HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-11, Page 6:.31;sa
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lnt..-4ht :. 1..e... 4.kalip1e, oR t%95i.,, 1419
f il 0 iii- t "ri :;, .. :7, e/w2st 'ran.
n 'began) jeet. 'There ie ao reel jey
enaet fore **tone -Wenn The ales -
r ego of rhe a eg . i t e teee eliepnetele
VP ttne, "I braig. yea geel tno
gs f
AS is go od tea
• Jon WAS haill illE) the wane
, . Q2E1 iiii life OFI earth- Ile came to
i tizat Chinn -ea -3 eight WI121) CI143t be,.
lioal IP.PD, t!.') CO:OlfCrz SI.OVITOW, to lift
u Reit Rose Orange Pekoe is the finest ,tia(,1,,st to heaven. Jrs"5111 W313 V.41(1
• i there was in Ills heart a• deep joy
o rerun of sorrinve yet all tile we
ackgeMuminum; which nothing could disturb. aae be- t
que•attied his eon te his disciples and
tea in the best p
Suffered for Months
with Severe Pains
In Her Buck
, On tin first sato (AR eel; weaknese
paiu in the tack Deaan Manta- Paie
4 geoele be ti -c, Tee? ate a reezele
: ler ttio aticeva eager aud rack° riglit
for tile scat dk. tim treable.
! ZInt, Lawrence Preeln, ilatetta, Otte',
eufferea for maree menthe
with severe inane in my back.
ceula not ;int day we night, ond. 1
ore =Ulm te do eeythinee
"One (ley 1 saw where you • al !
vertisei Doem's Blaney Pills for pairn
la the back and 1 /est uo time in by t
fug a bee, I have team three leexce
anti found that they mo awouden
fa l amount of Good by Ovine, relief
right away."
waved that the:r So maglit be full.
MOW TO KEEP THE jo swiety. it also servesCstknis should have joy but 040.
ee ms
GOSPEL MESSAGE TO for the aptual uplift anti growth an a not haiinees atile world
ooze Iola Lave oiveadv understantle it. Ilappineee b on the
surface. It depends upon Haw that
- - accepted JODM as their Lova 'It isppen and Is tasiiy tiwturbed.
avitten ay Verna netangillin) griroAtisear Carietlan joy is too deep to be of-
rao fonowioo rarer ,wco road v ec,0 . 1° ,, g , :recto(' by the world's occurrences. It
14-4 eon ne ReeP Tao gaaPet 111e°°°g3 ymIttiCS In the !Leave under the bitterest
o ing Peottiol) "lay caw.Ti-the fore ? sorrows. Jon is not merely a privio
tcv a couple of %zap apt
the5.0 tisyn when 00 many yenng la totting about thin Ement Jae, le-ge in a Clonstianeeit is also a auty.
one of the main tbinga is to let the It is a fruit tof the Spina. Gloom ie
IxoLole are going mad after 'pleasure. voung
to people nee that the Chrietian eontrcelietion of Christlikoness. It
it in a prebkm get them to attend
Tatum reop1010 &actin jo the liSe m haPPY Itfe. $0109.11014_134eh, ia_our.duty•taebe•eheerfuIi-aoYfuleetTf-
.e,neer.eh.,ae,d.e,e intenst tht0irtn-iiihre---frout -trenotabir-Clifiiitl:5no -.because those of you in the Society who pro.
eternal. To bring young people tthey do not want to give up certain ease to to Christiane will sowthe
o, a
knowledge to get them forma of pleasure. Inoue should be 1of it by being pleasant, it will be
to dedicate their liven to ins service brought to nee that the pleasure of a eteat help in bringing others to
Christ, "By their fraits ye Sball
▪ itnow them." •
In the next place the bringing of the
young to Christ enri be greatly assist,
ed through prayer, God'a boly word
1 tells us that the fervent prayer of a
righteous man availeth much
U things whatsoever ye shall nklu
Prayerbelieving, ye shall receive -24
What things whatsoever ye (two,
when ye Pran, believe that ye receive
• them and ye shall have tbein.-If ye
abide in nie, aud U words abide in
nou, ye shall esle what ye will, and it
, shalt be done unto you. These end
many other verses from scripture
give us the promise that ,God hears
aud ttalletera prayer, In I Sam. 12:23
we find, "God forbid that 1 hould
sin aaainst tho iLorcl in ceasing to
pray ,for you." Thia shoos that it is
•a sin for us to be sellielt in our Kane
'Ors,a;1111 not MAY for others. Mat.
