HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-09-27, Page 21 riPrr"- ib ti()I)14..KICP Kl'Att PAC e: E.1(.1.7 11 4,1Poloro"•ammo frau 'Ho Chinos word ddrak.loo", visonIng divor hairy which woo *OW to Rwr tip bows on tiso Chinon ti uds. *Tip Sum aro wiry in shoos. irs Indio Hoy writ moo moo inoolourooworocidlod"Orowso Pokoo" (look -ho). 1 sis now aaceesieil Illy by ths Ayeer`a -sato* of the whca: exports of ! ta;an....ie, Last year over $275.000,-; One, • other I2C1S Ji istbY's Twa'a *pent by to-arlatsn tit, Iu. (-Nit Tableae Eittie lur eh« aainian arai this alit it is fotinsniva anwaYe keep. a c-4TilY (.4 irmint tor I , . it-�will falia famooti„.. ctrrtisIteu *tit. lize `labiate ate a Bumper Apple Crop 14112)1c5 Are' Plciiiitd Y14r, oliii411114:stlft. tthi#11Uab°-111151ir 0:tWec'otaelltlitlaht- anlaang to thr tamaillan Government Buivau of statiitics6 estimate3 tian and indigestion, cants ntial eau- tLat the aommereiat apple crap far fev6r111 414'1"Iiing t°et.b44 this. year will be approximately 3,-. th°ria:1„",r°.: „Et'314,:"Te ,IIMGO.: barrel* the laagest in any J1 ;1'''t." "/3111aai • "I have wed Baby's Own Tatneta far 1. e Baitish Colimt-bia, where the erap 13 , tbe '8St 1°1 52.")E'a 'cult' aln rev"' ale about them in the boon°. They i sway 37 per cent larger than ina4lwaY4 gZver. tae greatect eat - 15.17. can -...--...-0 , 1 isfaetion, ard r aladly rcrom. mend them to all , mothers of little li. initraitit'letesfiNrsetwe.te.°Iiiirlannitiseiuorteert to tlinure;CineThdeealTerileliioett'9dilareteet bsle_c$111dailbit , Canada, Sir lililliam Clark, arrivetil 25 ccata a hex iimea The pc., Iva, , In the Ca sot sl i itsl aapital this past pains, afedicine aoa Rockville. oat IP, ipmnrzwasif week.ond, where he received a very 4" GAMA410.be warm 'welcome, The real 'duty of Aial to the new Commission:lee is act lislalt elanatter )111:'• law de Arturo in th 111 a ' a emildobef the King -,. had to think of oth d 1 0 contoceurt andiaid a bonua for a lig g roere tra'ae than the fatality at theatre vathin a few minutes of the i Will Continue as Primate - DendftleTle" .e' In the game province other xusuanit scheme 18 very intereating. At first se that ex a _ t iiie armers a U ' . ttit de to the make no butter and very little cheese, The speaaer Sent We sell prantically all tbamilk ar to s,,aw us no avan age me rcorrence ag a theatra fire sions occurred while the lire rogsd meats of Great Britain and Canada...ft' Bow" 'river In Scornt:ern4A1:ewrt. a. .1. flan . commemorates, a Stoney Indian chiet. ecari, eentta e of fat. tra payments for butter whole milk, Ana are commemetarated 14, the names 44 most pi them regarded the move- fat apse b . to the public as 1 c ewe won an entre., , Chiniki fake and creak, a tributary Spain'a Tragic 'theatre }ire added to the panic. Further explo. -a Boson 'officer between the Govern., Iv 1 -0- Jovernor.Generaishins .,itt thaen,-,. A Noted Indian Chief lowooitiroo+44.44.4,404÷34.***** '11 Canada's place-namee throughout 1,11 the variosni provintes connueruotataa' • 11 not a fow lustauces Indian chiefs. The names were not given by the Indiana themseivew, but by the whits! moo who had lutercourso with them, to as trader4 travellers or settler*. ise Most Indian lake or river name,, wheo translated, are found to mean aousethlug. 