The Goderich Star, 1928-10-11, Page 7THURSDAY. OCT. IIth, ores
...•111=110. I ..11.
sotiaaeaaaizasseemeee Weeela I Wriesliall OSA A*1 Ale 601114111111110:
• ,
unday Afternoon 4
4•14**11•441''..;.w wwtrwikiti,•••‘AANX•Cliii*iirw;fx-i. -1•7'",:;;16.1*011•401 '
Take ray win, aud male: It Tiane ; !Aloe:give-et," eays .Li ,..1-if.;,1%1 -r.',ait..,:z.c. '
It etian he nu Inger miee.
Tate me, liceet, it. is Thine ,g -ori ; I vivo nit-gee/1, tti.."0 it liv:,.:.:$ t.:` .6 .1st .
eigotn eietteco anti ,-,,, rie .ri,i a it ‘,.. r.i.,t).....• . ,i
On MI 11.1.--P.e• t ft /11,•,-Ideberit.' Preetne e. -e, ettee keen, •,.
It shall be Thy royal taireee. 1 wunts to earee, a wept, u•ta it waka Iv? •1,11e3,11..• vixizczi-:. ..:4;-;.1- ;, Lc eeetate, new , te'l gip eugee. lee "
Yicasir.fla salt. Lir.° o deep platiO.
eat. the ;eerie, U..' L-tA hut.
.114 .111 I I
the ritehh groit milk
teeionedi. t.2 tee vete beat..,..
op, eppieeee.te t coe
Tier, i 3 ia datt.
tenet.o..tot set ziwai tie
••itee S..ani tee F,In..4 44,0.1
tre aIl i-beieen ygg, inept, ,
trk-r feeOt, eeiget era eat
,,•ctiele, Witt. )o o *et +,)
P','N nate Out v.Ater„
4Cuowe re!, *No
Take tey eete.nme Jena, Four ian caucation to ece haw ne ibee: t. "Mann dens nnt ''°v" le" a's '3•.-Y1° • ""le:tk line ea" eee Inet&t.en to/
At Thy feet it $ treesure-oore. • a
trielneg the ogee diffieult tf ant )(Lee. ohe eve as wilong to flee it un e e8 et --• oette, 1. nen hetite•e
Take traysch, aril I will bej.': g speeenee; he in tuzliir.4.; an appeal /teen, nos 05 t eneept nor et, theogat- °re halanvt4' a7g;ltr'S' k1:4'`140:a V;itttl f.lnItrt Itnrinttio
Ever, eely, ali tor Tnee la coileetion. fa tate ante Wort Let to one tnetare as Jain, wae.° tVe •'li"e skift" 4" 1.'agge2ts tiellcac-Y•• ttith fugnn slat °311.0 eonent 0114-1 bolo: '1
P. re Heneroao there appeared an article en VIZE'Ls 4.1tOrk men' a tactile- toot nee teat, 41- ruaglh hr°44ti s-•"-SiV.°43 11c3 -1c"' 1"1•Ly-rtc' " tiflY lainutes in a noel'
Saviour and Lard, who in rely teca.
tleness and righteousness didst ck)nte
tem. Stewardehip by a Seottisit min- t etione 43JCI yeeinger dues. nem olio 'I ness and solailte---1/Ite tee lege et hfze etate on a; See atom graece thee -a i
istor, the Rev. T. H. eitriett, from . ie lite , • gaege oaken hienemade feeniture et whine to secile have betel reirooteD -
which the follewieg is taken: . oi, 1 (mt. in email nie'03 afaU,'!I improve tne ,
. lli Both girla nail the same meneering "0 --
St. Paul's principle was that Chen:- . and training nut Mary is so eine mei , _Verticels eouvey the idea of _eim. flaveg. If a feet. cern flakes ala
to beg ea all,. heal tlie sinful diseeses tiara liheralito elueuld be s gte•nati . • wilf g t mak' eticee f . Mother etheity, err:Imes itint -dignity, wath ti epraikleJ mee the /atom crust be. •
of out' hearte, and bring uS lia?lz fro v. the outcome 'of stritiglit: Oa' rneeet 'Ohelnrer:eitbeLsateol kept Qulith" tiai; "SIertain seNwre grace. Coos/dee tlic fore the berrieo are put in, the exust '
the loathe:of error, that by 'Theo -711o, •thought. Int each contribute ne ',mimes rag strtighten beic reein ' wee gentues of the dress. _ with up -and will net ceak up the juice and nee 1
art the \nay v.,e. may attain to Tao eaye whet he has deemed on en ins kitsth ttioneen .„goodive eith lc down lines. An exceeenve WO oz vett. eeme itogety.
