The Goderich Star, 1928-09-27, Page 81
d tire -
-new, , 4,„ u„,..„, „. f I.e. I 4 • ra!: „keeling.. n.softituiri orithete.....ian weat4ii
g4. N;i: 7:StT1•41Vt;,1"i"r Uttite ri'll'I.1 Ith1; :41:07'14:14.11/f.• :1111Lig'iiM:1'311ii-. Idetiir,
1 Paner
t:f.t.cit:i. It A.'s!:::'.':114',1,1::! ilg::utterstaut :),017.-ftit:ttitt.
n'ten""lt Mr' ;304 Mr*: aul, "etY he": lettre *Coal- roxet ie.-.., She Anted An-
gers, After the tateenese eeetetheahe ,oeirerhe ilfakt LIA4.4.1r7174 11106.1i-tY tVrri..
Mtn %eft ised the e.-easse ..eusee fete ear erg etei eevartee it 4.....ev time,
„ • . ... . ,>
. ,. .., , ere
e st: e i real ere • -Ater leiree,idr. gold st tie sa....1 uhratlide., ard
pail Of 40 *Ai *halt -thing it goes* tere,,,,,, et to vslaige, inst Uctk.
Now showing, in
a wide range of
patterns end color*
ings that are de-
lightful. Priced
from 5 t ents per
roll to $2.00.
'!hvhle•-i l':ncvlbew dic" a33 of cwrc' !Nene Oe is ited literals Stair-
'hal'h bat"tici e"feen inet wee:, The latter reemineil
1.1u0 r flack eatet enperee, eeel
t 3 The enena veep- teal
oalie ree Geeleniela tr..1 need
; fehent teen a
s Mr. mei Mee Jahn Ireland nail
_faintly, et' Witeettara. eieitest ors See.
day at the !mere of Mr. Rich. Porter.
Mos Leora Seell i'aant the. pest
weelaend at the berm f her pezentsi
Ur, and Mrs. W13. Sftelf, tereleeteeo.
TO Ladies' Aid of ZiO3 chetah,
tteeene (*oracle, will holcl their- reg-
ular meeting- at the death Wedneee
Cole's Book -Store 41*Y' t)etebtr rid' at 13d'a''IPIr.
The tainuali meeting of tho G040.
4 1 ve all signs ef rot ow.
rueb41..1.1a0L $043011.-
Jermia Moreisb. is visiting at the ',..otat) Of CIISS, Ale gate from the Young Poiret So.
Mr. Geo. Vaulter, of Stratheoy, gailyb Day being obeerved in
se • leiety of Vnlon United elturc
spent Sunday the guestof Mr. mid theca United ehurelt next Sunday.
Iles. Will Long. !The soviets will be bold at 2.30 p.m,
Mr. W. Titchhourne of LondOnd instead if ait Ott oi an...miiestilud=1;),
h;a thin any, aseae Gee melt talie a
,Nevreell irkining eearee Vele
--a '-e- ze.r•-an:ae • - -
W. Nagle tea moved Ihs gaseline "----- ---- - ---a --
tenk. teem hies hawketnith shop to to ,lioiatiar particulare nese week, 1
awn), etteet in 'front of Mr. ifelivia's i ;ire emcee* COVgiUtti035 tcl
tailor eheee There are no less than C.0,0 Via -ewer ana -name :tracer -
fan attending' to the meter waate eass also were wavaere ez first, antlt
GU the (rout street veva weed eeseee in MO pubire eneaterer ;•! .
'at) Blake W.. It S. Tact at the eeinase at cesineeztoa wail am ae. t. '
home of Alia Mavy Saunders Thareatheica se - selmee fate ou Tottalnea
day afternetna There WO3' W.fikir ati4,0,4 ate morale eons emernameea '
terdeuee aril a geol progrew, All Ifehehe 4ettool.
the. ladies of the come -lotion are i Wrsa X. aii. Dumb resumed bed
eetelielly heatea to thorn monthly Ehnen a; *e4vaz la neeearient vete
reeetiags. . • ,eeesie leaowineener neves; maispoen
g Machine
achesNeee:ka ct
Basalt Erehaten Mink
Lase ounday antevereere sorri:!es tion. her p Q3 Mori ellen etticientiy
new g4-ticas i3how Much 14 ur
Long shawl collars, big crush collars of furs, such as opossum, Ameri.
can sable, etc. Materials inc!ude tweeds, b ro adeloth arid
duvetynes. Colors*, black, blues, browns. Sizes 16 to 20 and 34
to 44. Extra values $22.00, $25 00 and $30.00
• 1.0444W111101.11/6N01~10/110/00•14. • 4•4440.1.410144114000144•414.
