The Goderich Star, 1928-09-20, Page 8Anall•ONNINI PAG II I .1 .1 I II 1 II 111.1 III Have Yen Entered The _ nts Jiik,Kleil VilkK • 0 Viirfieltel° St lir Atli. Ibtla AI,BURN CODERICH TOWNSHIP I - arei 31re, llowatt NI week -Alle teen_ '1 ilet 10 GeJ-1,,isteehe oe- - Now h the time te have %jetted Iiiende in fee village, alels,ner bl t Ws week to tat tioorritn i ig Metals n F.ginontlillito this we. A large number attended the do- , , We. Geer& liow-ait is Ivieitirg t ; Lotus Lawmi , 1111$, AUd Mies Jcan Iioulteaucte of Ice14,.tleft, der service in Maithiod LendesitoM v"" 141'cai in th25 lc' eit/tsser)Adelkleistidesunitarideen Jett ielten- heirlity this week. day fer London to ettend the Norniel f Word Contest iet r ' a, re, - Mr. A. E. Codes ef Sault Ste. Maxie Miele, visitretelenels and eals ,S(''neel there. We wieh ke oljecols, Parts. Oda, &its, Needle's., etc. yniar Sewing Machine OVERHAULED. $250.00 rues led oil Old liCfill/filltWilee3 la tide !wale by last weds, BENMILLER MISS NOBLE s Mr. JA$. Johnstou la busy thie Mr* Cumming l* epeeding a fe 'st-i•;elk installing two additional ease. days la 'Toronto this week. &Welt Eitheavi Slocit line ranks, He nelieeee in studying Mr. Kerr and Lerette spent a few • p • the wants of his .vavieue custereers. tleye Creditert laet week. This we the /Mel...layers havo Miss E. L. Campbell returned to etertedon Die Peesbyterian ebure , bee borne for lest week -end. - „Tile bung is expected to be ilnisb. A. nuber tom around here at DUNGANNON ed in teetobers when it will be opened,* teni'London M Fair legit week. r. Chair. Alton will bavo 4 Ste Oar Window* ROA Gravistdno ded Miss e Eunice Lane hue gone to are ray of ladiee' veats and dreeses of goek, was he the village during the tend .tbe Normal Seheol at Stretford.1 ateet styles, inateriale and colort,at the past and visitieg esenee of hie field, visited Mr. anti 317es 'W October 4th aml DostUalluart fair . an Get Partici/ past Week activairiterieeeIth of ut,,, and mra..itirg,,mven Brinelbis *ton on Thursday and VrAey, ars at once. youthful days. I Mg iong days. ou Sunday. Fall faits are tie/order ot the clay 1st, and Mrs. Wade, of Wroxeser, Jter sister, efra„ oece Erwin, on San. ; Mrs. lieurs7, of Fieeherton, 'dotted ' at present; last week Colbovne, the spent Stinday with their daughter. a nem. pat ot this week, Getloriele Coweetia. ke. les Book Store Even in fairs we can overdo it. the latter part of the. waok Myth. and zit ri r. ter *tlipi;s4ilewttthiteriat diey birth of a draligiiittf. vld GIP". toris, erste. net.. Congratulatione ere extended to '-' t r) cattle for Mr. John lloarethe latter „„„ Nat Mr. Brratt shipped two earloads of 151 rs. Cheeter Dnin arid little Soli,- of last week. On Mondey of -44e3 ennual school fair Was hold at! Mof Pittsburg, ere ur ,gueets rela. 'this week Mr. Erratt elliPeed a car Carlow last Priday, Denmillez third successful J. the shield 3Ir. end Mrs, Jas. Girvin visited mire. Tide beinc the tives in this district. PORT ALBERT a lamb.5 and hOge and ow of cattle. nine first Even at this late date etoas eve ,,,„ „„„,„,,,, 4, c tWLU heir daughter Mrs Nelv`n R t . . et 14•4 3fr. John Green and &welters, seen in tome of the fields. TI "'"" "`"'"'"" 4. Lucknow on Thursday. 4, morsgs---'111Baug=u........