HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-10-11, Page 1e
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Printing as You Like It
CsailW.rk Prompt Unica, Woods Prices
Per yeor mat order of Letterheads.
litifikeodo. Hatelepee. Cando. glee Ire
THE STAR for Good Printing
Wert fit. ttederiek. Tel. 71,
Suateription: tee. a year in Canada GODERICII, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 110,
SIXTF-NINT11 YEAR $2.50 a year to U. S. points., WALTER NAFTEL, Poblialter.
Goderkh Collegiate Wins County Championship Cup at litchell---Teachers' Convention in Goderich Today and Friday
e 'e
To New Su6scribers
l'alP'4 in advaiate ter the eeest
The near ate be seat free for Ott ba$.
ante tif lene, See *et Clubbitei leat •.
1 The Star to 1 Jam 1930., . . 22.00
TIN Star to 1 Jeso.. 1E29* * * .25
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
E. WeCerrie gave a lima nettle. to the jail next ------------ a more linen' DATH OF elle ALEX. SAVerientlee• OHITI.TARYTIMES
evens talk on ter trio abreed. . to Wain -
t 'anemia shower for the ehlideen ing that he evould not have brelcenn Mana.ger of Goderiela organ tee:10re NtenIlenlY Barker. ere ratite eir. Wet. Came3rIll en the de f •
The Institute is holding a liaise+ poliee magistrate an gondey morn. ',Prcatinent. Citizen, ire4dent and 11.4.LtiZV''IL—Aitet itheles tvo tae 'Ceneteing rherene wee attedeel
a gig of tir in Harbor
bring their donation to the Sheiter "brening up" tiod he sae" if tbe ebief -,etenene Net le.etdeann'heefigira 'Part: by Mr. A, Lcovers. It Arai ars-
tee eente en Saginaw last at tie) 'tho urser y „!
shelter. Each member . is' eekod te• out it it bad not been that lie want ttonapargenteatteee
IThursday, October 18th, at WelOCL:a woold find a mantto repiiir the wall Mr. Arose undere, petendent and .
s.ezte doubt. seine ef them t
at t van ilnd it of
e • Z' .
iropria •
fit of the coranninity in Ole various drunk and Me Kenn deg - I ' • se
e berated mn . tone a his earthly activities old eident.ttfantlatieriele coming out a
T 0-elay you are well, happy and prosperous. Is that not Per Liam.- Welfere Fond hgwoulti pay for it. The maidetrate mareetee :of e (Wale') Orgen Cele. &earn She was si natire et them.. foam liyi ire fel etaaoo» ate& Mr.
eoems of eerviee the dub ,eugages in and saki he would get the alcohol out , Wedreerlay morning. Ho had been Outer her Eon ard tineghter.ht. 1
'U ."ti in Life Insurance Ivill inake provision for your dean- ,
oun t entermitting, and
"erica with, Kent County, England, but for I P
sant one month was the least he eauld Deny, toed e e of tho renst
Vass it on to our leaders. No
the time to make proviSiou for the future? A few cents a day The Lions pleb fund far the henet give him on the ehavge of being eititens et' tea own,. engem erora tee the Pest twenty, years bad been a re. 17° llew
eineydatede et„in aiso_provkie proteetiun for your loved ones is linen% as the Welft1r9Istmd„au4as of his mystem thatteime and event- la failing nealth, for olee.eeseteauple._ 41e-ditdnievielthidentiniet:nm-no 1:14ester eieeltdatualeteiLliiikwohea-oterlimetme0 43- • -
the Club has several aetwities m view •••• 3 IT ,
should you be called ttway. Think of those dependent upon in the way of pubbe servace it is put -
you. Think, and act to -day. To -morrow it may he too late. oaf zieetall eantertainment, the
I 1 gtven elsewhere
in this issue, at the Model Theatre,
lith and 18th, In addition to a good
Phone US
Years. and that he would gee a ride if served as e member of tbe executive.
jail breang could be' laid against netted with the Canadian Manufee-
him, for which the penalty AvaS seven hirers' Assoeiation,
thing would
istrate warned him that n eberge of activitiea, being prominently Qt)nek LORI done Southby. In religaon oho how we event to echeet ear bare
on welch ee, lad eviees on Sundoe- wore condueted by
VS an Anglieara and the funeral ser.
the rector of St. lGeorge's thumb, How the girls did drive their spindle*.
And &eve an overt down the atreet,
ev J N II Mils The palnbear. wheel
H. R. LONG, Distria Agent on Wedneeday and Thursday( Oct, he came up before him edam.
In eorniectIon weth the businees of rgrandsons. Itent•y illont. Ar.d wound their yarn ripen a, reel*
, the Orgau Company he bad travelled ere were 'live
extensivene ineludiug obits over -
with' the Toronto National Club and FairekalealeterAevyt,baunr'd 7,111aelli. NIPabietre! Reel:: god
Mrs. Barker is survived by two ant They brought in big logs anti made a
i program d filin features there will Holding of MunienteeElections In icatileoer tftetaisrd ,11faditakindeabtateurn
(bilar- •••-6"4.4"•••'••' be some Popular. numbers by Gode. n
_ecember Is On the enemas° seas and -ne maintained connection Fel
TOWN TOPICS . rich talent and the .Club hopee for ',use movement tor holding manic'.
h lobe ielletLa beelltirleeilaetezelnstof tho first elonday in
, .
to also an active ehumh member. (I"
thaes Totonto Board of Trade. go -
and Mr. Harold Barker. of Australia. And Ara the wood on higher end
el Henry Berker of Godevieti
teteLo abumpor audieeees. One sbow
' January is groseene end noaerien For many years he 'was superintend" and by twelve grandehileren and two higber .
