HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-09-27, Page 1iiiunersipour Garlic Loral lbetirelisan hi Self bitterest teams emet ai foam '..4•Ml••••• • I SIX.TY-NINTH YEAR _ ..‘11 • t • - lohoe4irk iVirlIF3 4V-17 — 011-0144144094. 1104' - wrIalrlwatalgMY 'Arai 11 LTbHome of Good 71 Ileateoweette Mae*. - suoecriptaar $2 a year in Canada. are% a year to U. S. points. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, 'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, 1928 WALTER NAJTEL, thiblieher. Goderkh Collegiate Institute Sports Tomorrow (Friday), Dungannon Fair Next Thursday and Friday, October 4th and 5th ' rose talk wait on di:40* in our win.. tu Switzerland and Lair respeet. pEopLE wE KNow )101111% To LONDON -tdow. Last month Mrs. Howlie hada trent taw etatitoirott eaPelloe oeoli Sun Life Assurance Company. et Canada , OBITUARY eingle stalk with twenty floweve on 4toteaa for the trill to Switzeriena Igt.. J. IL Lova, of riettaa, ie via. ear„ elm lino Ake. Griseelek an4 110DERISON.----An uld and honor. • ,iting Mena* Goderieb, WHAT OF TO -MORROW? are pleased to hear that Mawr ! to have a larger oatty next* year ansn Dorothy wrsthroeke Lett 0a I are *bola to nun* to London, t Improving „ vool knoan and Mr. Ring is espeao ,;feera Guelph fer the week -end, erkh fur the past three yetrtaltrIt:11/4.0111.)(eLuNaitiltrillhalt4ietentrt.ileitiaohnealjort. az51.25 awitseriandittei tanailh who have won Lament* of reettient ot nailitenie tointenip paae t tee Geo. litter twice are beeeteang M.03 UM* Shang was how. , nod, • 1, Sloan; whoee reri eerioua eondition 1 than ail had this arta'. Mr. laiug is. ',Monday for Terento to take a poaa where Mr. Grasstek will *till foliow pabeetwo was born nt chumate* To -day you are well, happy and prosperous. Is that not , ft .0 it) 4:1 orations wits men- n tal rhoirmiutir t•eatrat t • , his line of ftilewd Ihe hoe shown siva '•{1,11e,11 teiruea, teandsor., `,t2911. businase toetanotit,-.. tn. townehip and lived all his lifit there ing years. It wiII also prOvide protection for your loved ones invested in I -An 'insurance will make-prOvision for your declin. nine time to make provision for the future? A fen cents dal" of improvement the past few day* ! vi„r. ht:owlYatigthaT Mr. eCYX. &aim has audbhopea. this Tarti 4rieeorioatAlitit, aid Ittrip)vittgrasteittrti)r.thi$norkinic it.obion it imam vtrae ahe regular meetlingoof the ligm, Clarkeeahur Ste, ha* WC Uwe room* on Tuesday laraa.ua tam L. L. Koos.: hue been ggainxelemiret4P;itotrnetior 41.0-teettnii34:0!-eran321etinnieltjiiros: Shotild 'ant ha Called away. Think of those dependent Upon fluile very marked improvement of 'I.:Vs i'itt otioln,(;litlimbr4orayn, t d Utaggin.:TILI TAZoittt9" Vrt:retivie revLIV:' Ztt t"e11 4/114/ u"he tate Marir' eIrtala you. Think and act to.day. To.morrOw it may be too lute. I lat• Goderich Golfers Ralf Peat Short empte of the horne-nuide baking sale inion tne aindergavten room. Tile re. miss Margaret White, of the Dom. *viewed as eollowe: Ladies° higiv•Mr8• 'It°h8 IC,obertsammeintiebewr t, Store saint is vending a too thene. Mra, ThInpeon: consolation, ,ittdeth disnosttione I k place on Sunday Phone 115 f in T h • atre. E. Brownlee; gatit's Mali score, Tresiatuegn rt!relt for Mann nom. H. R. LONG District Agent tbe PlaY-off for the Intereounty fIkree; Sthlt sant 113ott:rd exPressing trait. alas • read week' vacation witit iriends. Dee • tar- eartioni coloolat"i$ Mr' 'front the' residence of Mr. and Mrs. - EMICEMMerr.7"7" rcP * le one as ri *y. ee their appreciation of the Club a don. ans3 miry ntadal ante Nies /awe, hart bheardonp._ Attar .earele Nuaterij. ead was attended, by , 'rich golfers loat to Xincardme bY ot tali towards the salarY ,Ifern lett an Mondey tor ileronto to -uroli was aervedt fattened lat .•,•• ala,c • Huron Investments Ltd. COmmencing Monday, October • len all stock exclutages revert to Standard Time, with daily .seisimie from 10 a.m. to ROYAL BANK BUILDING coaurich. ont•tio ?hem* 430 and 443e _ Breach ()Mee at Manahan, • IAtbert Jatiline Dies of Mrsole C. Chan -mint* the Mission an those who would *sir fore holda the intereounty trophyfor It was decided to half a point and Kincaedine there- the intl91," instructor for the seho 1 •UIe make the usual take the University Semi bervice reaulag ot an address and the,prese target nunthern of friends and ae. aleeers. Coultiturst, Reynolds, Done to be given at the tommencemeat ex - TOWN TOPICS ter have returned to Toroeto atter a help* read by Mr. Wm. Campbell, Merit's A rif f d entation to Mr. and Mrs. Grassick of qualm owes. R. e• MeDettnid; the year. Goderzeli players were grant of Sa. for each room. for prizes, eeuree' eervices and the nallobearere were Mee. Unit. henry and baby duha Chesterfield lanm, the address pastor of Xnox ehureh. condueted the am , o er, Correction Flabdf, Beacom, chapnian and Rev. the Clule honte.,made baking sale aldsom Young. C. A. Reid, Patterson, erelees. To replenish the funds of ylait with bee parents, Mr and Mrs 4.