Light Weight Wool Dresses
sin; ty wo.1 Jetsey mid ail well 3erz.esy
cloths cee ar.a twolioce eteleer. with
grazz3 pfeate, with diagonal tnekinge, in
eeeYaZionbe7°,. svineesel ilarat-othl 1311
Si'Ve:',1,1$4, 4 die
Dress Materials
l'Swati Sheen" the new French. eloth of
texceeisite texture, net all wool, 40-ineit
by raise ,a41110. hIeLaughlin, of ,wide 'in 10 fashionable aew epeg
ham, who retunied to ner tram) there shades and colors. Per yeril.e.41130.35
led during tier tome weeeer Aileen()
ware held in the Baptist &Urea here.
rich frownsietp hospital Auxiliary !The Rev. Mr. Charisworths of Lon.
will be held at the eienteeof MiQ3 IX don, was the principal speaker, The
E. Salkeld, Bayilehl Road, on Wed- Scotch elwir of Toronto was present
nesday, °etcher Bag Vetcreh. and took cherge of the singiner. The
Miss' Marlon Colwell. •attended the attendence hotb after:loon end evert,
Young People's Convention svhieit
pee, et last areeheshe' being a detee
tg1rit*N 4111" Mr9.' ;4111ragre' e. Awn will have
denial. The Rally Day nrogrant
arsaYiwitli the iatter's aieeea 4734 Ilir° 'hop exterded to OVerytine tO at.
Ntrtad. Of POrdOp.
Ur. and Mrs. J. Trehloespentwin be cervical out. A cordial invite.
tend this service.
htiee Mearieford, of Termite:visite
ed her sister, Mrs, .1. LaRocette, for ....../.•.te.414,4....&•.
a few deys last week. Aijkl (AKIN
The sympathy of many friende go hrs. Thee. Blake neel Mee Grace
to hr. Joe Stewart awl sister& ea vielted frlende mar Blyth Sunday.
' their los 4/f a ielielf "ether* Title WOOti. Mr. George Lawlor le
Mr. and Mr. Merry 11im1 ereringling therEPlecopal thumb tho
family. of Toronto, :vent Sunday iltinage.
*ith Mr. ond Mrs- Levi .8nhtler• 1Mr, and Vtri(f.Ia AndratV. of
Eurice Long. Stratford nem, epent Moeda"' with Matehing
Normal, gent. the week -cud with ter wends. ,
parents, r. and hfre. W. Lona. Mr. and M 3. C. StOtltep mid
Bohntiller ladiee are giVing a stir family were up from feondon over
mita and wet& for pertieulars. eiete rya pentieed, of nungotion,
line and Men Rennetlt Allen era ems eneaged with Mr. Well Irwin for
neve front Detroit on their vaeatian month. .
and visiting bleeds both her maid • D. and Wok Weir were in fit•-• aim, Ali the basun, aro invited.
LiseoweL • • Thomas on Toestay ottendleg gol- ter. Edward straughare of +caber-
. On Tuesides# of this week the teak ..deet wedding.
irrekti,ttetlyessuitiattlitinfecolai‘sva4Toullni,vi tito sliest of bor. sistor444aw, tira. ta, is' at present at tee ItOnlo LIS
Mr. J69" St4iher' Aihrrta` i3 niece Mt. O. IdeBrien. It ia
eeeepe for the sensortas meGee, at vreserit, eat to toinelhoghtewn orcir:AxrUglehntlancoripa:
Many farmers in thia toevnebill Mr. Edward Straegtan. of Alher- arid visit the merles of his hoYhood.
have atilt fiat little grain out in to, is visiting friend s in this neigh»
took.. Othere have eommeneadthe horhoad at present, The Woinen's. Institute held their
annual Grarthnotherh eear in tile
e6r/1 tuttisW "4 are. 1°14 .1° fill Mee Montgomery; of Goderleil tPe nerreeteris' Halt on 'Itreeday, Sept.
