HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-11, Page 3THU 'ISLAY. tecle lLLh. lend
L:arrotiliiis Neighborhood News Nuggets
leek aid Shudders Picked From Our Exchanges
Mrs, Jatue4 Park, Meuse Jaw, Satar.,,
Wetes:-..‘Last rummer my biota be.
eame ve moor.' and 1st
IT 1 g p
came out on my bait mud shoulders.
1 tried all kinds a elements, but to
Alo OWL, At hist a, friend advised me
to get bottle of
which I did, and in the course of
south% time all the pimples bail •diti.
-Manufactured only- by The.T.Wk
-bun! CQ.. Ltd,, Toxoutg, Oa.
Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY Public, Ste.
!Successor to L. Moran
Phone 97. °Mee, The Square, tioderich.
• EaNiseer M. LEE.
Barrister and Solicitor
•• Derninioa Bldg., 465 Bay Street
Toronto 2
Telephone Adelaide 4163.
Barrister, Solicitor; Notary
Public, Conveyaueer.• Etc.
PlIt NE 27 J.I'iiNTi�T.
- •
1)11,. r. J. R. FORSTER.
Late House Surgeon New York OA-
' thalmit and Aural Hospital, assistant at
Mooreflehrs Eye hospital and Golden
Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng.
53 Waterloo St., S. Stratford. Tele.
phone. 267.
At, Rotel Bedford, Goiterteli. on the
evening- of third Monday of each month
tlit the following day, Tuesday, at
DB. A. II—, ATICatenON.
• thloopractor and Drugless therapist,
Chronic, Organic and NervousInecaees
Equipped with Diathermy, Electra.
Magnetic Baths, Eleotronto Eleetrie
Treatments and Ohtropractle.
Office hours -2 to 3 and 7 to p, tn.
and 1)y appointment, excepting elonaay
and Thursday afternoons and evertings.
0194'e hours -2. to 5 and 7 io apan.
Lady In Attendance. 4.
Residence and °Mee -Corner nouth S.
and nrItannia Road.
Efloagentent Announce('
Mre, 8. G. Castle, a cininim, rm-
nouuces the engagement of hex
daughter,. Mildred Livermore, to Mr.
W. Cook a Therold, the wedding to
take place early this month,
A. very prettyovediling was sokni-
nized at the residence of Mr. and
M. Thos. Iludsao, Hensall, INA Z:tit-
urday. Sept. 140t1" when their °illy
daughter, Rena May, was unitd n
moulage to -Ir. Earl W.
only sen of.Minund Mrs. Arthur Mit.
chell, et Ushorne.
' Little -Geddes
The Manse, Wingliam, • WO% the
scene of a pretty event at high noon
Saturday, Sept. 29th, when Eugenie
Isabel], elder &wider of, Mr. and
M. W. J. Geddes, was united in
marriage to Joseph P. Litt/e, on of
Mr. and Mrso George Little, of Mee
Killen. with Rev. I. D. Perry offi-
elating. .
• Death of Miss Webster .
There died at the residence •of Mr.
ise W.••Bettconi, Thiliett on Thursdays
Sept, 25t1t, Catherine Webster, after
linpring illness of over three
Years. Miss Webster was born at
Lucknow seventy years ago, being
the daughter of.. elle late James Web.
Mr. Andrew Flyri of laullett evishea
to announce the engagement of bis
daughter, Mary. to Mr. Will Drew.
ems of Mr. and Mrs, Martin Drew, of
Merlins Ont.. the marriage to lake
place At Clinton on October 10.
• BoltonsCorbett
On Saturday afternoon, 'Sept. 29th,
at the erianse of St. Andrew% Preabv.
terian church, Stratford, Rev. G. P.