Huron vestments Thanksgiving Day Road Races ' Township is the lateet to fell in line ent of Knew chum') Sunday school great grandenildeen. And from the ashes they reined their
Dr. Rosie Elected Moderator The Goderich Lions' Chile will hold Wien the new Plan. Wingham has one was one of the olden of the NEWCOMBE.—Atter an illneas of tatere,
Stock Brokers
Band Dealers
Cnurch ef Capadig The eleetion wee nqueee, while -the older boys are ber of marlpe meet as peopertY town.° el eielme.ss. enty-two years ago in Devonslure. SometImes the dinner pet none,
election of RevDrGeERossof
The Star i3 pleased to note tbe et ebureh up to tbe time of 'Union and
Thanksgiving Dan this Val', Nov. years in, neeen
ember d Goderich from theh
n on ad held tee same posi- whel eite suffeeed a week ago oaten.
just a weea, tho result ot etroke And if yott please they bad no Wait. .
. . o. . , etie,r cross-country run again on been holding its elections for some
Ottawa, a former miniater of Knox 12th, and It probable tho u couple of might have adopted the plan last tion in North street limited church, tmet, mr. Joan eiewcomoe, ere passed They baked their pies in a nied tiu
hurchGoderich, as the •
1110dee4er sborter runs will he -arranged for year eut for the argument advaneed always taking. an aetive Part in the to As reward on Friday Mat, Oct., 'oven
of Ottawa Synod et t e res y emu. younger boys to take place on the. that, being a lake Peete wtth a num* meetings of that body until prevent- iglu Mr. Newcombe was beret sett. u
their beim 'at home. clueing' the holt. He bad been connected with the Englard, anti Ivae married in the Ole Then.you hoar the women trot
ROYAL BANK BUILDING„ unanimous. away on their cross oountey nun erst there was %ore likelihood of
cedenee„ ittetario leow Caretaker at Oddfellonde gall This will help to keep up interest Goderich Organ Company since tbe Country. He ned WEI wife eame to And make a racket; now you bet',
while the crowd are awaiting the re. day season than earlier'. In Middle-
e) After twelve -years' service as care- The triseent.would say "A stove well '
Phones 430 and 445 taker of the Oddiellows' Ran, Mr. turn cif the older runnees and will al- see county %neer liviabbgeltrIateretKog=eeigne4anitd:
last year there were two !!aregaarniz8elitatehoeupeTlionYertir phalviboeueen
• , Branch Office at Winithem. eolot Newcombe has. 'resigned the Mr. Saunders had tis his fers'i ley Township, moved to emderiee. Now don't 3,•ett Coe nay prate' Pee
so provide ean ng numicepelities which held their elec.
'nearest' 'contest or
tosition Bald at the meeting of Huron two for .younger boys, Boys who tions In December, namely the town associates in tbe Commune the late Toweehip, welch was their home for eVell hatt-e those things all eighted
- edge on Monday evening Mr. Cbas. may be interested as centestaets are
m of Stratkuoy and' the Township of Mr. James Clark and the tette Mr4 many year»* nor a period of seven
Wine, Stokes was, appointed to the, postente asked to get irt touch either wit r. Adelaide. This time there wel be etentoelt. Ile had thin been identl- years Der. Newcombe wa5 sexton of They took their meal with right good
ALFRED W., ANDERTON. fled with the Conmany for weaken the Maitland cemeterr resigning' the . win
Porter or Mr. S. D. fota at amen Parkhill ond Biddulph
Croft. .
eine Stokes will assume his new du- Andrew
ties the first of tbe month. neuritag Will Meet in Clinton "township baying fallen in line.ly its whole -career up to the present post some twenty year) ago About For Bob tuniSara wide:bet and. Bill
Noweorabe's long term in tbe The fourth amulet cOnvention of ill anunicipalities have au extra argue •
time and by his energy built up quite a year ago he- moved in to Goderich And Tont and Dick and Ilatey too
Teacher of Piano, Singing, Option, giving every attention to the elation of Trustees and Ratepayers,
the Huron County Eclueational Asso. E...41 tit for h 'dent th 1 elections ea 1
that h e 1 a
good condition for travelling' more in rse than t
elitleiou he bas given -splendid satis-
in at t e roe s ae4. more reedy to eaent days 'when Teed organs were
r y a busiress foe the comPann in the and the large attendance at the fun- Would alwaye thinh of something'
Organist St. lames Church, London. t
32 successes in this year's' examinee paanyetieg,i1I inSolide)7; iveldle,f).1:1:eiloefat!atttiltix rtgvanedeala varlatgl.x. Then an- 'their eonga mad "reeked
oral on IVIonday afternoon wits an • new. .
many gatherings bold in the Ilse. will be had in the auditorium d he In
Theory. .
