The Goderich Star, 1928-09-27, Page 5THeatsDAY, _SEPT. 27t4s. 1928
... the woe:, ire coet and surely vete !
Fly Tox, Flit, Flyoide ferreti to the enable: w.tles -,omeentee :
with power to igt.
' The Mayor A.:petted that 3V.E.3;
Sure Death to Flies Sharman wietted tu llave smle trct'es Claire Pentland, Dungannon School, Wins Spotton Prize '
' en St. Davide' lite r: t 'fitYlCd, Q7u -- -
, alio mentieued the n41 et eerae 11
*OP °
for Past In Public Speaking
inavel on the end uf Trafalgar ,
' etreet. These matters were veferred
to the publie wem
orks ienittee.
: Another minter the mayor mein ' A.(QUIT THEMSELVES SPLENI)1DLY
toned was the Codereet balers low ,
regard at Toronto fair. 'There
',no doubt now that the GotlerLli band . Rain Mars ther'Event to Some E'xtent, But Exhibits were ,
f' slam second piece in its class. The ENCellellt letid Numerous
entrolee bard wort first wttle a mere
! of 95 Per vent. and the judge etated ,
that the bend which he elacee secone • In spite of heavy rain eming on Platen:en, Geo. Alpe. lierece si...:0,i!
Goderich goot 93 'heats. the third bend ee. i . ,
Plume 9° in, i a 1 t th t the eeeend ieeel3l lu tee at - ' ' p i g • p t 3 1 ,
, Et tie on # a - e ,, :; terneou el Tuesday, Willie, Inuneetres, ream. Thouninge 1
..".....4 s , \%
tie %GI:let-lot ligindtit eitr.. I. 111:,, desavynotfu,t4h0o bSetkitevtlyefizepet futtui;,, , trir,tietilkiike, 3;41 lt)140:11tvanliiii, aniar.Elizi,„,441.:Ittiec,ec.i..1-11-1.
-- ------- - . - -e-e'ee" Goderich bend as being thO One 410 • though the Mamma Of the weathe eprovai getrerd
THEeee e v : , , , re *Itclide fteet-arndleigerd ,eplagintel.
doe not see tho VatiOUS bend% nor are fortunate tavble the ; miner, itevevid eteeeneig, iglu 'meet
titles he know them he' name $$ eleY large church seith
er outside recaEMI'thene, eau . meet white engeregenee Amine ,
to take place iut eeection nieree Knot rah (.4. jltuutwo. Ehtyu ,
large . tier. Turnip. Driteene Glatt King --
iettbert, et tegelite,
play, merely by a member. In some slumber of exhibitsgentd they viere Govtion Meleonald, George Webster,!
way the announeeraent was made 'splendid noth in fluent), and weather,
--1Nriiiiii-Atiplicantsforthe Position-4)CA ssessorand C,ollectoy wrongly and '11wag fnutoelle- erel the enemata who tried to see and tlradl ',g1311),!allsaaeue1111%,ettlivre1 _
erieeetentiiii-thirdeplartrensteadeof lige -inside-the- eed-eth - - "1 in .. Vole, . Yee.. . , .
. .epat.e was taxed and the young ere. ileete, Detroit bathe 11eilealeorntily 1,
secotel. Nis Worehip thought con-
oratulations from tho eouneil would tor- had to vempete against roosters, ltellk Theill rare, A. Yointg. Alma _
he in order, are a resolution to that euas end pet dogs for a hearing, to Audereen. fliltla P11)314104 RaPnonil
circlet leas made. say nothing of the Wee of eonversa. Derle. (larrfette Caantetlaereer;arl Fin -
Twenty -Pour Ballots Taken But Result Not Decisive Reeve, Turner advocated a general tion among, tlioseWere too far tegen, Anna Invite leatbk.en Thom,
Save the Woolens from Moths
,with Sapho Moth Destroyer
Council to iveleet Again itt a Nikreek trimming up of the trees on the away to hear all that the epeakers Velma, Brower, Goreon
many casee being much too low. were. equal to, the oeeasion, however, 'Crowne-Arnolit Craig, Nellie elrensum,
igeneeere et the town coning), woo the public %irks eoremittele, , 'The; was referred to the Darh.e and anti amid the rather distraeting tire David Sproul, Grace Wean-tete:path
all present for the regular Meeting A YeqUest for aeweers leave of are militia works emblitteee. curestances delivered titemselves ef Charles MeDonald, cora etaley. One_
on leviday night last, with the ewer- eeige front the clerk nate geonted, The tomoval of elides and bathes AR fine a lot of speetnes as you 'amid lone 'yellow Globe Dane -ere -ma
A. request from the Cr., L boata pro tem. . eafe keening till next season was heerd, age. fewer than seventeen eNeila Irvin.
