HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-11, Page 51
e •
I 0.
THURSDAY, OCT. Mb. lleest
.*** 41••*.•••••••11•1111111111110.*
Musical Inqtruments
Including Velar ItIn-opieraphe. ‘iolia-1,. Ukeleles, Haajte.4,
tars. Mandolins. Supplies of all kinds.'
If we have not your needs in stock we will he glad to, order for
-you. Large ass ittruent 4* strings. etc,
I 11111111111101111111111 -
totAt'. it 1 Ur* It Fowler: wt:r!' t k p!kctr \‘;r
Ae. .kati...44.1. 1.4102Lti:%
r 1.11 Syort-imIlatty etr Nes Varian funirre. Sentare beteg tee ee,
• of , v
t;„ iwirre Orel. 1* Art, k,tlytindon
g :,„, it,•1 ,
ratira ,7*.„M IC fit Cuntesieg, the easie., (eve.
• t-igt Tt '1 4•%4 , lAble 14yak,ca'r., Ai '1, .%tiLu, A, I. H. rate..
11F, amarkerel; steal ateleeee, F. Me- 5 Pent'd the end, teesel
4t,r.,,,!itishk.gi Atm is:, Iraq:, Bereee, Mee weeloasee; eal, Miss Mvtlewen giee hat tedsisese,
te. elm 1* ., L' 4j taa
aa., a ratter"- lesa•au. eine ett . eat
Iteee. Maim son lei: tied etiet; oda:teen ceiceee Nee threugh Psdestino teal lea the Q
&'f!ar, iittwreil 107-..!c,‘ J. Atton 4; Sol; tieweee fence In imegivatien through th
60w. littera'. In Itatta J. Alton sat Sifl jn. "Af„x:,,b, towns anti Viii4C9 in rat, Arne witvie
our Lord Jesus lived ard weled ' oekeldre -Aged emir, a. eaten &
• Son; leen., 1n Bela Meet.
, while on eatth. Site gave fine at"
_ „vit., littered sn ewe. A, ea, tealeteaele sattey, Nj,,,V;ItW; 'eeriptionetnif batil.tax,e1;eing,aeerlibineidente
ter•ed ia 192a, j. Attest sel Son let and ; rite .Mrs. teopelaud; stsetee Aire. efuntey.
Milian, J. Alton & Son,
J. Alton & Son let stud iffiel; sow, 311es Neatizall; mate, every, jam. elate andshetelotilidus vezigtrioetahatrarei,arks!
Sae; sere leering vela:el pigs in Itele, health reg. Mr .
Tautworta--Aged boar, ae Allan , /edge; isesepreati, Mr. ilLorTr(r:,t1v!eitS1,14 /essens,. Six! in..:
. 4:outlet:ter. ra. ,MEtf. :„litl-vo '
er her autlienee rnany tt4t:e.'
eut-, tier
la Fowler, IL tetothers; tayeater coat, ,TUrries to show Ism the peade there
Goderich Phone 90
FOWL AND PET SToUtr. Atm ladae s'earf4 Mrs.. Vow- 14" Vheing onc on a bey in the ausle ,
4 Judge-elle/del Tristain. (41enesze. • 311'.. J. ^Sherwood, Mrs. le Fowler, 41reas ilenwnstrated •the costatire
ler, Mre. lIewrie; nagittgewa. Mee. lellee` MiSS l‘k°°\Vent8 atith:CS‘3 wa:1
risiconth Roe4Q.„. white, eldeltens, teopeiand. etre. etiormwd; h _ a real treat and was thoroutehly et-
• Arthur gantert; 311eoreas, black..drese.)!„ &others -I -aguar and. (11,)alli...Ies :awed. Tlite President. Miss :
ellielsees. A. Culbert & Son t pair geese, set, airee leomees (asinine eup, ;sirs' CanIaaritirgaer,eordostant Itlesetutaen114ceasensecsitttisi
Sherwthal, Mrs. llowrie; apron for • -- - -
Seventieth Annual Exhibition Held Last Week Arthur -Culbert; ra-bblte. over
mouths, MeIlwain ; rabbite, unaerel
homework, 0. ItutletTeee. Mrs. 3.11)1W-eit'
•OM tonne . ,
asseeet; •GRAIN salkelin bahrs jaeket 1 1 t
r W SI • • e fattsuaceiverlrigedseehltek-ITterbPsirilii,
With Fair Attendance . 8hetwoo4; sweatee and ear, coDERIcif TowNsrop
adliee-ales. L$011e, tliciolow- 31re. Itewrie' &ire, T. .
