O. G. Carole, OE eitritOE1), WO3 ' beea in neer neattin vial fonei dead tad %age in ray vi, oath which 1 later nreited in marriage to Mr. laniliem •in too Fickby umFin,,,, WAY,' rite, found eut wae due to the lea state of !omen oe Therein • i betwein 8 and t4 onlorl, by hil5 einter, my nver. The clerk let tile drug atom ! i Ethel. M. McCannell moved thine 6-rue:tee' that 1 try ! Has Aceepted yall pr-,, ----.--,- ie elraegeeine "'from Walkerien abut three nears THE GODERICH SVAK BOOK LOVERS CORNER "A Good Book is the Best Companion" < • 110 title it.eItili iiREAII reesietneue werla, "La 4 1;.t.:1 ilii :1E14‘af i".leci-C71 s'i at Piehe 1.::1?alt11-k;?'?glI1/4-)alvol'ilt-:0Cr1.41 el;Sileligohft ii.te'eliliVeditcLIZtavees 1.2---al'et.T1r.,8f1.; enegeere, Interest:mg as steal na- neutin et hie inaviertget en tile ensies ki'la)Uvrietipatc'adAll tliarititattfiCzareartinakiutamS ribil?ol.geght N:1111)illiektodio5121(yity:eZnIci..;t..lulti,3, oi21 . development ef the west. etill 4 ie iatterapis at gindirtg there; on hie fain . more Inteteeting to read the histeryinre to do se; of hie mince,' end ani of re !Canadian famiatt MUG '040 iguieh At the leek of soeiteS3. Anil in ' been fortunately Laks the somber. Ithe eerie, flash •of Clement tm ceetren . '!iirm accepted a unataMOUS Vali from '-ure'a, arati was a 1/a1il:•°.4141(3' 21.1 tIK‘ hUS E4039, the elemental priestere se often to strip Ithreself ef ail these things . itilaibiallitai the FirPresby st • terian • ehureb, ! see, +tam trans er bue.inss net a enienne 1 f -; i -' I 1.3 hs '' ••depic• ;ted. It is a story of 'life At ihnt as if they did tot matte'. What ' !tooth, and will in.' inductea early in tileeiela ;hand, Inman, eonvincirig. but not wan solely mattered was tine: to to ready ! 'est esident a N -h te.hureh i dad. :Neverriber. Rev. Mr. eine as eii _ Jot „the next.neela, to be gannereato ..e. __ . ---•-ettitzeow-Ii• ton never teithont them in, ' roarer nitaliningadtWg("t Rfit"r'"'" --'--- • "Passee Aiviiiiiia i aii- orilain ettlinitt is• aniarizatedi'dotairet He is "takete by his ehildren in the house wind what to thank you for leges and a Preacher of merit* - One of the oldest teshients of the L34a4t;01`. ° .1:0E• 4110 rest terrioneto turn, but at the last there in a what they did for omit - VoN-Spitrord . ci-,c- nlitx a Wirig/lam passeed away eerno, riecr -slang, 03 I.40 deem ox 315 rathetie struggle to reaeh hie own I Prim «.5e, a vial at WI droggiste or .A . y met y edd g voi - t w in was aesaiiia aday, Oct. 11th, at White.'emerer W3Obtl WNW 433 41M) Melt home. as he feels that there ite will iind Martim. By 3 superhuman eta Ca /I in and look thketn over tined in tee Anglican ,ehee)h, wee. !ei tne,. en the persozt of Jean Hamile. Amen Mama, Ire tate leen the oregirtaa - • dealers, on maned divan 04 receipt of . ulaeW of the late J. Genesi*, in norriesteria to the Ailli0E13 In the nee fort he reeehes keen/lee-On ifenn inert, L1( by The T. Milburn Coe Ltd, seis, on Saturday, October ntbi when ia'au• , enee mime dee-eider ee meg chas. liter...Imo hundredth year. She was o, ' laver vete* in Soutnern Mann/nye, au hie bed when hnirearea,Oenneit the .Teronto (We ening s • the beige natwo og seotiund and came to Can. t 4 olio Linotr, some, a tninner, not pest eannot return. .8pafford, of Myth, became _.......... •,. I J ...AA lade et the age of fleet yeats. Her 111xod a ore of Introspeetton, Meatus , It is the passing of a soul tortured in i e ininne. -of Mr, atoy Fox, of Woodstoce. The th,oebend predeeeased her about thir. Unot 10105. tie and me young wow br the unionitlea realieatiena kg itS LEGAL CARDS . • ‘ ceremony was perforined by tbe rec. neeee ago. 