Duncan offiriatIng. Edith ,Helen,
nattgliter of Mr. sod ales. M. Corbett
Britannia street, beeame the bride of
Asa J. Bolton, of Erentford, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Bolton, of Clin-
ton. •
' . Watson -Rogerson
, A very pretty wedding was solemn
nixed at the•'United-elturahoparson-
_ age, Londesboro. on Saturday, Sept,
ddlth, by Reit. Mr. Johnston, when
Miss Lavine Rogerson, only daughtee
of Mr and Mrs. John Rogerson was
at the hone ef ate. Tnemas E. Live
ingsron of neafertn -Saturday eines
Sept. fsent. when his daughter.
'Mary Kathleen, :became the brnie
Jelin 1villt MeCowan, eIttost son t'
.Mr. and Mtn, Duneun Meets:vain ot
Roxbere. The ceremony, whielt 'Ivas
performed by Rev. Je Johnson, assist,
ed by Rev. B. Snell, of Statfo, wes •
solemnized in the presence of tho hue
mediate xelatives.
Li 'Z71)1
.6iik Good Book 1* tho 13**t Companion'
Stoop Fugitive-it:mad:fans art; lieribzer•;. 264 vegan; -litddha
deeply interested in ti?.e advance
4wn wilters are making intI Ma leer Common. by 0. lesreserae
tdtfei ficenkiliatlat:Itittne2::o6n4tilvelltneeittactuare')e'puHisEiir1114Z1, Pitt !Tina
sir:4 et a warm welcoroo as home Canarla by their agents, the hInsi,o;
as 'wen as unread. hut kiatant 'Beek Co. ft& 210 pages: St.1,€.0.
though the vvrittng may he, qtr.:et:tun . O. Dsughts is always. d..lig%tful,
ehmacterizatioll, disap poiritment We Owe this novel, as ollhLprey,
awaitsainest in this raor.ei oy Nierley.'ious :ones, feeling that we really
'Callagban; a Toronto journalist. .know her people. They are always
It AS interesting to have the no 'interesting, 'never dull and as Mrs.
The wedding took Place in ma !af -of a novel laid in Tor -ante -4o read Leatenond, one. of the characters.
of &Queen $ Park, Leaverstty Avenue', says. "I never saw a house lino this.;
Bowies', Child's, and a store on Ade- there's always soreethinee
UM) Stneet; but ono would wish this happening."
background could have be.en usedifor 'no family .of a devoted. idealistic
different characters, for a different etergyman it at Blinkbonrin (=ha
sort of life than tho ono pictured re sine- name for a house,thought
clearly. for us, e. • • 'Eliza),.in (:101Wtiler thiutteis mid
lumber yard, loses 'his' job =Fatter *Winter in Glastsow is ratlier like a
mien Irrotter, a foreman m •at eoaeteind • emu in. summer. _
a vain W3)..011 tOr another beemnes a tunnel. We crawl through it to the
'bootlegger, and the daily lize of a =Awe at the oeher end."
bOOtiOggei. s aepieted for ue in ad
Eliza, the only daughter, calle
• d
its sordid as welt as its more glitter-
bag aspeete. But what does it all taklon hY iner urepresentne noung
amount to? We -could forgive miek esesesan, moms -over AO; 'tame.
if this bootlegger "got" anywhere. if 1.10 gulag tO no Islsa." "-treat limo
he solved any problems tor hinisele saYa ems -cattier' "must You tie .1.1134
Or for anyone else; but what little 'tin: Oen OW roil= ZOr c041M0o.'
character tie leas certainty does not
ta"';eo4uln'etleves“nutctoraci"s‘teitteenrem nntr erv'ritie4lar:
progress. tileno la a very :strong" bona and ta.
hie egotism. is absurd: In spealt-
ing to a friend he sans, "It's funny 120..$ eager lvaehIng out X04: lveW
perionces ands hatipinenn ns largely
the way you nee your mother teem
tate gratinect througn MUM" ana Ala
o. different angle year after,
xriends, "'What do you Want of life,
.it? X mean I got an idea my mother
was sonnethMg Elm I ann" "Like Elisa. "Just menet a ham:gets inn -
you?" • •., .. • non mums," •
"Yeah. She was rather .wonder- Eliza wins eve way as easily to
.ful in ineh way," our marts cm ano aoes to Guise ot
He develops n. • maudlinsentiinent her outtme raotneran-law and . her
for this dead mother, but the only triend, tne latter Who says, "My
effect it has on his life or actions Is oar'consider you a lucky woman.
to cause him to ereet a showy monies I like this eetiga, '.1,0 talk in flowers,
meld over her grave. • It restrains she is a larkspur. She might easily
him from nothing,have been a Seorothy Perkins."