for $1000 to eover October est pay. Chairman G. L. Perms and Secree suggested laY the Renee and. this has boys and gir1e entered the lists to
mente was referred to the finance tarYetreesterer S. D. Croft, of the ;been attenaed to, • • PLOWE118
compete for Mr. Spottones priZe. the •
d I h Buren. Traet Centennial Th th n djourned eor a 6 st f Ilonquet or asteeeeernas, Molece,
streets all over town, tbe !trundles in Were eayinge The Yonthfel orators leaseel Farrien Parsnips. Malone
tion of Councillor Leo- Stokes being aPpointed clerk from the Whine beach to a place of beer at any fair, the best we eave Taylor, Darbare Netee, Anele Sproul,
tommittee With power to aet. •o er c e Conite e a 4n..f pr ze te le pu a spea ng.
eheque for renewae of his boevlieg al- a Vent to the, eost oe the eairn and Ile woree committees met and dieetr e the deeire to win the honor of tbe bowler, 4 ora , het% Thriettett hien. ion, 'Clothes, pia aprolleeEttit Turlor,
lea neeese- and asking tor literse :for eelebratien on Labor Dar. A otute- sed various matters referred to them 'Spotton. prize or what, there Was eee. frigate, BOlifinet Of 1/h10X-4111110 •ne- It (n Webster, 'XI‘irjorio Atepontatt,
$atit mere *Heys. This WAS k. 1.C1 ment of the finances of the dee* wes and, on the eouncii reassenehliegethe tainly the keenest Of rivalry among Cline, Barred 10 1. Doomzet ot idle- 114 11 mood, parbare Note, Dore.
to the speeeid. committee. elehinitted bet the treasurer', Oe kW- following reports were preememe. and the .speakers, all of whom„ without nia--Clarit Pentlitini, Alfred, Moabite. tbe \O It eeuinery bageeefaremee
.„ exception epoke well. The conteet- Atoole Oliver. Downie' MeDontild• eteleonaleb /Olen Thom, Etta Taeloe,
The following applizatior,e for count a the rain during the morning adopted: -
building permits were referred to.the 'trimly were kePt from Pulling to tile The finence eammittee meant/need-. nate wete ae follows: lefargerst Me. K4tobener Finnigan, 'Mildred. Anderson. greda rtintoue Dorothy :wale, Anna
fire etimmittee: Prom Oster 'Wine !ball games so that the expected sine ed that A grent of e250 to the Huron Douala, S. S. No. 8. Dungannon. who Bouquet Of Afritait nialegolese-hoelel enema Plain wog dresewilelen
enin, to re -roof dwelliug oll '13reek I plus front this event., was net PP toe TraeteCentertnial Committee en, made snOke OU "Cintiodo,;°' ,Cieare• Pentland, Nnuer, c email I -earlier, Gertrude Pie- ' Thom, aosephine ereephy, Fine Teite
street with retort aspealt ehinerlee.; I what wes 10Ped. The/otal cost oe to deeray the expense oe mfilanig the No. le on °Better )4ethods of Pam- Mean, 4kuole Watson. Doluluet of tor, e+elpia itromeer. Derothy xerde
b h h it a $15550 d inclutli k d uses f in " eet4? 1 V 1 ' X g , 4, •,,
Mr. R. L. L.oyd Yreete enoloeitto Committee were present ask ior few minutes and the finance and pub- and whether it was the stimulus of ("hymen Flitines, Anna Quinn,
lem imp ll!IIIII
ladies' and Misses' Silk Lingerie
at Less Than Cost Price
Ladies' and Misses' Gowns, Slips, Bloomers.
Vests and Stepins, ete., in sizes 36 and 38 only, at keSe
eeptionally low prices.
Ladies' Knitted Suits, Sweater Coats and Pull -
ver Sweater a at clearing prices.
_ _We have just_received our fall shipment of Cur-
taining and Overdmes.
• Why not choose your new Window material now
while our assortment is large.