'rho deceased hart gone te weat Wa5 tioUl the l'er. p1ibInver and hutenness, hut Mt R DARROW - -.. ! tor, Rev. Mr. Lewin, while Mrs. Lew- I '57'41lue lade was m possession of all her fee- l rttarY a 8581211000iar to Settle Ut 3 1:0U1 tot sum striven, omen riling , „....._ _owe .. e * • in „ployeel the *wedding march. -. • i• Men TRULL JUNIIIIIMINIMINOMIONIII01011.1111111=011111101r- Special Prices AT McEWEN'S IN Groceries Teas o acco iry Liocas ina Dinner Wear oltiesnantit thoothne-of her-deatin 'country- winch watienkeitneeteled Pt tree urine mum to eurener ;no covet. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Etc. Davis.Rese Nuptials _ having been sie1 only a few days. 1 sunset, bare, neked prairie Oats, sun. opmene ot tile placee weeram grown Surcessor tit J. L. liffloran A vexy quiet wedding was solemn Tioy Wins Prizes for Plowing I franca, ratanwasneo, devoid ole all **our dany incite" and no proyured re Phone 91. Office, The Square, Goderiele nized in St. Barnabas Anglican 4.1.4 tne mowing matest nem OAL M. conitorts or even slightry •outer elem. hie will *1.1 lima adnurtutturect toy tRe ‘ EILNE1$T Oth, when Miss Alwilda Rose, engin. .e,444' 41treatmg) ....A •OL3/41,:z OX age, Matto the consolation of human neighbor. xerest eo no owe to supply scat graM SQ1.14RE McEWEN _ - antra, troreatO, on aaturdaY4 Oet• Beyoei lone, uumluop, rase wee; nations, devoid, at tne woe, even of mumegiallty ot krairio mils, too 111- ,, ter of the late Robert and Mra. Roae, Barrister and Solicitor 4 N•011110EnIt reeora, receiving lirst hood. Together they had seen the to suen 1a11 101% 33 Vow: 00,plav1d 01 of Lordon eves united in marriageto e prx e xor pro - Dominion Rhin, 4O.5 Bay Street' * . tenon urat xyr ervren. rota eettlement genwi very slowly, almost weir crops by drougnt or !trona Toronto 2 Mr. Arebie Davin. eldest ,on of, Mr., um 'ea omen. eie Os° reeeive0 a besttatinglte, Ineir first task had -Our .14414, Dread" has been !chasm '1 It .adelalcie ine3, -and Mrs. A. S. Denis, of Exciter: ouero priers ZIANA tan sec.-treas., L. L. ; bean, not so much to raise crops es to bei toe newsy erganized naton nook • DALEY ei- HOLME• - Old Pen* Turns Up innate., emorenng youngest 00y mow- produce Nvhat would ensure them tomb as thm e ost outstanding Dook tea IJ. S. • • While at work on the new pave. Mgems re tee coma eueceserve yor against etovation. TheY had 40E11O the montn. :i.4 te en honor it justly Barrtster, Solicitor. Notate ment on the London road a few or winen 110 has won 1110 latter limte. means, though; a few thousand dol. deserves. Public. Convoyeneer, lite, eieeke am_Mr. Ii: Steep, Of Clinton, Peatli or! Vietnam Hobo Ilan accumulated by etneful, prints. "'Our .Datly Bread" is published bo PHONE 27 HAM/L,LiesirriEET, picked up an old Bank of Mantrettl many oid en .o. . ends in Seatorth and ,to.king eCOnoiny. Ihey had built a the Mattnidian Co. ot Canada, 890 . SPECIALIST pew of the year 1840. It was a eine" oeu twviny rag= u) learn small, h'1¼1 like house to which pages; price n1.1.00. nice, big thiek hefty penny. of which ile Lee cia.at„ ,. „ ,„ , w „,,,,,, through the decades, they had added. e * * * Tall. V. J. IL FORSTER. cji... few are seen nowadays, and maY wince.- oc-o-ut-g-efrin.4.-s-Atr.o‘t.e-or7t% 'r- rd -a7 :Jo.lin Elliot was a lamer; but his , JUVEN1.14 'have been .dropped in by some • one tectaber 6 cn. Ma. noon wee a son ex , had a corning. t g s rom eighto ir. ne pion, tree more important to him ahan hie teen will enjoy this gory of NancY EYE, EAR. NfiSn, THROAT who wag' toad making In the early tO3 4ato erugh uobo, one or t Late House Surgeon anew York Oph.'anan. eer businese men or tne amtrietand dreams of economic prosperity had Davenport. If it is on the table I Celebrnte iortieth •Annive'rsary ` Was engaged in the peening eusiress !!1.721.1, his one gre4t dream et tamilY thalmie and Aural Beeline:I.