There is no nee in the life of
The young beoteers are great fun.
Harry Trotter, Heleaves his wife
merely because he is "fed up." Be There m absorbing young Geordie,
wile said, oreedgehogs are a lot nicer
means to eeturn but lacks initiative
His than most poetise," In a description
neeeesares to make this decision,
i"affairs" are of the most sordid kind
s 4nuntrnY
and his standard for judging women little
seems to be their legs. In speaking he goes, through life apparently in a
passion,. he is really the gentlest of
of his wife: • "Vera, with her legs,
wonderful Vera." • God's greatures." ,We see less of
Bob, who is always in a scramble
I Realism, so greatly' lauded, is here
Oin full measure for us. Crtide de- with Geordie. . •
Detroit's largest Roman Cal:imam
eturehes, !Tuesday morning. October
ltnel, at 9 o'clock, of Anna Katherine,
daughter of Violate James Atkinson
and Mrs. C. Atkinson, of Seafortio
and Mr. Clyde II. McDougall, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Claude MeDougall, Ot-
swego event*, Detroit Ma and Mtn.
McDougall will reside -on Dumbarton
Road, Detroit.
D. A. Andrew Receives Appointment
D. A. Andrew has been appointed
District teupervisor tor the 'London
• Life Insurance Company', with beads
imaeters at Wingham. Mr. Andrew
is a graduate a the Ontario Agricul-
tural College and for several yeara
' prior to his association with the Lon-
don Life was engaged as eepresenta.
Hire of the Ontario Department of
a. The late Janet Laidlaw
After an illness of many weeks'
duration Jane Laidlaw of Myth pas-
sed tio the Great Beyond at .the hOnte
of her brother. Mr, Jan, Laidlaw, on
Sunday night,. Sept 30th. The bete
j deceased was the daughter of the.late
lRobert and Euphemm Laidlaw mid
was born on lot 7,'concession 8, Mor-
ris, fornyeeight years ago. There
she rezniunett until the death of her
mother 28 years ago, since which
time she made, her home with her
Valentine Gerber Passes
On Sunday evening, September 23,
Valentine Gerber, Sr., passed peace-
fully away at the home of leis eon,
' Moses Gerber, of the Goshen Line,
Hay, north of Zurich, in his 16th
year. Tho late Mr. m er was bern
in Waterloo County 'and for about
the last fifteen years had lived in this
. section. For a goodly number of
Years he acted as minister in the Ain-
r'ish Mennonite cburch on the Bronson tails we are not spared; "in the office Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw are nears.
united in marage to Mr, David 'Wats
ennoson of Mrs. Watson rind the tete Jinn. Re is survived by his 'late he took off his coat and vest scratch- She does lament; "Twenty -live years
widow, three eons and three dangle. en himself under the right armpit, and 1 haven't changed you in the
nitrn. Wateon, Hallett.
• • • • lipped his suspenders over •his shout- least X think the one. thing I've
• • Cantelon-Corey •ers.
Death of Mrs- Andrew 'Little dere, lit A eigarettes then taking the managed to teach you is to turn back
The morriage took niece at the he matte 1 the study rug when you go to bed.
