HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-11, Page 2•••••• - - nu boa Ils ahoy* els saistedosirsd. 'rho *light loalling elf In prke $4 chewy' toss cannot settles tin itea.kiver front Ni ilikuirinsinating &Mob IP TEA 11:164 View* el like Tome TO*i COUNCI 1-11E GODERICkt STAlt trittilttrAT, OCT. lair C-4‘ s Of=0===011111011:2104,..001=0- Pricy a &lett, reteetee ;OP 4..r tee toteal et. had • aak sad tia.S7:'.,k! .141o. 1\ utrv%i,t. t) eamei.i.te ' ( compleci6D publi. ni•,n-it",:,•-•ati. cee6 -!1= r',Y ;:e..) h imee refellen hte nee ee. t France itoitat Nett' 4 rliacte tote. nto C074:G475. VF::- a k Visitk3 cnitice re- '1:3 ti:as 41:41 L:::1;20 -101*2 i5 'Fr,«17.1. ,rit roLeivioi t. 10. '1'4; natrs.-is, $$' c12.c.-611 tett', 1X.41iir 1Git tfrs7-C.7:g _ earn Lot o r tteh talassity to tee roe nte Darr? motto.; O'.1 'snot ths ▪ 0.0 tap tweet E:gn Wjf:;'-, a etc- -to fat= teser.-ttotae :'ett taitee emeniesmes .rreito4e. k:" Ard 1113 QatanSti i!""ch 43-31:e:74111-31'; seal -reed that the einewelke toe withn zet treese c,,nlAtcly rasteming '4'0404E0w/0-SA1e 17;:ar1 ;7,7:.." tieetgete creitent toe bent ireodel,,FNi? env Ar..-..,-.-x2c-;;72,, ilra4t*.ly 011treeneettOt Oa; the weetettt 'Wzo ave.:, and thatt tine 0:if?Waii; "ttoattem reeeee-fteet tee tees- "er e neet eml tin eteenteaetetra, ,n* ".6thte'v, gun t--7athozable woRLD EvENT he Blue v er. P A a • ar tot, .:t1 , .,an C., ittlo --;itn 451 &We ctrekt f:teee reerteeree te tee teetett Iree, Ara vie t.f 0,,c3 „co '1z4Crfal ewe. to *taint Ito read he c'n.'`ditl-:!.T tee keere ov we do reer treen eeternmee orti feer cem.1 do - tilt) tritest mean.. wart 1;•-;.,1-.,,e.y it, .02 we cre &ere irakneer nem Foe the sePceede Aft gmerl▪ ed that the elote, communoweet •, reel prereweel ron ,an4 defy all Weer in 8 ti:.,c2Cc3.8*t0E3 =WAD matey wilt be - laitatenet is being deie,e tewarti int fweediarcitieee ete iraprovcer rate in troll, 603 titan on the %Aron tir:t Mot- "W ELEA 0" • Coats that have the Pep tirrlf01-• Suits with Style and Snap Everithiatu Mert's Stuatr Wear in Irlenithrectterad Orders A SPECIAL CLEARING IN MEN'S seam Regular $2, 3, and $4, at .$11.49, whilo they lag, eclue nolY and get the best choice • CHAS. BLACK j1 tIe. P.. It, Compeey aid to-,etto !Areetne oeo ese . atterente ot any. ;Iereet, ti'v co:ISM:4,209n of Few veee THE SQUARE Phone Z9 -- GPDERICH • Z'# tIsir bridge tee Heeler MI; tinter:sift; three ea/..reatlee. It. is a aV30/t10,400) ho onent ttle 't "-""""n----entLtegit."."-t"--4. renaettel /teeing receivea etiotatien I:greet ealartity tenon a phycielan'e „artitY. desnite 'seer/goo eeenweiss Brae -oven Tayler, cdltor for Bev- cd to land by diving under the sma/- ef rtn0 to nut new eruttere on tne, atall Cantgot T-rderothrol CW40 dread ltenteh ore hoeing rode eutthrt era!! ream et um tealvation Army mr plane, pooled ne wainaln Bruise. molten rearetiosa %hike on 'Iwo „weeotte, wileee etetee neereeenate eecent •fieet. Another . bine= (areet teanostee, epemono of the new Assetwe, but. %won] lie a metal ewn the term of emote... Tito. 111.1 - rewind stand, and TeCOmmeniltal that ign,afer poi:nifty if the physan ;.ereas3 wal 'be due PartlY to the tree Ithe tr0rli be dene mei that the matter lei:wide drion. corm was indifrerent, eessity of keeping a large.r paid force !eft with the chairman of the ram. qetimeott fled Willipa tO run ail elaara, engaged for eeven yearn, and espe.- War Cry in Wirinipea and Ton:rune, The monoptane, wan bout wings min end later ttield eceretary of ttie pee on mai ner upper parts gout.. fed Amoy Weetern Canada. ' Colrhel to the, ground in rianic:S. Taylor was to Imre COildgetTAL ine controlled by 13rown was oleo bad - re,„ ,waittee to have done at the be price. ices: Wren hands feel Bet. ears hear eatilY lorge itureher 1.400•Manni.Cr• laSt SerViee in :Winnipeg this week iy damaged out he managed to keep, Wellington Street Residents Ask for Siclewain' Tite special committee ememoreend- not errs tee not. nor metiers smell stoned offivere, will make the prior to oreceetlang to San Francisco Mr. R. L. Lloyd be renewed and Hun; sible for calarnito to reemis in the could not land before the wing broke. it in tbe air for some remotes bus L. Be Laid tlutside Trees toat tha b0wling alleV license of net: “nd news repard nett et is nos. Maektione a the new French armee to take up on appolearient as Itin. • • V.iPal 0.f._ the nevotraluipg wetteg of -oft. Both -the pilot and =his 'fiancee • be given- a liren50 far fen igreatot dlEaste'.