*~•••• SEPTEMBER SALE of Ladies' Silk and Wool Sweater Coats coJIar $3.00 and $5.30. Each- 48 Medium weight, various styles' all this season's. nicely trimmed packets, - etc. Shades, sand. rose, green, blues. sizes 34 to 42. Regular 1 SILK allo, WOOL STOCKINGS , Warvanted . full fashioned Widened .61) Worneres "Mercury make" in colas beige, mist, ninie,;,ppacii, etc., sizes * • to. 10., • .*:. • • • . . • . • $1.00-, DRESSES Showing some very pleasing tlyies in wool Jersey and in the new light weight Kasha Sill; and Wool Jersey cloth, one - plea and two-plece.Dresses, sigs $_to .44, variety eief: Aiew: eliades,. Prices- ' range from, 3940 to $16.902 . "NAVAJO EILANKETr—The large size, Imported "Navajo Blankets," size about 62 x 80, for Comforters or Dressing Gowns, to make up. Colors arid designs 75 .pos4, are roost pleasing. Soft quality and splendid stock. Regular value, $4.98. E.ach.- — IC ACHESON & .SON ,,Op.,4•4414* Maul and Grace, visited iit•tius die. cent idea of stook threshing hae sTFIELD . mr. sn'd Mre, 4411.10$ Olvers of Nile. 1 ' .... ..., _ Milis Edna Murray its epending a , dry season it is au tight, but in * Igiss .Ena SowcrhY was a 1..0P(104 and Mrs. R. „A. McKenzie. • Mrs, .T. P. Camp/sit. - few dity* under the parental root bee, wet season like thieS'it le too. rieky, Pair visitea• on Pettiest.. 1 itEAll IPUL FI. R AMP , fore going to Detroit. • 1 The Viroman's Institute had -their ' Miss Cora Errington lett on Mon. I Another or tne titoneets ef thisdiss I The September meeting of the 141 - Me. and 111144* George HoWatt were Altst. on isti extended visit with her triet paesed awey ou Wednesday if- ;diees Ata or Victoria St. united li - el toad Mrs. John Tigert, I It WAS grandmother s (lay. 4, 1, t 0 don Priir visitor last week. ertiesday front a visit of aeveree gtlenlinnt ;-n 'the je. /I" ° lley Pent. levere'present, load after the devotion- Chriet eltureh, Port Albert, 'Will gmndrnatilerl i.1.1 til'° 74 "4911141°1 Me f AIM MeDowell attended. The, months with relativee in 'Toronto nral InialitierelmA t1.10 late Jolin Hamilton, ex inset -hour MMUS of interest were ' hold their same! Uri/est services ein i were ,i11,,v_itel; 4 Pe lr WA Anwar, sept. 23rd, to, it Amu tind rewareneutnoit day; illsairialo;trioy.t, Fait at Ttenden one deY last week. 8144e3 Etilts" 1 she suirdure7n7thiethieullbet%bothieltbtsht4. ebtfeurarotri°,r°AthrIrseenligfiftsMidwderee- Mr. and, Mrs, Fowler visited ell Melville Culhert. etas in attendance I house the dee* of lier e,latli and pas. , made for • tee nixdiog o , tne usual. NI 1-eirt SatidaY` bat* deUbt a good deal to-do with. it In a visite4 recently nt the !loam of etr, able for women," will be taken by MRS. DOWN PRESENTED WI'fil T 00 L the week -end with his parer4s, Mr. 'viten' Rail on tru;sdnY afteret Mr. Koeirian MeDewell wafTti Lon. Afro, Thot. Stewart retutned on Mr. Waiter Tigert, of Vlig, spentiresalar, monthly meeting in the Pa- in L0114011 on Wednesday. • 'sister, Mrs. Badman, et Toronto. 