* Detroit; Wm. htugford and Albert In tile list of prize winzers at "the edeDeraled. w. R. Pinder. . - 'Ione& The remainder of the Yeven. will be held on Saturday. Oct. lOth, Goderich Fair Mrs, irremblay sheuIti suul afternoon tea will be aerved, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hardie and ininngsitee•abseineprenintvinniehdeadnebinyg,anexecteelbleenst. CosidTthvorlPev A. olrrf C;_ollizorne. have been given credit as the winner . Presentation to :Weston Circle of titat Prize Or tiour pickle, atra. Member* . . rkide uteQwu,apwaiongerawrg Ina sexaolizeincteiseivifi ,Zeic.ifiveteer11. eirwith Mr. land Mrs, R. tra conaisting sairoph tr s 14h0 0 erne nwe violin and piano. Tim addreee is as hi f C lb h bel y, of Listewel, spent e, ap num respected reeklent of the town - Ilowrie second. A farewell social evenulle Was held (be made, and the Club members T. Phillips, of East St. f II • loot Fraley evening at the rondence would be glad of the ie Mr. of Mr. priest Smuts omit the welt., . inner elrele of personal frienda, pas. Godorlet. Ont., sed to her reward on SundaY laet in e their PAP' end with his parents, Mr. ani air aeon $5ta, 1028. the peraon„ of Mrs. John Stewart. Albert Sardine, of Goderiell, sem- • _Circle of North street United church, era until that time, when Arrange. Thos. Swart% leaving, Blonder morn- tatv.04 xrs. Gratojek. for two Of the members, fdiss Mar:, . molts will be made to veil' for them, ing to meet his boat m Detroit. Dear so stn4 machun._,,vre lair five years, pf hot io She l'..7tts hn ber Olst year and sixty- ing a term in Xingsten penitential', I passed out last week, Only a few Clarke and Miss Dorothy Westbrook, af P I rt f tit days .previousla Magistrate ..Reid bed who were leaving in a few 4;laYn ter -counoil meeting 4,t „Ligyfield, which , had word, that the man was dying of of Proton Grey Co. who are on their • rs. a mer gave it repo o e Mr. and airs. ,arthur Riehardaem frieado here asoembled toldilite do ,at Bentaillen, where Mr. Stewart eon. tig ()Aker() passed tenitY of Your with and Sincerity (lama the Betuniller Nurseries until ti a 4 Id r turned consurnp on n you e Toronto, and they wee* presented was -most intereating. At the on" wcdding iripi spent a felv days with as friends ond good eitieeno0 and as the. time of hi a death M Atria with a niee oyerniglet bag eaOh. •th elusion of the h11311100S 4t, the meet" Mr. and hIn?. R. T. Phillips this week. you are about tc, separateeroursolf SteWart, fornielly Miss Helen Seto - 'lore; - very ktappy time was %tent. ' lig. the ntainbere were invite to v 8. al I 4 Mrs 0 Itussell and onel *amity trout oue midst, and as weight, was borrt in Banffshire, S ' Stiortt Itentandeil for a Week . it v eo f the ‘Tri . a 4 I Pioneer Distance 'Movers of Caumia, %SILL TUE MOVE11. '' Shortt, the Young man mem eteee A Bigger 44Oulte" • aaa . • ---,..• , Mie laouglaa Brown% car, is in jail In The Seaforth News we read os and have a fine appeal:me. Ex,„ of ireeswater. spent Sunday with the London, "wnere you laid It down In. ;.efre..tledIV'tol)°111.1ngr. ialsatie•rwi eadvtaboArttitorat eo . which° hanvileinlbseen°An14ew%,aecol3r%Lt°ed° : theh. friends, Me fleet Mrs. Timentent "ol•l toho OP the Iota in tho oltn of land, and came to Canada at the age at Goderieh. Re was brought here follows, under the, heading, "A Big pressions et' appreciatiop were vote. former's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. IL Godeeleb, it us tope tha klud provi Russell, Goderich. deuce may watch evor you and :wilily few reere spent on a farm "on the itron Sarnia to auswer the change Lot gest, Speedy, Pacitled VOUS. New Cuket" This, has been 4 Wonderful, ed by all tib. Irtemhers present, and • Equipment, Latest methods. Two ex- and pleaded getalty on t..,...._ 1..).... summer for' oueonthere, hut It 1O it was •reaueeted that a latter be sent ltits. John Clarlt and her daughter, "And bring You bock Among aa la alte hurtle read they moved in 18aa to , 1 c a sett W AM. . -,•instered. Beyona coropare tor atilt g k . or wlretorul