E. . H MBE R _T
Next Door to tho Standard Bank
from en Je linker, to erect en oune It e ea n NV $ # # an i lne calni-on Harbor Par an 'eXPe 0 * 0: MP 0 e$Ven# 04. # calentlula-Ralpli C'emeeete lierlin• Com tair$. 1
on tIRmiltnit ztroet. of fralll With this, the does exPensee were ee441/0. tee celebrat,ion on Libor Day, thirt- ‘Settool Pairs:" 13art44:4 Neale. S.4S. dette-Royie, greda rtintonl, Ruth ene
Patent reek •I'aced fire -proof roofing,. 08, receipts $978.10, $248.58. less the Collegiete Institute he Pale $2000 No.,12. on "Earl Haig," Etta Taylor. Quillen, tellere gioiheret tiordon MANIteelelentAINING •
from P. E. Pritlham. to reeetiree roof than tire eitpenstia in addition there, on their levy, ehe title to be eeted Oct, !Apo ft ont No. 12, on eThe Plopeers>" nobineon, Bouquet or
of building en elie onest otde of tile was the met, of the p11111' being(re leit; and that the (.101411071Serete 1)c t}1 Y Nf'alee, front the Sante $hel$g# soulft-0,, Uorl.uon, pert wityavd,
l'*rellell meet" Itoemlialter, hub now roteneThilph
feriertee wite i'C'etk.foeM p4itent 1,41rin. ootod on Toronto street, The 10e1 Messenger and Office RehherY Pollee` on "leoesel,Joseleibui Milrphy. of Ne;, Rosso), exeltitere, Vellatt • Droomer. tiCiae3110,70411:,tv‘t‘,;11410°0,1‘8/01°,31" reetteat„.41/rel?irii
glee; from Miss hettle Valitely, to ,eentennial eommittee had agreed to at S29.60 for 'three years be taken I, on 'The Vella! of R
School r airge
regoof front part of *building on the make up any deficit, after a 14 %b0'1 out, premium to be 'peed annually. tetlyd It,',Irtletige. of Ilo, 2, tot "Iti. of rettlenetegteeeeent %wet wee,
lleIell Timm, Jne St. Merle. llullenet Itinioul, Etta Taylor, Willie itttrdou, i
eaet gide of Ilaltens
miton stree, re:teabie errant m the ' town, WAS madeTheee
, inlie works ' eemmittee re- fluerioee lArtre Nicholson . of. Noe luepeee of eaereoe-aley Doyle, . rar. eruin eugal
m,,tta T„..t $1„p, Avnite, Tesler
‘vinie Taylor, lielen Time. Petit on/
e heedware etore. with petent teak: Red Ter, Croftfrosuggested, ne a felt comniended 'that loge' improvenwet en. 4'Onederenege vome smith, °zee°, , . , i , le exelein erg . .
gie, to rut e i'Wt. te '3 e, Pd the deficit tet the cairn antl day's eel- streets if the eietitions are sufficient,. Stehoo1 Peire." aughie MeCrostio. Salm Tholulleem 'Cleri 1(14)11 114 Bun'
I built ' on. the following 13. On "Benefits tO be Derived, from l-leie Doloi le M et', t g. lielett Thom, 1 era Taylor, 'Merrily
facedeenofinet anti from 4. W.. (Mee- besie, that the toeva council assume stdswaiks ba ,
• On swath Ale of St. Patel& street, ebretiort, e250 i'n round lieuree, and. ly signed atid that the necessary by- Nn. le. on 'T'Iorence Nightingele r gine ot lenesegfeee Trelenvelte Glen
to he vovered and sided witinesbegoe tbat the Centenniel committeelee left laws he, peepeeed and passed; Jantee Phillip, No, ea, on egifeed Ilanieron, Floreeee eteteuillalt. .11
roar . to trimmer the 'bigieling of the plihers. the evesteside of Albert street' from the Great:" Jean CaMerell, Nole, legnewin table bouquet from home
ti f Velle 10-eletee ear the pillar.; the ,'on "The Poultry How -e;" .Annio 00'pm-eon (eameron. Gordon Mil -
side *f tetiebec ,street from Wellieg. SProule.. No. 17, on "The Stapler' ler, efeiba, eeeelerg Willie Ceilre Mar-
CP1401t -81(1P:walks ore thee nerth Side test* theee tun between $300
of Albert street, Ntaeon to Neweate; one gee), more likely near the larger eon to egegesiey. on the south si `e Stanley MeGlattati NO al "Pi.o.•• jorle nteDonahl. Allen Miller.
. toethe meth eMe uf tittehee; Weelme- element. ' , of $t Goorgp•o cresceet from wee. Pose of the AnteMoluler potereritg
41.1 hote P'`g3e.q.4 of St, Tbe Mayor -commented that the Unto* to.
,of e.roln 0t#4•1. ges•t R*i,idet Gthoe eriele enirn WIte easily' the beeteon Wselliegten tWo aeWteertloeorl;o0o; nenth'tehenoeratsht g!'a,nNo
1'114„178,431oa4n#*:"T•.'•1he, Plarreg• edegs
se , of geeop, eh lterVela-'mpell• ear!. R1e1ed41oI."e.