'tetrurstfisid twv fust ,s.rt 41:, 0 4t. A goodly zumber• t her home, 40, :onlevion !par: rsitheld at the home of re, 7.30 P.m* anao&r:tnher's inifisfath" da?" No softy rdr.k.swr, and ars. Ewa., a the 'Western Peir, London,. where ,sed away while sittiug in her chair. Inanksgiving supper an 4oneert on doubt when moles righte„ are y Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon -- )etroit le mem !irg or he Delco .1 r ettee a e an not be as e leth A beautiluI Old OW the house and grave were conducted by the Rev. J. E. Ford, interment being mode in Maitland cemetery. The palbearers were Messrs. W. C. Prldiram, Herr', C, Robertson and W. Salkeld, of town; Idr; • Salkeld, of Stratford, and far. Iiitirehall Wright, of Sarnia. !' There was very large. attendaaee tla funeral bath from town.andcountry, eeeitegrees, ASIIFIELD • . ' i - '' ught c mil ay 1 wh',„,,e14 t 8 4, , 4 v - 8 to , t .,_ advocated we will get- them. . ' ,471Sitilllr her slater, Mrs. W „IL. Cam.. 0 a * • .. • tem' ,.., she le known .0 „e well into white guilt was otteted for sale and i oficiurec '104 co awl?. r. 3,0bn west boa ouroased a, trrese enotser eorrespoudent) hall* ' . 1,024413" riCeienfrwe Ietuvuea to 1-1-er the tun' etlete She is survived, by.' a Mrs. tR. 'It. Reid wee' the purehaser. 1 U01"1.4" 048114441riltarciirriulif 117.4'' was home for the weekend, t Mr. Itohett Snell is loading a car b°11t ni' Al"Inler'' '' dnting the .Paet u'ee4. 1 the Iate john liamilton; one son, such evork done. At 0;6 'Close of elle $ S L . , to obi' ode. are visitinic trienas in Kintaii, i xtra s. am, or a/roilob, s14a1 4 firentilav a few 4ars with her broth. ug er, Ass Mergotete with Miss ab. Tlie funeral wee held on Thurs. piece entitle', "The TilArl Behind the ! ' 1 Ite Ford. 0. E. Erratt shipped tweeterIoads IfisS gdna Waleh 'hi 'at the / ek Itton 011 Sunday after son, *oboe, with whom ehe resided, The axe undertaking to quilt i UCCESS ' of choice fat cattle last week. home of ,het aunt, Mrs, eleek Camp- 4 eASallt Vont with rOathres here and WO,M predeceimed islt her busband,- a number of quilts tor those evishing ore ore. • Mr, Duncan IVlacHay, ,of the map but cawant af Birth, 14 daMiTa.tandwinre, J. Ryan and Wm, atilm. and one daughter, Debor. business sessron, we, Aden ow 4 WITE Mrs. Allan and family, of Carew. of hrossed bay and straw. thie week. C are bruisersieniers, or, sisr„. „sack corium porothr Allen were recent guests. I. day aftereoore the emerlea being con. Smile.'" Tim president. liars, DWer11. Central 13usiness, College W.vandr416, was battle for filo "Mk' Xt" °81441811*lea•ti r Btu"' dorsal:4 lattialOW. in the absenee of Rev. -kis.. Walker and lYirs. O. Wilson read a ehort ed.' ,,,str„ mid mrs, ------ d week visitillif e Sone Prof. G. E. .x.sn 141444 * Allen need were Sunday guests. at who is away et ereeent. Interment faithful work Ile bad done during 3/4* • Mies Charlotte --.11aekenzie, nt fwer daYS laSt Weak t bk)aW 15fra A. .0 x • the 110100'0E3'1r. Mid Iktre.'llarty..Ane ,ductedly Rey..Robt letindy,. of Nile, was ealled to. the eentle.of.'phe encl. • Mr. Geo. Raithibit OtlelptlthiS 140,4 ontL11,.0 ilrtnnecte3*.-"IY.Ir* ilnd Mrs. Robert. Davideonned pastor Of BilagailnO4 Mated ellurCh'r dress e*prozsinf aPPreefotiOn of the . /FORD' tiliT 1,01111mieDn'iltart wenekal,"4, vblted frteritts 4611Vr1,741:4Cit tirs°.* ;t4):0. Ore and v.ielttna!' ?ler Zru1sth'X°rin-1:Ele°hItt: Ottlebrtmlie t(loternM:illtulT11.7. aigka:fa ransnomna'ne'nlett'nerg-,,a, n/tb- 31,au-benvers efig- secietY andb exPreeeleg thte lot it Dan- the yeere had been president et teesrs. Mei unekennie, ,Thim dalghte,el. c,rborlant. ;41,7 nizsaisttillt , /1,11: •?4,4tra•40.04thiii1101;1,0:10tds,L021, dea.boio,.. thed'ettetiryrientiotnizee:rteteier000bsun., Beattiene .xt:nea;!