- !War1i Austria the Army that -city. He s - were head before assistance come OO tional alloys to May 1st. 1020, upon 'The religion whiele We profese, and Tile Atistrian Goverment is lin.- rived by his wide* and One %AL Deal With Domtutort .110ads Not Completed p� ng W" rata licens3 fee' • • ibold out, offer, to others -maintain% iug its trials at present as the Social Penedo, Mackenzie Xing of Can- The latest sitting of the coax . -- I News of Australian, Strike given. pessed all amilicatious for landing earthly life and aaracter, Tire need 1. •&g have declared scar ort each. The tire connnittee reported baying , a direct application to the Preeent Democrats at d the Horne Defense premier long in England permite referred to them at °i. not waste ony overarming of time other. frwo huge rival propaganda ada arrived in London on SundaY ence of the Australian eMarianie meeting. ettneern done the future. The fu. meetings were held by these two par- from wales, we was utet at the Tranoport Unions was marked by Experts Say They annot ive Cause of Tree The co:Amino) amminted to look ;jn tare is but the resultant echo of the Wee but these Pusf-Vd withOUt disore station by Bight Rom L, C, M. .4m. stormy ocenee Or dekko:tit who %tint. aftertbeNationai Shininarling Wants I present or the finished product of the der under the vigilant guard a thou.- erto Freportod haring considered offer for runs of tune, to which may poesibly vends. of armed solthere. A nuniber the B m'n'ons and II P C Laze British Secretary 'of State for proposed that the evatereide workem The regular meeting of the tees% walk on one aide oeteide the trees from she Doininiott Road Maehinevy lof Oerfected fullness and corriplete-otrouble. by staging a demonstrations bIlleOtthoeregud Z. Cothergureemze.,, ,leurhethecroufeegreoreadvdteccoaitevdith troesaldtaitrio Cenikeil VMS held on leviday evening lwhile it vsae outside on the other. Cm They iooked oemr tne prerolsaS .sess. But the former must decide ;but they wete.arrested and some 160 toiler° be will Premier King laet„ present the Mayor, _Deputy It was pointed out that notice of with Mr. Mitchell and foOnd that Melee latter as surely as day precedee I were taken into custody at Patten- ler Baldwin. He will be the guest of n gs, CO g C 111 4 A Pr I' eagi 0 pre .. . kbalanee hi deferred 'Payment% VIM. mer, just $0 surely as heaven lath :troops was responsible for the ex. nor of that ernardzation this week. ing in the Port of Melbourne. Nino the validity of the Tronsport Work - Reeve Craigle and conneillors Min- motion, would bave to be given to re- Offei of $8.000 (S1.000 casli and the iday, while the latter followe the lore dorf. The awesome pres,enee of the the Canada Club at the annual din- era Act. The congeetion Is 11)01 1, Reeve Turner WAS absent on accomot 'council to build thie walk Woe the out intevest until 1030. after that date declared it. trhey are ee-relatirerunl meted bottle to be tattler a series of a 6 per cent, was to include land. inseparable. Nothing wluitever can vetioll broa Canadaallexica Air Line . !liners arrived froth overseas ports a tho, death of MI5 father -inners, trees and that tiler° was danger the dsides than actual war- . eight more S8,812 Osier and above the value of eonsiders not the present good arid ovganizations, although seeretly Plans for 414 internatiolial trans*. over the week-erds, and . .. Counelhor Lee Ott neeount of tliO can. delay might MOM that the eonstrue- geode and material of a valuation of work out to our future geed wh'elt f 4 the two bell" t ofenal , i arm an e o worms p i le nlio trounces numthiy statement support of the petition. hotvevemetn4 of tbe .equipment asked for was in- spoken of, and nnt 40 or 400,eand all of warfare. - wog port line -front inenada to the Gujf are due this week. Valley, were considered IV directors ' tuition of hie heatth and A:nu/minor i„tion of the walk wouid not be gone . of Mexico, through the Mississippi I Bailie wee In Toronto- ' . Ion evith Haw fell, trhoue mweent in IS 0 1 9 the factory building 'mid