-assistant at believe yo,ung brothers will red it Ia M it 11,. E I I It a the shattering of thie too as there is loth about Indians, 1 Square Throat Itospitel. London, Ene, On Saturday evening, October Oth, nwitti toile =truer in .vrie out plant at ' n " . • g y, eii or s an Wa MO, AO some arpue ey or a number on pan. I 011 'Waterlou St., H. Stratford, Tele. a aurprise party was held at the 1)1 Ji)). 267. home of J. A. and Mrs. Ran, Zurich, Drew tit rynn 'He has been successful but bus been very energetft ;boy consists. I unable to hand on this success to Ilia In the very beginning of the took At Hotel BedfOrti, Goderitati an the in honon of their fortieth anniver. The inarriagte toog mace et St. Jos. children. • One daughter. ia the ooly just after -she has had a, very difficult evening of third Manday or eaeil month stmt. The, family, consisting of tive eples church. Ctinton, at ' ten o WU; one Nebo enjoys any measure of pros- time trying to "set a hen," Nancy has till the followinn day, Tueaday, t 4 p.m. a- -- sons and one daughter, all of Detroit, on efectnesday Oct. loth the Itev earl t think.,st h d ke . Y. all present., It wee Mainly a tir. Uaitney conducting tne ceremony; 1 oorai aim aoartita his evife bath portant decision. • family affair, ,no one buterelativee of Mary t ranee, eraest daughter a f raancl .1,,,,,an. ei.o.o.rs wkLa weir She is in Virginia with an adopted ! friends being' invited. . Win Andrew nlyzni and the rate Mrs. i ,,,,,euren. 'limy 4,0 not matermano mother, when is conies for that DiltfOLEsS PRAOTITiona. • Mrs. Jewett Duncan Passes AWai r lyno, of fiuttect, to William Ernest ' teem or approve of inany ox view mother. Mrs. Weston. to leave her :ow, son ot- Me. and Mrs. M. A. aeourts, our ee teen tosereace do nen husband's mother and father and go DR. A. N. A:Tittle:50X An old resident of Brusaels district 'Drew, Af aleelin, Mr. and .Mrs. inewoestrange them. Joann view on the to her own father in fl.gland, .Cap- ahiroPradOr and Drupleas Therapist, Pasaed awaY Fri -day night* Oct 5th 1 Goderieb. in the person of Mrs. ,laine's Duncan: will resicie at Fa:micas= Sask. ' lam -011Y Was Patmarcnal. rie tad a tain Weston is at the fort in petrol.' Chronic, oroonto and Nervous ottierisea at the age -of *79 years. She had Wilson.Brown tenting tit= Ins sons and oughtersel and they have justlearned that the • . Equipped evith Dititherran Eleetro- been in failing health for 'severe/ A quiet wedding was solemnizea on - I in-law snould be picked by htinself, Indian thief, Tecumeeh, xs preparing Magnetic Baths, Electronics Eiectrie 'months. Benue moving to Brunets Saturuay, (Jct. tita, at the pine Royer 'Needless to say ne is Unable to do for war. , Treatments and (.1tOroprootie. about 15 year age, the family reside manse, .when Miss viola Brown, this. Of course the plan to take - Oillee hour -2 to 3 and 7 to a P. med ore the nth line of Morris town- daughter ot Mr. ` and Mrs. Wm. I But after the deeth of the mother Nance* with thorn and she would love and by appointment. excepting elonetty M n ship, .Mr.• Duncan died ' about 12 Btown, Jr., of Kincardine 11, R. No, ' the family disintegrates. John . bee to go, but she fears that King George O and Thursday afternoons earl evenlegs „ dpor, I, 15 15 unite * • inee 11ours-2 to 5 and 7 to 0 p.ni. ' aneet it" Iad in marage to mMrcomes queer . ' "t in s children's OM Norman Wil on son of Mr, and Urn Leas than ever will they listen to his III. will blame her grandfather for the ,A.rnerican involution, will per- - Lody In Attendance. . Ke'4,,'.4i;rliconnell Chas, 'Wilson, at TA,. Jahn, New Brun. advice, -Teti tell swick. . The bride and groom were 'success of tnirigs in our generation. you vv.