HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-09-27, Page 7un iSe ay ternoon 'Ey ISABEL HAW llesitlee ads-. emewasaseagineasi 0 'fie w.:4 Airco With light from blighter worida oboe e, Aret dreppeet en:mein:4 dew ilitino on alt who soek a li;avlAir'i Live. The -a On -an whe taiete en an wile learn, nett an Thy Chtiech may holier live, • Ave etetty lainp MOW brightly been. John Armstrong. PRAYER We pray, Lord, for wistlem that we may walk worthy of the rocatbn wherewith vm are called tied thux grUW into the meastuo ef the Mature of the fulness ef Christ. Amen. S. S. LESSON FOR OCT. "th Leeson Topie—Paul leettesi, L es s el! Poboage—Acts 19:8.10, 18-20i Eph. 411.1e. Golden Text—Eph. 210. Paul arriving at Ephestlet found tweive oiea woo still •disciples et John the peptise Theee, be found, knew litee or nailing ,et the semling of the Hely Spirit Into the live of tho.eorly Chtletiante Ile at On be. !tan toitietrucetimia until they were filled to receive baptism. "And when Paul hod laid Ids bands upon them, the Holy Ghost value en them: laid they spike with- temples, and prepheeted." , These were the am:44ml proofs of 1, LTON. Godoich, Oa. 4114•1116041444ra cr.:4444.444115100414 and fenefei ieitaiMn into tee Cherch ef Alms des Itaie teeiewed his use plan of' visitiog the synag mae. leirere he put forth et-ery eff oil he • , perimam and argaiii. fa to lead pee. •pte itreo tee hive:dein of God. Seem ; were so bitterly opreeid that after throe menthe lie left the eynagogine -Orr' • 'mt. 7 41 1 101mmin 37oretwelietick Boys . eortei-oatte, THE RODMAN HOMe ' tart. But we have terea Pooh; are premto laud the that. iilmoet any meat is iratromea t • faehioned home, and beau.^ we Item: - tinnhiruttion whil fruit- if onht a ilet so much *bout it. we artt tatting meat, like landa, celle • think the homeof other diten wete- far curtant jelly to give it fitneee better than time?: of tedsy. ilewevee • There is hard y any fruit oh, se • lind (a9.11e ot (emeriti? and tait- thime lionme yesteremar :night - eueculent juices end itiquaot iltivore • ing wit!: hire hie dieeinitie, he seeured ;a new plato fee worshin, the :Wheel ef Term -melee' Cation Farrar says: na nee sufficiently elktiMate the pain wbich eueh tireumetances niett Irma eaveed to him. His life wee ea kieet with triale thet each 1, seri over amid a nealtilutle that were tine% however heave n iteelf i. is Pas- s! dill name gr.:emote. But eve inust re. Coulvtlipsx114)si Is the Breeller of Diseatte Half tho 21 OWe are caused bee coestipetien, therefore, regulav Action of the bow ela is the fauedation of health, in other words, keep year boweht regular and you won't be 'lick, MILBURN'S . ' are the remedy you require. They env be sanely' toed at all times; they eat mildly and thorougely, end it is 007 110ceemicy, to take one or two at night to came an ova, satisfactore movement m the morning withont any griping or sickenind, effeete. Price 215c, tt. vial at all druggists or dealers, or maSed direct on receipt of price be d'he Ittlbinet. Co., 1.intited, Toronto Oat. 4 ""'"*"' -•"• , -- T .SWARTS. flulo 01111 Dora tiverg flack .Stabittl t•Ein. hill‘ntreitt Jut et/ the nigger*, SEVEltAt ftlIST.OLASS AUTOS READY Mk Stella --- GET ANYWIlling OM WHEN nOtl WANT TO GET THERE ttniases,14.001 oil frailty) atm Passentet IVAIttk Peeseitgeti cativo tor in an Part et the town for all , imitate et 0. T. Rt or. ° tte,pots Prompt Service and Careful Attendance. vo; !me Our ILtVery and Hack heretics wilt be found up-to-date In OVOV respect. ettgoite• our Patronanw;licited SWA TS Phone ette Mortreol Street iiemeimmeheemetmereetimeweemdeme mai .