reverse the Omega% Beall the selutol attroctive. and to create daughter, Luey, Of 3Annkato, lain, without abowina la it 3211411 wintlowe grown on the farm of Ur. way eur Fraeer, is, living in Scotland, and the aerieneed men every trip. All loath istrate Rent lie was remauded doebtful if there are any larger than to the Sehool Board' in appreciation Annie, os Aageles. Calif., with, near future. Sir and wo vhi h h d b tl f nd, ore Before you move. %vette we a meek for sentence. , - - "' ° one on edisPlar it. ne- News *ince of all that lies been done to make her sitster, alre. Taylor, and her Conant let title OPPOrtunitY /*Mee bY ill,' ItOlte CM' singe...One sister, ivirs, . • Huai villa afaasa. G. C, L Literary executive met for rireigiling oily elle egoee • short of , were weeksend ' vietorE at 0/ivd. oPpreciution itlf the manner In which Office, illamiltaty, Ontario, Canada'. Thotnas Ferguson, Boron Read west. an environment which will be val- tOtlemorigel3r . 0efortoseistitetioafit; othheRtiefs,o1141twiln.0g1.1: teolao to 'beth teachers and lattPlin, °lurk's" 'en°e18.1s*:rtliddUteht-oettgLi Ytt°trutaimneelav:%',:trIto'11,1,ridin. trite.; James. of Xansas City; Loofa, first tune On Friday, Sept. 21st. -4, fear pounds, thienotonster IlleaSlare$ The' mostintz then adeourned. Mr. Douglae Clarke arrhaid Mute of the officer of the Liter- 28 inches around the long way the past three Years, while you bved .,f Brae tfoid: Martin, at Ontorio, ary society was called on Fridaylast is 131.4 inelaes in circumference, A 111.°tot..' Acindeot in the "FOR SALE OK TO lighit - '4eetingr and • ...• on Mender' after spending the own- in fjoderieb. Ta eranore, wei, your lehltherala; Joseph, .0t, home, him met? in Northern Ontario ,and left ' friends of Goderica beg of you, far. Kernighart. Toronto* Mrs. I. IL Alta 'PUS IlEXT.,..-C7u*nfortable rooms§ with libra.7 of the school. They Now eve hear ofebrafl, grown by. 00.ttuitlitevo: taltes0‘1710ntteirurov- erica hotyeert ,Tuesdoa morninseg.for. rTactsootyntos tor01: and lairs, Ortisele4 to aeeept title ilitows• and V: Gray", CleVelitraL nr without boara. Enquire at" nantarnOttsly decided to have a mag- D. MeLeane of Goderich, that went _ e ing. grAtt OrPeaS. - euerade promenade Friday, Sept. 5tO ounces ovr the four pounds, and th swattoz 0, perd ear witf. somiv e EllitnoeIljnIsecliirtv T°. Smtli gift, and not to appreelate it Ohio: nrii, C. II , Middleton, Goderieh • - 28th. A coedial invItation ts extend- r e tor examige _the ° for ne intrinsic value bat aor the +avonship„4, and Misisen Janine and pleasured 15 inches, round one waY ox toe V s ot alre. Alan. 14. Maxteelltaud oaugee loopy remembratlee that it maY Upton. a howls. The funeral wits -• SALE0-ne 01Peleee Aornae- ed to the ex-puplis of tins school. eta, 28%, inchea the other, rho btneetaXer, PartiptortY too ant" ters, aad Marilan, left for a bring to you °when your dey s work held ott ,Tnesday afternosta and Waif 121 Piurn elightly. E.D. Dial.. 'lleautifid Roses ' aeceseary to Inane a tura, and this eeilent conditant. Used eerY , r ' next ? • . aunt Of' tlartltng ot the et,Peting lettei visit a Preston, on Virednesdiiy ac. in done and you may- turn oli this very lottery attended, showing* the eompanted by Mrs. G. A. Tilt* and lamp. Sir and Madam, it will Matt. hilh 0$1.0ean anti rnatIttot lit Whiibh 010 inl _ll \T -( house OA A vert beautiful roe eta* with Sunday Evening Ithcithl • • is said to be responeittle tor a. serittatt Miee Ruth Tlit, Who have been the to bring back a few eeeollectione pi aeceotsod wee held. nee. R. C. Met- Jes Street. 4Motlern coven!, hlateen looms. or pude P21 It was The musteat Sertnee Ut North etrpet aeolaelet et weele ago Sandier, inner me and hive afaxwell, Gederich and 'friends. It le given to notanot retseor Pi` IC 11)). . ehurelu paces. oarage. Rent til5.001.Per month. 'brought to tag tt.?r jsffice. :11 §int.n_r: United eltur,eb. _op Swiday 0:70snol_11,7 'Mt? _clerlaVeer UwSede to ea r ON, Iv0011dolyily APPIY Para. aiouse. day ir a4re. rlowtte, by wn ln it Wa4 last was very elelightnea Th I s b ild a k r Id It h 1114 1 n guests of Mr. Airs. Carrie hos returned from a yoto sir and modulo*, with.4.4 heti:04: tooderlea, eanducted the ett 1.14:041. Ora , I very lemma tr p abroad takIng in good will and in Ga. egilre, of g a eta. 11111., '''l) were foe enne pax YOU SALE Oa BEN1\-150 gml"ii ran"av -----------------------441.GladyMeOleod Strat. a iew anleO oot hare the• outer P 411(1 ' acres, LOVA, Con 6, Ashtleld, Ap-1 , • •Y' , forth displayed avoice Of rare sweet_. reeponse. to a ellitit 'TitOtiol). Of the Ulna Of the eCtuntries in • Europeci .followsint;• And at eloe a we 'would Ge -or go, 'ilvivt(4t. /ointo aud J) 1111 • • ' aly .he H. J. BLAKE, Dungo11404, Ont, -- , roii-R6 . - nos and therm. Mrs, McCleod was wheel which ,he was used; to. The roatmieli phone es r ict, . I • - . gold medallist at Toronto.exhibition etaddent is roporteti ' as follows in tb- littitri:f ,Igartahntrr!gt°Ittr a i 1:euttlifl:iten4d5s a:ETTA 't‘t1-111: I:it:It:44 • icttAsTrisi ii °Seven young peOple ronal.tondon Mr. and krs, W. E. lo:rea'ar and, lore' And lemenry. Wishing yholu bsolt _,, i ,„. , , ,, „, ,... i 4 . .. , , iTatetitg.