* we made a saintly wreak his vengeance on her and never let her return to America. Residence and 0We-toner South SL A quiet • but verY PrOttY Weadino e and Britannia node was solemnized in Myth Roman Ce -'7- ' CHIROPRACTIC tmatten. ed. They lett atter the cern- , Because we listened to whet older Her at er a told her that if amain. ciente, oe, Tueschar !mottling, rnony on a metor trip to St. .John, !people had tab say. And' if there was anything happened to him she Was AUCTIONEERING October 2, at 9 o'elock, when- Annie New Brunswick.. On their return anYthing we didenotounderstand, we to go to her Urn it. Ambrose, who riatIGnia$ ouNtritY & $0N; co daoghter Of -.the- late John Kirlthonnell and Mrs. Kinkconnel they will reside en Kincardine, • , 'trusted thera nevertheless. They had lived far in the north Country . on . . . egegements , . had experrence; they knewe and. wee tanaelanac a and. Her fathet is • supe Ince Stoek ana Geneent- Auctioneen Vaalton, bearane the bride . of Me. Fe ' aCknoviledged. the fact. 'But - year posed to be dead so she is determined Ewe _leg, netterieh, . ' 1Vm, Earl Ketiy, .son of the late 'Mi. - • Dr. George ...t. 3Ylusgreee, Niaeara . • S alFaith,- Ont., annoorices the engage- te. a „ n eeteration won't listen. Became you ' tee follow • out his wishes. . Malty es made eyerywhere.and all '.'efrort:s chael KellyMorris, end , '.-Mrs. Kelly*, .. triode to give you satisfection. : Dinth• ... . . ,• , • ,m(int og his .daughter, Helen Bedford, t anal 'un a an' you think you are lond people' help her on her wily .but Fanners' Sale Notes discounted. • • lintareid Into Reat .P • . ' to Dt.' Garnet is. Chapman,. 'Henke- !she hits' Ma* haventurea. before aim' ' ..4netioneere Eldon 8I.,.Goderich ' him to bed for the pest -week and a , innee." . .. ‘ able to escape With 4 white woman - Pitetie- ilite - i iie --• -a -inge • ebeeteinaey, :or fait leek- eeieeeee burge on of Mr. and Mrs. ..W. B. I The iene on the soil. the tilde of et i, • • ' • ie•eachea the balmy family of her• tog e or wee of Oct- i ai . ' is e pession o Ins hfe., ' . . arid lives in their 'camp until ehe is ele. She is captured by the Indians tOBERT 11013ERTSON. . ..,.......- Itowtmact, con. 4, IffeKiliop, passed. . Chapman, Seaforthe The marriage i fanner in hie ebility to produce his • : . eway atter a sickoess widen. conhned ober. ' ' I "To liee honorably, to till the land.- who is also captive, - nate, although.- in iu-ireaith the!. Mr. and ltfis. Richard Govier, of . that was man's duty. Why' had ne t will.eondion and arrange. any sale on the 'latest methods' to get best results. Hallett, artinittithe the engagement of i been eii -deeply. antagonized by -what The uncle has te go to war. • 'The past 10 years from kidney trouble. , fort of .Intiakinanis taken by the Din- . See h:Irn, or drop. a card end ne will geeeee their only daughter, Edna Robenia, i he lad seen in the city? P give. It Immediate • attention. . Perm. ce. - ed was 82 yeare and 4.inoothe- to Mr Williara Harold Adams, soneof I had seen a departure feorn thet greitt '-ecause 'le tish but through all her !adventures • Sales a epeolaity. , , - -.NOTARY PUBLIC. t`te.