The Goderich Star, 1928-09-13, Page 7• 011144111P0 220•••••••012 sail Ole 2* Se alas seall2•400
- •
I.SAbEL liAMILTON, Gockrick,
a...*.a1;:%12,411**A162•****-ita..**w•-io. tt000neeens !fit ***IAN ap
0 iteppy is the tone wite ittars
line let tzeres wavoiret velee ;
An!: stito celeetial Witneta zuttkoe
•• Hie early. orly
- .. ... . c3? 2 he laes.tieeeuves eoeeter .ar
Ttan cast Pv west unt'elti ;
eteel bee revevoit toms rootemea are
Than alt their stores of gala,
• entur-•-Heetveoly loat'ner .twe ireay for
t e bleteiree upeatrot Oouth of our lana
' thet they meet be v. -ell trained in eelf.
''' • i rautrol, sa that they. roay wow Lap
• tare and uprnetlit .-men and women,
o' doing their &taro to cstablioli the
O Inns:tom of God upon eaitte Ira
o Jesusname.- we pray. • . Ammo
es. S....LESSON' FOR SEPT. 2,1rd -,
LeEson ToeiceeThe Chrietiso. Basis
. of TotalfAbstinenee.
nession Itassegee--1 Corn 13;143.
. .. Goldee:Texteeet Cot.2Ot24. -
• The Corintielatt Church had Inquir-
, ed Of Taut, "touching thinge +effexed
!dole-. whether a -tan heat
,-----e-ondiberty-tee-e-ateettehtothlongb on not .
t Tine ettinettou eteeeseerito znease in a .
r.,"- -1.- Irv:* v oleathtn tvid •pattly
neClielstian - Ever • mean -war in ot
4 *
Le v-ii9 nettitieel att resins eeeit
OW3E: CA:Ev.:Qiigf t4tifig :Iowa
tnitae oi tat iiiet'a oiterroe. Net'
levee it enly retentriet zertnaerupe tole a
!Gas in tbe Stomach I
Hurts the Heart'
Gee Pore:awe freta a teaor.
• r..)P-tirt',LaStetibultiacte,
tvoya fatal
Whet your meate aree f.d..00....1 by
"Await*. • ft*liialt e•f titi,t
P01111$ 41-0111111 the Ileaveneee time
LEI' Tilt: CIIILItHEN HELP ono,. iive to a good eid age. bore that STOVACII OAS puterog •
.. +two tailiey ..te tnaeweee, .0 The Qtli.:kitt lately to :Lob kat Pens ji%rollP uPoo th0 vaiti and otowdhot upwerde, Ths tee
itetratened, toe pubite et:east:tee Oleut cnitueeu of some ot the roost tint gape. .1 he meek nee totworat hareler4 renew, ler the oly,rtne:A ottato
lane. natienal celebeaztoes terniet portaut tessdni ot life; tidineee. mit InnnP 104 14°14° , and eltsrp. shooting fa'dri?,
feartul tao cee ot bran:lire; u thoosaau ono ono t:ougnou becomes lat 4114 the *Mits. and cleans: an.1
tata was In a ennie betwext two • aette emit the little ins and eves onotnd rot noto, Ana t°0 hcan To quickly bares% this Gee, reu,
hirneelf .0S 110 good citizen by . abe teinits onete etua *wee*. live- trail overworks to citgest reei swiett,n xbr etemach-ttothing is bet-
Eta5n1Ing from Paetoi atone j itro To pack zet'ounnnet's eap Innoh food, 1,Wriet'a and hello ter than the eimple use of Iliserated
feent, fearful on the t; her ar. e.., YOlitore s ralttea atter
-8 --i.. T1,14 - `d''' , , poisons fast 1 maonten, tpowder or tabletote whinh
by coniplience he oocuio be eound an. i them tea it. IOW w;lt teach teem ere •
iiiem, eteke :, eannot throw olf tee
,enough, if clogged tebte fat. Vat;; gives almost inetant relief. Pietist
egt;afauf3liotounhdisinnotwkeLelltaens. Iatubla'st i,•aeinetdo 'noon they wot tuee tete ewe intakes ail organ* weatter.....Breatin: woe earnoess and itoespeeniee oteurt
put, them oniereolieO beloym ra,. Ong becenes difficult.' - - ' t..ated- el .teeteeeenteeeneo used and re- ,.
