HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-09-27, Page 6,
Red Rose Orange Pekoe Is
the best tea you can buy
:ln don, bright Aluminum
4'7.. :eta .1.....t/sedsloovilo• h mow
3r.o‘„ Ve'e;;;1.4, rea.1:ti 4;4:',.:Cii------Na- o '; I Wood,Ddrt;rieve, 1:aor,r2t.rozio0L1.AYt1_al: U
carmen-55ra, ilinood ttl,amooni, Mrs, For T ose Past 40
Joffew.)ii. 'i-.,-, , ,i,„„ei,,•,m,,,.,
II. sveg,,,t, M.'s R, „Iliohroond.
• Dr., J::•;.Grn....,,o,.„ co -,,:n cemx,24„„ours, ; Headache*. Freqmont, Pribifte, Comity
pcars calm -1_41,j. ri, , mei-annum, Bladder OVeokness, Noryouoneoa,
D. 51cCallom, Mro, %V. J. 1H473v1,3. ' 171111stiu"ettilng'1313 ''.•21g1itc1 .
Tomotceo canned-451ra. C. Il. CaPo* ,' Too oornorr00000; Limos-a:Ica or.d
lard, Diro. D. Diobanani. Falai drea. ; k. 111 roisory of Inaadou Wealreees,
gag, 1 !at. recino r-',Uaeoe'lo-oMra. often Wings "1,14cm-ilia:la of <IN (IR"
C. II. c9pelaml, Atintle Richmond, ' to those who really ought to be la
S3WC:. foo coil moot, 1 pint, *oohed- :the cern Prime of fife.
MI a. ro, meatball, uia. sir. jellory., $ 'CCU ntle33 thou3811a% 'i 111 soven
Ranh for cold mrat. I pint, 7.131,10A. i'°U1 f -'i. ten. of relk near middle life
area., &sign and ,6doring e„)naidered are pitiful victims dae
of ileahes;
cd_airs. D. mecann.n.4 mve. e. ... Nervousneoo. Paine in baek owl down
4* through groins, Laquezatty bat 4. 11
,,..orolil•g.on,lic7iainros,.ccas.nriter1.-(151orrso.iandW., .t.l.itallsirtsrainful urinat!on-Gottoog.
p 1 1
Pickles sweetoollrs la. McCallum. 1 While serious, if riegrected-it is
Dr. MI°. Grieve. Pickles sour, 1 pint ordinarily a airrole roatter to relieve
afro. D. meconom; mos, c, n• these troubles by the nleaoont tome
coodana. retro, ni„..ornoo I) or iums of Dr.. Southwortieto ITIZATABS,
iiii:-r.v. TiFcte - ii's'. Air. '1.- on' 'on wine_h linve been niftorions in ..titan.
" ' . sands 44 C4SeS An Or other treat.
Pickles. onlon, 1 pint-51ra, C. R. , meats have fane'd,, "
Copeland, Mre. VV. J. Dickson. TO.. t No matter Imo oodeolo or of how
mato cotsup..,Dr. jino. Grieve. Mrs. i long 5174rdire veer condition, nroolioo
C.:.lio'-coneland, Asseborry vinegar ; SrOn van ouickly provo- the Yid-flo of
...Mrs. Ain Tonin, Mrs. D. mecal. t LTRATABS without riot of cost -for
:any o:oed druggist wilt, slroPtir von on
an 2absointe guarantee of satiofaction
or oneo back. If UfiATABS bring
, Quilt, *coil cotton -Mrs. W. Log- yon outeit aril certain- coolfott. non,
, an. 1)r. Ono. Grieve. Quilt, fancy will he gmatly pleased. If t:hey 4o
quitting --Dr. ,Ti. Grieve. Quilt, -not fait tatisfo. tboir use wIll east
knitted -4)r. ,Ino. Gr,leve. Quilt lag you nothing. Try 'GRA.TAI3S today,
eano0-41,r. Livh:4g$toto, pp. jno. and see what a difference they. mako.
Grieve. Quilt, aphikrae-ouro. A. G. , - - '"g----:-------•
Savage Mrs. W. Jeffer7, Fancy bed Mrs. A. 'Co Savne. Slior,ning bag--
soroodoomro. Ao G,.savagn, yxre, W. Cleta Watson, M. %Livingston.
Jeffery. Painted bad Spread -Dr, ranar wrist b42-41"'' D' XeCallilm'
'Jno. Grieve. Cornforter'bond made Ups' C. R. C°116144' v41144 'hand-
-.Mrs. W. Logan. Dr, jno. -Grieve. keteillettl• $ 414°' 114nd w°1* -3°w'
Coroforter; Machine stitched...Mrs.' nlidoe Woodcook, 1SL Livingstone. Teo
n‘r 3 Dick noo . • k apron..Mrs. A. G, Savage. Mra. C.
1T. I,Ivioesione, • Us. • IV. Lygan, c° -C°"14'14 S,•••°•rt sweat°--Mts
$11.411E1*.IemIteell:::.'441'14te; Ca°tIbitle-4., tiorelaird. A' .‘*1;'Smtionte Wear '
Pair ladies' matts-Dr. oIno, - Grieve. Wool Jacket, knit -or crochet...Clete.