• have served their own generation. is no. weleonw eit a most 4,A,Crp meat. Like • tomenet, the Beide of -they would not he euflicient today. whet we Heed in tide ago is the fruits help te dissolve the Qonitective memo adjusted to the nee& o? the tissues which bind the fibres et the present. It must have betteit twin. meets and so make the meat mere f ties for personal eleanlinese, since tender. .equipped for effieieney. tom arm. ed with the Meat, Or Mag be used as i tubes days.. It must be better uous age. It must provide modern sepPgaret:11,11:fhar.yuibtrise ilp:I:ed;le:8:41401,1111:;roout:e .4.1rom itcymmemit, muncltix co. the moderns could not go back to , !Wird to Women Good stud reeds You Well Lydia B. Pinball's Vegetable Compound 1 member tent St Paul. though a age:mine of entertainment and IMO - .010..C.40044. Chrietiam atilt regarded teimeelf us a sauce go we with mea . t as P lemon often improves the flavor. ee4 L . illiec. MLA, ligence, else its occupants would be true leraelite, and he must have felt, away behind the times. In ?Mort it Grapefruit pulp or slkes of omiligee Whitfietd, this involuntary elienation fesbioned home rould net do. sceeptable. Try adding chopped at least as severely as a Luther 4ar a must meet modern needs se the old. are from fire religious eammuniim of his next meat loaf. pears or cruehed pineapple to your amorous de 4 ' bonus—and. a strong -imint mit-the m CHIMES-- , lierot when she's slek. Shea emt chililhood." One special need of the modern o. _ ._,..,...,...,.. . los 1 n 0 h il homes of our ancestorse-es spiritual Many clocks all over the world ..- _ . timit2" "'What e is , . ofethe family are so much almond, two, three intd foul* phrases of en . infineneei In thin day, the members strike, eech. quarter hour, with one, "Four -fifteen." they are constantly played upon' by ancient tune, sof which the mil& is "Well, Ill wait tee minutes longer. POO tee- " 'Ephesus the centre of his Missionary . work ennd his Iebors. and teaching were much blessed. for St.. Luke tella usettall they that dwelt in Asia, heard tie 'ward of the trewe ard Greeks." Lord Sesusi bah the home ehould be especially eotup. . During this time God, for the fur- ,e,e rem ' ped to hold them to the higher ideals evhole tunee-four phrases. One Moore •at foind-ten. entredvh. fherance of the gospel, allowed him emits everywherce-the same tune* R from ehurch towers and from ' THE ALUMINUM GRIDDLE and few kuow an: about ita Here am! There 11 the evil influenceis of the outside, and unknown. At the hour, they May the The tug on that dress veads "Cheap voik miracles. The succeea of .,., et, Pain in curing ail diseemis beat revervueav 'eve" Paneake% °nee in TneguIng*. t t w er h d I th These chimes ard es rn ns er rime of nemea suggested t° °yoga' /lase' elething hair. The odume chimes and play the tune played Ird ihe'latest recrua to the of the 'Way or of the inind, by Ole 83V 8( but pobo y eves e odor n • et the internationally kn.own 'bond iTews."'who strolled *ern inum griddle solves the problem. On the bells of Westminster Abbe. to Place liko the 'nugglers and tore . it Van can bake pancakes without anelent times the -words of a quaint Riders of the Canadian Rockies ere tunemellers ofeather flatlets the idea Moine. And they ere literally ban- teld prayer , were attached to this the three daughtere of Ramsay of milling mrh theni which' hai evil ed, too, and much more wholesome tune, en you have a, oodr, with liteeltouald. envier premier, of siiinits t»e name of the Lord leu. than the fried article. ' 1,Vestmineter chianes in your home or Great Britain. Thee rode from the ' These a edacious , impostors a pe edily ' Put your griddle on to heat when neighborborid, memorize the worde atoteou Lane lionise to Lake Agnes , found that it was not in the prile you begin to stir un your pancake and say them to yourself, line by to qualife /or meMberehtp, tooencitie of the name tha t the batter. but have the fire lo*. Before _line—sometimes—as the clock etrikes One or he sl lee s eep ranebere at tbe 'onwor lay. The disaster which befel You dip the bettev out on it shake the Ileum An expeeseloti like this, noaidale district is at present in. the those profligate jeers showed ehe mut. a teaspoon Of salteon