•who art tbe Life. Amen. o . . .1 `
peon mind. And let give accord.. eheeked at Jane's insolence whea her
bees euggests stiffness and rigid
Lesson Topic—Christian Steward. able "according to that a tna,n bath, !fact that when Mary wee tittle the eye to fellow. It can sweep
fug to lee means. For, given the wui cruses:id.
rorempty. WHEN YOUR BABY
S. S. LESSON FOR OCT. 21st, UM willing heart, the offering 'is aecept- The difference probably -lies in the Horizontal lines are the eaeiest for
ship. land not according to that bath !girl tee famuy was peon mother around a wide horizon without tiring,. In eolte on all preeautions little
•• gifts for the services of God. The z:t'thee mary turn in and help. She quiet repose, lariguor. The low com- tne changeable VhU days of air tall
ie , When the 8 m flouts fillor deceptioro "It the following eoraeoeition tin "eget"
• Golden Text --2 Con 8:5. [trouble ofteo is that they bv house tblowr osy conveyanceseason first rom usion,
VICKPassege....2 Con 8:1.9; 9;6, not." Such principles should rule all wa not aeon and ft was twee e Therefore horizontals suggest naee, once -will take calcine -es dur •
E" 104
„Dr. Parker-in-writingeonenitauletnr--trnproportioneto-a-maits-erietinerhut--kotap• weer -about itannappy gtve
enlY to his meatiness. PresPeritY In oress the broad old shoe, the wide, eyes, running nose—Deity's Own YOUNG PEOPLE'S CONVENTION
temporal affairs does not always heyseif to her family and make them *
• iTablets should be given at once.
comtortable. Mary ehared in the inviting davenport.-
ear ne saw nlother strain and sacrhiee atal the _woman itt eite- broad -languorous -appeugoeseteetiato• reenees tit the,
• Y I poaved a bitter disillusion."'
Heart All Wrong mean generosity in. religious affairs. hard work and family sacrifices and Diagonal lines suggest action. Our rimy will rapidly break up the cold
ata •thiettneeliet' leer littbette tte'
maul aral tease te celled Itlaultes
ome e
Cato. Scute. toelserniae
put d
The fourth annual convention ef rhi=enttirtrlaTatur 31%11 Edeattnliaq
Thet caonot be ealled honorable, bodiee when in action produce oblique and. preyent more envious eon -mike.
even if it passes muster us honest. bear things,
learned what it meant to suffer and lines and such lines inspire action in tions. • the Y. P. S. of Huron Preebytery met hoe very bad tempero ia called Atie
not the King- eaeh, and it made' her appreciative
eae or a . a or
h and 11 f
Made Her.Feel. rnit‘nveyt.hainngds in Grand Bend on Fridayeenepterntor gorie cats, raid catsawith deep Alan%
yflourish wiehout
and sweet tempered and kinu. the observer. Curves are more exothera who keep a box of Baby's h
t e ntith -with a registratme ot 155 is called Feline cate. I don't
pleasent than straight lines because Own Tablets in the home always feel Tee nen - • • • to
co c y ev. 414. Sinclag,
ery Miserabl thing, nor is it the greatest tw,
• dom of God. Money is not eveVY-
g- family 'began living on eitsy street. eleet•
Jane tame into the 'wield after the they suggest smooth mud easy move- , safe. In fact they are like having- a aeneo nee et,
ri nod tevoittional get:rebel egg.
itle but thorough laxative that sWc)et- various eommitte N •
tiOctor in the house. Thee' ore a gen" of Hensel', altei. evhicit reports of the
One of the firet *Unger signals an.
eouneing something wrong with the
heart is the irregular beat or violent
throb, and tbis attended to
Immediately before the trouble gets
worse. ••
Aire W. Barton, Dornville. Ont.,
writest--"One spring X was vere much
run down awl my serves got very bad.