Matt, 11ooked-51 , Dufl411211 L ., V' , M. Lvinto7i.. 33 et
I. Livingstoae. Mat. - hearth-41os, jerrit or ,crochotoolVre. C. R. Copeland,
W. joDickson. Di. tine; Grieve. Mat,: Cleta Wateoa. 13ooti.es- or' mittao,..
otry • Other Ititido4Dr. .Ino. OVievo, Olota Watson,. Mrs.,' ,T. W. Dickson.
Mrs, V. j. Diekson. Working man'.. Bibs. two atyles...M.' :LiVingstorte.
sillyt-M, Dtvingstonm, ,Sorvioectioie Short dress, hand anode...Mos. ,A, G.
wait Oren (best ideo).-Mrs. A. G. Savage. Long drepo• hand made...,
Snotga, Mre, C. IL Copeland. Spool. Mrs, A. G. Savage, 'Ctv.l'alole cevel;'
mert of darning-4Mra A. G. Savogeo -51re, A. G. Savnge.
Dr. /run Grieve. Ladies' cotton . ' . illiseellonoone
Mine 41es***It1ef •W. Logan. Chlifto Collection, of eix 'WOOS' farilt WO'
117 °Ltivii4ligt:104:11(104,,:itantipt'dirfu6Zreveli ''Ciittltvinerttptoanito,,W011iOlit.,5d,i,gii:en. te.tyleas,Tat.
table elotti and sto-napkins..Myrn .rnacy Imp sham...mock W. 'Logan,
Stinson, M. tifingabito, , : vbs. 0. R. comoono, atoea work..
Embroidery o ' ' .11 Livingetorio, Mrs., W. Logan.
*Embroidery, solid white -Mrs. C. 'C011ectie of Crochet averk-Mre. 0,
.. ,
It Copeland, Mrs. A. G. Savage. IL. Capolando M. Livingstone. ol3est
trifbrOdetr. tly4.0.411,'"LiVingst0/16.•• ,piece of fancy work *ado he women,
„Mit:- -A« G. Sainige. Ccinventional tivdr da-losephine'.'Woodeocin D. .1-.
design -51. Livingstone. Mrs. ,A. G. W.'Logon, Cleta Watson:
Savage. liardringerIVits. A. G. ' : . ' ' ART VirijItIt •
.. . . , -
Savage, tit, Lisiingotone. Beaton tot 1 Animal,. :slnee-ati: Livintoostene,
...,-Mrs, C. R. >cioodatid, lam. w. lee-. Aomiaie, groapotio..M. Livitigotorm.
ati. .Modern trooa atiteli...101.. A.:0• 1iguri4.4. Litingoton. Moine--
Savage, Mrs. C.' R. Copeland. But-. .1yr. : nitoloostotte.o Mo ,roo. 'Grieve,.
Varian -X. Livingstone.. Mrs. A. ,,G. tantisna..44 laoloostotto moo.' A,
SWOP "Swedish weavin Med, A. .0., savage. Fit-Dr..;Dm, Germ,
6, Savage'. Mrs. W. Logan. Vioral . x tavirigotone, anowers.,-3M. Liv-
dishon, oi1lt.-51. Livingstone, 111m,A. ingstane.opr„ .Ino, Gol0000 -coottp; of
0, Sitvalteo Aliddinnen-Wire* A. -0. six paintings -Mo, Livinfratote..' .
Savage. Mrs. C. R. OPPoltlnit, ', Water COrom .
• 'Needlework ,
Speeimen tatting.5. Livingstono, Gono0.roaosollpoitr ,A.
Mrs. W.. Tatting engeS'n
Copeland,,Mrs. A. 0, Swap. Mar.
riAtriost, Acio. G. astatvfiangoe.::„.),uirrAs...t.BC,uomoig: cinGeturtan.:4, Llis;vegeet;_tineg,04;1.5ttstrosx ..vt 0. it
eblontt0(1.0.4tann,otteierbrelloin"d(1...51'4 .417;1104)13141 '--g• Ltv ng... .11 cous
itig*"' i tlitloener•
M. Livingstone. Irish "'crochet...1d , 4 milce. an ist 0
Livingstone!» Xrs. A. Go Savage. s . -( ess).-at - north! 0
Faney knitting, cotton -1%1m A. ,G, • , PPla,,,„, le, ,,,,,,, n .
'Savage. M. Livingstone. Hand heni- o!'t" tng!Ar.e7"-" 4'iiitAll'gr a,. '''„a„„s.,.,
.moog4„,..arro, W. 4.0ftna.s.„- htts. A. G„ tel...11- Liaorigetoote tn. A.
Savage. Rand liem3titehirig.41rs. age. 1criOon ' (light aba - . A. 6. .G. Savage, Mrs. 'ece, j. Dtekomo. ingstene. Drawing from 'east-otirs.
Otonion nemstitatamt-,mts, , oo, G; 0. E. Copeland. M. Livingstone. Pert
Savage, M. Livingstone. • ' and ink--joSephine Woodeoeln . U.