'like "bear,'" "deer,* educk OP Oleica ilon OP 44 I ate Pt r, a. w . or "me° wew. ll()t. cure" stantioint, including D. Ceti bacteria. milk is rzr:nr:arly testeli, a. rd 'amid," Such. Gent's Smart Wear WORTH WHILE Made in our oval *hap OUR SPECIALTY Also Orders to your Measure CHAS. BLACK 'JZ.5QUARE Phone 219 -- OODERICH E LEA IP fung as the Indian did not travel l'iae tatter mawatns WsiO1111401 con- gether the fact e:..at it:1 .ift1 tar abed, The white roan doe* and tamination or by dirty utensils. neighbors know lus position on the S OIL Ms. ermine full cream milk. is regularly ronsequentry to avow coati Liter they ineluded butter fat month sr list, makes him careful that 1 tragedy la afadra apan °vox on. rriuto do Rivera reached the hfeatreal 'Mist year, caused the outbreak of 'the are And took coma According to reports from Handl- meat as a fad, and not many too . . d 1 . It whatever, ac. we .oe &•41 1 the Ir'' ro '' • t 't deaths if more than three hundred Pinto charge. -ton. Archbishop Matheson. Primate Mt. Tokarra and Mt, retches. TO • i rove . ler NW _„ . perscrat'last Sunday. The Novedaes • -,......... of the Church of England in Canada Theatre, one a the elileSt and lam. - . -- - - Ur,itaiit Going -WV ----- - - _will centinue--in that - capacity- ask . A number of British. newspa era his reelanatiell Wag net aceepted by latter wits Sir George Simpeount guide on the trip througb the Beck.. ieseamada by that Coveraloze lillOsen Bay Comae). la 1841. ' •Best known ait all perhaps the radian chief Nkuela, who loot:Wen Ms name to Nteohi, situated the benir of the ThomPson river, Ail - most in a direct line 'between Raw nacthod, in our own laboratory. The from e P est Spaira waa packed to thedoots with a typwal Sunday audience of aro SOYfollY taxmouticang that lir tain the House of Bishops. His Grace about 3.Und people for a performatice io gradnallY going 417. Tilo ten- eelehrged seventY-sixth birthday Meior del Pnerree" 'when, dur. sumption or liquor in the Old Court- haat week, and advancing years was ing the brief intermission, therewas try during the 'last fiscal year was his chief reason for wishing to resign a,great burst of flame on the stage, less than a third of that consumed 'at os Primate. The capacity audience immediately the begintring a the veutury, accord - became psmickY and rtiehed for tho ing to figurers just issued by the Bri« Will Not 'Alter Code doors. elite orcoloulte of atalla and tish Government. The Sunday E. The Anglo.Saxon nations repre. lxixes were able t4 leave the theatre kress these ,ligures as a ramie!. seated a the International Telew before tho flames spread to the mull. bon oX radma imPravement Brk. tem* Convention held in Brussels, barium, but those in the galleries ,tisit social habits caused partly by !Belgium, although hop:-..lessly in the . wire less to:aerate atta the exits education, the motor ear, sports. and _minority, were owe to dissuade the were soon choked with a struggling Partly ley the inereaeo bealtb1" as _maierity from adontine a awapiisoi rousorient. - a -.rng e asis of computing . -node Wordn for trarfrnission by tele. Godfrey mind in North graph ard cable, whieh success will After WAIT missing for seven affect large Moine° of voturnerptal days, Squadron Leader Godfrey'a. interoRts in Great Britaira Caaada moss of hiunanity. Pollee and e. men 'worked frantically to dear the exits by draggimr the crushfd bodies into the streets but the paniestrick. en crowd Insido trampled down new victims. even fastor. Army asigiq., ohms lies been 10eatod. up the PeaCe and the. tlidted" States. ' *erg -cut open taits in the billidina • tZtver near 'Carcolou. It. is a total . with axes, whieh . released 'some 'of lass,. but ail members of ilia grew . tite tiCtitrir1. "When fsreineu filially ore unfiltered 1,vith the' exception of • managed to clear the doors sufficient- Conimalider Gorden..who is. suffering. ly .to enter, Veer begail