The Goderich Star, 1928-09-20, Page 5uUAy111115'. Mak MO S1l,A1
.1 1111 .
. 1 _ ..,
Nommilinumi410=1 um ammo cm nmesTithu. .r. Ty. . M. sremblay. Wet (flak, recipe
, JaM1
:Snowden. a. akr‘Kiar. Two otto4ned-are. Trembiay. Itix awe- i
I Fly Toz,, nit, Flyoide 1,
, 8 (Continued Irma gaga 41 emeineekee-41ra. A. E Erwin. lr iirocinn-W. a. Doak it SonL We. ,
*rt, jr. su.ker. Bea sue. set soar. Barker. Tim eitrons-Thot. 14. !'Trembley, F. *steer, oix deco/Items Announcing the New Prices on
.. . SITC Death to Flies ,...4..,-.4....... Jack, Y. barker. Mrs. Snowden. P'• Barber. Vegetoble • -w,11. Doe* * Sun. re Barker Six
&it Jere, asperese.. j.)...;; inarrowalr. Darker. ilte. P., Gould *rake" goivia-W. 11, Doak * Sop.
Jena nest hens, sant, le wer judgee-Wm. Saute, Jae. tiara- Mrs. Tremblay. Palk layer cake-- Woods Lavender Line
e -one.
- -kr Barker, Mrs. J. to Sote'W. if, Doak * San, Mrs. Wiarrie.
Save.* Woolens from Moths
sviat Sapho Moth Destroyer
Plana ISI
baits* plaint. fol:eg•---F. Eerie,: HOME *IAN CFACTVRES 'Mmtris.. Tjmnealv. ajt.twieelee,tehmetto ciilb :wet.:
Mantissa Etc., fl
_. ely14rs. J. C. Seeman. Mrs. 1rera-1
, Mr*. A. E. Ervore Fegge---.1..o. te.
,. Seth towel sod wain eloih, eotton. whit 2
Junge-411. T. Edwards. •kaateeMr** J• S• newrie• 13apYal '` Julie's -Mrs. Ir. Mcenerv' in, Inre.
Gm/DEN vnuenrAmexs, MELONS, jacket and bommt-eatiea Livingetone, t a. e ou... -
ere. • afro. M. Felker. limey's t3etce,ii .Ak j` ' -°11n -
Jam tr. Joe. Jock, REin) WORK.
t :Peck !vitas Cobbler potatoes-4rue. raitieseeMlaa Fillt°4 Ms Larne
The quality remains the same, hitAt thy
ern meevieen *tont. Knitted *was, 1 peir soiree Twer-Misit Livingetene, Nine.
'enevere Howele. 1,450 and eretie-W. T. r
5 i Peek of soy other variety early petite -Mi" Lielall"alle, Mrsa
Knitted totks, 1 pair, eine Meteor, Flener tasTeet-oW. T. Mee
- toes -Wm. Waite, Thole at. Snowden
Wm. Ruston. Peek et Green Mune' Mi" beialetene. IAlln*
role! 'HP; eD1C111r&' 08°th;' 81:00:1Wirtitte.ti: tpttrni-gshiteins:. loattitvtle)
wriety late tateee---Wm Waite
t •
Peek eanning tomatoes -las. or sweater...Mint letvingstone, Mee. Inseerie. marine seenery in district
THE TowN couNcai li:zartztivitirit..c7als.lEtetor;11,:eigsgs '1•Ztia....ato-erit• s. a ker. Rowe*. • s •
lit.verliein Knitted be sweate
tri: tine stes14 lite; it
t; S
Mi oeol. •
ste s -
prices are lower
d We knitted Tante 1 rair Mrs ruorEsstout. IS
nino Fonder .r.1 • Doan k sin stone. Knitted nten le pullover, vest awe, ecenereeolaiss coon, Mrs. Silk Vests are now
Drawate. any TOfl$
golden gelerer-P. Barker. Two TOMS Ude% Liviintstone, aubjeet-eltiar Cook, litre. Ilewrie.1 Silk Slips are now
Eruite-Miso Ce k, If • S*Ik P *
Barker. Six turnip 1400d beetlli Livingstone Mrs. Ifewrie, Six dens emote
Cook. Miniature, aoy tub eet-Misa"
Tiehbourne. Twu roote white ; Crochet la Wool infrs. Rewrite Miss Cook. Animal I
-Decides to -Appeal McMichael Case, the Reeve andCouncil- red celery -P. Barker. Two heads lira. Reverie.
Aro:Maine Voting Nay ,
ilk Bloomers are now
Ploweree-Mrs. Mier* Miss Ceek.
• winter cabbage -J. W. Salkeld, Jas.
Anstey. Two betide Red csItlage- Lanai cloth, 4 serviettes-' lea Menearemes any subleet -Miss ,
Crochet in Cotton
e for table use -P. Barker, IL P. More its. stesorieet-mrs, elowrie„ pair
useee-P. ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR Barker. Six carrots, for tite ingsteitet urn *min seer pillow LandsCOLORS Silk owns are now
• ris. Six long blood beets, for table towele insertion trimmetnentriss neve PROFESSIONAL LIST -WATER
• ble use -P. laerker. David Sproule. „miss .oeaPeolneeleolfass_Mrs.
oCook, „ .../eeesse
mamas are now
• . .