liberty must be tempered by love ; I thel' tOa° cem°,batt„ ee,ach,oti,me told I eat. ereepe, on insidioudy, erstit eito!, coreet° tettetteettst-Tfoittotve. -and Drug. i
titet 'nee individual must consider the ;', Piet; Inlet)), 13T.I. In 14" "W' ""3"n.. t"ks 1 ext"4 slice of bread and butter more than fift.een ,years. ?
tweezer ot which he fonas a part ; let too. tiousehold, train your ehildren each meal, a few chocolate (irops IOW Any f°t.
mut that,' atter Mo own conscience, is k to- oelp front tee time they ar....., tette land then. And the habit of thin* in- ootry it todoy i -
good druggiet can supply you !
e"rzeto ecttonn, he mutt further -con. edren to expeneive selicens to leerni. • It 34;14 find $0nrselt 'weighing ena ' ' ' - .
i ' '
P.i4:1.1' how th.e eonseienee of Ms nettle. •, these thinga whic'h you ken eeente • notch, visit your physician to deter- iicious deserve.
el` "
olitttetee end dote these eetions. Re co.operation And builditne enavaeter -Abet* If In% eat less omd exercise •
-±atisfinci toeending the legitimacy of idlers. Many peopte seinl their ehil- •steari of -walking.
. 1
e Affeetto if h. uses bee /teach them at ItOntO, enjoynnr ONO mute e on Wee g an n ay sturbt (TOPS WITII PINEAPPLE 6
IIIICK itarrar
Cooks to. A% to $ ssleattos
- aver to 'keep etep with tbe male. Yon are 'doing it. 'ellen will he more. Pe net 14zlirie8S 63g' Ytaut pineapple is a deoeious tteeennunot .sent te the Dead Letter Mee fiOMA.44.1,4iWa
,tist ‘'nfle
Chleittlan community ot which tie more eepa'ble &dolts end...will loveson te
Irn early grave.
• intent ta meat. Ery the eroos as use_
----- - _
Waehington last ye;:tr, there wasn't a • '
tuel and vmove from die' fey °Oen._
fonelsonenanteetouletniest iteWit*.nief Itettet allttitivegli life. becatieetbe,y , liOVSEU014,13 EUTS - Dip slices of pineapple in flour Ana I *someone bas um dtw u„,, nucther e 04.7,,,.
alence to less enlightened have worked with :you through their
Persons "by bis freer copauct. Be growing YearS. What to do with the eoffee grounds' bvown in the hot grease. Garnish fool worey for those feltowe who find •
it difficult keeping puezted, "If yoor
f tho latter
;lust coesider not only whether he Give them it :dust clotti. and let
.1110".1. "' doOiested, to the household good tonselence, but also how the sweep the porches they *will be more ''' 'AT ave efillecianY.Ine° fl./r ferns'
. the femilo anat. 'killer° ono mem- he does will 'be affected by it. Ap. Oppreciate When. thiners ore neat. vin „vent los beeamint hard ould
t th tho brooms cannot suddenly hack out. of a center A
hi :Ott* a problem rut them in the the ellops with a rlug of Pineainge
Rub hatter turniture with a light If the edges of your whisk broom , oo.