My heart Beemed ell *mug in its beat-
ing, end I gas feeling voey miserable.
"One day X happened elei a, box of
the weekly giving, ee .peemies net not coperehend that life is anything I Make a fruit whip by rubbing seft mail at 25 outs a box from The Dr. the Religious Edueation Deparinunit Package/6
Its valuee are l'eit the Standar in She does not know what saerifice and
sp r tea rank. But they often 14 ea- es vele g veto
veil eccurgely, the moral va- bardehip mean and there is no such 'Try poaching eggs in rank instead en the stomach and regulate the
sure, Rev. W. D. McDonald opened the tt.-
lue of the giver, "The giving ee word as "self-denial" in her voeabe. of water- Thicken the milk, making hOWelS, thus driving out constipa- afternoon session. This wile follow. Badminton players find 14,
money by those who know its vaiue is - •
-- tare She feels i It d if h a white sauce of milk gnavY, then tion and indigestion arid relieviug
psu e s e Call- ed by parallel discuesion in the fol.-
' the bah of the man - childhood ail -
and devotion," she thinks Mother is `Picking on' her nourishiog breakfast dish and good ments which are the direct result o led by Ilev. ntoorhouse, Exeter; ltlis-
tear Lord regards the heart; not 'be demands anything or refuses for the children. Serve the milk and a elogged condition of the hove1s. or skins, by It:W. J. Walker Duneari.
a searching test of their, self-cleniin e ery s e wan s an d • z lowing groups; Church Fellowehip.
• • er ave er .way. is not non; Citmetship, it- Rev. Max Parr
the big subscr• mtion, but the big afV5- UU 4W DIItL(LtU. -
fection. In he big heart may be with ddi safe-ebeing guaranteed 1* eontain Goderich; and Ifee. by Rev, Rob: Rose Tea is a great favorite.
the small' subscription. In the tame don, she would probably throw her
June's fault. Put in a serions posid Make cheese biscuit, by a ng a
ert Cumminos. Benmillet.
quarter of a pound of grated 'cheese drug at all harmful to even Ve No other tea offers such
• - sour stomach The are alesolutel
drink of hot tea of groat
benefit after a strenuous
game, In leading
ton clubs of Canada, Red
pie Jesus contrasted the gifts of the off upon the altar of seionacriace to your biscuit dough just before Youngest babe, They cannot possi IY m u
, an go, o rattar!. brisk, zestful flavor and rich
rich with tbe two mites of the poor w411 hereic devotion. as many of turning onto the board to roll. do harm—they always do good.
• B ' T ii gave a practica4. talk tne "Overeem- I* P 1
a knew a anon elawch whet. b the World War. But today, she can. tage iheese balls. •
widow and declared her gift the larie. Add ehredded ocoanut to your ot. a Y 6 vn a ete are so v it
. H.:Indira s" and Mr. W. G. Medd
. et Y
Home and Foreign Missions, the We- hut.hlde °nee' coolted fruit through a strainer and Williams' Medicine Co., /3melcville" of the General Assembly in Winni.
our pampered boys and girls did in I"
of Exeter, amented a brief repot of
medicine dealers or will be sent by bright, clean aluminurrt
, tatten
Via Ay. tit up* On y in
ancl.this one 'box 4b1 such -sondem for
'Me I took another; That AVaa about
aeirell avers ago.
"If ever I am feelieg that way
again X will 'omelet give these Pills
another e attee as on rest oontinent
they mill build me up.