on, especially by auto early in Dec- quentIv the comtheir Jokes
tains, Toronto coneedeeneer .etene, y.itoir Ige:risitocnaExpected for . Clinton Collegiate Institute on Sat-
urday, October 20th. Pastures of ember than early in Jammu`, a
ell- other 'Mee of manufecture, especial. try; among those in attendance wore And laughed and talked with all the
nver 60% scoring honors and Aret u e c OP MatenCe111elttS
11 be a Alio e eakin with the large number of lady voters ly biathroom fittings and enjoyed a a number from Stanley township and wi folkise.
class honors. . dd gd en the lists nowadays tide is quite a cons derable busInees In this line. P.xeter. Mr. Newcombe was a life- len ale noss wines you "need a
The public school board hessinvited the meeting Fie
'Victor Lewiston, the donor of the
- . two reedels presented annually in discussions 00 Grants to Pit 10 " gr. Sailed:ars was a member of long Conservative and in tenements . friend;
eontesa ate eu.OU ,Ltr./11., II resale an
e nsideratiori The ed -ante et.
Vacancies for It fevt gum .
• ---- --et - Apply et - Scheele," "Agriculture in Seeondary having the election. at some other quite a number of dratereloi eetietl'e* all Anglican' The funeral services I Then would each to eacli Ids kindneea
Central ;led Victoria schools, to ovine
A.. P. and A. et, a member of Huron on Tuesday afternoon at Se Geer
Opp, Vietoria Sebool, medals and he bas intimated " A tordial- invitation is
d • ed merge is another' change wenn nas Lodge No. 62, L O. O. P.. of the Sons church. conducted 'by the rectoe. Rev, ,
• - -- October 22nd and 23reetwould be the xtended to all intereste In gee -
been found advantageaus in some et Scotland, Woodmen and Canadian J. N. H. Mills, and the pallereareea ,Just .. risi hat ai .4 1 le
, a.!vith lag It:me p .11e , atka woic
POO. SALE OH TO RENT days available for him to comel It la
;net Boards Bill,
al matters to •attend. •also to the
laces but of course the two have no -Order of Porestere. RP tQa a deep were -meting. nos, Gundry. Thos. .cf3z• .. . ..
...'s.' ' orobable therefore, that the annual telc'enellee
FOR RENT.-Iliouse er1 COrner of At- •
inmeneement exerciees in the tyro wi-- -6 e a . mni• an a ...
a la li ld t 10 00 d t 1 30
of the County. Sessions O
necessary eonneetion and we under- interest in municipal affairs and had SWarts. Thos. Peunington, Thos. Er. Thelr tentrehiPlle" S. I1 Pt 4 Ineg"att --
' 'VettletElt Phone ill. at Victoria on. the eerd. jx, R. Davidson, needatmen, m !nen/layer of Berkeley Cid 2 r,rtn.r scui.31.,.,s.aosutliokat at ,caina-ville on oct. lac a dirothtr lind tt sister in the Id
lecretary-treastartr, I Godericit Boy . And tit KM old.etage cench they rod30,,
otuttree stile, ,teeldes _Inn tvalcor be
to trot
lend; -
MRS. HARRISON'S. to Coder:eh this year to present the Schools," and The Toevnehip &boo' , time that in holiday ttnie is eibvious.
1 The tolled -ion of taxea two.instalt• a member ,of Maitland Lodge, No. 33, °into Church of enand ewe held
gets Some 'dna mughber would' come in
house .
Seafortla, Is stand Goderich Towimblp is keenin il and for a long liott, John Lengtteire eted Iferace * . .
bert end itareek Sts. VU4le Intel- co_ served on the etrane
ern; garage attached; rent rehtiOnUbif+.
ls will b held on these daya, pan. Wm. Archibald,
t the t mete plan pariad was a el. tint, Publi,7, 'teener. Mi. lio:weontbe is -.211'.20111brouse,
*yea Drove their cattle to- tt •nottqa to ,
' Possession at onse. Apply ee'eseEY pro ab y
se be I C e t 61 6 the eend and the preselent of tee Association mid 0 one ex p y p
at . en r n
"neAltel FOR 6ALE OR RENT. -150. letomen's Iitetitute Meeting , r. ' 1 In a letter front „,
en a resi. leaves a family 4. t'r;o soul' ItIldet04' le ' ' 1' ' 44 et .....a *
ele tonek, j• BLAU. Diaareannott, Ont. rich enrometes Institute, was' held in Word has .been received that the Mr Broca °thy g ober 14th, 1854, and had be
Past siette• daughtert, "dobta and Ilaroltin Mrs. Pone ,4"t"' in 1..4 '""." and ortici
oe acreseltot2, Con 4.Asbileldt APel The regular meeting of the Godee Pree Trips to The Royal Winter eir . ' dent of Godfrieh,dor the
who a few years ago gupplied the
Phone 78 r 10, • • IMacleay 11411 Thalredale October 4th °Flee Hundred Boys' Trip" • to the Pulpit at Pore Albert for a time, The
, * end gra. Chao. Bis. ' eroue down.
aeven years. In Ilia early years he yetbert Turner
tectoria Univereity) and home; to would berm it rattle
a`. i t h en tea this year. Ten'hoys Hie AMONG THE CHURCHES Var a mil° Yna
tee e rgan =pane,
etar is interested to learn tot he is .was 'engaged In t-'11° Some wont over a 101 In, roadi•
plumbing and • sett. all of Godrielt.
ba,ck in college (Eminaltuel College, heating business prior to his connee.. . An empty wagon was alWayS load.