311‘)16 AI le the guest of her couein, Miss Ane egth. There wag 4 *clod attendance
MN and UM ChaS. avian are ip /tie se,,rdy,„ this week. .
Bettie Creek. Mich. where Mr. Allan - - of members and grandmothen. "The
Mr. Cyril Ilimee and his wife. of ,president, trrs. Wooda , presided.
Is_ taking radiant itreattnent. We peohroho. are visetittit,:, reiateves The splendid program was provided
IiinoleAltifttzill re, turn home much hotter mil lucaU a,t nrenent. to, the grandmothers, which was
d MX3. Will Naylor, of Lueknow.
per on Oct. 23rd. Keep thiselate n guhday,
eeee wee,..eau.
Balir Pay Services will be onion --
el tri alungaution UnitC0 enuren and
'weans good, Mr. Grow tea, the in 124xStialle .!1'040ytigum teueneereige„--
evening- easereices.--Mondey- -legit meet's' °Septenteer Venus 'at Om
there was a Apr& histo4* or tire ramineg eerviees. Bow congrega.
(+mall etWon by Mr. Winiatn DIX of toms are antimpating ititerestma
Godertele. who gave an account of the Profitable Services,. winch evitr be
+church eixty years ago until the pre. conducted by the sunday School.
sent. The total proceeds amounted iitarvese eaabesgating 000100$ 'VW
to over MVO. A, more extended ae- tie aoeauctett oi. neats angiicea
count will be given next weeh, weenies Oungalinon, ett buttlay
ereptentoer outo, at el a.m. Otat
(From anoeher coreespondeutt ,
sots p.m, v OX4o10 .0.1"00040011
MISS S. Piave spent timing week onesneaeemeoe. Goaeriete con„ -
With l'ObtiveS 311 GQ(1041:11. • 111144; trie services in rrie mormesee acid --
Mrs. Henderson, of Stratford. Is tno revtors ttenalffnianenhereYs
vieithor ber friend, tfra„ at& Bfan.. WILL preat:n tse evening.
• 'Sing. neouversery 'services will be -eon.
Mr. and hate. If. MogridgD event ducted integalmor tinned eharett
the week-eud Loadon at the home en aereners tnaoteer Itila W303 UM,
of lilte T. Meanings. , we 0. 'Warman of at. -.fawns, aree
tire. &later, sit Seafortle end Um. ltesh blr* -hemming, hlX Denntrl*-
tlie home of, Mu, 'Edger Lawson.- blevallikt 304 M"Mung 60%4400
epectively. Special mu* tar the. thanksgivhig are not elan" to, each The stook threshing has beee some-, •
vilirn5g*wartlt h3eQr4lIsinilslerlf, Clifirinet.°$11: vett wia "44"ed at bC" ser. oTa%bletersulaYntd1:14t4isliutiti IST4lesi;d431101 7t1101,a4mt sodelaYecl with
rain 4nd• sneer tivia sta hot
Wehthgton and Mrs. 0..E. Erratt. wee .
e. During heti electrum* eform which Vie privilege of being able tee help Mr:. Goderich, is visit.. Ana if yoit
Mrs. Stewart and her staters oe passed ever this <intent en hunday and enrich others. Ife then -exhorted Mg her relatives, UV. and hire. Lorne I
ier, will ocupy tee pulpit at the
Mel:land, of Tensest°. are gueste
Combination Underwear
For -women attd ehilaten, medium weighb,
erqute itaality for foil and winter.
Uverv size; end a speelai feature with as
this sesame, all etylee, long -sleeve% half
sleeve% and sleeveless, also knee lengths
and ankle length& Various prieeS' and
Viyella Flannel
Without than the hest known precri nen-
the warei oe-or--never shrinks in wash.
ing. Range of heantEal colora Material
is 2-O inn, wide. Pee ened
• Coatings
564neil bevy. tine all wool Ilierike'..; cloth,
in eines. xaa, browns, grey. $2.00
Per yard
Fall Fashioned Hosiery --
hammer' all -pure- silk.- and- reinforced -
top and feet, shades. misty room shaw.
grain, bloke este! 8 1-2 to 10.
rat. • * . • .. •• • • 4 • • . ... • 44 • • • • • . t ..... ono
$ing AND Moon- full fashioned Si 04)
"Mercury" hese in all shade% ler.