-.00et 0!".111niallyea " 't6011 BENT St last year in the dramatic seprano last Week's.. Exeter Thnee-Advocate ; verY interestitig tett Weene tulle. their goo d eds upon the ta et e A vaulter front here attended the suamtne try pnlegvnieng'' class and her rendering of Golmotits • ' Aon'Y ALEX S'.'.. \1)1- ' ' 1 •• ', ' PrePerty and pan/Ing tor thl$ att. En- "0 Divine Redeemer," and other met with a serious autoMobile noel. daughters; Wirinnifred and Olive, arid a nappy and prosperoue life Where. erootat eolr 4104% 4/'' 4?04gOn%0,04 ot011e • APARTMENT TO BENT.--Avallabie , tan" .4F SI OPI'IC8, • ,. nuathers was a rare, treat. Mrs, ale-, dent at Esseren turn, on the Loudon •sons, Gornet, Carman, Russel and ever you may reSide. Signed on be. WIZ, . , , . •••ta• Oeteber tist' Applr \XIS% JCialh --*--'`' ' Cleod also took the solo part in the road,. atactut: threti OM *. half reties Clifford, anotored ever from )7yhtte. half of the -0. P. R. eMploYees And Mre..I. Cook spent litet week ot the . sma,.._hed uriek house 0a ii4x,FRED,,w, Als,T=ToN.,. „ nVellet00$0. • Iter • solo. 'The City aaCI, 4S.Il result, X‘r. Xverett 'Warren, eensins, •Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Phellips. Mr. and Mrs. Grass* muds a - o e grave. , • , . Waterloo Street Can be seen by ' • • .., . - --Four;RanifrE-,"="fiy--Datthst in Whieh..or liamiltoh, Itoatt- London, Is, -in a grs..Geo. O. Sturdy and her sister, 4.111t4 reillY4 th,L,:kalal,,r.1,..tfottili.:Isg180.11418 fur It- umbe atVartlit."4 -known as sharmotos snoe store. Apply Teacher of merle, singing, . organ, to, wet:much-Attlee:0d. -Several or- fractured shunt •a badlY laterated after spending a very pletteant three. ""-a-t • neat:Inn t'i tvellearr hlirr: belteerIvi les:1;1:z. ., eritiCal condition suffering latent a Miss A. Driver, have returned 'home •tlte Idn'Ine.. „Eis and lament. Phone ,300. Mee store Organiot 'St. /allies Cilarato. London. 14rs' °e'hle34'151eYed the 141ellu °Melt - 'War. sitAlretAN., • , r .- , ToforT gart,onunthers by the organist, Mr. eat, the ton of Which . was aimest menthe' vielt in the West the t VICTORIA ST. W- M. S. IVIAlti(S' tale Annie III tr who ' ' •• goocl eliopee Game anti ask for, tionet Toronta ' userlratOKY ,u ed to rnake, aten, tt Itilleival eery . ..., itlentolettration. IFOltals otrittly eash. iover 60% , coring honors itad 4rnt monthly feature. . Man, of Prineoss *verso reeeiteti, lacer. par „ where -they stayea a weea at their aatit araireeratery wt in re. Rodger.ton a .410. reserve, the' tar must be .9014 as' . . claes-leotiors. • • . ; • . halms on tile scalp and ohlo and Avs Jasper Lodge; It Is vew beautiful tees tee on Thursday.' afterneen. daughter, Mrs. (1)r.) Blanchard, itt . ovvoet-ts-ioNtfig. town. Apply to aoat, . ivea(atueles tor a rfew, pupils.orattocargheo comhtg in ,rreeic aahareose, , eerateheda, ,prgised.. thetea, 'On raturalig they vieited-hate The -041144a lefore the tea .eenabt* itnneotoWnt, -114%, /Pent •94,Or th.q. . ' • . atilt were ea ,trom passere- ati the t. A A ItItS1 • . . A UN'IraftS. Neleon %tee . anthem, Now the Dan le Over," by• south of Eaeter late Suedayearening church and spent Sunday with their bell' frienda- • • ' lionno of hen sone Mr. °Wolfe Cooke . , gties s 3 , 0 IS IlUrse- - Douglas Campbell, Were Well pleyed Severed and was soara aegother with of Mrs. T. G; Laing, daughter of Mai, 2$T0 AXIIIVERSARY • !Mato/111ft ateWhitley, la Spending FOIL SALE. --Star Can 1023 model, in 4'14 1511104e3401 t714118 rear'e egaraina- and attach appreciated. is propos.. oeveral stitches, ant .alati .14 bad cat Sturdy. WIale there Mrs. Laing ace =eel- aer. vaeatton with her parents, Mr, the for,ehead. MSS jean Chan- comganlea Miss Driver to Asher Niel:aria St. W. M. N, eeleprateo alld Mrs. Wm. Blair. With "hos* M A. M. Ittid ua her anat., Calabringe St; - - a . 4 :,.