---T ' Vallee', and when only six years oldi he wieli the family MOVed to UOrriS • rsao•was born in the Ottawa , Mr. al;d Mrs. John C. Adams, Lorldese iPtirpose. What were politics, what i,„ gin b born. the marriage to take place the , were the aeq,u1sition of wealth, the tayjlig • a A • and thrilling experiences. Naney gain g er, way, makine everyooe . latter part of October. - stzieing after luxuriesi--what were I • • T7\1 0.AILIEL. , . . . Joimson-Sanders - • . . ' • ' - ' Syndicate Buys Larsen Near Diryirdale . ' Messrs. Harry Talbot- aod Robert even so-cailed icience and eivinzation In tlie .end her latimr, who hadn't . !aele.oenza, rittoenheioraltdnintghaetn gor;aitiLr, an:: . really died,' retarns. She meets! the , • NaT1111Y PUBL/C • A -pretty .auturan wedding took „Dewar, who °ten fitie farms on the °I 'Westons. agent- and no one. could be . r ig way, a few m 4 happier nhan Nancy. • . . • . • -General Conveyancing done elece it Inc home of Mr. and Ors. 1 8 , , the livina of theft life in. the "sereice itortlt of Drysdale, have Zech. d " -"a* , • . R th a bright, irtteresting ,tors of Good Companies Represented • • .nobert Sanders on Wedneeday of last 1 $ A.p (-4;.„1 911 . Phone No. 298.. • Goderich, Ont. week, at high 000n, when their.' dicate headed by Mr E Foncombe of a sore -in -kw, life , in 1.8 ---in • Anterica,' centered Ht 11 Adeline, iten acres off the lane front to a on. Ile is deenly etirred over the neath round , a 5. t'. little heroine. This is youngeet datighter, I. . . ". INSURANCE .at Which he is ntes- n Rand. MeNallv book, price $1.50. " • a ti ge o . r. Mr- ,of eeAnesee, for the handsome sum of mit. He felt that he would soon fon aisttibuted in ;Canada by McDerm and -a----iaai----• lJohnstonInfeltILLOP MUTUAL VIRE INSUtt- veri Abin Jo , son of Mr. .1 Mie1 n $250 per acre. ' 11114. touncil of Stan- flow throngli that door into the other Smitners, Toronto. ant- ERTY INSURED. • • -Mrs. David A. "Jonnston, Jr, -of Grog ..-.e.--. - -... ley township is preparing to open up ' ! ee----iin...------------ ten. • 'The ceremOny• was performed FARM ANn TAOLATgp Towx pAop- be• Rev. D. McTavish. ,the sideroad leeding to theeproperty 1 • . -. . 1 and the promotets have plans ander floating •into the elevators and mos - ture of the td'. ice if 'any, .he teceill ERAY INSURP1Dnolo ' : Valocont nonertie instJane • - - - Death of W., 7a OaNail 'way to develop it intaii popular -sone. •-ing• on cars to both coasts, great mills ed from it and even as-ta the facts it rired • intry IMO. P3,048. 075.00'. The death of W. T. O'Neil, of Clin- mer resort next summer, - • ' are grimning spruce and retinir.g laid before hint. Not being 111 21 pos. onetenEtee-eraten Coonoll'., Prot- ton, took plate at Viadoeta, Ga., , ------ et -o -n -e• - eoPiaer trod planing lumber. More I ition to act upon the information and. dent, Getierieh i Ti',. Evans, Vlee.-Preal- Wednesday night, October 10th. tar.. . VYIIAT OTIIERS SAt and more this grea,t manufacturing* advice of the board,. it was the part dent,. lieeehwood; T. E. Ilan, Seca and Mine Oaleil, ntecampartiiii by. ;e . ro , 1 k' . t d 1'fOl 11 5 of wisdom to say. as little eat; 1)1) 11)14 . Treas.. Poserth. • Miss McTavishnurse. left 'Tuesday • Absolutely No Defense ' - materials, is hearing .the emends of !about them, As a result -of protests • 1)I11E1 T4t118-1). F. ?Alen:roger, " 1J for Orlanda, Florida, where tltey have (London Free Press) j mohinery os .r t4o border aod the , in pailiatneot, an official record of tenth; J. G. Griete, .Winthrop; Writ, a Wien, ttonetancer Going(' Merarinev,lheen.Spending the winter, for severe There IS .bo ..t'13 no defense for' um of people at eeork in iiiduetry. 