_rTioscs.amStibetunefs.Th'saoms.tiewi, iCalltse,, .ttibg.,,shine mthioglxgtoode lwenog:Tkep4trrasaiii.cefrInt,-;,i a er, 7XeXtniS 40108 ReAd4111 end Alvin 1.t„, -„,„:„„.,,, Moore . e tnilittson .aftended ---Lir. last """--"e - " " - elenea ag weeit.et. the Itenle d 'her .3.1r. and Mrs. Rey B. Hutu ,niut Jona miens() and Rob.t. Davidson Mrs,e31411aretheir presented her vita i - h. • . no hem - at tk uto k Mrs. A.' Challenger. f Gotlerich S d TIRLPAST hell, of` .the tneleber4.- .Itira flown. 1 - v Wog. The regular -service will be : sister. Mrs?, J. L. Sionehouse. • . ied them on their return and is a . daughter. . on Wednesday Sept ' - weelo •Noc ,sonday Anniversary acrsiens„ ew, r, W. F. Campbell. fandirt of Stratterd, were guests on I a beautiful electric floor lamp, on bee . 0 although takee emnoletely, by our. i e t ' thanied the lathes for their kiedly1 ottl in Knox United eltureli at SO.ISI . Miss Winnitred Campbell spent a IsPending Yale Irrelt tit Straigerd• igth. 'CongraOlettene. t words and beantiful gifL **Blessed l et,m, ' few dee% test Week with her friend, Vilsitets .frAllx 1)engentioil 'who at- ' Mr. and,Mrs• Harry Treleavenand Be the Tip That Rinds," waa sung , ' Among those who atteuded the M. S. IneClineltey, of Auburn. toiled the Western „Fair et London non. A11111,4nd Mrs- Robert niggloar and the meeting' closed"with preoer. 4.' Western Pair last week were Mr. and Mrs and Atra. Fred J. 00011 and were: Ur. ThOulei Rive% Mr. John of Dungannon, spat $111141a3r after" Latta' WAS served, and a-soeial time fMrti. Jae. Moulden.. Mr, and Mrs. A. Mr. and ildre. Welter •Gook „were Mose, ltIm. Ti O. Allen, Ur. and Mr. 'noon with Mr. and Mr. witeen. It'- wooyed. j. Ferguson, Mr. arid, MrS. Goo. Bea- MaoD AL , . oN D -wtralvirEtrx,04;v1:1434- d tlealn13'44'1•1:6 anAttlieCelvin 1 vt,iir. 1 • Arse Impost, ourrication Non held ,ot oter, son, 40.., ceeras sen -watt, smr home bereeifter ng for 'terve and Mr. and Dirs. Arthur Celbert and outs Thout tee days of heart trouble, their Diamond jubilee eervices Sim. The elleiverSerSt Beritite$ will be 'Ikie in Pterrison, where sit woe fmnily, l'iPera Sundey with lir. end eers, George Andrews, Who with her CI It TO 'o'clock °atelier t4th Her Wrav'sli of as net gilets' for e eseen.end, her A, feet from here .ettended the Tit Goderich Zombi'', passed away (pi ''''""" poi mein in tile afterneell eta Setordey at the jioteff of AO ten. inise Georgia Alien nova/span. Bote--To Iltteand IVirs. Roy Irtriar prise Made a rep? &tin* reply, ited nery ANNOUNCIN our 011 ouday and Tuesday SEPTIIIBER 24111 aal Oa following Smartest Autumn modes in pattern Hats and new adaptions from our own work room New Mem in*Hthrimed Hat and the increased vogue of Herettas and To4ues New Corsage Flowers MISS hinVICAR Kingotara Strut , PAittl.FLE.,3e For trgbolstorierg. Repairing ' arid Refinishing. A largo rsogo of Sample Corer. P. A ZIMMErtIVIAN Ner$Ion 51, P , „ TV Mr. 4,4 sirs. E. vinough, .