HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-18, Page 1Printing as You Like It ApedVu Pirotopt Service, IIhunts Prieto nif your meet order 01 letterhea4/6 flallerrark. Lororirrires. Carrie. erre ire THE STAR for Good Printing were Sc., Codorick, Tel 71. SIXTY-NINTH WAR ije • .4cric To New Subscribers arge lnrs. See our t lehideee The nut arif ne At et tree floc the Uel- Iligititti arireare 140 /ear ten. no Star to I JAL 1830 • • • $2.00 The Ster to 1 Jen. 1920 • • • .2111 ' ••••••\. Suaeeription: 12 a year V. catosile GODERICH, ONTARIO CANADA, THUR, $450 a year S. pointe, SDAYOCTOBER DAlt• WALTER NAFTEL, Publieher. ' .....— — eer'r--....— .,--.......o 4.• . — "...se.---- et- ' — '_ ...,..,-- --= _ _ - .... - -- Question of Sale of Maitland Road Plant to Dominion Road Machinery Co. to Come Up Again at Friday's Meeting of Town Council , ......., .. ......... - ..,.___. ...._. - _...;._„........, . . LOST a foiLuo n • ilarditon also, hall the week i,d' "eon'. Mr. and Mt= inwie 1 Ailit .. 4" - . TowN TOPICS '-i-a. rale l' e . .t,..,,„1,•,.yr," at.,Qeeri4e1•1:,.fienhei,1;„3 Tor4rit.w., : trios" the Toronto Eibibitien rotate , liaineurg; ..-4. •I, L4444.41.-iil Sun Life Assurance Company Of Canada ._ . -IA l''.31.1.-1-41,Yz:11:',;:,..;1"."2:114/4':;,'`ufriki'' i';'7,.‘ri'...' .,..----..-.,.-..--.,-,-- ,,,,,..-....,• --_-... I on Oetoner 10, bn Rev. A. J. ItLialit, tor Musteal timeline thie Fear, writ. Whitton, Mtn. Brawn and Ltitse Aare e.„ ,,, .. r ' . . t oieeee !raw et zet'11.:All t‘IFFYIE. ii tie) -General ..-"teeerefolee t'1 11 Band freon England, mid the teetiVicelloiTlire•-XTE-Clitte.,-'4-Ieendele; e 1Aangoia wig Hew emintions.reony. ___ eine:nee 1)1)., of eiuelph, ex.Moderatne: ieg up yri.Aek'ri Chortle, the le .04. F. • iirown of Stratesign , - . the time .to make provision for the future.? A few cents a 4ay _.. . li,atlio? t-nitelso:. ' Feeler :eels., teen. elections ri AShlteld. whicleis holung IL sTAII 4WED:E. ItOi‘arii: liresT 11a i'+,73 ADera .aoi•J , -T-Q:eiia:' ilaVri W -7,+ a eve core, (142''' DCe" 31:41 Innen:en need le linnet, e ineosa ladont tlin eilrlee nate tor =marl nerninettone .Nev. 26th, with polling ,ieleteei , , ';! late Alexander kind Mrs. Stirling., et ,`• Godedelt. to Willialn Straehan, Olode. I of the Town ryttisi'm pecontf:toulaaCreAtre i Entertain:al:1:f 1.6130,1klillit3inttet Yearn ilif ou at home Snlrilin; ME*. ann enirs. ..a;t1. MAanule, t:t'' M Mr. arid Mra. •'Ann, Knight, of Another township in ehls county tee (Time), 'youngest demander of ti '1: ties geing on in the mueie building. ' the Messre. Wales, lege noire neaten ' . • To -day you WHAT IhIrclI7 ‘iiirwirp°1)y"14aQinIRFtpr°oWspe7rous. Is that not i. purse roman:mg a too a , public school Dc.r,anre•aehoore000nitomenee.t,, , 1 he M4irOtlie iiall for the . i'eta i'ht:t et:: :ti (IP : Dnieet n :''11;:n:;:lal;Plal'aclIdP1(1:1;131814*eltalilr:rall'il'Et; t;49:ulteleitts:::::::-; ,', extendeldi • ' invested in I,ife Insurance 'will make provision for yoItr deelin- 11 . suitam, r.,ward. ADp4, at Inetoria .pu. re ' It will also 'provide protection for your loved ones ,.:.*.r.xit r.1!,•Fi.t.:t1...... .......,___ _ 7, mg yam. sliuo",s,:iti„i . ment exerdees will I* held on Mon. ' ' Gr'anihne *rdrloiviv*iinSie Veagels Were unload. ',Leeelessiful event it was. Mr. G. C. numerou;', end vere bgeutifid. The day evening.. October 2iInd, in the ;deer: titi)ect.elaatge lrialunflonti.le9974 Itleig4iisk twv4ispotnh:ibilerinfloerlre'eem4olvidelniriNivt ' teyvtees. 1-1t. •Virelrelle were cendu`ted nhoulti .you be called away. Think of those dependent upon : -rPitiiiie ii'effeE ' ke and Rev. R. C. e...............nr... ••....-,,,, ,w,-,,,---,,,,,,,.....-r.F.,-ex-....,-.44...,.. •aeh001, and gegtra), u"' '00,000 bushels 'wheat andenl,000 bu. wus called ler teat Friday night RIM i , niaeRay condueted the fleet part of 80100.1 ei)nunen" t bushels wheat; Oct. 10, the Renfrew, '. to hold another at home. A meeting ,MeDermice and Ize. eg. Bra. A. e.• you. Think and act. to -day. To -morrow it may .be too. late. q1,1111.1.1.11111 111.......1.n. •.,,, , . . . iNeiTleile tri."PlIE tellenT tit' itee. plea the fo mug *evening,. Thep in, Tt Ann tin t it dientlint. tiard. ... e• , . . • Ads oat scalpings; oct. 16, the G. Jarit..w.as-deeldetlinnbeltletho 'at itnntOntlie•'nlasonie- ritual; lhirlerethren rot ---- - ' ' - •-• ' Ph- 115 - H. R. LONG, District Agent , _.._ ....,.... .. .......... .........._ ,_ . ...............