lot. (A. I' t ' th re- '0 nly the one brotherhood armed, were content witb thie kind mid the eemetery eexton's nioutlao . they V10144 sooner nave the construe. covitorated in the reportl. The vont- strnving at selfefiret, selftgratillea. *tee**. of the recently formed Univereal EL Hon. Ramsay MacDonald,. La. Macdonald Sick of Comnuniisat ena or aou an urom ov. S t It 1 1) d I G patty of the Untversal Eir Line Com- Commons, is heartily sick a Soviet bo) leader le the British HOUR Of etatonent were referred to the fin- tion 'held up than have the walk laid Aviation Corporation, holding corn. mittee reported having diecussed the tion, self.preentinence, self-superiore Cantedien's Call to Britain AUCO manatee and the eemetey apt' tinelde the trees. In the meantime , matter with Air. 'Mitchell but bad its* mai' agglindizemeat, and self. i . ••• C the Maitland meld lot ond bufiding be added the luster and briglaness of Coninaunista endeavored to etart leo, venal titian High oetarniesioner., return to wor t was tbreatened with personal violence by tbe strikeree on. P. parke eotnretnee.o reepectiveler. the contractor bad the gravel *nth° gorle to no arrangements as yet. . benefit mai 0114011mm But one . pany und its subsidiary units. In- 1Zuesiu. antr eaid so when, ettealtire et entre nt L ad r Canadia augUratiOn of the Canada -to -the- tbe annual Labor partirs .conference tollowing apphotione raw iitreet ready to go ahead with the Councillor Munnings 'reported thet tentinon brotberhood and the great- - and Canada's representative batman (z 41 Wert, A .14. 440 to tee work. the MaYor and himself hod seen the enb possible good to the greatest pee- in the League of ,.Nations, pi king tiro toninuttees mot power to 'act sit I COundilor Sprent gave notice at. Solicitor tie to the townte position ae sible number is the one great Wide in Paris, declared tbat maul reSuite. Urgent caeca: kroin OOOn W. thine at the next regular meeting of the to the Arteraft foctory and tbe soli. and solid foundation upon which Pats froin theactivities of the LOagOO of VW, to 'nett 4 01144 at" attaeitid tO eounell he would rio0V0 that the reso. eitor liad etated, tbe town could take religion, also the Canadian. col:tante- NCoaratirnetioltil eegnarnaotteibt 1110)pitirtilOatinuena! the Can 45.Cle 0: 0:0 nonce on Britem- ;talon adopted by the council Sept. Poeoession at ony time. tion, Tests, .ancl I ask the Star and ni roads 14 It, '44 It- tann/ 27tb ("that sidewalk on tbe east side The construction of the oidewalk every reader of the Star how much less Great 'Britain and the United trent O. ea glitch, to etungle otanmer of Wellington street from Eight ave. outside the trees. on Drum street I of that kind of religion and constitu. states acree on a formtna for luau. °when et henee on at. Pavia etreeti nue to St. Georges Creeeent he built oeceseitates the removal, of some kw- i tional regard ie being set to the fore. ing an appreeiable reduction in naval 'wiltn boat nttord Patent ingteat front inside the trees") he rescinded. dre notes ard it rnotIon was 'flossed to i front in our 4917'Canada today? The armaments,. Both have signed the Arthur Meyers, to eninnia hue on Ur. C. lii, Humber made 1311p4_ milt Superintendent Keily to have Inc 1 church is in a measure -it is trtie0 Kellogg treaty by whieh they for- " Eon avenue; Irma. Cho% M. LorhYt tion for permiesion to erect ari eke- poles moved. pretending, • Yee, pretending (that ever renounce war 'between them. to 4)13114 ti ahouse eel Que trie sign in front of hie store en . A bylaw to authorize the elate of a word Is .inthe right place anYwart 14, savor" nenator Dandurand said. II Vt . ,bee etreet usaig material from- aim!' - East stree t, and this was referred to sinking. fund debenture to meet a all my others are put down -wrongly) "We cannot understand why, en which leas removed; trout 'John awe the public mem committee rfith navinent on the Goderich Ido.infac. to carry the standard high. But she -agreement ehould not be reached be- - Donald, to reeltinote part a bouse-ou . "we, tr., ad, . twine Co, loan was. ptiscont. The in- would be much more effective In her itween the two great Engeish-speatte Elgin avenue otitis .patentoreek faced shingles; twin B. Orunnyiett to re. A remixed was received