• siontao, budget W.R. increased, the one It ie not a celamity for a family adding four egg whites to twat meOe Oat,
ten -fold, .. the and pushed by hard neon. Palle and baking twentY ;tango m I it, im The n't P. S. of Main St Itnited tteenenteeteee
.isr ineethbeertmattgyntefold. to be poor
the sity stOuggling and suffering and sae. a sloW oven. Serve with mem. This of church, Exeter. opened the evening r goe"
"Much food Internally and Externally
poor." Small subscriptions, regular- 41cia together makes companion- is good with prunes, peaches, apri- Geod.—The crowning property meeting with Mr, la Wildfone in the e
ly made, estmese the givers, and ere snip and mutual appreciation. It COta or any other soft fruits. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is that it chair. Mise V. Hogarth pee': a shat
surely Nvell pleasing to God. • grGive.i buildS charaCter in cbildreu to en- m rt *
INERALS IN FOCeoS can be wed internally for many cam- gcriptural talk.
dure hardship. " ' I - , plaints oe well as externally, Poe
After the iliStrglation of offitege
is a large word. small in letter% but
all ineIusitte. Can a man give wile Si X hoYS in college roomed in the The body will not be well formed We throat croup, whooping eaugh,
. and maintained without ample elm. by Rev. J. M. Coiling, Grand Rend, a
does not feel it? He may part with same plaCalIhree helped earn theh , pains in the chest, colic and mannt very fine and insoirino addrees was
t • • #-- - ex onset; and three did not At the plies of certain mineral salt% Cal. kindred animas it hes nualitiee the - b II W P •I S f th
d t th d f d • lit iittle and there is no lose in alWays on the "Nev: Citizenship."
e f th t
be money. nut has he given . Cara
three d eium o h 1 t k b ere unsurpassed. A -battle of it taste gl‘rni Rev. P. Anoi On
his interest give in ere now three ,fluniced. Whielt three •were an ee an is oun tnt
having it at band. The otticers for tbis neer are ;
looms the temente of giving. He rwighhieth, do you thinn? „Yes, you are cheese and leave% as lettuce, spin: • Hon. ores.. Dr, Bereby. Blyth:
gives who gives blood." "God so it was the three who had to ach, cabbage, turnip and.beet tops. Geo Bitectiler, Staforth; vice-pres.. •
enartly earn their, wey who nettle the nhosphorue helpS to build the teeth OM WEEKLY LEssoNs
and bones and also the nerves. It is Mr. E. Wildfonee Exetert see. Mho
loved the world that he gave."
gave: then, If We seerch oato that ie gra es.
a man •who lives on the interest of n o e tern passe and r ime e ps 0 ma e ones
found in milk, ellease, whole cereals,
we shall find the meartihg of the pact. Fen
eat, fish, poultry, eggs, died peas,
'Whet didhe give ?--"his onlybegot-
The idea floors adds to be decora. beans and nuts.
en Sone now the grace our
eord Jesus Meet that, tholleh he tote scheme, is sanitary, easy to Iron helps make blood. It is ob.
vas rich et fo • ur Ice h . Clean , and dOes not only become tained front leave% -whole cereals,
"r 4,m a firm "believer In all t
rem taetiiiines jest by what Heart .,,
and Nerve Pills dia for ma/0 .
Price 50c. a box at 01 dealers or
mailed direct on receipt of price by•
The T. Olilbuot Co, Ltd., Toronto, •
, 1, • •"'
anie vnor. that yo throuth his ppee [marred nor,,she.bby. Hardwood floors eggs, meat, poultry, dried fruits,
they miont richt, ##Tharik, I are the most desirable for "living driest peas and beans 1co myself or get my brother to go." W.:Ingham,
tune Gen lot his unsnealeible gift." - rooms, if one can afford them, its Iodine is necessary for the proper Repeat the "to" by saying "cir to
IN ENGLISH C. MeGowan, Blyth; nsiiietant rec.,
' Miss Minion Scarlet. Seaforth: 'eon,
By W. L. Gordon of chriation fellowqhip, Mr, Camp.