Wesley -Willis manse, Clinton a nine A verY sad and sudden death occur- haah hY Edgar Wallace'
red intSeaforth on Saturday evening, himeelfeeontrnrteble." •;In everything that matters you've
_ o'clock Wednesday morninee'Oetober, "Strange Fugitive" maY be called kept to your own way." We are
Ord. ee Irene. daughter of nee. and Sept. 29th. when Ellen Brovrio beloy., I
ed wife nf Mn Andrew Little, passed an °Plc of bootleggings only epic rather glad be has as it is such a
Dirs. •HOrzer Corey., and atalnh Cote- euggests nomethine noble, rind there gentle, philosophical path. "Walter,"
lore twin of- Albett Ca•ntelon and the 'away following on illness of less than le -nen e,+‘ tue eleitient ir the eveat- there was a note of ante in he
Mrs. Little was a daughter
ilaownte slnthiros: allohneterenre, malalnyof ;Gaosdeptig
:fweheeeklate Joseph Brown, of Harps* ment or in ale some& mee title is voice, "is that all life ie -a feegete._ For a very little expenditure and I
promisinn +het wher That nronnse Hug?" "A, forgetting -a sleeP 't troubl thi ' f h
formed by the Rev. J. E. Hong hey, where she otas 'born in Septem- so
Special Prices
Groceries Teas
Tobacco • Dry Goods
• 443
China Dinner Wear
Cal! in and look them over
Bruspels; Andrew -Crozier, _Walton.. their largo purchasing, power, to de.
Threesfur r o vved - traetorse-William mend Only the. best and the bulbs
Perrie, Cranbeoolz, best crown and . which they import to Canada -are un -
finish; Wm. Somerville,. Walton. surnessed,
IBest plow team -David Boyd. • Thia year Gammages bave an en
eeptionhay fine stock of Fall Vann.
ing btslos ranging from rich co orful
As advertising solicitor in urging tulles of every variety, to •ekoticly-
persistency in advertising states that perfumed hyacinths; simple snow -
one blow of a hammer does not.build drops aed the ever popular daffodil
a house, one smashing.advertisement ; avd erect's.
does tot build buseness, it Merely 'These bulbs include tvery eolorand
does its snare. Bach advertisement • variety et eeeh tree and every Gana -
published aims to stimulate the •day's map bulb is Government inspected.
trading. Bach day's jen well done !
helps to strengthen the foundation of A Power of its Own.---Dn'Theillaa"
the .business for .tomorrow and the 'Eaotria Oil has a subtle flower Of
in 1'13 its OW11. All who have used it Icno*
future. Each advertisement We mid kr.44) it by. them as the most •
'cords but to get these benefits. Wiser. valuebto liniment available. Its .uses
turn gives strength to the future ro-
tising must be kept un steadily. Te ur" ill"uxuat's14a far'utsult Part -
ee the lemliug •
sveaken in 'the. program because a few it 10'4 1)(k"1 •Iritied
advortieements don't create a eepo. 4 men"; for man anti boost,
When equal to that cf n businees : . .---"4"--4-.----""-"
When Hiram boarders eoinhine to
which lets* been building . nrestlue •', keen•the hitter at their .end of. the
steadily Year after year, wocht be a$ '
foolish lie tO. sten work on a' bougo ;table- they have what the politicians
because the first blow of the hammer- ae.311
didn't do the whole lob from cellar te I S.'• .
top of chimney brick, The (minor d - . _
rarely wins a rae^ •Tenee 4q q
son here for everveinsichant in his
advertising. To sell his wares to the .
public be must. keep up his oeblienv •
every day of the vear, "Iceneing
' everbisting at it," in the words of one -
ans "brings success." .• .
• • 4 f 1 e •at s tune o t e year, ono •
1Warried Sittysfour'Ideaeri •
bet 1864, and where her girlhood was :I "vat u filled the diseepo nttnent What does it matter, Attie? lire may enjoy the- pleasure and beauties
AUCTIONERRING spent. In -18g8 she was onited ill is gteat- •
On Tuesday, October 2nd, Mr. an• know that when we wake we shall be of spring flow.ers next Spring.
Live Stock and General Auctioneers,
• Elgin Ave., Godeclett.
• Sales made everywhere and all ,efforts
Made to give you satisfaction.