Largest size, 742 g 84, wiliPPea eluglth
pgito.eaok, ablno0vtilsguureb tz4v tool; tin r:tsite, ituantna**
7 1-2 lbe: Per pair...a...a., efr..a.a. vr
Yioi iii Wingham, ere gaeete at the hem of eeternena ,aeoue 4,30 pane the chime the congregation to prey that God Thurber,. 1 su,,,Esg 0. 0.., 0. godiateo
pp Olin kn. e
the former'e daiigliters Mee. A. J. ney ot VArs. peak' teirenea houeowas might bestow alien eade one ertbem anther Chishaim, of, London, spent , - WRITE art bushiessitaihst.
Pergueon. serum ay ehe ligateatig. Apart from t110 txt10 spirit of thankfultiesa o a day with. his pa.xentsa Mr. and Mr, 1 '
n Next Sunder will be Obseeved as elle 'Met vhat some of tile ancite were thut a tlianusgtong they miiriir not jobn _Chisholm, s Centrai Business College .
BoDee' lin in INCM United SuudaY intact:04 oth no Ottnik damage -wag receive the eondemeation extendbito ,The 2,0ao, friends. of xr. rd.. onaw
Soloot A epeeiat proarata VIII 'be don, • as the lightning dM not enter the Pharisee. ., are nervy to heer he has been „men_ ! STRATFORD, Ogr,
given at 'the regular hour` of 9 -ad the house, Alm, Girme wit!' some • ^Am tivir ed to the house through sickne-in. t
ladiet, who woreviiting. at her honesa ' a‘Al;. eand ntllif
Mrs m. Bogio! and
was, somewhat startled by „thee.inie.n. Mien.. Reed spent Sunday a; her duhtr, viol1etr and hex.n
a R.04,e
pot, but was otherwise unineurede home near Paralial.
X 613 llie
Mr. Warner Walters 'has engiuce
Mr. and gm. j, youno ti) Vek aftpr _shehrt timrfeaw,wdanyr isteetnarrvolek with lusr
his dere- fermi Mr. Vhalters intends °M4V
liVing. en -his overt home on the 8th hIeCooh of Clinton, 4$ vietting
wee., for the, winter. h elinehter, Mrs. Wm. Robertson,
Last Sunday- aftentoon the arnole a The ylilegeteat Pr°"4- .
11-0 were surprise." be Mr. Wolter Moore. who was visit.
;efalliihseablivrvy1113:11 etorm, Inter lin 'the tIna friends in the village. went to Ins
night another ,abowor of hail and .1 home in Cohen last eveelen a
WU 03 Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Melon. Sliepperd brim/It:to
Mr, Will Trebles and his slater. Miss eerloorl of +settle from the Wes
Gladys Treble, accompanied be* Moe
;Tenni, McDonald; of Sudbury, met.
*red to Putnam arid sent the week.
cal with Mr. and Men Will Clayton.
Rea. Vralter Iftewkine and fatally
visited friends here on Ssturday,
hir said Mr. Roy Petrie and faun
the steno, hero last, week. • •
Mr. and Mrs. .Geetrgo •Ilantilart
tont .the fatener mat • of the .romele-
visiti,ng frierde in Brucellelil.
Mr, John MeRniglit was in Detroit
this !week ateending the futteral of
teeter, Min Harry, Phillipe, oh
t e't ' •
enotorer to Parldelt lalt Thursden.
touteralaer the last AM best fair of Mi. Paul Maedel tt ded ti- Jobe Rome„ et unskoka, apent,.
the season to be held at Dungannon °val a the 14% htra- Stewart' a lust week -with his sister, airs. WeGal
easursday .etta Pridan of next- week, Belimillers. on Tueedar*Bogie, It is thirty years since be
October 4th and hth. A grand Corn lotting and silo nilink urn visited here heforee -
tett will be given in the evening by the order of the day, but the wet mrt.T. nicks. awe two eetiarett reel
talent from London, after which there 'weather Makes the work slow; turned to her home ic Detroit, bay -
wilt be a dauee. An 'interesting feat- Mrs. Stoll visited with Um. Thee. jrzg epeat several weeks with her
um will be the tug-ofewo between Wilson, near Parkhiii, on Sunday,' parents, Mr, and Mr. G.