—Beare oit. 'West street.w1T4 geed attendance. This was Wieter Pair whieh was Inaugurated
igrersiniotimeet OW and there were by the Ontario -Government last year
•°••• Apple 4LEX. SAUNDERS. . ;
eleven grentimethers an one greats o er ea . +1.-.. 'th th 0 C
• / and on e, former y Geral ine Cresemate
FOR SALE.—Ited brIelc bowie on greindmother present eontest for wall oe eelected from eat& county 5nisll Ids Anal Year in titeology
du t n te Predeceased him about five years ago, elesers. Balite. John DuStoW. Then you would Went for the, SOUS_
•f 1 a to bang,
Waterloo Street Can be seen b.)* grandmothers was -won iv Mrs. Inev- through the medium of a, epeeial live gra it: ex P
t. eurviving oto three noes, XV. Prank W• etniglit and Rtk8501 Row, of he eaeg.,
pinto -lent. Mope' Aleonstore Taylornard. Oaelt-Inutdmother.ee- stock and seetitproducts judgmg cent.' * receat thu,.1.--,.last' Year. d Oh 1 4 X G01101 / d h
wr tee r. Gray, ''acting tranee er es ., of GoderiCh. and c ie were re atten ance ett t e ey were elways ea full of mirth
M. SHARMAN. • cowed auce bouquet o flowers. oetition. This will 'be held in Celt. Welter L., of Stratfordt three elaugh. LaYmenN Convention in Massey Hall and glee •
• on on ri ae, Oct, 20th, comntenetag ling secretary of the. Student fdolun.
lug, moat:Airs, corner Einggston Street 1./i1.1, THE MOVER._ yoratg men. fartneree sons or reeiding ODIVOY. Had the very great pleas.. lor's Centers at /AO on Sunday night, For all these thinga bave peseeel
Downen. a Montreal. One brother,
own esShatanatn eStiott-Storee Apply
ter Joel% at home; Mrs. P. C. Met week. As ever any driven. could, be,
PARTeinerTS TO RENT—tee w 1 y MOVING et 9,00 ant. Previdus Winners of teer Movement in the States. Often
remember my old friends in Aaron
finished, and. up-to-date plumb. .this trip are not eligible but ail other Chapmari, of Goderich, andlars. Geo, Harvest Festival service at 'ray- But now we've seen it bettor day
ure of being associated with Mr. J. James Saunders, resides at' Seaton, Special music and sermon. No after- away.
' - EL MeLEAN. • -I Pioneer Distairce meters of Ca . t ,_____ ,
- ileenrokft 1 Equipment. Latest methods. TSVG ON- twenty-ebree (Oet. 1st) should maks . .. .. _ _ y,
i T, A. r ir est. OpeedY, Pakied. V3115. anadetae aenre Dew n no g
farme in Huron
ee t a es of sixteen and Stitt Wilson, ex-Mayoe of Berkeley, Ilie
11•3nrilsigt 417
Cal.. and a former Godericb bo He
. regardend in the 6.tuse„eAnt. Knight, at Swab. Ontario. church. EverYbodY envited.
late residence Mt Pride ft t : d
The 'funeral wile be heId from Ins 'Will each Christian in this town
and a sieter, Mrs, William noon meeting, Como and fill ths • . . .
am. surprised! Ardret you going- to
.Grandmbaw_ttohtn.e4monernplpegutdarling, 1
.1 perieneed nieneevery trip. Ail IOAA4 it a opine to attend this competition
Ian Moveme t in t e U
elaitlard comete Y a ernoen o p.ease pray e nt e y
• pAnm wANTED.,--want to hetar from': loomed, Beyond compare for OM and win a trip to the Royal Winter 4 -al give Your 'brother mart of your cap-
' ' "1 --Cont. that mid she's been criticized ever
I .
magazines to be volleeted daturday. CLEARINO AUCTION SlanE Otneinen , The -folio .
wmg vessels leave onloati. land and in'the'country to the south.' Calif, is the guest of Mr and Mrs'. ing to the teeoneetietr being held on ing that nays." •
e Ode. 20111,.' Emily -tio in buntline. 811°61C, Ildlin.'MENTS' tlEtael''' ed cargoes -of grain et Goderieh clur. In a newspaper report of an ad- the 15th. iThie wM be work night The 'shut Y011 like, the hied tee same
WAreTEDt—Agent tvanted in Goderlok ettRS. PaED QUAID in J. gunfire-- tne- - ....et t be - t
• and the-equare. Apply to itEnnEnt
• County and who
and is consitle,red one of their ablest.
everyeday for a greet spiritual await.
vner leaving good 'Georgia farm
anti eare. liefore you move, write us, Fair. 'The judging competitimi and ening in the heart of every ehurch
•A• OY
description, P. B. Box eike. °beet Oillee, Hamilton, Ontario, Cantata . wieners will Ite in the bauds of the enjoyed meeting him, Huron may rmitiri..ti WE KNOW member in the town? Will you be. Jen:W-."1'40. Granule. n.ve did
gm now
tor sale If bargain, send price and
or wire and reverse the chareee. tient consequently the selection •of the ten and best informed men. I greatly
HILL THE MOVER, local representative of the Ontario tvell be proud of hoe sons r.nd daugh. Mr. and Mari. Dutot, of •Com.