Swathe, mellyvaln.
Vali wheat. widte, ,Alten Son;
T. 3 a ITo r 3Ire. telnoo 1 , gage
• s - on Sueday, Oct. 2Ist1 at II a.m. and
• Tal I -wheat.-- •retle -Artbur -Culbert, asTe
e ure , Sarnia, will
Threatening Weather Kept Many Away -
Music by Clinton Pipe Band
The Dungannon Fare was held on ton. Ida.
IIhursday and Friday of last week.' Read- and Carrlaget-I3rood mare, It.
et,There waa a good eboWing meet of aohnaton; foal of 1929 Johnston'
thee departments but unfortunately 2-Yearald filly or gelding. A. 11. r ow -
the eather the. rostie day of the ler; aseineold tip,), or gelding, IL
show while not turning olet unities,- I Johnston 18t awl ;Ina drigle horse in
tent the afternoon et had b e
herness', W. T. MeLean,
showery and threatening and un- ^Class 5---Gentlentan's outfits W. T.
dobtedly.kept many way, ao that se..„.‘,„„u.
gate recexpte were CQnsiderably •‘4" e"
Judge (light horses) --John Gilles-
• theeett. There was a good allowing of „.,„
cattle, and homes and in the inside , -ta!'',"4"leVUUrej-/ .
departments also there was .a good cATTLE
average show. During the .afternoon
the Clinton Kiltie Band gave a good Durham purebreda-Mileh cow, IV.
Emmy, of music and, in spite of tho coaled eat and 2nd; 2 -year-old bele
vondition of the track all.interestiug eer, W. A. Culbert lot and 2nd; Ileate
free-foreall race was nut on, result,. old belfer. W. A. Culbert 1st and and;
ing as folio, • bolter calf sl tb • 1 • b,* NV. A
Pio Wortkv. Jai. Culbert....1 I Culbert 1st ane 2nd; bulL' calf. under*
Sailor 13., Roy Colville...4..2 2 2 eta months; IV, ,41, Culbert 1st aud and,
Jenny B. 3 8 Hereford -43111th cow, J. Iteld, 3ne.
Mel. 'Culbert. Lyons 21111 and arat 2 -sear -old better,
Nellie Cook, Chris, Cook.. ..4 It. Jobiaston, Jas. Lyons; 1 -year -ad
In the evening. a line concert 'was heifer, ans. Lyon.e, IV. A. Culbert;
given by the Imperhele concert Com- heifer cala mouths and over, It.
naziet of Loudon, in the agricultural Johnston, Jas. Lyons; bull calf. Rix
ball, followed by a dance in the pare months aud over, Jae. Leours; hnll
ish bell, both of were well at- vale, tinder Rix months, Jas. Lyons;
tended. This is the seventieth year Indians:icier two years, Jais. Lyons; bull,
the Dungannon' show has Veer. held meter three years, las. Lyone.
nest but for rather unfavorable Wea- orede Cattle -Mika ea% Atisffie
ther the past few rears tho -oe'leta' McMillan let and- Jas Lyons. 3141:
'would be in good financial eonditioe, 2 -year-old better, W. A. Culbert let and
eereVing on one of the better show n emla 1 -sear -old heifer W. A. Culbert
of tem connty.
The prize winners ir 'The. various A. Calbert & Son; eteee ealf, under 1
aeparttnents were as follows ;: Year, aase t.yone, A. .1101011aq ; fatted
ox or steer, W. A. Culbert ist and 21141;
nMS tatted cow or heifer, .lete, Lyons, W. A.
• •Generai rurpoee..„.enrood ware, IL Culbert; 2-yeer-old steer, A. 31eafillate
-geete, it. 'savage .t foal „oe lee% 31. 4. Joenston, W. A. Culbert; 1 -sear -old
terrage. IL gear; 2 -year-old ' oe-steer, IV, A. Culbert 1st and 2nd.
gelding, aaa Forster; 1 -year-old, filly SPecial (by tbe Standard Bank,
B. Kerr, J. R. savage* Dungennon)-Herd. from classes 0, S.
Aerieultural-Brood mare, M. goae., O. W.