‘'•1 *-- • Aptily at „e . :- • - i orhe ate -atter,. -saskadorae due te-0 :Ma '-rikaMt2 finaPle'qh e- tUde -41;er futillton, Re t*, ooso Jaw', Blind ea of ookie IV bite, ratT oetVatirs. wsleh40.11 Witlf the forMerse brothers, -e- Patrick Steeen finer skating ling. won IIEN.T...-Eaef, hat brick house, st„l, „ AIRS. lIARRISON'S, _ , night at the elevator with .14.5,2t2 touring oar were oa. their° or bottle Elver, Oakville and Toronto. ' 44. , ,.... , „ , ,....th,,, 4, '• ttro. Mean's. W. IL 'and S. N. Campbell, , . . , Opp. Vietorta Sentra'. bushels wheat from Fort William, to 'London after spottding tha, doy at , _ . ..4---0-.. . nanr 040,100*Ont 1g4+1045 "'Y and other friends. 11 2114(14 and fraily de ee.rated I * .--- , and tomorrow the atinch is due with IP,Perwtsh eaeh and 01.4'64 Bertd' AIVIONG THE CHURCHES by - soabrook and XV& Varr4 a tri0 . mr. owl ear& W„, ,,a,„ Campbell had throughout. Ihreeemeee bath room.. WANTED 245,000 bushels, also three United nine or was Owned by Mr. .aletc, , .„ , , v., Mesdames Jewitt, Allan and Plainir, us guests this oveea Mr and afro, .0.• eiectelo light% garage and soden. $20' ---- -.- "-:".17"-...".*:?Pac`-', StAtes 'boats, the Ericson with 192,- lobes, who waa a member of the Pitt. A1,0 sarv4ces ne4"' PunuaY 'n vh," indutling water, Immediate possessien.1 Niraainladi-; ?tgsnagn'elg ,V... '..ti4 1 g, 000. hUOheia wheat, the Holley, with 13r> atid was being driven by tir. Will toria street ehurch at 11 a.m. and 7 Mrs. •Eliner CrAnston played an in. Brown, Mr. and Alre..1. E, Ford, Mr. M• ‘14,- 110125111..rode 00! 213. , ' __, ,,Apply tao j- 01, ;of. ee e 205,000 bushele wheat and rye, and ahleLedlland. In tittle froonhomt seat wi,t,Ab, P.unin. vSPeceihnol XaatilaY pDar services in one of tlie charter members, Itighted Mr. C. E. Ford, aid Missee Maxine strutnental, while Mrs. J. II, laillion. and Mrs. IL ,Stnyee. ritr. X Brown, J' OP 11,ENT.-11pper Rat ef that well ere.--",e,e,,,,, - . , the Dennlark WIth 298.000 bushels t o river was es ... an a._ S da. s a 1 0311. the 20 eandloo in -the birthday cake. and Boxlike r ord, of Comber: Mr. n• foretesl former brick reside(ee of WA'Aiu,'D.,-4BY ViStorle Homo Ond wheat, VI from Vort William. tut Mr. Waricelt. Two ladles ond two The Is/fission Band of North street the /ate &lap Doyle, on St. 'Vincent St. DI= Andrew gave a Very helpful and Dam r). 13v)vm. bliss Beulah 'Saloon Club) oki inpere and. Thursday the genfrew ,Avas in with mob ()coupled the rear' seat, lin at-. 'United church will hold a sale of • bath and oleeirie ligtta Inagszlnes; lo be aolleeten Saturdar. 125,000 bushels flax, last Saturday CoMPting tO nlake the tall t113 tar home cooking SatordaY. SePt. 20th, and ...Pas listened to With ipach-inter. Drown, of unseen -lb. talk on different lines of the week Brown and, Anaeters Wileon and Geo. b 1 t a t tho ditch veiled r t e ilibree-plece garden, 812.0p, water extra, ael. Oet. IiindlY tie in bundles. Minch. with 236.000 bus e oca o over and itt C at Roberts° • P ne 'V3' 11V.VITED,-:-O.aretaLer for the ieraoe, wheat. yesterday the conndoe with landed with the. wheels in the air North St. United church: 10 a.m., _ • . FOR Al.'Ee--`1.40no-ores lot '2 Colo .it APPliratIons to be made to aAil.000 bueleas barley front InallItit, three or to= feet from the fengo. Merin Sunday Club, topic "W'hat is FOR ItaNTa-COmfortable house on. A N T 1,11).-rDIstri t R.e resentative eeeheet et the alt, C. mine, The the Tear seat wero practaallr nne a.m. and 7 p,m., Public Worship. first members still on the nut. Min. allee Aanes Char,therie of Forgur4 e. Aehnehi, Apply in II, gitikc, -ateMILaotal, chairman of property all of the ConOdion Correa being_tor Thogo in the front oeatoweaa the Meet. the..Churelle! .inteoduced 1;atiee.,aline •• Daegennaleant, -phone /8 r rriainifittde, up to firetatieudan uetobtir ttleport Montrml.. Yesterdny the' eir:otiSrr i:juind,. but haw any or ister; Fellowship class . fith. ' Sarrlian lltlionded 250.000 hushols thC•211 escap is a my.stery. Those in Mission l3and; S d eS h 1; net. That SOCietY 'VMS organized by Mrs. (Rev.) W. Lt. Graham (now Dr. . AsHFIELD Graham, of Ifamtlton) Sept. 22nd, ' 11)03, with -10 members. • Tit* -mem. -- LitiettraMaellonzie ottant -the bers number jut three dame ao rfeelt-eod visiting friends in 1210127 221 at present, with Our of the ban. Essex Street. aloaern' conveni- n P . Itantatebetval ard the hrottingham. Iturt, suffering; only a few minor enceS. Apply Park llonse. 