1 TuokersmIth ; John Ferris, Itarlock; j ita years in the interests of Mrthe amen or ene venire; in caner tee . Di respect of ttee lieton problem, . ' Sohn - 13t 110 Broadliagen; Murray O'Neil's health, and he passed 4Way 1 ornicue or -brlgaen -cases. Tao taw -there; are many Amerman -StAte9rnen Gibson, Beurefield. t lot the train. 'says triat tne returneu men snould DO ' 'who believe that Canacla cen t each us, . Leiteh, Winton.: Wirt., Chesney, Sea -1 fOrth: It Ilinehley. Seaforth. AGENT:a-X. NV., Yee, Oorterich : Sandy i i Mr. Patrick Gaynote fdr a nurabar . Luelinow Resilient passes gwen the prezerenee. in both in- stancee the there aervice Conutuoion, , . r: lesson in sensible regulation Cum - :velem history is more in the making ' than ever Infer°, 1 Policyholders NATI pay their assess -1 of ments at Galvin -Cutt's store. Clorierieli; 1roors 0. familier figure. , on the I tertian is supriosea to have in its nand 1 . , . CHI ,v, passe elute y I tmente to one post oftice . de- Improved Easiness Conditions In A. J. Ntoorish's Clothing etore, Clinton; - streets a Lucknoe n • ti anneal i pattnient, passesi, on tnese two Wen • Or J. It Reid's, Hayfield. ,, ein e. :and enecirtay • recommended-- them. - .Nova Scotiaer, awa t the h in ' f In • y a ur hohie a is 'on- aw t , nen ..............--,.......n.-„ op.,...1.,..,-,...,...4,11,40.,... and de -righter, Mr. and biro . .4441r •,,a LI berm patronage (02112111 1.0.. inter -Financial- Post) IRF wsvitANCit - Lindsay, Oik Saturday evening; Ont. • vened, and kr. vernot, 1.1. 11 11(0 (13 ; TiThe return of the Rhodes Govern - Have it attended to by- the Oth, Although in his 92nd year Mr. 'believes in tne spolo system, over- merit to offic0' appears to have been rated the (00 11 end set dente , well deserved. Mr. Rhodes and his Gaynor was active and .going about WEST WAVIANOSH *VIDAL PRE INSURANCE CO right up to the time of death. ! government Itat*e indeed been respon- the war veteraes. lee Toronto Globe sible in Carnfor much of the improv. Establishiel 187.8 • ! Barton.rilickus .. has been (11142 111(1111 ithe resignation. eii, 121. 121" conditions which 11 5'. IP yaLia FORNAC.E.WONT iiair ff Head Mire; Dungannon, Ont. A • pretty October wedding took of Mr. . Veniot , for hia action in the takenplace during the last year or Wm. J. Thompson. - Auburn, Pres.; -oleo Thursday morning, Oct, ond, 0 Staleoo .ppsttnaster5hIP. The 'trig- tern.. During • Mr. Rhodes' regime. , aitaiitaYOUR COAL BILL GROWS fang IN A WAY THAT WOULD SHOCK, Wrn. Watson, Vlee Pres.; Jarmo rope • 11.30 a.m.' at the holm of Mrs. Valeu-den case makes 'doubly strong tn.. ' the great coal -industry 'has been AND SteliaPrat5c YOu 'Ala Mu* plre'elul'; pl"alura-Wul* tine Mickus Wingliam, when . her argument for his retirenient freen ; placed on a oteOulllan, St.. Helens; W., P. Reed, ' better basis; a large pulp _ - onngest„ daughter. Lola Mae, was ptrohe lite. It ie a matter ot policy. ' . and paper industry hes been estab- VERHAPS'aiiltelareNoT LISINCr lien. No. 2, Luelitiow: Mien, Lin Sal- Y 'OM% Ilewitt, Kineardine; Rol% Decide Mrs. Jas. Barton, Devi E. 'DOB:tot:her fying the taivil Sarvice Coninussion o , ou er e , .x. e to soro 4141sre now; Tim ottlin, R. It•No. 7, Limit:low; Baetorte of Elmira. son a. Mre and the.lieneer. action ot Mr. Vomit in de- t •1 g 0 r. ato . '1 it ' . . a me ac • lished 111 the, peavIncre the provinelat *Tele' RiGfir NINO OP COAL lirenei has been 1)4111 J11(1 the ince bete oh 11441 benefit resultine ewe- ' TE4 Olimtkiftle.FACrti' E°11i10(ta 0 non Dungannon. ., THOS. SiTitTlitillS, e. Tr 13. 