front Mr. euranee roomy reemved by the tevon efforts if she were onsiderahlY test ling peoples allowiog that their in connection 'with this company is entangled with Melly thing -4 which do roof dovellintt 011 r01411 Dide of Aught. Innen Buckman ror permission to nreetted in debenturoe. and 04 the not savor'ef the wolesomeness fleets instead of being opposed in co Weal; frOZI Mrs.. Q., A. Sturdy, move eattage from Wrigbt street to eteavment to town be -ernes del a Christ Gospel. of the ,nava? competition, .should be eon. to. tenet ime.storey aoro warehoute, Newgete streette This ie the,eottage aeleenture bee to be soI41 to reef IL We hold' no spite or .grodge to any poked, in the sole desire of assuring rebuild walk with tninch solid !aria; II"' W"' 'in".. " 1 00fIliurzed, qt the previoue enough to lose world. Statesmen 90th Mtent reetntat*41 roofing' and hes, em. einee .eete No Boom= Binews foo. the portotrue+ron of 04de. ntan--So long au be is honorable the Peace ef the 'text the Pavilion. It awe decided at Geneva Were loOltirig with anxious from the Itotort Cutt estate, to ve. t a t e co tage to .. move n 9 t. lb; ' 4 1 t ite tvalr° ' on equal Amount of eyes to London and Washington," ld dthbi . e meeting of the oilmen erere passed sweat at an equal stipulation in Can. roof dwelling on tbe north side of 11 nmit ' and the couned adjourned. 'mad Senator Dandimand who, with im to conferee with tbe fire bylaw.. Julian currency. So wdl we shake tbe himpavai of rem or maceoneet Toorrifir wnliibteerttenettsxnateiligeonev:.t I xrketsprinty4p74r6i91 ...--.---,..el.00------ hillid$ aVer the line fence, and werT lang,--explained tbe lelitarmainent asking that they futnisli employment 180,814, • Gulf route, if directors of the avia- at Birmingham. Several 'Left 'Wing tion eorporation. arntrove the plan, members of the party pressed for bi. - hinges open the date on whieh. sertion of a total disarmament plat*. rnanufaeturers ean deliver' specially in the Labor nlatform °as propowel built planes. The proposed reute hy the Soviet Government," but they would bisect the east -west run of the received scent eneouraerernent from Trans -continental Air Transport, the former Premier. and none at ell Inw, and would further amplify the from the conference as a whole, present air.rail hookup ot the Una which negetivee the ementintent lot versal Air Lille Company, a large maiority. Ittr, rfacDcatelel . leeknowledenci that he rather \Snider 'Work for Harvesters tired of hearing of the, wonderful 84500 British tniner-barvesters to Canada to aSsist in taking off the the for eamplett, disnrreri.v.pilt. and '140 eroposale rif the Soviet Government - tabor Party should not tie misled The exneemene 'of bringing some year's bumper erop is .now entering by words. it s .second stage in which steps are being taken to find winter 'employ. Rwloctien in Net Debt , fished in 'Canada. At a At the halfway mark in the p1443 - them for these men and thus enable them to became Itemise:tattler estab. ent -fiscal year the Department of-. eonfereoce /Pittance reports a reduction of sea,. bold in ririenipeg, no doubt wan on- Z0041 IA the not debt of 04114411; At September the debt stood tertained tbat every man -a/exiting the end of • Kingston street with patent fire.proof titilleree et: touting; from E. to re -roof mime or o ee t on dwelling on Wellington street with Ireton etreet tbetween. South etreet BLowtairar. tritit ship the one God in the same chapel, siteation et Geneva. ges. Farmers are beirig circularized a reductio• n in thh net -debt of ,S70,-, cedar shingles; from ittiss Dark, to 1 nal Waterloo otreet ,was• referred to 11144:L"4"lai4rda• • We also know tbe common "poo - holm" to stab kind of talk. But ... to as mauy men as possible during 1 , recover oeraootot roof on sh pateleo the water, light net hatbox commit. Alt Explanation to ahe Star and to obi& ,a evee," brotheet if God Al. -the winter. e (. 