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted.
hone 110. •
marriage to ltir; Andrew Little. ana This book is published by Charles satisiled." •
Much of yee• satisfaction in the
Airs. Chas. Holdbein, two well kn einseeme ew bee husband end one 1,
growing of all.planted bulbs relies
ntuf greatly respected residents of son, iine. William Little, prineipal of
versary of their wedding day. Owe 0. i A !went- to his ielom and found that he Huron Ploiving Association Hold For many years. the 'bulbs supplied
was quietly spent at their home, but 'lane of• _Brussel& well-known citi- the night. He was unmarried end
Seaforth, 'celebrated the 64th min the 4' V4'4 school. •not get up in the morning. his sister admiration from the crowd, on the class of bulbs which are pro.
ing to Mrs. Hohlbein's 'health the day ! 3. IIP n Passes waY , bad possed awriy tome time duringi • Fifth Annual Match by .T. Gamma& & Sons, of London,
• •ninny old friends- called to exteod eons passed away last Friday morn.•
him sister had been keeping 'house for . Idea!
[splendid plowing all coinbined to !the best and largest of bloom.
weather, large' crowd and Ontario, have given to flower lavers'
-LkiltOREBT RODERTS.ON. many more happy returns of the dan. year. !The late J. .1. Gilpin was born ' SeventSchool Meet is 'Won by
Auetioneer, Eldon Ste Coder/eh
win. conduct and arrange any sale on
the latest methods to get best results.
• See him, or drop a card and he will
give It immediate attention,• n'arm
Sales a spetialty.
• -congratulations and to -wish them ing After ailing nealth for the past.
• lank BAILIE. •
• teeneral Conveyancing done
• - Good Companies •Represented
Phone No. 208. Goderiche 'Ont.
Value of eronerty insured up to son.
vary 1010. P3,048., 075.0{1
OVIZZI1S--James Connolly, Prs,s1-
tient, noderich; Jas. fivana Vice -Presi-
dent. Beechwood; tr. E. trees, Sec. -
Trees., Seetarth.
DtItEnTeeRS-13. P. efeteregor, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; Wro.
Wein, Conetaitees Cannon', Oleartnev.
Tuckerstnith; John Ferris, Barbels:
7ohn Ilennewlse. Broadliagen; Murray
Moine, Brueefleid.
AGEerree-4. W. Yen. ticuldrich Senrly
Leitch, tainton; Wm. Chesney, Sea,
forth; 11, Illnehley. Seafortin
Polleyhohlers eati pay their OSsf$89.
moults at Calvin (nano store. Cloderich;
A. J. Moorish's (nothing store, Clinton;
or J. II. Reid's, Bayfield.
Have It attended to by the
Established 1818
. Read Office: Dongsmolon, Ont.
ThomOsen, Auburn, Pres.;
Wm. Wateom Vire Pritt.i.; none
lIon. Direetor; /Avows -Wm,
MeOuillan, Ste 'Miens; W. P. Reed,
R. 11. No. 2, Lucknow: Harry L. Sal-
• keld, Gotterleh: Alex. Nicholton, Luck-
• now; Tim Griffin, R. 11. No. 7, Liteknow;
Chan. Hewitt, Kincardine; MK. 113v14.000, Dunaannon.
, nate- oo
stoo or theusaml. THOS. STOTIIERS. T. G. ALLEN,
Brophou BrOS,
The Lesilimg
• Funeral Directors.
end Embalmers
also Avilielasce Service
Orders carefully attended to
at all houro-night or day. We
aro the inspectors of anatomy in
• and for the County of Mum.
s: ore 120; Residenee
I. It. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Godericb, Ontario
/MI e112:s peoorosiy allt•fetdoi
(Us, or sight,
Itstes.! More sis; NMI. Mir
make the fifth annual meeting of the
Huron Plowing A.ssociation held on
Wednesday, October 3rd, a great soc-
Gammages are very closelv con-
nected with the European bulb mars
hictowansLivitigston near Kingston on April 29, 1850, and - WI ha '
The Wingham high school athletes cees. The meet was held on the farm
wdn the big vet -school field meet of David Boyd, McKillop township.
woe the youngest son of the Lite Wm. ket and are in a position, tluough
A yen, Eitty• Wedding took'peUa e
and. 'Margaret Reed Gilpin. In Oct.