on lent jar, avound the patted &nate.' slices around tbe edge ' f h 1
con o this or that wzth a them hen. If atoett hollt Oack *nano
igods by Ittylng opine portion of It on eonoience thos0 who 1,31ow what careful about making work and will coat of oil every few menthe. This r your sink broom get worn off and One thing about eirplietest they
FRAZZLED BROOMS •tint loves, whore wonld you 'be nowt',
bee of fY boot:owe leenint "had become plying'thie law to the wetter In hand, Let them sew ton huttons and mezol P 'tagged. do• 110 • ret
vhrsstiati wou/d at once be on. 7. u es • ett tor Ids own part, the rips and they oral take prole ut cracking. •After vubbing the oil on, b i
‘*ont•?,;.. with filo on9 rieing in e iree no seruples at ell ohout meat. their -clothing, 'Let them -help wash at enust be Tab An and. o , t trim off the frazzled edges, and eout
Mutual Life
ssurance Company
,• 1“, -0., •00-000.000 nrr,..0+1•01, by per. emeee otoureentooth us zat to God;•and ioon and ohe .11 he . le will soil the elothing when the ebair
.„ . of Canada
4. editing of sueb food he mialet tint ,be eor neitber. if we 'eat, ore 'tee the ling to -----1-.-viudry. • •
y evi tome wi. is used. Wipe the oil off with a oft, too another are%
broom will be almost as good as IleV7 , Goderich WOM(411 says ahe doesn't
want her tomb:aid eured Ore :a taflk. estwoothotient
lf you have a nicer meat broth and PA.STItY • ing in Ids sleep, but elle would like •
-.. to more cheerfully if they have elped i iv 1 In so no limit th t v-ou ti linen °oiler! 4 Wolenne,00, ON'It
• very naturally ask himself -whether , or mit onler nw won cinscience the prepare
. , • there and will learn 'the 'want a. soup el more Ilavox. put a Your p . g
e dou b will be improved 't° it 0. a I .t- ,
*nuke turn telk a little plainer.
-- ' Vivant otionid nimit el notteupt. and. seience of Intlaneed diet and the i d etan eil tomatoesetip into the broth. if you will add two tablesPoo-ns of
t countenatieing idolatry. On festal better; 'neither if -we eat net, are we They will tett carrots and sgintech drv cloth.
oceeoions too a young eenvert'might rtlie weirev." If, th f R 'hod
easy solution. I woula as :soon eat for vitamins.
- lao
Try baking haeh insteed of frying corn starelt to etteb cup of ft ur yea .
in an 1 tenrAre ntreeihere else.1 of you too roiterestin1y. ano one lit, Use meat shoppe4 fine, tool:ed. \Me. .
world. Some are unable to rid oiples of lemitekeeping night the.• toP. tovered with buttered not only tome into ber ownobut she
•D. D. MOONEY, Agent
Lives of great men all remind us. r
intneed °Won and SOLoMON SAYS • As their pages o et, eve tui n.
ilk !Kidney Trouble
But all have not the coneletion we struetively to, the children as To Ilottatoes chopped, Mit8' • Thet we're apt to leave. lieh• ind tea nem B. Geoentein
' ° • "
' have that an isui. is nothing- in the 'work, Ooze teen 'teach tand hem the 11"een le"Per. flake In a casserole, In busineen in pobties, woman has •• • LItters that we ought to burn.
„ ' 4 -0 0 themselves of the feelirrg that itt ing tta you go Wong; and tbey will 'Othmhs• "el° a Mar(' glaV" has stepped right along into IIIS - 0...
elatino oaerificial meat they are pay- learn these 00 natuoaoy, toey .toint tiled dish elan ;the ordinary "board. mon, /
FeetA'Swelled lav avet ,o1 &enrage te tthe 'idol. become second nature. nil, ht'n"'hash*'
und assietence, ibe rewanie of ttotino Ord flavor, try priding a bit of ehoca- A myth isth a wOntall who hatlunt _
ohs, „onto with the feeling that that idol is ore- e.tto
The most satisfactory oile-ohne e •
antra „ ,buthinfg suit in the one the omall bay , lee •et lee et i•ll inti•k' II MO
, "Seine with conscience of the idol." Besides this actual inetruction 4"- "TletY and.° Pive rleirnes • USOS ar front the melding crowd. LiANANIAN•
NA lunpiL ny
-.111,41"RIVIL'114047ir 43.k 4 oent nioa ueeepting Ore twter011ip, "eat vour, children Inte your life will be'°•• .0AV .44th.boolat., • A Modero mother is ere toet
+4 rooked rice.