, miaorloe
GeorgeteCrecepton1hetoVod'MofrOin Wide,ef gorge, reecet frem rieultueJenThom No n aeon WbserGerge Werbneoetelle
'-•=440;44W-tx••••411, '4444# •041#31-0,•-•*'•* film SI)0!-Verele$ freni the DerSiOrtol „side 0e yeentuktou,seeeee ereni rum ,' Iiilliefet-Or#Btla-e.Otir-ordort -ln 0
Cambria to Vietoiia, were '-c et to Dey celebration it was telt the Atm
A leiter from aaIrs and efays, op. sournect. - o , 1 ,tiino, of tile thingennOn -8011001# Wail Rehm Cameron. . Anna Irwin. Deem
ell 'l -1A, . tk4i
. _ #.4rf•tri tregsvry oonki stand a grime en &gee from Cambria., to Victoria , 11.4 ing (ieenteiliaikinlOgniatillidentbed4f°14 it; :Tr:1%17 AVC:0thazilt4et0* (-4. COIr'glelieliVt OS1'1'0.311111 T4013';
3-1 1; tO West and on the south side of the 'regale el)
e ' P250. bet the Matter was referred to '' higheordete a troe speaking and ertineton. :Norman enenneild. Pen of
ee • • . cement sitiewalks previously. decided seelT 'toot „all and elone wen, lee eiree-weorkerels and 2 pulleteeeleorge
Bylaws . in connettiou with six
fee fin:lute committee. to meet at the '
,,,,, ou were passed, mid the, c mei etie inverdea first place to Claire Penn, Webeter, Jean Webeter, ltobt. Irwin.
ease *f the comma meeting. ,,
that the relieilding of the veer part
e eni o to de I with the notiointment (gamete/1,
The eouncil met again on TueedaY r armspinegep/ On "liet ter lelettiode ot: Thom, Verne Plowman. :rOrre
eecood to Etta Taylor, Knit
_. behalf of Smith's "vet Store, elaimee
of east '1 -111 of the store was.liende r 11- -a -- - of No. 12, "The Pioneers:" tierce Mouth Ifoelek7-tfee:Orld'oaitir'3,°IfillBera:tart!'tillY;
a, nevv assesser and couect,or. eee,,e,,e4et , titre t, 0 a v egi, No.. 8
neeessary by matter from the, toWn't, a
-Wier leervingerottedethe entallv--Thie . eeeee-gureeeeeee one n. 4.....A.,,r7". Aei,v,etici,,* . ;I'll:Pert lel:leaf: e• ethi LioIrci gut- gUelicrer'TofiniII...4nGellor(g;Wejhelter,IV'teelhiltreeld**
Nine applicatfona were
... *les referree to the publie . '1 073 et "ee eneeene, ee fer eteeet"-e . '`e...° 0 e jrnitueoce."- There poottond, Teddy Thompson, remise
econanittee. ' . . , t,eaemeveeerre1e1; ``waiaifseed`3.",paTeat,TeaenevvAale waer-eu MII7foit; prizet hitt the judge #Thenvpsen. rah, of %vette geeberue-
A eon* more opplicetions for the :uvulae, rag F. Thomsen, etie gave fiten and sixth place to DorotoY Eileen Dreamer, Clion eleNeeeDorotbe
ertson and Dr. 'W. P. Clarit3? Hillailie . Neale 444 "1110 XdGratt"
L McLean, were Told on the table.' ceution of re' "McDotald, Frank. 'eleQuillhe Margaret
epesition ' of assessor and collector, ,
' fromeeifessrs. A. P. Somereall and W. members of the council With the ex- er i
t' 11. _ r andeowe neorge Alton, Sam. Thome-
The Canadian &trete, Co. gave a ent ore the council' all ' expressed
Councillor. Lee were pren- eee't=e,a2n9 11111(11 to egetTeenid1017tereenntt, e014; son, Vieille Irvin, Willie Vernet... Pair
. ere. in the mindelPal offieee A4 the eel- Lee's
I ;lector froluontlY ,h40 a large 0 ,,eura ye The council weet %to
, hold up or robbery- during oflice hours
i caeh dialog a eaee 00"coleell, 4.* teie whole and Councillor Bailie lete4 banner depleted the sehool houste. Mill ae
quotation on polio to protect against their
, for a few' tlays if bv such aetion Mr• wasutniade'dlyrneenet
desire to postpone the matter
presence might be secured..
conunitteev red and white. The boys evore red
bows and the girls red -scarfs. Their
the tandience. S. S. No. 1, St. Aug- (attileolee001;1:8gorintrpAl'erteseart7e,ae3:1117:1,.e'rraete,:i:miotililtk'e:iit:eio::"(.101,110tait!
the wands decorated in
through a very pretty
'Sena Oameron, Neely "road, Louise
Tt otopson. Pair
' was theughe good business to put ed, seconded by Councillor McLean, indbeet, Willie Taylov,
geese --Etta Taylor.
