HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1928-09-20, Page 6••••••••
', 1.• vim, go." Garth said t r.i Juau. ,
p.....L.14,,,,iii • ,44• - 41. i.,11*Sien. 1.111{41;:f.",.:-. 4,
, 1"'"j with: a r•v"....''.71.1C1 t:--- .''''''es2 HAD NO ALPETIIE
wee ee,,e 0,41.,„ s ....... c.e.e.e to set, i ekeh), oh, 'di) • Z 1 0 e:-..3, Lei. ,,. y •.J. %WEAK At4D DIZZY'
f.iti OW A 4,c. AA.VA L. Ad4 VAA., e 1"aN: 4 't Akkim, Ai.' '.31:1::: ;S•37-0.20:,- J2 4'1' 4
j :(t.i'41:.1.-.....-,4 L,i' 44.4. I ZZ"atZli: IA eke : sti:::.4,:se, (Th, 1 eed ce leeeeeee eget llia. New Ikuneeick ,, 'Woman tte. I
teei tee L.'!....41 4114‘.
.411:d Wi'::), i,rt‘e.. 4Lii c., At, 1.41c.j. ,..1 a..1. 19 fra..1 n'l .1! C.-.1?.7.i tc.1C,2) :)'Z''....• i
, stored by 111r„ %Sillies's'
i eete.s. mo ee ieeeee ;
• "Hew ems luv stAi.3 ceoras iuicaaat .1#0 y -its 1,4t -5 -„•:•...,,that 'g ee....e:JameerBMeklilejail:*Brown'e
crowding dc'brat uu tui, A.1 you tea aev tieee s-xestet, 4 le,fe, say3:-/ am utiting t•0 telt ,
letz.c.-e ereenecer en uUr *i0-;3:‘,7 V.9 A-4iiiilY.' "i7C..?, k i t ehe e eeelda't be no emir e•eu the great geed I had ter.:,ugh ;
4°‘ isood tea .. E.„;i1s.445-.vE.1!,u,c.tar., 08-„.4,.A4::.n.,,,,..„:0 iiiai.b.ii.1„,e,---ler eye- titeee. I wentee to be ' the timely tiee cf tee Williainee Pink
Red Mose Orange Pekoe
THORSPAY 13tik. lIfl
N io After Lunch Drows max
,...;„.....,.....,..de. he averythieg te yea • Pills. MY,. heolth. had failed and 1,i
,0,...,71.4f,,iicel,ciaile.c.iLti:"..41--we.rel tee nite' -all. Atel yet 'yea reveled me eeeef , waa trenoled with great weaktl"'"' '
'Ton toyer tolu ine way yea stele : 141""Twile5tz,. Plet-e-elEd4he-Zeerc"Ar-mr2".74"
', dizzy Fpells. The least ex-rtion '
I had no appetite and frequently had
1 e, at Allieuse iie began ateer a elle "No, stupid, thee vie neee?,e .10,e •• would wake ray heart palpitate vie-
mace. "MA ',hat le why Yalt stared at Featly and I felt tired at ail three, !;
• suprenle did not meet lila ey:7J, but Xeyere-e.eeestuse yea thought I need. had doubted great (lea witheut !
!coked far to the ees'.., whew the CI SWAY" tgrAtiag much relief, and tvae teethe -1
DIeDil, bait, like a mom:note "Ne, Rive c? liceanee greatly discouraged when I finellZ•
In clean. brigld
_ _ bathC4 the indigo leirrelie with Fed the (*Attie: which creased his i Pills. The happy Tesults foliewing
elieeee. by the wee og Awaked, --/eved eou," And eli9 teneerly Aecided to try Dr. Williams' Pink
"Its it a secret?" be preased,
1 seossoosows. 1 el.' sem "I wee receded there." cheek, "You week, me love you the the use of this medicine van best be
"And new, because of my hriugyke Nniiefliat,, ytoottutioktwd:e0 of the 'winkle, of t, eummed up by eating that 1 wro
, I again perfectly well,. able to do ray
You Pito this, You cart% go bee:, i "An'd I mede your brother bete .'•• housework and enjoy life owe mere.