„,.. ....... . ..., , .......t. TAKit,, astriur, that the. 00314 cs./towlins wain, onevlsiutt a the Town or dotteriele will A general meeting win be eagedae, and the Saskatchewan With 1)5,500 ; in the Oddfelloofs' Hall. Mayor ono pail.nearers were the three aOtt3a. Gitailininin-250,000-binilient if -wheat; 'next WedneedaY evening. • ()et 24th, mainand Lodge attending in a bady. ., (Member, Town Hall, 4i4oteriett. for the bold its firet sittinte in the tenniell 8;n0 p,111. ThurodaY, Ont. 25tit. ..it the . bushels of evbeat and oats, and the MaeF,wan was choSell chairman of 1 Fratal‘tve. gitire.eite,,, itn.nceitt4Leles.riewanodsailler.. ii03781 Bowling' Aliens fon the pur. Renfrew, wtth 154,000 bushels wheat ' the meeting' and Mr W II Robert. rs. nose of seranglog games ro ieaeoe arid oats are unlosding ti a'. The. eon seereta y C it te 0 . we ' ; . . Geo. Downey. Mid Mr. Harry Rnight. '1 ...- . - • • • , WANTED - • , Assessment Roll for the Town feeettie ? Ihrksrplecetuirkooisoeono terheeey lown tile appointed int e.aell °wInalard toget ttOe. At the. graveside Rov. Mr. ;Clarke , Heron investment. Ltd IIITAINTED.-A quail to supervise. and • ye , ..............---e.,,,.. - furnish neceseary tackle for eeer 1'' 3555 oti Thurt.itiy, Ni,vey,„,1, , or the winter• passport to heaith. ist. 192n. tine innelock titn %hi:, erui(.,t conducted tbe service anti Rt. W. lire. • . - • ...,---.• • • ereetion of four sixty.foot steel mac to attend. ' n , Get your teame organized for bealth a e wi i A , us eta V. lel4t and gether a list ot the 114010$ of reel. 40,000 busltels oats. MacKay completed the Masonic' sere vice, assisted by the breintren of the - the All poetics i terest' i r .1 • -t 1 end pleasure'. rue Dore. Eocene ated Bridge Winter ..--i.ors to - Petersburg, dents of seventy yenrs old or over to whom invitations Will be sent. It . stacke In .0odericin ,State enperience L. le Heels, Tuve: fleet. BUrint '...r.”.9 . rlorida Vie t ' St -03 trlite DOSSihie that sem° names 1 d . Stock Brokers , . and. terms. 13ox 0, STAR oPFRIE. Goderiele ortober letle 1928. . A letter to inhe Star front St. Pet. ' . . The Huron Old Bo ' n • t,' may have 'been overlooked and mem. ' r • _. r r • ,e• ... - • of Toronto will hold their ti' euchre ' Bond Dealers . . , . .. • . • , .. . . .. . ... ._ • . . , .. • ersburgn Flue states that Goderieh'a , Insurance aelotty of. winter • visitors who will r to havo names suggested. A, pea. in Reettnt • hers of the committee will be pleased l'uOils of Mr.. Douglas ramphell . ' - - WAN'eF.10.--(BY Victoria Horne and , VOTERS' tasT 'NOTICE • and bridge entertainment of • the " School- Club). old papers and -------- - - -- sewn in the. IlYirela Hall, Elm Ste ma-azInce 4o be feDeetett naturdar . ISElin'Sl :ROWE OP. FIRST PoSTINer...011 Feed ni 0 spend the seeson there i th h gram committee was appointed but A very pleasing Mueleal evening • • WANTRD.--Ntaid Tor general house- en a '.. e . ,,• , . , -- . which alt limonites are invited. ize srill be- awarded and re- • „ 200 . t tropics trill when additional numbers Wili come in . (let. Nene Winne tis iti bundles • 1 tIP VIMERS' LIST.. - he .0ensiderahly. inereas'e'd . It is expected thot a :livelier of the Wee spent m the basement of North . . • . ROYAL BANK BUILDING • • — :..,.. . . ' d nage to eujoy the warm give selections tie watt done at the. lug last, when, Mre Douglas Camp. guests themselves will be alad to street Calton eburch on Friday' even. ' Winn t InT inee AIVelleIPALITY ' Gel:4 Pr 8 • . - . Hodorich, 00tt*rill T V , work Must be reliable • Wenn- , . tin ASITPInLit 11 i\\ COUN- .:fresbntent (Huron etylel will be the fall an nt ' last event of this kind. Guests evlue bell's .nupils were heard. in reeitale• ' - Phones 430 and 446 ANDRA. SIAIIINE and GENERAL Ines- Ter DP Illeettrn . • .ing will be nevoted to a, number of ceruenalttit g elin'es4::nattinunvalstftrnen-1 'notify IStr. jas, MonVicar, onto is lit medalliet initheraolfeneviolirnenenie. s(lut ' W....V., ' . served. The latter part of the mien - (I's, ....edve' thee. W a i 0 1 e exit ed for tire asked to with Mr,. Ab eeP t , f 'Po to, g la ... IPVITAAT4'.N. ''ei. LI).-Digtri.ct ftepreeeittative' liaNvel()Tttenlittlelire'llietieleYri•e;Nti., 1.1Petij, i)eird.eterint.ee "lance" With " e'VI)ert "c31- have 'already V V tor .nothegrh min restrict ta re- persons mentur ed .in notion 9 of tin • Tee. Flew Addresses 1...gros season lloW 04. mot et them coin. • . numbers by the pupils wore all given Brandi rifOori vivi; 111174*.41.14, owl, . . , ...,...,.., , .. , ,.. , been received for the mente. • last yettie as. assisting artist. The Goderich residente, the letter states, chorne of transportation . aronge. the Canadian National nxhibition. ekeigetni: • . . - • . present tne • "Old lteliable rennin' Ontario Voters. List Ad, tbe collie; rin tee iv • ing south bn .autonitibilet while later' Meeting of Amateur Bands ' with good expressicoe and evIdene ap- .