71,'s,uate,cloo per thousand. • Teem • • - Got Degree of IX A. eprineiple of • returned men !tint; and/ age system, or will they stand by the • eeteesive department rearms have iii 'his effort to 1:6:uin to the, Patron- frem the Duncan Commiesion teport; I perforraing the ceremony. . , no re, lain up, o le conumesten . In atentot , .. been carried outo new mid e.ginomie i . . . * . . . . })i)'1 11)» avrangements have been ef. High School staff, attended Cotivoea- th &tient. If Mr. King and his nun. , feeted by. the 4) ('1 a sound tion at Queen's University recently; istry uphold the postmaster -general, reforestation policy hen been estab- nrd was awarded the degree of D.A. then they will belie to accept full re- lifeline; the wbole eauentienal system.: • Itifth the pddition of this degine to sponsibility for his eaetions. If Mr. -. a ti2e. proinee hue been improved er Mr. Phillipseit rounde out the. requite King sidesteps the issue on ht8 re- ed qualification of every teacher in turn from ,F,urope, then the Censer. ' nncl betterede.neve mining laws have ire( ce, been introdueed. that have brought * Ili:' school. Mrs. Phillips went to native Opposition, when Parliament about ti revival of preeiore us. etal . Absi.ate ia-lkt i'l‘• Kirigston with Ilfr. Phillips ter eon- reassembles, should press, for a full no •4 t"ges•in ' tO 14 • • innete-- en e'ett „ • ....._ .. . . . • investigation into the oneration of , havo- been establielled; the tourist , , - ti ° riatt--"-- •a• 'ta - the post office department under Mr. 'traffic Ito been rSVOri a decide(' int. - • . . Rheumatism . no -veterans of Canada and 121 thO inter- ,iniorove the conditions of agriculture 'in early, . Every tvinter trito premise yeurnalf * Veznot's rerrime on behalf of the tear notim; anti intich lias been 'clone. to , . est of clean governniento. , , taste; . .• - • , t1 it next (gam], you'll putitillit eital „ . . I Canada re ain • (New York alines) - - Public , Fali ie here now. , attg History I Tariff &era's Adviee Not Made , Plan ' : Astoniohing noures continue to (E. C. I. la Saturday Night) ;and Christmae thne will bring. ''(1Winter i5 corning just as Purdy, ' .eireulato irt the iness airout Cm i If Cie exigencies of politico did not sleet and mow, not roeve. She offer* her healing herbs growth and erop yield of Canada. Jii prevent Mr. Robb front taldrig edgiest -I e , every way she expands. Winnipeg, tage of the eervieeo Of tho beard ft I eend to the Heat Police, got your . neenesenenneeenteinineeinnineesergernons to stop *offering on Seinen-diem 10 resented 10,i110,5an ellould be a very Oseful body, Ite coal ill n"17' MI faagat Pula Ilaating ' war° amain herbs antananaullio nein eountep's elevatore, ea contrastea to ehe efaeete of the tariff' or Iaeli of I i V; co poSalere for the rest Id tile year. lien Ametira woe wilderneen Deanne Wei -leis of wheat ilowing into tire function is to aceertain the fa- .,.. the Redmen, nO pate ago, &tug with 004.400 on tho tante day of etariff' eon varieun branches of Cane. eourPounutd Galialatiail tieroat "aux' ' reollth5 of Alga. June and July 1028, Miniotee of Final -tee (in the bailie ef CALL THE Funeral, Director and -Ganglier. laarniq „netball...tannin aria ,previove year. During the three dicta enterpriee and to edvice the , Embalmer 1 di Itrenednes, lie formes Iiitiney• 661, .0., 6: v. :6 A Stn.; t titece faete. In the silatter of fact- • VVST t'1513(1 1 ittipeov. has helped maw a nafferer m""ara 'ar'213 'au haa•Gn aa -a tha nuranea of ittinataa lairrated te finding it, 5Ceins to itave operated i Vern Itheinnetiern G........... 1, fdrro.:n11t0-e•t l-a'l-s-:vc, . N,IF,t:ly c!