Owert,Sound.,Board of Trade Moves Have Blue watt
ellIghNIT,Ier.Made,PrOVIIICild.ROad '
The _regular .meeting of the twin framo°with patent roofing; Irorn N.
oCtrancil, WaS .beld .last • friday , (on .Allen, to•repairoiresent roof On dwel-
postponement front the previous reel- ling on Elgin avenue or re -roof with
(loy), all the roember$ : resent with. patent fireeptoofetthinglein from IX
the exceptIon of Council ore tee end Mellwain, to .slungle ,dwelling on
McLean. Newgate 'street with rook faced AS -
Tho oinetery sexton reported nave bestes ehingles. rout Geo. IL .ektee
ing been over the paths in the wine- teed, to erect new franto verandonot
tory for the third time this year and " awelling on William street, cement
that be was now trimming up with ifoundation, patent roofing; • front
the scythe again: Some trees roman- • Robt. Standish, to remodel dwelling
entl trimming. -,Goo. :Blair assisted on 'Eget Istreete smaking garage in
.138 hours last:111011th. A new canvas portion of present, kitchen; from
ground sheet wa$ needed. This was' John Graham, to re -roof dwelling on
referred to the cemetery And Parks Gloucester street with potent rook -
committee with power to aet, rfacell effingles; front R. C. *Ram to
Mr. S. M. Johnston, town engineer, ;remodel .apartment on •nertli eine of
reported having made 'a. survey of . Ilanillton street, cutting one Window
the Park House property as request- , and ovetrifing, at an estimated cost
ed and tbe existing fences on the top ', of, $500; from la: Lattney, to ereet,
of the hill conform with the desermelbaOk verandehr corner Of :Waterloo
'tion and the locust marring one and. telborne ete frorn. C. 'Re Tfurn.
of the Angles still .M741.1118 at the -Op her, to pet in new front for atore en
, or the hill.. At the feet a the 1.ill East street; from J. IL Newcombe.
the C. P. R. right of way eneroaches to reinodel ; garage on Brock street
on the land 'described eby the need and repair verandah on helmet erom
from the Doak Estate, 13/100 of an L I. 'Woo. to re -roof Part of stable
.e.are having been 'sold by ledge Doyle , on St. David 'street -With patent roof -
to the Goelna and Goderiele Railway. in: from R. Ih Reed. to eeeveof thole
The. • folloeviog anplicatiatis for lino on Cambria. vead with patent
builditigpermits were referred to the reek -faced ehingles..
Petitiore for the Ortatruction oe
cement eideevalks on the following.
streets ". were referreli te the nubile
works committee: On .the west side
of Vieforirt street from Elgin Onto
ellingles; from the Goderigh Paining to.. Btitonnia read; on the north side
Mills Co.. Ltd.; to erect tweedwellipge' of "Brock street from tam** Med
sonata° -nettle eine or Itr,oeke street. to ririetoria street; on the south side
frame with shingled -walls; OtYaii,eeti. of Brew street betweenNorth street
mated cost of ea2,500 each; fronte.and Victoria street; on the west ewe
Theeens Sturde, to oemodel shed ate I of Gibbena streetabetween 'Britannia
ttiebed to, amertinent, hole* on South !road and Region street; ea the west
street, -Making' bits a Olotible.garage, side Of -Stanley at -met -between King,
- - - mon street and 'Elgin aventiei and On
• :the. north .skle . of lareek -street be-
, • • :•;rtweeti.Catabrie, road and Albert St.
Mx Darman& for table use.P. Barites , net -tune linerneseriese Livingstone. Runner er Nowei. Landweave,
er, Thos. Snowden. 'rweive Red seatstone. Mrs, Ilowrie.- -Crochet laee Reverie. Miss Cook . nfaiiim„ lake,
r onions. Weatberefield-P. Barker,. pillow slips- stud Anat.-Miss Leo. !mutat tinteoeMes. Howrie, !die*"
fire _committee: From A. Hiogintion,
to close in veroridati on ,Cambeia road
with glees: from W. Heller, tereshin-
gieliart Id roof of store onHaiuiltn
F ' With"' l'41015.fili"ed affbegtOri
ea re iohUtro*
eto o the bang at too foot of tobourg At.
tw heighttow17ieh trees over
'Iliad gown, cutting 'hirmuch of the
PT 22nd '28' vho, of the lake; was particua
p lady to wIter.6 bencheseare locate
ed. This was, referred to the cps*.
{ Meet and parks committee' jointly
with the public works committee.