-1 19, hm
he as arried to Anna. M.
Her• bs • to Heal kesrr,daughter of the late Rev. John
• Leslie and •Mrs. Kerr, who were resi-
dents of Brussels for many years.
Those SOre, Sick Mra. Gilpin died three years ago.
Droll Tub cauzkol or John Hewitt of Brussels,
Gets Final Call
!e•s Alter a sickness that has spread
e I •
over, hhe past year, and confined hun
- •
• Geillagher* a Indian Lung to Ins bed for the past 12 weeks,
Reinedy comes right from •Councillor. John H. Hewitt passed
the Heart of Nature away at his home early Sundoy morn -
Don't be miserable all 'glisten yeu're Mg in his 61st year. Deceased was
apt to Telt tip naetynclingine c Or ma4 'same to' 13russels and learned
subject -to Bronchitis or similar lid ills-- born in Walton and when a young
coagh, seroible etart 4o:44 takhes thebadbering business with Joe
Gallagher's Indian une, Remedy. Laird, anel I eter took over thb
e usi
tt composen eolely of heeling herbs. neS3. Ill 1920 his wife died and he is
A neturil remedy. Pesfeet for killing
cal a eu,ty coneh or celd or bronchial
ailment,. A genuine blood mailer and
boay•builder. Thi* and other reieable
Oallagleee Herbal Home/Iola Remedied
now fornale by :a
held at Listowel last Friday in rath- , The- judge was Francis Thompson,
er unfavorable weather, competing ,Brant Comity. A special prize for
against Arthur, -Harrieton, /Asti:web • the oldest plowman went to the vet-
Mflverton, Mount Forest andePahners eran, "Sandy" Mr. Kercher, while Ed- s
sten, The individuate ehamPions gar Hewitt, 13, Blyth, won a prize
wean; Senior boys, Driscoll, of Ar- for being the youngest plowman.
thutt .junior boys, Copeland, of Arth- Edgar had the best crown and finish
um Morgan of Palmerston, Fox of ln class 5 (boys under 16 plowing in
Winghom (all tied): senior girls, M. I stubble), and won nrize 'money tetal-
-TAylor, of Wingharn; junior girls, P. ling $24. Other winners were; High
Mundy. of Harriston. Wingliam won cut and best crown and finish -Alex.
the girls' ;basketball honors, with McKercher. Wroxeter; Joseph Haat.
Harriston second and Listowel third. ins, Staffa. Class two. oeneral -
In the girls' pass -ball competition, purpose plows in sod -Bert Honing- -
the standing was Listowel. Wingliere W. Brussels; Dennis, Walton; Win,
and Arthur. The Winghanr (ollins, Mitchell. Open class -Jas.
relay- 'team was first with Milverton Keyes, Cranbeook, best crown and
eerorel and Mount Forest third. In finish; Elmer Dennis, Walton; David
survived by one dauglter (Rhoda), the boys'•relay, Listowel wee firs.. Boyd, Walton: Ross Ceediff, Brim-
alra Will Mitchell; his aged mother eadh Arthur second, and Winghant seln; Gordon Yea, Wroxeter. Boys •
now Eying in Oshawa; two brothers, thina wider 19 (in sod) -Wm. J. Willihts
William, of Detroit. and Harry, of Brussels Fair Largely Attended Winottne. • best crown and •firtieh:
- Buffdlo; and tivo sisters, Mrs. S. Despite a heavy downpour of rain Walter Woods, Wingham. Twc1 fur.
Pike, of Oshawa, and Mrs. II. Ge early- tit the day, Brussels fair last vowed tractov-Cordon MeDonald,
Godoth Lounds, of Millgrove, Friday was largely attended. Gate hnceter. hest finish: Pain meceoare
Campbell's Drug...Store,
condition of the tracts, horse races
Wm* - •
Die in South Dakota
• receipts totalled .15t). tbe Owing to the Walton, best croxvin Sylvester Cox,
Henry Young. a -former resident of
"I never
•it was
so easy"
It 1.vos a red-letter day itt
old( Mrs. Iowa' Itfe - the
day she made her first Long
Distance call. Dot alit sim-
ply itad to speak to her son
before he went abrondl
The operator woo, sympa-
thetic and helpful. She ask.
ed Mrs. Jones her telephone
Wm% tliC City and
the telephone number of the
party tikes wished to reach.