1 tor Goderich alid DIettect. te re- , 1 ,present the "Old 1:tellable Pennell "hi& hove lain in nova Or a anod brazes, . The dFiver of the eat aa' bath will be in charge of the nalaist. oat, oho sent a letter of conaratukt. 111aekenefe.6° .1° Nirdp ° "' * * Servieee in Enox elute& no,,a sab. Graham not being able te be pros- is autin e a 1 f al ae c FATE ANn nourtAwct reliefttigsl!se, New, specialties, new col- ;twit ^f 'the t“"13^,I. elpartol SutUrdav e.apad wttlt An Injured finger. The . ,_ oil big sellers. Exel rilve ter-- end Stmdity fer Fort. Willtare to oat injured were taken into the home of er. Subjects of sermone: ir a.m., dons and bout armee, whieh WW1 43 Mr Fl WI ' f Goel i 1 i ited AND vistrn.vxcs AGENCY.'tal't mw at best set ti14' Th,. StaskalvlootTat 1. 012)1 into dry- and Dr. Slate ter, of townovers soon time., tYPONE tr. Ver.LLINi)TtiN, Tor- dock for some. repairs-nret. en the spot tO render assistance. c ec S Ix I and Bible Claeees•at 3 o'clock. Auxiliary Of the Woman's 11•11salan.. ;.elroail Fir % held ti eir in tit , a. et tele o er v s "A Balance on hand;" 7 p.m., "The followo, E ARMSTRONG' REAL ESTATE ritory, highest crimmissions. Mauler; leto sereir trade o'er the fall. NV. AIvia E?sery and Dr. Metes Greatnees of Gentleneena Sabbath the alemlners of the Vittoria St. 51 X la t k. nt the tome of her brother, Mr. Jno.. Lite Itteuranee (Sun Lite), araide,nt. ellt4)2'" e - , ... The unfortunate victims were Frederick atotsoft, of. atastock, ai Socie .. T ' 'Ir t- ' ' ^ ' * " 1 uu ' . ' lv meeting at the 110040 Of 'We. D. Rouses and, lois in Goilerich. and - trihutor for \ranches well Itnown Royal Bowling A leys cher and afterwarde were removed to addre4anal igiscattril4tohiotuh8;1141,;iro, vionity and Warns te,r sale at lowest food products, moot articles. etc. We Ur. 1.10Yd ha$ ilnd constacrable London. A provincial bridge inepee• rt, ti_ ler t a S •Ittril (1ion,47411118' taltY4tilitic;flatti; .4frnar az!4(Itangyk.utlitlawirtnalfn - •prIces they ran lie bought known to nave aii operting In rioderich, which improvements made in hie bowling tor leopponed along at the time and of l`torttt "street United eleurcn neat twentyaitOt annivereary at year oi. . _ , the +agency. will not last long. This is your oppor- alleys on, west. *treat. The runways phoned for Provincial Officer A. nlonday. Special program. The pub- in thie tactility on Sueday. ganization, Memory brings back to 1 - r Just a few of them: tunity to make some real money in a are now both against the walls, al- a few of U3 a pleaeant September • r,uso, Annie alacDonald, of Durilop, A nice cottage on aoullk Street, tine Imeine,se at your own. Experlente un- Whiteside, of Goderich. When ' it lie ore invited.' Grant, of Leeburp, lowing more room in the centre, and was learned that Mr. Warren had Baptist ci malt S pt 30t1 • If aft° n on with the bright auttunti and 511•8°' peat" eondition, good eeilate stain barn, two necessary. Write'olving tore. to the J. h ,b • he i e , o . 1. sir. r o . lots, some fruit, Price 1,1,100. Easy P. WATKINa Co., Dept. AP, itarnilton t ey ate sari fixed se that the balls suftered a fraet000d /Ault, McLellan vest Festival Sunday at both meet. sonshine teaming through the wee- r were homeitfor the itveekand. h e ' run up on the higher track, contra. and U0OS Were placed under arena ings. Special muoic by special sing- tern 'Windom at tho 111 ill baeoment ,, ttr. and tre. g 1 Maelutoe , 0 terms for payment. - v 'tint. several it,o story houses, electrir -- - - -------•-°---- buting to a ore en e t rn ' The J. M . e dY re 11 . etild were taken to .Goderieb, being ere. Lovely church decorations and vestry upon a email circle oe 1' 1,21 14.. 1110'., rietiteel .at ano _ hole() _ of . lighted: tellers und outbuildings, andi . AUCTION' SALES alleys have been machine sanded, later releaeed on bail. 'The 01 1C appropriate eermono. Begin the, iota; tli 200 /nob, easy term. aut. facer:, enowing alternattay feer and 'their son, Die; J01121 Alaantalhi. .1.13t e.-..e....onos......-a---..--.....- Waned end hand sanded, and Ore itt members of the party were tahon to umn with us next Sunday. Morning faith. We were a* faWs allti tiur Week. ' 'I A fineelal eters" S'rOOM bungalow, (11.E411ING AUCTION SALE; 0 le perfect acondition. Tito counter has London by a passing motorist. Tim ettbieet, "The Lord of the baryon' present hUrdens I•vere so heavy I The marriace am% !gee° quietly nt Mendes 'clothes viosets.) excellent con- N-• HOItsgs.ICOWS, i45 ',lila ,AND 30 been movott upstairs. where Mr. auto eeas badly wr,ecked, the top, Evening, "Sowirty arid fReaping.." A Vat '111 '11.' heart9 OW OVor braao, onion, polished harawood limns, nieely, YOUNG taarlaa. ` Lloyd Intelide baying four additional winclabield, 1.) 