to awry out tfroM a bruised Mg.,. It' was white, re. bodiet* on an 'unbroken line of stroteb. t,nsarana. east.; fallowing o successful . era. These were moth, of women flight fvvAn Ottawo. to 'Vancouver, btates,•aud part. bower of the meze.4 ,utioa oner or Om, Talton. Territory, , Mir, 41'0' to 00 helievefi. The *ire . y .., shoalt on the z8.32 may, bot forraer4 then the extra Penta lax , hens don t lay , lard cbildritm. eithor crashed. or bura. tha • 000rey, av,,,akapaaed devo. British doubles tido; . Boussus, ia. bits„. been oificlaBY potted in the- 14 .11ut kit tile orrii(141.m. bravely ennelt up , . 'Albaniatt -Ring' •Starts' Reform irqt..:,-tn, deata: Whim 'the tire hrolte ' • ' • - ' .'" ' :11Yeroavro*cittd4,:trarorr; ,xwahrowewrzildi.jeaboammepitiaenaY. 1.,,,,,,,.,iiiiategt. sylgattOsAidy .,,er:iikmmtsvrtv , ,riougias lake, a '1111 111( .............,...wc.......-........................................- '°Ie Canadtall .C4az°te' " :S.' ;bag:11:st Iritea.a,itine°ritzersih;e'rle84at . f:11:6 iwn°ibe.ente,tvil;etIodr.11., .th, i. .. t.., i„ „y„ IP NAO. +n .i>nt.tecliie osidi. , . Vita AOW Xing, of Albania, Zegaa ',and Landry anti Buzelet, two • of , lake nearer lir by periodm visits to the forma 1r t.,t t, A.segu..tor'ivnagsth,epfneedit praantdas bpeonos viol: ' Mate. An evolosion tahilid thn stan'ei . has already -commenced to assert Ms rx4neces coming' hopes' for tha Davis 'eCliambrettet-.;htif . yeai Wsielis:'4``. ,. the •nonno of thn Nicola river. to the itho by Oending emr helPfni.."111011- 17 t"' however. killed, several it_imielanaand tnoUttillonnelqtyiethiLorcim:),eagmitrtonegerotatilleur ton -ti- _,,Cplualte-it:omof., it' iTehepotimrsint toinoutriieln,a iititiyr .bliedttle :000meoiliforotttwhe sole,sp_.,..,,_ . let , _r -oohs whielt' . are , -PlAbi i Shea. t the vitalay to burry up the alotalt.andeatok- . tyrovidiro for o. vontiebtlation of the ,strength :Ind skid vainst the Prep* things to make pleasant the 'Journey .%' ,j,'...111._,114104' . e-14'..8Rty(SfairrCe°plaorlttask.zre'k, treks.. .wbaa intent.; Soni of farmers' .$11 YerY ck(t4'n ' ..14.' oat b't°1•?Oug ecco It MP! to OK"' and eathesiaatia .arid -visit our gent, progress ve, tonere le. brave, . 0 . eratory •staff on any' difficulty they P . . 1 Pitialtrq 'Regulator 'state, rowan. The.*tetue Of Itepre, -lirright,- who' played' ;against : Cotchet Anti v.ten . you • reaeli Mottreal yeti very flee 07:41111.010., AZ,: Wneellwag, Or.. lave . .. 11 nee a al/ I 41 m 4 ' ' . r from time to•tiroci to -consult mar inh. . . -Iwo. legialative bodies. and 'abolishlog .1114rtet, • but to no avail..., Xeither. ,,,..,iit is like. eletping. at mY Old I:Mile. .i 4 tt 1 4ho' take no interest in producing Tr VOon 50. a.r.„FAIsDA fermi . Sport In General During the past week -Canada has been entertaining four famous enrich 'tennis experts, tochet, ahem. pion, of Pent1C0 and the United bl.EW '00/41) comurssrolsTER The appointment of George' Tan MacLean Ottawa as Gold ' the taatter seriously. After a time, twe when certain fanners' nomes were are building up toe valiant of our regularly. near the hip of the list and custriners, and ultimately reap receiving extra payment, more inter- the rewarir- est WAS taken, and the quality of our During the discussion ea this pa. - milk supply began to unorove. A per, it wag brought up that where 1111 sairipie of each farmer's milk is talc. purzhasing firms paid a btaras en on arrivaLat the Dairy, and hao. for natality milk, it had a do.calea ef.. teriaI counts made by the Agar...plate fort in improving. the rhoth tss • . b 1 d I f and butter fat content Saab a ine. Iciera