HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-09-27, Page 3-
THteestiAY. SEet 27th. '923
"'viva' lainittram Neighborhood News Nuggets
Jim A...7. afinven, GenuInisknt
ornate -..Laat estatoset smt,' lid
week west tbe edbiets of ilifififews I y Picked From Our Exchanges
ne 1
imp euttafg 11•11) oat became van 1„
didn't kater jot what to do for ha
en raw twelda't rotate anytklag• .44-7
itit one a *7 3004416441 told * nun . %IMMO .Gates at Wingbaet warn If. Wise, Olinton, was the ncene
'llama yea ay "(Mavis," be Margot Oxford. 343 aroma
et e pretty wielding at 1:,I Alga
The officials ef Turntetor eeencil
Michael, Bente and '2eteet. platnnit
beim ;leaded to build memorial gates WcdnesdlY1 844' 11"' wk:'a elek PAIkrtirtitul'bleti bF Ca5.iel t ill itne doe on the seaehere fonow A .1-
'%).1"t• /' 1, the entreree to the fairgroundeat darghter, Edna Amanda, beearae the -Inn' --
done bn hliergot Acquith
ersb.' He goes under a rock, Gene-
.. Wingham. They will be openen erg bride a Howani w. R. Clark, young .AtlYthinW
or son ot) Mr. gild Igo. wag gurgi of itt bC1lAts4 tO In', ;night and interettioin dig a hole and follow and find them-
, tt.lWi. tn - unveiled by an offieial of the 'depart. , , and this. ber first published novel, is selves in a cave, and from then en '
molt of defense, who is to be present Clinton. no exceinion. it a largely a atory
- on October 10. Dowyer.Lowndesterawford wonderful adventures happen. It is ,
a the hunting &kis and to anyone e Alice. er i
t w i t n •
•*.'ll'iWRi.n1 . Died at Winton% Ifospitel St. Matthew's, church, London, WAS not deeply interested i* thatpost Mixturof PetPan ate"(
rt Treasure island, but with much orig.
1 M. Wm. BOWM11111, Brussels, died the scent of a pretty wedding wile* .the m ., tailed descriptns ioprove, inality and WAtil the .eltarat that Dint-
tist Winghant Tuesday evening. Sept. Miss Vera IL Cr wither si seine. Pritetieully nlitlin: lish writers instil so freely into e
t. r Stin /teeing gone there a week ago "lord, ddieghter of
bere•ines, adventures and oven the in- . &mit boat. , ,
Mrs, Jean Crawford, of Myth, was'
X wouldn't he without it Wile" for treatment. She is survived by united in *tinning° t° Erie litWiter" .eitlerits of the book nee vonneeted i
mere are shildren.1 -, one dineghter, Mrs. Jack Yuill, and Lnwnden. of London* no eharnh with:horses. But She handles all her i „eirehee„ end pages n,r,l's
4.acy imbina went tO trnin $48 101* two sons, John awl William. She is wait tastefully decorated with put numerous admirerti with as inueli ''''' ""`" "au "'''''' "v"a" L"le "an
lett*, and the T1Pri Aria doe helped
•1 woaderhakrt saa.,___,...,L1811 asii -
. ThweU over the aterram, and nu.
rouotair *roma, ost will sr u‘ver."
Rut up may br The T. litlbsra Goy
1 4L1aitotlk Tomato,Ost.
1.“.6.1. ......
daGe 11)))1',f
6% Good Book le the 13aet Companion"
V. R. liAlliteWr.:
Barrister, Solingen Notar Public, Ete.
also sarviVed by her father, Allan flowers. Rev. 8. E. MeRegneY 001" dexterity as she does tier himter. Mater he the two lands of dreams ;
Speir, 'and eeveratneeethtwang els,. elated at the ceremony, --- -
tern 'the euenoo's lodge. iNutlerellats cot -
Oil Itrillers et Zurich Her treatment -in as. entertaining att
it is unusual. We do feel that pelf. tate" 'eh**
It is a book that will tklight both
Blaintltoss Wedding A couple of oil chillers have laud. in. bas been unduly encouraged and
ed Ott the farm of Mr. Ben Cbarratte, we are given eery insufficient -tin heYt and girls from about seven or
eight to thirteen yens, and it is so
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at Rose Villa, Brussels, the residence of the Blue Water Highway, near fact no reasons at all for her final
but Oot. nttractively bound and illustrated
of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ross, on Sur. Zurich, au d are trying to interest choice of Greville Pelham;
that it Should prate 4 very pleasing
day, Sept 1.5tht when their youngest men of the eommunity with cepital, avia seems to be a law unto herself.
daughter, Marjorie Torrance, was to finance the sinking ilewn of a Octavio has a profourid insight in- gift hook.