1 Neatly ell childree ate sublec..to .street, with galvanized 11'014 • tee• • Iteadiirs mighty lets you do so, and see what worni's end many are nborn with 1 The following _petitions for con» It retin°t't fret° Mr. Chat. Muir the next decade oetwo may bring.to Immigration Increasee ' ' th r ' , them. Spare them suffeving by ue- attuction of tomcat 'sidewalks were far removal of a, tree in front of Ids (By w, waer) you. We wish you well and hope Immigration to Canada for the I nig e raves Worm Extertnin- ator, an excellent remedy., xeceivedi Fr -out property owners ou nrePe 4 100 8 M. was te ° " Dear Star,- " hard that we num mita °Ur guess. the ronth VW Of Pieton street from pea te the publie works ,and parks I am very eorry that a recent in. South et to Wale** "St4 from COnlatiittoes,, . stallmerit on the above topic was on. YOE THE CALMER MOMENTS property owtere on the oath aide of The following letter wail received ly in a small meaeure allowed to go The following lines reprinted from Quebec -street from Wellington street from Mr. G. li. Patterson. Ogricultt into type os, in a -measure, it dis- the Clinton ls.rent Bea of 18117, are do - to Hamm street.; from property own. ural representative for the county : rupts and disconnects our thoughts, (Heated espeeially to readers of The ere on the east aide a Wellington "Concerning the twee along the Tear- ete. '• „ Star, whose mothers have passed on: ',street, from Britannia road to Elgin bor front that you requested that I The evritcr of those "Bubbleen is By. N. Baer evrite while at our work, or Weonly %IX We have frieintillritrer ;owe of our using up elbow grease. Sleep. and not while sitting in on 1,414(11100d: . A father, or brothersaor sisters so easy, cusluoned chair, therefore A hear. . North dna; from property owneru eon of the latter Department,made a will be easy to understand why we on the oat eide of Caine -von etreet personal exaraination of the trees May alio a tog soinetimee. The min But thseore.dieearnieyn, e the_t tv_e_thinls...pf-. _ side of lot 1172' frern property own. trent made o earefule randy of the being, and wOrks too, only it's differ- gh . - ike ltiotner. tivenw; from property owners on the examine come time ago. beg to ad. AlOO doing farm werk and is always north el& Id Britannia road from vise you thitt the wafter wail taiten Wellington ste to Wellesley sto from tut) t both with , the Botenical ond 'property owoers oh the north side of !Chemistry Departrivinto at the On. Napier Oita front Victoria ntreet to tario AgricultUral College. Mr, Gib. betWeen Thltannie road end the south and, Dm Stone of the former 4'I(.1) 134- tor of the Star is also just a buiriart or ten fere...to gine life some cheer' ers on the west' side of Ceineron et. soechetote that I sent in for examine- ent, but he has to suit end please . • • frowt Britannia road to Raglan st.; thin. rithe Gibson looked eavefullv many people, and we cannot blame There are Handle that we eta mid /front ewoperte-owners ou the into tbe milling situation along with hint for hesitation and carefulness some -pleasure, _ ep with north nide int Quebte street, between me tied his report WAG 81.1tanitt441 te and at two other tittles in our owri There are hearts that we cannot Wellington and Welkolep nt. Thio Dr. Stolle and Dv. Harcourt. 1 re- life time have tve met with the saine but love; , . last,. it teas stated, W09 1,10t Ulnelento gret that the rezulte do liot noint out thing, but upon some coneideration Sot boree has been robbed of its --- elY tunnel- -:-----•- - - - - -tt - ntle eauee but I tun enclosing u eonY land afterthought did we advance with treasure, Councillor Craigle, moved that tim of the letter from Dr. Barcourt 80 00 emmaities at ail, only in one in. Its sunshine, its comfort, its JoYs "W. B. somErtsEr . petition roe o WOW ell 010 north aide that vou MeV lay It before the eons- stance war I personally ‘implicated ; , Bore ..,,ahe„ve- of Britannia Toed treat Wellington to tit if you think fit. Again eegret- in the other I was but ie_econd lid. ."