The Goderich Star, 1928-09-13, Page 6,11
,x 1. f.. fur tft- c
e•'..entett tem yeu oat eout ".
teetee,e voe ger tiown to Vi'QS-dr,;,-
ar i;Cad t1“::
ill That Nitteeza Too;c: 'to 4. ,t
"tent t. %Rif j t41,. you '-
4.•;2C011`.' CoLittil le'41Build Cit Cie Zile -en eee•AVC Litc...e meet co-, rciae1,1,; act:: tO:t, eae, reieoe.o.n;
itotio8a. inneen,
tne tate Di tee meeeenee. A oeeet,„ neLc
e, v , wonnn
"(Arnie hern, :ening a .-3!:c.r
Wien we a e Ho ogee, rioree Jfl.11,7,4(31:!tir:ri Gut/trio d 1,11o., two pc•Itneti _
Crtin sal* you 1, and , _t • thIU M14.y Ihete's the tittle Oct—
eNn2pg ereetenaidoe et zeT'0'.:;"iit'.., nor of both heeds, Geo that ee . . •
- "
66 is good tea
"51eihnahro bc.-de got Clove? - ' cenj4..,vin,„,,i.v.heie., aren't reeve totee 4114-' SZ3L'n ,t1
1.en Lutlarzo „eay. "Ears:, besh
ei•irow-wia eeee, t
1,1rVT;P_._FTMCO2" In%c. *Atli tap lift 0 ins kne
good lealth In lent of tire -3 •
, -
• r "NP 11120.', iraiCaeo The --• - "Nowe 1nspeztor Ferrel, Ionic at
WAI ehesi n •eitot, freeli ..end .
•-f..' • • num have sesated aWn:,- • Ora heed of liairlooDoes that look
tel V110 there'e a toetrine in tie tP7Plic' to 7);-;141 tho TATA 1,701-3iti
- • 44l .4
„, • wcnulera. And as a leenel-buildieo tinu to you eee.Nen quite the contrary, •
Red- Rose Orange Pekoe is. couldn't be thiener. le'ew I'll ask
cuing anti lest zo, thee in devei ecareely. elet in Cenatia 'whore ire g°t 't 3.1314 in th° Ttn-es $41"
f Ofittg
. • .
utsifit Crainvi:OnfrInorY00 you tn Jintice this hanneet tinnsn
the best tea you can buy-- •-
YOU will not find Deng former's' iiente-That's witat gave him Lis first •
In ckan, bright Aluminum vcan wo left memnaid dead in per3011 Nyta0 ItE-3 int:retro:v.7 health 'O. was with Iras
pw,, :..........,,.„,...,--,
. ,
. 'tercd7-Efihnniira occiciont-
In. early often! on Etienne Ovitang, 'lave beerd or treat Cameron, and m g exo a n it, Guthrie euggest- by i
li\o ot they were helping nie' tile only .Canodian to come home to
through thee use of Vela 1-v04W:ie.,' man a slaeh across the collar bone'
like tine? ----,N"on----Are you satisfied,
Por epece, fee. troMbling
Lie berth, front fin, 1 suPP0se. The oeperieno? of en/re. Talent,' I, ie
Brandt was in the cabin, and the
ether twoi in berths. Ile interpre- Ahern, "S• illakPi • i-PQ31" °n! •
toese statements. She nays:- -
1 ter and a sailor they thine were on !thrilledeetlated, hstened for a renlY•
him. He had some Indium picking wk an4 /n1141°1'31 enntiiri"41' Fre." 1 • to tnree men it'eturned to the lty.
,2 advecebnattOggvuondinbiiht)ct3 ieteV0 given hi:1 fun7nidssibmiset 143:11:1.:7 rlitot;e4;01, I ototiritietoEtihkewadno;intiri,etriut mleellIllwt 01i
. Theta true, but why ehould they
, 0 1 Galbraith 1,xmis dean of stain,
eeemed os if ty blood bad turned to
have the greatest reason te be thank -
1 notheorebeotateonlongt tiaireornuculeeearfeohr tthhee ear fen when pn, miliaria pinn pills I Then there can*. in the low voiee of
ice? Tito Indians teleht here hurled key.' Pitor'' fee nte. 1 wag 'In a verY114',Ifel ? reluctant "yes."
up inr ini, him nn ti:o isitmd. ,piin quently 1 would faint aud my ins room. vtetowy in t ie eve -o the fay-
tl t -1 1
'erasable as Galatia had thought
leave tile rest on the boot?" „o, -•wenantdeirnijnithijiesnwan33,ittl:flinavd1T,.at"IvPill!,..fheeriet,..,1, „. the lneht of circumstances.