„ _ . tiPd Mr,n. Thomas Strong and I • . sod 1Wrs. Hamilton, visite4 on Stinday at the being Alt7vaao' 11‘111,,, rstamdta .:daughter4 '141°8 lirerda and, 011,7e, ANDREWS. -,After an illness of OBfftr.A.ItY ''ELECTRICIAN th - dey, Sept, 33a Afternoon service- held in the Westfield vnited clutch remp,cypi1 vrofessioinarty, ghe had . Mrs. John Mullin- ' husband recently- moved to town from ''Electileal. and .3 o e oc ,,eveiting servo . . on . . • c i • The speaker% will be Rev. tr. W. Exetor, Nvill sosalt afternoon seed frhInd* Miss 'Atetie 11-0-„nonald• .E•Ne doh Fair; among them being: . r. '..fuesday at tier home on potation*. , pastor, Rev: R. S. Oracle.. bremhers .gire special music. Mr. Ghee. dilaileseed Los Angelo., Irwin, Mt and Mrs. Casearell ifaelr. member of Xorth street. leeited I Chiteieeworth of Isondon, and the esvenhig. The Weitdeld thole Ae.e,,,s of i of the Scotch ehoir of Torootoevrill _ . ..._ . , - e_ e... - '" Genie left onfiris return to his home ea' and babe mad Miss Millle'1et chtutir and was treasurer of the Mis- Tecawater. -. ' TOM TWallliert Mr. and Mrs." Wilson road, ;gm Andresve was a 'vowed ElooRtradicio:Sipplias render -the s'inusie at both 'eereleee, cARLow in that blisi following la vildt with Hackett. and. Mr. and °Mrs. Jno. Mut; .siottery_. Society for six .yeers. 13e. ;„,. ' Iassisted d)y, the choir. On Monday '''.. , . , relatline irrIGOderieb, Re also re* .11n, ' ' ' ' i sides her lalshand she leaves' ta Ran es evening. Sept. 240, A 'Eacred'teteert Miss Hogg, teacher of Kos 3, speut eewed '''fhrintii. aCqusintances -with / '' ' --'+'-''`'"---- mourn her toss three brothers, Rem- vweillilegi pgriergenra,min twiltenchheurvclurovitend eif;- liot:thsv,,eniqeend at her home near Sea. fl,,rlelotidswion;'fitn.oirileain4,eityo of, Ds ungantion, ..Lernointit.4,14.41,4)1 Perth,t ia5nd°..1 OF GOLF .orrt..e: eOrarnentehearuldeeothoro4: AbOrnotrulirerlalitilleir4Ot .TeL 1744,to prompt sepias, ,, iv h th I of -his birth. • / members of the,,Seateli choir and loe Mr. 'Toni Corel,' we are sorry' to Th ' . , e . proorty at Nno, rorooriy, piv,ra .(tanci 4 eli:a mateannicarvomina. oatrelp2LItirciohe, mlii.e, lit Gatioddetrrrhee: %esotregree,, ' ' ' , . i en/ talent. eonarieneing at g o'clock. ,ororgolttn, 1 !a ltat 111 "ho 1/08.,t °E Ileahtlftt boweenepigillsitii tas.nriarlsOutre,slaniiiittat$ aitg,'01% 10 0We ecalr3e, itret th4 play'. Mre. X, 1.1111er and Mrs, 'Sort Dyer, W. Mac DONA L.D.. t ,ivi re, off is scheduled for Pride/ of thie , of Calgary, and Mrs. A. Fzeeman, of' ' ' Belt/0111X /101LCO a video, i Iris many d's %ode ate .pleased to tonere, : . ' .- of Gederieh. The .folieral was held , Ekotrin Washers Mr. Chas, Allot is trying treak- whose Prolmity adjoins it s. * week at restowel. The seoressof the Biddeford. elle wart the daughter of est' treet meats at Battle Creek Sanitarium for liott ohtelbed, Itomediate pOsse$Siell. two iraenee -41reaoy played .were WS the late Mr. and Mr ee joeelsh Vileore le al op No. I, wits a vieitor a the eelioettair Miss Shaw, a former teacher of kernyewrtohmat, trite Aeacmoidaeknittgvgbiedb, rbea., him , * 'a jpgrieeptelnlet.ed at mmtlastl Itott her 4,illtiilir4reass,lid„ertgeonee=rattietai 4. , AO Plid147. ' • ' ' "•.-- • . l Hiticardine - Maitland ,. .... „ , Is et, attended Mos Evelyn, 'Reed, of- the Royal 'Wright. 11... <Lee.° Donaldson, Jas.,.1 We carry a good stoat or decoration service. at Inaittand esine. Think etal, Goderieb, with her fathe be hsenen, 'sv-,, , ,g. young, It. 0 -1 Electrical Appliance* rent On SIllIdaY. , sr, Mr. It. L. Red, visited eelatives lleettry..,....f.:1".,,,S Reid C. A _,..'