`In 41°Iner* , . Representing the Ontario Govern. - rnent and the Criteria Fruit' Crow» Wellesley be eonstruetedi no It had tine tbe loss of the treee but luttiing • But when a man or 'W0111411 There are prenere-that are earnest- era. Aerociation, has sailed on the been petitioned for tact year and the it is onto a seasonal oceurrence. touches upon the political, the ecort- ly offered, petitionere did aot tame that et new Dr. 11nreourt's ktter !dated that °nue, the social or the spiritual in There are worde that are lovingly' ASeatila to compiete his mission of I . getting better iwices in Europe for petition was needed. Councillor Mc- they tould not etato definitely the this country, or any other country said; Li n pectinded tift end it, vgiti cat. eoete 4f tim trouble Ina, it wall Mete -tither, / guess, one has to be verY But no help in life is there proffered the Ontario Pettit Parmers. This is tied. Collatiilore Mtiallange Ond siblo that, it was due to tlur veason. careful not to step upon some other Or blessings invoked on OUr head his third annual visit to London for Gould then moved that the petitions This letter wee looked upon ea gaieties frent toe, and ler this reason --Like Mothei's. this purpose, and the glimpse of his his referred to the public werks come being unsatisfaetory and tbe opipion maims inore than any other are edi. There's a vaetin--------arrod the effort'- thaislavIdenrnoristraertemdutehnet azd. visa. mitteer Canned. • • • of a eentleman who wee looking over tors • judicious and careful: Nev... hearth -stone epre. A petition,' eigeen br Mesers. Wm. the hospitta t:r000ds the other der theless it is uot the best of policylo That never on ea'rtli can be filledt gen Yatitk*. 8 atel,leld) hi England. J. A. i u te . M. I ii t• ,. I. Th bl hi Y. , . of prayer* nSouxetil nainontabp.pointment to ,being made ^ litalltice, Jae. 11.14wein Itobert Ciotti, pint the damage wee due to chlorine be over -careful where billy right end A loved one is missed from the altar property 00iVr8 00 twe east side or Mant a the mill. OtVarently, ie Canadian coustitutionai ennetrnent For that voice hag been atilled Weilinaton etreet requested that the Vented noon as a Possible eouree of -still puts truth and eight upon 'the --It was Mother's. Bad Prairie Fire new eidowalk to be etinstrueted in the trouble and it was stated the supremacy lists (and g ‘becoines a One of the worst fires in the his» front of their propetty be" built on the tonedy would be to mum the chlorine boy*. day tor any county when it Sweet eoupseis; ohl how we' miss tory of southeastern, Alberta sicept eats:de of the treeso the 84100 aS the gee used through water. passes otnerwrie). them, .an area of fatming and gvazing. land walk on the 03)1) '.41" side. Dr. Field It woe stated Mr. Dunning primes. In former letters / hnee struck out laud sympathy -deep as the see!, twentr-two miles long and ftom twe and Ma Wallace Were preeent in sup. ed tatting nolo, 'unless the cause of to give. my opinion and ret%sort for the Solace that fell like the sunshine, to ten miles wide, destroying 111010 the sidewalk to,censtructed on the tor Craigle said WI the trees in 'the Canada. I have also said that, the Andtlorittethitt on entit nem' was than 100,000 bushels of grain last week. Thew was 710 lass „of *human tort re tbo petition ood urged that the damage Wee removed. Council- opeouornio (and other) conditions in Outside of the trees as it would make vicinity would be killed out 11 111'.' general maati of our people were in a • Like Mothetas. - life and feW 8t0iik fell prey to the tbe street look irregular to bete a something was done and thought the large measure (directly and indirect- Thereht just a small plot -in the confiagration despite the fact that it e, „couneil should take some action, and ly) rem:senorita for the permlesion grave yittelt - travelled on the wings of A forty» he moved. seconded by Coutwillior aud tolerinice of those conditions. / It is mitered, to our he rt; mile gale from tbe zouthwest. A th W HANDY PAOK P.K. CHEWING SWLET Mennen, that the clerk write to the did not say that they were Wholly the -For we laid her tbere, dear githelt fguirk front le threohing engine light - Department of Agriculture peinting Cage° Of them -1 bavo been attaelt- Witeri haus bade tie parta... ing in a street? etack was emoted to out the nature Of other intittiona the ing that eisetvhereeeand I maintain - Itear Mother: have caused the fire which • woe town had arid the uneatisfactrY Ma- my posttant today. 