11.03,-,Witri lite-ntall-the-- °Meg, nann8, pink- 11118, „boxes le woe nocid-fo. h614 -a' not 4111-24
, • n • •..
Ire had a great bold on them. That
I; • , omen d • 04
act tan 9e door alai a t continued taking the pille until -
tie on n rule were more theta ed. Well, I wonder what they've
, equal to entertainino them with' the got for You hungry men to iaat," he r fiad used a dozen bozo& by which the Ghost; ne-t onwooe 11“'IL-
1,is CAVOrY Lawohing McDonald If ties, an t o Ass stence t leintrie
merle tevted to the development of tbe coon -
TifiTite.Y 13th, 192'6
oz.l'ai.Q. it sp.** to moo nut nente Ckatit
Octlisgg ighousio
4411k .1,1,,lime toSsaar geggegis in 2921.21 •fioNieigt* ffitt
it IAA undrod art sixtir4grag. 1040i9vA
Om* were. tgo gaud olousgsg et gurgoiglattg-
tog Welt clAssog stogy grog it god adult
claw% er.gagedia sygioruisig 7.4, AA Lori
Setificee iliteeSeft teledeen WelLe$ Wilder twutoikOstatii.,„
Agogitay, Sept. )14-1Pniereem
tfe/14 Outside Wats.
lee 'mum Yen atideola folk
*Maids PLAILM.
limy, Sipe. Milk 1111.
drel brooches dieiributed througeout
tjadir.i0.1 anti Newroundfand, white its
paid-up capital and l'Qserrea nitre -
:wilt a tetra in eNeOli0 of $60,003,t;00,
atel ita eseete amount. to over
000,000. -The value of the Bank to too
'eountry, however, is not to be races.
ured sa much by the amount of its
-capital, or by the size 0 its divi-
derlds, as by elle' eecurity it has gaven
too thos-o ewhootave tette-tell' it; lite
:facilities it 'bar; furnished for the ex-
change -mid the increase of commodi.
• . ,-teree co de lege!" Pieture of man bufkoralg tram a aMod. 'Wake youraeivon at, lams time I found myself a completeiv re-
...itirriaht.ty rook(' utorle. paint.4 wound. The rub mould come whtle I go over end ask Old Ant* stored women. able to 43 DIY NVO"k
era e eontinued) The branches of the Bank of Mori -
Miss Quarrier on youh wee Now at meal time. Wouid ' the opiate whon She'll be reo,dy for us." witholit fatigne, 4 bolter oppetite treal are situated alike in the lerge
•YOU gev into'thesa bandanee ibto Leon enigt,,e his oley the wily,* vaned panol. ttndu sent*. of theerfulnees, whore I
bed, and newt hane tfio children breatinne,-4.7mild they hear it 7 ef Gailh opened the doer, unowta your t.wfore. / had been d*qoandoot. For SEVEPITY.FIVE YEARS OLD
distrlets, agriceltural communities
business nentres and in residual -tied
"I am %etic,seek men." ..,ned :he daY, but where: 'Tee trada-house, tat* he? 1 want to get his state- ""iiPies of D. Williams' Fink in Canada it is a factor in the life of
SenrenteoPi Y a s Old Thi$
83 the p311C3 had VOMO
• ' (around- if thee come ta teik to you." eillY he could have
• , P4111." Gederich Branch of Bank Of Montreal 'and • ut lalallig
— . . .
tamps. Everywbere
baon moved for a man, wound all right? He eon talk, a 1 Ole. thanks to the bealth-givirur
hab.-hoeod and went out.
0 had. the sole neaten building* ot the not e s o n e la • ii i i i 1 If vorinare feeling, nut -down. •give.