9' Me. Zang Sing, the tent owner of
• a the British Cafe, now to be. known
;me DAT oNLy: as the 'futon Cafe, made application
• - - tine sign, This wag referred, to the
1 for permission to erect slew eleo,
'Matinee SAO Pall.: Riming H.15. phblic works committee with Ismer
Price -.-Matinee 350 and 50e. ` • to act. .•
Evening 505./5c, few et Mr. R. Standielt applied for pen
• .includint tax. enieeten to construct a Mt. ;omen
. WEEK QF 24 to 29 ooneway from his garage on Eget st
lover the tentlevard-Iteferred .to the
MONDAY and TUESDAY t public works committee with power,
el Mr. II. 'T. Edwards wrote resign-
EICHMD BARTBEDMESS AND: ing his preeition as tax 'collector. hav.•
ALICE JOYCE ing -received appointment as „Chit/S-
liced on all star east in Itroadway'o ' venni Aid officer for the county, to
ettost famous deem of the under. take effect at once, He would, how -
et pealing, realistic ; ever, be willing to -finish the work of
4". MeeViellr• Ware Yenew erla iingtOnte. Dresser set, scarf and pin Cook. Still life, buildings, ete.-1
/vAic"aec.palemilveerigtverrr.41111.101174 :Mat; lcushton-Misa Livingstone. Table Mina Cook. Best drawing. in teeter
Vitieer. variety---?. 7.4.nliv.arl kst;irtjatoen.i0.111V:: Hoawrie!!eess-ati‘h towel atoevesh Ilowrie. Animal subjecte-Mise Cook,
Livingstone, enters a b* te-Mies Cook, Mrs,
clothoeMitis Livingstone, Mrs. Petro. Mao Liowrie, Flowers-eMiss Cook,
P.Tlariter. Tweive "lame (miens. anY
verietv-P, Barker. Jas. MlieVigar. Pintiw eares w.brholidteeenrialre. Rowe*, ittletrrss.,,-,...mei:s.n,o.ouo,k,
IX earn o rorn. or table use, an
veriety, utemedeetrece Taithwaite. If, Solid eenbroidered teL eleth and 4. Jeet-Mise Coke Mrs. Mowrie. Mille '
$1.50 each
$2,50 each
$2.75 each
$4.95 each
$36% each
it.lietr:Irlbe,A44, -,...tki-it-4,11.etece.ores.1....11.11W1. TJA
Next Door to the Standard Ranh
iature, any subject -Miss Cook. • Unbent' Doris Baker; 12 yeara and
ot. Norris. Two nes& eaulinowerne gerviettes--Mrs. Pelker, Mrs. non%
P. Iiiiiken• Twelve torontete arilt rie., Toble runner, netund and con- AMATEUR LIST --0114$ under, Barbara nnemsori, Betty
'EMI Tee tarteest aittetutibire. T. baby pillow, white and golored.-Mrs. Livingstoneg, collection of education pietures-0
Mrs, Rowrie. Mar.
oott of futrata iorino-Mrg. TrAM. Embroldero ' night does, Figure -Miss Livingstone. .31rs, ICIt a • ga , •
Vet; tolioctur4 ot osetelen preduee White -Miss Livingstone, • Mrs. How.. Iletwrie Flowers -Miss Livittstone, Years and utterer, kiairmnlat ereatalart
h iTe fap- „„ itowere or fruite-Miss I v-
porrine of the *elm water Hishwoy re,t, ee ear: 31 eamphel4 Margaeet ahephaed. Plain
tenor over by the province and pen onse Embroidered oee, mire, ow ' sewing on cotton a in. aware, bone
Tariety-treo. ored-Mra. Ilowrie. Embroidered MiES Landscape, eceneiy in ,distrietee 'Tirralasi tilaays Mogan. Mounted
M. violet!" P arker, Cellee. flowrn Rowe*. SOO 1)1111 golored-oaare. Livin stone. Mrs. Ilowrie. 1rrieairs ast"leuUnati"4".0 )2reaitnetraTyrieen:143.Y1
'Berko. Six saltigg-:.y. Bark. .rie. Embreidere nightdress, olon. Mea. ilowrie, Prnite-adise Living. 14d-weeraden.Weieeninagndo're,Aul acepheugat9eVatirviecex
ed -Mui. Hour ss Livingstone, -atone, Alm. Ilowrie. Imamate cipb.
bronght un to. the sable Standard as 1411.: ss Liviaeist "aSeval,601' med, showing petelt, buttonhole eind
t wels, initialee-Mise, Livingstone, 1*.gaflwaY-..
ily been taken over. They ate invit,L, ablere, a
petticoat COLORS
ta$7.4:14:Te'En-r-•''' outton-12 ecare mut under, Jessie
the eastern section, which has alma. nse liewrie, Embroideredeitandker. nOwrie.
-Mrs, Reverie, Miss Livinge ' ANIATL'UR
nig the Co-oinpteerraetsticiedn otinallptehtietirminnnig- .s103illeta•s Itavaite'rgst4oroe: and
Dresser, oval ' Lendeeape, scenery in clietriete- Matheti011, Mena lizerison, kistite,r
latO. Children's aprons (for stifle
etweoairdseraya:d lioreiodreeve-ci ReuettlitnDpalteicre. Enz
the Government. In the memorial of !a.Pd r'in ealddoraere311sa "'Winslow, Ma Tette i nestorie. Marine.e.Misa 14 '1074 tope-el:nye= and tinder, Jes.
the Owen Sound Board of P7 '(11 it is. MA's. neWrAet BaTft get, Viria...te- Livingetone„ • nfre. Soweto. Animate, sie Waimea. 1 and 3, Alice Ruston,
pointed Out that the Blue Water tt,rs. Rewrie, nlise aolviegeatOlSe. vane ha reword seene-ealiss Livingston. eitd; over 12 years, Lexina ItleGreg.