the griddle and repested nt frequent intervals, is erown Nest Pass where be is run. it y of the magician's art a 1 I rub it over the griddle with a ermine' eertaie to have an Uplifting influence Mug a large twee ot sheep on sum. ti( a SO - tire' the miracles of the gospel were Pied peper eack. .1tepeat this nye- on a life. These are the words tiler range. Title is the first year performed by a power quite outs rde eese after each batch of cakes. This, of the person, Titig event becallie will Aden the griddle and -help to lolowri to all the Oews and Greoks ereveot the next. betel]. from stick- eereffing in 'Ephesus and besides teeny of the m rri There 10 a knack in laki a pen- their- wietteil nractieee and dublicle cakes °n Tew "Limit through this hour iThou gulde ; • no. Tim newer - No feat sltall slide." ' WHIPPED ontAivr tieseroyeii their hooks. thus trivhig rlust not trY to turn them until one entuifttZ:rueriaClreatimci wt:tlivonliQiptpTnlig•IP'eur:oetnil, ileciailte 144014 of their enineeritY to side is well tiorie. It will then conte This produce will enable you to wbie foreeke their <whited wtlYsi Canon loose more easily. Have e ihnitah. thin eream. Or if YOU prefer, add Foerer eaysee-This bonfire Was so fiat pancake turner, and eaaa At the wiiite of an ege to the cream for emotest agoinet the preva,..., oround nntir coal ealte tareftillet, whipPlog, and it will whip more eas- into ceedidify thnt it .wee doubtless, until You have loeeened. the. cakee; sly rro tb6 eireen1StalleeS Willeh gave thin flap it over. Loosen the otber • PA.RTY INVITAITION St• Pinta's Preaching so wide 4 eel- WIG in the eel" .V•14Y* Y41/1 al" ItsTe longer diem are. smythe form- , of fled aed preyailed:" take. you will make a mess of 'it retinest the Plenstl" a -Mr"' s3Jrity. "So migntily miew the word tempt. reueloshod. to turn the pan- ., two neays of incessao. toile ne eveneake baked on the alumm Jones' oolnitanr; ;dee etc.* She slot - e both of .1)00 arid. of nithin imeentoireOr.oune eriddle is Move fit for the stmt. Olt' writes •"Bridge" and -% veil, portions. the most trotibtoue tem., ach than the grease.soakeee• uouca Thur d" SO her and :bat an independent rancher haa moved sheep to the mountains for. the SemOter and the experiment is tieing watebee with a good deal AU interest. The • 'first of a new series of engines, has left the Attglas shop of the Palladian Pacific RallwaY and win shortly enter passenger ierviee between Montreal and To- ronto. It is the largest passenger locomotive in the Dritish .Empire. 97 feet in length, evelebing 424e 300 pounds, and has eight Vent driving wheels 6- feet three inchtte to diameter. It is an entirely tianadian product, designed by Can- adian Pacific engineers. Fifteen. tlying clubit bave been mimed in Canada slime May when iod hie Viese verils which .flap-iack. also more dry tied malls tt. Besides lioing earaniett it the Government's Max to encoure refets,to I•iie Edietle to tee core needs more butter mid syrup to meke looks z, • age civil aviation wait put into eftect, white apolicatien for two Int ars moot •prohablv bofel h m- it it eatisfa Remember, -when,- TO PAIltIT•SileArRS that time. Yet his heroic eoul beld ever the griddle gate "mussy in the. If you are livitig in the house and rem* h are at titesent being corOdered by Me Air Board. Over on and, in writing afterwards to the baking process, vou ean eMatt it 040- want tot pallet the stairS, paint only one hundred Moth planes are in Church' at Idpbesus he, besought itis with the salt rubbed on *With a orety other etair and let that dry, ase throughout Canada Air Board them "to WO% worthy of the .E.6ea. tough paper. thee paipt the steps yop heve missed °Melees Mated. Half ,4t these are tion evlesteweli ye are called till me Intssustch WELL one licte.:rteblnIcn.tt:41M0.tigiterocf.fatesolf iitohi, The', distivetive: lite.8.i0 the. dr e :Ifni:I:be aetnh f le•Wr:Sttluk:riti:fitaerlunogeil..d' rtiyite: gr