.11%4hr •
the communtty. Today =Await-
zaaor's guarters, end Etiennets were, ment." •
the? Going te hi i t o . 8' 11 o 3r -t anks to his _ ,,,,,„
rem and Old Anne
e tura ars, 4te 441..4 Joan army 'Imre°. See. salted hint fromvelineone'llnic Pills a fair trial is essentielly a Benk of the people. a
. stancling its iniluential S'onnectiovi if
info ti " n4 - la Wi 1 ' - el •
. 7 - memo lig leb,-- en were waiting for Garth at en get the utile front ony medicine Monday and the relebration of the e
come. a Beek to which off elasses
int enpecteo them for der:. b.
onazt Ilene effected Alltony
Worm,- hawever,. generated, are
found tu the digestlye tracts, where
they set • up. diaturba.nces. detrimental
to the health of tbe children. Tliere
can be no comfott'.for the.little ones
,eine git
t hurtful intruders lave been
expelled. An excellent preparatmn
tar this purpose can ba had in 144.
reedietene destroy the worms and •
'Or netethregerditiriesethat t.vere
ora...o te, +one. eetoo...-.
. eve e yours. You sank wolves onoon ap000ntS ore even 1
total,. hart Logered ot the mato . don't 11413WOr any queetions. Under- the houee." lier eyes shadowv with dealer, or be, ntail et 50 oepoe a box centennial of the Huron Troct-and earl oome voth eerfirlence le the ye -
tender, to oral ,the body 4 el :eon t "notelet] In a smile oe she winked. thetfioore Coe Brocloeille. Ont - niai fat year, it le inteeesting to note eartt, 1410T '4.til ti:' 48""q-"4 4'1'4'
Snot to the mert Who had tlieceverod "Good! And when yott hear' us he risked. •
eon 1,y. probably wanted to tent "Name,' elle answered M Cree, "rtie entorphinel is it -working?" I o,„v;ay,edi_11-04.-a jo.wored, "e"'. fneltsv ""sole7+4:r."(14.ed-.;"1 ;1;734,-.,
03 lete-----*thlott. thoenittturlr;rtittie4reGoe-dmerlriet'hellbraenfelitheetahate telonrcin."' "It bn
ir . lt,culd vaw4 et wenn oie tenet I 1. eet as enn in tho latehm. Sins ittaltr 1011g it Will last it seems losi eYes aDOV 0 toe grunting dolga gear- I) 1)11 ren n° MI n ex -
Vaa re altvnotive, to hie irg t.,:y -I i?1,1_ vait c.11 no, tall: to me in Cree-- "Hie temperotute-pulso?" ex nowt:loin-woo itietaterevenr recoil- The Barik'e .recerds show thet Biz •tho ea•reeno lq t f, OrttUrq e4"4 -"r% The
natter:re He would rone te- o lent hheathe." It Ioelranlike the eriels toninht." et tovvoad men itrippin4, ti,e of the Dank in 1853. ve Vara 0- .,,,, ,t,,, 'vor n o.v..
thoo-uso mapper ned ter tAil tracks. " "En11- nh!" replier' the Creo. "I emit henn him hrealte. Is sup- 000r lanl'oe zor suPpoet, o,* great, 'fore, Goderich was reached by' the te;'i '',./t.'"`,"" reery ,'"L'In11,7? E°.:19e4p""_,Fe i
house w'•ere they weidd sloop, as, of "How ho nowr Guthrie agked par reedy? ill bring them in and muscles oz tits 'nrms oozed, team:rung Buffalo aud rake Huron Iteilway .doen, „...e., ..- ...ten, „4-Oe,o ,y.. pt.d.i..,-.4,. ;
1 r)., er A A .1.1 1'.....-.. -cr„ •,.,,
Moose the day 4 o loft The ee Mune, ean't E I Tb
Begins at 'N„'
1 Bonet..
If Your wife hasblinered
hand' from sweepingj
an aching back.from
not giving her a.sqnar.e ;
er with Cattaitun's Am; tantified star.d?" The brood feoe of the took etrein eta angietY, bolt met him et feem The Williams' Medicine the Vint of 00deriele had its golden. curler of tie -leaflet entrutted to po
zeo t, ineurn te $eat cove. me In for supper. mane aa notch "Hen; Valet now, but don't know I waet rittratag (.1.0 Av..“ )74,1dc f rif t rfx 6 I rgt wt seeTe it% serviefee
. at t'llawan to tare it erne nhele. ! et. ea w-11, rattle the Pane. When on hint rye given bine all I der,e.' . ea Wo,41 Va0' teroeitY 0.1. a maa oettsz enee' •
- .4, Reeoelle Pot, teeeceeen:ne boo...