Highway is one of tItcf sea* high. e Owe*, oteduptectsmtellnaseirdltovinbatetsoolye... _MiaistsloeLvrilvel.nglestaant:,e.a. Pe, With river or,e ntorer-Triteriterie"atillitin Bran.
ways cif the Provincer a connecting 'NM Rowrie. Mrs. 'bovine. Embroidery, buffet eets and iterate,
Iink between railwaYs Vrintilating at er-eltitfortire. parrirrotti. til- filorrai-lAlig 41‘,Tilistael, Zfrg, ces--1.2 years men under, Rtiby
that teurist traffio eves largely n to rie. Vanity eet-anre. Felker Mrs I` . e . o ' i or memo Griffith, Ette. Rance,. Irelina 'McGee,
increaee due to publicity giveo in tro.tvriee RedsPreaaleo ''fallearneatre. , -Miss Livingstone,
Mrs; Rover*. Pilliievslips, - eleneehrorne, any Mrs. Itowrie. ger. Embroideer on kuost towels -
booklets and that the conetruction of antasneert stnejeet, copy- 12 14 05 and under, Winnifred Mute
ane international 'bridge between wielee-40sS Livingstone. Mra, Rona Miss Livhsgetone. Miniature, any eay„. Jose* Matheson, Bantona Tree
,sainia . one port Huron evened eaa rie. Table rover, Feencle-out, arid 4 eunieet-aMiss Livingeterat Mrs. thewari over 12 years, Etta Ranee,
greatlyto the . offie; and that these2Pe,1„88'..."11.• 121111' 1.,..*I'ea' ereloth . s Latins, McGregor, Thelme Pty. Lme
development of 'highway's for motor awa'"a,.."4etaisow'''0134. tatted -Mrs. Ho- CRAYON, CHARCOAL AND
lileselleevrie, Miss Livingstone, , Pastelle, collection, not more than
INK hroidery on tea tot/vela-12 years and.
travel Omuta not be o loeM untive- alae eett
taking bet provintaal in charaeter 5 vieturss....miss Livingstone. Anv under, Barbara Thomson, Mee. Jas.
eVilsone Evelyn Lee; over 12 year,
beeOasa of the volume of tourist . • ' Sewiatie e , ' no/tweet, en ereyon, orignationars. Jet Lenira MeGregor, Etta Ramo, Mona
Irene. - ' '12 ' huidonholes, 4 , iti ' eatton, 4 in -G. eavage (Listowen. :Any sableee, Haulms!). Belbreidnian aProars--12
A "reeolution •te t th nnel I, 4' till el . re s . pen find Ma sketch, original-onss •:,4insc.,Serrseenreire. rrrientnTeLlItYitinifeetr,rine8Gon.;
. ,
. .
owen Sound, Witriton "SuuthantritOny oVa".*" %tie. • e se " e. ttit- v rigs n Kotherine Murray, Winnifred
Kineardine, Goderieh' and Sarnia; ered-Mlee Livingstone. Row- Liviegstone, Murray; wow. 12 yeareo Margaret
operate and molorse the _resolution Livingstone.' peening: oneeeotton or Livingstorter Miss Cook. Any sub
WAS Move& by eouncillOra Mtumings litten-entiso Livingstone, Mrs. Howe jeee, pencil &owing, original. --bliss
" itut MeGregot, "Etta Rance. Pillow -
and Craigie, and ono that the cleaned Tie. Ilintgalow .apron-a-Miso Living.; Livingstone, Miss Cook. A,matoure- slips -12 yeare anis under Ramona
seittativel to Goderiett tn. and Kin- morning dress. Printal H. Doak * cretonne and print, commercial, era-
, munninge, were carried, leend leloomeree-MeeRt ,13ak. §on. speenee enawmg, pened, any etilPeeva:t. Jessie Mathiesani Evelyn
too. wrote enclosing checrue for Tatting -Mies Lientigstene" Mrs. - •
CHINA PAINTING . table ends -e9 years and under, Annie
Lee: over
A:. Porter, treneuree. of • the Embroidery slide faster Werk -eMise- Livingstone. • - 12,. yarn's, .Legin# McGregor, Lillian
Dominion Day celebration eotnmille Specimen* Rven. Luncheon elotbs, tray eloth,
I AI Whitten, 12 Yore ;Ind under, Mir -
expreSS its Willingness to eend, retire- stone, W. IL oo#k lki,por. Ladies wall paper, original design, 141114Ple' TneretetrbeewlseVic' inVaatn1NateGBraergWoru.;;R;iervieg,
:dress4 searfee-42 Years and under,
eordine by Councillors Bail,* mei Son, Miss tiviiiititoreChildni dness Liyingstone.