WANTED. -•(By Victoria Hofne and A.UCITON SALES ' the political. lettl, Church and edu- Sturdy. . Circle of 1(nox church will ly.) held on. "NS YOU LIKE IT"
, s ince."
. Department of Agrieulture. ters who have risen to high Places m ber, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. The•regular meeting of the Agthu.
Monday evening, October 22nd. ow- opeteneg that Pleasee-eA•dvertia-
School Multt old papers end
egoeettee en' Week's Arrivals of Grain Cergeos :galena' nelds, oth ina their natire tales Cherie Walters, of Redland%
AND de.eY.
g the paat week: Oct., 5th, the dress lqt. Gray made at a week's m d for -the berate end alletegit era are ply at Tha tooderech Star.
for "Marline" ntade-to.order. •
commission. 6 o 1 endld nrospect Pqr Pred Quaid, will sell In: auetion 125,000 bushels Nvhest; Oct. 7th, the the artovement is friven:
busbels seretanitigs and 05,000 'bushels went has been instrumental in the or their aunt, Mrs. Carrie, Sr. presentatives front file Goderich Un- in the, Bank flamilton building*
we. g annenistrict nepresentative weDNESDAY, OCT013Eft 1701, i02$ wheat, also 35,000 bushels reheat fer sending of 12,600 well onalified and Mr. and' Mrs. Otwed A. Todd and ited churches at the meeting a the corner of Square and Colborne St.
Peterson, 111,000 bushels wheat, ex series of eenferences at •Kalareaeoo
Sturdy are epending the w
°e1c'' Rev. Mr. Clarke, Rev. Mr. Parr On Saturday afternoon- Oet.
Adrninistratrix of the estate ot the late Duluth; )et. 6th, the Ilaplecourt, College, the folloteing infornrationese' 3. ed
et- end Trenthn.
Lhigeele. detnples supplied. Libor:xi
r. irs. Dutot and 'Mrs. asked to (bring their work,
- 11141112 111 elm Parker and Miss Richardson, and elesers. J. E. Tom, J. B. Grahem the W. itt S. of North ;St. United
W o r ker. STEWART-BOWMAN • LIN- at tot 1 Con 8 Western Di'. 144011 Ca.- Prater Taylor, 204,000 bushels wheat, "Slime- organization in 1886," ae
a nett guests g
ape Win. liailie anti Messrs. W. 111 church will hold a sale of home•made
borne owns alp, quarter rage west of and the same day the 'Quedoe 72 000 said. ethe Student Volunteer Move. of Brantford, were ire 1 d
OEM Ole, 234 King St, E., Hamilton,. ee e • night and J. Iiinkititer were the re- baiting and S'elii serve afterrtoon tea
Onterio. . _ Dunlop, on
f e• Ooderleh ond District ionet- cotrenencing rit 1 Wend; NitalT: the Weatern, Canada Flour mins; well trained young etudents to foe- two ehodeeiteelifoigaret and Bernice, Huron Preebytery id Blyth on Tuee• .—.
present the "Tne) Reliable. _Venetia Horsero-4 pair bay pereheron mares. Oct. 8th, the Martaan, with 105,000
Nurseries.' New specialties, new core 8 yrs. old, suMmeed to be in
'Motions. all big ateliers. Exeusive tete Walt i 'bushels whet: Oct, 9th, the How
en, Percheron mare, 4 yrs. old, supposed Smith, 'with 160,000 bushels wheat
ritory, he:cheat tounnissione. leandienee to be in foal; 1 eydesdale mare, 4 yrs. and 46,000 bushels oats, aleo 50,000
free outfit. Start now, et best senile old; 1 brown mare, 7 yrs. old, a giAd
-- UAW. "AlS: & VTDDINGTON. Ter- quiet family mere, bushels for the Men Oct 10th, the
, •
. _anta.2...e.----...-...----.... _ cattle...4 Jersey eon 10 den tee. nip, Brandon, With 00,000 buehels wheel
i if. 1 H tot rd ao 0 ex Duluth, and today, the Renfrew
REAL ESTATE AND I StiltiOiCE ire old supposed fo be Wean; 1 Sete with 150.000 buohele veheat and SCaill••
eign areas for. missiortary work. of Toronto, are tailing on relatives in day. . ----eneetteeetettelialtrateedenittesiarderIciriaiiig---
"Scoree of universities in the Unit- Clinton and ,Goderich. • r
Rev. eV. P. Smith, rf Seafeith. advertised remeetee 'at, •C'ampbeles '
eel States and Cetteda ho.ve been t' Mi by the Movement ti adelit -.Ruth
. Mr. and Mrs. ie. Itlartin end Miss . pastor of the MeKillop charge, will Drug Store, . {. te . . .
Martin, accompanied by Col. occupy the pulpit in Victoeia ntret
Victoria !dome' and School ' Clule.
And support a rtereeentative in 8°Ine and Mrs. H. C Duette*, motored to Unitee church text Sunday morning '
vill hold a sale Of home-made ban-
fereiget country.,
He Instaneed Yale. in China, and Toronto during the week. . and evening, Rev. et C. Parr takir, e . - . - '
e. mg In adore lormerly occupied by C.