• Norserteg.' NOW aaeclaitles, uew cot- ,quireei by .saiii Isertion to be sti. trans- . Dr. Field gave a very interesting '• f his over arrivals wilt come by rail. Gederleh Association . . P ort the part of the per- AtrilED 'W. ANDEETON.. : lieetione. alt big sellers. elvelusive ter.- mated or delivered of the Este' Math' -40e0UXIt of a recent trap 0 t ede t w spent the 'winter he . In the Ferguson lifiritwan and into the e l'• 4 s ' he re A meeting of tne °Merle Antateur formers <of the musical volues of the ' . • , Morn. highest -colninissiOne• handsome pursuant to (-aid „tin of all personna jest. season included Mr. end Mrs. L. ee d e '' "n---- ' . ' • ', .1 free outfit, Start now •at nest seliinn peering by the last revised.asetissment K country' of NOtthor4 Ontario . an a ,. seoc at on was held in the pieces they were rendering. The Organist ,St., James Church, Lonnon. P. Neuert Mr. and Mrs. Fred .C. Mete STonin 4... WELLINOTON, Tor- •roil of tee said ninteeleality 'to ee en - Teacher of Piano, Singing, Organ. onto 2. .. ne . • , •• . • • • -tined to vote In the naid onnieipality .. to the Goderkin Lions Club . at their Shepherd, Misses Winnifred and Lil. Musicians' Temple, Toronto, 'nit Wed. pupil numbers Were 44 follows t • , ...... , _ . • • eegular luncheon test Friday even. Han Shenhard, Messrs. Albert and 13andsMen from many towns in Ou. James Sutherland; hem Group from -. . TheorY. ' -i. .....,-----e • at elections for mernbere of the Lents- - nesdaY. October nOth, at Pni0 p.m., Piano, "Gavotte 14 B fiat"' (Handel)* - • 32 Miceessea. in tnis Year's exarnina- ' . .. roil SALE. Olt7TO. RENT • ler.v.! t' .446S444T1h1V nientit amid:in:xi dee- mg, 'The London Lions Club are .Donidd seetkord. uonvs anti that the said lad 1.'. 5.. firat ' planning a tenter:lel visit to Goan. '. 'Oen% Toronto Conservatory ntiusic, , '''''`'''' - - ' '' - ' • ''''''''''''''—' tpoted uo at my entire in the To; . , cli dent and the localecIttie decided to Appointed Organist of 'Wesley . ,' • tat)in:oTire ofkrdiet'rieig.elir4rteeo"ilite:1::ifYil-to4levi, 13141.1"3.1,i11111.1' itlecti; , . • Olrer 60%. ' snoring honors and •.first..1n(ift liENT.--Illouse. on .eorner 04501010m, , ie. ,bert .and javack sts, ,v4,....1,.s. made ognshrieldon the into (eke of oetober, nazne tbe .date as FridaY, Oct. 26tle '. United • • . vienfin ,ri, mendation Wag made that at the next ' Whitely; • (a) ' "Wherte'er a Snow- ' * DIP are e .artarezett' r t relsonrd)le' wee. arta remains there for ingeoatioo, Seafortig•aud Wingnam clubs also Itir. kL C. Hamilton, a 'former or. .regilltir meeting of the ASSOelati011 4 flake,". a(b) "Sleep Baby n Weep," • Vacancies.. for A few Pupili, .• e " g ' g ' ' " It • ' • ' Last day for neareng Agmeals Oct. eist, ,. .. •'.Possessiorx at once. Apply ennESLInr .. • t Ard I hereby. can Upon all voters to will beinviteci to:meet 'in Goderch on : ganist of North... stinet ...United resolution be passed -that, at all fut. Jean . Robertson ; Piano, nefollye . . Apply at • •• ' • . . , i WALKER, Phone107. • • • t tete' einnetteete. proceedings ta eaee cr.- the occasion. ' - - • • . - church, '.'.ho • hes .been tontribut. 'are eernpetitions the Adjudicator Will hocks" (Itishor), Plierjorie. lionner.. . , • , IVIES. •HAREISON'S, • . e. ' ' ' n - ' • rors'-or emissions correctee occorditig . ing regularly to the 'columna of remain in a sealed tent, and tittit .no sotg Plano. "Song of the Lark" (Op. •.. Opp. Victoria Seheol.. 'via immr.-iitouse, .eentrqiy .10eatedn to levv. Streichan-Stirling , • °Musical Cenada," bas been .ap.. , ono will be .allow.n. te. enter • on leave 39, 'elle.. 22) (Tsehalkowaktr), Bill . • • . Thedern 'convenience% gantne „•ann . • Dated ,Ortobile 10th, ift€4,• ' • * ::- ' An interesting announcement. for - pointed organist of 'Wesley Unitedthe tent during the content andthe , Sutherland ; . Pion() Duet, ' "Moon .• „e • - : .• • tbrougbout. at ntti. 110wleide, Phone: • . • f4itriitiN%0 • garde:). Paintett 'and pepered fresh- , .• - . ' en. E. nleDONA01.1, . the many. Gederich . feiende of the , Church, Toronto.. A verY fine'iristru. • adindicator .will then make tile an-. Down" (Frimi), Misses Mary Far. , • . Township Cleve bride..and gropta appeared en Toro Nan elin. MOVE.H....• ' . ..:, , 2it , .. • - , .___- - .. i : P.- - rnent bas been instolled there, eon. 11041Icentente of the awards himself. row And Leda Ilerre. In the last . • rr`r* . . tenting echo. organ andehilnee. Itr„ The Adoption of this eine should do named Mr, Campbell played the bass . , .