• the insurance en ul) to S1000, This to milourn for a woek and to hold a irh.a dr.111 7aa flawed 1)Yd a st:Pg'•ring goes. Liaivtu*KNineg°,3'/Ilaellai"Altore Grave
' was referred to the finance corramt. nieeeitie in the daytime, when it Lee
A , notice from the clerk 0f, the u; or Inoia, mul, Af t er. 00rte aii,,,,,,x. natty cape of e'ed tissue:4M a pretty Went
berheatt AtiF pet -Willie' Pine
I Donee of the number of jurote re -s. s. N0 1 Nneer(:isratrielt Mtuplineeeoreeln floele•
WEEK OP OCT. I to 6 /l'' /. 1 '1V1 ' - dance to the music of the phono- ,
euired from the town was referred ;tiourinntivitigss-.Igalivic?!1001114anCOnalTailitobros graph,ihaaeStidansneentg eleepiscentingg; a ship end 1 Perrier. ‘.., .,
'Tode, Sun. Thompson, 'tweet
the boys and girls were dressed afe 1 LIVID STOCK
terg.sailor- fashion- with white caps I _ Draught er agrieulturel eolt--Ilele
with blue boucle. They went throire pan
a nice Piece of lance' drill,- °nee& " Forme Melt Weitherhead. Dept Ital.
Folconer, Matednier Ramege, ;kW
gsa,rityguanagdavengaevna, tithe: iivielteeeS" e801111001; ; ter (Molten 4'4I13- -1)4(11 Weateeritead.
gond advice taidehieceeithae 8°hUrUee'lliiiingWtitieellteSentehil, i 63.04)-- IMI-P'<reari. Ykwhinley Ramage, !tell-
eleeping With email 'windows and teener. elerket Mtn% under
mageleating one's food well, were i 11111:11111171.--IA'.°111•9tsiner'tuIllejaerll' ITT°111r°/Tri3efleell.;
going through the raotione to rtinsie,
the girls gave n pumpkin drill nicely, from 100 to 220 lbe.--Leurine•Millen
Allen Wier. IThion 3iiiier. Ilest beef
Diake Alton. Beet baton tom
emphasized in Song. A number of Them.
Their banner wao golden color. S. S. (elle OM' fed•-•Nrel Todd. Veit
Crete°. Their banner was purple with Teeeor,
ext. Wentberbend, Illalte Alton. entropy.
Zoe Foram, fleorge Alton.
No. 15, Donnybrook, gave a niee
gold lettering and the pupils wore fleet beef Me. born alter ZOnnary 1#
headliande or,porpie With gold fig- 1023 --Neely Todd. Murray Taylor.
ures. S. S. Selene, with a reek 1t11('1114' 141, fle-orge Alton.
red banner and gold lettering, sang Senior beef <ale September 1, 19eet, to
a song nicely. Other schools rote- artillery 1, 102,4-Ette Taylor, Itonalel
seated were No. 2, West Watvanosh, 1(4 id ellerlie McDonald. llilden
with sbantrooks eromjnent in their miner,
e stewatt
'Phone 105
. - - - - MYRNA,-LOY AND - seesor to een ti e names. , . +he Reeve sold Councillors Sproul,
ANNA MAY WONG Ille Onante, conungtee r.oported Gould and Creigie 'against. 'The ine-
ilt a flaming, unforgetable love story thee the Goderieb Organ -Co. had tion was declared lost.
of a Chinese Madame Dutterfise A 1)ald the sum of $700 'on Mortgege aS Reeve {Turner then inoved that the
glamorous romance of Nan To And agreed; and recommended that the eleetion be not held until d full vault -
the Chinese Coast. treasuver's statement be filed and il we r sent and Councillor Date
velvet a number of atcounts be paid, lie s e c onded. Councillor Oraigie
eTIIE CRIMSON CITY" ',the latge4 of Yehich was $2,000. moved itt amendment that the com-
ifonetit peyntertt on. sidewalks to Dell mittee of the whole Megan and go
' levee. ' bael: into touncil and,- Omneillor
_ _ The reelle works comtnittee re- giunninge seconded.
VLOI lei li Bab MOtiOn
WEOrtr.,aDtekY end ThivRSDAY commended that a four -foot side- and amendment were subsequently
A stellar east headed by . walk be donstruoted on thenvest side withdrawn, the feeling seeming to
GALVA GARBO ;of Ginbons street front' Britannia prevail that it woidd be 'foolish not
road te Regiate street as a le°111 illee to go on and try t6 eneke int oppoien,
shows evhat really eutimens behind peovement end that five-foot been', merit. C o ter rilloe Soroul moved,
the scenes in the life of an netress improvement sklewalks be built, as seconded by Tierney Reeve Craigie,
vim low the world lit her feet. Ex.. Ter petitions, az follows: -North that "eve proceed," *and Reeve Turn-
eiternent and tenmextuous romance side of Breen etreet ftom Albert to er, Councillors Sproul and Gould and
Abound In , Cambria:, north side of Brock street Deputy Reeve Craigie voted for this
"TilE DIVINE WOMAN" /flint Camlnia to Vietoriet west side lied Councillors Murnings. Bailie 'and
CHARLEY CHASE COMEDY : of retain front Britannia te Elgin; McLean against. The Mayor then decotation and green and White
. 'Kingston to Elgin. and eolith aide of T
A was then decided to ballot or', loRVIT
",ALL FOR NOTHING" !west side of , Stanley street from voted for the motion, which carried vesites. U. S. S. No, 13, With white .