Dining ROO* Furnisitinga IdvIngstm,ne' ,,,, ''._ ,,,_, - ..,,,,,... '-
Table miner, embroidered 51 ry "cev411"1" '"'""--u"""' '
Ang article, i rlalistie• design -We.
W. Logan, Dr. Ono. Griene.. Cenverto
Sinai design -Dr. Into Geratre, li.
Livingstone. Liistrii or mat work -
Dr. Jno. Ge00.0, X. Livingotoae.
• Figure subject...M. Livingsteran
Ornaromot or vase -M. Livingstone.
• Collection. 5 views, tiono •1027-21..
• ConVentional design -Dr. Jto. Grieve:
• Collodion 5 pieces,' any other kind or
wortro.M. „tivinoteteren Zed pleco
sealing wax ar,...M. Livingstone.
Wire. C. II. Copelend. Boot aseorted
hoopla Of painted flowersooaroo. A. G.
Savago. Best assorted hooch of wax
flawers.-Mro, NV. I. Dioiroon.
FLORAL Exiturr$ '
cut mourn -
Alters, DI Motets ono varly, one
t$11e-Mre. D. -McCallum. Aatere, 4
colora, a blooras of -each color...Mrs.
.D. McCallum. Mro.ino. W:fioni.t., Col.
lettion deldiaa.-Aliee Oilleopie. Mee.
jne. Wright. Gladioli. 41- aniteS-
Mrs. D. MeCaliam. notn, Wataen.
.t.wee Peas. disoiroo tolora obovon
h Fall Fair and School Fair
• Cagd EZNI.b39, in Inside Departments, Par•ticularly in
144i4iceWurh an Dethestii-Sclince
ScboI Lir Exhibits Extensive
and Excellent in ua 1 y
104•=4"••• ....0,404 r ,
On Accout of Rahs the Outside Exhibition Was Called off
and Society Will Not Attempt Any Further
Exhibit This Years
t Tiho Myth fall fair was on:No(11,1W cahoot not jeoktoo.
tor Wedneeday an4 Thurnday of hs,st i
c . lt a. ,c, d i ,
Is 14 j 112 e njnoetion vii.th, the Poll Fair. lino, . Hata :bushel '111',,Ctof1egar'ly pototoes•--
, fo P.InatOIV l'.3414.°931):1e. on the, nada ' nary wood. cboa. Twatson. Iraif
41°\,°"11(11 f4,th•-•mx:Itga 11.t.,h1,11,1`4111,,,in„1111,1 'Wallet,. tato potatoOS.....las. - Canting,
,Iempt g .to -holdnony auroor eonont. .1to.a...11.ts. W. Jelforlt„ , .Joe..... Cum. in...g..
&It: ean'daptio--,dive-on*ilo7.-4,no -n-at*-ant:, Chas,. Wirtsoli. Six garden earroter
ggla Aim, ..T4.441te, W44 4 fairly Si..4,,,11j.1 C1.1 M.AOrt-...M.I'S 0. W
il:iltd7;:iNA*.t/T:t Da: 411 ' inelde depart.' Dielmon, las. •CtlattM,,. .SiX 4:boots,'
-ThVgall;/:100-P-Iblilr. ea. in ladle o' wort: 'lade imeo.xoundo-Mreo , D. 119tecallent,
'and. tio.41"i4t0 . getql;a13. . ntel 00 aNitt* l'Are.• W. Jeffery. .Six.Swede turnips
hits of . the. aiehoot 'Children 'were • ex. Ileatson, jr., R. Hooter, six
' WiSiVO toliatt) 4k.21Alett#0,11,taltY. *r.lio. z..tar beet . mongol'd, Willtai.aWm.
" e v4nuettr W`le''rxit.14$ A°44(1".7.3 : ' ,- : Trn:/Aor; *Gray Bros. ,Six Mangold
•' ' :, ' wIlraida, . Yellow interroedi1ite...1, IL
Oire.linalle: WI Ito toll vil1oi41--Igi3• Uneven. ' Six mangold wilr*ele, 191g
Welter Jeffery.' • .0tai- .tinstiel. oix-riovoonalrirt, ttaylor: : One nie.optutPhill-'
led' bailey...WA , -.Wiglituralt, o OM Mts. W. J. Dickson, 1.7mo Tairlero
Usher elllail n'-•-'an*ortalveY -.Lethdr* .011e putnottili.-11re, lio p:Snelyt: Wu.
/and. One:half husliel.titriothy ased W.' 3, Dickeou. .0tie equash...Dr.'
n'o.Ntr'-'• Wro-. CtulllhvghOln. Mil lin*. Joe. Grieve; Chas. NVotson.- ,.-P•seit of
.1rel e1Overifle01.i4t4kr;r0 Letiie*ildi ,yz.),10tit oltiom..k,11... Lotbertand, • Mrs.
Bilt hnat etallts ensilage forn-D. Ile. ,p, ivrolOilltun. . -Unit :,,.:Fallon • 'sillier.,
. . . . . . ,
.v101.1108.; . ,omons- . ..