and Now. Before the days of the railways the Iludaon latiy Com, potty's fur brigades travelled north and south by Nicola lake. The trait an through the Coldwater and Co-. naillaht, river valleys and was 80010* What dinicult, due to seven or eight Miles of swamp on it, and the fact ers of about ono hundred arid „fortY, that Mt. Manson had to be crossed,. who receive extra prices for their , A branch of the trail lod northwest mine - front near the lake down Nicola conipiete tist ts sent to each river, wbialz draina it. to Somme's Piano monthly showing the farm- Pridgo. ere names in order of merit, so that Chief takeout, woe the most Ana they all know the position of their I portant man in the regioa at the timo the lake and river were named. TM* would seem to have been, about 1840, if the Malta of Arrowmnith, the area mabanaker of tlae Hudson rtor eve rams are listed ,orljec of thod as tao foregoing wherever prep. merit, the first twelve on tho tical creates a better relatiouslup being Paid a loony per gallon extra four halfpenn per gallon .extra. • b,aween preductr and radii:. dbl. for their Milk, and the next. twenty. tribiaor. • There are, therefore, thirty-six send- JOB PRINTING AT THE stA neighbors. This we regard as Very important point. the rivalry to bead the .being above all very keen, a„nd.wo firmly, Ore Of the unbars that fine honor of being AbOVe their neigh. , tiers is a greater incentive to the Get her back to war Moulting Bathe in Mitonere and warm waiters rubbing the solution Into the *Ale* parts With the OP* Iltjetitsigetto asaattives alliflhe 'Senate Peliceforth int liVeanesday, In Montreal, nor are so rested."' , A. Telt. of Spenceaonridge, who Will form orm legislative Chamber, Groeker, who tackled the lor,keirehman ores word 4Chamlnatte" can be Is familiar with many Winn, lina. while the legisiatora win he elected Toronto On Friday and Sat -440r, described the comfort eonveitieuce alleges and a,areat authority on mat - 1. nonulwr ,votz, Britain. 'United ,eould make the slightest impression, and privacy of the , Single Room tern Indian,' l'attiola!S father VAS Sian'tni cold Reamenia. have hoa their and it is no eaaggeration to say that Steeping Corsa now in use by Cana. chief of the Connie Indians in east- solinanna. prnsert totters to the For. Cochet was not extended at any time aiaa aitoistar Alluvia. thus reeoga to. win from the two first ranking /liana' the ileWlY crenated idea. • 'Canadian pinyers. 'The whoie affair was a brilliant etchibition, a feast for retie, Schad nooks the Reda. and tennis enthusiasts did 41,„ •not fail to take ;advantage of it. • 00;4;nti7oir Ns".ZPied *.r7trvti Ill„tevilatPnal Penbani policy whereby free sehool hooks unlivg* no, -tar as venadaVals concern - ...TI rawided for all 00110108 ed, were &Shed to tho ground When tending., the oubuo sebools Nov Buffalo hammed the Toronto Maple Brunswick up to and including Grade Leafs on Friday and Saturday. Ro. VIII`, . 'The sten taken hy tho, ww vitester, won • the pennint. With the ararclia when a Young Man condueted 1 ' Brunatvick .Ccibiaet is regarded as ,,Ball.ff„°10 13$:Se08: ,eeend. and TeOnte ; tho most iinportatit . bi conheetton lal'o.: • "nine photexravures, isia.brush poet. MMus for the :butter fa eonte,It of 1 - ' e cent of fat I think most people will I ousted ' fronie ASthnot.