A. Culbert, Jas. Lyons 2ral and
stone ^IL Kerr, IL jeliestont foist of ard- •,
1928,,rt. geenaton, W. .atneert; judgeeeeDaniel Trietain, Glencoe.
yeotick.. Itilktoor
beet; le/ear-041411e Oregeltlinge
Rutledge, • M. jahnstan release in
ness-Wm. IVeasortaas. Alton 0.. Son.
IJOS,19 elranght.4-Brooa• mare, J. R.
Sewage Zra; foal of 1929, Je It. Sav-
age; llearsold filly or gelding, R.
,Tobuston; best individual in elasses 1,
2 and 3, Jas. Forster ast dna 2n1
team 111 harness, Ias.. Vorster, IL
judget eliear,v horsee)---flea. I/. Hoo-
::, age rep • efellelEP ,-eseeee•
Iseleeeter-iged ram, "G. Binels
Sone ebtailing ram, D. Purvie & Son;
aged ewe, G. Purele & Sone ftearlior,
e*e, G. Purvis a; -Son lst end and; ewe
lamb. & Son 1st and 21e1;
ram litznb, G. Pullets & Son let and
2nd-. •
oxford -Downs-Aged ewe G. la
• Rutledge, R. aoloistosi; sbeerling ewe,
Rutledge; ewe lamb, G. la Rut -
ledge; rant lamb, G. Ka Rutledge
Altai & Sort; win- wheat, le Me- woof', Mrs. opeland; teble etsntre- of Burn United h h
Allister, Alton O•row barter, Pleo• white, lite. Fowler. lira Cope- .he the preaeher bath warning and
alatlilster, J. Alt011 .% SOU; oats, Lind cue outthem(
.•loo"dle; breakfast
sot eeemng. Thera will be. (4 (1 muele
white, J. Alton az Son; was, large, a. ler, Mrs. J.
getter' assistmg chews, duets and
Alton & Son; thnotbe seed, T. Altos Mrs. D. Towler, Mrs. Covet:ma; Inn-
Soll; Mee $eed, Alton.4 Son; beaus,
Alton sa Son, J. It.
StIrting; At*It2t.' Fowler, MISR' T. Sherweed; tea towela night.- A very cordialelIt ±I ti ienvitation
1). ne.kiliSier; corn, Dent, Mre. Trent
blaYs.j. Alton a: Son; eore, Flint. D. Miss NieFball, Mrs. eopelantl; cur- extended to everyone,
• • 11 1 -1 1-) 31 le
quartettes. A szseelal freewill thank
ou'on• -Mr& "C011etalla• • Urit" -Raw^ offeting in • aelted far- as there •ia no•
I •
lirs. J. Sherwood: buffet sea t rte.
ataialleter; stinfloweeas JleAllIster, tains, airs.. Fowler, 311es T. ealterwoed;
•e1rs. Fowler.
guest toee.e. 3Irs. Copeland, Meet,: PRESBYTERY (UNITED)
Jae-A.J. Caterer Coderlek Merbail; • pilloweaetet. embroidered,: The *meting klurori Presbytety
We. ?5" Mee a. Sherwood; tat- of the United Church was, held
g, t owl e, l'tmlert fillet Oeteen et, church, Blyth, on. Teesdale
> Ten lbs. nutter, in rolls., Mothers, (-motet, lose iSberwoOft, airs. a. 'with a full deiegatIon Ilene nearly
Mrs. D. Fowler, T. Mattel a lbs. table Sherwood; fencer 'witting in eatton. evety Telnited church in Huron •Co. '
_ •
rt Sateens
1-050„ Nue, Tia.t gworiazds v. -Etat prett, 4.16.v4iti„. •
:ittA the ularez.-4A _vozt would Re for iNtt1W TIw.
tit.tte;ials ate Eviehes au•S .•;uarauteed1¼O1 uit wit
• Wabasso Sheetings and Pillow
Cottons at Special Prices
In the folio* widths:
63-Ineh single bed axe
„ ,
72.1nch, 81 -inch and 904neh.• 't
The Pillow Cottons are 40, 42, and 44 tulles wid
%Nilo: you purchase WOW° cottons you are getting the Nail.