_ viheY will gladly have me back-- , me " he leueeeni. i I fee1 ik a duty to retee-,e7 le-'e,-"..etele
%nest need me." i etreee I ettired for lila Willie* to ' Williams' Pink Pills to' all WO
M0000ed •
"reeente," said Guthrie to the half
ltrertlevelle-lingered, at .the4un.raek...
i'ei the room, knife atilt banging from
`IliTi5t thing. 'hostile eyes on the pol.
icemen, "you. help Mi$e Cluarrier nud
Old Anne. while I allow theme gentle-
men their beds. I'll be hack direeti.
With a had:1%rd glance tit ilreant
Itawdon eeluctantly followed the
ethere from tbe'houoe.
In the trade -room Guthrie told the
eterv of Craig Galbraith.
"Ire trade do trench raid a 'Work
of art, Ferrel, V. C.. Croix do Guerrte I
Legion of Honor, ha had thorn all.
Tbere wasn't a Hun lieedouartere
that didn't know ids nate,. Thee of.
fereil a lting'n railatell for him dead ,
Jr alive." . 4
"their warred tile at etoose thot e•
would 'he suieide for us li.o go to that
echenner," veplied the e 4er -nee.
'ft would hove boen, Pitral."
41What tVaa he doth' with the LeWle,
or Ocoee Iteetie Of 01MM T teeetteld
fie Was the man wantsd ad fieured
• , . ..----,e.e. 1
1111011$ SISTEMI . t
r t
VAS IfilliLlt.111101111 i
Could Not Sli)op
, ,
Mr. E. It. Akerman, Melville, Oahe '
writcsi.--teAt UMW/ was nimble to do
work of or Med, .. • I
"347' 'Terrill* Vetere IWO DOW)* I,
ION trielblea Witlk teld eiteate$ Ano wiii
writeltalt X could not *leen !Valli and i
eompelleil to Do on a oofit it, geed part
of tech night. •
Ali medical eta seemed of to Roil,
too by 4100, mid the best of good
look X tried a hoz of your well known
1 -
big Our bow* r
y did. you Clain for
eel eft onee *ism X did itot try them
'Went end escape lett of illness, and
di sooty perlet, but I did not •
*Otero ink Went niedieleas, but X litem
eitoeocootedueed myself that one should
rime the 'beet tet the malice to get. the
Immt results., will alwele Teeommead
litter vieditine th ItiIing ftiends,,ae
3 knew the too will t the Its
ikey wish."' •
that he didn't intend to be taken. But
be wee weird with a pistol. He'd
shoot with either band, groro any an.
glee --And -hiseetrengthe-erteleeeevellifn
"But so do I, Healer of Wounds I you?" 1 peon e."
emotion be could not eontrol. waren". afttul lieT4 i" °el gold with ille.erlea tr,eatlelent n„t one„ce with„ Dr.
She stopped. They had reached /our hood off. You'll treeze YOUV -WT1111'102.- 'rink ruhl' 4°4 w11' '''''' tylimoro, Currant terts--feau Audet-
e„ mii, Joineeton, Eileen, Treieelyen, Helen/ TrY IC
of eight of the post buildings. .. zerielis. Your cendition after a few weeks. ,
+Eileen Treleaven, . ytyyrox wits oie8., it Is osier
pie --dean deposit germs in 0ta__444 Qxeretai, _
!They taint everythme tney. ,,ou le
so the filthiest iesecttbras kanowwnay. s.'I 13e;
"Pleetae, I beiit a your never call "Not with, you, hungry mute idol I , a. ire a .. p b met f 60 It 3Ieta:nen. 3Eolittat5ltonl.funittaer/siht B113 11°4411'
-You e n t these ills through WM
- "Wen r•I'lletorryee-I-didn'telaune- -"flee' te 4*
um that Again!, laughed. I 4
r ee---- • el, enneheee cent, 4 ' l'' ' r" et
Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. If Thelma Aellastont
de " ulboule fleme V ; elhitiL -•,.i Anderson ,elleve Gauley - Verm- Little --contact,- evendte -8P ,.. _ 0.