• Plotted* Inatome Moners of 'Cetinje. Foil --i"--' 4 4 .._ , ... r . .. ....e.......1 'RA rt.' ...-Hern • frame suitable size.' . , . , . • • ABCTION SALES • - Hantilten, after'. being • lieard• one away with' the phoesibillitly on. Ow linitli‘ iii" the rtilgt$11100;4xiiablenienAc toalf , • Inane est. Speedy,•Padded grans. • 'New • for g ur ann. ',..11, VV. .1t0V1 EL,1•': I ' . ' ' .' COrahlaniaa Salida*, was the Amain, go's ;1NVard net etng t e .w td 4 own. m •• . Terleiged • enew every trip. Alle Made ...e , .. t • is. W. CRAI01E n•n• : PlInnaTufig and itnItNiniENtrer. . . • . . • A IlLtlelt: „ ana congregation. The tritieal end- •bedievnevate What hatmened this year, the yeettal some weeks ono. at which N S.eLE tFr„ HOUSEHOLD • - Equipnaent, natestemetliods. Two ex. phone 21e. . . . • • . . , - mous choice a the. nomlnittee. ehoir is announced, as the Godench band had been originally 'intended to have . intoireen Beyond. compare for skill A pAtt`ftErs"VS.. -To.. liENT.-IN 0 w 1'. t . . .-.. . , . . . . Mil IL T. EDWASIes !biogruPhical nitetehes recently . apwhich VI 1. is confirmed by .the time Miss Hem was still in .towii. . . 'arid. eare.. Before 'you native. write IPA 'LA.. finished, mut Uri-to4date plembei win eel! by pone atielioo at his rest- 'peering in "Austen" Canada" have indge's .0Wli etatement to itendmaan Mr. Pratz gave the following pro.. Real Estate and Insurance . , deign. Elgin Avenue. Oodetieln on been attraatilx. the Attention of musi- ter 1 Vilninson tend the very faet bbat gram numbers' and responded to sews • or wirnand reveese. the chategee, Read' mg,. •nristairs; corner -Einggston Street e . Mice, Hamiltennentarloi Canada . ' and. the squAre. Apply . to •HEatriERT t • . • e -- . n • • n. . • ' 111141 311. -MOVER. E. 31eLEAN. e • '• • •... . • 1 - ' 'e • . . r • • • • SATURDAY, oa..27tii, ..- clans. "IVInineal Canada,_" tinder neve, snob a resolution was edoeted 'bn the oral encores; "Gypsy Mince,'" 0o. • n commencing At e incheelt eliergi: . 'management, is nowoff• the iires s , Amateur Bands Assoclatione. Is evi. 14, .No.• 1) Inaction "LondointerrY , . mnal.......-..•••••••,4,.........r "*.,...... ''''' ...............; 04. nee that. the belief 'travelled 'filet Air." by Ereislert ."Ln Rondos_ -des • .' , , Living. twerp, Dining Hem, 1) Ir - alld ig 4 moutlely magazine .compar. ' de . • . eded to. be Lotine." . !).;/ Bazzini. Mt_ Prate - -14 Tii ISS&T. • • .' • ..n.... ' ' • e ' : .•‘... . . . - and Sachet! • getensitiegen nicturesling ' favernbly. with .the • forennest there :were °vile which ne nutiery, t.n.flna, curtains.: tearcien Tools, musk al nublications 'Alt the United .realethed. . .. • • 'elaved with exteression arid his ren. . . , • , . , • . • 'etc. Everything. advertised must . be. States liffr. 'Hamilton ' teceived the , The Dorninio Road ill hin I1.• Ile ery . derings Were. deligidful The„reeltal ' - • " ' ' ." "'" '.•k .$2.500i0(10 '' - ' '' - r' • 4 • • . aisposed .oe, ae .elr. Edinards le leaving ' . ni I • ontraiseion to contribute a series and pro. 1 - was atte riail h ) re t ti. e . . •. .- ,•.. • - J= •• • -- .•, 4,' louse.-- • ..--`,..re...... • ,en e . e . -4 - • . • ... ,.....,.. r9$419111 -.•,, . ...• -.., .•;-...• r• . - • - n 7 4. 1 tt, ii a art frt. nda Ettn$ -;neeei • - - froxii lus nett Ind' Megazine 'lies nun - • • .-- . nne • .. 0; ' • of tin, voting nanfornteta--bnet Watt 3 valoebte 5. 05.41(15' for them in nitlYe • . • ge (tie Nolen ee niin. Auguetus Stenheb, Vogt, Fredei . . .1. , a. * '• Auctioneers. Herbert Torrington, .and Ernest .ien •A special meeting of 'the town couneil .was 'held on Tuesday evening ing before an Audience. . • '-c at 2:.- - Powee,,.,cail.,.,,,... muted ... A LturIols smal___oruorts.V.S. . COWS,. article on the Sehobert ' CentenAry ' , ' C b II Ma Mill A . t• . (I Dominion ... • Road., . nieehinery Coe,. IttilB 'SPA FOOTWEAR- -Volt- PALL.. - ... to consider a proposition . front the • . , • • . • . , inn' • YetUNti CATTLE, and itilleEP. win commove. in an early ieseta. wir,„..........-.......,...„ ,.,,.... .. , through their solicitor. IVIr. IL .C. AND W.I.NTER •• • . .. . . • Hays jr., parts of whose letter wee- ninth the Rtibb:.: Snootwear. we have ' ' .E% Cumulative Redeemable Preferred 'Stock . - I 'At Lot fee Bitylleld noad, 4 miles en- AUCTIoN-SALES. . • ' : 48 tj11°W” • ' • - . ' . ,heett keopitig in stock the last .two - "On behalf of the-1)0million Roads .. • . , • . • . • , , . . . , • • . 'anest of -Clinton, on - • • - • • - , . _ . ' . ADINUAY, (W7r..224111, ' a' ' • • • ,.• ' •,' 1"."