pet et :tia quarter:, Titer* len the 0, tke tome. See? They may bear . "Artfull I don't see how he nee& ' *4 erona the olanone ,•couotenance It, Mercer 3onoo• was apPointed agent. P734 11 4 tr''‘cP+e 0'27:1- a'ld i""tt" 'ea" 1
4 .
fi to dear wien ceeenieripe• ft work 1
eour,4 a0an „arr:cr tad itis spann Joan. ,,, rush it through," , 1 aleetenale enoox •tne • teem W.44 n (9nrolInned later or the Grand Trunk eof oeso--o 'e".• the ear will
Her eye reflected her anxiety. • roar:
• -10o; pule() g van. He s
e stoo at the otter of the ent-o Wttit a gasp, LI hoaree rum- "
'1-44ve '43131 t n°81" Railway), and wbert the population do onon't let re/kering nein. •
--tor -• "Woreo-nt it woree. .itaging fever As he turned to go out he hoard a .. diens! Steei tor tee* gaol Gi
--v- 4' the towrt was well inoder 1,3.000.
!lent 10 I listed been etraining terribly rat Itls bowie beSh droom. Th :on*
Inothy pin an Ettertrie 'made thene
e nee en as now 0 erich was th
"To think ehmilci the this. • tough, the ---------massivotched ty town of Korot and its natural Imo- marneheet-term visited
etreng.' - she saki. • • headlong to the floor. bor, though small, Was comparatively try' 'village and was An:lc by tho. •
.111erlienS Were CoUrie " •
Bad gave the opiate, tif Olitheie strode hack to her. He On her knees beside the man whose busy. 'Within a few years of the dos. beauty oe the pleee-betaueete trk,et ;
Nd II"time he'll he niete-but lus 'Courage! And he went out ' of the friend be had failed to save • •• mut Alf.- Why -e erie Lot alln,s bunts
tot* a limit hand in both of Ids. pulse yhe could not fed, sobbed Joan rover: of salt in the distriet, about O'l-cfss '
eyez, hats neefitin nenn sexi. tiereake io wounns, love. you! Qtlarttler. Gripping the relayed bond 1570 an eletereive industrY was de- ,
At the trade -louse door his get Guthrie listened tor. a heert beat'. "1°Ped' ere41/111rirr fa a Gaar" iha PAPOS lit his Yard now?
a izzy pe breatldngl"
Palpitation of tho heart is one of tie went to the siek roo where the Olci Aetna is about reedy for aid had joine the sileut battalions. 100. Shortly afterwards, however, 'a.. lob distributing eireulars,"
Ea 0 I are bort in 4 4040 dagee of eloth, lay triennirg it a half there'll be enough or Tar emir,- white the oolieemen, dumb in their and eonsequent on the import dete.
Thet e what WOrrig$ 110," Guth. faeo dropned ite lines. There was nor. Laughing McDon. on increase in the poptil,atiott to 5,-• Hat" ttientint yo know? lie'$ get
the ruos#t eemmou of &rennet tetadnees vieett, hound to hie bed by hiek bane us. it's short variety but hope , "Ile's gone?" he asked the girl, 'solt -woe also located in Michigan. .