ne0 $0114 ret you Witon„,..4.1e1WIto %or Mel f9r these it'itertee- Ho it Y°13 ve •RilY" 014 '4' C4 the Ganger cookies-13mile Erown, Isabel The most obstinato corns fail to
what I say?" Hi* voice broke with *1 'b knew how he 10%1. But eeeae,symptoncie 'move noted, do not delay, eleKendrick. Mareella O'Connor, Teel- resist Hollowayes Corn. Remover.
light and Nourishing
Cool and SatisEvAng
Tasty and Healthful
Irzucitnor.ADolicious Shredded Wheat Cracker,
the river Mail -and were' 'atone -out - *ter Guthrie euddezdy heeaeoe eurprised-t n t the " son Isabel Melee:Welch, Elite% Tre. Piles: are dangerous. They are ale
rn the deecription had tallied With him.'
"Yee, at first, but it has borne le PW's eeel ee the fee out t tere-ee will -be tent free. Shackleton; (Tette ereGregor• Jes:n at-melt:1r e
he /altered, puzzled by her mood. WY," he saki in the lirinke room. .1 4, a 44 I Ena Hogan. Homemade eandy_Hiu . .
llir!!‘n Sydney you will sen Year lityrne an a roes
fragrant, auto. e
'41,PIn OW it turned out usit If a '110304 an accolade All 4
"Welt," said Parrot with a high, t ineene NO 1'411011 to, inceea hedge Goed.eirche. Si' 4 " booklet. "Building Tip the Solinstem Kelm aohnerou, nensvnistamiss, (bi ubel)
..E1V7...118,4 s" ;ran V011
4 n each bott e • ue.
YoU wens bad for concealing him mean to rile -e" aha thecked herself. rirg aePol fhom-vooll, lolusitr pv0, Anderson. &este eeeetae. Loaf or for mg ALL household insects).
fro)11 W0101301 unclemtarld hotr U. waited. 'watching the light now, dearest menewith-thVecar," her. "What would, this family he homenrade breed -Prances Gilmore. Li
"Yee," sold- Guthrie, quietly. "it v011t 'eornetblog e'enteeitee ,:eeen:*"." eeeen the the two 'hying things.. be held ;mit luuell-ATeriv. lobuston, IE4bel 31CLeita, search by Rex Pellowehip. nye
scientific insecticide developed at
you-telt-ein bed with Year people, tench her aehar faee' and she kissed him and. went to her without our Sbotty?" And Garties Eileen. Treleaven, Thelma 3obuston, the
has 0.01ne to Tnean to Met" 8110 room. long arme cireled girl and airedale, Anna Treleevera Olive Blake.. School hlelhat Institute 9i Industrial Re'
took some hard thinking to decide hateful." • • pollee dog-teatu had left for Seal dear. peneon emeeleteu. Jean Andereow TOX 'brings health, comfort old
what to to whoa you heves tdm my deer ebildi" be gasped cove. the nertroee eleepeae niche the free End.) David meHenzie, Franeen Dalton. eleanliness.-Adv.