hat. Sw.ttle; 14/1P:1107r:el! .17nInbeedr.e More than teninalins re nod :mato a perfect limn. -unto .the wi scnn ing 14148 4 ° • i ' )44 r OWERS " ' ' 1 of Christ, ,,, nimplicity. The more expensive e er to bold it 1922 e0aVellti011 in Oat CO T L A resolutioo 'petitioning the Cana- eftbe stature the eese greattlat marl; distinceion 1$ ' ' flow s that Mom on the eclat dien. Daily Newspaper AssociatiOn • . dresses are of simple lines --trade-ono lenge park on the 'WORLD otegormers • --The theimee dresses arte more e ehouider as'a few monthe ago. Their Maritime Pr"inees was Passed at ged S"rt Work with mane plaits. and frills and ruf- latest tieerte Banta Vashitini la at Mir Immo al n 11 owl nun nn II :j interest taken on the pert ef the peo. role, ehown by the good attendanee. .They have et goad 1,110ir led by rey eldest son. My youngest men is Sun. day echo! superintendent Ile in t ending _ in. the -public-, se hoot- in he village. "What they need most, as we find all along the line. iti a revival of pure and undefiled miligion, as a vele' few of the people up here kilow anything about et; erinental Ti 1" . V 4 mon. ie minds are almost altogether taken uo with the ealsing of wheat and the bread that perisheth. They need a live sphitual man who could, in God's hands, 41Walielt in them a sense of their need and kad there to tho Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. Tha college will reopen in a couple of weeks •and then they aye .planning to send 4 student out fortnightly until college closes in the spribe. .when another ntudent will be sent for the summer. The 'harvest truly is gnat hut the laborere ere few. Fran Ye tbo4efore the Lord or laborera into Idis Ihriest." hliller's Worm Powdere will main. cote the worm evil that beam se heavily ehildren and da believed to cause teeny fatalities. They are an aeceptable medicine to shildren -tied COT! be- fully relkelt upon to clear the food attends thoroughly of theee deetructive parasites and restore the Wax:re(' and painful surfaces to healthfulness. They are an exeelleut remedy for these evils, , WEAK AND NERVOUS A. Condition Always Due to Thin, Wotery Blood • When Your Stomach M'briTEA tetize If you really want qinek and laete irig freedom lerom tee %Azar, anney4 mice of Oftzr.eatiole diettese -try '•this, NEVER FAILING tese teday." At teiffing coet. get teem your _druggist a little Itieuratcd Mretialnein —either powder or tem:se-and take atter yeur next meat. Tule eitaiitle pleasant test mitt be depeteled upon to peove valtio in len than Jive minutes. In most cases zelief eonaes instantly. Bisuutted Magneida is a hart-aro:3S norolaxittive forat of old fashione Alrignevia than rwhen talien • aft° meats, swettens and neutealieee the Magnesia that, Whoa taitett after stomach ailments. Atilt Your &Pg. gist feat Bisueated Maaneetaimatuf tart the test today the harvest thet would tend forth - a \`• r r Thin blood and weak perees gen. orally are found together. ltd blooded peopl seldom complain of nervousness. /The reason is that the blood feed the nerves and keeps them tone • up to do the work nature intended. When the blood is thin and wean it ails in tide important lune- ] tion a d nervous troublet follow. , Tho olio:wing Me Will interest thos who need a tonic for Ilte blood an nerves. Mrs. D. \tone, Mien S are, N.S., eaystem"Witli a reeling gratitude I write to tell you wbat r. Williams" Pink Pills did for me. X had become badly run down, aed reaChed the stage when I could not do my housework. I wits not on weak, but nay items scented com- pletely :Mattered. The least. emise would startle me and I was et:theca .to nervous headaches. Worse still. I could not Sleep at night. Perhapt I 'Would get on hour or two Weep. end then lie awoke for the west of .ilie night I bad reachea a stage when I actually feered / would lone my mind. Up to the time I decided to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, nothe ing I had taken seemed to do me any good... I got a few boxes of these and mon there was no doubt they were the medicine to help me. As r cmitinued the use at the pine I gradually grew stronger, ate better and could sleep at night, and now I - a a s lerne OS a woman could wish to be. I hope some other weak, nervous ;tenon will be benefie. tea by ritt experience." Dr, WMiams" Pink Pill'are etile by all medicine deatera or by resit at 504 a hex from The Dr. 