Ashfield and Gorlerieh teams, whoare and found Mrs. Wilson improving -.----, • - r
expected to draw for the ailvet tro- downs, , • Immux,R,
;stir donated by the 11000 Old DOW Mrs. John T. Currie and daughter,
Associations Toreutoe and held MI ler& Bibb, of Virginia, visited. with Vise Eva Pettman vent the week -
The evening number was ,a liymma week last year.' lett week, . , , ephmeedee. .
rerY nh 414°Y° hY 411 °r'esent* Itehhehl tevnlelep since ntenn Mr. arid NM, A, Joluistone one day end with Mr. Harvey ,Sintder and
"Bringing in the Sheaves," daen a .
ston, duerhy Men Robert:on ant/ letra. levee 0,u4siux Acciout ath jzhistow Urn Oa Monday night and report a Stnedea Vanstone.
john Relight, sohe by Sm. Wm, Rots- ease:, oe Ate Ave venter, OX 3/4444itmair, good 'program and a tnit heitee. # Mr. 'Ckorge Poniter visiMd Bee:,
ertsone hhma, "Wolik, for the night and uts AtiVrAtil..31,1ete J. VIInerel 1.4144 XOt anttny att,ended the Meetieir in miller last weeks Mrs, P. Waiters abet
, Id weather. We him
eo g eaurinn, see.oea 04040,Xet 0.t.
1...4erS4t03 Mane •
reading by Mrs. McLeod, a month de.y. ,....e.eeeee. .14 cuts cutu.,714a A- number *em, here attended the. eeterratulatione-n. y- boy has
0003 selection ba hrs. jae. 10311; ule u0,404 ,t4t muitructLa i concert in the Baptist thumb at Aube' arrived at the bome Of Mr. and Mrs.
1,1 canes,* sole hy, Ur& Antler. 4,, the cher& on Monday. eight Ployde returning to Steatite:6y w
you till we. meet again." A vim now. jjorn'Aft, k,turniu ftuct IdcglIrk nifo;ht.a. full vommittee On• Mews-. fieTdliele fiun4nitlyvtievsiairybe,'obelf sundwer the: Britannia. Rowel
Ilf0 t.
Electrical and
Radio Supplies
Electric Electric
Hauges Washers
TO. 1744 fa Prompt �eiiici
son, Cosilig flambe; "GO& be with Ar. anct eers. Qeorge 1)=4,4 oi ,61,„ count of the wet, co ,
W.03 donated to the grandmOther with ate wen-anawn nere, air. eautten
the eaegescnumber of grandchildren> being a tauten ior many, yeers Mr. Vera Cunningham is feeling October 2184 being Wowed Ivir
this being Mee. Donald •Pattemon; tree edit toneetision ‘oe West enaevan. .verY 'heppy these deye, the teason fowle supper an the 23rd- •
one to the ,oldest grandmother pres . ewe, and eeeorgee.ourthirs o um.0.: being that a littlelathy bey Come to • '
eat Mr. Thoma s Stoughatt, and coneessamil he*, Atalinehis VaS ttat hoirie On $41014Y stay. Con- •Morris Township ParMer hilted
one to the youngest -..grandmother utonetanitteeemenenevolualrepiee o gratXratiOXX. ' by. 11,:.TIX01
present, This being Mrs. - Jae. Itthrt-' 4400012_0f 1413 Zara MrnAtere, Young and Mrs. treader- . ATi; inquest hntG the. death at
StOaa To • the grandmother totting la West , wawellMeM 'hien Mut hire, apn and their niece. Miss jean- Young ,les Turveyoprombeet Morrie n-
- the 'greatest distance, Mrs Lar, of AO .Dettnin - reefed 01 Gunton wheee of' Toronto, visited' with friends ht ship farmer, who was killed:ha C.
The. twit* up of hotgoes ,WAS hie BlYtia VM meeting chieed *with. tbe V4EY altrA0 resided« Being, '4 St.' helens on Tuesday anti took in /V R. aaesenger trate between W'inge
e •
k Q itse hatiotud Anthem after wleelt eto- dr vet th. tie Mr. 401 -th hool fair ' • 'h;m and Bluevale about ationeen
*pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. gader Of the melajotallilmre wee u a o eau han e se .