Drew correspondence, fn Cliffoid the annieerserY of. Duff's church
Sveactese 'end. Bates, which 'have sent '4" • 'i • '
umber on Saturday, October
-11 t hi Chu ch I
noaerach laat Thureday, where she ; at 3 P•in.
Anew ealf; 1 Iterethed heifer, 4 yrs, eke slit- day with 372,000 bushels of wheatt
-LIN resent:Ice (Sun Lite)* *widest* sidortharn tow, 0 yrs. old; 1 Hereford with .50,000 bushels of eneeat 13 010 Mr. G. Sitith has beet appointed
sev berme 4 yrs. old, supposed tn be In ings. iThe Leonard Miller ie due to- .their peesenal repreeentative abroad. r tn. le
. • g . 19b
3 Yrs. .olti, supposed to be be coif; n • O Mr. and Mrs. Jack nterphy, bliss
13th, at 0 pen. Afternoon, tea serv-
• p s Intends training for a nurse. Baptist eburch, October leitha Suit -
pose o and too ey e r a
Tip O'Dett and Mr. George kusinger,
auto, ete., insurance. steen ri VII. old; 1 Jersey steer, 2 yea. tected •a day or two. tee
ePt -ler *caretaker of MacKa Hall and is in
d ae oin all of Windsoranent the roveek-end ot
day School Rale, at 10 a.m. Event. The Etarelia Bible ChM of Vitoria
one, espeelelly the parents, are in• St. United chore) ere holding a
vita Special musical numbers, et, bazaar. on December 8th. Plenee re-
.._ • Houses and lote in tiederieli• ,and eia; i Hereford toffee 2 yrs. old: il ,. g e - chi -argue • the home ot Mr. ond elre. Pilsinger. Mid the easter will give tin address mentoer• date.
• Vieinity and Mem. for eale at lowest heifers, 1 egar •eld; e steers, 1 yeae old; to the mill these aledischaeged. at tbo . .., -
, ,..o .w. C. Robertson's -announce- • Mr. :led Mie. ..lae. Moen' • . a 4........4 . •,...u.ape.16.
pelves they ea.n be boated known to 0 spring ealves. • • elevator. • • ment of Jewellers' Slogan Compete. nt Inney, .
lathe evening., on a. ceount of harvest The _ladies of the Baptist church
on Jahn Buriyan. • Come. No service
the. 410.110Y, ' • . ' . • +Weep. Pins .and.PaultrY.--S • Oxford !we in .g. Notes . •
Druce Se, spent tho past weegeend festivel service "at Ta'InCorners... will •hold a cattle of work rend tea on
'Just 11. feAv of them: ewes; i Oxford min, registered; 1 pee • . : • '. . , Hoe on another pave) of thie issue. with 21 4.1(1 in itelefield, also taking.
The regulo monthly meeting of in Dungannon Pair; returnina home Everyone route out there. . • Saturday,. Dee.' let. •Itemember ther
A alloa rottage.on South Sereet, find about 170 lbs.; 73 Plymouth racleepring 1.4he annual meeting ex the %omen a
•eonetition, good teller, ranee barn, two eaglets; GO Plyinouth rook hens, 1 year licopitel AUZ1110.17 Win bet hold on - Abmeeit •Cliaptee, T. 0, D. E., will be Monday. evening. ' •• ' North St. United church eervicee date: - .
lots, some fruit., Pelee '81,100. Sao* om, -
Mendey evening, October ennd. The, held in the public library on Mopday Sunday Oct, 14th: 10 a.m., Claus get ane- _
Mee. Thos. ltilbte, inatron et the et . CARD OF THANkina
, .
1120 annual afterroon, October 15t4, at t o'clock. Children's Shelter, is maim in
for Christian e own in. vision •
terms for ns -meat • bnideMents.--1 elasseyellmoie lemma, wiii soon oe making
t 1 • T • ‘h. And Mre 11 111a...r awl IN '11
'‘ Several ista gtOrr h0t150E-1. 'electric Pr drill: 1 NiagaPY'llarti9 /Alder, sett. eantrAS9 tor the saki of $2 and $5
'lighted; (Tilers ond outbuildings, end cut; 1 Vrost 4: Wood mower: 1 eet Iron tancets, and tne usual generoua ree
lois; $1,100 each, easy teems: harrows and harrow tart; 1 fron roller; e
A One lee Mary 8 -room bunealow, i springtooth 'cultivator: 1 double fur- ponse is hoped for.
A ' t t. atherin will take
.dition, polished intrerevivel floors, nieelY plow; 2 2' 11'n' ?Iowa; 1 nytere and place at. Hammel? ---.-- tit:tepee eneeird stredev,coden tem ,eo trednenneue ,liita r. . 0 er 401 • P. •• , r.