%vinttelite'41V:trielad Ot Mine 'Advisee the Saerilleial meat as a thing offered increasing sornerathy and under. -Before veneandog the cap from your hold safety phis tuurei tifiraretteerilli, TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO
tioneetatitakeialoan"a Inidney as "onto oti mot, and their eonscienee starcling 'till arotoal end More b milk bottle. vun a, little water over "Do you want me to tall you in the her mouth at the oame time. •
bei a .• 0 • • - • the ton and Orush off any divt -wheel nuaningr she asked the now valid. -so-- DAILY EXCEO1 tett'nenttnit
• O wa.-very beet:with " "we k ed- Teens cori- tiful nontiactr. Children love to do
sOletrce -Welih, not ftitly •milithten- :sabot tlutir Arden are doing orid you, oleo bo there. ensen setting the *Not unlese eteu need ',me, Mum." Some girle ave rtto young to imow Lee. et:Ale-tee e.... o. • •
, C °O "'Oft in
tebeennolleattotIthe time when rata oar ed, not purgea of aia .xtvorstitiolt ; ore detcrieting Your children or somezmlk.0 IV replace the cep cv ieveyt . better, but they are 'Wining 4.. keno " ClititOn Q 6.44 a.M. 2,51 p.m,
o Soaforth 0.130 *lea. 3.0,1
•dtwall'obrhoi-Ana-rn/ toot lima won= h"4-• ther enneeietwe i‘; their cern ellino, -worth .weqe. If iroo "do not ,"; n drinking .,t t-'. over the top of thrt STATIC. °
Toth le cheap, but not to a young " 7.21 non, 3.35 p.m.
,tin4C$. * took three boxes- -of tee tnienee: tied if totem feel they are -----------------------l-b°+fle•
' e • tlarta, a 4 142324 timer elo -a wrong thine. and dale•. On!slirg c;11% (fravtlanral4littebetetylie!”:14: inushI sovianos and ---_bawlin• !olitar: livohnall:Artfelrlistrte.•the- OC. let• end Ark tittittetlf:ede... J.11 4,01.1.111t, • IV
ralifug ',warm luing unno yet do it. home IteeOinee.
te feeling ' • r27
ebtioln fees tood aud. my feet don't 'their tensciemn. 'Therefore we must # °ME TAPESTRY baritones were eliminated from radio
toned over the burned seot and Won
,•• =sleet programs and prefereree wohe oitt women •(west* eiweos.
n " Guelph 11.04 tent. peon .
Toroato 10.21i 1.Th.lee
eottrell:Ottf more. • T wB1 (hays room- conlider them as "well an. out,seeyes, Just hang a tapestr,yettethe often rtrevert blisternot.
ontena Doan'aiXianey Pills oloblo for for ras nfteri %to tintliberty anti 00a, adVantage sonieweat.ox. apo- When cleaning the eceobnx. 'do Mit given the violin and Pinto, lis - keep my repair. bee of Raturnom onto toe n.
twos h d eat sacrfficiai meet we tempt thereto blem. ,One NVay is to have it .trame forget to evatee out eho erain toners 'with sensitive ears wale' the time one d3es ber Oar:West" tree peto
• tot ey we, olle'fOr me.*0 .d h A h • If t}'
0 t e sante, and so eeole their con. e, out, nnatos rater expensive and ea 41'5 S /111e
f CO 114t themselves fortunate. 0-
m .