'Willianed Medieine Co• Beholtville. Ont. • • The "Twontind • Most women wilt 'choose the dress flaVerita 100011Ont.O010r4/g. to , the Tile spread of the truth., bore •imetes ,and.leee0 and bows. oheap work the hack a the neck, dust under the = Koema,—as buleed in =tiny other and lands —is • giVatlY assisted by the 4 . ... A •,.. .... cheap goods ean be hidden 'by teat toiler, veleich is turned up. eaticames and elicit le one reason why 'men comet/En ' - work '<MIN CeInerteurin as they tra- the, plainer dresees are the more ex- ot the aseocletion, eeferred in bis and givieg away their tracts arid Pensive end the =tie distioctive. canvee cloth on. width to roll out her menaiers for a matter ticeuain. the eildolummer 'meeting of • the onts,rib Provincial Daily NewanaPer Association held on board the Can- adian Pacific ship "Keewatin" en route from Port McNichol to Sault' Ste. Marie. P. R. Leslie, president vel about froni place to plate, selling One borne eeonomics eXpert uses a speech to the ardent wish ot the shonlel Wear scripture portions, and telling storimo The l'itimp ine)!"C.M.. cookies. She elitims that a softer tome° with the' Maritimes. ond rireelehing, the seed is leeing seat- 4 aSaara an St1.4111 t 'neg. a oan011atliboeaarall be rolled on canvas thap tereithreadeo0t, and co hound to ger.. overtall 'weds the low' neck line and The world wide service proclaim, minote in a great many eases. A Colporteur who is always fiend - lye in big ordere for 'portions' is the Ain't skirt. The too slender de, ed by the Canadian Pacific Renville weeds fluffy, puffy things. " " exaS. SOLOMON SAYS: will be further improved with the • A general rule for the choosing of The person who is out loolthitg for ete i Lo (le in d sure to be a 'live wire.' and le bowel your coeturne is—Be conservativa,. luck is not at home, when Opporturi. — So great a traffic of tilnadian and estahltshMellt of a new hotel by the to aecomplish a great dealt One, tithe, doubt as what to wear, choose iter knocks. . American travellere between this • like the Psalmisfe delights to 'meal- the smiler e.ntfit It is batt°' Sivirms tontineirt and England bat been "I hear your wife is sick le he neve hotel in the heart of the Cm - LYS Z nere is a little story recently told in gaiety dude ae much as they uaed ZZe ott Thy law dee and ilight,-19 a to be under -dressed tlian ovetedres- • hUilt up by Can:Lakin Pacific Steatio ' louttain of levity: waters,' 'flowing sed. In this practieal and bueinees- * 8 Ships, that the construe ion of a pire has been cOnsidered for some out on all occasions, • 1 like age, people do not blemsom forth — 40, onreessio o on our uariet in the to, and the Simpler dress is thiloet • always ill good taste. Oro- iectnc Bainbeang Field, after returning' rola a term in that region.--Ohe oe Be mire you wear the right copt. ' time, And now that the 1200 room Royal York ee even anner way the levied has been taken into hand. Open:Alone should start next year. , tec coipoeteurs, efr. ream nhtlexehitiriation of thinge together. The 1 Alt • • THE rtoputs sToat , ormying ort his worn, met spode dress -demur& street shoesi Clear • !Miele . 