1' and w'acele being welcome awaits Yoa. and ramie tonvinced that the Manta ' Eether Millicent Hacteett, eleagliter- the Ashaeld United paroonago. a deconated, wen natieted inside and oua I fine bath room, electrie Waited, with WILLIAM IL ideliairo alleys in -stalled the first of. the 'badly broken Mild WiStetit Cthnna be- P.ev. C. E. Sharp. al. A., of Torone t -M9 ectiling to a lootv line of CL 1011, of tfra. 1,1s Ilactiett and the late Ina. • ' • reentle tind an attractive ladieea aiii- yond repair. It aiie brought in tk to, who hos bebn spending. the gain. this litaVe lama! added to orecadae vid Ifeehett, of Arinield, to Mr. Ale en mamas, bat onti cold Neater Guppy; will roll by public anetion et hnt I, L. i 1 1 b lift d n d CI b ' r?owl house and garage; fine lot es- it Astir:Lila, fright at Port.Athern, on 1 ng a c°r° I•n9 °ell e 1:1•• "41* laru e" 4-ral.4gel'i 3 mer in Gotlerich, will be the preacher at!, *J 11121,, oZ the Vt- M. S. Eliza tin W. Nwles, non a Mae. Dowlea eellent location; Price aaa100, Cood ' • .Tux-ADAy, rffrrOrtgli Ond stairs, furnished with neat wicker or . The accident had ite sequel in the at St. Georgen ehureit on Sunday. ,rt4aO ow prevent that ofeernoott , ettt • Many other nne houses, full modern il pea. ptirpoe horse, 4 ye 2.4 old: j, ing eyetem ie to be lestalled, anti er was let go in the Meantime to see of Stratford. will preach on the fol. , cod the late Wm. eevIle 9; of Lentlen, terms for Tart payment, if required. 44 1111111 at fag Galata saorph veed furnitute: A hote eteatu heat- . 1o1e0e court tit Gederich•aad the driv- October 7tb, and Rev. Iforace Snell, "clro PCced "" 3°Ille 113vG' n"vcu-011 Saturday, Sept. altid. The kids jr 111 Sunday. The ('1 C1 en both tl'fiaa741Lreer ot7iec<ilefitirrylligievlurilend `,Ivi IF:nlnocnd eiraerue ff,/letitl; cT20:-70tbu3:1 icesc:14 ..., equipped: afillie hot water hea.ted. i 411 4)14- home, 6 years olwhen the ebongee are comolete Mr. how SeriOUS 1lZr. Warren's Injuries Number of 10W priced houses in goad I. {haft mare, II ------.------- d, 1.350 lbat TIovd will bevel' a bowling palace way prove, oubject to eall at tiny these Sundaye will be obeerved ape.. upon. their ebouldere, the button of eacar trinnoiligo, ugth n little 511we e000.00: eamoo; ttook Vont/ Pata Durham eow. 7 years old, fresh Already tbo bowlera . ate getting October 14th being obeerv'ed as the etWANTED.-ateuabie man a' it local dis. Making intin'erenien°4 broUght tO tha• 1103Pital Dr- 1 we ear I riende,---May I have tat/ r.teintma last Wednesday. auto, etc., Ineumnce. net. Dominien bor orator, roll g an D • 'condition. Prieee. nai0.00: 8700.00n part Jer,o,:iy cow, 6 years tOdt due tilat trtke Pail4) thing to beat It. time by ehe Court, e. eial thatiaegiving servicee Sunder', tho euecetra of the weak. Into, it bc..,gn hat and ma von. slippjrz, ard, vent olan. • . . ,....- ......a.. la titild months; 30 breeding men, Ox-, busy and with the comino- of the in------- Large number of terms tor sale. ford and Leicester, 1, fl' and 3 yeara old: door season the Royal Will be a live,- • N TOrivzs „o,,,..,,, usual itareeni. taankeeivinte Sunday. Gua'u Kluf4cle'ra been br°tIg'4 t° the bride wart a eilver eteea beg. hearts that otherwise must havebeen t 3 8 le., 51r. aed Afro.. Dowlee left by motor neat Estate, til Aalg• Ist;4c Vaeksk" f•4-91118- ill"' °St Mr. 'George 1i. Xing, formerly or- the. home of mr. Ed. Curren on 11/51d in 141 1111' on Monday: The worth vildia? Surely Iles not two to roach. The groom's, qigt to, •soineror exchange on town property, . i purebred ram; 4,yorkUilir3 SOW3 4Vith 1 ly Apot fer the sport, The fottoWing from St, George's loft oat, nes this Auxilier by its on monday to their toato ha Lor.flon. Per MI information ii.? it CO I . peeeistent faithfulneme tot eon en no bride ti,avelEng ia a aroY oat triniecnonattlirs tno0tothbeeral? anItf.a0vmetgouctie ligititsda arid nbek velvet tna van she°, ana eirtibertea °have noVaitareavato littana ' • 'e '' ta ' aeratnatattn' e lune te mate% . . ,t,,,.4 etrengthened by," the prayer of its miners(' in the ineetinge felt the pre- via mrri,pg anti nruzova oft tivinsys3 °niched hY tflo onarill(10 ar4 Norvico thug; all who etatettnetell their. been . ate annum ineetinh, ohthe agthord cloarelt were in attendance at the J. W. AILMSTIIONO,. - Yorkehire GOW8. bred from July 12th air, Icing's European Tours- hospital Auxiliary tvill be beat at Sunday' Seltool Asseeiation meeting Of tlie Huron Deanerr, VAliel W43 ,-,r)rpv.,---'*`•atcs.7 ki 0-1.17..""'"'"1=1; := - - - dOlgli aeo absa a atarblealf Yeelahog; , now , . . 