UO8.97,• surplus heat the First of 1ff wvi re teem. ,Sxngle piece, conventiona rs.
Juiv celebration. Filed. ' Mrs. ttowrie. lliketillif-a-Miss tiring- ilowrie, collection chino painting, MeGregor, Drawing. gowere. birds
Moved by Reeve antriler, seconded eet itt h
Iss vingstona. nowrie.. Single piece, floral -Mrs. bare Thotneon; over 12 years, Leolno
ono, re. owr C uney,
---- not loss than roue plecee-elairs. How. or frult--9 years and under. Marion
'byConneillor Bailie, that the conned made-omiss Livingstone, Mrs. How- i
Application to fill tbe position of ieSe
oeseor and tax olle,etere applications
to be in by Sept, 240.-Cartied,
•ibe tOwn solicitor Obtained forth-
advertise in the two local papers for ele. Ratted thread lace-lifes Row. tee. eaPre aid saucers-entrs. Me av; yea ie ann under, Untie,
rie, Mies Livingatone: Mrciangetoo eineoenta, Sig Plates to Match -Mrs. E. El lett. ;Gotelon Drimeneet over 10 -Townsbili
Mrs.: Howe*. Roman out work.... 44w4.4e• I ghntglottClie c;ittitill=etri• lett; annovcitt: BRIEF TOWN TOPICS
miss Lngstone, Ittesorrowrie. Due, Znage-Geo. Stewart. „
load 'superintendent mal Councillor
IP. Wilson to deal with. The treasure .
er reported $10. reeeived loom Magee
istrate Reid (lines collected from_
Coloorne). The following eesolution
was passed: Whereas the defunct.
Ontario West Shore Railway was
sold for taxes and Minh:teed by the'
township arid later rapid to the pro...
perty owners adjacent and ttbutting.
there to, and whereas it was later.
atom, tbat the itale WaS end
th4 bond lenders of the said railwaye
'have redeemed the lands end' thew
!lands have again keen oetiesseil bre
rthe township to the trustees oa the
1, raid bowl boldereeolt at moved by W. ;
le, Young. seeeuded Ity 'Wilson"
that the moneys cellecteds ther.
township; for tho verioua seetione,!
'sold to adjacent land Metiers' bc ree.
turned to thetneeeCarried. afr. Alen.
Young addressed the ewers:11 re the
Clam. McPhee grievance in aontntee
tionvith drainage mattere, exprains
ing the causes, leading. un to the
pres4it situation. The lloard of
}With bill for 10119.10 date omelette
ing to r29.40 waa paid. ',The post,
polled sitting of ti Cited Of Revise
ion on the Adm. dram aggessment
WAS ?counted. TIM room tepoill
on his, survey of. lantle ;linnet e
, againet vie.; lot core lot II, eon.
re end poet leaf 10, eon.- 11. On nio-
Mon of F. .Wilson. and W. tre Young,
the omelet en lot S. cote 3., be allow-
ed to the eetent of two °eon. On
motion of Wati, Thom ono to Wilsee
the anneal on lot 11, coneessien
was- disallowed. Co motion of W
L. 'Young and 'Wm. Thom the: totreeel
on lot toet balf 10. eon. 4 was date'.
lowed, The Olora wan instructed te
notify these nytnealltig or the. ropolP.
oip emirt's fintlieee on motion
of T. Winton aril W. L. Yowrg. the
rout+ epoete ,pho eett reeloe,s .
senetieto of: etemell win Ina held (ale
9tii, M 2 ea,nt.
1 . putty. P
intr.1 nr s.., The regular monthly ineetma of,
stearian-Mrs. ‘Iloverie Miss Living. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S SECTION rement„,...9 year, rote under. Hone tow womeres Hospital Auxiliary mew
er legal ommon on the matter of ap- stone. Byelete-Miss ..1. lei tigstolle, PENMANSHIP 'AND DItAWING Mutele Marguerite Morgan; 12 ',Mira nbe load in the nubile library Monday,
pealing the decision in the McMichael Solid -Mise Livingetone,. lilts. lime- e specimen of writing, 2rel ekes and under.. Rermeth juek, Dougnet,
the following motion. was madeo Italian relief woelc--.Mr arowri
matter, recommending an lineal, and rie. •Russian Cross -141m Rowrie. MePla-Ramona Tretheway, Prank Johnston. (1 id Morgan, Best con t'o4ttltP•evirt weather Myth
alletrichad ease. Councillors Mune stone, Mrs. Meetly, Peen* knots.-- Grace' Beason, &Ina Mason, Illargttret WA: ir: " 12 Yaara
fawn proceed with the anneal in the Ilowrie. Wallaehian-errise. Livittg- mete og wilting, 4th class pupils- Alioe liwafon, Wilph Wiloowoll. Bilks
Nona Barlow.. Lillian 1t an Specie Annie Whitten; 12 steers end moles., ,
wetter Runt, 1. Setweltth
W. Pithlado Wine Cups
W. Pitblado le the winner of the
2 14" -- --e' Bigaatt, tattle E. Elliott, Writing, leetion errival nieleYes.eot Yerro and fait rehieh svAk1 sehethded for thin
Moved by Councillor Craigie, teconde Swedish weavingeoMies. LivingStone,
ed by Councillor Sproul,, that the Mrs. 'Morrie. Venetion CutoeMee. 3rd class pupilee-(iieeys Morgate, , under, Nara AIM w la. Glees 'et' l'flturedey has been poetnolled.