Robert Ifore beim!. eotten. - '
eve eo of the atop tioa3Isetiltforhothner Tx vs47atitt, DTA! lettit: Itweelta.t, 01.1„ siroitiOnostnatts,„ Tug: tnemainer 414.0.,
Friends of .IIarvey Crawford rem „. .. „. a , o v tile, Mrs, ,Arenstrong. Mre, J. Wileon, eeneeted to aVri.V.0 at CtilltOrt on Colborne township possed, awaritay„,in ,nBilourneltianige:
Another of the old landmarke of any, opened in t e Porest,ers' hall..
, e„ ne.„ e,... e„,„ thin he underwent Nog attoonn zoning tne e . ttr ht B . x ,G hto 1 u --e- sda . tin al le di h the per on of, Peter Alexander _ _ .. „...„ e _ ,
:-** -"e* - -- - - - - M la Welles will Dread], his ferewell re. e mons re. e i,Jo', Mr- Tor y. re. er saw e w 0 ertsoze who died in Goderieh hospit,a1 awe vv.', J. Zane. 01 .3tytu, gorerter,
it ad r4 0
an +elevation in Godeeich hospita a swoon to st. maks coutionwitiotu W. itobin,......son. - - held at els late home neat Clintea On
wish hint * OPeedY reeever$- - eso - Fritley overlies- and on Saturdan the 64 rti„ tia$''' Sent ' . :th w ..WWilZhavtth %Iy3ats. Real/a :s-tireflattsr tiftAlr' 4424
Schratt-Ifon.-.A. 'pretty we . te l'eheset• ' _an,
titling ll is going DIMIGANNON body wM O taken to lareenow Wilma dem% ler heath eold yet, ,leetueereohn_t e trip y wee ectetwera • -
woes eolentnized in heoderlelt at ,Vie. Mie, itetntith gat m 3 earrau tile funeral serviee will bo conducted * k d Taraese s fawn ee siesta d ear. Moo.
1.14.' 17 " 11 'd 41 ed Mr
eon, Malcolm, visited relatistee in
hir.nnut Mrs; Ihneraelteneie and in Isteeknow United church. inter,. Young end wife, spent the WOO -on
MOnt, will be made at Gmenhill tome. 'with
relatives, here. M1S5 3e411. l'sv-aaliftinang danith:1,1$41net
ClintOtt 011. Sunday. tern leneknownehle deceased matt is stay for a longer vt. Toronto -Kincardine pateenger train
F rniture
Don't 'buy any netv
Furniture, itatry
riage, etc., until yom
get our prices.
- Positively save
pyrrztvreaya.,4,7"thheatoZ -
est cost,
• Addleld, Wete,..Sutiden gnee her marriage Mite- -Martha,. Murray, on a visit with her 130px„ Giotto, _old
mr. aid xrs. Joke orteko and survived by. Ids. wee* alto was .before Mts. Allen Wilson, who Oe been waa passing. No itiformatIon as to HAniu n it P11 1' how he eanie to O hit haebeen
_ at the home of zrra. Robert Ifanty. of St. Helene, and a beak, of' three: two daughters; at Pint, Miehafrea able. 'The funeral of the- alarm was RIA.11 LatinalultL 0
Mr. and tees. ureweeee and son, one on, Ilarcrialk of Pittsburg, and turned to her home on Saturday e ter
held Stmday afternoon froat the Tea. FURNITURE EXCHANGE •
laipirean oe toodeelete won gueete on two daughters, Mies Doris Derain, a very peasant vbit et two woolen. dem oh the first lino of steriatp.
Sleety wrili Mr. and hlre. Davtd
for Pit arid Comfort at a Special Price am near Clinton. George D
at the hileue of Mr. 04 WA sate fate erhoma Dwain,
DullgAtoten. m„. daughters. • N th
at home, and Mrs. Criteh, who reside! Misses MatgaXat and Kathleen Altt to littievale eemetery, and was large- Os the neosithrey Goderich
Duznin, mw, who ernt..the summer 3" t‘11.," ly attended Servo was eondueted
Elstow; Bobcrt A area,. lat s Der. and We* "&" by Piave W..E. Walden. a the United.