0 son pp f it it. vii „ma, 13uveziateadent, am - -1(.1-41.----- - ' " - - "1311 1)14 "341X 1° wean; 3 't 4( ,It'. ItTnitet1) ebort4taG°darilh 4tas 4 11 I beit \ it oinem A'846sttr' l• /`• : 'combination stock rack. in town on monday• and Tueeday. lte Ae a ospereigi /hetet-lug 0 tiie own Mr. IL Leggett, Aceretary-treasurer, !' j. iiii. CRAMIE ea ot ae 'Pril•P 1 Everything -advertised will be dietrose ,Itad tufa returned *OM his European , ,e„.___.uniteilgtaiiiia, afiltd,tw:410.8!.rtnitshecroti: lit.?1,80.,apsatiffituteary. wev;vzfolli teeter Is golno to Detroit. , tour, the E3COad animal tour which he Ileinasee-seven months' eredlt wilt be lute conducted. This year he lied 68 5"Th n "(it"' 1)e)ri" illkeret " Per tent' ntenotarrid, England, holland, Belgium , at9. , Goderieth Ont litti'm; 43 st°re 141F44' aheut 12'111)44 ganiet of Notth street Methodist Thureday, Ott at , at 2-20 Intm e ohm PevoZtolla Millet Mr. (. cunCu 4)f Gut' ulul 21481117 Ih4'18 he" Mary letilee No. 413, lei att,A., %tat ta lector e OM 0 $11,311 fuenishing afproved joint persons in his party. vhsiting Ireland, , rensinfinneal,""„e''S10n Talli°14 Mr°. a't24 r °ad 1r° vit:° "werat lib°11t (1°1ng 4°33gi'f' 4)P1172113°4tIlt7111;31t111741161‘4.144%vt147P(Iavic'i2241.- Real Estate aikt losarasee Av. IT DIGNSON T etrainlY At at. • • X a • g .1 I rfed Boma. "149prietnr. Attelionceren and Ftattet. and after this part ef The regular rneeting ef the node. • , blase this organizatien evert room riL 7ticii women, T tit t he h !di The Young Peopleat Magee of obuntlantly in the dsys te come than NAN / ( \ , ...A.14. as ........„... - .........r..„,„„ 0 ip, m. King re urne wit m.,/,51, 101 II: 4,45,1valah, 0,vi,ehene ,letorth etreet held a reorganization ; in tile pita.st. t at the reembere may , a a J • •',.t. IL [thoee who dol not teleh to nroceed -- e -- --: -e" --- - ineetirig on Mentday evening eed realize t e groat Sott that r °Too frOln . \ • "--"' - --lor.,!fartIter and Mr, King continund on in 'Ithaest, 3 PAL 'r-11-'1• will b° gr$33()-' ;iceteti,the f_01161`titlik Meer!! for eine tbevoillesact?.:1,areltPrsrielitiit,lt LIJI.t.rb 4.'222 '-u 050015fort_ tvr t9 switzrtstta and meaner s day. and then Will be a . demenetra___..tlon of p_____,,____,Ioneer antletiee ear: 'Preeident, mr. D. cirttpbc ; O• Fir CAREV 414 SC$111 Ltd' ii hil .1020 tour and the mining dste has Italv. Mr. King le already planning ' Convertor of Deafens! Committee, ;043 11.10 in .eaterohnr te Von. tat!, - already been decided on, the runty •t Copper Bofiere. special price taaela, elloin313arnycl&oAjniftree;.eitisvee115°Iart;f151elitlel: Sn3ttelTerteY1-1, trilhelnie hjeesiTti:sft tollPeelritrarttualtte toe. Mime Thelma Cheer: Convenoeof 1 Yours Sri 1(i41 Stkrvice., . tan towards the end of Febtusry. ‘-itlatia novae and Salad Ctlb 13. Clarke; neeretele Irifime r. Raid; 1 el N. Emerald. ataminora ° INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE ell the Cunard Litter Athenist on Saint. Alf. Telebutt & Sem Phone di; Convener ot,Citizenthil) Commit. t4'•°" a..114 /3"t irlt/*8` Teispiloos 230 _atm 28111. Mr. Kiog is else omit, ds-ta. Wo deliver. Irina a Bermuda perty. 'a tandem' Literate/ toed Social en-mitt:0, Mr. • MATTO; an altAIIAM. GODERICH ONTARIO tOUr Iti4 4 194%V 4400 }lumber netne4or, • laCteier The tow officerte ma to te inee---The MieSien Rasa of Nettie FttteLit kEiv. '7;5;3;4, ;110,1‘t5Els'enno 'With an ettea 14 or 10th, at pew Afteenott tom strA.Iritalkd at 1rto 6.12 Stiinds7.07C-a. church vtill 11C4 si tale of eafinve elf tae tee reel ae-o MASONIC. TEVOLE BUILDING Ferthm georaurettnt thtt” tours will hold e sale of homeanade intke Treantutr, M12, LAILOYI3N.I. 134n> Septeftiber talt 9:100agal t(AVIPeat).- F'rttll7113Y. f-*‘-rt/rItil1P? Lana, itra: 1•1 !op attfl Stinloy Vonatilso, tlto a•lt / 41 a 411)n, 1201:2t1 Stailley• Veranna DIED time on .1anaday, iaept. taal. Ian orate Itfae.none. Qateet. .teeeliter ef . I ta teateala feaneee of fleeter -Pio allitEnTaioNaett italeeleo, on Pri dor, le'eotetrace Olet, 1021. Ilkley Aloe 13t;d::,2 -e ter atar an11 n'3 , re ar• fermtrlY eta -naiad by C. Ode Mira) A. trnweit suld G. ttrown. I qt--cm.v.UIT -1.1 0 ,ri.,4,11-•.? I. on o e _ --a-121 &vs ter the trip to ftitTtorlauil el, r t 1 .ina'. '' ' i X'11e e09/1-ing SlinnrdnYp Sept, 29the . 2;1 l) o Ao „ ! Sillif•••• , 11.1, +rirrt eirailLia.a. A at se elates* -,