Kitchener, eon of ntr. and
united in mareiage with Mr. R. M* Oshaft with an endeavor to locate oil.. to both life and people and there ar
bureessor to L le Moran re Blain, of e
A number of eitizena are already int many viever bits of pailosophy seat. Your Chtld's Reeding
reale On flake. The .5quare. Otelericb. wits, lir, xi main, ee nate tereeted, and a great many think terefl throuchout: "Everyone looks Just now, when the childwen U're
EliNEST it: LEE. ' Keller.Deichert ere is oilin e oweIs of the earth a e l erell Y. Some poop0 gathering vound the home so much
. . . ,
at this particular place. , - shirk it: some respect it; some take earlier, now that th,eir summer sports
An interesting matihnonial event,
Barrister and Solienor . took piece At the home of Mr, And / ' Rekl"Da'ids" it 1 ' .
ightly. others. take it s to Iv.
Dri us - i and interests ate over, its the time
Dominion 484 Day Street
TerelliG 2 tgen,„ pagan Detegetti sr., Bay tawnn. The wedding took piece At New- but 'Balmer or later we all live to for wise poreuts to tin these nate
Telephone Adelaide 4163. r 814, at 5 ()hunk, on womanly aft item Ont., on. Saturday, Sept. 15fin at 'recognize it, •For same people it le minutes so full et intereeting things
a -a trains bks),
: but (and the greatest of these i
DLIDI,EY E. IiificMES. ternoon, September 1.2th, when their 112.'80 eeleeln when Jean Elizabeth
tieliet on passen
. daugh'ter grieda Anna, became the (Besstd), eldest daughter of Mrs. -for the matoritn, life iger $ a pursuit. i that instead of dissatisfied, restless
Barrister, Solieltor, Notary bride of Edward Conrad Keller,
David 'Davidson, betame the bride of the Teal inth
terest in life is not e boys and girls, contented tiepin* Ones
eon "
__ .,..,r, tt PublingSongethrwee. Itto. 'of Mr. and Mrs. has Keller, also of Merton A. Reid, of Seaforth, son oe ' ton
. quarry, but the guest" And a Ain t '
E will eagerin curl themselves up in a
Dui eTREET B • los. Henry Reid, of Holstein 0 t - he ;treat thing is not to deceive 'comfortable chair with a book,
n •ei ":"4"V.A ,.........----. ,o 4 . ,
°ilea& in life.'
' - t Rev. Mr. Johnston, minister of Mil- . If you can instil into your children
SPECIALIST Robertsonsltrown
, ' vertex( Presbyterian churcbe officiate ' There is ver little plot, but plenty au eaxly' love of good boons, there is
DII„ P. J, ft, FORSTER, ' A verntpretty wedcling took place ten of wit, humor and entertainment in nothing. in after life that 'w'll b '
Wednesday, Sept. 12th, at noon at St, mt,„th ti Rehntttn Rector Login Octavia. them such joy and toinfort
Mtn, EAR, NOSE, THROAnt Andrew's manse, Blyth, Rev, G. Weir, •'" au ".7 ' or g
-- It is, of cOnrse, largely antobiogra- With manto children it is natural
Late Rouse Surgeon New York GO- officiating, when Margaret Leona, 1
Moorefield's Eye Roselle and Golden A 13
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John , rector of Trinity church, Blyth, and e„ te „ .
Rev' w. R-11"'"ing': vb° ha' 'he'en larity To mention only f
Unlade and Aural liospitel, assietant at a -Won taste' but it le that a b fond.
onee n e •
Schulte Throat Hospital. Lofoten. Eng, et. ethowln I , ecame e ri e o 1 • t, , e.Oen. le la necessary to rend the. fame ed I); alrnost attY child with a little
SI th b the b el f the Anelican church, Belgrave sinte
. ' . .Matgot's diaries or rather her unnoticed supervision. I- say mum.