break loose." • . 111 astonishment. fleuretieeting 7 reeeeeetete ,etiot drew the rule eoffin • SEWING
Vilhat to do?" 'demanded rawdon proud -so preud, to love the of Craig 'Galbraith to the post eentel* ASIIFIELD SCHOOL FAIR '
OA _
'Needle la ilanuel---inorence elte
wite•eneer. "Whet (-mid you do?" Ic°„„„Ineee.,, 'croati MArkirt.g leindoes. grave,. them • • Eileee 'Alma Curran, 'Anna
an who ha eta e.ekee .o
tim spe.ukor brought the blood to '•
Gtitheiers, glonce the direction -161'11 built .eache of toes over the roue), ' Treleaven, Band liemmed cotton liand-
b h ' f tery. IPhere. beside the enoweirifted
PRIZE AVRINfRS Kenzie. 'Helen Gilmore, Better. DIseel,
P4,[0,:178:1;eilaivf hoatilet.i.bamcciin.467zhteboonti70..Atozal.two; uges,:a0;11'1;leaerrifplicsaautih470:tc,aitIttia;:bieolett:Iien:betthre1304out4ethire 61.01:003ixttseteetihtt tai inx!er ltobisuevelftpliihneagiolnrenwhaiii::fitorr:sti .11veleo'ntplroriaagm9slitiAttif0.atto.s4,1711.trxir,..r.ele:111walibuse,Nieatim,U4amrriat41-r: hcreidefe-M4cono.,07.0,0";01_71_17;le.l.peaerigzeie.:1, ) Irene
Tether. fele ears, to insure
gefLin4. ;our. brallue k o ar I w As Oerth and Ptlenn4 cros4ed to eels, eheaf-Deneeee Simekletou, DIM"
"You mrould-wouid your' Pall). 4 TWO left *0 `cling to, to ilFlit . the ,trudi..1toue4. the hallehreect Atone
Int°I hg Y
Bee with, ratro the , nolicetnan for. :You 'caul be fran1. witli'etee-' pede 'shading Ids 0.(ess evith a mitten. can Shalisaril 'Michael Mar4111, Viet" • eee
Mertin. Okire, On.e.C. No, 144, quart -
Robert Simpeon.. Outs, 0.A.C, No. 144,
eheaf-David elteeinele„ 'Robert Slum.
son. Darter, 0..441' No. 21, quell-
Alet. • Galilee, ; Lloed7Mactiorailti. Dee- •
le,Y, O.A.C. No. 21.- elleaf--..klex; Oan-
stvoightened to his feet.. "You weve "Yen • tell me that. you tare for e• "Sae semr,thing?"
trying to hide e crook f•rent the offi. she broke irt bitterly? ',then why _ •
eers low---er thought, you le theve-iti youreroom. ,vhere, ".Can't be tho polise teun coining.
vitov-,. you van see her?- If you've for. 1)af..1c?" ' _
With ti emelt autheleel hit ; gotterte-ens yet* BO." 4'119. 0,4,et ees lent teain7seex dog,
qe floor behind 11,17,i.. ogention jt fle raised his 'mitten, to his fore- I think.
man over tbqe, you nhad se if dazede then turned a face "Prom . Albanye-a . packetteem eleee Lleede MaeInmelde 1- • Martin..
• etense with •eandor. ebe still- Cameron, r evonder, what's haneene Sweet torn,' Golden liantane-eVerte
41°14 an hover' ..1‘akillY Pushing , there?" ' . ed-'' • Kilpotrice, Gee. Sullen`, Donald Mac-
h -is •subordinate heoind Perrot' "Still -there? Done; you know filet Twenty yLnutos later Guthrie eves i,reeer. Jeen,'Andersons etinee Nelson,
fOlind the man who mouth curjed . the three likenesses tire in yourtooni, *Peeing the nailbug Which the dog Unrie ,1'ergu9on.
contempt Of the patent fear m the now?".. ; ' • . • driver from Albatev had banded hint. ' • HewesvtGLIvirties
eYee of the Younfeir policeman, 'I • He smiled as one smiles at 'the "As se0a/ OS Etienne tee". '
won't tata tight here, major! YOU eaectiee .of t cliibu It IS SO 1.011g wrot* 'Cameron, 'you bring •Vties eef Lee...4'00.5e 2rIell .47'etth111er.tgo_rdou
ate nervons-eeet youeself bendie ,eineg Xee'd-notieed tbetn. t forgo,. Ioat doWn the eenstishe's needed, 4,,t3(4•1,, r••orver l'°13!"