(besides elothee closetse extellen eon- pew riding plow; I single from riding
The •contractors for the) not; cern- Buffalo and Detroit, -Mrs. teas. Jelack, • "
to Penton. Pipit, 9Ant.ore 131J11k4 . .
ent sidewallt have commenced work being. in charge at the Shelter dur- the CIO, "Ie the chriatian bhurelt
b! ail werilibere and frienee fer their
oil Bruce etreet. tliVe utiderstand this ing her abeence. keeping pace tevelatleitertheeprhoddredel_odf; don ,,deeinees,, and 114,1,21 tributo9 at
. . the tinac0" t oiereeeeee ty, Late of tee death eg Mae !Inter, •
eztendh from Cambria Road to North el J et lea s and deli Itt r
decorated, wee painteil toted° and out; rope; i turnip dri lel Massey Ivey load- and 24th, telten t etart tin that yart of the town. teeellnlef °tiled Mrs- T• li• ---------------.-eceday ScClaeaes ad a welcome tere 3. ee w.• • • r
0 • nl,41P am 3$ •
• fine bath roam, eleetric melded, with ell, 114 ay mho: I wagon and box: t hay Hospital. Aids, Msoctatiott will meet. w omens, manses,. are spenceng a for 11...a.m. end e pan., pubge mps ,•Vi; 0.44 nosh, 43 .012, •
Alia all fixtures. hot and oold water euPPYr rack; strok rack; gravettont: light Thie organization is collapsed of orship, ondueted by Rev. 11, • W. Iv) titatin.e' it,••,itirtiezi? 74_4. lit.14,,,tatteir(tly. •
ttreratan's recreation parlor te put- niente with their. aunt, airs. C. le •
• cement location; itriee $2e100. Good treed mill:1 °manure slamming f. •fortyetive Militated societies. Mrs. ting OP art auto rebe.ae.a Imam for 'Moore, Enst St.
Edwaeds, of London, is proi. the boot three tonsecutave scores Airs. P. el. Sinclair has returnee mynt..
W‘ 'fowl bouse and gunge; tem lot, exe Avagent 1 cutting box; Item:lip politer; jewitt, of Sarnia. •
1418 •terms for Tartryinentelf required. motet eorn scaler; f set 2,040 ie. dent, and Mrs. O. W. Ithynas, of made oat its alleye between note and front a visat of several montha in AT gitiOlf SENDA"e.
• Many ot ter net houses, full modern wales; 1 fanning 11)111; 1 cet eleighst e0the Mr. Drennan "announeee OCTOBER 140
equipped; same Ind water beated. 1 hand power sleep dippers:1 tante. for Ilegton (well known in Goderich) is Nov. ! //erne Ottawa, Coniston and , Toren- mit i.T. - to c,nttoutv-nit. •,, e oneday,
Number of loAV privet' boners he gond .deming sheep; . seta of bease raounted co e •
ato ner of the advisory committee. a heeding, 'league orgunizatione meet,. t te and is again at the residence of t . MORNING . ent,•:,er 7tre to 1;10. aeon Mao. win.
tentinion. Prices,- &AA: 157,00.09; boroces; i set et Mimi° beefless,: 3 good ' The program. includes addressee be illg fer IllooduP. :text' 800 ilie tolVele. Me mid eirt Walter Naftel PreludesteChant sane Parolee , team Harry.
lieult no -e Anne, MuMnart, a s m. 11V1.1..
egoo.00: Q900.00; none, monthly pay. 14'.' if' blankets; t Pritnros;) separator; Mrs: IdeurY Aitken, ef Heston, ei ticthalerkt °ItMhol"
' . ,,, Mr. and Zere, Daniel Steele, of He-
in thb iseue. - ee `I• ' .
melte, ate! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence : Antliem-."Ilear my /haver"
P. VehaikowaLq/ IllelfreithIte -Di ti,ixtora_..13 -.,.ft stnilay.
intent Olen. . • i Pala eh:trill' 1 400 Meal &Incubator; "Co-operative Enternrit,es• for. Rata, . rot the month of Oc tine? at
. the '
large. number or brow for gale. I large refrigerator, and other ta.tieles yeomen:el '4.4. 2' EnGrovee, of Tor- reeitai Dowlieg Alleys Mr. Loy. en- etene end email ente ee g endole . It -ember 711i. to Mr. ami Mee. J. 31. itly--
onto on 'The Kingdom, of Child- retlexes the folleavillE Priees: ti'or tote Sunday %lettere at Jesse GraY O. Soloiet, Dim. A. J. Iltachayt• . ..
ltlendelecohn . nio1,13. a san ,Jantoq negiaiel . •
i e
Setne•for eveliatige on town property. too numerous RI mention. ,A malty,
Par allinformation write Or eft ellan"k4; ab"t. aere3 .hoodt" Dr. Malcolm T. MacEachern, Indies'. best :teem A fallitY (hina Bruee St., and with other friends Offertaireneelemance Parolen DIED
311 3312*10 1. W. ARMSTRONG, At lime of rele the farm will be offer- of Chicago, director of hosnitat nett. plate, eaP end satter. The highest Gederich. Lefebure Vklr "
SARUM --et lingerie% on .4.0140elle
nod Estate ed for sale. It (entente) aliout 146 Aer Aniericlan College of Surgeord; single stereo today have Win lqias
BoX 89. Geuerfoi, nat. mere or leee. 114 'store' house; largfe leoutledge, of Toronto ; eterlormid, 169, and Mies D. Fel. Mr. J. E. Lash= ia in town this Anthernee"Gloria front Mars B" 4)11,;,,eleg.kterittelretr,1111, Jet treadletelt:
week renewhig old acquaintances, and •
Fanner ' lir her aith ye'31%
barn* delve Med* lien honso Mins M. E. Wilkinson, of Toronto, ker. 101 For getelometa, a prize of
fi et ea et le leaving this Thureday afternoon Postlueleneteregh for, a Church Neeeneetineenlit eieder.ers eat Pr,
;eta Serviea Work," and Dr. Mabel tee lugheet three conseeutive gainee
bis mother, Illre. E.-Lasliatte Victoria EVENING
Terms will be made for farm at time nTeueation of llotesekeopere foe Po. -
for his home in Loa Angeles, tatting estival . Vincent Ili ay. net. otlinlohn Newcombe er. atied
3. tRA1 IE of sap,.