43 Waterio0, St., S. Stratford. Tele- Harvey 11., eldest Sen. of Mr. and , 1915, has rowed wore from ,Arcne
phone 26t . , t4rs. Wm. Robertson,. of Bittevale, i bishop 'Williams of Lortdont teat he autobiography wilieh. whilewritten tiod advisedly; don't force a child
At libtel Redford. flodericlie on the • e in 19Q8, was net publinhed till 1920, to read. Have good books -books
. . had received -the appointment to the e
Clark.M. ;se
evening tit third Mentiay ot emit month a mtni sensation 1)y want t
make the ehenge about Oet. Tb
- li t In t d it * xpect a wzien it caps youhem to read; booth; that
till the following day Tuesday at i The residence et Mr. and Mrs. Ed- e In a ores , an i is e ,- e •
its fmnliness. will arouse their interest, lying on
trriere are countless points of simit thotable, „call attention to them Ass-
cii/nornAcnc 1 ' ' laritto-to Mention only a few -even ually, read emne aloud or let them
Death of Elizabeth Helen GrAlatun be name Octavia is one of the =tees see non 'reading that booktell them
The death "of Elimabeth Helen Gra.- _ of her favorite sister,. Laura Lyttlet how interesting it is, and the average
ham, of Wingham pn Thursday. Set. ton. The names of two horses- child 'will respond and want to loves -
1 gbn. came as a -gnat shock to the Storm and Hoe -are horses Mat- tigete for himself. Don't have, the
citizens of Winghann Miss Graham- - got rode. The custom. of Octavin rebeeltS toe simple -en° child wants to
who was, in the prime of life, had veivieg friends in lier -bedroom is be talked down to in a ba* any more
been a life-long, resident of the lodfully explained in the Autobiontapbte than In real life. . .
ality and had made her borne ,with In both books one of her admirers Thera am, few boys end girls that
her brother, Miltonwho has the leaps to the mantelpiece to win a hetdo not respond tcenistorical taks,
greenhouse on Francis street. Sur- Thus Oetavia may lack originality and there is euch a Wealth of them,
viving are two sisters., Mrs. E. Ma- . and invention, but it eparkles with if they are presented to them in the
hood, Kineardite; Mrs. Scott Heim, Margot's own keen wit and astound- proper Way. Then there are count -
Detroit, end one brother, %moll, Jig ' aharader panotrnt on and ana* less tales of adventure, discioverv, in.
in .
Livermore -Pratt 'tsie• vention and. achievement. Never
have there been Suck temiderful jute.
A very pretty wedding wes solely/. 31.7VENILE '
thicopractor ,and Dmipless
Chronic!, Orqattic and Nervous Diseases
Equipped with Diathermy, Eleetroe
Matmetle Bathe, Blectrenic Electric
Treaiments and Chiropractic. ,
, Office liours-2 to 3 and 7 to 9 p, M.
and by appointment, excepting Morplay
and Thursday afternposts amt evenings.
Mee liours•-t to J'aud 7 to 9 p.m.
' In 'Attendanela,
Residence and Officce-Corner Smith St.
and liritannia 'toed.
/need at the home a Alr. arid Mrs. H. • "Cinderella's Garden!! tey W. Mace enile books as there are now.
Yates, 81 R'oselawn avenue, Toronto, hello Dixon, with illustrations by Go to your library, your bookseller,
le Roth and General AuCtioneers, on Saturday, September 15th, when Goo. Morrow, Oxford University Sand to any publisher for their grad- j'
MO Mt/ GOderlelt, Miss Carrie Pratte daughter of Mr. Press. 186 pages,. 81.50. . ed list; but do vesolve that during'
Made to give- -you satisfaotien,
Sales made everywhere and all efforts ave ou came the bride of Mr. E. S. Liver- the Most fascinating, book far chil-
aed WS. E. .1, Pratt, Coartiatel, be it has been sold that this book is this cooling winter your child's. rcad.
ing will receive intelligent care from
Fannerst Sale Notes discounted. ,
Phone lin, . ' more, Aylmer, son of Mr. and Mra. drezt published since Alice in Won- Yon. ,
ROBERT e kinliii le? Bland officiated.
t j. Livermore, Clinton. Dr, De G. '
*Inellett, annonnee the engagement of
Auctioneer, Eldon St., Godenich (tent ‘:44111"44 " 'the far" MI.' It' their daughter, Jessie Levine, to Me.
will conduct end arrange any sale on Middleton-Eel:teeter Berry, This dastardly work has been
A quiet but t th g ing 0 or 0 ern years an David WatSO4, of IVIaKillop son of
:ION? heed to early symptoms the latest methods to get best results..