•Two eltrorislar. *Lao,. Grieve, R. B.
gir 3a91/. , 'r w a. y4. terrnelons--Itabert
wil S. .gnall.° .1Pw1 li °ads of cabbage.'•
lor,ed....11ro. D. McCallum, Wm.
Taylor. ;larte, . beada.mnIllflower--
-1rs. ,I, W. Dicksvon, ...TWO 11040% eel.
arY-4Dr.:- ;boo Grieve Six' ears Plitt.
torn (braided)...J. R. Reiner, :..,,Six,
re ' sweet- corn (braided).-arillt.
litmano:Onin Wright,
d Troub
as Afraid 1. Walk
Araood the House
II ..., $1 Folness* Oil, .
d, . wit..: -."A few yisetx ;
op ttou ed very mitoh with, My Siud *oval.; vela ell run down d varieticio of avintooroonPn-
o 'Teri Oda hada. , .. litcs 4 triRVneldok Mrs. 41/io.
• Northern Spy....Ruesel
GOlden Russett.-Poissel
Riehrliond. Roxboro Poresett.-aussel
***id to *elk ereue4 the lir
the wey. rel. boort wouta. jump Riehnton
boat. .
*mit to the doctor to get relief, .13.fehmotai. Maano-Iltisset Rich.'
e did ono no toed. then treat notid. Box • y hind. of apples -Rua.
soother sail the* to ticralnOra. and
' boort ond nerve*. Were is be4
• completelr alseouree
4. Toe to "
tot Rictinford, . D. Tierney. Weal-
thy -.1. IL Tier • y, Gray Bro. Any
Aber ,variotY. no led...Mrs. `Vtr jet.
5Met :4 'it it001/ . Named Ouna.,
nay rariaty.-Aiena Smith. 3.. H.
: Rower. Collection o plums, five Of
aoll-Alonao Smith.
Dairy *butter in orock, 0 ita.-i-IV.
Dickson* Mrs. .1no. Wr It; Mrs.
1 McCallum, Dairy butter prints,
1 lbs...Mrs, Ilitin. Tayler, 5 s
leffory. Dairy hotter in roll, • lba.
...5tre. T. -Wright, Mrs. D. 51eCa um.
,„„„s At, a..i. 3weepettiltes, hest butter shown, to
It4riiItl 1404-1"7 Iwu •"*°_,"'",a,, 'lion) not Idi than DO Poltits-aitt -
eh *mai X hod golnea te-* ruu`m. 'W. Taylor. lloitio refelored lard,
lai *MP t(i'dart I 14" 3* lign er .1127 1.1)3 --David Laidlow, 51., *31110.
Meat troublao - .f -- o -
441 always *arise sur er Jay Usual wmilt. .
se we your Pills, ever Ante X woo' ' 4,PIARY AND ()Vigil l'ItODITOTS
villierelkoi my troeble." s • Roney in combo a fgAtions.Alontto
ifirbir.s+p Matt and Nerve Pais aro -Smith. Maks emirs, one quart, pre -
Mo.* box at all druggists er dealers, *or.t near% niake.-Dare LabIlasY,
ittolloged direet 04 toeolilt of Prteo bY rtnaml 11141746nd. Otte doZOn heafe
WPM T. MOW% Coo lohnitioat Toronto, - egge, ,to/iite shell...Annie aielated,
Mtn. ate. Wright. One dozen lten's
bromn simil-Mary Wood, Mrs.
W. jeffery. /hard eeao, 4 lion -Ors.
Duncan Laiillaw, Mrs. V.% .3". Plehsom
DOME -611C i'.;121.kirt-, :
Ilmafl, %Via:: (enti,30 etinutl OW
, 4erat-ocost-51rs. 'W. J. Illehnon, 5tro.
W. Jeffery. .' Bread brown (entire
..rooll ore ?%f R. 13, Snell, Istr. W.
..• Jegety.,. loaf of ratt bread-Mra. It.
, IlietracrAl. ZI•rp„. W. 3. ill'ellsc.a.
t M..19S p,ain ride., cvs Irdr do -ort--
• ,. g . ..I , C Co
• Mra, W..1. Dietson, Moo. David Laid.
f !aro Tett biseaito, one half olozon-
Zaw. Groliarn gown. one Intlf donen-o
Mro.., W. Jeffery, Mrs. Dune= 'Laid.
' eloalel, Itietinzer:d. ISTrti. D. Mk:Callum.
Cooklea. 3 varietieo, 4 of eeoll roiled
-----Mro. D. Me( slim, Mrs. W. jelfery.
1 vorietiee, 4 eC each (ben.
lee --"Tri.. W. ,Telew, Mr'. D. Nlt.C:34.
ltr '.. 1.-i'utt •loyor eote,-"Irro t". D.
l'ioelsetl, 14111. Iv. 3e1W7.1. Parli:
'•,\ .',, '1.' Mi'. c, R. C Totaled.
!In.. Joao "Wv:alit. Sorn, glogorbroad
--Mr.e, ‘1,1',, X- Dielist)-a. It':1';',1 Reck.,
.1Hrit. II3tiz fro coloc-'Moo, Wo
- Jeffery. 31•10. W. ;.r., bit011. Light
"%wit. rake, ;Mrm. Ws, klery. ns.