`"""a":"":"4"""". • • Machinery Collenanet, Limited, nun Not • one oomph -ant lit two years. •, years, WO halt° Mad. 4 great success. - Preferred as.to capital mut dividendsta .egtitled itti a fixed clininiative diiillend .at ihe rate of 6 Per cent • commencing nt 1.30, o'clock sha • .. • pp • CLEARINt, AULTION SALE 'on PARNI pursuant to your verbal request, we . per.annum, eilmoiative fro* November 1st, 1928, and payalde owitterly on, the ist days .of February, Tema of .geldlnes 6 '1111(1,7 years old. SI tinit and 1.e1PLIeN1blVie. Theyaare the nuiet durable, the Mogt • . • May, 'August arid November.. . Redeemable as A whele or in part,l'at the. option of the Crinipany,' at 103 .weight, 1400 lbs. each: eteet am •cove t; . - • "''''—.. e .. are willifer to 'purchase the Pnget• comfortable, and in \velem they. 414 . • and accrued dividend on 30 da','noticeand at the same price in the event of the liquidation of %the •• years old, due In loeb;; letiveauncow 7 XaS...-43en. et• C4N-LIAVgiLL -- Door •Coliapany ielant for $0,000 toe . the •lightest in the Canadian market • 'nether ;vith the lot formetny occupied n Company Nonevoting exee t as to matters affectli theright.. f the h ide ' d • x' " t ate f . - years ohi, due he Nov.; Durheen roe ti. evil' sell by pinelk atietion on evest toetty. As 'they eoet 'Ile Mere than., by the .Flax.Company end known• 43 • 'quarterly dividende.slisal be in arrears Ond•while any arrears.rernaiseunpilid. • Shares •of $100 each par . • . years, old, due inTeb.; Durham. COW --',4 half Lat 13, Concessien. 4, one mile east ' .. value.. Transfer Agent: Montreal 'Foist Company; .Riagistrar: The ItonaleTteist. compony, . . ' , Years old, due In March; thoite. Hot. -of Outreeniton, on - - the 13oner 'Company site, the heat. ef. in need of an. g re le • ' other mak s ' • ' y . ma er °one. .. stein tow 6 years old, due Nov. 3rd; . - .. • FRIDAY, ocr..26oi . . ing system, line 'shafting •and crane ber •Work Shoes. Onera, Ovor • . . ... . • . dueve Holstein ee-W 6 nears one aue itte • Comineneing at 1 o'clock eitarp: in the building. We Would pay . • . . e. Shoes and Goloshes, we can eatisfst . ' • Application will be made in due course to Wit '.. • . Peb,;_eXt14 ehene ILdstein cow 4 yearn . .... old, •nue March 6th: 3 choice ileistele PoiNes.-1:rey horse, Heine. 6e.ears: gi.,001) down, 1,000 111 one Year. 914.. yon in gunlity and price. . . • .0011 ihare on the:. Montreal Stock Exckani e .. liegere rising :e .years, (lite in Nov., Jan. eoesee . • three years and S2.000' in font' Yenrat thing' in fine and heavy Footwerwittor In Leather FootWear we keep any- brewn horse, rieltig SI . '5. u. 'aged. 00 in the second year, $3,000 iir eanct Vel) ' : fl.---eh°k° ' nur-114n1 grt"le • etianieneetted nev 7 years, milking 3 1.vithout intereet. ntre woidd have' a • ' 'steers, NO' fits. each. good gualitv ona months; hmik: ..now --5 ,..,,,,,t,,,, --t,, the *Allele family that will' tenti to . CAPITALIZATION • • ' • in 'good -oendltion; '33 ch '.3.-.' rectorti freshen in April: fmey ow 5 y„ars. bninen aubmitted -;,e the.: toren . for a . .1 comfort and give good Wear. We, • • • • . • • (On centpletion of this finanOing). .' .. . - and Lekester sheep 2. and 3 -years old. milking 3.months: blue ecev 4 yeers, fixed aagegament . or the . Dominion make ri, speelaity-ta resole and repair . . , . . .• . . ' Authorizing ,. • Outstanding 7 If you ere in Hie market for good mil.,1 to thp in eau; grew ,,,e‘ 3 gond plant ana the Pazet Door pleat . ..etnee•ettentI tins Sale. Rubber Boots Shoes ttrid Overahoes. . s, • • 39 First Mortgage Sinking .Fund Donde.- .,,...... . . ......$3,000,000 • • $2,687,37n , „ nears, suppoeed. to lo in vett:. red IA. for ten years. 'The traill bylaw to bee '6% Cnraulative Redeemable Preferred Stock...e, .... • • - .. 5,000,000 • ' 2,600,000 . • invert on .fueteishinn ' hannable paper. 21 grey . itelftv •3 years 'Idyl ,. due to .subettcd at o'er expanse in ar.y ev.. • not and good .job In repaitinron•call . If in need 'of anee footwear or vr .• - TErtms.-.-six nreellis' Intent • wid-ge• tee 2 yore eel, due to freelien M:rreit . . Cowmen. Sto-ck (now paying 6% annual elteidend) .1 .4-....• • 6,000,00.0 - 2,500,000' . ,. with a eliteotint' of 3 per cent. straight . . Allowed for cane ' freshen eittrell ..20: 2 tt5e-y1',11'.+11.1 Afta muc;i deteuesion- Councillor ' • and eeo 1.10; jUat 13 tow stopg• from the . • .. - THE COMPANY: Calgary ToWer Company, Limited, incorporated under the laws of the Dom- ' .'tg ; 1 • . .. . • , Bailie. gave notke of "region to re. "3. • Semen. •We will be pleased to Berne Wel II. LORD and nun mIDDLETON. PrOod sOw elite -Nov. 23: V.O. two-year- , Inion a Canada in 1'0') 1u '1115.0 31911 engaged in the generation 4114 distribution of 'electric power in , , _ ••proorletrirs.