HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-11, Page 4ON 11 1 1 11111 11111, 1 Si/ill/NM • 1111 • 1.111, .1).4Gr, fot a Special Values in Ladies' and Misses' COATS and DRESSES THE NEW FALL and WINTER COATS 'We have a splendid selection of LErdies" and Misses' Fall and 'Winter Coats in the season'R latest materials and styles. Rich satin. - like broadcloths are specially featured in navy and brown, also the n, -;v lighter shad. Large shawl collars and cuffs. The prices are more than moderate. We invite you .to come in and see our new range of fall Dresses, in georgette. velvet and crepe satin, The styles are the very 'Meat and with .the qualty and.workmanship you _have every assurance of .exceptional -dress value. Gloves We have received a new line of Lades' Chamois Suede and Kid Gloves for fall -wear and we are offering these at special prices. SHOP •EARLY AT TIRE STORE WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP Men's New Over- , coats . . Quality materials and excellent tailoring me very apparent in these stylish garments, revealing the snap,' and style for fall and winter *wear. We invite you to see these new Coats. A• CORNFIELD SHOP OTTER AT THE STORE WHERE YOU ARE WEST nIDS OF SQUARS PHONE. 418 GODERICH. INVITED TOSIROP EVITOHIAL COMMENT A VALUAIII:ETaWN IGNORED , have only to go teeeKineardine, for 'made, The prices may be considered inatance, yrnere $3 a page, is paid for las practitally the .same and even re. the same work. leowmanvillo and cognizing the jolt office as entitled to Collingwood pay 82,60 a lage and Its turn in the awarding of the peint. the Government pro for euch work in of the voters' list,1The Star should One of be M0.0 holUable asset of legume to about these prices. As a have bad it this year but this was a community Is its local newspapers, Coach leaves Stratford froM Ilua depot (phone 763) and post office. mateee of feet the prices for print- 'not done, yet $100 Was voted to help HE Gekokawirati ARE YOU AFRAID OF YOUR MEALS ? • - - roof That the Stomach ie Week end Needle Titatog Ave ,j., •:t E.4 the name; aeffecere -ett (iecad rin al time? klinngeen, and ”et afraid to eat, becauce et ita.ne ar:d ditttneferts tinet Weene 'etorriatt ie out of order the whole e!.7etent suftero, anti as the bleed 1g.Teiftes thin and waters ite h&- • inercaeiegly din:knit to .4 L.. tiee thgestive {Weeder. T.here is no ettnie for the r5tonaelt that is not a tenet for the wile& baY; tird9 a blood letilthug tettie quell aa De. Williams' Intik Ville, net onl/ tolletee indiheht aorta but odds to tho Conera1 stren- 1 004 Mr. I). J. Shaw, Selkirk Road, J• P.f1I., has proved, the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis in severe ease indievetion and relaten his exper- ience for the henefit of Other suffer!. errs. Ile ::-:- -•'I euffered from in. digestion for a nuether of ware. My caee wae 'EO• Ula 'that veer& failed to doseribe it. My appetite was gone, .netipation . was -present. and my erves wore. all on edge. T couhl not teem wolf at nigbt, and the woeld was -a dark spot lot. me. I tried a number. Of remedies, but without anv .1-ienelit' Then -Dr, Williams -Pink Pille were • recemmended. but withoett reuelefaiticafter decided to try them. After taking three boxes- notieed ehange for the better. Then 1- got three boxes. more and feund. X. bad or genuine rem- edy. I vontinued the .treatment, took medelnen eteterctetne erode take'. nlein food withent .suffering aa foraterlv, and moved that theee .pil1e. melte trond :Mood. mut that this good blood will restore the stomach and .rtervee.