-:..arany MatlY WM'S aigo.. for it comes nearer 74 .71 Alan bored ..on the..rouriesion great slaughter:on titters... SOMe MOM* awe and. .few brinert4 4.10wever, .twits,06,141441..portrwas cw..,ornischie clean and have no, desire to 25 Gartas• me.. pronto - learn. In these . cases, their riameS" than National on the --10.0g pan. and ern Waenington,,and• one otthe tint come regularly' near the bottom 'of lie 1E0 p mpLis 11.00 p.m. trains front TOronto to Northwestern.' niateau radians. Naha tile tenthly list, and we always ter- Mentreal, teservations at City, , e'er saw , white,..mama-be having minate Our business•with them a the . Ticket °Mee, Cato:a:Tian National beeu one of a party of weatern end 'of the 'esoltract -period, and take COVERED HER dians who penetrated into Montana on fresh farmer. Thus,. by regular nwszus ARros xfoorrotaireffootaievoaraapoatnitgtraarnade .taaentdteltax. (;llilmuci,naarxtjaonthoef sythstoseem.astuipoptiryginingindgirtoYi, FACE ARIAS and IIECK others,. the cleanlirtess of our Hrs. INA Ellerraan, Sitelra. Do not plane your order for year Maros near the present town of -the personal Christmas Greeting Cards Helena about 1790. Istkuela's mother -$1,111011r 110'8 vegtlY ImProved Ong., writes: -"I am data* grateful tor/ ,rnit4teil „V'setanelat:aerierefor ettior2ssaujoieers. wasw_bbeettrA4ume:LNehieutsnitieslattter &iced sour milk to a miaiMum. what Referring to the butter content, he northing etTered heretofore, hand. • was killed near Lill000t by.O. Lillooet pa nted cards, folders, dat cards gen. eater aud to SIAM e- thlo'he after, In 1923 We to rai a cduzitionni, Mattoes in that ' . . .., . , . ' it,i,e?,.; ete. • ..inb the Celebrated' anre.t. a larg'e Conablned•wer parta'' of Okea,„ tiitilt, re,,ceivn. :„Tile ' English butter I maritime prirrinceiinee_the.freaaula , Airitlio tind'Ohnirthow4e4t. .• ' al*, ,,.. ' . ..'.... . - '-:-• :.., ., '.. go'ller ,shuoteape; and Thompson ta. Lai, aLanuarss AS 0 per Cent, but a good 1 , lie school S% '.t( . trn$ ' intiOdOned . - But 00 will not csonelif an Y '46ar,r ' Eth - - - - - --- - • ". - ' Wane hagainst the -1,1110000 tutu Ono., average miiie contains .about 3.5 prr , who read, these -words. know the- ter. riMe drain upon health and strepeth, ' be, 1:,(:!,,thi,ttartir,d7firAa.thninnir the 1.11- agre4* that .71 tann" ‘b31142134X1K milk . to Putting education for the ,practi. o_f, Britain% War debt baf the llnite,d - ..linala than. asso.thing else that lois acting Poreigo Minister is emphatic. nalliurrtige$ of nit families on a free I./dates. On - this. Lord; ausheoden; • which tomes in the train of astanta.' .-11-----e-- - -- ---:---- --- - -.. .certittlenidinteg tic troubles. MarlY d,_ztpe.hriscohnetr,ofprhiucettetr4fttaut it over oneuraiL More than thirty Ile expressed the •opirdety tbot the however, that -the 4' IS olio tru reliit .., fin net ienno.e . hoots 'ester saw or heard., ,, Morice quotes a letter' of date rob- farmer sapplying milk containing. ' 3 t • e h-* . 11.14rY 184.6 reporting that Chief' 0 or Per Ord' !III)e PaYmelit mode in tbie i 1 • rePreSented, edv avhieti, wM • r 11 usua Y. g ' 0 ' . ' ' ' • V1/.0150'041 a.lioolianilldreit will heneat Rhineland eenversatioue thie new pohey, , .„ . a real step toward disarmament, 'He 4 F 4 t) ,, , „. „, .. ; , P .t ,x,rad.er 3.0.ha .Thd at za la . to,,, respect ,COMMenee at 8.5 Per teat i ram. m. r.,L,k4 'LY., -.extol s asthma ' , TO OW a . -d. a . . . a . • The .et,an ard ,4Priee 10 Paid Of' 3.5 has -one Or nalPil at d, With • reped to re.para- Remedy, in weadcilal t oak te this Pretendod en tbrt. br per cent milkonul 1.r/Oth of a penntr i 44.14 Alec. gek and vale woo, 00V. juritain, hq. said, Must insia ott that lea\aold almost eve:rime. describes- an elleatiuter'.'rliteb be had that 8.0 per cent milk gets. opeitenth Of r saw it was doing me gliod l'etirlete Revenue 'll°3;.Y be bit'that the sed 021 the liallfolur