..,tie kese;s„,e,ee ,c,.. • A sitm-iber teem Isere attended de. In Dungannon on Saturday. Mr. Ite33 R .....'e 3//eDaernid, '-tf.t..V.0 ''''''''''44 w'", w''''''' 00‘atien 8erViee iii 1)Oceit1and Mee. Reed'auction sale of upwards of Reilly/ell, Dr.....0. Chapman, C. 14' 12 tery on Suoday, seventy head of cattle whieh. Ile Magwood H. R. .1 Patterson T.11,0 wiring of Ali ol,..a. visit friends in ,west menctert booto ,uctestiful„ , the cattle all holaS nehi Nlrateon, J. 11,...:1.t Flabid, j. 14,'-..‘1, . * *W*4414. going hack to .0tielph. - . . for gooa Prlees• Rose, 11.........0 Pields, Ted.„1..1 Fitimite* given on Mr. Tom 'svitson visited Mrs. WI!. A beptienial service wee cmidueted Virelsk 00°, "A 4 *0 Bearani* Et u**1 ., . appileatsno _ __ _ .., soi1 eit eserkinit .on zunday-- And' IVO Olt ' Suntlag' in Zrekine' PreAyterian ' " ' '-•-• .We Specialize Mies Annie Miller lett Satertlest to br4/14* fr°111 the Ivet* wine. veto Miteltell, 'Wm.. If Antler, aeo tiro gensoc; to report Eno 3,9 unprov. ea Mr. and Brrs. William 8 411 Work Guaranteed ing omelet. Stewart, Mr, and itIrs. Prank Arms, illaitland played SS olds° Walter; visited with an ' . BIGGEST stints FROM 110STREAt. ; and Mrs. L.oyd AtoWhinney Soln. Frank lideArthur her brOther. Mr. A. Walters anti, Preeented their children for baptitm. Maitland xincardian To Cllekh011tuoltehli)lOO 'LINO 0 EUROPE Rio:mann° Phone, 82 . ,vvost stroit . $chool fair ah. Garjoty„ ' . conducted the fseryke in the presence , a our4s, A. ,t.,.. . . . .0 tiYAOWDOCOnl VI( . . 1 seet.'29 -......- ..... , . .......Mantnaire tani iy, last week, and aetenaeu ene I Ile Past"' RtM" C. IL Isknowaid- nonabuon, -10-9..0 Wrigat, rt. ti...1 Sept. 26. .....„.. .Emprese of &amid . - ......., •witiloali, Mr. and Mem lientsr Stoll' Tile other day Your correspondant ‘aai'llust, W. • i''• .• - • .'L 001. le ......:,.... ........ .. .................. l' ' eiontcaint 1 '. . Miss Lonore critig. ox kxuaorigoe4 end WIM found to be le Julie, in 1.°3101ds, J., Ile • Al Magwoodi kr- ILI •soe;;..t.1228 • •B • . tn 4 - . Mr. and Mts. Vincent, a East Wa. d a lalle congregation. 1,4ent, .0, A.. ... v utairy ....,, , .4. 1.4.;ofiestrolia, " ' anu mrs. 15etvins, or lisb Bey, yisitod 'was presented with some ripe clicurri-f"atie4,1-rea."- *tb allt4:"°14 ‘Vnl'" ' wit'.1 Tctr. and Mrs. Amos Stoll ewer Neve grewn in the fine earden of Mrs trains, tied.. .°,0 lo Id"1"°1 toe week -end. . . NI SOMETHING NEW IN . . . T. •G, Allen. As those were one spe„ Chaptagen, ,t) liePt. .. • . .....Duchess of Atholl iss Margery netiierington and el'een one wns measured and Weiel• VA.0 . WOAD. bech'.• '0 Ott. 5 of DedfOrd with Dorothy and ChrietinaPetal, length, le inchee fareinritereneaa a ' " ' i'Vtusc4; • It." To Glasoow WOMEN'S SUPER -ARCH FOOTWEAR ertsbn on Friday and took in the arid it weighed 3li lbs. Tine was on. '4/ „• ento school fah. at cubes . Iv one a =Any stteh M the Mime gar. , _ . • ept. .. ... ... r t e riay ler tile rime zropuy 'Ram vet 4 siinnedosa F, s Nor* p urnittir Don't Auk any new Furniture, Roby Car. Plage, etc., unfit you get our prices. Res positive/y a 04 YO0t-Maitey. The finest Futaitureat the lout. set offsi;. . HAROLD BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE on the Broadway of Goderich Monfriare Now fo Mr. sod Mrs. Chse. 