18:10: If two of you shall agree on
• earth as toueliing anything that they
Ault asiteit shall be done ger them of
my Father willea is in heaven. 'This
being the •vase, if even two devout
'Christians in the Society will agree
to pray daily eogother or eeparately
for certain definite seals connected
with the Soelety--ond olo it in all
earnestness .the results will be mart
vans. T enn yson says, "More
things are, wrought bar 'prayer than
this world clreame of.": More good
can be accomplished through -the
prayers of the sincere 'Christian% IA
the Society then by any other meth-
od. .Let :the. presidents of each •eo-
ciety lora* this matter before those
• wboin they -consider the most devoted
und see what tan be accomplished.
- It has been noticed in Young Peo-
•ple's • Societies that the attendance b
good at the •opening a the seseion.
Right at the 'start when the attend-
ance is at -its best, is the 'time to be
• gin the -real work of making the vs-
. pel message known. Have the mo-
• ister or some earnest Christian give'
a talk on salvation thveugh the aton-
• ing blood of Jesus and challenge
anneenteneen........, 1 them to give their hearts and livee
to •Christ. If even a few can be
converted they will Act as a n'ticleue
to win others. That Is one of the
wonderful things abut the gospel.
Every true Christian becomes a :wise
sionary and Minister and carries for-
• ward the work of the gosptl. Once
person. is really born agam Ife can-
• not keep silent but must abate the
• glad uewe• with others. If this can
be done then ,instead of a gradual
fang off in attendance there will be
an increase. To might bs noted here
ale° that there should he no spirit of
unfriendly critteism to discourage
2 those.. -who •are -doing „their best tit
taking part in the meetings.
Not only must the goepel message,
be biought prominently to the foge
at the beginning bat it must be hetet
stressed throughout the entire year.
We must learn to put first things
first. The emphasis throughout all
the meetings should be oh the ,S1dri-
tual side. In some oeieties I think
• the accomplishing of•eny great good
• in loet by undue eraphasie on the so-
cial side. This is a serious enistaim.
- 1 de not mean that the social side
should receive no attention but 1 do
mean to any that the social meetings
. should not be consideree ;the most
• inmovtant. • Wo read that Jesus in-
ereaeed in wisdom and atetuite and in
• favor with God and init. That is
the four -fold dovelopent*In win
dom. that is mettally or intellectual-
ly -in etature. physicallea-in favor
with God. eoivitually-e-in favor with
)11411, eocially. geed the four-
to save 2c
IF you see th,e Deleo.Light ads ht the
magazines You'll notice a coupon at the
1)01f001,,i YOU're supposed to send in the
▪ coupon.and *et some free books. The idea
is tido. When they get your name they turn
it over to late and I'm supposed to sell you a
Detco,Light. But that's a tong way around.
See me first and I% give You the free books.
No need of writing. Thus you'll save a 2e
stamp which you can apply on YAM *ft
DelC041.1104 payniertf*
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P. S. Don't tell the Mime ogee that I'm
' leaking this Special Offer.
NN. pent i. II. No. Z. Lueloroot.
MEt.ft.LE IltiLliatT, hint. Wpm; Ountiennon,
• "'town?* -or otramt, motou
moaelinactoontseclibr CoMPAOY
Tho Most teautiful Cooking
Range Ever Designe4
few years ago nobOdy would
have dreamed It possible to
build suelt beautiful product
as tbe new HAPPY THOUGHT
Quebec Type.11 enamel Range which
we now InW uce.
Noilth all t4/(e famous Happy Thought
heating, " .0„Ing, roasting and water
• heating quiflties, we have combined
etceptional ;beauty of appearimee.
Carne and see -this strikingly hand.
some range. Efficient. Very moder-
ate in price. •
Moab Oit Ihrovo..1*.