Mr, seed Mrs. ROJert johnstori era
Womenis Pat. i-etrap Slipper with toritfort ,eort. Elena of Wieghant. wero attests .0*lehz tow hie ol'ana utnins oe eneite ter, left for ti
$4 75
Women** Pat. side gore Slippers with ord. $4 SI5
daughter, Mies Myra lifeh.evm. 0 mreeny, of Dungannon, are cainte of itri
Mr. and Mee. remold Mehteettral tura. whieieee egre, Clue and '43s tailed on hi$ old friend teed tounery-
Chivalrohs Gentleman (to Ittatt nth°.
Fall S
kir iori it were ttaests at 00 h0130 AndteW 3011.1114°11e, Ng witted in the seat he lute
.eer home in Cleveland &vex muevate, guedvieng • Mr.
. r are ratter," ee, Vas. oleo the on Sander after a very pleasant eau* Tureey are hid widow and three
steel arch, at :car en sunder, , OW ' (..)r - e
It+ ItsbtleldY ie e0128Y1- Mr. 'W. Dtherstote 'Whighanis , •
fort steel *rah, at per
-the deceased reemr, aroma
* • -of Mr. anti Mre. John Savage on Sun.
Also see all our new lines of Women s Slippers at these
Mali, mia urdaye. it is about 12 years time, as vaested).-"Parelon me, sir. hut 'I
dale Very *accosted haevese thauks,iv. yowler. boys, they left the Orkney is.
tong that eettt for this-ladY here,"
attractive prices Rev WM1ani E* Perry with litre. eerviees were- held in Chnster lami, to, make their:home in. nth uevr
13ig Man -les Trite' all eight; thats
At the :change of...the season look
,toft et visit with rehttivee in Galt and lot trio 0..1.4.1,4seert my 'whet"'
' v are little son Jack intone omen* Vert Alberti on Sunda -Ye Seln lend*
and bOth eervreese vats and icas moved ta, Ste Mptethli.
eason I
$2.75, $3.85, $3.95, $4.50, $5,00 and 5 50
P ' 4 teemer Zeal, let 11 a.m. ana s pare ata, etermart Maedel, WM worked
0111 Saturdny to tbe Iteetory. .
43413 -etkurea was benutirollY 0.0410roted on the seetion at McGrew for deveral - - •
We have a fine new aesortnient of Footwear. , Ventlen.
Vott ARE 1.NitITED TO SHOP AT termer borne here. Me. Geo. Itefhtiehinea coder.
eery kARADAXMOX 00Wtrattiii 11.4t3 h. 'ars. etehte steveaxt, ot gonmiger, ;mpg touted. Prompt and Parpert Service
• Gorden tore.1 Steesiare Reid, Mee ilseeiracIt. )Lt.t4'0U Z:11:4(;O:t ;h4laitil!art4('; -,PSalltr.e37(10.341VO:Ito :ft ttli:‘0111arste roSsthlidettY; Pt' NZeliMeonMERMAN • *-11, 11* t.'111°113Y1"
,feev moths.
-ner-ena Pollees Reed and Miss Mare" Park, eeare taut the 1600368 tram. eaten.; it wnship- and had been' Phone 122
mmit and thlelei and Mre• Botreth 0031-V reeeteperee ter mole wenn.
ann e. After spending a. few &eye ht ter ;; etclu a year o, ha 'been promoted again
to foreman at. Waterdown and will Por Otebechteriaa,BoOhltina
NOOMPAido over your iva.rdrobe and got your .
lit fall clothes cleaned and presse&
Mettle tor ez LAX 1.44.14-11• SJItl etiat) ZAIS 1X01743 te his lieW pirtee next weelt. A tatoorkoassmo. covet. lacresch ceas„...w_ta
Mg WW1)
tyre retureed on Toesdav to Mark. nun lee taty atorihng baa3A0a atAnocii -COngrattdattons
Square W Hern's Shoe Store Pahrr
The Ante where the has Oen for thes pag •
. motored' en Sandav to Pore Mein, .00 preataer eaeweri tote t e(41*rilt
ttehere they aeent the de, wit% their au) tui Um). to tat) caner). peep* ese symrtliy is extended to the bereave , -41011411110.01k
We the undersigned, are open to buy all kinds
of timber again this winter. We will pay you good
price sand give you liberal measurement and grades
for your logs delivered to our saw mill here.