flings and Gould voted with the mov. Mrs, Felker, Mrs. Iloverie. Oxiental Bendy,
otehses-Pernr""a n 'In- *" Tcr. race from Georgetown te propoaed to
eints for both youug told old birds bi
Reeve Turner and Councillor Bailie Modern conventional -Miss Living -
voted nay. The motion was declared etone. Croso etiteni-Mre. Reverie. Lean. Drawing, on,
'Drawing, 2nd class pupils-- Vorttav irrd”,qtql. Int 4WiliPiall• ." r
pupils-. •t. Mal" Tem • ("1"w'rt's tt1"41" l''''81' close the teaemi.
the Goderith Reining Clieb, An poen
er and secondee of the motion. atid --arm. Ifewrie... Miss 'Livingstone. Mrs, Jas. Wilson Mary Even% Mel
Mary Sturdy, Joan Thompson, Eidth A. t• lifaxtvell teed 1.fre. J. ra Stew. eneree,„ e
• drama ond supre e characterization, ossessnig tint would assist Ins sue- carried. lifiseellaneous Sturdy. Delaying, 4th vlase art. -- •
liillrerti 'Worm Powders not only
by the 'entire east, - eessor in all ltutttierz that might A letter front the Irepartznent ot•
1 . Quilted cushion handonade foe Margaret Sandy, Murray Ctidmore ivi ....
e, . .•• t nate intestinal and other
ems nonoszo. i aria° en, conneetion with the omen National Defenee as to bew forms chesterfield --Miss 'Livingstone; Ales. Feed Ross. ILVICIPti li • COUNCILS etTennits, but fluty are a realede tor
l mitteo to report on ana appeicatione veierred to tbe public works ceitimite Livingstone, Mrg. Pelkerr Bridge
, Bird house, nanied-D eears mid Colborne council lact on Sept They strengthen the young eteeench. '
' 111118 waS refereed te tliefinance emu- of lease of property for ranges •was Rowrie. Pitir fancy . towel' HOBBY WORK
"MD 1101` 111.11./JETS" i for the position of !iteeessor and col- tee. set cloth and 4 servieties-Mrs. usonna;eroeltobt. 111cMattus, Marlen Gut- lath, all the members present. The ogainst biliousnesa atd are treetop'
leder. from 'Messrs. A. leougvie, a'. The nubile WOrt s comniittee to- Roverie.• Mrs. Volker. French hem. 12 years and under-Ey/On Minateg of August meeting were I in their effecto whore the ebild Suf.
'WEDNESDAY and INURSDAY 0. Tobert80 "a 4" 1%. 1111AM"nt Ported as Maws:, We bave ogreed med 17114.11- -Mi Felker Braided Lee, Harold Tretuttlays Talfe-9 adopted as read, on motiole of 'W. L. fors from laie cf appetite. In fee-
. were Jaid on the table, . to provide the zervices of a meoliatue mate -Miss LivIngstone, Mrs. Rowrie.
IHRISE PETERS A.ISID I 4, C. Postlethwinte beepliea for for one day towards the ereetion„ of Collection embroidery not lese than 0 Yeara and under -Jack Barton; ,12 Young and Wm. 'Mono The weed °roll vonditions thee. will be fora
gOAN CRAWFORD re of, lease of Stet -Acre lot neve fence on the east side of ' 340 plecee--litrto Reverie. C011 ((101 me Ymeaarrys ,Bavollidyn ueetledneeran.,adge Turner, qUestiOn was egain 41q ed, waes useful and thee will nerve to elle,
This volume) of the camidtan to th of Vktoria seinen. at an annuol track at the Agricultural Pork, We clot, not less than Douglas Johne und means of combating the mepace pain anti gritting in the .etomach.
6 pleeeeeelilits stone Cake -9 years and under-. Were suggesteci. Critters are urged front *bleb ehildren efo often suitor.
wilds, irritt eereen Arm, hag been rental- of, .$12 a year. Ile had had it recommend that the Masonie Lodge Lit ingstone.
hailed aft one of the finest eutertain. for the past five years and would re- beynrmitted to erect sign from their Work-.MisS Livingdone. Most use -
MTh' . 116wile` Betid Roberta 'Johnston; le Smartt' and un- to cut and WI% the weeds now to piee
ecentr alone wM make an uerorgeo. term. the town to have the privileee ishing the Usual bond of detnnity. eotton-lifte. Pater. Boudoir Millers der-alloreen Sproul, Doris Williame, vent the *read of the yea Every ........
Barbara Thompecon over 12 years- one doing their bold to eontrol the
orients Of the Tear. The lo -flood new the lease for another five.vear Innyling on. 'Went ti It npon fern- fig petiole mode of one yard faetory
Kathleen Robinson Margaret Sandy, weeds on their own property will
eCHRISTIE COMEDY'• Colborne•• many • other oil • mente ef eirildeen.
nab amine of , . of taking. it overeat any tin* it might tVii have treated the road on Elgin•eolifiee Living -Mono. • loilti Croft, Disci:tits-9 eears end teen sbow results worth while.