.!. Dieloan. tteotch ettv,rthreal-M%
W. J. Dickson ',Tarns, 5 varietioo. 3
eit .a4 -Mr. 0 NfcCallum R B
5•1•11 Pie, tipple name apple used)
, --Mrs. W. jerkin*. Mr*. Dotter.
1.alltoor. Pie. lemort M. D. Me.
Callum. Mrs. /tooled Richmond. rit...
pumpkin—R. D. limili, Mil, no aro.
conum, oil/dodo. X vaVief iv! fl itioli.
allioals-14re, 11.. MeCollum, A. Rteh.
ovule& Filth last. /*illy for /obit -
lair*. W. JoRoinr. ritiT01 preeereed-
Mrs. W. J. Diricsan. Mart Wood.
•StrawborrY Pr•mmtvimt-,--Mti. C.
Copeland, Mary Woad. Jam. 0/10
ioilat natio* fruit. oamood---nma WO..
BM. DIM W. J. Dirksou. Jolly. ono
!Mat 'mitt,. fruit, minima --Wm W.
Agar*. Wm. Sas. Cuushvg Marisa -
bolo. oaf, pi*. %%atilt* fruit. mimed -
Mrs Damao Lanham. Mr* W $
Dickson Phoommio proloormti-Mr*.
D McCallum, Mrs. Robert Wig -M-
ama ape& earnest preservv.4-- -Ars.
Ro.sw1 Rirluawad. Me. Laid-
law. A
.aar.r atataW,,
41. IV, citcf2cz-y. fnaan,
1;:r. aro Wright, Cleta
W ato:-B, Fu nM J. Wv;ieit.
13i. -or. one lionso. Amt. ro bloom -afro,
Jno. Wright, Mos. Jas. (narnimo..
Wirdow loot -Alice Gillespie,
▪ basket-Alico Gilleopie, Mrs. W.
Boot N H. gttei nprinto-Mra.
Wra. Taylor,. 17,est lbs. bettor-
- Ws. Wm, Taylor. Largest and hest
eolleetion mannairol000Mrs. W. J.
Dickson. Best collection pastry cook-
ing from Ililborrea lieurnollusE'01
,SC:r001.. FAIR
tut,ILST it'sx) ci-atx
Spring wheat. ' Marquis, (Inert-,
Lorne snelk 'Margaret Minn. Spring .
wireat Marquio. Acids-7-10rue Snell.
Moroaret Quinn 1fl'om1e,
Connilndlanl. Oats. "No. 144,
sheatooCharlie Bromley. Bar.
0.A.0. No. ;On. quart-Ltly Itow.
ard, Feta Itunking, Eimer (rosse.
• Itichemod,- Money, c':i.
'21. 'sheaf -Fern alunniug. Lfty Bono
ord. Elmer Grooeo. Sweet rev), Gold.
en illganin-itidreria LUd1aw, lioword
Le, le, patio male, 'SUPGros.14, joeig
Iwr Willet Tenter.
'Potatoes, Iriancobbler-Alberta -
CraJg, 3AS. thqttilaAr:' Wilt Little,
Leonora ..abobbrook, Donald Richard.
;Gladys,. Leone. Potatoe% Green Men.
tatii-Oroat Selling, unfired • Colo,
Annie "Craig, Is11)0, ,Rtewart, Jolm
T Wilfred, 3fory Fear. lootateev, P00.1ff
^-•._ Fafirk' Wa.tS011. liarveY 1.feCitlium,
Gordon Caldwell, Donato letiltina, ;
Benson Cowen, Clayton Vets Unn. •
' golds: Giant WhiteSitgornor.d4lie T'A'.' ;
On, LIDA Longman. !Marjorie, Ten, •
• rreohlie: ,Ii."oeloile, Tom Cole, udale. -
; MeGilk Tornio, Iirate,:o Giant 114ng
• oonatri Longman., Vern 1VatOon„ Wee.:
• ett Scerageour. Beth sholihrooli, gen*
trolt Dark. Ited-Gotdort Orli.% Iripia, Alllla orosby, Seth. atiobbro?loo, Bigol.:.,
Grosse..Clora Iltailting. Margaret Gar- X, or-Ear.V... gnth St141.13g11414 1.4.1e A.1.-'..•..-
0 no en •ior,,Margaret,Ooinn, Soltool InoVi tor
• ....- ,,,,,
Toio oia.1,1; lona
raar- aakaartr
'TIME hai been so much in the papers
lately about noostop flights that every.,
body yawns and says "flohtute when they
read about them. . .
But there. a nowstop flight story that never
did get the publicity it deserves, It seems a
man by the name of Maxwell flew into the
Delco.l.ight home office and said, "Our Delco.
Light has run total of 20,075 hours. This is
equivalent to 3$ •YeiKi of average farmservice.
Thisu Rich* remarkable record that lianted
you to know about it," . 4F;I •
Let the nou,stop boys try to beat that one.