See him, nr dron a, card and he will ""•• of Skin disease I t the
' A first -nolemnized. at the, home of Mr. f e the late Mr. William Watson and
and armers of the community are Ulm'.
Mrs. A. VV. Forrester, 880 -3fair st., otighly aroused. Mrs. 'Watson, of Ifullett, the mar
Special Prices
Groceries Teas
Tobacco Dry Goods
China Dinner Wear
Call in and look them over
l'tteteinelthfell out. with Betty, and now
The mon. nustinate eeres. fait to
ent girls.' 'I sec:. Seen of ono and
he's running, around, with six dither. esist Plenoway'a Corn Remover. Try
half -a -dozen of Jittghtithigt.ttgg.. ,
give It Immediate Attention. Farm sign of any unpleasant bah,
Sales a specialty. . irritation or eruption, anciint It Hamilton op Saturday, Sept. fitin at liege to take place the latter part itf
NOTARY PUBLIC, ii-O-7With Zattt.atlk, 'rift TUC*
. 8 o'clock;vrlien Rev. S. T. ltfartin un- Burled in Exeter ' Ise.oteoer.
..........,......---- ...---4--.- sMid beads off disease ited in mar'riage - Helen Orrica, The remeins of the late Miss Re- Mrn'and Mrs. Henry Wietersori
oothes ,
Wg, BAILIE. .Witete skin in alreedy aflame with daughter a the tate Mr. and Mrs. D. bee= Hawkins, a former resident of hilcKillop, announce • v .
the engagement
_ NOTARY PUBLIC eczema or It poisoned, sore .or utce- Ar Forrester et Clinton, to yin,, FiXetaz Were nrought to that toeoof thre.ircoonripliasIllenrIt.telotnipeopli;.narnlea•
0$:ter Edward tiwo d Ittidcil t ete
t- from Llngclon, Alberta, end the ser- t M
General Conveyaneing done rated; g a
°pad Companies Represented
, Ph N 21V4 d / the ;meek. ganntiekexpeisdiseawe Matearet Middleton
ing beim that gets right atgthe root 4 R. C. A. F., of Ottavra. See of Mrs: '`"
and the Tate Ed. was held in the Trivitt, Memorial the marriage to talce plate the end of
e Sunday. afternoon. Sept 1.6th, . Mrs. Fred Eisler, of Logan township.
• • • - ene...e and grow' new doer Skim ward Middleton. ehurdh. where ifiee Ilawicins was September.
liiiiiiftANCE Ziest-Etulee ever-reedycharecterano baptized and confirmed, conducted by linr. Time. 11. Livingston, Seaforth„
Death of Wingitain', Itesident .
....... meg „
neentothinthutihighenth Eel:ha/en - eztePtiotud healing en:idling and mato Rev. W. Jones. Itlies Plawkitts was. wishes to announce the engagement
- septineeduedievawceelor-ita-pernia--- --Oeetof-Winghent's eldest ancf...most_borm, in thenegensbip.ef Hay; tbeing a. of Inc danaliter. Marl Hathieen, to '
nu- ERTY tentillED, "- - nein place in over ii million bnee.-- highly esteemed residents passed an daughthe of the late tifilliain Ilsii-fri:liff.-loW lleCowan, son of hire and 1
pArtm Am 1lmAT,21.1 ,rowN pacji,_ Got a tipx of tbis.great herbal balm
way in Toronto on Monday, Septem,- in. Of Enetor. Her sister. Mrs. Jest Mrs. Duncan McCowan, Rogboro. the
BRAY' INSURED. to -day, and keep it always hand?!