- Aelletio soff.eglae! .fronf...stoma.e.h. ov nerve tronbles - Will make no mistake t• Pink pills a fah tviL" Dr.- Williams' Pink 'Pine ove sold bY sill medicine dealers olewill eent by etlTiliktpentel`.5' nidetduletitnelt not wet** teeiltitt fer catty. of the free heoldet,,hWhat- to. Eat and Row PtitA1.-L, TitieltSDAY, tit T. 11th, 11elle ••••• - -.MINmfto Half mile reef:, :At ittit ) c HiAlner. 11.Itt Con- gum:, Jt.i :4- •Ocuiliag, Running bread junta. St.. - '.1r8, /mien, G. 15 feet, ti rtok ere -C„ Teett, Seafortin „%e„ colboren, Getieriein Ceet 'teren,-s f-eet, inches., I Runnette n read turop, Tam, late M. MeRay, C. -inett -la feet, rhta ;inehee, intene/. encEtty, T. ItGF.;11, 2,4 SktontiO. Clinton; F. Walter, Gederichee2 lune, , relay raeceeteetierieb, Sea- , !feetit. Exeter. • Rely race, smeor boys-Seaforth, Getter -telt, Miteltell. Itelae tetce, eunior hey,seeSeaforth, Godertelt, Roby tace, intermediate boys Qoderiele Exeter, seafortli. Reley race, Scrim; hoye--.0ederien .ere or, ort13. ClIAMPIONSHIPS 1.41Joult.ilor girls -Dorothy Iluston, I Senior girlse-Greta Abray, ebelt and elona sins, or neafortla were a tie and Dien were both pre- sented with meduls. Senior baye-11. McKal, of, Godee Intermediate hos-1. Stoddart, of Coidericb. , Junior boys -J. GiTudier.- of Clin- tont; the evening there was daneing in the bigh school •gymnasium from •seven *lock until nine.• Much intexest was taken in the Oftball games played by the girls and the Mitchell -girls were tbe win- ners of the chammonship. SCHOOL REPORTS S. Ina. 7. Convene . The following is the report of S. S. No. 7, Colborne, for September: jr, V. -Norman Durst (absent). jr. itt. -John autchins, 05%; Willa Bolton, 78; Harvey McAlichael, 37; Eturner- on Durst. 69; Elmer 144, absent,. • Sr, Ht. -Ruby Ilutchins. 64; Edward 1VIciefichael, 59. ar, elt.---Dorothy , Verna u c ns, 8 ; Ilare Fisher 90 V R t hi 0 old Stevens, 93; Elmer Ember, Kodaks, Films Developing and Printing 111; C. DUNLOP'. THE REXALL DRUG STORE Bedford Block .;kiummenwoomeivoiwww-popmummeo...40immeto 0zWbliQliccl for the expteee puepotet 1 I of talatig such a,epointarents come Pletety out ot the control of polite. - dans und placing them upon a baste , of nterit as revealed by competitive [ • examinations. This lamentable epi- Ai sode, in the opinion of The lexpositor, lur 'shows the need for a thorough Pau. • liumentary investigation of the whole 4.k effigy, so that the status of the Civil W Service Commission may be esteb- de lished beyond the possibility Of inter..`i "Or .ference . by interested politiciane- vie-- O. any party whatsoever. • Gorlerlch OIL . Do, THDmAs, CLECTRIC AIIMENTS 01: MANLiREMEDY CR ALL t epiFogANLWAYS113,faim ND B E KEF ONvotesissi.AsmpostrAsti, ilIT :.• ;ITiAtilrrVt.F,.FTDLC:11j;:ivi;"---EFDR:iiti;i:14y.F8Nui wILLEHAED chandise. The Ste; call supply Your AtivERInk- wa,n,But: antUhY012, ehapTolliesOlittoEv 000. as much as to any other line of main • , • . rip GREY AND BRua COACII LINES MOTOR COACH SERVICE GODERICII---STIRATFORD Read down Read up 2.05 411°01°1 4:7T:.2: year in Exeter. ' • -Sr. IL -Rub' Young, 84; Norma UV!' - 11;41! set; 001 rifin . The fellowing are the results of 82; Ruth Durst. 77: Fr nit Meier It' • the dan's events:. aol, /a. Jr. IL-ettoettn. lnelVilehamel: ' 15° GUMS' EVENTS ' ; ' e is er, 7. Lollard Lon; e.... troram, Gatiermn; ea, leer - Mae, PIXOter-4 tt, eu moues. Fisber, ;Loura Dant, Number on High jump, 3r. -v. taorrison, din. sPp.ltpier„...._8v64;svAinettueor. Mier.ltIrricho4liefeen. ,2222..."31141 .., 5565:621305g • 88711 brood aump, sr. -Mona Sum, Sea. _real 23. Average attendance 20. 3.00 . 