the number 12 on green headbands,
banner displaying maple leaves and Collection of 5 varletlesi- winter
eir. Stratton Made a fey,' eOngrall- appIeeeeMste Doyle, Allen Miller,
Alex. elackett, Willie Taylor, Lautene
Intory rernaeks end pointed out that Miller, fella trioldr. rolleetlim of ei
twenty.five yeavo front now the boys varieties foll. alleleeeelAllrlue 11111°P.
to the ma2or. the eletk an4_ the as- „Mayor- voting for , Dia./notion anti
"SAY Wien'
i, Bruce from Vieteria to North. the eandidates. dropping the low
FRIDAY and SATURDAY 1 The fire committee toeorted bay-
, men and 'then letting the high man
, trig passed all epplications for hullo- come up Against uner other one of
ReeN01111. i
in et ebrrmg . thrill, pecked mina ing permits referred tie it at the last tne canaldatea who might be eugxeste
. .
The matter of Painting [bo interior ballots Were taken. Sotee candidate 1419111°88 A &felon Eldon
-jammed with adventure, fights- -and- callaail meatIng' and gals of today Would he doing the A en • . ! • IPI 1
ed. .This system proved a lengthy
splendors of the Canadian North. of the new grsma dame that is 11 1t5 who would stand high In several bat- had a great responeibility en, bringing DOMESTIC SCIENCE
of the country and parenta :Inner, Ltto ley or, Dorothea Ne:de.
ItOroctuee. Set among the :iconic. These reporte were adopted. one anti no teever than twentyeeour
"MICKEY'S BAME" Ivided for in the contraet but it WaS any votes on the first ballot:and liS boys and girlo in liuron and he yas Willie Toylor, Plorenee Craneton,
Loaf of white bread -Jen (lei:wren,
"RANGER OP THE NORTH" :floors, stepo, posto up to the railing lot'- would be defeeted by some can- up their children for the duties 11(1. (1
MICKEY MAGUIRE, IN , was coneidered. Thie WAS not pro- didate who perhaps ha& not 10 C1%( or theni. lelr. Spotton said he had
bad letters from several hundred i
. Matinee Sat. at 3.00 P.M- I tO the wood to have it done. The the vote war; not constant. As it 'elwasne glad, to hear fool there %I lelen Thorn. EMIL maytor. Potato
0 send them the beet literature tt ali elladgeellfred retained, lit len nom,
' I thought it evoule he a good protection between candidates who stood he h
Coining 4!The Waggon. Show." contettetor bna made an offer to do ceenied impoesible to eome to a de- e
was miblisbed by the Dominion Go e elatiorleseteDoneld, Etta Tolor..Toin
io adjourn, the comraittee of the berenitnriteontte80tReatri suweet they tuott fb!rarnerisonnisIn11_,,Ildastrviiitenigsaleni!roltelf.-ag: tiii
Annottncing „,.., on Wellington 'street was pre- elated. On account of tbe Vet Ina -
An amended petenort for the side- the bagpipes. whict, were duly appm. len, Vera leglor. elanetret Andretve.
sented, this one fixing frOin Eight ther the eports eould not be lwld arid rilinitloteullieileireorit a°e-tahleeeream;Itatn Iel'Illtn3
r aring the 1)1.°1-3111. Wil red 1611e. di:ill:en' It le:tilidecnite eneloremee Mteltill.
etrOidllan, U. ?Ingram!.
, . f :tem. gnmerote ' Jean Votater. Ilalf.
t whole to he called together again by it :
0 , the rnayor vrithin a.week.
, Quillen rgave teveral 1:1 el a ti i n 11 -4 on
otreet to the Creecent, and this was the judgiug compotithm aba lied to Taylor, Jean Ctunerou, Eresla Mitten'.
6 The inatallation of a Frigidaire equipment which , substituted', for the one previousiy
'referred to the public wares commit.. The 11112e winaVrg w"s as ""°v7s1 ' Etetntre'reolttreentallePII;ebetr ifisfat
Taylor,' Preen R111t3t1 Ilay
ToNI6r, 'Willie Taylor.