"Ittq all right; Par...14_14'a. stae, tea., J....nen,•otraly at aid. In 4 mora. The etimpanY • is locating permatie • ;elem. eecKendrlek, Relit tioward, Keith
enough borer said etutnrla 1,eUletly, mit eave.-"Ilealer of Wound'!" he eat pos*. on the islard it* the sitia. Potetoee,
ut hew to wet& itts ,Step.' marinated. • "Ole yoji think there'.* Mer, and want 'You to ;handl!) it. YouOmt r. estottuteineeMergaret lohnetora
leteeseetand. •Itewdori?", • • • a (fear. a wonlid linhordedeethe mem. lave 'made A big stroke with Moose' Mere (Marc. Olive Blake. Margaret
.Turnieg bus haek on ftle victim, of ovy of her, that I can't foga ?" he ' eta Montreal, end if you care to stay ,,Perrish, Margaret hItteDonahr. '110ta,
OVOD-ratV ,nOrIA44 Garth :thview cried. "Ethel! Yell think you'rl in the' trade,' ought to, go far. X. toes, DeoloPeeeetnerine
beek r ood-niolit to Inspector Far. henling the Wounds Ethelleft,--:.a uh. true, bY tow 7ou aro wen to congra• Donald. 310Xay, Edna Ilaeleteelle Pron.
veturned to the watchere. „ tititut:e..re that et. -• . Dairou, mare:tee Bisset. Wm,
Outhrie,eroseed the white elearing, She 'wonld not Meet •ide• smiling But the diepetch of thu 'Inailltenni Watt,' Marigolds, Glatt White -Sugar
ettreg bee regret e.t his ,leSot of self. eye.. • to ,,,raiewae Was,,ctuti to the epeeial or.. -Gordon ___Ieobb, Thompson Vulhert.
colitrel, hie deliberate, TeumPietiovi -of* "LungThef*.ye I ire* You," he trent dem front lOatreat hegogaarter$ Raymond 1$0attn. Turnips--
ehe e'en lehese Manner with. Seen ouP "she had bee0InS rl shadow. 1had which accompanied a letter' eddres. Drove'S Mout Treleaven,
Oearrie"pt tAht0 1144A 40„,. come to oes her. US she was -the sleet- teeeeeerienig 1443or rGaaeoth Etuliaelatitattvele, Thee0littaa,ettington.
11'0100, of the' gossip,o.,t nut, Ioleneee, 'IlftedriOes• of her Then ienthrie. teuritme e, the 0 s D e Tit barn, Eil n
Jee,,aeped WtOq be futteletY for the there , caul, 11 841,,TIngitvie the ProzoIrting the iliticnOwA Writer to tile Andrew Barka -ell. Beete, Detroit
? ',meet": 00..Generttite.,r* h'Aroilekin- ftArA with ':4;tb. uer 'tfarted Mote- and, eanense• of on eaPrese- Dive' Ilett-eSodie Perrish.
altu hair 'Packet doeVie- he •Allseinailei end 4111 Martin,. Alma Curran. tn*eli. Gardiner',
.1 gill:titer Olin;h4elitgilli.ene.wirs't4aluItttielk.11guaghetr at the gold, and
"tligat the Ow! thcooasitettinerminidWthiAetettiOcrwgitinliettoi Marrotergaretszballaibteth. 1w4.44leeiteteaCilrttikeer:
enoleetet ittereee in hie attente Wind towel to Pier with. Like the .,, t, Ce
V in 1.