• quality cotton made in Canada.
butter, in prints, eyes ehertvood. A. sere. ,e.• gherwood, Stotherize esda The session. OPened Lit 9.30. With Rev.
Errington, T. Blake; 29 -Th. Packed leetloh loose via*. Nets. owler, eirte .11r. Barnby, Blyth, the piesident,
'tatter, A. Fireington, T. /Mike; 6 Me..•.aopelane; eedroont lion. (ebeete pfa in the chair. The deeetionaleexer-
. Taney table butter, O. Stetbers, a. 14a.,
loweases an(1 tOwel). airS. POWler. giSeS weve takers by the president
ingest, T. Blake, Miss T. eherwood; &easement ribbon. and Rev. S. J. Allen, of 'Toronto
' Jedges-O. Citeemere,..T. Its 31eN4tbs noreltiete airs. eopelaUCI. Mrs. z. Sber. The flest 'business after the min-
Luelsnow. . .
wooal 1l5 tint eniall iloveltiee llre. utes had been read was in connection
eitine. anss atcrealiz labereetatee 'with the sale of the Ashfleld ehureh,
Obieetion had been taken to thitt sale read. white, '311se T. Sherwood; T. eatviee. eitse lierlittil, airs. eOpellind;
. Blake; breatl. brown, Miss T. Sher- tinware bag.11 r. et -ow -lea etre; cape. iey . the Presbyterams, but the com-
. tothers, •Cl. K. lattle'dge; Valls wbtte . risosetelietvnsils,seAct. Icetsrritug4to.nga;ig.u-SstittlIters;
14 of Blyth, gave the report and showed
report on home missions Rate G. "Weir
buns, T. Blake, Mrs. Trenalday; g,ra-
, that all the churches inethe Pretsbe.-
,. luan muffins; H.' Stotbers, Mrs. 'low- eyears.aIrs. Fowlerall. 'Mothers.
woo& elm. Tremblay. nut bread, 11. land colleetion Write sewing, lira•nittee had sold the property. Izt the
tree wee goeeee...eaera leate•eein eere eel rely were zelfesustaining and that
• ele; tea •lee:exits, small s , .•
the committee now had SiarplUS Ott
Sherweixt, Bleke; cookies, roileit, -fe. Connolly, Goderiea,
band. Rev. 3, M. Coiling, lei Greed
13141xe; mattes, drop. atm Tremblay, FINE ARTS • Bend, dealt with religious education'.
• IL Stotberse layer cake, light, G. •Palr.ting on„ satin alre, C. IL •Cope- Dinner eves -served -ein the basement>
* •
Rutledge, Mrs. Ie. -Fowler; /neer eaue, ;and, 1i0Wrie; e011eellOU Oil of tlie church lost the ladiea and was
- dark, Mrs.' Howie% airs, D. &owlet': paintino, efts. Hoerriee eollertion Pattakeri of by all thoee prekent arid.
• Pewter -I. Senteii shortbread, airs. mow -
dark fruit rake, Stotliers. 3Ire. nowrie;
drawings, Ainnee there. •
water >colors, airs, " •atopelinue eire cantle of, the citizens also hffil t.t12.ir
Lle alra D. Fowler; tarts, T. etre; eoleetion eraeon We G. Medd, M. ea. e.... tredstirer,
1,1113, 1),„ Fowler; apple pie, T„ Blake. dreeelega exes, copeanua mat Bean, showed the .ffilanees t7o be in splendid
3Ire. 00pelend; lemoo le„ G. K. 'tut- lee. eoliection een and ink seetehina,a conditien, with a balance en hand.