IUflT llItiOraff COMMIt
30LO $Y
Jas. C. Carrie
- Price Clee. a, telt
at alt druggista or I
• • ilealere, er snaih
tfieet Fel '
DOAN'S direct on receipt a•
prico lin the T. =-
barn -Co., Limited,
Toronto, Oat
-4.11.701CD11121lt but it is zaoet im-
portant for us to develop spiritually,
as that leads us tii epend this life In
prepavation for eternity'. It is not-
iced thet the attendance on eociel
evenings is greater than on. any °the
eta Thia should' not be the ease.
Could e be contially ur ed that
-IMMO 1.1 I II ) I I 11 11111 ,
THURSDAY, OGT., 41th. 1ft8
THE BANK OF MONTREAL, at all of its Branches in Canada. will accept
Ow: above bonds for redemption at maturity.
For the convenience of owners of. the bonds, the Bank of Montreal will accept the
bonds at any time ptior to October 15t1, and will make payment either by issuing
- a cheque or by placing the amount to the owner's credit in the boas of the Bat*,
as Tay be desired
an electric fixture in the ceiling and oodation, 184 College street, Tome
was dripping onto the floor. He ea. to, will be answered by letter. Queee
pinined the situation and oohed the Hone as to eliageoeis and treatment
-lady of the house" why she clasen will not beanswered.
fied water and electricity as one and
U1. all evenings the devotional is of the same. "WhY'" elAct e"lazzleal In
if none other] Lot it be generally llome at night end it's a little dark,
14.;Y; g hafe
least resistance, had run down around dressed to the Canadian' Medical As,
An old Seoteit raderaooked out a a
car window as the tram drew into the
station And, hailing a little boy, said:
"Little boy, tire you gocen"
"Perents livierg?"'
greatest importance and to attend it some confusion, "when John comes
"Mary, turn on the
iknownngsisthteat itelniernpurerpeorese nonfdtlemonirteeeoti. oh41:01,7aye says:
bring others to love and serve Rim. The retired limner usually' comes
how tit worship end serve God-andto
ophbjreocutghonuetretP;bYee"los? telligishtgree,ft, tc000stotwrynwtpheosphenedtahieigs The
town enan usually epencis his in the
Among the • teaehings of Christ ie
Beoibu*-IseeettelapTeeasc: etoSuede .° Line joy all/1101; husrilb: i. s
it we never get any cream, mes,
i done of Qed (that kingdom which the on our town said toe newly wedded _
IA training school for the encour-- -
-11 ere grta There I 47:v.Gpx,!aLm'is"::::;:i:terls?efft. s,.014, run
-1.1 with this penny and get me a blau, and
Brandon's first broadcasting sta.
Bon. bas gone IWO daily use, and a
studio located there will giro grain
and stock reports each day, and
ouce a week, in the evening, will
broadcast local coacert progrant-
remember, God sees Vont!'
Wifitt4erven &dock oracs
and you stow ft little weary
that's the tirne for a st
fog, nourishing mil of OXO
xn .os, Mots 00/1
rim •e4..44ro Cukor
"I coniploined to the milkman, ea- ngemern ot home Industries is
Ghost) all ntoeil thines Will be nailed Iained tho young wife. "and lie said .neing• talked of in winuipeg.
to05.writer et wepaper Ilan
. . in fhee he always oiled our 4tva- $ull, lowing the Fotiv
lksong loesal bell
for crea
mind oociety which was argailizert Ilemisilkenteitherne wniaese totarr?i,in ro. n
three years ogo. It began with a
nt 0 __ way. Montreal. it MAY , be noted, • .
social eveting at the ietirsonage-all HEROIC SERVICE ,t4b* • h
hos .• ad for some years classes to
well and good. But this was follow.. ,witoy.a?,t,,, e
e.yous seats -en 7tateng.stoettolitire
ehinheeirt e
ed by a Hallowe'en party M the beeee put
Wert Of the:church, in which there Beoantegy feet were hot and L whe W`elki otherwise he IlicelY 'not
Was nothing edifYirig. Next was 3 tuned the boee on them" to attatire the skill tbey Would bavo
devotional Ineetire, but after the
meeting -there was an hour and a
half of what was oiled reereation
wbia consisted of rough boisterous
•gamete most of which were mote
suited for kindergarten children than
for teen ane, boys and girls. After
e ery meeting woe over an hoer or
more of ralTIOS f0110Wad. The gos-
pel menage was not geiten them and
they soon had the idea that the meet
hogs were for sport and amusement.