ilro. while 116%. ttelined for the toltdief she was She forgot self in ella nr0toer, weece e • •iteggie Campbell, Iiene 140V,
ktire th3e. pot box at ell urliggAta or
dialer", or mailed direet receipt ut,
mice Tho T. Milburn (19,f thuitts;
imonto, Out
• e.eadee LrJIaI
ererede whteh erouie ek)eker, 1 the work at.lutr:d. With the eleal '1)08x' Old, Guth :: ' • .., - „ r noettett, uolait Mermen. Vera. Little
..4 . e
+117. bee'Glinth eet"Orlist"Ildtallxtedh.inilli''4101 .41Tfr*h:rawthatt".•' nighttth; re Ande' shoreIh a cilic14 YOU,711,14:::01'44.444:4:4:vg:or:f!lut*I:444'‘:'":1;e4r$'.4''0'41)71,1; ' 141:711,1 4731,7 -in' a, d rX II: owl el l'1%:10 ,Xt. tVet:117:0137:110 %I:ill:II:"
ntraht over, hie :raw nere-vt hall tile Albany:eel levedhete ' . learned 1
neg. ere'my, With a catch in the throat, Ion, reasons: rot wistang to 10,1tut You. yellow ,orobe. Dateeore-Doetddesimee,
11"71:goiltiitorttlieto:40vannateeliii`tx?,-.,..r.eieles-i,....iiro Querrier lifted her foce•tothe intuite ,tikt the tittle X, beiteved "Itirn.,,iittenKat sotto ciiiforct Telauty, Isabel eleLeau,
gewdoe, oe tee Ir:,,eertitmer. •,kixelso., fight. ' The sensitive motith quivered. evil /ma out **use Ilinli , were en. • Hada Lane, Georgeeeee.Gregor. %rah.
on j.oet Qunireeete , :, • iete,,,,, long -letter -tram. eeere AlleanY, beet • rovirggs -
*tenet ent tiress s itentio below clouded eXeSo deecelY etieetkin-, fair to Ethel But e leave reee„.,0e a beno yintutto,
,caoTu'R- "You eared for Ike, you say, but quarrier',,c,3 siste4 wnielt corr000r- • • er• xst
mat 0041.4 be dort.. ouob morning you. looked at tile bwo. ar4d by "gamin, 'th tatter* 'Which Asters-Ztler7,3 Bunter, Z1111 De
kAis,,,Dir tree ly cl'eature You had loet-ehnd•felt--- 'ware tee 'ewe leuse Isabel elelenn, 31nry fattlivatt,
OM Anne. under tlo dtetionl of the Aist a hit sorry,for her, for yourself, I Worrier seems re be a most nnueuttI 1 imiTh4IL C ell Gardiner Phlox -
rune, had done for the dead. In the ell, 3gaser Guthrie?" • woman, atm I.:lava-you snow ourn Viola Itemionold, eirlece 1,100reger,
morning, piettected by a Melte of fee, hardly reeogneeed the voice, , $40 hail a mumise,, =ten Treieuvea• Zittnin*Catherit,
lege he would be buriod in the, enow horsey so bitter was eue note on I "The litideon's haY PeoPle have Matelielee-leahd 1in1aSe°13* 1,. (4.-aral"
Weil the spring would admit of the welch she fituseed. _ told me of your marked stiecesa this nere Marion Hogan, Lois 'Ilea -mem
digeing of a grave.' ' • liepelessiy ne eaook, id; head. Ae 'whiter, for which my eongrattue.t- „token zarigonte-Dobert frowatd,
"You iteeil air ad
zroln if to iiiIII30114 to Mattered ia protest: i ions. A Gathele hos a nose, fee bilee eeergetet ;Winston, -Reggie Camehell.