••ledge; pumplten pie, D. Fowler, eirie Howele; elealtee.a peemeeseip es. The secretary, in his reports on
u. goners; ealatis, . CoPeland, tea. or girl under 14 years of nee dactions, showed that tIze following
• Mee, let Fowler ; meat loaf,. Mrs, How- plgzef. •bv principal. ito;s)._,}1 etotie eurasters had been inducted into new
sie.• Stotheise eheeee Nitsle, 3Irse ers, r). Vewler; paInti* n
leowrie 'atrs. Tremblay; ileVeloek inn- Ohm, airs ji
owr 0; ea etiOn of 110W-'
° Andrew's Blyth; Rev, J. W. Johnston,
chargee 'ne July: Rev. O., Weir • St.
eheon,• 'ars. D. Fowler, al. atotbers, G. era frelt end aniqUalR'Not en glasea, Londesborought Rev. W. F. *Levitt,
K. Rutledge; CQilectlou canned fruit, 3Irs. Howrie; map of Huron county, IVItKillen; Rev, Leroy. Wilde. Elm -
re Ilowrie Mrs. _Tremblay 'Mrs. . vale; Rev. James Anthony 'Thames
... by toe- ot gill ueder.14 leerse $. Rev Mr Bollinerbrolie Wrox-
Cotten:lel eeolleetion maned regetaeles. tettlbert, IL Stealers.: wootlwoork by
Road, . .
Sirs. Treniblay, Mrs, 1). Fowler; eol-
lection pickles, :Sirs. Howrie. •Mrs.
Tremblay ; eollection jelle, Mrs. IX
• M Tremblay,
Fouler Mrs,
e er, ey. r. unite nee s
Judgee--mre. Meeeale Teteknow ; A committee was appointed to deal
box, le. Itoreer, Mrs. Teel/inlet Hill; Rev. .T. W. Herbert, liolmesvele.
•Nrr'• Amelia M'cllwallis with' the new hymnel whieli is pro-
SPECLits nosed. Rev. W. A. Bremner, -of
'stAry Rutberford, St. Helens. •BY Altenes eierN for two • loaves g er h I h ld tGd ') hi -
•judges -lairs. W. E. Gordon, allss • .„
• Drueeffeld gave his report on the
• Haled made from Attiplo
'rims' Blake' Le" fl"!'11:- essititrzedetinet stteeTeingditrhinte:thetre w:ersesi100110..
blsCoadbbbaegeots,.1)p... 1BlesArklielis.,tesvr..11l3Taitis'kuiet; Dread mule from Mire Rose's flour- b -
By Ramey Treleaven, for hes) letreee Rev Dr. Dean, of Toronto, gave
ze;mammoth ellow Intermediate A spirited_ addeelaking the_ se
son ; long Inoue. beets, F. I/taker; Wtirt- eIta. Tremblat jeet of the maintebenee. and misesion-
e " By IL A. •Meitenzle. for eeet agrloul- ary fund. in whieh he showed the
Culbert Son; Swede turnips, D. Ma' ternl or aeaveadreught eolt-IL Jobie. great work thee had to attend tie.
Allister; earrotte intermedlate, red, F. stole
. nointina out that the United Church
},id unstsionar,es m PAtery oeerter
Cet aleig tthoes wwo:rled (lose; „idea Ilselvt6hoetteorrfaurrwohreir
Mr:James Dtzrnin, of the West; is all start.; tho everal entw-efion
calling on relatives here before leave with Hee Rev. J'. E. Hogg, of Clinton,
frig for his home. alt"n kvinTen,
A number from here attended an- A resolution of empathy for R'N't
niversary services esat •the United
Barker, A. A, Culbert; Earle Horn ear-
. rote, af% Barker.' w S. 'Mangum; eue
rote for feeding purposes F. Barker, D.
' s • araninter; white onions, r. Barker;
01.1.0111MENOMINI • lee- 17
. yellow (intone, F. Bare-er, A. Erring-
. a ton; pickling onions., E. Berker, Mrs,
Tremblay; table corn, 'etre. Tremblay,
°gall Competition
. • Mrs. D. ^Fowler; pumpkin, A.!' Culbert
& atotberes winter scniask for
" JE1X/ELLERS' .Tremblay; tomatoes, F. Barker Mrs.
• •
' • table, ae, -Barter, De -McAllister; sena
•• mer squasbator table, F. Barker. D.