'thee*" e timon ••• • ' Recently it was decided that fiell I the toad one day, a young student. and tile email hat. Do not wear are zensitive. Now it is discovered dad offered lihrt a gospel, and started - to preach to him. The student turn- ed on him and dbusedihim with such terrible langugam tbat the Collier. teur thought it no use to repiv. but sim•oly went to tbe roadside and knelt down to prey. When he ardee, the young man was gone. / MI th 11 e a ter, e game Colporteur , wee out on his work. One slam as 1 evenine fell, he came to a village, end went to an inn. a had been teated only a short time evben , yosung man came in, and accosted him. "Do you recognize me?" stinted a 10D totter tohirt , - Clifff,f1 tANoronit - • ,baort *count . z mrio you eeniereber menthe ago, The waxed, inlaid linoleum may he oneetino, etudent on the road, and kept clean by merely duntenoppfng it. nib, the nem of action, a gospel, and instead of To Walt lt,, a little emix between lutdalready given Long Die- chiffon nose and satin slippers with t mem 2 a besineen drese. The lotee should r IM11,060 . match the. dress rather than the se , shoes, since leather is- more ataple i end cannot change iti eolor to inateti every gown: The big lint goes with- . ' 09 the afternoohi drese,onot with the ' 1 . ., at once sulIo°ibe'sPlc°1:118 eldrreTed., 'your costatne i '' ' -- . me inizat : . ' . • . • "We must make Awn .for 7 Suit you in color. , Suit you in design, Ali , Be in baritiony throng -bout. . Be Appropriate' to the ocea51011. owls , thet they are Patr101,10. Some mon in New lrunewick who were . caught ane carefully transported alive overlent to the foot of a fish • ' ladder 'Mediu* into* river draining American territory refused utterly to leave their native waters. As soon arir they were released into the watt , aceording to a report receive ed by the General Toutist Depart.' meat of the Canadian Paeifie Rai1. way8 ibey beat a hasty retreat • aisw it bald tbc Chief. down the St. Jolla river 10 11212 point *Clear these goods at ammo where they were ea it escended anotber tributary rising So Brook, a man of word, In New Brunswick. BUMPER CROP IN WEST • Cook by Electricity . 'Wash by Electrty Iron by Electricity 2tONVENIENT, CLEAN' QUICK Cheaper then Coal'or 'Wood An electric Vacuum Cleaner rentoves the dust; a brOont just niays the dust. '`We guarantee all Ilydro accepting it, lee ponted 'a volley of the fel& of clieeceeloth and rub it in ; twice a distant , telephone oaths on you 7" well; then pont% it with a weighted I number. A few persualime no vemeniber that oceaa. floor polisber. Yon can make WIC ,' ' wards . . . and Hill bad • ion." for youreelf by meeering a ilnanY . 3114de 4 ale, 'before Brook7* am that dtudent, awl from s brick with a thick oloth. Be :sparing ' kilo way &into. that dav till now, r bave had no in your ttee of wax for if you put on peace. didlien r eave you entering tne . more than you rub in, the floor will I Ken of action -.and women , et little while ago, r retogniz. be tlinPero, and the surplus evtin tem net "Long Dietancm ed Ott, and I 'boric come tow to apo. 1 e too a 8 e 1111 . lorize 40 you. for my conduett, the _tainted litetlette elioull be 1. Moro frequently ailed, end Arrived ut yginniveg Saturday 2 ' thin itenient heppened Omit WM' kelit well varnimede rinninvo Vint)! eve U. operator tho dis- ' ?„'fieet i st4Yea .".1i*, tri 711111kgg 'In: evert ago. . coat: or waterproor mullein a year is e mutt 1_ ioodaer unanigh . ttenaea There Se now a little Church, tear- a goed way to preeerve it. It eltotild °' "mnher• This sPeed" %church in Youeg church, Where the Artie Word .0ef God is :till %glee a mild toap when dirty. When vare 1 co cet I Thiii f And Spirireal Hammitt Is Great Out the Laborers Are reiv...