Wo,rda Often Mieused belt Benmiller con. of miesholorn,
Do not say "she was rafted in the Mne 'Skelton. Brussele- con, teazel,- ,
mum." Say "she was reared." 1Vluriel Potter. Clinton: Mi. of '
Do not say "I was unable either to literaty and reerention, Dr, Mettinis.
Ont. • they fill all these eonditione, itunceionino of the thyroid gland. et" Puss! 'toss! Puse:
_ gala and gone Luling
flick Stablis, Ea.'
11,110piteleat Iltrtiat
nig off 'the Square -
'Boasts Meet silt Trains and
Passenger Boats
Passengers exited tor In any
part of the town ior *11
trains et 13.r. R. or C. P. it '
: , Depots
tsroioot Service and
Careful Attendance,
. „ o, „
,4 Our Livery and flack Service
will be loam! up‘
1 10 +wet, respect.
Your Patronage Solitited ":'
Phone 107 tdoetreal. Street
Cook by ElectrWty
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
Cheaper than Coal or Wood
An electric Vaeount Cleaner
removes the dust; a broom
just moves the dust.
Wa guarantee all Hydro
Lamps for 1,500 hours.
Walk in and sec tisplay at
The Hydro Store
The min` f 13iIel • hi that t•th
Not everybody, howevert can afford Lack of it is supposed to be one Do not sey "Mt Smith repliged
brouttlft in to the divine etoreholtee 1
yould en U1,. the opeitine of the win- to leave hardwood floors. To keep cause of goitre:. The best.sources of ear. Drown as treasurer of the coin- A granimar.echool boy hande
eews -of heaven in °nominee lees_ down. the expense n building a home,- iodine are sea foods and Ifter oil.• panyet say **succeeded Mr. Brown."
sing is net Abolished. The blessing one van •put eoft Wood floors in all'
te e wing room, a least. Most , SHERBETS. AND ICES g Do not eay "all is not gain," Say
people must have soft wood floors TO '"not a
make a etillort of sherbet, d•
is. ll is gain.
throughout. Do not say "John is the most clever
• • solve one teaspoon of • gelatine in
are especially ap. lour tablespoons cif honing water. in of the two." Use "more" when
Goepel pm/yet', and lo ' eenees Ouzel- -Soft nren'd floors comparing two persons or things."
ont thanksgivhnes eonto God- Tt is Pritriate for the eosy little, informal When tool, acid; to it three quarts of Do not Pay "a tree,"
oleo- enenesenelestregto---impartglif ouseeto-Theeevide-epaiotetionoards-anealikeein____whieltebioze eheen_dissoived though "oear by" used adverbially is-
tatiedness . that enenres the bleesine. soft wOOd in Colonial types on houses two cups ot sugar. Let tine stand
"Therefore, sovs the apostle- "as 'Ye are quite charming. Soft wood may in the icebox over night Freeze it carted. "A girl that sat near by
stiffen, then add arose to speak." ,
ffbnund in everythirce in faith and be Painted nicely, and with the excel- until it begins to
one pint of fruit juice and the whites W•ords Oreen Mispeonounced
Ar$inee, end knowledge. and in all lent paints obtainable today, they
niligence. and in nu' love• to us. gee answer most of the requirements of of two eggs. The fruit juice may be Diversion; i as in it, last syllable
tliht ye abound in this grace also." t the ideal floor.. If they do not en -
of lemons, oranges, .grapes, pineap- as shun, not gum
' •womay AusgzoNS , dure as long in trim eondition, as Pie Or graPetriot• WaLer may ue Equitable. Accent- first syllable,
the hard wood Seers, they may be used instead of milk Log the produce not the second. .
Getting, Saving and -Giving dote over once in awhile; and this will be an ice instead of- O sherbet. I Crept. Pronounce krept, not krep.
I Insult Accent the poun on first
better known or have hada greacet change the color scheme. • It is not a , : .'