W e believe it is to the interest of the farmer to
cut his own logs and deliver them, but anyone hav*
ing standing timber and Ipsishing to sell on the stump,
Idndly me us before you do anything and we will I*
glad te see you.
We will pay you spot cash for anything ,you have
te eget and as our lumber is largely manufactured
Mtn tin; finished product, it helps our own province
by selling to a concent like ours.
Signed -
Wert Street
3u3 Or'9vah in pain Oen for IMMO tiMe. Mileh
Mr, f_thas. rpten will ligegive tongs to. ieedivnenter tee trees
f, luny t en* aorro .
ang to am. rte ,elinortea tnat
0.0 7 Cu 0
Play of belies coat% and dreseee of are goad or letyle rouged eue thae
is stove Thuvelav and Priam, eases out et eta twee,. ut write- ,treit over the vieelt-eltd-
The time is here again•to get your Boys and Girls pre.
pared for school They will need pod serviceable Footwear,
the 'kind that will stand a. severe test in any weather. we are
prepared to supply your wants with the best lines 'of reliable
Shoes Oxfords, Strap Slippers and Rubbers3 manufactured at
the mast reasonable prices. Our stock of Boots and Shoes for
the working men has been selected with the greatest cam
3t styles'. Materials and eetereatt in many 313313 03 10131SCS Ma eaten Iferold Pulford was up freak Do,.
a 34201403 fair AY tinneat aed in respect ao tiange Mr. and Mrs. Will Green attended
Vita-WM he brought out that a IXO Ilityteld Fair on Tuesday.
Ctailivta MeIntlyre beeri appoint. would onlY turn to. trod as ear heatte eon** .
;led lineman or t Goderich Rural
PTA/ohm:I% Co. to aucteed Lorne Me.
Kinti0, who find% that hi* inereasing
httsirwast tamtertion with his gar.
;age octopi,* his time almost entirele.
IService in St. Paul's thurth on
Sunday lase Was held in the sheen
n -------41. e fact that harvest
e 01
ttbsndtbfl hth
theee waited years would te teetotal ,
tO ti3 Shia WO would then erie.ty to tne
full ehe troy or epithet'', bleseing.
The rector mine for his text for the
evening seivice St: Luke 18:11, "The
Pharisee steed .ad Prareti VW% with
• hiteseelle tied. Ahem>: toe, that ant
not as other mon are, extoetioners, ,
unjust, adulterer*, or even AS this
1r *;-.i mrliate "re' beid puolicars." one St. ,10)01 11:41. "And
meowing and ***Mite ti* OM) jesua hated up hi* eyes said,
twagrocation of (ttliet therein' Port Pother, I thane Owe that thou liast
Albert. " hoard rae." 'TO preacher drew the
Coo tlack had the raiefottaree /ton between thew- two prey -
or lobar a no row reteatly AN X tP r 'at thxrdisre
gsv:itg Ile ntended
jolt of over the river batik ithet tee melee, woo tight in givirg
**oh of the *Masa S*was relteed thanks to God. lot was wrong is
+word oliwe 174441* b.ur thtm& what hp aim, thonas for, 4egut
*Min is the third teat that Mr. Black thooks to God aeateen God
hie %at ilda year., heard his prayer that he Plight taiie
A iipeOrboyil liNlopitre r.1 Malt. 1410111MM fr rhes gray*. Hie orator
lead Preatertertst et the W. M. SwitI was for Shave. At hottest it is set
he held at ihavaitatteati ea the aft•T- liett to thank tlad only to whet he
ae^e of Tneedair. Otteber thh. A siren awe% ess rig us, but Meatier
enroilid 0ittion10.1 to all tate Noising, he has eitteedoti 18,t
the 1441e. in tho Aiattiet to attest, *11 se a roost. em Mins *ad
Neer is your time to teem a Cede**
Cheat se tt relit emit*. We have
limited, member at the remarkably
'lima price 464.0.704.1o0 OveyoboSIZA,
'Get yours while tbie offer ia
rumen -nvpaL ININIEfTelk
MiSsolitiot Street
P%eeeeMom is, ite144**e* nor
/wove imt
asy ether earlt-Cialia
Mei are sure to give satisfacion„ and are here at the lowest
possible prices. VV'e will be pleased to show our large range.