-A Letter from Mr. Caritelon • In a letter received by Mr. ROM Young from Mr. P. Cantelon, evil() is, visiting at Meeting Creek, Alberto, under date mt Sept. 130, Ale, Cante. ' ion writes, "There Is a bUfripOr erep lap here. Have not etatted to thresh et but will .atart in a day or two, ed fairle eorafortaide trip out. efi *P * netirice timt is alrendlt General Council met no5sion said Lamps for 1,500 hours. *mg on' in thxt %gnaw,. be mow with1.1 waren witter and womerfaist qui& heard a goial ceinn1)4 on. The pastor Walk in and see display at The Hydro Store CASTO RIA Poe Waldo/awl Mire* • Maw ForOver30Years Always bests the illignatuot d and powerful' Wishing the lipoieuni, choose a bright per quiek :estate — a, ye memo and keen,/ da 7 when Yon dim Log Distance, eimememea- the doors and wiindown (men and it • evill dry 'quietly. Let Cie flt-et coat e • - Rs ttnelity Belle ItmeThe fad that ;dry thonombly before applying the • ro many thoueende of intelligent; pent" ftecOtal. shottl4 Le varniehed twiee; pie continue to 1.1SO ThOMIS Ed.; oar to keep it f wearing Tahoe e • teetrieeptiaks 'volumes for ite !the mg:me and et tang thetit. ." •t" • p heeling elliciericy. Ever *ince it wag ; • — Arid introduce& it Lae grown steadily FIttlIT8 WITH MAT • manifold um.fitineee relleeing mod , ...tt „ 10 21:00 hem • heeding. sicktivie Att epetifie - %0: neveLUI.e.ettee, arm %5 )J'5l known to to; foe ngcs as aitroion" deminatets /*Ott its totem f% yees coletination.. The tichnete of tke eend teirmaett, meat CC.CMS to +mend airntibitigi ein publie fever, reeling entirely to i,5 Toithey ,withrot bct=t 1,auch avia rem= to be a spiritual Irian. They were Vanning for a special effort mon. 1 hope and pray that timer nosy he bleaced with a real revival and .that it may epread until it to:I- dea North street, Gederieb. ..r orrived up here Weilnecilav noon. Found ray children all well aril busy- tutting their grain. They teembeen carrying 6n a Sunday , eithoel and preachinet cerviee all num. titer •conducted hie vomig studehe from file rtitimittop cellege. Ho ante', ed um to ntleene tim datiday ceheel ......mmemomeammemeete the mark thst day 11 deeliecil, nut ate ' Met ath het. not feelina op to may neet runday. There ie Tinto en n •• ItultON "COUNTY SCHOOL FAIRS Following are the datea of the Huron County School Fairs for this • Sept. 27th- Crediton Sept 28th—Grand Bend Oct. let—Dashwood Oct. 2nd --Zurich Oct. 3r4—Ilenitall Ort. 4th T Oct. 5th—Clinton Rural ADVERTISE IN THE STAR Reel Rose Tea la gUttrant.. In every way. Order a ritieet...- • ego to -day. the any pot= cIlri of it, and if you are no.. 1114. ' tirelypleasedyou May metterti the balance to your: ntiettnind and your trionoy it•funsied, 'Imeetedinthe Wert Ot the bushiest diorite, Overlooking Grand CitctiePerk. A modern flre-proot SOO rooms; each with neth. "Rates: dIth and tit:vents. FAMousitestourontss4Musi4 Also Coffee Shag, • ta(tosirsEt. LVIEIRI DETROIT. Is4 kt..0 ...ar.44:0.1-.0- • I Ns .a0.0u .R TI Mutual Life Assurance oropany of eanatla goiradichcd •IIDAD OtTien WATMLoO„ OtPr D D MOONEY hot . , linotie 230 Been Sr. 1 1 1.4111101$ . . . nUntr..1T CANADIAN NA fIONAL 11T TRAIN SERVICE to TOMATO DAILY ISECItiel (1; 11.1AY Imo. Goderich 0.20 a.m. ildn man, ' " Clinton 0.44 a.m. " Senforth 0.30 aan. 3.08 p.,o. Mitchell 7.21 am. 3.3o pan. Arr. Stratford 7,45 mill, '4.03 p.m, Kitchener 8.40 tem. 5.20 p.m. " Guelph 0,04 can. 150 p.m. " Toronto 10.25 a.m. 7.30 Noe Iteturning*Leave Toronto '7.53 meme 12,03 pan. ad 0.05 pan. Parlor dafe Car Goderich to Tor- ttlItino9dner; grnoltrarillint..°Ierattot.00 eliatige ef ears between iloderleh una Toronto. I. A. LAWItENCB, Town Paseenger and Tieket, Ageets ipbeee 8, ' r .A. Restful Plifight c on LAKE ERIE Add Enfornent Wyatt trip Esse or Won giving you 4 dellibilid Neel:in your Journey. BILINEISTEAMERST . Each Unity leveryVaghtltetweets Buiffalo4and Cleveland itter etiu eithemeillsites tiew4to able Nommen ttuairmeree tetkattisevetettomeesietp, Eltelrei.rmetkatecouttableziluteadiaetkle iietkiampitoo.ji.iote-ts, !keen* r/Fec_.%.4.46416winteeekiees, C-Onntetionthit Cleveland forroke Mows Detroit and Points 'Wet Daily Setvitellay 1st to,November 14th Leaviog at 9,00 P. Ode Attiving it ¶) Al M. AA your. tithe omit ttutift wog . for tide's C&B New tow Fare *LSO et Arkr $8.5* AUTOS CAlIntieD $4140 AND VP etavammi a asoiraasitt Ceememe satiate** Aim Nottee: Iletek,14. L• ' tt timeneestimettientetn't*Z;ideheets