Price $00. la box science, Two permanent lessons are robe ,.ot the soft* natural .look 'lilthy. but dantreeous to tlie health. ' Most mon, don't mind belie- nee•Pooloo Cof" Gtacr:'` 1.°1."
t ° I e 11.r: N
it of at araggigta 02 to 'be In this expositinn whieh the old originals, welch, utere SUBSTITUTE FOR "STOCE" A venerable old Soot purchased. n. 11)00 hut they teneot street the ' mt"). 11'1°11411V t'l:n" T'9""td
radio. 't and ew days later truth tuld on e enooktteleen"detit.`rifeit.ond
otters, or mailed 4)1",gun.1 11 1',
Inthe:otte:upliraiednlabeeyforde draPerieS• ot hangings. Meny veeipes tall. for "stock:* his friends asked Itho how he lilted
'LflflANh.It ineeehe /bound ati. armee"' to keep This meats the broth made from left it. t • el,boarno)ttietat:f COM
direct receipt of eonselence. "Le f fr f month b' We no longer hear anything that *
. ,t eveiy titan be oily MW
r prme by Tea T. Olin pementelea leis town nand." that is itig covered with ,gitt braid, a fiAlk-
' rVer Meats and bones. elany house- "Well, aye dent to --
- to " ek
• • wives keep meat stock on hand most he replied, "but thoee bulbe are•
nae I I, A. 1,V0111411.CZ
1,burn nistilied, the else leOZE'Mate 4Stons*aif**conduet. hoeder.of velvet may add to its
nO s
iueh o• Town Puseenger and
A Mart tan tile end cermet, bie erre
of the time and use it in pony -lisle, so mild to read by."
..000 • Oaf. 'Man mey POSSibly do a wroim size aviecligenny. „Ofteri a etrirege of
d tb tk d Tieltet Agente
1. Ti thing want he ober( conscience; be black, shiaggy wool or of gilt or sel- an,.t ftl el -o b04. )11/4 font f”ler‘14 ,aro oltofot Thane. 8. •
- terttatily otteoe, onixenhe eets eon- ver cord.iseputnertess the Itettom. iw to use one o lose r e pes. you Amernisret 'Listening over ire vertain to "help" the wino.% witli the
bouil $300 di t t h
ra * se o ear a lee recent `estate. • I
_ troy to emosclenee. es'bound to A -curtain rod across the „tip holds etaubblitunte otro
eeeeneneeeene-e-ententn't°00`"°"‘"t""ew use evety means to enlighten his it 'Arm and is better than .the tacks.l - e e"'" Played on a $715 -phonograph. o
A aey Yielt and allowable, but hung. .A black iron rod with orna- --() Wife: "I mended the hole in your 'owner Perkins menry Yoe:. dewrbter.
T 10. w cenecience arra to learn With accur- with 'willies some tapestries are
Mellybly than stock ranel you must 1:01
engreful not to AP0g00 VOlir h to "I d'''"'t enderstand. 'Yeu°
, . Tuotoff tbe Square
nilowtreml Stressir
e6011 SIMONE eeter YOU AfeltVfleftE
t .. 4111 I
, rilute and iforse Live
r Rack Stables Etc
Ana WORK VOlitentIT TO Ger TIM
' "numies Meet all Trafisti MOM
f - Pissenneer Boats
seesengers es:Udine to leer
leert teet ',the'. town for elf
i owing at ilo Tog, or C. P. •
• tficompt Service and •
• C.Arrefui Attendance: '
also lotmd illwa3,s 'to a1 -upon mons on each end is appropriate to
his ywit• presont vereention -of what the tairestry, etence tit itt matted .to PINEAPPLE had gone to bed. John dear. Now. "Yee. And row le+ will have my •
tts enlightened. -as it ought to 'be. are faneetemetal.outotain rods in the emethem to a eno of orosoed otmeape
trousera poeltet last night aftor you t might rote were eneeelee?
niihtt Ills ctruscience may not be the same imightItt ago. Or, there nut one oe. o ti em I net a ebougbtful little wife to, wife no hie. inettive.hele.w."