1 have taken a But she has gone to a home that is night after 2,000 men bad battled Monza 4,!.t August amount% t.0 ,•46,4.io as compared wan lierez m Auguot a , --**--e wearwrr year ago, ae iherease et 147 per cent. • NEW ,BOOKS AT THE PUBIe ems unnugration conststea of 144dt/ 1 LISRARY ' liritlen, a,noL 'Mot the united btu -0s Fiction: and ire9O. teem other eountrzee. . British immigration for .August:41ene- The Eternal Challerige--roseifit Hock - Eliza . for Common -O. Douglass eluded approximately 8,r00 harvest- int., , „ - The Foolish Virginso-Kathleen Norris searsT:ZaRyuguterderteniutseott. cwoentanitneenretdonlausii-: '4 . The Little Yeliew House -House ulius-"Bdiernttle:man with -a Duster." - . i Wintersmoon-Rugh 'Walpole Sport in Ceneral Lions. ;deny games ta mute wian Da.uebtere of India -Margaret Wilson orentary naereet were moose one oi Ye That Judge-fIelen It. Martin tne. moat notame beteg ene Dame Cabbages end ltinet--0. Irene onto ana nmeen's pniversime or The *Heart of Eathael-HatilitHeelini royal bei,ween zne brurtesIty *I lac- Dawn of the Morning -Grant. the first tune singe itrZU the 'roronto: _ Nor' -is ° team put one over its mai, Kingston, 'Mr. Wu -Louis „le elfin to tile tune of 10 points $o O. eet. Attebol at Seae-Samtiel Met -win tawa won from niontreal by ten Nee-fictiou : , pante to eight, while the Argobaut The Mfiti with the, Hoe -Edwin Mark. iscullers team went down before the bate Hamilton Tigers, , being unable to Essays -Christopher Morley score a point to.itfter the six gAthar- The Dirt After Tomorrow -Philip tehdeinrigbeyrsthe eiteelient back play of • Gino 1 A Shoef Life of Mark Twain -A, B. In the Alberto. Senior Rugby trn- • 'Pine . ion, Calgary won trom Edmonton by Poeme-Wm. E. Avtoun ' eighteen points to four. The World's The Lady a the Limberlost-rean- Baseball series is over and the New Otte M. Porter York Yankees are the undisputed The Golden Ineoeurv of Cattadian -champions. The St. Louis Cardinals Verse --ed. A. M. An -ellen were unable to thecit the onslaught , from the 'Yanks who won the first I English three games 'without lunch trouble. I Tear,her: "Use 'statue' in a eon. The Canadian Women's polo team t ty • matches. internatienal women's polo title from the United States tema and lost both I - Lets of roma° 'drive es If thev mine poppa says. 'Statue A.ble?" "Ven X eemo in lost et;_t!ht, - - -i from Calgary. failed teawrench the ' •Allic: Barri Cocliet, singles tennis chain- were going for the doctor. ' And pion of France and the United States, 80010 'Who tIon't know it. really are. I continued his victorious %lava acrose thia continent by winnitor the Pacific tresenteee----e-----weetown-le-•-- Southw,est tennis thanmionship front H • Christian Bennaus, his youthful memo I OW t o Noce Itrymen, in. four- Coehet parte I stored with Doeg of Los Angelee also I .. DOUSSUS partnered with Miss Harpetei • Varicose Veins won the menet ,ewuhles title, While i ron tbe mixed doubles' title. itub Gently and Upward Townrd the , d eo trot °on Friday CoTinhnikariornenellook drastic action Amateur Athletic Heart As Blood in Veins Flows What Wae. egainst Seraphim Martin and Juice La Douro:tate, fOnSona Alany people% have /weenie mamma. • tuna of the iettev from the' teparte . stand (a staunch, firm atm.!) in that brighter, A llellet Popprevalm.111ontot imips4emod *Ito and ashosfkor PopimpesehnoWlevemi waft esemest voiles fat low lapdog lielight . • with the francs for hours. ment. This was carried, position for fifty yeals or more, end Where loved oues titian never mere A letter from Mr. A. n. Dor**, for all of four decades (when the part, Salvation Army Officiel director of the Fattitary Engincernig germ watt but a mere maggot to wind Aad we know that her eaves 430W1144' aceppany rrenelt team to Japan. neve that there et ne remedy that Will from reduce swollen veins and bunehlo. nett of Health, atate4 "Compleitit pbatically denounced it in various Ointe with Jens -this monforte -Patted awatl In - a amateur events for three months ir v"1"111 gel tAvo""mit'o - A noted SatvaltvioinnifivA,8.rreiyn Loifleitzete.r.. ttle MOOnr1/44 Bet cithletes were disqualified 'Mention of the Provincial Depart:. it is today) have openly stud em- lighter, t our heart tance euriners when they refused to elit because they have been led t%, be. 44 has reaelted this office in restmet to public preSeele mid as mid in the the condition of Hie ditch at tlie tett- :coramencetneut lit two instaeces, let to the covered sewers on Old In- editors hesitate, but WO 310114 for. tem:Mime' street. The partg cow AVOW. Now / ath not writing atioth. plaint thet the- open '.lith (1.11tying inetaintent on "Bubbles." •1 tun sewaito is eltee .to a reeideuce, nnd stopping short. We do not wish to that the mien tit *nee are very ob. tread upon ground where people Am ieetionable. An inventigation made losing their nerves. I could have s - Trembled for Veers ba d f 't bo . .