$1,809 IN PRIZES
Open to every resident of Canada, except •principals of
Pirms engaged in the Jewellery Trade,
Call and get a'Slaian coupon at E C. 'ROBERTSON'S
Jewellery Store
3.1tAllister potatoes early white
; , ,
• :Ors. D. Fowler. Arthur Culbert; po-
tatoee. early, red, T. ,I. Staked; pota-
FIRST PRIZE -A Diamond Ring, Que $1,000.
SECOND PRIZE -Colonial Table with complete
complement of Flatware, Tea Set and Tray,
value $585.00.
THIRD PRIZE --Sterling Silver Tea Set i four
pieces, with E. P. N. S. Tray, value $265.00.
FOURTH PRIZE -Ladies! or Gents' Watch,
pocket or wrist style, solid gold case. Value
$150.00. - •
See Pietutes and Prices in our Window.
'Competition close* November 30th.
Awards announced December 1 Stk
E. C. ROBERTSON Jeweller
:DO ing4111044)Pf Frigidaire equiPMent whieh
your protectionlha.1 your rooct is kept sanitary.
fresh and wholesome.
It would please us to show you our IateSt arrivals WE,.
Dress Materials and suitable TrinunittgS for fall wear.
,...., ,
E. .n
H n 1
Next Door to the Standard Bank
Phone 86
Dr. MaeGregort of London, who ree •• .06
train wreck at HannIton was passed.
211 11
The '011est Street •
ce waa seriously- injured
The next meeting is tte be bold in
Victoria' street ehurchi Goderieh, on
, the second Tuesday in December. ,
There was zt meeting held in the even- •
ing• of the young people's soeletIee
of the Presbytery. -
Tit for Tat I
Rustle (meeting friend); "NVot be i
• 'ee goin' ter walk. three moiles to
Woodnueeket to post it letter for t
Why don't 'ee post it in the eillage
Friend; "Not met Tito postage-
• tress 'ave stopped buyin' luy eggs, so
WO% tegoin' to post no More ,
ters with she 1"
ehurch at Dungannon on Sunday. ---1
Our teacher, Mr,. Pahner Kilpata ‘114LE d FEMALE HELP WANTED
rick, attended the laymen's conven..! '
tion at Toronto on Saturday' last, a - • EARN $25 to $50 PER WEEK.
Miss Alma Blake, of Detroit, is en-
joying a vacation at the home of her
parents, letr. and Mrs. H. J. Blake.
, llositions upon In City taut eltent-'
re,..toltrile. Be an exewee• awn
toes, late, whites T. 3: $alUelav A• Cul' • Mr. •and ^Mrs. 1tobt.' Durnin, of part tinw wItHe. learning'. We
g w•••
g To Cherbooeff-SoUthotoplon
, .
Electrical Shoo
EVic carry it good mock of '-
ectrical Appliancei
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in I,
Wiring of All kind'a
Estimates give), on,
All Work Guaranteed 4
iL I
Frank McArthur -1 ;
Phone 82 West Street
. 1
, • . 1 ,
. ! For Upholaterine. Tteritioo 1
GODEMCH ONTAMO ' ' " 14 i.i.
1 Nano', Sit
'Phone 106
anailian Pacific.
Get Your Fall and
Winter Metchan-
Biggest Ships dise at Robins'.
and Save
From Montreal Money
We have a complete
line of •,
belt eon; potatoes, late, tea G. IC, Goderi
• Rutledge; celerY• T• lirs• Wm. Urn 11 one evening last week. ..T:LECTRICITV., • . .• Nov. fo
it et e ea ed on Mr. and Mrs, nom Withi /I Noy. 11 st..01.a
maw UELDENti,
4" K' 54 51 1'011411 Its r .
citrons, F. Barker. 310211.s. -e ! attended the funeral of the late Mr.
D. Fowler; eaulitiower• -71f r: A large number from around here t.l.t with sheepsntn Coats
parsnips, v., aohneGlenn, of Dungannon, on Sun- min OREssING.
aINIZING. BRICK L A VI N G. Nov. id ' NIPtagattia
colleetion go•=istr'-Viege. t3a1b7lAaelster ; day lase •
Moravia -
e coats• -
* home"of her brother Mr. ant) hi le t° e°"4. Dit4 (1°"lemi'
Empleement eerviee from vilest 'let. to 'Nev. la Heatless of Attila! vests
melmerran rueknow Miss Agnest Malloch returned to tit
n' - 0." I' f • f 1 ie. tee tNiea..2..Noy.