8.0n 8.25 forth; Greta A bray, /ditcheil; In ,wreitiflaect Bootitterrapcoo,r0EttnhvateFrsisontteDr.urp. p.m. • p.m. peel, Aberhart, 3eaforth-11 feet, 9 inches 11°D.' stell and 3nnIP' Ir'"-.1)drd"W L8bterr"innesi FRis.heT.°uLnego'nerFd illfrismhekrh,4 Rel: * then; N. Rabidik-27 feet, 3 inches. Mehfichael, A.- leleittiebael, 75 Yards dos.11, sr. -Norma, Dolton, • M. r• JEFFERSON. Teacher. x 'School t:ecials on Mandel, 'Tue.sdete Wednesday, Thursdal and . Friday only. Sunelear open for epecial tripe. We stop at an • hotels and farm gates. Ruston, Panchen; In teeth*, Alit- Seafortin Lettle 1,ove, Exeter; M. -------n -et-- Cudmoree. WHAT 0.73131ERS SAY . Coach leates Goderieb.frote hotels. . . y Y4 dash, jr. -Jean . , • . Drunkenness Reconung Rare Inah. Goderich; D. hteteeeath; Goderich • bitt Won, Mitchell. ' . Out Prohibition Hop. stop and jump, me -Helen ' (Farmers' Sun) Halliday, Mitchell; Mona Sills, Sea- Figures recently made public re. a.m. p.m. Goderiali 10,25 8.25 Iloimesville 10.10 School 8.1u Clinton , 10.05 , Special 8.05 Seaforth 9,50 5.05 7.50 St, Columban 9.46 5.00 7.46 '').sMstietribbtacribitrittneilrvcime * .°29.:124050 444...245505, 7;71480 9.00 4.16 • 7.00 p.m, p.m. ' * It to them th4t an.Y°11° :wanting ing asked by locel nowspaperee m get out a booklet at Sarnia. We C471 *Through teach both wale. Special rates to school children Attending Stratford school. for he tan get a xretty P°d hilror county in the Province. Rut not con, total Ignoring of .one of the town's e• w effir front ding its newsPaPers• VtOrir (the "Gotlerielt list makes abont 100 PaPors. • Ihni out about a town alway •looke. auron County are,the loweet of any only look at the matter an Tieing a of the progreesiveness of the place tent with getting work done at e161), most valuable assets, its local news,- forth; Margeret totovee--26 feet, veal tradical improvement the so • - week the local papers go out to than- pages) %idea is worth good ileal tends not Only in the -town and more, tile eounell refuses to pay this PATRONAGE RAMPART Marion Smith , - Broad jump, jr.--Doeothy Rustou,, sumptton miler ng an un - Clinton; jenthieen. ing the last goal year ie shown no ,inch. cial baleits of the English. The con- 411111101111111Wilh. of',1" lEldd initY, but nutabers go far afield, even . print because they eau shave five or The ease tit the dismissal. Of Post- filo $toette, ee„......creto Aeray, Ber., at the beginning of the century. The eroesing the ocean. bearing their Nix. dollars oft it by inviting a tender master George Whittaker if Simcoe eke poTeenee, neaforth; 'Norma 1900 consumption of spirits was 82,e . story of the tonnes lite and activity: front a job ollieti which • metres no has been attracting ea- very large Bolton Seafoethe-8 feet, to inches; 209.022 Jrallone• ag ioaMPard41"vn,a A tsevre' that is hiossed with 8000. contribution to municipal ' publieity, amourtt of erlticieun of Postmaster nerM EVENTS 10,41041 gaRthin lest year, williethe newspapers. has a valuable ;met and while the local papers take their full Generial Veniot and the criticieM by 100 yards, dash, junior -P. oaf, per camta &Ink bat of the country , in thie respect Godeeleit is particle- ehertl_irt post conterwpity.,,,enteepriee, goirto Liberal newspapere is as rig- Clinton; 1.1.00tarA Seaforth; J. 