Wm. Imes didn't know the
number, so the operator
looked it -up for her.
Alter the pleaSsuit experi-
enee Was over, Mr& lents
e!elaimed, "/ never latew it
WAS so cosy' Why didn't /
do it before?"
There Is nothing compli-
cated about it. Just eliy,
"Mint Distance."
Hens bothered with
lice stop laying. To
kill the lice, take the affected dicker"
by tho lean and sprinkle the powder
in the open fathom, PRAITS LICE
KILLER is Inuttless.non.arliatIng awl non.
II0Dououl. bit ADD tho Ike. A* PAO *Om
*raw fitairTnilirr' Urn"
, ....allitsiMmehiNa....,10•1411.01.1*
Quickly ASH
SoothcssCiedis Healed
Clinton died at hie home,
eset---gree r -sr
512. sixth were eanceled, as were the other ras
cam ,The weather curtailed the at -
Avenue, S. E., Aberdeen, South De-
tendanee of ehildren trom the rural
kota, Septe mber 25 1928s after an
schools and the school parade to the
snob tawriehip, in the year 1859. His nr. The scholars were headed by the D E R IC H
. Mimes of about one year. :Deceased
aerie consisted of Bruss.els school on- •
WA3 born on the eth concession. Gode-
Milverton brass band. There was a
• parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young,
good showing of heavy horses, corn -
were pioneers of Huron County but
moved to Nebraska about fifty years petition being particalarlen keen. In
ngo. Henryeremained here, and in the agrictfitural team daze a special
1881 was =mined to Amiie A. ta fee. tr4)PhY was won by Fred Ttill, of
of Ilayfield, daughter of tile late Blyth, with Fred Cardiff of they tp.,
ivir. and Mrs. Win. Eagleson. • A second, and 'Lehi Rintoul of Morris
. daughter. Mathilda Florence. and a township, third.- In the &ewes!
I eon, William E., reside . with their draught team elaoe Alex. TdcLauch.
'mother at Aberdeen.. to which city lin, of Morris township, was first,
'the family removed in 19.01 from Lorne Armatrotig, Grey township,
anning racte
lAccidents at EXeteir ry Oshawa, Ont.
. . , . ,was second. The cattle entries were
the heaviest on record and drew inuele
... _
i Mrs: Wm. Smith had the misfols •
itune to fall over dome bo2es at tbes t 440twe'The Danger Age •
,neter Canniug Factory one day be ....
week, fracturing four ribs. ...•
• Mr. Win. Baker Met with an tin. ' FOR MOST MENi
fortunate accident at the Catmint: •
Thiele 111 Health et Later Yearsneue to
Fd.ttory the ;lame afternoon, whenho
lied the miefortune to tet lila hand'
caught in one of the huskers, badly I Neglect of Conditions Firstoticed
' N
In Middle • Life. .
lacerating the hand, cutting ono of , --,
the tendon e and breaking the 'bone. i With midair' ag.1 .ilitnerils At witiffg
Dkti in 1Vinnipeg over two-thlrils of •these past 50. it is
On Sunday morning, Septenthop• 9,. lielenoeeirtelleYara11114olioln'tscha°,1' nitlinic-iktrueljatts!IIP.dthis-
there passed away in Winnipeg; a in back and down through groins,
:man who rta5 well known • in the beauty but frequent owl kurning Crinae
County of Huron, especially in tho lion, "Getting-11p-Nighil: Nersalus 'Y-
early days, in. the Vernon of John ritabilty and lack or voree-,-Olould at1 Don't laugh at this poor fellow
Moir. He was born in County KU- l'tac° trF the amazing sal" "4 lie. Here's the font void snap. with the
..1.outliwortIt's ItHATAIsen.
hie- parents. canto to thio country whop imw tt, magy,... ito, truly re, furnace "raring" for food --and he's
•dare, 'reined, in 1850, and along with .