PATHE COMEDY I newel *f the lease.
r Ross mama,. be required for townspurpenes. A avenue front Sentit.ntreht to:Miter- :ntlgeo--MrS. Wirt. Green, Mee. A. ender....mair,e Trembiay„ 2nd; 22 Moved by A. Si Goldthorpe pod W.
inotion'WeS l'Intsed anthoriZnIg re- leo street with caleium cbloride ae a .A. Powlie. Mrs. Beattie. years arid under-liarbara ThOnagcni 16 Wang that the elerk be haitrtlaild
•• dust layer, and recoinnimid th• at pro • -
L2ANE %141 14016111140* KeiJ •Illifeb41 tliev 1/07/4111.0t1 road pert7 Owner8 agg g DOMESTIC SCIENVE.-erltUIT Harland Wein)))
; e recommend tbat •
eina be will 'be itotified of the ineet. street between Lighthouse street tind jug -Mrs. HoWriei Atia, Tralahla3r. e0a • Stewart
n. varieene, pint aPnrqeutOntler21111:Aeltglot;v1e2rZeg 119(0711(1.• priGNatOotrtped jeiralriglOritionni
, tf$ entifereeee with the town council tile cement siciewalk on Waterloo Preverved fruits,
• • ed same late ay, yea: to sigrothe applieation.of Mr. Treble,
• VitittaAra PDX :
eresets an ell der eitet in it great
outdoor •.action picture. &intent°
Male and TOMancO abound in
• Matinee at, at $.00 WM.
Mitebinery Co wrote with: tefetenceeniiseforet W ETC. tuokr--Elaine Tremblay. Jean Saltford for bribes conneetiona
Move* by Councillor Oonid. eeconded ed th t n • z $50 h Collection inmenaladet . 4 varietier--
The following motiott oasts carried. ne • e
le eeseem committee mammon& at larg Mee Itoevrie, Mrs. Tremblay. eahesen9 Years and ander,
. . II • svondlIbia' yl:air2b.a7r:tirs3,31:1611U30:•:inan yvoueltera It/tot Teccived and t e reeve i
hue of tbe elotheil tble week. West etreet lie repaired. Callection ° canned ruit, 6 varietiea, war
° Mrs Tremblay, Collection lay_ land Tr i era 'under Rae. the eame On o
Elaine and treasurer neve instreeed0 r; 1 ,
0 1
arioti n of Couneillora
t n .
eine ay, ea* o erteon. oung and al kit) orpe vo action was ; CODERICH . ONTARIO
by Councillor tralaie, tbM the tewn - • a are a mance o to t .
mud and sergeant each bo made to
auditorts be asked to itudit Vol aSSOS- ' h . fonder Ann, red currant berrv-- Piere-9 yeare tattl under, Peuline ' •taken in regard to Glebe Indemnity , • . . .
making ,a move to hoe the l000tern ed that the solicitor be instructed VI 1/IaV. .2 warietiee tomatO •Catsup, ripe Tarts -9 yeare rind under, Pauline I ing the roadside in front of 1115 pre.
, take the necessary steps to colleat ono gra at . iblay. 2 vatic,. Bradley, Elaine Tremblaeo Bead 1 Petty to. make it poasible to cat I
forthwith the balance owing oil the stes,• Tremblay. 2 varietiee sour 'Collection of atampe-12 yeare rd
I/ S
nor and eolleetortt accounte •up to purehated•froni different placea. MOM eancem. varietiet-Mrs, Twine :"aror Etta Ranw, X3tble°11 Curz°11' ""t fral Mr-Gc°' Milnan 1Ctiel*
!Krt. 11011,40 Strz. Tren'thhen. Cold Bradley, Elaine eeemblay; over 12 Innuranee for the townshm. A re-
de,pfah.e' °wen perma 86014 of prroo fa The finanee committee
• The installatirm of * Frigidaire equipment which
'will be your protection that your food is kept sanitary,
• fresh ancl wholesome.
When receiving your supplies from us you will soon
- appreciate the added freshness of the food. A trial
•order' will convince you.
CRAWFORD PEACHES for preserving are
now on the market. Order early and he assured of the
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Daily
Sileirreood's Creant
CtilticbtfilSTvg is PA111110CNT
Ilantilton St. Phan, ,141. Piro deliver in Town.
ties - aevoet pictles-/th.c. nowrie, worir.----over lit rears, Etta Rance. t weeds with mower was left with the a=a- e -4- -- -, -re--
Kenaington Furniture Co. eaerLgege; atekiee, 1 mixeh, 1 raustard--Mre under. Harry Wenger, Phyllis Coop -
repel ted that the Water and Light lIowrie. lifrs. Tremblay 1 pint, can- • er. Glades Morgan. Collection of1
Commission had been paid a further nil chicken -Mrs. Ilo•wrie. nosev 007 12 years and under, Barry ,1
U of $4'e00 to Meet payment due in comb. 10 pounde--4, W. Salkeld Wenger; over 12 yeara, Walter Hunt.