Colleetton tzte twelve mimed noxious
we:len-Freda 'Linton!, Etta Taylor,
Velma Dromier. Willie apieler, (lone
Webeter, liorothy Neele. t'olleetiou
fer tea native tenezurrelek woodee-eitta
hot Ike titan 2 ft. 0 inn Ileig--Etta.e„eeeneew.),-
.• The West St
• etelon Willie eletelore rreelte
eteraire Peet itl, Elie Taylor. WIV
ltelea0foi' awed Rutledge Doin•g
le al it •It.- Meoretten'
(-14iP 431.11PshIlvinilt,
of evergreen, 3eeves--411tit %nylon,
Willie Taylor, George l'eelieter,
'getout, Ralph 'Carteret), Jean cine
t4e0oann, (..• .ccolplbeesttelonr,...moftel4let„uato:;::: i4tuutti:
tienled• inseetsgeltet eletylog.'
itetevel.a. Fiettlean,
• _
• IWAMOTO, ART' AND '‘.\11,113.XO
XII) Of atiron-.4Vinie Sprolii, Vera
Tityloreltetymone gt. Marie, Cecilia St. _
mole, ,e0ouitie Miller, Murray Ttly.
tor. effteneeeeeeltoinle eeneritee--eolin ....-............. .
let eratee, Mir'.- Dtnv„ Ervin. Illutotil, oe•o-eggeoegge-- --------- eergerige, oe--e,,,g_ne.
Dorothy Nene, Eileen prOOnier. Rtio, i
eel eleleterte Mop ,of worlde-Vietea ,
lor, Verontea St; Marie, W11110 TaYlor, ' ut. sTOLK
nr...„t,„ 1:4eph gt, 'Ittarie, 1.ltre: Tan,
elm eictlete Writing "Evening limn"! •
--jean Perfect., (*Milo . St, :,ildrie,!: i.
.31tirrity Teylor, Nommen MeDonala. t '
Prank eteQuIllan, liiille eletehire.
Writing "A: r,341127113'-.14(1311,41Smith,
Electrical Sho
We carry a go4t1 siocit o
Electrical Applianeet
Fixtures, etc,
We Specialize in,
Wiring cf. All Ximle
EetitnnteS given ort
• apphcation
All Work Guaranteed
Frank McArthur
Phone 82 West Street
Melba Fowler, e'eta Taylor. Lucille
tette, Lauring Melee, Lot o leplearen. I
Writhie ."Leleartel-41.1011 eletentIttie
lelotenee etetennlave Llleen Ilrotnner.1
Doroneyeettillee. Annie Wilmot', Ruth
Renege. Weiner; nue
wevehurt liroonter; *Veronica St. Marie.
Carmen Farrier, Verne Smith, Etta
Taylor, leobel eIllier. Certoon, origh
onteellelett •Thout, etneelt .• St Marie, .
Dorothy Neale. Wilma Tneeavene
ilibla Bite Taylor. Nivel,.
eking poeteg • Dlexe4"--.1teni Webster,'
Willem Taylor, Helen Timm, Elofence
("ranAton, Nellie etelee, Etta Teelor.
Nantee voter seeetelt of 0,1t. tipp10#
pear and -° etinana Thont4
lelleett eIeroomer, Freest ItIntote, Mee
iell• eteintege, Dorothy, Nolte, Areold
Oliver. reueli Avidi of ti beet and a
. ea reot etalgret Smith. Eittleeen
Tinnn, Create :St, Mare, Vera 'Taylor,
elturay •Taylor. , Ant015 NIAONOn# •
Wei Gun "Tbe •Iteceenlonal"-- egin
Webster. Nellie. Motive, Ilupitentia.
Rintoul. Writing "The leietie Seamee-
Veronlea St. Merle, Veiroa
.Verna Smith, Delon, '•Thom. Petri
Thompeon, Etta Taylor. WrItiee "A
pareweirenguii, inorettee
• MeQuillan. Dorothy. Miner, Mare Dow,
Ellemi Dreamer, ;i0Ari
"'Indian Sufnilirr"--Iiivirerta, lemita, •
• 34%t41110 redy, Vera Taylor, Verna Ande
ereee etude Allen. •Mellta Fowler.
• Writiett "Tbe etereageeellia $t.
Make.. Prank eitalitilleu. WritInae
-The Little 4>arden".-Alee.
Eita tewau, Donald Weltane
Ilutlethresg, -Alma Autirreont Violet
Etat oaten.
before the eouncil covering from LI- cb:nekt•:tee21.herliil Itirti?:e:IiiliTei :1:edd. '''VeseL Tlalie'llol5rrilailtialrc etretenillt:e7-117
. will he your protection that your food is kept sanitary, gin avenue to 'West street, and was
• fresh and wholesometee to (4 1U, if the petition is' . GRAIN AND CORN
Whenreceiving your ouppliesfrom us you will soon ., i tlill'ient4) SiR"61-
Mr. W. If. atobertBen aetod PA clerk ni8ar.eviz'!1:110Wttl,,eat*. Uargala
Royitend St. 7! '10171 le ' e . i • wile ge ylor Ella
' Dentleed, Jean Cameree. Bowe:vier
.appreciate the ackled freahness.. ot the food. A trial ' , of 'the meeting in the abeence of the SPrIng whetta Marque!, elleafeellay. ,•
(111Ciri- Nindy • " l'ilnit7r blat pounde-Vera lay.
ely n 1 re g. 0 1 # • •
to fl clerk and be and. Mr, Walter' motel fele: :Mateo'. Dicke A/ten, Detrick (,,9 3(,. )ifel'illerel.31,,-.74tieeme.orilel.t:2'1-ic•zettlreel'eflah7;
, ..