ber 10th, in the person of Anna sie, pf Langdon, accompanied the re- marriage to take place quietly Sep -
value et Orpeortv instrred up to nan- Mien Vf. Cemitheil, of Bonny Rier v
uary 19i0. t3.0fil. 0713.00. Campbell; widow of the tate John mains to Exeter. Mr. Jackson They- tember 29th,
ate:violet-James reinment, pros's:. , fit%heinnter,1:::it"',Wttt,t.thltrt Monk, in her leth year. She was Idne. of iire•ne a broth' else attend- Mr. and Mrs. George Herbert of
dent. onderieb: Altly Evans. Vke-Presl. • *era tatted to opett aortic We Wed aim:lost bent in Went Vitawanosh And ,spent, ed -the funeral. Another sistet, Mee. Mitchell, announce the engagement of
dent BeerhWand; T. E.; ritlYfy See.- riglive spizabllarm:rx '1,, early life in that township, In Robert Drown, resides in Calgary, their daughter, 'Olive Man, to How -
Trete. seateneh, .
1)1RM-tie-inn-D. ilregor; Sea.. Otis skit) In a sweating WaY." 1879 she married the late Jelin Monk, Death of IC ob2rt °Mies ard Edward Fuller. of Wingliam, son
forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrtmi • Wro, Who predeceased her in. October, of Mr. Lii.).d Mrs. Edwo.rd Fuller. of
Write Come'anee ; George eteinienev, 1020, moving- to: thinglinni skertiy After • au illness of. a year and a Logan. The marriage will tette phieg
Tackerstnifit: .1ohn PPrris. Iterloett; eifter her m hi mi,p . rid r' t t. Imlf. there pasted away. at his 'home th. h. e
there up to the time of herc'deatIll. -' tginehtegL'ItforiliTinti:(1,1;%8SnetiPtth‘ yllell/I:1 ------"--7---
Darn Near Mitchell Struck Ily The /ate Mr. Gillies' was born at
nohn BellIWW1ge. iliiigiCillagettl hititratn
Gibson.. Priuggeld. .
AGENTS -4. W. 'Yon, nolerieli; Sandy
Leitele Clinton: liten. Cheeney,
forth; II, Much/en Seetortli.
leilleyrinhiers can pay their asaPss-,
ments at Calvin inane store. Goderich I. ponied hoy a heavy clownnour of tang in Michigan and Wisconsin, he mon- .
A. J. einorish s Montano. store, Clinton n oei to emit, awn
or J, IL iteid's, Bayfield. • keartri one seta nor. eon: s be
look Ada *cut dealer eassed over Mitchell antl vkinity re- cd Par , Ont, where he resided ,
i s # dk kr PentlY. ,A lainte hank hern, 49 bv ' and .terried an a eoal mid leraher '
- Scon.siiii iti‘icirkt 04 4 'Ca . • ..
,, ii,"............ 110 feet, belonging, .to Mrs. Charie....1 ' beninese for lite yerirs. moving to Ex-
, • Rock, of Drodbagel vins Struck by eter about twenty van; age. Sur.-
. lightning arti burren to the ground, viiirtq hint 'arn 1ii5 urldaV4 'b.."' i/th'i" '
withali • this year's crop of hate Percy ..T., of Detroit. Mich.,,...tiel Iteb-
Ofi.S. wileat and harbe. There was ort G., of Niagara Palls, Ont. 1 one
$1 .F0.9 inzurance ori the; buildiarrehut . daneetten Mrt. r• C. Ilnt'velh 6f EN.
s. ' MIS Reek's toss will he heave:, : eter; one 'brother, 'Tamen Gillien of
Death of Mr. Lillian Moore *Itteenton; one sister, Men. M. A. Hall,
. hint. Lilliari Mears,. widow of Xsaah i of ra°11"841, Ont.. ,,, "
. 'Moore, formet roadmaster on the i Death ore :;r:;.zameel l'hoil.124
040 ,Teeswathr eubidivieion ef the, C.P.R., / The neatii ocerared eatly Satnrday
• : died on Thureday, Sept. Intl cat lier ' monnir.at Sept. tette at her tesi-
ILL" iTorotito. She. heti Cheat ailli. Air 11nr. Annie Martin Thomas, t widow
lenne. 200 Ti dian Roadi edreecent, donee, 61 Byron Awe. Itemdon. of
•- herry. nittl [Mkt' to Toronto in 101n. ' past fin yearo. and terraerly of Eve
ws Raird.and ehe ems horn in Tutn.. knewn :occident of Lettdon for the
;about ti:ct 1.11011tIr. Iler maiden name of tho tato Samuel Thomas. well.