‘• u , r . ... . .. old hens: Iii) InilIetse . cotn.ider t he towner oiler end the ,e'' l'he .East Street. Footwear 'end . • - • the Province of Alberta. in 1027 its.liFdro-eleetrie gents produced approkimately 80,000,000 kilowatt. .. Ce IL ELLitrIrr, e tic once , hours, which 'mewled the. eombined production of all iyther electric power plants in Alberta. It supe • - s, 14 etas:rep-Harris mower,. 3-heif (.O:' tegular meeting .of the ceuned te • immerneate.--Messeeellarrie 1.1teler. Yon . . I . ....Repair • Shop. . .• tte.r will therefore cOltia• LI*, at the A ! ' CLE•tlii. 0 AULTieee eALE 0P PAR51 meteolteee eel, tato, 12 4.: etewee,.... '1/4: -. plies 83,000 custOMEtrs dixectly and indirectly, throngb it own and.inuniciptil dietribution systeMs. motraw (Friday) night. The coml. . • • WM. AHL, Proprietor, .. . ST(nne and IMPLEMENTS. .. • ..e.-..„...... Merle drill, 11.-lioe: set • of ' 514esve1t eil were all present. . . . Opposite Knox Clitugh. • • , ..The Coirmany and its subsidiaries have in operation 33n milee. of 66.„000volt, and .679emilee of . . ' • .• thine, loub... mow: gaze. wattage; . • , , - ... .: . 13;000.volt.transmission Bee, roost of which is less than. three • years old. A further 160 miles of 13,.. - MR. Je.dIN IL NULLS olow: SPt Iti 11 I'.% 3..:40P31,1i; 141Ptat4) A Fine Enter•airenent . • • A LONG .COLD WIN1'! 11 . 000 -Volt line will ;be completed bythe end of the current yean Three b6 00() • transmission lines • • - fof ultiniato operation '.at 110.000 voIte. ••.(Inansformo stations a Calgarne Lethbridge, Higlnitiver, Air- cognect the hydro-dectric plants with ehe •City of Calgary,. the. ,one toot xecently built being dee,igned Cloncession 2, West Wawariolde on wagon and . gree„g,eoe: en, or ;none Under the autspices Oe. the Victoria, will sell he pi01". 'auction et I ft 24 ti • • 1 • • e , • • : ti in It • 510NDAT, 0611‘0131•31 20th, -eleleite; riemocrat: buogy: haYfork. car ' ,, street- United ehureb. young Peeple's. ; the time to put in your winter's sup. a very long and coid winter.' Now is , is prop les ed that no ere to have. . I drie, Rockyford,. Cochinne, •IVIorley and DeVitinton transform the high tension current down to 13,000 - • ' commencing at 1 anionic sharp; . and trip rope: set ;MOO ilt.. teetiee: fan- League, the Fevorite Four will IMO. a . ning mill: hay' nitre melt:gee.: set or concert in llacitay Hall, Godench, on ply of 'Coal. .1Ve harnile the bast 'Volts, a which Voltage, power is distributed to the. surrounding distriete. In twenty towns the Com. ' Itorses.-Bay mare 12' yors old, in willfiletrees: set ef double itarnwer: set the 'evening of Mired v 0 t te eh I 1.that can be had. • poly Oevne the distribution systems, these in meet c. n- having been recently reconstructed. . . foal M tiutraven :Yeoman: ceetle mare, ---3.Y . ,‚..I is see that Your fernnee la in rising 3 yearet gelding, renter 2 years "to 14,,S,IVP lArin771:, set "roPloUith 1!.41..^ Concerning thie popular cOmpan,v of : d • f, . • PURPOSE OF ISSUE: Proceeds of the preeent issue of Preferred Stock- . will be need ita peet to . t . ' • , entertainers a despatch front Hen. ) ' Pe• gitantity of hay: aboot 4011.1nisliele or .. 04 ‚.r diet of acquisition of Calgarn'Water Power Company's . properties end other distributing sys. • Cattle.-Dortiain eow 3 years led, „„. „ one where ' they gave a , We have :nen to nook after your n . tome, and in part to fund expenditures on extensions to transmission lino on* under conetruction. • years old, stIpposed to be et calf: blaek ' seenmeed to be in calf: roan tette rieparator; sap hettle, SaWa. forite anti saye: Miss Corriell in ber nolc,etipn i '07(7" . soncern ''. "me. , nig. plumbing, .It '1' wiring, Inisheie spells: tineetia eream VA,IntIE OF ASSETS:, AccordIng to the Company's. Balance Sheet as' at August 31st, 1928, ,-.. , . cow 8' nears old„lust freshened: red chains: ti 14 rtf ether artielees too of "The Minuet of Long Age," Mid I • adjUatod to. give effect to this ditiancing, fixed and net eurrent aseete (after d,educting depreciatioti re. • cow 6 years eel, suppeeed to be In real': numerous to mention. • ,, CHAS'. C. LEE, . other popular ,numbere, delighted thee! , . gage Bonds and 'united Electrie and Engineering ''""1"".' .1 Debenteres then outstanding to $231 pee . ill 0 . calf: these cows are ell eniltitie cash: over that amount. tWelve montim. ' tend her pleasing pereeriality, while" i' Phone: Store 22. house Int 1.Clunlierdware at the Vilma. serve of $008,930). had a nombinen book value of $n,497,387-neguivalent,• after • deducting First blort. 