Winter Apples -Spies, Sa- IL Stir. weeks at the home of Mrs. Henry' • Si•litals • lade new assoeIRIPti 'Underwear 11
. ..1)twliPsts ' 00'0
ay ree rain none tit t tad „. „ . wool or Fleece
Fauns , loch, after visiting for the past two reliable firm Hemphill Trade al"Y• •
ling, D•. aleAllister; . Haldwiria, Z. it. Gardnet, of the 12th concession. • Ne•ith Tratip :4;1.'14,44
To Offisesow •
SttelIng. W. A. Culbert; Wog, Mififf 'The anniversary services- will be Ltd., bath rlsmilintin (IfiArilli- •f)ei..24; Noy.,23 .•.,..... ...... ‘Itti‘11,42: Sweaters
stephan, P. a. Salkeld; Tillman Meet, londiieted at Crewe United chureh on IIIP/4 C11°3°1141 °Ilninitli"' NoV, i Nov. 28 .
Red. It, Stirling, W. A. Culbert; K. Alp, of Auburo, will ocenpy the he" "Ill" 163 :KING ST' W"TurItitt° let A ‘11.fica Leather Shoes
Soo; GOlden Russet. a. R. Stirling, D. and 1.30. qpeeial music by the Dun- London. elentreal. Hamilton. Ottawa
• To Iloottonv .
‘H"""11'''"1. Rubbers nir
.stioing, ge *tumid; Canada Sunday, betober1 401, when Rev. W. HEMPHILL TRADE KIIHOLS, Ltd. • .
Ontario, J. R. Stirling, A. catieert la pulpit foe the day eeryieee at 2.;10 Eastern Brandies; • Nov. . lo 1e.111:71 'sumo de,„ a
• t•
T It Whelp a anno h Flannel
Alton & -Son; leallawater, services.
McAllister; Wagner, . gf. g n on" w e rendered at both
• fiet 21 ettiv.
elev. 10 •
•I - Work Shirts
o T eatre 1(1'. .Lat o at
'HIE EMPRESSES. SIONTROIAL AND1 •Eitty Your rail and Winter
WOol Socks, etc. -
• • •. movirsimioi rs‘it, PROM ef /•
WEEK OP 0CT. 15 to 20 ALL wrttEn KrE1,31SISIPS. SAIL Gnodn heti Ana nave !bolo.
• • --**101416-**4
• ter; IL Seetbers; Russet, I IL Stirling, '
Ilea A, 4* 41 Rhode Inland Greening, CARLOW '
Ibe. inrit 14tPiii.liflent, Wi.IIITISietmirPliTtgli,; .tT.1141131.. 11Ir. Mew vieited on Sunday vt;ith
Salkeld: Phoenix. ,T.R. Stirling; elm, his relativee in Goderich.
a R. Stirling, G. IL Itutiedge; Stark, Mr. and Mrs. truer, of -Pine River.
J. It. •Stirling, W. A.. Culbert; Ben visited friends here on Sunday.
Davie,. le It- Stirling,. Ws A. Calllee ILI; ', Mize Rom Amos is.epending it week
Pewankee, $. It. Stirling, .11. 3. =,a.k.? c'or two with her •eister, Mre. Thos.
eercat ef.enelLniltilereltiln;.Ltritesr '1*. 3. Salk.lYiken'and hIrs. Ie. aIash, of Wing -
Foil Apples -Wolf River, il, Alton & • earn, visited with ',friends here on
.litomsetViAlAug. .(Iltbets;t ;sfItotibletmotnt; I'mippsintitl, eas. , stilined.,a.ser,tud.