tegielli.sef . .Stuaht
Llood. of Tarenta. end a niot t teas bora in tile amen -1p of tinberne,
Surviving ara otWn nOn5. Elena end tor null S. Marys; Mrs. T'noines
ter, tda, of Detroit,, . tid mere ay. Surviving her are a
Exeter Fair is Groat Snerese •son, Dr, S. M. 'Thomas, end Mine M.
...ohzain:vticCiettlii0Eall:ke°tedrirtitalpoAgoarineitilliiitecur:al.vereoSejlifti •18.1ite°1111Ten36hIliat)rtfinit,°ollfaL°11O;rtdtOvn°. aburdia%ril-:
s for the fair en IttedneeditY. Sept In nel Martin. of Exeter. and a eister,
ittre. Paul Ittadge. of Taeorate Waste
' Lightning ., • . Vanhkek MIL Ont., on the illst of •
• .
A „tevere eiectrical atom, Ott am. , June. 1851.. After a fere years spent ' • ' •
0 .
nave It attende4 to be the
Establinted 1878
Hem onion Denealinoa, Ont.
Wm. J. Thornoson. Auburn. Pros„;
vtrm, Watson. 'Vire Preq.; ,ramos
VID..iton. I)Irortsr: Dirssetorsc-Win.
NteOuillan, St. Wens: W. P. Deed.
R. It. Ni,. 2. Lueltww..- Ilse* L
Goderich : Alt% Nietintson, Luck.
now: Tint Oriffin, It. G. Nv. Luoicrtow4 ,
Chas. Hewitt, Kincardine; Ilobt. David -
eon, '
rgetp....142.00 theesmo.
THOS. S"DrillE118. O. ALLEN.
Treas. ,
BrODliell Bro.
ttrutE RI C 14
The Leashes
Foetal Directors
aid Utilisers
also Asstaliace Service
Ogles carefully attended to
at all hours -right or day. We
aro the inspectors of anatomy in
and for the County of Eaton.
Phones: Store 120; Residence
• •
travel lei is
Itatilvidod Lwow
Siarigiag Car * 4 4
Know the Soy of stonsfore.
It able sleep In one of the
hail** Toreson Villetif
SWIM ft 10 OM 11 o'clock
Individual roost eat* on
Canadian Minimal eating
(standard dine) ewer atbrint.
.?!:. , , Eachroontleaseltetestelead
.vdolerts matroteneittfititt
bedstead* *irk liaTir;;*
wawa and deep host sotlege.
Mt Mf *1 tort tow,
wittiotto front any engiodien
bletionid Agent
J. a. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Goderich, Ontario
X".; Alto ottlitnioa
Aity night.
Ait.1140Vg maw
I I,
Travelling •Schoorsi,Prornising Trio
More good than a row of medals pinned on them is the value three
young lads from the backwoods of Ontario will derive from a wonderfin
week anent in Toronto. These three boys nm: Rene Thibeult. aged 14
years, French-Canadian hem Ramsay; George Kingston, a little 6-year.old Whin ot Wye, and John Paul Paquette. French-Canadian of Veber, .
aged le years. They aro ardent Patine of the Canadian Pacific Rail- -
way travelling wheel car, and are up betirnes each morning to Attend
the wheel on whole the week it spends in eacb month on a Siding in
their section of the North. Their teacher, Mr. McNally, ehOee three
boys to spend a ameit in Toronto and the Canadian National Exhibition,
as guests of Premier Ferguson, the boye ot the entranne ellias of the,
Normal School, and the Canadian Pact& Railway,
Bewildered by all he flaw young George Kingston waft*
epoke, although he is !minden English ..rapidlne and even the smallest
thing he saw brought shy smile.' He had never been upstairs until he
boarded the train that brought him to the city, and the largot body
of people he had seen together at one time WW1 30.. He was intensely
interested in mirrors and elevators and his pockets Were stuffed with
collection of mechanical toys. He hots not yet mustered up enough.