"They were Mere %VIVA tti05e of tip ines. Beet wishes, my boy, but if Devi./ cowen, e;ette MeGreger. BOY
ftumiy, 'untouched, because unthought yeti will come back to us, greater op- ,fleee. eeepudida-Muriel Timettarn,
at .14••as WW4p..-litudist slept in the eertunities await you here. Bee the _gelite Drown Keith 3oluiston. Emmet
room after leaving you at &move 1114*par, you-Marb lutereated t hear marigolds,Dlirotbe, Curean, Zolm
the coaet, 4111 rt after &mei, on tee that Ethel married,. Sir Hubert ton. Hury1 111,meon ettedies, cos.
ielattel, Do you think I would lutVe Qudyle, prestdent ee the, (atlayro mone„,onneen, eelmeenrn. court eleoeier,
tented to youmy IteadasW you Mines, lase wC
eek. ara is 41 IOU jeau Anderson,. eeseio menae, ria
to cotine:ere-ado all -it meant --She seeds taer.'beot love.
if I bed not lewd you? he pleaded. "Aifeceionetelee
But in lior everinastering peide,
&mu Quarrier wee eimurate. Ilurreing to hie euurtere'evith Shot.
"Let us walk," .he eatd, incelanie at his hems Garth tarust ene letter
callsr, and, started on. • into Jeans 'haes. .tte trAt.44Ptl her
„ "they 'walked a utile tip the tiver, color deepen aslter dark eyes
trail, and twitting, faced the peeng Ir loY QUO'.
the eolor to her 4114 eks, the shadows cried. "The3T Want rim back Garth Alex. Gaultly, Atina Treleaven; Deneon
left her amber eyes They vied in Vat% yen wall Sheeeleton, Charlie Anderson. Pultet
fl-oLuigelt. ItireelleetnlailIdeililelieltlitien3.-lirettitil
Iohnstext. Irene 1.OP:1, Matt Crozier,
Seesie •Meltee, Elleila Hunter. Vera
uttle. ' POrIall'Z
aurora. The loaing air hag lured I "on, ere ee ,ght.1-30 4.4 __l sbe Itetr:".Tkierareit.Zifirn'er,WaSttthnCeseeOnarcrirrt4elli
taming the eaterts in be) intermitteet,1 "Shall 1 taka hthel, down now 'i weeheriie Ai:detente Debt, trowavd,
'OM' of the northern ilghte, identified Ithey ought net to be in. ta•ro,,-..hor elem. watt Ale& oantey, Sidney Gar-
etare, for the noonent forgot teem. ' 14I1et41grt4ties-41 Marilee %mien," l4s?. diner, ltengint Iihnettieton, Anna Tre-
eelvee in the stimuletion of,kcen air teaeed. ',
and leapieg pulses. . , li.e eteegged letZ dtouttlers. IWtalul'e. 'a' 4a)etne, c'ellifftohrttle7"-Dtalekle, (D;aelnaseli; I
olet8las 016;4011.3er:11d thitcro pi0o:.tb,,ardher tragic,: it'exTho eybaerie.e. dk\eelieyativItea,terldm.v7eoventebaelline vglityamekolieittkiiin, elignetkyk4.49•califidoinwerr. Dineravueed,
i With e. swift nievereent ho eaught the,.iner?1:1,",p, 1103„.9x 04 Ivoural.s, sp,k. tfveinelumstarmr,,,,Bellalne:' eneeeilielin ,./ooluut it:Toe:-
en like a fsohlierr and he tile Inv la t Lorne linsty. White Leg4ops---1:01
h*nraieo '1.. tile key imeteree, eeee. i mogon4e, eeeide melee, Lorne nests..
leatetl` t° tt-c! l'I'"r`' White, NiNqrti 'te- Roy elefeenzie.
. e . 0. tee -
i me next yew tz) take tl?.." Tx:I,/ plat ma ".„0„,, ,,,,,„,,,,ton,,,...,4,o1,3 nomm. nib
' "eamer°31 vn"-It° theY air° ciTaahr; ' ittoo lelaiet Reece-4,11nm Gilmore. ,
.1. tho isieed. U. it Mcn.tr-oal in tliG; """ "
,sireing-pr eilr IleilleFtnuan esi Ali. 4:ill",qt" A4`411(' McI"k"c' lilac% /WI-
teiskie" , ore:ie.-We-en, TreteeVPIIr 4leorge Me-
ek°3.443 ex.:, te lee er,31 , GrieTer. Ruby Ilele. Any ein--Ilarkeye
Viz:tetTeter,royeiz:ilizacti..„,0,, g, eelf.,..thta it;antv.." t, tilliiti,itegr,;.z04;ertientzdortelAT lele41.110. ee ,r,ft.(...1:Lutli•::::1:'
avian. "'no isialee-Tize Lana LN,..'os:1 '', l'3111:3116'4t M:lar"' l!evaer.'