a 1)0= o Mart' Inn oyes;
asIlusband (danlotislyit "Well, er- ,•,_
Still hie thity is 'to eenlightelinnet to stores, with rings to hold the tapes- i-ple; and let them ntand in the icebox ye es, you are thoughtful enough, my A O"teteeel "n lite e oelepliette --a
violate it It is the gnide CYO "•has try. If the taPestrY is hung on such' for several boure. At the.nast, whin dear:. but liow the mischief did you eing at the ta'd of tha PrP.
men as, an, 'we Von nO e tiEe r • . *, a cup o cream an s i na o a mix- 0 -
The seelend leteson is that we 'must the wall ewill not 'have to be spoileil. -with nice cane, this menet a de- Of the twenty-two million tette no leek of mirth heetilded remediee
g. d t "ho a rod OM- orails Inv hold ::it to the d t.r th . discover that there was a hole. in my
astener opt epic mem. atA ture and serve it in sherbet glassee. P
. ter ea "nee.'
I 4i Station•to
The •Proven Asthwor Remedy. • Station
Since estlima existed then e haft hem. •
but they have »roved short lived and calls• ar•e
worthleee. The -4'ver-Errowing•
ever. Imo our Christian liberty teritli Teo tacks, nod you can change:the- he. .
Christian t onsiaeratIon ot 'ethers. cation of litertepestry -when tome see .
Love moot mingle -with nil we 'do. at. You ean °buy narrow town o
talon one elver', it a plaree in the nett
/it r
Daties neetnttst of course diselrarge, gold cora for a few cents a eyelid,
regardless of the effect 'his conduet much likeethetexpensive picture eortis of medicine -which no other eon en,
my have on *tilers. But -where con- used to hums ifine -pictures, anti, by peoach1+ luto neeer beer onsiuut
ecienee eays not "You nitiot;" 'hot the use of loops, you can ralike-your• ••fteetteetteoo eentOodo oet eieente*
only "Yon num" then eve must eon- own little ornamerit to cover the fas-
terior the effeet four using .our /theft' *Wier On %ell/dux% molding. new eonverto. •
got an electing reliee and making'
New Maid: "Please, I've !drained
will have :on :Altus. 14ever' nous • otratweeeteneet,G
?there a man who more Italy tinder.
I .Are you oconainted with the zee.
etood °the freedotn .3f :the Christian
ou.grj,Avery end flock Service
PM; be found upeto-datet -
kin .averv reePeot.
• wooer leatronage.Solleltiol
rimine 107 Allootreal Street
• teeehomodyeetoorteetedeteeteetosoeoew
freedom be carried• a „ ,washingrt Befeetezau woe& .the the erten. slut -Mel
plate -scraper .as .an Aid to 41811-
Tiosifion titan Pauli but "with this 'bet
Mistress Tina's rioht, Jai*,
BON. if if. if
41111.14 dishes, set them th.e faucetand
teyeotkt-beolemters Width Prmerpted 1,serape each guieltly with tbe ylete New maid: ".1 ean't munt, I for -
to et-di:AM.' "If iribat make my broth. t CP put aeything under tee etraire-
=taper. Tits will soak them op -and
et to offenn. I will eat -no deft While erl"
•get (dr the worst litre, ninkna' tImn
to WaSh and preventing -the
brother to -offend."
Aecused"Your honor, triartso in.
the world statuloot, lest I maim any -
Coridensed from
hwter Iran becoming so dirtrgai
y. °
humanity to man coiontee.
Diehes ehould be woolted ni. py ooa
The Exportitor's Ilible. thausards mourn. Pmatteser rot al dab14..
WORLD MISSwater as hot as y.on con .stand tte
, ed oe owift. ac orofligato aa Byrom
• WIONS . The •
,d1sIonop is on old to t
jeresaleut Conferenee Continued as dissinated as Poe, or aa debaunetiott
the .dishes boilteg.water and wipeT d "
. -I •
, *Religious Education _ 'with a. clean towel. The glees and
'silver .will shine better if they are •
OStper mile
%rat! often lime (Tr ,people getting bargains,
L but none ever seem to come your way. Yon
4vonder why. Sett:imbues you are tempted to
, !believe that bargains llon't exist.