/W. Salkeld Vegetebfe a•alad-W.. li. ander, nuth "men* war" 'Y'lriles' i
on new pumping equipment benne
installed under bylaw No. 33 of 1027; jar of 1927 honey -0 F Edtvard .T. *41eetioll of,' wnatia--.12 ream and
reported that the Park House proe
!Dm& & leen, Trembley Fruit Alberta Osbilderiton, Simple Nood-
party deed had been registered and i eajae_etee leo'ah & nan urn work aspoifyle-9 years and eintiqr„
the town engineer, Mr. S. aollastIms I Treinblay C•old
lind made a survey of the property e. • • h /0 am. der Gorden memento. rale Doman
eremolav. nisei voaa '
meet 4...etero Merkel Bloomfield; 12 near; and nu -
and was making a Written renoro & saa. Mr". Tremblay.
DOMEST field; over 12 yettra, Ralph Walter,
Tb0 cOmmittee also recommended the en_DA • Audrey Smith. Difficult woodwork -
payment ef number of amounts and 0 yeare and wider, Harold Youeo;
the filing of the treasurer's state., L loaf breatl, home-made, white-- over 12 yeara----Ralph -Waltera, Joiin
. relent. Mr& Tremblay. 1 lad brad, home- Ruckins, Gus WortbY. Breaaei doll
made. brown -Mr& Tremalatir 1 loaf. oee , years and . under, Marguerite
bread, howiet.made, nixte-Mre. Teem- .Morii; over 12 years, Tiotiaa Me-.
blay. Tea bitleuit,, .3 ?soda, 3 baking Gregor.. Phyllia Cooper. Esther 140..
powder -W. 11. DDA & Son, Mrs. i Creelleting-12 yearn. and trader.,
Trembley. Buns, 3 feney,_ 3 plain- ,Pitylils Cover. Scan Ilebertaosi, Joon
, per:into subriutted at hitt ,counelf Mtn. Tremblay. Cookies, a Daftly's!, : A, /ace. Emit1ing-10 yenre mei mi.
ineetieg with the exception of that . 3 nut, 3 gingers -Mrs. /tonic. W. IL der, Joan A. Me,. Vother len. vpd
. , of J. nnick for cedar seinglee on Desk & $on. Mee. J. C. Steveart.e oneeed-12 van) end unilew:. tlory
Stonhey !street. :' Baehr, e4n--443m. learecie. P. Barker, liehlioreee over 12 lecate-ireexiva
i Theet reports teeee adopted, . • W. IL Doak & Sem Mirk feuit cake, slifeGreoor, Mona Ilareicen. Ercq8?
: The meteor of ee,nee sit the eon 2 panne-14re. Rowilet Mee, J. C. .telai5l-etietien tvota?-e9 near; and all.
! foil, wee refeered es,. 'To epeeist cost). Stews. ' W, If. Dealt le $ere Lien: der, Iasi Gray.. Tinker toy emeetraee
; reitteee told the natter of ptinting fruit, Is. 2 petinclese--W. II. /reek lz tion workoolil nears and uneete Chine
athe voters' Vet to tho finistice come , eeem. irs. Ifctitie, Mil. Trertibby. :ton .Ineeten. Cardboard Clie3traCtiCA7
':,toittee. ''-'5,41.t larir fakt'd lemon Ailing. lente !work. -12 and •Untlen Ev'elen
- 1 Mo natter of tka ttattlfi of the : iearobiart-Mee, Ileevirie, W. IL Doak :Lee, Itle a -forgets, &Ince Leon Paste e Arteraft Furniture Co, Witt referred ' etflaiv
mr". • Mrs. 1'11111bl:1S, 2 Pie", annla err. kat t.'012V7441-Tl
"r '''''
e, ,
. .1 to tae finance committee to hell. in • _PM own., -W., U. Reek & Earle lilreetneaea, • EC,Pa rnIVO. rponr,1 ernay !.
.! a reriart, on roolinn c.1 COunclitIr ee terebiev, It piee„ etentlainarot no. aeinte deeree 2 eta 3 cea.0,--f i ' 'D (lc n 11
-- i Mlle, neer:Med bY the Reeve, , ' 'clette-111. ;lc %lc* * P..e.% Mo. nrga. tr,40-4,, ' ikicei ii4co4 Vreah
.i -
The fire committee recommended
that Ono rebber• coat and one ifibbee
• hat be purehaeed for tat fire brigade
as requested and reported hewing
• pad all applications for litnachng
• JUNG SING, late of 1,,ohdon, -St. Thomas
and Ingersoll, begs to annonee to the public of
Goderich and the County of Huron that he has
acquiied the Restaurant, hitherto known tts the
British Exchange Cafe, and will continue it
under the name of HURON CAFE md with
entirely new nianageinent.
His long'experience and thorough kow
ledge of the catering busineEs ensures to WI per-
sons the best of cervice in all branches.
• Visit the HURON once and
and yoa will come again