But thenr-you've got to expect such records
with a Delco4.ight.
liWIN JINN, Meet, R. IL No, 7. Luelmow.
altELVILLin 011,11EllT, Dist, IdeP.. Bronson en.
aerrante.ina *IV•
rgtriNillienstfora nirdit tiemomf,4114ff
maaternM:010:44:7411ZA=307 *
igOeden ZyOn, tionielflade snrdY--
ness; Irene o Cole, Dorothy o
x Bowes ove-Irerte
Phelan *Mill Pt Robincoo gowiti BelL CunlIft.• Olod74 Creme. -
.Carrots, Chantenoy,..Wen lane
R Lvon Ma'at
ut a e 11( GibritOri "IVO* UtrY LOZtit:44%. IStat
e ,•
. rar$nins. • 421allew • 'Crown-41adys ROWING
Gro -se. 1741/nee Ri1e. {len WOO. Neeette enve in fiannei-o-Ruth
11I -
born, Luella Taylor, Gla dye • Radford,.
Uargaret Seentgeour, liA4een Bohlit.„
son, ,i/and, ileluwed eotkon handket
elde-Men4 iXtultrO. ktaniliZe Ala -wing
si dgferent i4t/te1'es-drene 'raylar.
.Edith. tooth:410 freee, Cele, LAY
i/owor4. Lankbart,. .1 1.tan*
Oardon, Onions.. Tellaw, aloha
-Danver=-411.r.r Taman. Aiono- Selling,
/1O4thell ',Coolifughani. Roth stranglian.
$irtlittr. Colson, George cowan,
Astero-1,1orgaret -Scrirogeoar,
Little. Lily -Ilowarra'' Harvey, Meefoi.
lotro vverro Wight.
• eldog.***Stkott ridisertke, Lorne
Snap. 'Donald Itiehaials. Dols .4ageri
5(111, Ce.eit Cariteo,o, faildwoln,
.7.innta.41,1uvrev Zolitte.oa, Anna Groso
by. l'Jearcard:•Sbobbratiti. (4Iady$ Keeb-!.
Derotily Temee..itairkii
*tripoli - Oferrigoldoalean ooOtecoliran,,
Mary toekliart, Glee Xecnine. Duette,
Taylet, 7.4targaret `..ralenaina..
GrOsse,;. Reword. Leslie, Lillian
'Drentle. •Alice ;. 'Frenein
'Marigolds...Fern Patteroon. Arnint.
NIson. A. Ilawklus. Mar's " Pear*
.rane$t Ttabinsen. palpy liabertsoa. ger. No Inore doubt. tree r
Nre,t4)ena—uftry- TA/diavt. Xtatli struu. /lox then you rat; $nre y.,fur ga*- .1 •
ford. r,inen towel win'. one
Glady$ 'Dram NV/glut:mt.
31eribey Tait, /rege Taylor, tidy i
All =othera pa*. Took anXiety
?.:itr_caigoyt/11..".1.v et34!I dren
Ekierwmaqor gl.ive re1.14:'
TV effects. one sun anti •. •
, ,to o. 000 cototot0000e..o.L.
t `O•
'rite L'tatan trnaby eaaraplett
wa$ Won by Lily" Ilavvied, I
10, Zn.,411. , Alrawaneish: Maier
'Grosse, 041 Lorne lird, 1
both of Sf.l. No. looteet.! wootanoso„i
'were ,awaraca ' ortzeo ...a two :Oooko
• there isto .reore
• . ,
gban. Oars ainiloog. Margaret Onion.
tnents , retain their orighoal
Pronldirt Xacluile. Cosmos, - t000tn, boauti, and, per4ect1on-frao 110111•
Stewart, "Mew 41,taion. 41stbet• 41r0ss0. roageo a moths, ava.....noyt .knis
Craig Telnks-,-,Te$41e *non .„ auglily blankets, earoets, rogt. dodo -
Reel. Margaret . ;Georgo Inet4;1.
" ''4 4 1 1 tX 11 '
Ciiiiriefi P1 ',It* r441$.
Gorilon -Cialdwein mooel .a.lode maths, .aggs„ , isrvae, svros,. ,
leen' *Logan. , Itelnoott, Elsie Ling itir$ told 6114 INSIST out
alt Extra
Then ,-why not re -floor
that upstair store -room.
with hardwood?
OU can trial$e vine.
derfully attractive and
comfortable, and it Wilt
cost you so little!
Letus show' you saitiple,$).
and give you'. an estinigtte
bas con actual measure.
.Woodo Idrei'-, A. G. '. 'Savage. TahL!,
*titinorti other. . hood . trimtning--,.
Irs• w..•:•• .4eftery, • Alyia. Stitmon.
o ..--pillOw„-' - embe.oidered,- - ' net?
• •Considored....11, Llirlogstoile,
4 : .14 - cnpolunci.- Sofa pil-
,low, go design and coloriag con-
.."..1 .-Marr Wood,' Gray . -Bros.
Table t „titre,. etdored linen embroid.
'Galore. _ridge- • table ' coVer-Ziro."
....Mary 1 Pod. .11, •Livingatoire... Ta.-
1-ble eentre -oiored, ',„Otlier tiian• era.