Few sayings of John Wesley are has it advantages, for one may then 1 • it:DECEPTIVE DESSERT
A dessert which the children en- syllable, verb on last syllable. ,
.iecause 1 s a oo er an no heh"headnot as z,"
Atillteen(te among rns tohowees than terrifying radventure to paint your goo b • 't i f 1 d t Isted; ea as i
his tames rule on almsgiving. "elm, rweontwoek and floors Nile green eit wetly it seems, is made of peach in did. . .
.a ves and whipped * Incr t I a. Proneune intr-go-a,
four synables, nut,
cream,'but when ee
tui you Lan, save all you cati, 'lavender, if you know you can change et 1..
you can." But the in4plication and 1 the color in a year if you tire of it. it is brought in on the plates it
s ' 1
Lamm relation of the mamas are not I There is a thrill, too, to a new coTor i looks like a fried egg, at first glance. l Words Often Misspelled ,
o generally recogntzed. oho • eget is in a room, once in awhile, and the
not in incentive to unresttected, ae- colnrs look so cheery. , Let the children serve it when a ree I Niche: note the e. Lewd. Leop-
I lative is present, and that will in- ard; note the eo. Anoint. not ann;
quieitiveriese, nor the second a Home: 1 Pninted floors are perticulsirly good ,
for hoarding. Both the one and the in bedrooms, sunparlors, breakfast 1,
crease the Joy.
Lay the lialf of a calmed peach 'Nasal; s, not z. Mastiff; two f s.
other are rdeans to an end, stages in lawns, and even the kitchen May well on a small plate with the open eide 1 oynonynis
him thet hath teed, and this to the en-. • Silly. foolish, absurd, senseless, he
a purpos% You get and _you save ; have to, gaily painted floor, With a ' down. Over tide put a border of Tru% real, actual, certain, genuine,
not that you may lay up riche for linoleum rug in the centre of ,.4, or vitiiipped cream. The peach will look authentic, positive. -
like the white of an effg. authority. instance. .
youreelf or your dependants, but that small linoleum rugs in the front of In:crimple. precedent, antecedent,
You meet lieve wherewithal to give to sink, work table and range. like the yoke and the whipped cream
full extent of your ability. "Give eh . • MRS, SOLOMON SAYS: -rational.
' you can, that is, all emu }mite " said 1 LleinS .
on true Christian generosity is cer-
tain.. But •tbeyorid that enlerges
glen's minds as 'to the reelity of 01
, Wester,' and as every one know, lie How can the ordinary woman *tell The most charining woman is she Praise, eulogy, applause, approba-
ei 1, h who can appreciate other women's Ban, approval. commendation,
literally practised wnat lie preewhed, when thin '
gs are in goo me% w en
gowns are eut along good. lines, and- charms. ; Suffice, satisfy, • content, surfeit,
• - his property so entirely in the sae when designs and patterns m her SKILES . satiate.
It is not given to every one to Inge
ilY to care for. To his preachers lie tines Line is of great importance at me)' nen" '
_ Spicy, racy, rich, flavoroUS, Min-
eVord StudY '
"You shouud emile when you look
vine of others, Wesley had no fain -household fernishings are of good
left the Book Concern he had found.. nit decorations and knowledge of "Smile? Rube I have to laugh,"
• ntrise a word three times and It i$
ed as an auxiliary to bis great work. them is necessary to one who would
dress herself and her home artistie "What time does the next train vours." Let ,in increase our vocabe.
caltie tO him to the interest of the ea 3"'
I b '
Consequently lie could devote all that , in here and hoer long does it Taro by mastering one word each day.
Word for this lemon :
Xingdorn of God.• Ile gave all he t n general, e tio not have stay?"
Th" ' "From two . to two to two two" CYNICISM; the state of beitio
hen. He avoided the temptation to " man3r c911-usilkg linea• e cynical, or pessimistic. "His words.