'Guar v:s4 is -tiaid to 1,0 ; l'are' spectacle". h g dromed subqta ti UV tittonee achieved vAthout resort to probibt- The leen1 oapers ;IVO' desorring of I Peculiarly enough , at the SZUTIS. wader at Simooe by the Civil Set:- hicKan G°d-et14.h; 4* 131aelc, L;13(14- tory .laws is • a tribute to the motal tbo eo.ophvatien And support of 'all; -meeting et the council at whicb it vice COMMiggloti and was rejected on .ricn; r. (nun:, neaforth---11 0-6 sec- earnestness of the Snglish people. ontte. . ntrang. Exeter -n.12 ft., lOte Metes. be less' than a third of what it was tarty fortunate for the standard..Of both in InahlicitY ,:ittid Often in cash twelve terid strongly, worded as atty. tiler, tennton-ra r-tt seconas. ,n, That this ocial revolution has bop ' its paper* is high, • ' contributions. .. Mr. Whittaker woe appointed Poet- i lue nave lateen enteemettiate-e; citizens of town and y01=111114'4 euld was decided not to-. pay $160 Ter political grounds by Ron. P. J. Venot, ,, .•.ayi. - of the town eouncii, as the official' printing the voters* list to a 'heial postantster-generat Mr. 'Whittaker 3.00 yard dash, sr -X McK, Parliamentary InvestgationDe , GOderica; ki, s , head of the gommunity, should be newspaPert it Wa8 decided to spend suffered amputation of both feet beehaman, Exetek; E. Tie- mantled the forenlost in ieeegnizingthe 41110 $100 for paadvettisemnt ,' Anne ERunnixeter-11 seconds. e_eaG. ,(Bezedoed xpositor, Ito 4 trAt - of eueb eataalty enterprise, for , some Imeklet Oell dell ieiiig &gotten' Teeeira ed the front. Eefere big en- (114.1,er, R. keryde, ' Exeter; 1.. McLean, The Publiatkul i.)i lurther u°rres- I iV;., a go ein. low the knee as 4 l'eSalt of injuriea ng. high temp, ir,, ee. . the nmselmiters give a great amount' ottt in .Sarnia. Get the -fecal news.' Pointment he went to Ottawa and' Seaforthee4 feet, 5 inches, . ed idalleit t It t hi h pondence in ega,t'd to _the, cgitro- be eomPuted in dollars avt4 tent& then take the Work awtty from it. NVOl'it and members of the dvil Ser.. Goderioln Ch Skinner, Exeter; R. to *the osatineettlet,shrof fggiot n Ono p y 0 e 0 ova w e cannot paper down to a very low price reed Showed his physicel fitness for the Shot put, ititannediata-.1. BI id, ter Xcalarst,ag la liall°48P .t: (1 *VorY Oftt 4 matters ere mePtioned oven 'at that but giehs` ait outside vice COMMISSi011 Were arnaZed It StOddart, Gederich-28 feet, 7 inches. , the distuesions incident therectt° ?In in town council footings admittedly printe'r ,bis own price for a little Whatlat was able to do with his artl. E itign1 'V -t!-P : t„,,,,a,nd ittlett,8,"-(1«: pear to empbasize still more strongtn maitily fer the puepoo of having ,publieity, while ignoring tho, public. dolor limbs. Ilis. apnointmelit was vrtett ,fligetei,o,thee.36 ittet 6itt tottheet, the oontention of The Expoeitor that them nenotted in the local venom.. ity the local papers are givtig vsery mad° and eonfirmed then, and there. „Total Iti; i,o,e „Ace, ;Tut joter„.--t,.-* the whole episode glUiwg an utter "We hnow of eommutdtles where a week., seone to be",tlie rule. Then along cornea Mr. Veniot and j, „Gandia% ..ttc td - s iFt'b - 7 lack of co -Ordination betWaan tha ar 110) 0 int ; . ... municipal pant is nuale to the news. 1 'We maintain that where le totin jaPP°111t8 a political favorite, giving Larkwerthi, ''Mitchell -S8 feet, 6 ith postoince department and the elvii natters for publisidog the minuhs. of tounoll 14 given .slich *war abio, prices i Ifr. Whittaker the go-by and ignor- Running high Atom, intermediate- streice commtssioh. Judging from vounell proceedinits, In Gedeeleh for its work as Is done it, Oode • i rte. t big the action of' the Civil . Servite IL Stoddart, G. Skinner and Streets, 9 t a fade in, etinnecnon with thecae this is not tiotie mut we are not gag. authortty of the Chill Services by the /Imo:titers, the least the °°°11°188i°h* Clinton -4 feet, 10 inches. gla nesting tbap it should he done. .We. council should do would he to alter- Is