I. %Yet one thing reallyis AMA/WAIN . a good
„ rusecl ear, properly represented and fairly przeed.
tiethe Used Cara we offer *Ito 'bagging in ecastVer41100
4 off:easy transportation. 'The omelet fillet coat of these
14 is extraordinarily low. Anti they offer a trete*.
:4.• oft= saying •in coot pee elle •that constitutes the
tee; ibergain.
. Itepreserit a car of tworltnfaeueenthe "Bigger and
Better' Chevtolet, Wo have a largo stock of Ooed
Vied ,Cars that are quite definitely BARGAINS.
contie atotuid And see them Men you will knoll; that
they :offer more tones or dependable, comtortable
tranepottetioit for every dollar you spends-
Judoe: "what will • -do. Teirty _
days, and. ofileer. tette o Bet thoee ,
The Onebeet etto altelitions. Schwa* ,rinoed in slightly stoapy treater. To -
• IV 5 E Hon" remotes a colutrut to iteee, rout 'pour boning water •over glassware ie namee and rurt the ri fro they're to '
bad as he is.'"
.., ..... • it luust he .lett to be studied in ito Dimly to breek it. A
• anal eerie. et 1145 tom compete ai.... to have the soapy water in a pan and•• If you judge a man by the cloth
It may be the tailore fault.
iry ectric , ceptanee. .As. Rev. John taelterimet roll the glees in it.
the welleenowe Ocottish .Principat tee May to, precious oiaos oiso
Wilson Colloge..IlombaY, eaid to me, been traeked because nOnle one care -
THE ?ROPES'S STORE 'Item we have got tor the tint time•
lessly poured too hot water on tt.
from any big noottesentative bodY a Be careful flat to put ease Menet; in A sAce AND SUN
really satisf,yitig seatement of what with tbe clam ones evhen you are REMEDY FOR
Is Tea nyttlied en carrying tbe washing dishespleat you forgot the
Chriotian mesmege through educe- gleam is there and pour boiling water
tion. Such principles aseit Bete forth
, • have been Atated before, it ia true, ov:r tbt eehole panful. Set the glaga
h on side where it can be .r;een and
but .hi e is the fired time that they receive !venal careo
have been generally seceepted.O STIIE WEIGIIT •
To soon me in the worde of the Under 'thirty years or age, it is
Bishop of Mancheeter, than whom well to weigh five or ten pounds more
the meeting hae had no more general
tole than t11e. average eveiget tor youe ego
a favorite, nor, let it'be ridded, a
lier laughter, in a tollz 1 lave just • ona height This reserie helve t6
build a etrong body and -to ward off
had with him during theo•. cioreng
honre of a memorable gathering, ittlhett°10sisr After fifty, it le well
The meeting marks e ie are to Weigh considetebly below the emer-
ge weight. Life innurance figures
e.xpansion Of the Chrietirea Cinnelt.
ellow that, an a ride, fat people do
AR the diverse elements in the meet -
Mg hove gradeallr come to see what 1
Cook by Elettrleity
vhsli by Electricity
Iron by Elettririty
in real to themeelves without adding I „
any Mel of deniale or implicatioha teHELpED mE
flyer and above thie, Tho remit hag
been that in one instance after aro
the uotitive beliefs of the dilerent
other 'unify !me been found hocatite woNDEnLy,,
groups are Pot eonteadietory but tna- usu
nueolementary. Iliac were i •
many divergencine of thought en the _
an Strengthened by
"Message" greup, for inetance, but worn
Wong Lydia E. •
Pinkbanes Vegetable
, „Chestier • aft Coat or • ..
" An electriC Vueunin Cleaner ...,,
, * removes the dust; a. broom •, .,
• • just • moves the dust. .•'
. . •
Wa guarantee all El y d r o
), Lamps fol 1,500 iltellin. .'