note. Great Great IiiUt tensestretaionrgd oatiflin4inieti It iltircrtdrit bineed:aanoda'galliedsblanNi°elatir selll" per tent' Of fat over 0.5 ner cent. te ° "After I bad. used, the first bottle _per. gal= is added! for every 1/10th 1 era witk bag, red, painful pitunlesa Bancroft and could not stoat Mly gthetue " !PrettlimablY. fteln Ted 0 own1104 of a penny extra, end 4 per atilt gag p, had after the second oue rny Vituolee which &vended on the remission of •-• which teem& to bethe One tore* one halfpenny per gallon extro.' were just aboat gime." ' tho British debt by the -Crated States shadowed above.' According to this . "One advantage -'of this payment is Manufactured only by Tho Atilb1M1 band of Okinagans atone to Ram -glut every farmer knows that his 00., umita, Toro% Ont. Write tls for The Facts YlnIr en‘Pnrlog by ktter will receive tile aanie careful attention Yeti washi *so ufteli thatthl you -visit one of our enters ,personally. Your 'HELMletter will h,elianded over to a auto .whose business It Is to itaVe the'lat. P. K. CHEWING SWEET Prince as Governor-General? With the visit of the Duke of • Gloucester 4Prince Henry), to Af. 1 rst levant:a:en nowly twin, op mining stock ot his gager tIPS and there. , rico. with . the Prince of Watesathe fore ran l'i.1,.'s 111r. forts on la .,I•ou hmWe eediarly,, have fleld men lamer that he will be ,the next -Go. siathined in iN1':,.. iniOR eatalP In Canada to report new:developments ' ernottGeneral of South Africa have er ruly 411,,i-overlvs at (moo to Otte Oflis.e. l'olie elliplieO WIll 1:0 OUSWer. 111 pronti.tly and t110 uSW:10;31,Y leifOrMati011 given to volt wallow, bias • Ihrais.,:e wv prontsionn 'mining eompattieti,--Me Yon intPrikSirti-lit noI • taw lase.tcery,n1int), ,prospi,et or fill 110141-Wlite. Us, the -service is free. been revived. For some time past it has been hinted that one of the - -Xing's-eons will take a post,- and that the Prince of Wales, heir to the _throne, obviously could not do SC't a'2 Iliad the Duke of York not a very 141kely choice. That leaves the Duke 1 of Gloucester MI the only one avail.; woo* . i aide for such a pOgitlOrt a! Prinee Sit ihosteend Mlles of prhale %sites enntierilnft eontinettieivide 1 Oeorge is too young to fill an official : chitin of onlees, and pentelpet inInIngi.oll and grain exchanges. past 'When the Duke . of ' Athlona. an 289 Dundee St. (opp. Hotel London), London " . uncle. ot the roval brothers retires. Telephone, Wetter .4344 Mettager. 4. W. iteLMJ0111.IN the fsentimont in south limes is; • that be be folloWed either by *South ".k4-• .frAtxr....--10--tvetre -A.4.t'&• s.,3••103.,44'. -•;:--i,''''.41.4-...-„ - • Telephoning on on the Wing! ,•104412 • •••• • • 14 I ' .• r 4 Vs • of um Mid:* Weler-Ootterel 1 W. tsfaolirtell, l)tesident ad she Leese* or rued., °that Bell Telealseno ariestIste IS etteatlee too lesprovtea twoonnusiattlan with tow imps eank dasepleass Is mot Davatopseam akatir reek lam 4ip1 bs et gm* %hoe ht the nmostetoe of enatmeretel aviatlea., .•The gappid dyagosess ta my noted tho ilerallate *MOW IV* 1Jsha ratils;:e rleasadle sad barer poseely toWle wee elliple7nhe eleeretba but te the emit amity st ellweeeseo.' bib lad female. who teaks It febethir t gala NY alespearr hours tee the low" et *me iamb mos - b the platers *l.enal Sserepteee am bites soot hp am TelopPone edeatbletithe* eapset. loops soying•blicola .Wasangry with, them, and salting Permission to caMit iler the flirt. In accordance with • the policy of preserving the balance, of power, they: wore• permitted to do ' so. Nicola was furious. The Oltair- Agana had rms. lie Itattnone. Se