Did -the Society ;prosper? Were any
brouoht to Christ? Needless te say
nothing good was accomeinsheit and
in less than two :years it was broken
an, When Christ was erowded out
of the tneetiees hew eould aur bios.
41TIV mine to theint 1 use this as an
illuetretion to show that the Purpose:
of the peciety eau be lost Mr too much
enitaiems on the semi egle arid not
'enough on the soiritual. It is best to
lbave not 'more thee one social even-
ing a month aod no gamed after the
other meetine.s. Then. too, every
meeting whether liternry or social
should have half an hour of devo-
onal service (hymns. prayer; short
talk, etc.).. Also in the social meet.
Moe have nething excoot whet you
feel eveuld •oleeee the Lord, Wheth-
er we ear. drifik oe be merry do all
to the ,glory oa God. Let nothing
• evor pleosa us He would grieve to
• deve.oped in their own country.
fer°e12; afrnlanlluntehtlact sulemrks ht;btE;tle"he4nlfl: toe -ratifier -of wild life who bad -the
that we have at last decided to give
up the unenual struggle and just dreir:tenteliottadltelcinrucertetener, aiwot set teller egreetottZrast
simpier,give their kind the priority;
-one- visitor to the Oeneral Tourist De-
partmeixt of the C. P. R. at Mont.
Vt. 'N. Beach, a hunter and InKt-
sele41:1)rSentatr gerir.L1 Y"oEuveltoYrgteiyou'prize real. Locked antlers are very rare-
1.114:0t:hvillieedgi:lborrienQg.sn home the fact emit• interlacked. that they catmot be
- discovered by him are so firmly
"You're wrong dear. •13r found and one ,of, the two pairs
Pulled apett by taro stroeg raeu,
- - and to be separated would .liave- to '
ieldgirl tells us ther don't be Cut
them tiappers any more, but bun- '
geom.% becamee they are painted zu "in an my experience 1 have not'
• .„ ine - of comelete confidence in ens
front, shingled behind and have 110 previously found so general a
upstairs. reel. '
country and its possibilities as was
"Woman -are you concealing anY^ observed in the cittes and districts
th'ile:othr hue
ilmrso - opportunity of talking thhags over
wbere we made stops and 'had an
o- with their representativecitteire"
"And when :von Wooed vvitb, Fan- I was the statement made by . W.
_nie, did her father fallen. Yoa?" 13eatty. President of the Canadian
"Did he," said the poor marl. "Re's pacific Raawav, who has lust re-
living with, ne yet.' turned to Montreal from an efght
- 0 tbousand mile tour over the eOlii•
An Obio farmer, living along the pany's western lines, acconVanled
commercial air toute has this special by a ,party,of directors and Mont -
warning for aviators, painted on the real finenclers.
roil of his barn: If you kin- read, •----- „
this eine you are too denoted lova efilling and CoOing and showing
runtdoolin over these oteraises is 110.eigns or having
their grfectior-!
okunon. ', risky ern we ain't in „nia shape to tine at dispositions dampened by thitt
, IViv last point iS. that the keeping ,,I.er with at corpse. , ,, str.nn ot travel, twr eagoa or Jape -
of the gospel to the fore needs en."• .,--.11-,-. neee Love Wads passed terouga
thusientie workers for Cir.. -t. Not A woman is really old when she no the ' WIndser Stallien at Mortreal
much can be aceomplished by going longer' teres how she leolte. A man receritly on tboir way from Japan
about it in a half-hearted way. When is old when he no lorger looks, to Scotlenan Travelline irom.atobe -
we consider that unless these young -0-- On the Enipress of •This's a and
oeople are %von for Christ they are I'll diem. erou a Inc sometime across the Af.'...e'le on Ihe nchess
loot, we eliould be simply frantic tit 4.00n " erid the eallor to the man tot Atha% the teagment or twenty
our efforts to- teaefi them the wanof overboard. .