'Wilson and de°. • for Fit and Comfort at a. Specie' Price two boys. Hearietit and Murrau who Mrs, this week. This conteet hats e To Belfast . ,eason Women's Pat. 1-straP Slipper with comfort spent tha last two 'weeks with their. itta# a ueekeend gneet withvber too. ananz.et NiehIgnno t month, contestants to turn In one r. eert, eo ...... ..melitt 'LK $475 aeore a week foe a month. lua la Ock 4 ........ At the Change of the sea look relitive3 here, returned ta their elm Mrs.,. George ehe Lt,e'as opp. to all membep. • To Antworp accompanied by her deuenter, one.so ...... mentreetc ever your wardrobe and get your steel arch, at per * home at Waking on Tuesday. omen a a at e sore Ippeza wi co trees here atteases the Smith, snd her so.n, 31r. Christepher Its Quality Sells ite-The fact,that Sept, Oct . $4 75 A' natal of the late Mr. Fred Quaid of Detroit, who made the me many thousande of intelligent Oct le. ..Mentroyal f to lilts wed her r near Bo/grave ha P ' • - f fort steel arch. at per pair • .., Settirday. We extend sympathy triP bY Phell% wh"a3 ieo le tontinue to nee. Dr. 2110174es' OM JO Mt- a clothes cleaned and pressed: , meter ki.ta iclectrze epents volumes or ets ,MONTIVAIIIN SAIL FROM Otram-.. • Also see' 41 11111' rie, lines of Women's Slippers,at these and el; tto the others grja3LesrtatI tear:" nor to her farmer floats sutto keeling edleimp. Ever since it wee EMPRESSES) MONT401111.1, k4:6 ttr ti • i friends. a ac pr ces $2.75, $3.85,, $3.95,$4.50, $5.00 an vinting with Mr. srei tMrs. Marten leaving some fifty.foirz years ago it has t ad ALL 0111ER STEAMSHIPS SAM rintroducedIfrOW11 c . PR 31 cod ha3„b2044 and it was a great Soy to her to visit Illy in public favor. iming entirely to . 110,.7.11EAL. 1111 her Once ef hirtli, also felon& at its mintlold useftdn r Alraly Local Agent9 or 14/1 summer, was taken to th! Gob. We have ill fine new assortment of Footwear. ton for 'apeendicitis. She !'recover. !rich hoenitrd het week ard operated 46impolipwro, 'nit nieely. Y011 ARE INVITF.0 TO snor AT ., ' Mr. and Mrs. /Cent, who have spent / he, 1,hono eon.) weeks abroad returned to thiir Squvif Vir Hem's Shoe Store 43.4v lump in oihonte 01 ur ay. tirthday. sae afterno,,,s,ri %Ilia riks,, ily, 41 Hamilton, were weekLenil visi-i 4- , , While army they visited Mr. Reiirs Army myrtle ja /doing game% .ote. to eitft the home of Mr. and Mr.... i rriother in England, who WAS 11,:kt ill ra:u! Win. Miller. Mrs. Wm.. Miller4 wiro 7, after which mrancr Wee Sontd. had eeent the nnst, two wee g nt , ---•-•---`•• 0 the brit of health They at* sr.,. ,httle hostel* recee.cd many beetiti. „ - • - . , - ' -, -1. it 1 -( h h i Iramr/toti. ACC =puled them Immo • mote time in Paris, • 0 g 4 9. a 'NM g t em e est sorsa Blytil art/ Winghera. as v. -c.11 ns Dun. and beelitig siekne3. As a specific ' 4r. n'plreotill(eVne• ilailleel-V0-149ent Ramon. for cuts, burns, twelde, and ynrioue 0. P. IL "Bldg., To-roitio, ' , Little Miss Iris Itivett entertaittg/ initammatory Pains its record 'is be - a .runtber of hcr little girl and boy S'entl reproach. "Al ftiends en Saturdaee the- oe..41sai011 ' I being tlA eelebratiou of -her fouttli Mt' fflui )111`3* E*. 