be exchanged fora for gots and powder ltt-the Pirt Tho-Oltanaagns-complaln- • ed to Tod and tbat "tall, boar and ,veirr Scot warned Nicola's warrionl against lifting a finger' against any-. int , ono Within o Miles ,of the tort. . • They told Nieolait who marched Agatha the Kamloops with,* largo . •force. ' - Warned et their coming. Tod sent Ws wife and cltildren s WelL as the 'Okanagan Indiana tea place of safety. _Kis men followed. loeit alone, Tod Jo -bethought himself of the gunpowder rube. , He taught one of Nicolescouts , terming to whit they believed to be the deserted fort -and- forced him to bring from the Megamine three kega . of powder, upon- one Of which the - anglY•trader 'coated himself, driving in the •ka heads -of tho'pit; ked thothers aighted' with his sayege tor we t, coolY rolhefidrig • heels. When h ' *ee ffr that ,lze was now ready to meet 141-. Cala eta any number of his men, tor Ute power *at at hand to blow into Here be treat thateent . sterile the whole earth from Kant, i loope to Okanagan lake. The -scout V e beet Benefit and pies: trct to blo thief and told what he bad MVO' ilk IfedinfOlis Witsioltrei sten se Tod had intended. In the _ CLIO 'words of Bantroftt poolositialigt Irlatrof "Theoe ereduleus Wilderness meet • : had never seen so great a Men Of • powder and had no idea of the,eteet if fgaited at one time. -If the little - •:A nutshell: will hold tan bring dotett 1. buffalo, three kegs might bring the ' world down. What Ur. Tod had Itaid, Tow Feet and Asidei swell rumt I that, would he do. Betides. if %WIWI faistae amt Ott So Sere YOu 'ties buffalo was being brought anent Cot 0014 Walk '1 by `the nutshell of Powder he who, • trot the shot remised uninjured, Have Ton Varicose or ,lotht*" be' "el" bannt three hop. blows the, treirld up g 80. Sw. Ales Veins and Suackes 141010,4 bads ovetur" 141/44'' 'Vista the OW trader rejoiced , Near Ankle or Kn 16.4414. Pl_"(ilta/$4811/16e. To stop the misery'. pain(.1r sore- ,. .....--..,............, , nes% help Iodate the dangerous swot. vritcHAmiNG mix , left Veit* and /strengthen the Jess, . ON THE QuALmi- RASIS use Mono's Emerald Oil. This dean . , This was the emotion of an inter> . powerful ponatlatier„yet este :- eating paper read by Mr. lIdwin Ji Pop* ni %Penoil ig ithiainoble id lill,!n'White, Hirecter 4 Midland 03iinties I f; Thoslop's and E. R. Wigles Drug. 14,44 -me, Ltd., England, at the rctent 1 na.4",,41.1 Iniffit.t,kciX141,,„T",,g2Ltnrirt".... WerMitis ThiFfs° Coratelly In fliN On- 1 In " ,17,7,--_,- - „" - --',.,--: .''''' '„-`'' pet. be sunintatites ihe effett of set 1 / "weld %..1 me as wen Ole,gen riPIWT. ' year's blnus payment* MI /10 Mir' 1 11944411""fu) for ileP"; OM ,s'orelt., chase of proOtrers' milk on a fluslity Lotion Wow end Tronolelo• mt4 nuke!! ihosam,4 of 'rooms. ronsonsui itor„ in wn, ih?« , MOON'S Att.414 nri • Jahnesterv. and in Aped )1 "OIL •;,1 :7; ans."Itith:;:-45111411vn ss ,L!•L of that, pion, !Warted tito orbert'.° high gnahtp mint frxws • isietsorhal M LLER'S WORM POWDERS tistenitlitsaurnateconotriON Sttoustir ott SY lite Parart40a.deligotOSI: „ atm eeeT9RK Chit Q .10 SCRAM . - MO NARCOTICS-, PLEASANT AS SUGAR. elk on the Road 14 a a 1VEARIX every motor-. .1 ist has on.e or more in his garage-tireS which a good repair would put back on the road -tires 1, with hundreds or thou- sands of miles still left in them. The kind of repairs we make -Goodyear Repair Materials and Goodyear Factory Methods -put new life in old tires. Bring your old tires around for our inspection and advice. F. R. MILLER TELEPHONE 259 GODERICH - ONTARIO ;11141111;11L46. - - ; •,3 1