. eight Cobalt Iludgerig:ixs, as they
salvation. A great many ;beanie are -
thinking that we need 'new Measures, . HE•
ALTH sERvice
thet we need new churches. new or- •
gems, now ehoirs, and all these new•.. ' oi the
,things. It is the old power that the Canadian Me ical Aasociation
Anostles had; teat is what we wont.ENDICITIS
I -.--
'We need to emnty rinr hearts of self. APP
pride and worldly thine's, and gtnone Appendicitis is a public health Pro-
*hee -will be new life. Let ie be they may promptly secure writhinas and fretting of a Child that
When a mother detects from tho
hearts filled with God's 1-161%. Sprit. blem becausie the meiotic nem to bo
If we have that in orr cluroliee then told of the early symptoms o tlaat
seek, .•
_ 01.1.1.........,M.I/m/
God's glinier_ and. not our own that we treetment wnieli will
the' present deeth-rate from this dis-
ks -sit -J-7 W3140 cure a relialne remedy in Milleral
reeuee I Worn Powders, which will expel all
,,,, worms are troubling it, she can pro -
In the majorlter of caSeao aPPerieuen
,. , cause vomitiog, but this -need came
worms f.rontetlin eystem. -They may
You may thielt you are swift, ectse' diaoose. painatiXiety. b02.3115;', It• is but a. triani-
are zee° called, are under ill" pro-
tective whir.- of the Canadian Pacific
• Express throughout, 'They were or
a brilliant blue Pluinane. iOng' tail-
• ed and beaked much Bite a parra-
°elan will readily
wards the centre of the abdomen. fol. "Ina can 1 -an exist where tbese
tin o Powders gre med.
tis eatteen a condition that a pllysi- festation Of tbeir ihorough Work. No
loived by nausea and vomiting, ia us,
tax times around the world in a zee•
lolly the first symptorri. The Pain , JOB PRINTilsiG Al' TOE STAR
-.0 1 varies in intensity; it may be ,of a
some poopie oro human radios. griping. character. Later, the pain
usu 11 moves to the ri lit lower art
Wo they claim they wein good bet night 3 3'
of the abdomen, and the cibdominal CIAMMAOE'S ANNUM. WililvIOTH SALE OP FALL BULBS
land proraloo results tomorrow night
nriuseles in that area, become hard '
'but oh the atatie today t. tenee. This is Nature's effort
1 m EMI 111
A limited 'number of
• ta.poninits ate. available to
• ambitious young people.
to obtain Free Board
exohango for work in
swthairl ee hoattendingra. wrhi :eretn;
mediate& if you wish to
take advantage of this
exceptional opportunity.
Central Business College
• So Quidtbr
-Se Little Mess!
• liaving the floor -layers
doesn't meanupsetting
the whole house.
Start thern at a bedroom
in the morning, and
they're through with it
• "by night . , . without
t• even moving the furni.
tare out into the hall!
• And's° inexpensive 1 is
ciaerich punting Mills, Ltd.
to uroteet the Inflamed part.
• Sone-"Oire garage manta got a;
SOME P.ECEPTION Wheii any person -child or adult.- very garranage ▪ Bulb Planted Now.
better Tadio tet than ours, matte." 1 Ins Pqn abdomen. even when
•Mothettee."What makes, yoe thine; the Dent i9 not accompanied by mute -
that, dent?" tem or vomiting. the family physician
Scin-"Ire said led pet hell whorl 1 zsailtortsagete:yentrt einatrinaeturieoer. 4ToplleenodnieT 1
bo -mut how, tonight.' .tiE,' is -operation. The ehauce of re -
An eaetern judge had valtd nut I coverer praetieolly dollen& upon the
radio is a neeessity. •One's ewoa iritervel of time between the onset of
radio lo a neeeeeity. Ent there- are • e.ymoetoisr,,senar%dttrrnv
th:orrttmattileena.Teontilisee i.
eeeartions when the attention of the lay in
taa (ramble with life itself.