"Goodnees are you the whistle?"
self-indelgence or to change in style the first prihcipa of "good tnes w6vex vafniehed over with a cold re -
Intricate design i$ fatiguing. Rich
of living which comes to those who EARLY FALL FRUITS Went evnipkv.,..,,
nese consiets in eimplicity, only a few
'Imo the means. To the end lie main- SENSIBILITY- areteness of oer-
tairied, the simplicity aud almost par-, lines, since splice iS More valuable _
eeptiott or emotion. delieney of feen
than anything you can put into it by Barbara B. Brooks
Simony in respeet of personal expen. inie **Her nensibilities were offenic
ees evit ch had characterized hi earn Cheapoess is otten disgineed bo the G ro (Tee' windows. and market ee e
;conusion' of many compke imon, searote are Mtractive at thla time of
ier day He oved 01 he could that fINEXPIVATILE : not to he h•v-
•he might have the more to give. Cheap (Irmo axe usually 111 y, -with year with their array of many-colorentitledMy feelings were 411 ,)1
Tbis tea ling he enforced with ree their deSects hidden by ruffles eind ed fruits. 'anew are peaches, plume, eaho, e .,
. ",-
doubled eat estness ae he saw how bo w% or they are made to eater to tipples, huckleberries, and otherI
81110-1 TUMULT. rominolion! eonfrieent,
411 1414. membe , of his 80eietie became the eastese of people who nice a lot fruit on display, Fruit in being can.
of iintenaydiddle and have not learn- tied for use next winter and sonte "The timiel* in her heart eabsined."
prosperouse an even wealthe aceolen an1/10'011'S; not genuine; fele%
ing to tbe sta aard of the time. ed the elegance of oimpte linus. kind of fruit 13 a part of every meal. '‘Itt tene ehe veneer of a 4l1 14)1 ave.
Deenty perenaded f the truth of our The felloW„ing general PrinciPals of t or breakfast ue eerved sliced neetion."
Lord's warnina of he peril of thhea line 411 4. hole You to know what F1 11110 etelated apples or berriee Malt 11 'TO" inounl: freedom
to the spiritual life, he etrove the en__ i - - ..„ with our ready -to -eat cereal; for _ ege ...... ....-•
Tinge to inculcate the grOat, and as lie - .. lunch there is perhaps a fruit salad w...m.o. •—•--.held. the eine pefeguard fiiir those -who FAImER,s wiFE or freak fruit sherbet and for dinner •
in oettinn all thev can actuelly argil.- fruit may •ho served as aomit-tail or
enulete eonsiderhbly more than they eve may wien to titilize tbe seasonable
regd. that they ehoulif maintain the GET8 sTRENGTH feeits in pies or puddings. Follow-
eimplieity of their estote and inereaeo
teit only the amount they gave away, ' of the early fall fruits:
ing are seVeral ways of aerving :tome
bet the oeoportime it bore to their in-
eoffie... Some, beeden. 'Pores. followed Peach Salst1.-Atsratit bribe.; of•
Cate laroe peachee, holt w tide up on
' biro efae oft some offended at the —Y
n Takingtydia E. Pink. ralad pletee cin ii bed of lettuce.
ringing, loft Ilia felheettin. So has
1 it been in Plilye equi et generationteand
1 ie todoot Hoe eget generation hae
' ineended Re Meet:neer; teamples of
toterilto to tir, voirit. if not to the
1 loge- teeter of the rule.---Methediet
, Reeolder.
Asthma Vittittl$,-.Ttilal Matt Or
tvomata minket to attain:1 te ',Indeed a
vic•tim. What can be ram feerifo-
ting titan to suddetily be seised with
' earexesnot of dieting' evliich PC0111 to
threaten the exietence of Ile
itself. Itrom stich a condition Dee '
t • Xellogghs Aettitaa Remedy hag 11
bienght many to completely tentolicel 1,
health tied hapinnene It in knewe 1 He,
ham' Vegetable Chep !matte of celery and almonds,
COMPOUIld moieten with mayonnaiee and 1111 in
privity of Noxell. Cover, if desired,
with another half peacle to reeerable
Wilton, Ont,—"I am taking Lydia a whole peach, eoyer with mayori-
E, Pinkhaan's Vegetable Compound tense and over tide a rather soft
f Life. It baps sue
and I eannot praise
it tooltigbIF. I was
troubled with heat
Pickle4 Plams.-7 ibe, plume.
titt-'? •
pou J I quint vinegar, 2 doz.