.order will convince you. . . Naftel were eeteitineere for the 'bid.. Meretbee eittte, 41,A.te Nee. 141, cittaVti oft Tayeee ineea .t11'( [4- Inureee
. , aerie. Orforof•ft. 0311, RAP, No; 144,1.4pleeetegeerveina geoomer. egta Tay.
Le-M.4"a." 15411'411' 3furgan Rine. i Miller, Itnore Stoll:c-m Metier Fowler,
CRAY/FORD PEACHES for precervinct. are 14'14.
, now on the market. Order early an.1 be assured oi the i Stop ' the Cougeteegeoughing _ ti settees' _ mcgipiti girif6,4erty•-• 4vpangtig,3, liar, virelta nictozoi note Them stn.,
- .-• emitted by irritation in the eeepire- Rorie,. 0.A et No. gl, noort-eliarvey I owe, mane ewe,
., best. ' ,r, tom piteeetges anti is ,the effete to' eleven, Margaret ..tietterse, este St. ;
Fresh Fruit* end. Vegetables Daily ' dislodge obot-uftiovis thet telt* frem ;Peri..
I. l',eeniro.iewi-').(A‘rleyS,9J.(',i, 1
I2i1,94t'f:aittvtli•gZdir 6aV7;etgSr41ts19PW1.-4lgeIN°EVil l
4Il5tf5;i1w1Silorwoods Ice Cream llfton a the mnfout merit43'''.M`'iar1lIf"-- :'.•branoTratearet aith DrTentmA,„:.,3„1igeraekecI1I;1
WHM?t'llNLINIPS IS PeRAMOUNT nedlOilnnthe nfamoi(Wain mti101(71Z`a'
• - r . tion and in cetwe V`tire the toiler I %wimpy emee Aege eneein nu, r,,,,vIcr, lima. Taylorr. tMa
. will usually 'lop, ei ree 4 and :4; eml i ri.oll, 160 ' whee .a,*'ae RottJatF-341. Marptia MeDitnalc:, Ike::75 Itin„
,SPARR'S GROCEIY , will he metieftee,
1 eteee lee sew ela t- re - e'lli ben we : Ft 3 stclu• ir,- , 11 -0, . ',I. , . 1. 1,,,' -. 1
TNI STrillit (IT SATIRFAcTlirt . lirtr !”,#.... we onold Immo lin,
W. 4.1i 'i4.141 (12$1111.a..2 a ,,....., .., ' aireeleit,:eleetenu:'eetrai WrtrAMIrtice' l,Te7itet !
qbergeol moue a 11,..refte 'mit, Wiiilli 1..,#.S.D6r,, Edna 'Mar-,7.trili l'eNt fin alefaUfn -PC*
get. teneeee --4M)nto Woo :NI-DErs. flo:cil lillacl, 1*,c,a ri,,o(e,!.
A ''. se eene4,'-i.v‘pw-m41. Dreamer. Vap4lo, lUt..4.0.,1:t:, 11.,t,itit;
.. e.,,..,...r „, •.., 1,,_,,:_ .•,,, _ t.,..,. 9.. 10-_, t - --.., t.!-, ,, .1,» : , •• ,..... ,
• Get Your Fall and
• Winter Metchan-
diet at Robins'
• and Scale
Money • ,
• We have a complete
•line of • '
• Sheepskin Coats
Mackinaws ••
• Leather Vests •
Wool or Fleece
Sweaters; ,
Rubbers or
• Loather Shoes
• Flannel ;
Work Shirts
Wool Socks,. efe.,
• Buy Your r ail and Winter
Goods here and save tnoney.
South Side Square -Mu 384
liffitON CAFE_
JUNG SING, late of London, St. Thomas
and Ingersoll„ begs to =once to the public of
Goderich and the County of Huron that he has
acquired the Restaurant, hitherto known as tae
Btitish Exchange Cafe, and will continue it
under the name of HURON 'CAFE and with
entirely new management.
His long experience and thorough !actor't.
ledge of tile catering boainess ensmeo to all per-
sons the best of service in all branches.
• Visit thelitIRON once and
and you twill come again