courage to talk on a telephone and when lie taw * parade of cadets In
their bright red tunics. it welt difficult to hold him back. The two older
boys were most interested in aeroplanes and the aniuials they saw at
f SO S
-, :scifir.itZfw- -
011't DOM I N 1 W4.1...STORE1; 'fil
tif willthere ''*2001;rpr--- owslaii. Al
Ailctuallsy gnat/
Comm., .k ;', • Comte,'
Win= 1141111( ,4
. • • i
. vaareg.5eantt atintel Irtiatetkead italtrgeof;oruenwit.) ,vt.nti Former Ripley physician Dies re. _ A ca.)ai day in Se ntetiate t pre- 1
ui Inge. The exhibit of ehten was YOntS a CoLt day in December. 1
I it; I rwi • tt- t Ateide t
. on tho .Exeter fair greunde 'Me Dr. William john Smith, a eative 'rho Heat roM9 'can • def000 .
• one of the lArgest tir_d beet evor reen o. -.pier, and for a
Nee were. a little bight bet the. anit a prectising•pinetician there, (lied in But dell't wait too long to en. 1
teenier of yeare your home againSt Cot. storms. _
: ttio fowt, .of tneir type end wore well S. Michnel'e hoepitel. Toronto, IM on ' gaga their proto,ction. .
- rattle that were nhown were. atr.ong
Worth •eettinte. Meat was n113 Bette Mill5frThille"Cl.. tStile?rlb1715111-itIlltr. inSmalttic l' Let them tilt your.coal.l'in n6c.v. /
very lino petiltry. areitient t)ft Labor 'Day when the ear ; Then they will tc ready to tattle
he wet riding in Wnn la by a railway ' with winter from the cattiest frostj
e Another Thare;hIirnoltn. 1‘1,reetithhine Nb:tyke!! g eosin« pt * 1 17,..,ei ererning at, Brant- i, until the 11 it ,1
' ,T ford. Or„ Slate: inaent a niidotn,
,torliiptcpwitites eritationstotascrtiiot:.4atthetect,74:,:f ;"vfttode7rnevarrl: Iliismee8Prae!trilitias 717:::otni.s.eneit,:ed .
, .._,
Mr. Seneen chore. eel" of Wineheit :1-""Ith"'' 4'ir;c1 14a"'111 t'll:ti 4),..24vei.
cameo ni, ere of th• fhttftrff, ahich "4 Mrk '''.(L. Ill' 11L'' 11‘.1..0‘.' l'51'..' .1
ins ef a Milky rabic tooth !„-,11,.,frfi ir, ' Vv.* in lititetOrtfT3 NZ." MI's' . It, enntn
,..a. titt, Catvct! thr•chiny ciiiichlr., ' Ind Hark r*Cilel At , Jiltr, 11,30214
kaq anain Iteee vcre,12104 in. the rt., ct in DirtroVA N'To. ,i'eti.''. a et:lent
vett it ,'' ti t/ e Be roliatmnu coypAtiiy..'
tyll 0 n COAL :
et alc1 the if fnii wont 1". -•) ., . it it
_ tstrymes, the
For Good Clean Coal
1111301. Jess
, PRA UM VIM /14EQ //tEillEtiti
CROWN lintatt Doz.97* MC RUMS 0. ear. Zi.l.ta
FRVIT . 0.0C. 54*
riatawmg - 2 rmt,„2.,sa
. ROBBEttritRCtramtse
MRs . too *on. $14% VicatuNG MICE it. 2git
1"‘ V.. A,. 1 bd ch.cebten•45. - - -
otitgor SOAP' 10 r49
' 'sow." cow , Stonittionk?arst:sit WIthiiitils1106%Ae
Brooms riot:v.1.6h *km* pothh a . Not, vzo
Shoes !Lenten On . woe. Set Zle
SI/t, ,r, -,ah iteriectiars Myr t'ssts 1023. Min 398
twos owner . . . . Tie Se
Weith Board% 4-41 0
rtiimiush iraiy1
WASHING SODA "6"° ASrnti,. et
MOM Cep Ast
mite 11$ Slator111,* /PINZAIPPM ritintylift^,"'"4
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end a racket 40
Lilshrs Jelly
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