of morbid fear of death bee stupor. "Old Craig. Te, it like tites. ihn sorry, hut IPli have, to put surprise, gaped ot the tvy ' " "e Tr et
)0. Onie weak, this !" $01:rotrIulty, tiie tigueee then nuppeed by. tee eon ate%
oar Apo, their name benene ten, friend •might have his thence ent As *roan (barrier, pale, hilt mis- "S'Geh ritteendei" Gut' '
worn and mipereage) hoore week ma 'was inmetilmg his future th t his extra room"' *
who neat up here. apes tierelee hen DIY Wito their deaid•es 4r4m turned ids .the, local irdustry for time praeti-
„bug zuka they, etumot 4.14 ttt meet the allPrOaoalag' g- trage of her herves, met thaw in the face to his gu t
. team. l'ou are too enTileceeTklataelidiishnlent of the Weste' ten
living room with a forced .grfteloueo late, Your ittazt has
ittneogapecto4 • Canada Flouinedill's In oderten and
e• , .Tolut *Caboose, Manitowaning, - With Shot haeide Wm, corious nese anti was introduced, the goad i "Stan' boat” - - • the Iorge elevotor of the Goclerieli
Ottte enitesi-."X owes limy 1)000.11. OP SClatiP 40,W.A, itiO"rq wenmed the Bowdon bulged ift Patent admiration I Frain the cipen door two, entnike Elevator and Trawl CorattanY AUX
havipg polpitatien of the heart and visitors elineb the cliff trail behind the picture She mode. Fair wont- eyes in ,a faee black -with menace "• the gradual' iinprovientent of the Bar-
my, novo wen..., eee , „„„,, e„... teams of' scrubs. are Tare where_ life isehaerd, ap.fa glittered over •-a ., rifle bateol held hor to iirovide for the Teller* greht
vte ire 'nee o weal, 41° Ciood day!' taxied ehe older of tile 411 evidefit surPriee at lenturig the 100SelY, shedder Itigh. In under. carrying ve%sels nn t*Fin T111�. An& 4;110
14004 *4 kart nellgt 1 ltlettligil Molt two Men, stepping torwerd wito ex. et rmy nurse who had winter d ;it shbt and so-• 1 $ w st belted in eondne. ortho. a pAr, ft4 ifjoir
gpilli &id. felt ii, if Z were goign to tended bent/. This i$' lqr, Bowdon," ,the bairn ,at -Albany' of such coineon bandages, stood Etiente griiffktYnt.
$t lebertholient of
drop ot the toe 1037 moment. x 00,* - PO apectItor nodded to his ovation- Iineee. seemed temporarily' to
ion, a young., oheavily built mainwho lyze b tongue. Ilar4- I t8ItkeirnIngifigat'htnhifeesduarIngloblet-fe-fo-rrih-is-"-h-r1;•"eit' tnel)"-Ttl. telt4res.• of' the rolvth of this
•I'Ve been enpeeting you." said stew. 01 eAetne filled the reorn with
,,,neek, outline e hand. Alpe rig on the. minute with the. r;Risa.tdy'esupolitt4QtintigeeltinP.'`outit frame the' The nst; °.1%6 ''''}f. the flank ot X." -
treed in Coderibli was located fit a
Guthrie.' "You erg, vent your dogs the harsh \ ibliants of the Cree ton- „ savage features of-,Savanne -to the Mall' twe'oteTer t mom Wilding on
into thot %empty shack atter you've gue• " I Ittatt Still knOniinV. dazOd, hesida till tho north-east corrier or West , axe
fed. them. They'll lea. safe there, open% .1 ted,„ Almon eGuthrfo body, -Ferrol , deheindedt ‘ "What's Wellington. stieets. Later the built.
My onln assietant. as YOU lillOW• is laughed.. Mak et eenversation ashie , this? A lend -p?" "
leen np,o . guests ate. 44 beht o bit °neer in 1 *"lt"ti, all .riaht. Etienrie Dro bnuce4esdo- Ine-Itasonr°°X.7elfsttotiert,et now otnrfeekd '
into doge feel And safegutuded the bead. but rt r. hear* all right, Your gine"- o tiered Guthrie, in a 1 - '
so X' datermMed to give them a trial.
got and finding 'theta doing
ate good X coationea until Z ba a tram
ilve tong and food temple* relief."
lailhumni Heart and Nerve Pills are
800,0* box at all druggiate or dealers,
or =died -direct on reeeipt of price by,
Out T. Milburn Coo LizeitedeProionto,
from 'the big Maga-vas of the post, isn't it. Anne?" - ed voiee. gott ' te to his feet. 'There's
Outhtle led his guests to the warm Anto turned upon hima chaos of no trouble he oee
clove- of the trode-room. "Atter. 'wrote tho kitchen, Where n " yes hero it' objected Raw-
eYeo come straight ' from SeaNtt
l t ehe Pitt for- the holleit gooeo• tit^ don, xe ring his nervs, 'What ing thee /beaver Sank Imilding. at that .