the Civil Servio Countission to , Shot Pitt, sr. -It. Inviter, GoLe,n, itt:eperagemdi$nhitiodn rutseessmy tot lista precticalln dial. do feel, however. - 1 printing should go to local tkovevaDet between the two newspaper ,offleet, of the Act to bre dleregarded? "This Hot !amount to nothing and the provisions. elli 1:,iti ilftrit.'Gaderl°11; Re"' This is a condition of affairs that caer; be viewed only with indignation and tea nomicipar note the printing of the voters' offiees. and one of the 11141 11' Pim* !and this used to be the rule. Laet Posttuaster General, Veniot," er22°0 ' arde°, eitn-altij.etb 9 dier°61.4. the town tonna trait to band out Is year in this way The Star should The St. Catharines Standard. "seems W1Y8 Parke, YlifitCheln 3. Cardnnon--28 ' 3-5 alarm by the people of 'Canada, who believe that the Commission woe neighborhood of $1.00 a page. and to sante thing was done. Aaniesible also broten and bold, and his distille-. mediatee-'l Chat G. Skinner and B * ' sal at Simeoe opens. up the charge of Middleton, Clinton. eecontle. • , the vets' list. This work bast been hat -t' had the Deleting but , It wcts to he able, elllment, smooth, but he is %ming, hom.ntep and jump, inter- 7 , ".^ I done in Godeeleh foe yeare In the given to 41 job °Mee. This near the ' Ohm the 'lowness of the price, we saving of not more than$0 • or wo en oints may be Iltutelity against him, ItTo political Running high jump, sr. -G. party can afford to praatig0 the gull. Wright, Seaforth; E. Tainan and A. , **a" Seaforth. and Page of Goderich, a tie Polo ' va , 3 , too fair -Minded to countknance TO. vengeful patronage." forth; It. Roney, Chilton; Clitelno, of stletoodu• It's for joint troubtee only, vbethe in ankle, knee, hip, elbow, shoulderr , TWO PAPEItS OR ONE forthird Nage-7'feet 5 in he „ or spinee-whether eheumatie 220 yarde dash, int. -4. McKay, 'Luger It is no often ealo that amalgams,- Goderich; C. Desjarelines, Exeter ; °r tr r, IT flan (if local newspapers is It good Steeets Clinton. ' I Molten un stiift'infienlede Pain I 20 ;feeds, er•-tn, ntegate, code. in), creaky joints SD quiokly you' It , • Holders of DOMINION OP CANADA 5% BONDS MATURING OCTOBER 15th, 19211 may cash these securities free of expense at our . office, 26 KING STREET EAST.' TORONTO. We offer the. following suggestions for the reinvestment of funds: ' PROVINCE OF At.fiERTA 4!eict Bend* • Dui I Octet:et, 1158l .Due I5Ju1y, 19581 • /f•S° • aw. °MINION OF CANADA •CoaratttstiniCemedien Netienel . Railway 5te Equipment Ronde • Due i February..1332 • • • • 1110,00 TOWNSHIP OF YORK op, Sr. t Debtaturee 96tlit - Due I Jure, lt5r • • • • 11'mow ,•te ere: e, GATINEAU. FOWER'COMPANY, First Mettle. throes• , Due I June, It% • • • • earrewie... BURNS; LIMITED 5,4% .Firit Medias Ronde Doe 1 June, SpITED CAS Ir FUEL COMPANY Pa% riellt40ettiar bar* Due I July. A11411 Mc,* • 11•11 HAMILTON, LIMITED WAG /*Fe, 4.25 PERI th.50 5.1 so 11112001.12410.2411 SECtriusftes _ _ sof ffis, II( on, ak-ii«TiiNgoadilmt Nat 011boi 111110MIN, kiosk* et t, masa& ounLpot CIOnAi4 itneetwegt witgathellt S'dP Colborne Ooderielf-5 feet 2V4 . lotine in tide country; Canadians are * • Most remediee fail but •TainteEarlt ult '. Renate, Sa41- thing thet we are apt to lose sight 4 e astonished where two papers have merged in andnelninehin-i2b5r2:4.5ti sloenkwip,jr,...4. coo. goes through skin and flesh eight one. In the towri of Kiacardine for in towns, leek E. Tamart. Exeter; D. Arca:11a: TWO. seconde rubbing and away it of an .oppoeito tendency , minded, the inerehants wee& the Pole vault, irtt,--u. Stodoart, papers wale dier.n Gibbe. Clinton; 