'roan eow• 4 vats OW, supposeti tt t ta. . TK•tiMs•-Ali '6111114 ar 81" awl untico"..' audience with her beautiful singing i . ' $100. par value of Preferred Stack 46W being fesued. . • . , good.. 4 heifers-, defile 3 seears: 4 ered.t.tiwilil It'e crtleN4'n °..111. fulf,t,t1,sitriir t3rP; ' the reader and colliet,•Pounne Wiloon, . ' The Common Shares of the Company are lisOd on the Montreal eirai Lennon Stock Excbanges. . . eteers, Mainz 3 '.s ss, 4 helferentisin t ,.114:(ingnrol'ele'1,1,1. ter:: list.ii•iii: ,Iirt;red innit2Ettludtitniounro.ilt1 .roetind On Saturtiee• atnernenin. Oet. 20th, inti?..ueilftegottiedif three menthe: 1 milt one - The Tarm ur 100 tweei; itIPIA oig'ef1.4lit,L. !the MT. M. S. of North St. Viated B'1 4(3 Oa quotationee as at Oetober 4th, 1928, the equity represented by the Common Stock --including Phis. --1 Inas, weight' about e e ei noine-1113 .1 P • 7 pigs almute 1e,5 Ihs.: 3 young, Rpm. efq at tii„no ot ftale. - I lbs.; . fer pale at rune, time. 'reptile anneutt. varlety to the prograet by excellent „nakine . rind wel1. rendered readings. . One of g and evill servo afternoon teaa in the Bank of Hamilton building, sylonurien; iclreeleg;:, riableutitittit 3 eiliTigitsh:s 40)1,!,tuntlel .. Mitn. i,1'1: • M. C.11.11AVELL. • - . ker_PoPt4lor eeleeteees 11 0t .yolo. i "eine Pr.,prietreen t terdays, WilieD 'waif cotripoeed ier of Square and Colborne St. sosest.leteepfa.,orrote• neov. 9: 1 Berkshire eine --lee-7e- . -- - - - ----... intent of the violin. Mrs. Arm- i, i'oncert, iet Victoria St. citneela. to farrow Nev. I: White see PI rarte)W Jan. -3: White gow to farrew ;ea. 19. REAL ESTAVil AND nesteRANeig stron,,. the violinist, delinhted the ; Of elerieln Gh the evening of Thant:Elm .....----*.-.-..,.......,.'..** audience with her many various net- /living- Dav. . — -.nee,- -, pigs about 2 months ow; 1 white brims! .1'1'. i;j".11)1tY %SI ietiN, Auctiteieere• '''''herstaf, and gleen to the &teem:mann ,, ' trot Goon) Dinner and a spIerialid 2 Shropshire 'ewers e yearn .. StirOpsidre ewes, 3 years; T.... , . ILI'. A RWTE11.1Nt's 31 '.1. ESTATE' ections, rendeked only 1. 5435 tOaell ' ' ."- ' ""'""'"' - 7implmneutg-1 Ma,:sev-il'Arris Mode' • " •-•A•:" 1--N'-"ClIANt'-'1.: Al'aIN"' -ft.; 1 Maesev ntower.,..e-ft. reit:. 1 and• exprosion, that a true artist ! The Arthur Circle a ICeo;; church could give. !ter impornonation of ., will hold their annual bazaar on MASSey-,11farrie itav .Iente.r. i see. rale.; Lire Ineelenee 'Slin lalk,, aeeiilent, tin old to 1" fiddler. brought the Ionise' t nrday, October 27th, in the !educe t dump rat e: i Maettey-liarefe etiltha- auto'. "tee 1115)1dowii, and tam had to- respond to i'evonn ' Tea eerved from 3.;(1 to 7. non! nefanst vellerrie fleet! drill 13.tne,: Homes and lets in (1041,1i411 arid ninny enema in her iniperzionation. tliiine.made baltinge and canny. Come .' 1 '1 flft IllSe. liarrOwn: 1 anantirPepreadee: eleinity end farm for eolo at lowest trio and box: 1 set '1 '-'1'' 1 pig crate: I . eontilibm. tenni f .014E. 641111 barn, beer nein 1 swan. nearly new: t wagon A Wee tedtage int noun: Street. fine lAnYing• b"ing C One of the eloeirig . I land roller: rzi 11 IS'. Plewe„ No. MT prier's they van Ite benefit knoten to pianidt, 'Maybelle Smith, added !and buy your Chrkstmas Rifts. tO the '.-.c '4 and pleanure o'f tbe ", . 1 Coelisiodt two...narrow Move; I got the ogenev. Iron liari•or.v,g, .4d;ITtluu: 1 cern oeut.`, JuAt Et fi.v. Err Mein: , ,.• " . evening by tier wearier fedly ()killed ilti a e ' t ned 3 at9M2 • ' and °cheat Club to renpond to en. wile collect papere artel magazine3 . popular tempters was one rif Pauline ond moat, , within •tho gext few 4,1*). Heal. 1 . bee' rack: !pig chide; 2 ravel boees, 100 fonte fruit. Pelee elial. Eaoy ohnnonn) poems, en teed, For we otiartero will be tit Mr. David • 1' 151 Sproulenn 1W/04n Se. VragPriP csaire.. .1.04'w1.1) I'Vatifils 'ILI liersmn4.e'efq 1.1111oPiottrtY hitilaPil, ' Meath" ' were Torn :a Canada, heneatli the the additional shares about to belssued...will anion et to 'approximately $4,000,000. Based on tannings for the eight month; enael lenge* 81st, 1928, and on additional revenue to • be derived from other distributiug eystema recently acquired on constructed, it is estimated that net earnings for the year ending December 31st, 1928, after deducting operation expellees. bond interest • depredation and -Moment .tax (but excluding nou-recurring %tercet charges on loarte. be retired by • present financing), will be approximately $300,000, which is equivdlent to twice a full year's dividend e of $150,000 on thie issue of Preferred Stook. It is estimated that net earnings on the sante basis for the year endihn December ',Hot 1929, will