, broldened-o-5 s. W. Jeffery, Airs. ' A.
G. Savage; 0 e_paiir: ..),*(.1../iiad,a.Or-
;taitiS-'5f.- Mein 'Retie... -.- • , -
. •
• . . Living Wfra. Vartilshlogs
Buffet set, :i e.- s, ealered iin.otao.
1 Mrs. •W. JOfferao Mo -., A. -G. 'Savage.
tBliffet set, -3 1)1(141 "1 to itelinenooll1Y.
tr..: Stirs" Mary Woo White ciao;
';.tre,embroidered.oMres, G. t3avage,
(.4rav, nano Pair tray e ith§-11ra,
, C. 'P.- C 'ol .1 M. • A , Savage,:
Luncheon - Seto 7 pitoes, whit -5Iro.
C. R....Copeland,. Dr. ',Trio:. rieve.
ILuttelleon eet, 6 !deems,. colored-- Mjr.,
' rA. Stioson,„ . Mrs. C. It. Cope.1 nd:
x Tea cloth. -4..;6 inches ono mere, 6.-
'broidereclooMyra Stinson, M. A. G.
Saysige. Tea 'cloth" SA incite% or
rr.ore. 'A 0 Koojeoenhitie Woodcock,
Mo. W. Jefforo. Table: Irkttt,, era.
elieto 3 or 5 set -Myra Stinson; Mr.
A. G. Savnge. Silt merVieitet, OM.
loro,idened--o-Myra. 8th/on, 11to. ,C. It
Ctipelandio, Sin setnieitr.M., any other
414/71.1-1Nr. tavalgstone,, Dr. , Ala. Afrodhlyii;,.mri.„... jrt,,,. weght.
? Grie'm TireaUfast •e- M, 'Living,. "' „
i elor,e. More SejW41/1. ttontre pis. \rot rhants
'color al linen, erobroileradoo-Mrs. -C. negoll1la li.&n.o...Mrl. D. Itealtanal.
i R. f.,.•..aelaittl, Mrs. A. G. Sovage, Cleta, Wattson. Oftext00%to tOotniorz-
i c000toa piezt. orotaeo trininiN1,31, IMM, ii. ,N;.:,CtiVinnt, "St....ino. ‘Voinht.
4Livirotstetre. Mara Stinson, , Begonia colicetioo, not lees.
. Mrs. d'oe. liVererlit. •Coleaso-51re,
t• astimput- Faralobings. - Jam. Wright, Collection 'foliage,
[ „ Pair pillow slips, embroidoredoo ' sionts-o-ollaice Gillespie, Clete Wet=
OGesks. Pros,• Id Livingotone ruit • tIon_. t7ern, los /louse va(iety-
: /Moe slip*. Any oihtr kind--Nte!„ C. . ----,.----
• ll, Copelooll. Myra Stinson.... Pair : ••-•- --
bond *ado tavola, emt/rai4ered—
tiro. A, O. &Oar, M. Litingatc+ne. ,
pub. koala mode. /mrelt. any ether ,,
• kind---Wrw. e: R. Coptland, Sr*, A.
(l. Rawait:' loth tdron.1 PM fit. -
eletrw, W. Logan. MI.
Capaimid. Dreamt orart and ttooltiont -
to saatett----Mywa Rtinoss, WI:: A, G.
Ilawase. Vsnfty wo.t. A phortm,--'Myos
Ildsumu. Kra. e. Rd ("newton& am.
daft lamp Omni*, itami madli----bitm. C.
R. Newland. Kra. W. Lagoa Pla
tlablim-nrs. W. Lotiaa. Dr, Iasi
• Lads? Pactionsal 'Wolar
Nisi* mak matroWmaci--M • 'Ay -
Mrs. A. G. Illamtum. Night
say maw weeti-Osea wit's%
comtatc1V----4aw^3 ttlottA, tItzm.
Llat,Vallturo (.1,31toction niurtiao-orao.
Nide. (Iota Wiltl.Y.t. nt1P4-41tr11.
F.510galtutn. M. ate. Wright. Tes-
boaquet or Nottet-Mra. 1), Me.
Mr. jtte. Wright. Corec.
,tio`o annutils. 4 varietico.
51cCa1lo4n. Cieta Watooa.
Collett:on pereriatl's. 43var:otioo nom.
ed -Wo. 5tera1lun2. Colicettou
ormo el4ge12o. toy Cit3tr,...,..Vrg,
Cowan.• nteetrel env clef.. a e. oa
:MANVAL TRAINING: RiAtititt?-1; gduStrkil6Itgearel
eupekutfe-,in-mund---r4vuo. pnkt0,. 0 0 0b... Strn true lam '1'
Renneta Otter: (4.0ssx,•;:,.'Teita otrah-4).attle ALL houV.
wren...Ben n
normut ;iteiior4},$), flra,or, Glen guaranteed.A.d.v.
11 IC/el • "."•""--,--
farra gate.-01rner "Groase, Douald .
:Iticharas. Xennetli Lyon, Tom.Saggitt,
-Mitt* Darr, Darritk .,Ster3rAY.:Six
tztote, repeatnier 'Game,
'• rawer Smoot% ,Ctitre Vincent; Lorne
clime% glitter Bender.