cove?" he askeel, cegolessly. "They! staunch otd Cree Trent no A rnOln 04! uyouemeor Guthrie, kr see- thre. r
no eyooctooe, ;vet vetert 1, left, reps. until she burrierilv reblened to reting n men wented tor murder?. Sueepeding btr. 4"112.5 AS !In:411h
Mimeo with MiSti Quarrier." resume her tonversation witit the There's some real trouble ahead for f were otte en. ZZeCietnhoori. litr. W. Di -
At the mention of dotenti Peleethe l'Iall v`P110' 041's st"irt"ti ft"' 3°t1"443". 588 an acc°ssortri," ehardson end Mr. S. A. Finlay, weio
' through the slant -door of the attic "Shut up, Datteionl" enapped For -
heavy face of Dawdon lighted with , . , toi. in d ii ,„ . n for Saito 'time also was IVrAyor oftho
by Dr. Matlehh. and it Wan itt X905
',that the tranefer -the "resent
'oreirisei *as made. Dr. Macklin buy-
..i•ot ors eened from the .roono, the' older Man fumbled In au ineide -'11°*71' °1"°s61.'
• "Yee " replind*Farrel, lighting hisigenie far-victory1 eeket and prollticeil oilekin Mili,St.roroS ra131."'frnm 18rCI:
nine. "WO went weer to the island . 403,1 pnnnei. „emeeetobn, °pee untit J.004 Ala w0s &FA ntnnagger,
"9eklt" •Wila ara 1 6e411-dliht4t. 4e7ntaP t*Oolt Tnntt SUM)) With ItittaillOSS. Guthrie aid. the change of statho tus being metre in
.vvith Cameron%
Some Things I
Don't Know About
T DON'T know how many acres the Delco.
Light factory covers—how many thousand
square feet of floor space there are in it—or
how many skilled craftsmen work there. But
I do know that Detco•Light h a fine plan
hacked by General Motors and that a lot of
people around here go the litnit in endorsing
it, For instance* here's what one tumult*
IL V, '1 •), oenitoo. „lair-, g
- • Tck 1DX,"
- 1445 lanat• ir ti,,c ot? toe
otog c.tx, a 0147.
= tVz,±9•.: A. W. -1!
,lacm 4.930%41 gld% prowittitno. Inri' 117 C.3 tr.°- ony
time .ter farther path olsr%„
41%N., AgentA Ne't tufl.nett,
1003,801.1S 411111Litif. Mist Hen, thinnen,
pi* ar‘opookorml osif fitAglit
okroyaiwoopooroatardaro drotoallaffilii
- DELCO-116
r000seto or **wow.. morons
:441;10 wadi,t 4 D.:co-Wig Composer
I• ut talkative.. Guthrie. hut I • sure ed be Etienne, carried the sheli of Agee'. rte. let turn roe suegooded By
lree e'•icioed hee etteeee." , Craig Galbraith Into - the bedroom :tM. I). v. B. Giese, Mr. (tee. teotite. t
"0hol, you 'have, Sorry it waenat ,littered with the debris of hie uncon- -mond; M. it Lockwood, Mr. len To.
better:P. ' ' . L'elc'llS irenztr- ' rr t bo. lea r -Trent 1Sint '
, : 4 IO , w vras nage
ttAod .4..1...h Opt 4ei tmot fn tIst
r C.?"V"' ''''' •"'"";" '"'"r'a ',., to 19/8 and Mee A. W. Strickland. '
„ er „,„. e.e., „nay „„, r!....., : no
littli.brtiniTer, dprmip,votj 1-0.,.940,, ., N., cenen oarrel, no 'luau a photingrapo 1
. r Mie E. V. Loastie has been manager
„,,,,,oe ..... no, ollvA .41.11 Ze10..... '1 il•Nr04, • in ltia hand. •
ciPo v/It' V411 Qant stay et white aud ere that Lau:olden. McDoita-d- eene' 2ird ISIT • '
I oar since 10lin. . , *ogee
Guthrie apathetically took tho pho- She r une, ratt3 KOP-t
tont to no." . „.