•amine ehould he • directed to ' to Thera ll• cm tiling in
teighbor's cot. ;it *Oat will do a trent-it:done amount of
A matron. evidently not- ezientille `• hurt nod that will. in mann
i : g
eally' trained. telepheeeil the eleetri„, reatty lesson or take nwaythe
el ohoo as
f eilat1,36 of recovery. and thet is the
in, efollowe :
egoaa ooe, 0,,,.. e le% cello tenee; '„ uso, of a Purgative or taeltive.
Itleht anew 1 Tho eonereges. lie kat. No Per3..,en. wiser sufropitr,' fritaz
Ting rill ovee the aurnittre." i ala.dominal Pain. Sinedd tete or be i
over 3ric1 (1, %Au, ,. wmacv, -' t* .1, oe laveive unfree
l' i'VT:hihi:nIt7iti:egteietri:111:t.t.:ri::-1.reaefaC'zI01,e:t:il.acie'lrt:b:7,4ciein:linz; 4i incozittileoraciedeb7n-o.deollintor'15°. lhentat'lleith:s i:1117- eel" a°,:t1;c; evTiinglItyo i .
41,,,, 1,,,,6%,,,, ,......,,,, .i.,..ztni.:,,,, ..4,, r.„.,. ,r littlered un lin a purgative, whezt not
the "f""`" t"'"-'-na n't `"'`f ture Ls% Tont tito brtrol <vale' oet
neer_ _ _ett
- ,
,'rotiro ef en inflamed apeenale, arty
1, be dreitetroire,
4 Abdrovinel req.,. ini guff!. itint rat, et i
for calling the handle phoeiefon.
,i Questions coneevnieg health, atU ,
It's 'Wirt arsi brine to)prol
Means a Beautifut Bloom in the Spring
best bulbs arid the
loarest price% Send in
your order IlOW and
enjoy a profuelort of
Moom next Spring.
Complete price list
and full hiformatiose
of special offer to
to a r k *, hospitals.
tie% libraries. de.,
„sent on request.
sortmeut th
If it's a Oanimege
!nab it will Union:.
Per Pet
Des. 13)
Aindral el Can.
°maga .4) t3.I1)
Cafe rp.tm.--, • *
Canuele 3.CJ
ItzTs Otafigtt, 63.
eltered Scarlet awl
Ye:aw .4) a.th
rev mall ar.lers all .7s tbe.
Per /Daz. Per leel
/nee ...net.- ,41
-n .
Per ord;r4 Sa dOz.
ger 1.°)).
iter Doz. Per 130
.tr2zfe .33 WI
.43 - .1:00
Per erleat altS'iy a doz.
per M.
Toter Soetbd Low Pe,ce
51te. tar Pelrng (ley, Per Dz.t, Per P.13
C13t3. itple
nme't, ,,,,,, 3 •2.13
Cretilta--,Silvery Pale ,, .
rneelconit leetyar__Perte 1.9
t of 1rk.n- dig_s
Pe/weft ElleAbetit-lbight
- _ Peet. PArettieft-Chesty t.C.)
Ihrt't matter from Isoprene goo
roaring oromad yaw %mart, tram
haltrilow. seid,ty, Mooting or par
ladigastior. Atop worry/az Who*.
*volt ye r r•04 qoielr atomise% relief,
saki" 1ftt4; llisrfatiNt
peril.? op tablets. it :kasha up piA,
rimatrof i air *MO ar4 *Popo Or *Oita
orb oWoot grael 'Amor. sad 41401144
ripfrot, At se.nd dreg OW* 'weer
1441416 tittt tritatiro.
Wft. ttvellel,-Vio-let, ii;se.--., - - - - - --..,------,---.- --- - .14
Pel.- ook‘t le.i.4;---n-ii ir, '.i 7..i.: Ti7.4:i -'
1! rame..............................a. ' , , 'ft '''!-- Cr ,
. ,................
1 MI 4wrairs 4148•161 be, aeroorpooted lay meet erkier tv arrtarl olwrie weir
11 papal& at Itarilir. We per roars &tarps tr a.% rrillarls al SS or wow. Onkt
tr-ittr-te-tatertas rrer 114 Ns 1046.
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