. ' Walk ia and RC displa,y at .,
The Hydro Store
when eve came tor frareing the Met:t-
eam all that we ne-del to do ewe to
put these thouelite together in their
logical order. Mile reline happened in
the othet groups. Not only will
thew findinge at Jerusalem help tito
elhureliee in the iniooion fiela. but
they will alto ltave a ne-n.• effcet
an the contrive, willeti are' rottenly
ealled (Intietian."
'Hubert W. Poe- tee
Britian 'Monty.
Its Qualify Relis lftrite feet that
. , vitally the:teen:1s of intelligent, peo-,
01:4 centinuo to 'use Thornes Fee
!cell -le epeats voltinle!5 for its
cffieleetey. EVCr Enloe it ttA-1
intt*o4to:cd it hat gown VT -artily
Pert Colborne, Ont. --"After hoeing
rI opetMion. I was very trateetable,
eetieeo • 'teak, IV226115
•ery near unfit to
rk. I saw Lydia •
k. Pinthatats Vege
ttebte Componed
advertised ond
o led it *eel believe
et helped me e.-ont
drefaliy. / hetet ne
pe any
:or te the pews
• nsvo /eft roe !eel
Pot Infante and Clitliken in ftaMic* Ilkvor,. *MAP ellSritti to i!,‘ 0 elynerfteettrertooll
-1 e,,,,, - otee.ene___ . manifold neefuleree in teheiong sod ,- _ netter, 1 'feel este .
, .. ..
IIII USO rim ‘111. 11 IIIIIIT II tee:Inner enkneeee Aft a reset:fie for et: ming Lydia E. PinnhAzott weft •
, Alitaye Oen* - nee, been,. 21' 2!itt,, nn:1 vatenue ir.t . eince ling helped zee wotrietfellytnee .
tht `. . _ .ft-in.mmak4Y W1A lite feeerd le berme! Mes. NIX IL itenegrget0,110z 14:3t '
lagocijte II . , , . i Vort Onornet, tint
Madwan Tebbutt
FRED ROUSE, (Mechani6
teffrAIN No, mortomeik.
roomy vow/. othc.o.v Auos
Tylosioudimveuniust C.,+N
mIrinifeerAl sUaan
ATtestful Night
on LAKE EFtit
cheaper. t.. , •
Allen wonders • why
tolls to Iu3r• home cost 40e,
while Mva4Erown't3 tiost
only U0c.
The reaSO4 lies in the post.
eript of Mr. Drownts letter.
"Gall me regularly . calls are
So ),,Irs. Drown gives the
distant telephone number
and • tells the operator,
"Anyone thein will do."
That makes it a
Station call.
The low evening rotes'
(after 8.30 p.m.) and dill
lower night =tee' (after
Midnight) apply on such
rails; and, usually, connee.
tion Is made while fiyur re.
mai* at the telephone.
as We, Broevet dote.
Renumber the poewript.
Mit enjoyment to /bur tap Eat or We,
giving you a delightful break in your joittotty.,
Each Way Every Night Between
Blifialtiand Cleveland 1
efetleu ettteAccitatlaif, trA-4...-1:;:s islet te•Mf,tt.
-othr etieowno C t::tutee, Lma otz:Xiseterceici:catecea,
ittragtous .cg:c..g, c_scke. e.t.tVmsdrg re.:c.M
ottt,72,1 e--rtucms s(enootts. A t.:;ptca 114-tcrs,
et ektinectieus se Clevelaad fottelot IttlUtttog
Dettrale end Pelate West
Drilty r etc, tec May lot to Noverebee lett
Leaveig at D.00 P. Li; Ateiviea et 7:30 ite lefe
Atkeeue tLtIr4t 0573 4? tome:cot*
for atm too C GB Leree
New Low Fare $4.50- 424
AUTOS CARRIE)) 0.50 AN» tri,
The entetteatt *oft leteentetttratttit Cetorey
tetee, 24, 1.
c-4 oie
n 1.1°
-••••• '