{l6yzrleh142c,(utd. CCraonpada; nthe rinreemonte el lilia faCeiorntneerneteiitoicneuodcrich, Ontario } -liofa tunpnOILt s-.oTare o amutoortmrhiaeatnivoena rfetpirenesaatinetendo. A .FOn Good Clean' Cienthhee0aIafeki oghe . eh 1.2k13 vi cDo Prenni36:v att:".nct-A to , t eine dneeiieneo iineene-engat.:~a e Itain18.0a0 bziehele in 2910, it; e.4. a;:anne it, bin nizat it LCID 1191110 in the , si dour; total il 214214.19. OCe2 tWCA '''',',Vge.Z1lAttil. tc ft) th<1 5ZCE:ht Mr. ° ° . COAL i day or night, _ Ii ena libelee egeeentie goiealti gee ,peeted to reach this eetnetlie ammo. way ef gientea aciviee eon oaly rie ' j B mu STA R 0 „ mon adaitienal netcee Zeno' b:/c-13 nab!) httf4 ectn fi fo V:;ittliritil ?kW -0 1 Itwi COMPANY i, MORVI: FROM ROA; NOW* 4113w ' elbLY i Got!eriel ,.; , ;ICalopiell's Dris Store, Goderam gem in evne.at, lainne tne uncat ie, eatliartient infeteeetaen a5 to the tta-• 1'110130'98 GODERICH. orh!MiladeiNIMO,11.11•NEMb the proceedingn before the board is ItEi1131i11 now noing kept, but no prooleion 14 `no Dostoillee dePartment adviS2a everyone vending a letter to put hie made for o. -record of the conclusions or her return addresa on the uppereeached by the board from these pro- WC:4mnd corner a the envelope. eeedings anti passed on to the mut- ister. It wouldn't do, of course foe eT•ohuor.,etci4nsiyeeLvap3erstocittetr3ati/a tre rat; Mr. Robb to have to acknowledge that he acted contrary to- the advice otflee and the east ia atilt° moderator eis d board, and suet acknowledJge. ,Internal parasites in the sbane of evadeby the simple plan of worm in the stotnaelt and bowels of keeping seCret the nature of the eon- children sap thole vitalitp and retard elusions reaebed by the tribtutel. phyalcal aevelopment. They keep the child in a eanstant tate of mei • l'est and, If not attended to. endanget Mother Graves' Worm Exterraina. life. The eldid can be epare'd much tor will drive worms from the syetem suffering.and the mother much anxie- with:oat injury to the child; because ty by using, a reliable worm remedyi its notion, while fully effective is • * such 05 Miller's Worm PoWdersi which are sure death to worms. .-z4:44„ • • rore.ota• .••••*,, • S.1 internal and External Pains are promptly relieved by De THOMAS' ECLECTIRIC OIL • THAT Er His BEEN-50LO MI NEARLY PIETY YEA11111 AND 13 TO.OAY A GREATER 0Et LER THAN EVER REFORil 18 A TESTIMOMAI,TRAY &PUKE FOR era NoMEROU5 01.111ATIVE MAWR& t ee he. .. i l• is , J ii E:: COFFEE , ...le I. f 11 It's full-bocliecl coffee flavour makes a teat MarlIS Drink. NATIONAL OROCSRS COMPANY LtrvirtItO W40141%10 Platributora • iota* anlitiniationei iiatia. Utialtlf.RS _Bronliou Bros: Gonenioui The Lesding Porters! Directors 'Ott Erahsliners aiso Astliolsoce Service Orders varefully attorode‘i to at all hour'nightor day. WO are the inspectors of anatomy In and for the County of' Ituren. • Phones: Store 120; Itesidente 17. MNIMINIMINININOMMimatal. Part of attie's S. E. Wheeler qv, 014AJL.S1 .r.: if v., ...,, , 0-,rk!' 1)0 ii -of IN I 9,14.;$170R.........,.ES ifb cat- -- --want _,..,,.„, _ 0 '111 "Talley counts,' r _ I .. °Wheys i :„ • . Quality , tie 253 , • - COMES" *,;;:";:4,'• 1 .41.. 1 A.N.6.....f.' 44 . taineenegiente THIS IS PROVISION WEEK "wIstnades"1 Shortening 2:4;;It 39ie _I 1 , ja A ova% iir ;holed flitioltot3 ami 'rat ail° 4. arm Armen aratosidob firand 41111, tyP Per !b. 45e Si Sifsaryainiettid.,m,441.ite AraCesiOlikii:sesiiffelifsiCotDra In Pd*im* lb.290111aeonr=ft ib.351 -4.11allia.- rorrasty . huiskoiraidiar CHEESE .95;17‘4Setil%ri 0,1'co thole* Pearneel neer/ea) COTTAGE Mild Strong 28. 35 Health llrettd Vo!,IriStb. ;1)1RIACtilt: CI I 37 at 'ar's PA_ Tigew 'rand i Victory Sour Sweet CATSUP A.. 23e ?ick taz Lfit$0•50. IFigii;.7,6123e I I it:=VirzIb 131 BXI3 PORRE1 MARMALADE aat Vie 11-MAISMILIO 3USIPitInE 0 MIMI?' Olt SrA11 SO 4ir • Arlinonia: ;me% 26ei str_,-' 5:40 Dz;t:. cco 23a .4