,Colieetion, of six linror4..ettuntr-field,
..atrain ;plants. proasedo mounved ond
named -fifty I -Inward. Inert ,enuning-
-ham. Celleetion Of ten noXiouo weed
istoors eorteetly named -Donald; Bien,.
arda. Lily /toward, • 14;41/11 Lockhart. •••
,gatitteen Logan, Colleetion of ten
'zoom& nouraeor woodo, 8b.owing two
riews..-Ehner orose. Lorne. Snell,
Conettion sta
Iiirions. inoteto, showing itaittry done
xtltfora:exora' of 410one:fn. ircoonutulyi.a LTetotn411.
Cele, Melba, Binning, 1)orls Dorro'-itlep,
°IfonaN14,61vIttnielta4ruld.oel.rielltar4.rolin*arliloe 411;114)41; •
Dobbot. Iteerta Lat.linno rata Vila.
emit. Map of. Austratia-4,11ertran/
lieebnie. Allen if.eolinie, Ruth Strato. ,
'abaft, arargaret Jenkhro, Edith Loot: -
tort, Mary Loethart, aVrItingo "Ono
Intim; fit a Tinae"--Iniect ltebbasan,
!,Murnar, Za/mstatt, SKI*. Oka
Gibson, Mirlana liog(VS0b. Ilawo,
Writiograe"Alire' - Margaret ,
Fotherollt, Bertram tatiott, VieDrge •
:Cowan, Margaret Garneorr, Muth- Mit-,
bort, Gordon (-1:nip,: 'Writing, "Jot,
• Gentientan Of VontoAlitt Leith. Irene
TOSIar. Una
Wallace .Tholeal1 Itolatioon.-;
"b130.1.). the
Itanitat"4,. Isabili Caning Theodore'
fotewort. Evelyn *Wightmati. Ratidem
Logan, 44.irtla ,Wraing,
1:1 4,4 of Englana,".-(4ladys tootle,
Sloia' ciare ikrak,:e21-41$
.i.Atatrattl. T.dfanIt';.1 Croivford, Ilutb
1,yon. race iota elittito ritoslratiog
•"T:m Gionev Boy" --Murray
•Zi.EIEBE1,011, .net'traM flevai
Llailaw, 'Margaret fAvirn-
geoar. t'rtyon dr3witig of a vegetahte
•-1.1ooO: .1 .1.'4i"1, ,4;re5:!e, Free.
tn2n "Tonaoo. Bertram Elliott. 3ns.
7q '1t. Manley. O'rayon draw.
tug Nt.istr.-.1ting ‘-Tbree ItearA it/0/, tor
i.'" --The*.. Cob', E.!t..1.!er f4roaFae.
-Ite!ba 11nr1ing, Irene /Ade, Dareat)P,
Munro, Mr.,e41. Drawing, group
or throe- different' wzosWe't-,-1)011Ahl
• 11 It.oberLi -Natirlet'0
110gPrz.‘; Mefle**y„ MAry Fear.
,ttortb loonioit Dr, iwiog. water color.
• ittnsfrotiog ahlte tent pinlitor
1114,!..11: Joke- 11mo-elm.
IfokolieMargaret aeakle.1".
borpe tiarAlng. "Wr041 Toatem. Per1.-
✓ 401 efefq ut%);fe.,.,
urt rmfrorrIc
Itorr 71114 . rev'. V440. t.111.11p
01,0411110•Y . A piti• ph. –Riot. ilniKrde.
Lints* !wish. y Tht Morn f •
Mariam Homo...mi. ('tato Moot I nit
Mall Lena. lagotoir. Koch-
-1.11 y
Mut% Lyme!. itoorov
Snell; /teary Young, Bird house tor 140 inotetS• $11A-T(ts.- , Sate.
cowout •Efitak, To.Tio,r, stainless, aragrant. attre, tvory ot.
vned ac
THE than or woman who would not like
to own a car is rarely met.
;Vet large numbers ofpeople are going 'with.
out cars simply because they do not realize
bow very easy car -ownership really is.
There is no need to wait tin you have the price of a
bee ear. A good used ear offers you just as much
emtdOrt,' nmeh cOrlienlitice, just as quick
aM iatisfying transportation and at far less tom ;
becalms the Wow owner has stood the firm dem.
Wee lo mod look over our Me Median of 00°D
mild cats. tuallalbwitit thin rnt mut bay here with
*Thry modidease of satisfaction. The buyer of a
used ear rassivie the seam csasideratioa hem as the
bsyer of a IMP tat. Wift 00$1011 /II pat as
to ea. Eh satiefactioa is of jest sa greet illtnelt.
Ike ea Care . cheek op their prime .. Airotv that
1.* esomper.;mge of transportation. Una "WU
vddi iippyaa al dallebted nend-Cnt �w-_, "If
ra how easy it leas. I'd have oinked a cot
less NW' •all-S-Mii
tat 0-11141", Moo ofaertog eau ommehaf auf omumfocium of =
me of Mew