"Ohe a nurse alwalre put duty be -
,n. tograpit and on to the lamp. et chaute of, Montreal eigned Articles
fore pleasure, Mr. Itawdon." she re- rev:oeceithiaonliukoeiufeerm.ofthaa Iperagteebenateniaz :1' ttsr,bidiotnitortatiokr-4ttilibe.picetialbdslishailitte,outtt
idiot!, With a stiff *mile, LW with tilt-
s taut oe ,hepeiesein disenueed by weund3, eos *narked the foundation of the. Bank
ed head sho waited. nerve
wins, for the mpetition. of a sound be looked at the Canadian eoldior, bi- of Montreal. which today holds the
1to the listless eyes of the man whe distinction of being by far the oldest
1 ehe had beard'.3 sound ineorilPree 'had given his all for totendship, and:, institution of its tund in ..'Dritish
i ixellsible, terrifYillgt irola the dosed lin vain, cropt a doubt ---perplexity, i North Americo/ awl un0 44 011•3 1arkr
44...4144i room. then eold assuranee, Garth handed
est finaneial institutions in the Dro,
1 "Well." 1* laughed, "tip* what I the photogerapte to Jinn Quarrior. tish &trite. it oleo established the
1 tall a tompliment But _ you'll be Ivor au instant sno =mined, the heginniuge of the Canadian banking
bark soon?" , likeness, then itit a note of trumph• system.
i "Bark mon8 you whelpi" tursed in her voice, retorned, it to Guthrie To reolice tete conditione which i
1 Gellitle inwardly. "If you don't fin. with: oit looks Ithe him. but this Prevailed when the Bank first .
Isla that food I'll choke, Yon with iti" nien Ins no ''clie on his left oar and brougnt organized financing to the ,
nThen bio heart okippeilooto shank bb Stair -Took at tho thin hair! . Sis relief of that early generation of 1
1 him witia ite boomerang. Lig he lit'aril''''ollr MareS'"is tidek." Canadian buoinees men. it is nocee-1
; a tloari-o sound of riot -thee elotb, (lett:Tie tamed, . "Thi a is the man saty to delve' deeply int te the history 1,
1 Deising lib voice. he said shorple : , you are after. '1,V0rrell" of the eourery.
"if you're through. gontlemen. well, "Yee, and LePo the -3313nth
an in at Only organize
' have to emote beside tho teadAteusa r087812.". Tile :, £,0t128081otteon eo,
. ., is now the Dominion of Canoe\ weeo .
totove." rind with Fatecill, VOS0 feom •
the table whore Itowden Bowled,
byprietihen by tne thee of the girl
tvho eat rigid with fear. .
• Yon dattit t nee has real tame." the Prairezeg of toper and Lower ).
"lite reel oeameCereoleneenee, Canticle mut the 'Maritime Provthees.
Jaen Cantrielteel, You ought to 'mew`, Their wnote oopulation was less than t
teatime flung open the. neer. age ;- of yoore to take the conniee with the chief trading cererce lees than P.0,000.
reejer; ho mute have legit A itrieud 400,000. end thAt ef Montreal. the
reittlire the bitiroe aite "Eawdon!" 1. law that:vtrIJAvik. 13 incline lem." • 'The develeoneet of t'ane and eerie
'The weeds enanned t'aretigit „tee "All, -right ' eafd tititneio taleibe eniture was hampered .hv laek of fae.
-Silica for exelatingee The country'.
was too neer to afford the luXuee'. of
metallie eirculating medium, mein,.
0111'. IrOMV Ile the molt e Phony chancre I- took, anewee fele
(8L' !*'s dr,-,seinn 44 . NOW -10018 :eole tenotogreeen you
??,• ..evetnne." Then behind the Ont. : t2•P:e thls tat% 8"" half
' 4 or. e craele corsee, tt groae free e
not only Amerwann art
deeneeeten oehere ene Tha '; het left I;)ften Fifettell, . ',rat aict Portuguese and
game woe up. Ile Ited testi • • '"Yoe.5 neticod thet." Spanish coin, .wore legal, to:Were-AO
owinn whnee, tilatt.4 somebody in • 'All elittit. Now neon o 1831 the vatl ' of eitehange ;into eetonial
there" dereentitel the younger pace tt'•7C1 ilnioney et account %vitro subjeet -"to
"Thin.'' • '
elan. rieing, head thrust in -the cifretz> ' Iftequent variation. As a oonse...