Ittre. •11. M. 'Young, with
• e
ilitiirlialveNavith3r.. 3. It.
siti,s54s3i1i. :wthrti twice, miss jean younr, viettoi
Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. •Sallowe on
Phalle filnow, 'HIM Withal, T. .T. sunday.
iSies:telutILI)11:11:111,e5:1:1p8IpVinAlcut:unIti.e:l'iti:Sin.tlgll'i ravereary tele/wee at Leeburn on
A„ meter from here attended an.
erai apPleo ' I U. ill411114''_ W. 3: u1IN'idra.YAllton Amos..who spent a> fere
Tbempeon; 2 named varieties, 3. IL dos with xr.
and 'M s TI a Avg ,.
stilling, am! McPhail. ot son, returned to his home near Parks;
Pewee etc -3 named varietlee
pears. J. It. Stirling; 4 fan Ilir erinttPe;11111ISI 1'0.8 aSnutinda1•Yele. -e. A. Llobeetson,
elleaatr 3.' ;Ailv.satlil*rifnte6:1011A;. tsitthere; gym. Ilendermon, Miss Jean Young
V named varlets, of owes. I. ilarlic.r. ,atd Mims Nellie Clark attended
v31,1,0.11111tisust.1-Sontvi..1:iLly,:,:i.:T733.te.vda. Vattirirkiriteentildiet:0171134);f! SV.,voirtullegnvgb.6:8,:r.1:18.,...swi.:.r.connuerniWiladnice,srels:it:43joubon.
ltavliert Plate PYtwlies' W. I° 21161141- ing of tiro United rhumb krytnen in t
• When receiving your supplies from us you will soon
.appreciate the added freshness of the food. A trial 1
, •
order will convince you.
CRAWFORD PZACHES for preserying ere
now on the mnrket.' Order early, an.' be assured t)f the
Froth Pruitt and Vegetables Daily
Sitverwooes ko Croton
'Flick, of litnnilllen aStended. Irf.',(1‘.
1101.1' 8a1ke1(" Plate clul"ce'9"J" RL Toronto on Saturday and Sunday.
• sinning.. it McAllister.
</nage-Win. ,Gailerich.
(Mr. Will' Wateon, with Mrs.. tiles.
McPhee. Wm Thas. McPhee arol Mr.
Sohn Porton, metorcd Iiemikont
*nu Nisitarir Falls ott Mayday. A
!ffilmni1fror the2,- /Milted with Ilse and
• ; A4,1141...44 MrP, lk Vow-
; Ic•r; daliErao. 31Itvaiti, lIttikvr;
ratEc-, IlowriP; 1,411. Hamby and rcturved home un
pea:nine, ratler, MnP, Tretam:ly;1,Tuettdtrir.
telahaV,.; Itevenilbsts 'F'•• Italionte r-ltr''-'• Mr, .1.0111 I juva, of WiTittipt'V, is
nom Ele ; vouN 11''rt 341rft latmoir with his rclatices here, Mr.
heraukty. P. ratt..4 (otte, are marl- piker, 4s .on_igatv of mr, and
esteie, MOAT, Mt*, Tremiftsit,.; chao, merhe.f, and wag hero at. lie
flemiften Phono 14*. W. deliver in Town. I. ft
tectlea oantlecsei4, vr.. t foroe of bie to.othot..
Tnr, sAnstr, TiffS
Aini"jeal ‘penic 0r • M ROBIlitS
in anoiher King Vidor sensation...
Tho sweeping_ power, blending of !
laughter and tears, nurging romance
that moved• the world in "The Dig
Parade" are here again in
nitE enowir
DAY and
in an =MAI and thrilling 112010 -
drama. Are you tired of aftlety
dramas and the timed run of adven-
trtis-e eirelst Doan a jaded appel
Then 1?y all °ill; 21)03511 0(13
ing u 3"
portrays the West in all its gall&
glartun. treatiilleca romance 9
oika f.,31:ocar and young America fa
Galtlucas tlabMfn. WI, IL *403 11' Ur. Abo Train, I CRintans, NvhEei)
Matinee Sat. at 3.00
4. Gritemi Aneot •
E. P. Bldg.. ToPoolo.
i South Side Square-PhOne 384
t-------'- P1
• tn. ;46..
• JUNG SING, late of London, St. Thomas.
and Ingersoll, begs to annonce to the public of
Goderich and the County of Huron thathe haet
acquired the Restaurant, hitherto known as tile'
British Exchange Cafe, and will continue it 1
under the name of HURON CAFE and with
•entirely new management.
' His long experience and thorough know.:
ledge of the catering business MIMS to all per.
sons the best of service in all branches.
Visit theatIRON once and
and you will come again
„ 3