• -inerald 011 ruir nd 1Frane0 fereign:ContpotitiOti 'for one end apply it nigia luta morning 1)9, year. direeted vou meekly' notiee im. , a 'were rre ron presen etretigthl at eny ilvet.reim drug Aiwa Deat Mother. So we'll eatnestly etrive for to meet her, Well press toward the mark for the prize ,.-=.. Of efir high ealling in Jesus, - May God help 113nOW 40 alto. Is ller Threat _ 1,,,, a reureeentative of the Pelmet made the other patsible in a few IItt, inittist--- tI Iltil beet troubl the above 'emote, be eetenden tome intee, tat I itave as yet br:en only in- And conflict with Satan is our's, distance past the properk? in miler Aredwing, and 1 Awl sure, 1 am meet 1tor Jelki is faithful to for year* witli a tickling la say thliSt Weld tkbile ao a= With Mk% rnt'r,t, indieates tat this complaint is 1. minute.", and 1 have exhausted rather ,11 -he grate that WAS ber's mid Mo.'s . mys. poor fokneon, Bart "woo justilitdand that it is envie:are that ittiore than My Qtit0I/atett .forty mina tempest tiset this coreliticor eounnained a Irotteful -to the Getletich Star, Ilti't Ffoni it* "tate °t that fiend wha .Thi7 Ur" 1 "11151 he ameet "a l't This eves refereed to the plklee rational abilitso men of power Atop% iita 1 .ealt14 hardly do lay W013 committee. , Bargain Dae I wend& min sittII 1 world veldt ilh"nghant etr, tandrtaheuld have "How muelt are Fee fieli, Mr. 'Gehl- 1 bard 4 t The finance cemereittee xepeeledi eanttiened, toleratel, affiliated with ,tttinhe having paid the rolleguate lnstic.o?..:, smAlgamations. IntraerN fraternal° tiEiot toots a Deem, ewe, tee DIN 11141111f$ . • - :. :. 5 g - - . lit a •i via theyriennYPItse devoure. lima correeted." arthat men ot influente, men of eda. Hemel the sum of on their t-Avi anti a ltalfq!core of .like ,:insters, is .)34j;71S W4 requeFtefir' reptted 1)z:4e ,the ate "rest mystery which "item 9,,11 thk0 two of thirtt, flow nvaill et' grant if Val to, th, iluort Tetiet era* (um retOsi t • e 5. 471111)1341%4 certritittee tewatele Vie !lateen out stiongly agaititt it.. -11.4 ,,f r ire Isnot -neee . teeter^ et: tree celetration • tool tre we be but MI6 IllAY1 we tan% help Ct. .fiales tight ato tigitty,einbl„ Te.Le . . cf f6o clitn in "Whet, fer reither in volitive et emelt:* P. • " " * nem for eeveriteetiee to6i. MIs. erre...seal thet mete 49-14 etertietr, rim eburth life or eNiSt7, 1'.)') 13 itele etecte-ame tee 1*4 irtTh tinvti tbote evils the first r;glit twhonle vo. 40 114LaroN to ,to into trf, T114.1 4.4 fire *teat coree, :test vc,*rnitln*F* good to tee ne. 14) *wind! ett Entre eer c.v.) tenet/et-re t!!!!A feff"` FPret itee rite1tee Ant for :1ff ." 11.1S .(11loint tire Plf0 ev19. i fro. inflaeore., free ;Nre t...O 1. A04 t),. Tsar 3,4141 42)404 ren tiov.40nt.',01144 ffte, *II *Won tlte liO131.4 (-1 tjubng ittlipth ere ritrtto 440!455i1' 111 Wire eu. 21W1 the Ten ea -.eat te 1444 9 R"./rv 44 Etaff'(•nnU •t"'At't h!" PO; rnntract, tobriea luipcimo 'rd. tatty' 8e4 enentneeirte. 'feline -sent -0441'11, t44 .04.1•41 4410 r tfd eltt )sy Atn 4Wer, *ft* WI after the lb* bogie 1 ad 'Irk man eoliglo wet now I ete never Willa * nettle of tier. iiroe4to in tbe lemma" , rt54.4 Mt *Wits; h.fo fatally alla *t all Atingle* at& Pot op eel? hy Tim T , Tool**, Owt, provemeht eehicti -NM leintinue men the Etre Kited In Crash veins and %MOMS Onri'llUevil.tV klor"' ' A fearful accident which tookmat' , pilaw) when two aeroplanes met in e.tatili,n I:2"mm 1.11 iq a itariak--2 . mid-air ewe: Detroit resulted in the nunce: 1 "tvItrill 8ermie14° 91411 "" a4t a wry IIIIIR ililiP. Iiiitupd., tleaths of five DaMengei.#. Accord- et) Vowertal is )nu 1314 t)it timt old I, i ilgt0eewl t etheacidentc. rguririe:arli1::r:iitIlcnrre4‘tena1igtionoranepitt:tire:l?17dantciyg#‘srelt,-i: cabyateyeiipuersndtlrrrinepi71titl:rmtiu4,tite ;two unidentified passengers, attempt. fir %;.1•' r:!'. ilt:,. ininlep mid 'I.L. VEN0'S couGH4iy'Rup NIGHT COUGHONCH1 sAS AS TH MA •