3 C d that's why It succeeds. Ask I/. O. inetance whete the two • down to the bone and ligaments Seaforth-13 feet, OtaA In. , Druungigopio„.t.E. mos, or any reliatfe very men who demanded a second Mack and Helmet!, Clinton -9 feet. d newspaper and Kincardine for acme - time has 'luta two local newspapers •orw • .again. Amalgamation of leeal news- ••6 papers may be good thinge-for the newspaper-eelf it stays put but experience shows that often the bust. nos men are the ver e ones not mate , isfied, and in a townthat is fairly evenly divide o one cent• . t ammity paper does net mot all ren -quirements. 'OODERICH WINS MACMILLAN TROPIIT ,M Ceanty Mehl Day at Mitehall0 Gialerieh Ras More Paints Than Nod °Trre Riakest &hoe% At the county field. rlay at Mitchell - Mt Friday Goderich. Vollesiate In. -stitute etudente won high honors for .themitelves and their Alma Muer, winning the Thomas MarMillaa tro. k- - phy for the highest meeting echool in ! - Ihnon County 4151S (up /tat been on t exhibition in The Star window eine -the Goderith athletes trougat it 1 -r bet* with them, Settfotth were the - whirlers hot seer, The G. et. L bad!. = 112 anima itA et edit, Seaforth 511, - Easter M. Clititon 49 *ad Mitchell 53. Ia mittitina to Goderich iktvds = Owe trophy tire 6, 7 stader.t* won - -irdividuel thomplettileina. Idorrieret _ jilifitiki? IWO% thh 1.14,01nr themoien. Ain 1/1010Ort Stniklort the tater- **mate thampfealhip. _ Naar ;font'. f wilt 11(4 bold a , _ tleo1oriell. Thy Spit moot *IN st _ Chaim, thew the fellowing year in , ,neoferth, tilts rear itt Mitchell, reef, pear in Goderirli, and tl,t, 10110Viir$:,' 7 he. Qocfetich LUI3BiK UST The Star and The London Advertiser.. ..... The Star and London Free Press........ The Star and The Toronto Globe...." 6.50 The'Star and The Mail and .. 6.50 1'4 Star and The, Toronto 8tar.8 • 011 theStir'artet 'The Parmer's . 3.25 The Star and The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.00 The Star and Saturday Night" The Star and Saturday Evening Post 3.90 The Star and The New Outlook.... 3.90 The'Star and Canadian Homes and Gardens.... .4.65 The Star and May ....... - : 4.65 The Star and The Youths' Companion.. - 3.75 'The Star and The Catholic Record4.75 The Star and Mereares Magazine- . 3.75 he Star and Rod and Gun... lhe Star and Montreal' Witness. ... .. 4.85 Thr Etar and World Wide.... ... - 4.25 Spocial ChAtting Rafts with ohm, Piriodicabt f may 16 load on application , .11 all tht S r 1 iitm% eit Theme 11 for any irtrort.13 FOR.'RECRfATION. :AND: -..ligALW TRY AT THE. - BOWLING 'ALLEYS Organize yourTeams.for .-144-ue: garnet. --Entries made by LADIES'WIWI! INVITED THE THREE DIFFERENCES MEN feel the DIFFERENCE when they Dress up! Your friends see the DIFFERENCE! ! •. Your Rank Book Shows the DIFFERENCE' !I Leaving you a bigger balance to vend in your town • on other things for your home or amusement. • This is what buying ,FAMOUS PAI3Elt. CLOTHES • does for you. All garments cut by hand to individual measure. Materials guaranteed imported British Woollens. „Style, andcat.pitOrt. - , " • Satisfaction ov Money Refunded. LEWIS FABER & CO., Ltd'. have over 500,000 , sATIMED CUSTOMERS Throughout Canada The Iota! Resident Sale* Agent will he plowed 10.- wait upon • you and display the Quality aunt Style* in the quiet of your aria home and at your leisure. You will he under no obligation to • buy. Phone 42. Goderichask for the"Faber Wm" Mr. Norman, LEWIS FABER & CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICE gild FACTORY -MONIRF.AL GODEIJIICH AND comma' RESIDENT SALES AGENCY' CHARLES NORMAN BMA Exchange Rotel •Phone Goderich