'TENS on SALE.--eirain and all sums i Bray, of Hamilton San%
of 810.00 and auger. eaell; over , teat en° delegatee bea entertained fat; T. Pritchard, 728; P. Biezet, 750,' an ,,ttile. Hee eat, 14?velini vc,ostin.
a , •
'tarium end up to deep the highest "a.
ewe been vitintAtAN.--In tedeeen 'in Lttqatay.
d St., back with Mal to opend the en 1,34ddildtd rfluital:
. , °mitre() to Oeeaelonal Oratorio nen a me, .orri -wren AF.44:411.
Uff2o!llI! 1Z 4110431 '12111 150 tki .
Ora furnisidne Approved jOilit notes. the meMbera of tlie (tenors' Hospital IL MeGnire, 74, •
,Minte Fftrili ell:Atte Adininistrattlx 4"Stone Walls Do Not * Prieeta Make. Cal/16 ttnd hsve Venr teCt 11" th3 miha "°5 L///i°d 10210 "Ina 't"* 1040 fundr11 "%tit ego, plea, keel
Mee. Arthur C., Feltz, of Liana, 0.. Adagio (from leore Sextette) . alleeeareeon, aged ei team
. .
Real Estate ni Inurnace A dieeennt kr„, glowed for meg. Auxiliary of Ilamilton.
Baptist amok imereday nectlion„ eorieue MOMS of Mrs. C. I... Moore. cattHandol eenette tem violet concert,. entree viturele ieet Anode en ea..
e. Titled ettre MY et ;nine Aueltentege, twin, tree pars a cage
• October 25th. trona 5 teedoek.. A ''left for her home on Pesturday. e 1; needeennetee; date tieteiter. Moe et • it (*Weer; VIM
• Sieteera Inches of lerieh teed mortar 'gable for even, -month. Tee servo many friends' of Mrs. Moore _will begenteennenTee meat° ennene Ended ,k1fiterareitt in Pert Strieott eerneepe.
proved inuIflefent•te aks pri5on Isn. the Eurepean plan, Eveeebedy pleased to linew 'that her IleAlth 11219 MOM" p Stator 0;.• • IN MEMORIAM
when Mike Keertedy• derided it was .; welcome, greatly improved. 101tertoitmeeliereetice Peaairtee %Hie HELL - c..211t30 dr .4
111 town hall. The ehief had lodged him GOOD PRINTING - 1 Mt. noland J. Weirog. foraeede I Arathera•—"The Golden Threeliolier Msa. Nett -hell, wee IPAI%,1 belay nen
.teith elesere. G. v. Carey 4.1 EOM, f1010i3t. Mr. .e. Theanton. wire on.• rept.41sov ilt:o..
43* CAREY & SON Ltd
Telephotos 230
- -
oirrAphio . eientle /ergo fee himeelf to• trawl rhos vent at .nccso. cot. i
. threngli. Ile del tat alt *"pt le wet rt AS tt} tIllrl!•!, t',::' . Or.11 ro CI*701, Vtztor iiktet3:5' ref:erne rem on rale. :will held teem batten, an Feeley. Ottel
US PAelil.V.
, GODERICH . *ow Ci ot',:,o'il raze,.
P1k52 them. Carntabelin Deem atter. elith. Melee Vela tine date la mine.
t alio bowever eel no) chief tole Mee enentgen
- time to staid millino down the old j. • tene .
on tee mullientai laelom tl16 tewt1 Now is the time to loge over voile tee teem a neeeition with eleilee:Postletle---Fuga • Baretertadeli Vi7" leer: 1te boo tie.' &nee Z..7„
1./414(13 Dri 2.40 NI nari!: NA
hall Satan:day uigbt. bait vehen Sun. i!tUpply of ofite• otatieaternethill leadon way Mills Co, Ltd,. Eno& hrokeee.;
Awl g;:p wn1.12220.
amy %nothing *Atte thO rap iltAl Pulp, lett"). beide. enmsto1el. etatienery„ neyelon, Onte and will riave etterge o1'' Ittntramcntl eind nteinga eig tet. ennet ence
ty, the erstwhile oteultant Mena* ete., ae4 amp oe ffi.e178 aro short, 'Weeteri) Ontario, inch -lino (oodereere frt Inede, Campbelre Deug Sten:one teener ee locirrt them;)7.,„..A,
Made a hole tbrougt the era% bet Ogee file Under with Thp Stet- 21; 21: eesafenth, dinetzele Stmt. li?Itert.e.tkfl. ; 'ere. f itg.11c,It trao 110.40
ibeneeth t -e gen le •"' -43 „alt feral, Loaner/ en' 131.PC,Ouf__,
van vete rear. lite le vett 4Z.L1135. 3,
231,1 ; vti*.xie Circl.h of t9 *1" ceutorg. (2 4* 20..e2 3 30