exceed4150,000. In subsequent years when the full benefit is areceived from the rapid expansion of the .Companynt syettem that is taking place, net earnings available for preferred dividends should be atilt ' further inereatsed. GENERAL: Front an almost exclusively vaulting cpuntry, Alberta has rapidly developed into a great agriculture! and induetrial region. .The ireigation projects carried out in the southern part of - the Province, arid improved farming method% have bad a marked effect on the Moreno of ainicalture, the total vedue of agricultural product! having. risen from 320,000,000 in 1903 to $330,000,000 in 1027,. The coal fields of Alberta are the most extensive And voluable in Canada. ikraturtil gas' is found over wide areas and is being put to egtenoive industrial lute, while there has been eonsiderable reeurrence of activity in drilling for petroleum. Alberta'e large and 'tardy increase in population ehown by the following limes from the Dominion census:- 1900n,- "485,195 1010. • ...• .496,442 1920 607,584 The,development of agrieulture and industiy and the ineresse in populntion ensure a tiitItimnal And greeeing demand for hydrostiectrie energy, and the widespread interests Of the Csigary Pownr Company ploce it in an excellent position to abate in the ineressing prosperity of thin rapidly develop. Ing territory. We offer these Preferred Shares for delivery it, as and when issnerf and received by ies, attd sub. Jett to approval by (*angel of all proceedings, at • - 97% and accrued divides& to yield 6.15% ep1tes: enter buggy; 1 eutter: set single ',' mewed; ' eellare and outbuilding/4, end , British flag." 'with 'eniti,de,c014,1)0301 mr,,.. ri55,(1..A1111r1). O‘lryt;filpATN,;•K4/1811 la . amt. • 1141'floa:: get leant . herrn% n vete ' 10t: f1.200 emi, ea4y terene. , driVillit tr'ellat"B; %MOO lb, entre: rave,' fbepideFt elitthect (-114..meits),) eneellentocion Pir'w 'fiaviw-45: 6 II/ctrg"' eollere• ttal4„ rif.' A Thic 5t.5 otery R-rtMitt iLutu4Ellee.v,, botlYarit Ftitleici111'34e tifte'xr1.13'vltilL (3114i irslautipipliarlirrortiltivininlIliph,i,atim ,teltpitoz,adx;4.. ' ' ning mile, rolrag, (eerie rind ttlimels;, aloft, ptilgliell, hardwood' noore. naleely laid to Rest in Maitland •Cettiete iapnnoill,nfl?„711,9, ft°91f.,nni, 11:::,*.t:olg!`1;kr;tfiril , .turafat nein: FGrd oar. gel n1(11% , lipeoram, wen vaintm ingiao alto out. ry . ntertilit.-Abeut 400 bugling 4;:lta, (c.'Cr3 ; fine Math roora, *dirk- lighted. eelth. Tile fttuntut nt the late Mr. Attn4. i 11('3"° "1 1116v 1)"1"""i ''''a '"14 'a*r''''br" , aolinlejillutn; baaertriteaptritreltina4atet)tilde;.of hae mil :. en Ileturee, lottelnd eellt water ellintel . SanneletZt Inanalgoa and ilres5.donk of 2r1rwP 14Plh'11 v''''''''''411. ftn't "r-.4' '''°' 6,104:117;:f4.4711111:1;14:•;:flt,-6::1:r‘istipliPTI9jeat;1011:;3;1:11:1;:,:e.:1:4524.: ect:11:1:1:al nAlfe.:::::::1';:filf 1.;;In:101:3;:::a:,:e..s:;;;I:211;:i69ialli:iitit'4:,-3‘il:70: aiPtaltil:;:614:9;5107bitryeehrryEdt 0Oan:rizglada:etereflpf":70:0Prlaragn.fti::1:::;:e1:1: lell:ilsila ;to::: :::11:311:::11:fti:14:1 11:251K„ 4 , r' .11.2 11,1; 1.,3. 30v1 X.' • • W2/11 11 -CP 'Jr "le 2 le"1"4' n'c'lw t.' l',Ift•I .: tame tee Inlet Penmen!, it mquirral, meo residence, t40190a 345303, to Ntait. Kitlid,ni Arai., D. i%. •• ' 0;4E4. n1 .tiiir.,• ,n3:7•71.q0Tokir 1123,1 f441,4ifetirit: .1 g...10nii:itoix00031001.114:ilittF.:60,1..ee1:00207700:1)001:1-: renliolonTmidal. 3.11.0Titent. forano,mmg rt.tfratl- €311V) " &lull/ED. twort..7, tereinf.'n ire.,iit wel rv, ,ir,clii GA • moat G,21n, O. F.. CAREY & SON, Liniiiteci • .. . , ,...„,... ";'3 PP,' l'hentre 228, 231, 0 CODE:RICH!, ON1'. ' F, --p.. 6fr tm Als11 ',-aa opiLit flto.,,e.stat'9, ' .,', f-:,., , •;,,,`,'"- , .,, „ • -.,,,,, ;•,,,,,;•- • p te now mid mei, sof', of )) , , ;E;tti), :'..tf, 1i:1414;4'A i'...Y.... i•o hi' :.' ('4 . .. full,r7;f::::,:::ii.:' ;-;::;..',C:r1r;i1,3;;;;;;' 64::::::acne: aren.nei et 014701 t'••7 'Irire, K.4!;fat9hilt. rift4:T!rtr.r601:1111.4.r5,1r;r7.' iirgEr. ,V4''',1...°1',P4$.141'-'1.'7)- -g!'1,•• 4:,-•-•:-.47Y:,?,(-7:.' ..-.t••u•••0 ol ' -1,`• "ati.:'•;:3-'- os '44-3 L.'" )1''' ' I` 11- doiesiratr, ,,,,....,, itpm, orabia...,:; , ,i ,,,,,, enr•f'• L,..0 V. V t ,IN ' 1,,," 1' ' ' Ct' 'I" 13'1 . n ev c.S31.,et,::,J.tn;6.ttliTzt• te•g Inca ..ellen Arrniel,, Mr. (;,..",YEP:Ci 1.1:5!;7 - I t,,,.;,..i:,-r..;,; ,fr ri.,.1. ,f' ‘,.::'%., :%7';' vs.1 ,TI. • • Jstiler 1.1 Allte e4 fteereeetee. e . . . .:,4................ f. ;1 1 a . . ,. ,.. q",rt141.°?:eMsnelr 4I',0..;aArcl, i-ni,rp-'','•'' 1 ' • t , on vowtm . .11oN..aIIP.I111"f/ N$?/$$et tV' i 4. 0it Mr end iciPeterMultot,, osct[.;' r.,• il7 . . — D 1 •