rieeelete. seend the suit rare Clove, ,. Treleaven, 1t9r 41. K' Alex. oalif-
' lee. Ni'llX.Wet Varrio:), lilll'i''..i learke',
'Mr: eleileeeetrere.."
For a eteloe term nee ehl teeee, c eaele Parriele i i;:e teeeezi IlSown ereee,,1"
t tont hetheee heppiiteee, thou a itist. !' -Ales. Ontaley, 15.,,itcr4 litvl?kr.."aletr. •,''
l fill whine. t.h... preteet (-,02 tr:o haley 1' ite7)t. lion -are, Winnifeed Blake. Rube P
h rith a fewilt Atooteraesit Ite Caught
her. Olt for ea instant thr weithtof
brefl hio, *me. etteightetiod. t,�4
hodigkit het; the. hor 'app4 fell
Auk* *not h eikuitio frier*Ic nt
Nor ha4e---4tilit)14.41 4n bre t•l•
Slowly ltor darts hood iureed. and
thor* it* the kw of tlo tlitwee,
hld ber, trilobites. meeting het wild
paws, in silent deieuerce te bre heart- Reel. Leeeti Hunter.
lets exeleeion, leaked 'LIVE "SWF,. ,
On Ids lard feet. flO, ..3 her ri"obtr..;
elle impulsively drew tee dog to 'ne'5,8‘vi,'2:Tilitr..,tft.a.lfcii:::e72'a
ette. eet Iciesee.e•Winelfred Make. Reggie
Hose, Tee:Ma Jeenstera Irene Roe;
t;erate feeteet Daiee elite -1111i
3oh4se'14, , elmteetv JobtIZJni: Wet t
t.:41t°•?",•fll Jeleasem. ITeekeee
:Jane:ten, Itteen eogee-Atee. yeeri,le
3eilleeee Reel' ellee-Matteeve
3011ielera Jae. Eaeriele teoelen Mine
reeve Itfeeseereleee colt 4ie,elon
30li41e!ee. eler.ey t;atileeee „Ws,
; regtta;i!' 9v1t11.--4, Wtit
&Alt Jo/tirOrt, t;autee. teliettel
1311-1e41e, tette .leimetora 1^74.1
Lei"- 04;0 -Arra 141*10
ntik• itteree, 3e,lot 'Lrsetal 1
ricnt .oseilieritwoinT
nt witeslOvgl;;I:14
4"1ocentdirttinsheatt of the t
business district,
Overlooking Gaud Omar**
modern fire.Orocif
. eget roomse each with bath.
runes: li%ei* and upwards.
IthoOffre ShoO.
Tour iiionso
The `Tor Stde" sign is
likely to stay long on
your house if it is" with-
out hardwood Boors.
But re -floor it with
hardwood, advance your
price accordingly, arid
see how quickly you
will find a buyer 1
Estimates gladly Agri-
• shed on request
Gedelieh Planing klills, Ltd.
The Most Beautiful 'Cooking
Range Ever Designet few d
years ago nobody would .
Quebec Typeall enamel Rangewhich
we now Introduce.
With all the famous Ilappy Thought
, heating, COOk1llg,11)04ti/Ig and water
heating qualities, we hare combined
exceptional beauty of appearance.
Come and see this strikingly hand.
some tango. Efficient Very moder.
ate in price.
a r)
hare dremed it possible to
Jas C. Carrie