' I when twelves yeara oid. He tesided lip„vpro or atimy •year,4 a gueolA9fill , , 1'd , -
foraotten to order any:so:toot sprite?, ; .
markable ealuo et URAT.1.98 bee been
in the vieinitte oft liens:di until after use. IMports from Doetore mil Uerni •v111(" the l'''ICIrill u".5 L'arile' 4c) s
! Ihis marriage and after a few vemea at ahhe tithlv„ ts,neincing evidence: -.1 lib 1.)rains with hic overcoat, and, hic)
' .1Gran4 Bend, lie nuived otlt West and newt:, Iound astythisa to help UV 4 -',.rd Wife put then: away in mothballs.
to same at CUSS OR. SEINfit.
ti IF vouoefus To -cow no'
two not Of YOURS YAM ftIVVER
• • breome ono of the pioneers of Mani. titan I tiled tilINPAIW' "UlteitAlslfor lilailtIer a.";
!wards, of 40 years. nen) Glicl lallatiOD I iliave (Nil tried." the tame brains in July tnat k
Winghaln Man. Pound Desd is Bed mow tielly etetiereaesenent ncetficeee
Itoba, vslueb province he laved Up- a d la - lust
"No ClitRA Ciar43E3ae:i. t!) noon pain, ne in 4=017, and
alcolm MeCannell, of Wingbane illeedelite, 1 new even, semildles 034-11
teen in pear tams-, leas tong need titoBlis VONEAD:2.!' • -Jfitie 4144 33
Lt:„) r Oren nag zien 4,tao
Wi I 1 Id d t ee
••• e. tat le mu lave ono ,a3 3 U
who for the past you and haif had (4‘:.'t OP t!"" 'moritir.tg fail of pop- .
in heel loot rkiday cttiiVttv:;
eight mail nino .eetect 1118 i‘itter, ty,01,:m es, w eslesteen yetis' teen'
Ethel. Mr. McCain:el came to Wing, 4 it . .,4 t„,t•to Good titan 0,31
born fm`a walthey.to3 ahmut Yenre eeeatnes.ete 1,6 kT.I1.14 T2f71101 enieseef 4 .F4 -)r
01 15305 a Yt t- .eqvi sem elahe th, •
OWEPI' 111 coati,
91,d transfer Ininiame oath Befiitanni se nes .mr • ay j . BmusTAR cos,sy.
, Owing to Issette teounie te, pm:
lutd ken rinctrelo to casts/ on for
p3st nad 13511. %Allen II. ty I
z.111,, 4
4. • . phone ,8 Getimich :
q01 -1X
or .44
Dr isri.ifisiketaltabithtvet ptegptr,mrtearbsilscu %
itd; sa1. we ire *Mang that Attitest spawn en%
and haFIV* 'on lb Aare In these pavIngs,
Potatoes: HAND PICKED •
New &Meg Pack
PEACH 1gtaig
18 ;
mot :ofott, ONIONS
4 tbs. 234 2 for . e
AYLP*1tl 011 iseersion cuotai
Tasty Breed commis
.01140, Siedkiss,aisin, e
40) 2u,s.21 111...33Ats94
*142 reolingeig 1411,101l....II Cdatt 1,10304.
S , Peaches NV 19c [Panykii4 Iv 25c
Caittastla 0041,4 Oa*
Itneentima WM4210 •Most $now Slim AS*
':...b;21 SAUCE lielatsss
H. P.
i - 1
0. . . .14 . S 4 ....,.. 4 .....'4.,: X - -... ".....- - '''.....1
:mei Zeg-se ''' e.as ells e e Dot. ' 11,4190 *UN N
es 2131
23 Per '
, 1 , 11: '• 3. ' nOttilb !Mgr
::tntt Ntat
rEtVIVA. ',Env!
OAT* Cftizt_nw,
StA el '24(1 774