ian of .the ,,nunde. n;rn!nfaxedi "MI right. ' -Now le hie denetnin gnenee. dmneetrie trade woe carried
: Jon Quarrier. like one tooler a .*pelt, $en -priecipally by barter and ez.
rGetched the havtledik.e frittnies of
utheio hnelennergtv the gray eyee -
grew eeitt as. the8urprileti- Farrel
i turned te his hest.
it "Get Etienoe,' quick" Like the
ring of tertmered metal the voire of
14Ozithrie ttotesed to the Cree in the
nithert doer. :She disapproired,
"What's this all *heat. Guthrie
th8 e1 in there' 'termed Rano
112e, heatedin, '
!te ties hew Metre! cartel ,waited
fir? t;uthltf•:'m tomer 10% p•omc widen-
ed es.he tow the Ironing Oinitrra
tho fsc14r t Elkotao. *tho loanod
t4gOt'tt 0+0 glin-rock. flftl And claw
the holt of hi* atitonlitte.
-oLith a :rash ill. door. of tits
Ivo* thrown Mkek sincl
Pit'lt, ur,". oltroole of floth hanging
1^1111 gkod shoglerg and. arms.
fietimege. and internetionni trade was
ion 6, very uncertain basil.
Such were the tenditiore ellen the
&Mk of Montreal began busineee on
1November 17th, 1817, in Inodemt tent-
tcl nremisee, with a priidotp eapitsl
r of $310,0(10. In Very ehott time "
inetitutien berarne the fol.•ell!
point of the busintres of the colerty.
'It nerivided a medium of exchange ,
01.!It bed hitherto been beehive.
etoeg the eertc entererim... 4.4 .
;the r000try. fool tr&pht�r4 nut t!i.
in lek^r-rro-
toff intornitintutt 114t' *dine- I
Evoryvvhfro tonditIon% he'strA
Ntd, )11,4 10,4fIt•4 Sr*.r, •
beg for facilitatint the otrit•Ittorat
fq 06. rAuoltr it%
nfartortir tnalf.p.orF*,f. and it". itentor
Lit ermanaorror
Tr•thr!' the' ftwillt e‘ret. sir lion- •
P.,quip your • home vvith
the greatest-, of labor..
saving devices.. •
hardwood floOral g
Goderich Planning Mills, Dd.
Ger:tort/eh .
Kellogg's were
tlre first corn flitkeg*
e 4
—artd no one has ever
ecivalecl the delicious
flavor --the extra
crispness that makes.;
thein world's favorite4-..,
...oil. • .
Tr,e them withAfsweli
A ICES* *- 1
"No toting
oeNni Walt
- ing. All
pedwith turn -
mire padoand
loads insured het covers.
igainst fint Reasonable
or accident, A tharggik
laree W oteQp.0 mtiew, i'Y • 4sEctoure illILLThiMOVIrliki:1?-43 VIN Z .4:i',i'itio4TON-Orth
Orange. Lily: is a
eertain relief for all
1: disorders of women.
, is applied loftily
• and is absorbed into
: the suffering tissues.
The dead waste mat.
ter in the congested
region - *expelled,
giving immediate men-
tal and physieal re.
lief; the blood vegoelo and nerve* are toned and strengthened,
and the eiroulation is rendered to normal as this treatment ia
hexed on strictly seientifie prineiples, and Acts on the actual
)nation of the dieesise, it rennet help but do good in sit forma
of female trouble*, ineludirig delayed and painful menstrus.
tion, leueorrhoes, falling of the womb, growths, and ovarian
troubles., ete. rriee $2.fal per box, whieb i suffieient for OA.
month** treatment A free Triel Treatment, enough for 10
days, worth 75e, will be /tent 'FRIto en: mete/inn lemma
who will mend me her *adv.'s, leoteloeo three many. "4 ad„
drietuc: Ikyditt W. Ladd, Dept: to Winitaor. (meek%
Sold By Loading Druggists Everywhere.