51iller and fain' g • THE. FACTS BY MAIL Whim yeft and your friends &scum Canadian mines and miningateck amid you have fecilitiee in your toren for cheek. lag up oft beerasy report., writer us. Your will receive tbe same earetal attention as would a pereonal`-k;* from you. It will be attended to by a, num in our secs whi-iele all pal* thighery as wen as thw very lateet reports on emery mine, mining stip* tern diatorerloa or oil wells, We have geld men in *very twining estop in Canada ind the Tow v new watchdeeetoposenta and report *11 new at ewe to our alive. If yen are interested in Lair= seine or coining field we wilt he pleased to eriver Infensation, 01,1•11114,111046 .144111 &et* **1•.••••••••••*4 111112112LIk Nee= wirimaCms:11.74asill.egeola'"%liesig=84: UMW add te their tome eanera•e•rair. 'branch. wad& 111 te ,held MOM IL "hi lorstoods who, wig tend tho irolsir rneofitig 410 O. loans, whirh was leolred after by the illet R. T. ni IMPS. V.M•eirli• at- • j. R. WHEELER GEO. macvicAR nit, at the boson Wrs. 1)1101, Se* (1014Ps Hotil Louisa), Lembo saasse. a W. WILAU0111.11h1 The O. C. /. Geld day wilt he held , R. Derides% at 1 p.m,. *vim* is good 111M4112111. 110telNOM snit squAn Meow UN _ weal. on wt. Lasserticater.parethe .obtargitt:wasnetty, ,arettrizes 10, annire=otaisiTitt sort I ther topika, eM. it amain ORR- Pliollie11; •Se0111 Illeeillsoet USWl _ Harm Will11116011 hot -house flowers. o wish, her A meeting was held after eervice many bap" resurn3 she day, 041 tIlleday to get the feeling of the 4conirmatum about hams, tharkii‘.. tObleheirrhirtlitittalesysgiblettixttehetemticeiriletbrtabtecir-1 'entering or name -entertainment in the vttb,, we?. mis% near future. A rote was taken and ;„-y,3 • ra,naida there will he a meeting to decide the "- Inatere tile entertainment this A specie tot•tillt th, member' week, A cionmiticr. wigs tho8en to of the Dungannon branch of the • look after tha Work. Wonten's Instant* wait held on Wed. Th. „whoa fair wag s **mid aut. ttemisy aftoeneen at the home of the each french Dry Cleaning Works prompt eta Expert Servie* 1/1100MAN rine 122 ivaat, Strost CHOOL SHOES toGederich, s seeeeeeee.yeesesere-eeeeteeeesseees. The thq 1;ere nain isetywir.Bois,.aird- tiirls pre-' 2 ! = pared fOr sehool They will need pod serviceable Footwear, t DAR CH _ the kind that will stand a severe test in any Weather. %Are are a 4 prepared to supply your wants with the best lines of reliable - S•the most reasonable pirk-41S. Our stoek Of Roots and SI Shoes, OxfOrds, Strap Slippers and Rubbers, manufactured at few, Tvt.. day bong nee brought eerretatY. /gm lieboturid. with a - - the workmg men has Peen cciel ' e( with the greatest care. ts your rime ea flettl111 A. Cedar e OweS 460 Nr., thp (Hawn ". *tetrad* in connection with Dortgai. Ifteinee way he it and also Thurriday and Friday. Octolvy 5th newiestire. for the energetic nod eon fall falr- which is to he held 1 number at the remarkably Possilk Prices. We will be ple_a5rd to show our large range. t• the leather* who trained tboir ;and ath, Ceenwitteeni flr the vatiotis /1 -';'re - ,.$12,34 pions in oath a *keit thise. The re-.1411eil were. 61'1144_ at..4- wal at" GO- New* w/Ole this offer i* - aonL I isiesertt both men 414 'moil bag,- decided tie nave iso ftiettict president, ' crowd, !The 4rithobitt wolf aimed *Hinsdale*. It was decide4 i MOAT and Ter,' geed sod reerh reedit ?return the booth privilege* eh the Chest at a great saving. We have a They are sure to satisfacion, and are here at th I t 0 MEI 1 1•1111111111'.11111 1111 11111 INN 111111 II III 1 . CODEMCH 11 1111 UMI0 1 I 11 11111 I 8