*role elevee. 1 fowl eon whele all. _
fohem awl my )CO 1 atiek nisamOn. Prith
iffine were heavy the slang ef the plums and etien three -
so I amid hardiy el&sco in each. Put the vinegat.
walk to do nty nugar and snieen Into a large citraci-
atilra *Mk, I saw Pan4 and ivt them come to a ben.
the newensients "Then nut In the plunge (nok for
ail anent the tteente mimeo..., Or ufitil ninnio
•tet'•- •ntne • ter dee. latimeve Mittel filci401 r"N;ijN
rind nereeil ("ogle/ ne,ttoei ef t!ai.:
eatbslard th6ulght toed Pack i/6 white Save Celt nee eterel •
For Infants and Childrew.• ,t;:Vc4 it 0 trial. T _e net nettle gat e vjz bd., Owes. (04,044 tt;c4
• erg I htWO tr.24 enitil %eat -e,
In Use roe Over 3° YOdink
101 iwn:- fssi
hn7e1e2) t, WO• !e
iAglgtVmaitYthSae b
eers 10n3
ezncll si...,.AoiLtnroct than -''•'f„tek1, TIOWPLth.eiemlg
einetno. t
t7LCT IP.b.a4VOnta"o.
MALT fp, 1„,
1 i.0s2Ce et plume,
in the hiet tenter.
fee teti ontititee,
PGur thri yriia
ncl, fatal]
Minarelts le the enemy of
all rheumatic troubles.
Rub it in thorouailly and
It eiteee the) pain, suppieo
tho joints, pots new lino
into tho tiss4ie:14
Rule it fat
"Located lathe heart of the.:
business district.
Overlooking Grand Circus Park
A modern fire -proof Hotel.
SOO rooms: each with bath.
Rases: SOAP and upwards.
is Famous Ressaurapt andaltISIC
also Coffee Shop'. •
- • ^•••• •
Mutual Life .
ssigance Company
INAD O7PXc4i V4TI:1114;0.
D. D. MOONEY, Agent
Eitel• Hr : : Oorien eft, ()NS.
F,X(11;i.1 141.1:i1)AY
Ganmdtetrlell 0.20 ;nun 2.20
(, p.m
0.44 mon 2.50 ihnt.
" Seaforth 0.59 a.m. :LOS p.m.
Mitchell 7.2l 135
Arr. Stratford 7.45 mm. 4.03 pats. 6
" Kitchener 8.40 mot. 5.20 pan,
Guelph 9,04 a.m. 5.50 pm.
" 'Toronto 10.25 a.nt. 7.30 p.m.
Iteturningo-Leave Toronto 7.55 amt.,
12.ra P.m. anti 0.05 p.m.
Parlor Cafe Car Goilorich to Ter.
otto 971 morning train, and Torogto
to Godersch on 0.95 p.m. train. No.
change of car; between tioderich and
plinee. 8: J. TA0.tinotil,taitlisceItt;Er , and
Ticket Agent,
Allestful Night CB
• '
'Ara trijograent to your .trip East or Wert,
giving you a delightful break in your journey.
-Each way,Every Night Metwten
Buffalo and Cleveland
aft, Ida I:tilt:Cud fizttri, IrActas We, ccftlort.
staterOctui that 1.1400:esteftelb.C.:4alcer),,
Lemostr4000 eatien woe eats> tooetor diatst ((sot%
setv:ceg CtIgteVatictetidultu Anip vat toil icoe
Coonettlens at Cleveland .for LAC ItesG7ette;
Detroit and Polints 'West
bony ervicc May let to !lova-Aber 14th
Leaving at 9on P. M.; Ai:saving at 769 A. M.
Ash year tete: ageir2 te,tiviitt oval
far tizlev tin
New Low Pare t4..50
"_,MP $8.50
The Ckvebent aea thegefoTeatett Cat -4_0101
irtIV:31 Ea. V.:.1__-!stn4.,
( R I