The Goderich Star, 1928-09-13, Page 4PAG* FOUR
• ... .• • As,
in New Fall Merchandise
During Fair Week
Smart New Fall Dresses
Ladies' and Misses* New
Fall Coats
New cellars impart infinite variety to
the new Fur Coats. Unusual manipulation
of furmark these coats as definitely new and
chic• Luxuriant Coats of individual (While-
Jimucif selected $1;illS, beautifully blended
and niafeliiilT Tielreliat 'MUT:vs-fine-work=
manship and earful styling. They aro beauti-
fully lined and have •flattering DM Collars
and cuffs of sable, Nolinsky and squirrel.
We Invite you to come in and see these. The
quality is guaranteed and the /prices are
reasonable. ***
New Cloth Coats
Take advantage of the selection offered
in our collection of distinctive new fall and
winter Coats. Select yours now with cool**.
ittep rior fabrics. Rich broadcloths'
assurance of authentic styling and mi.
are speCially featured. in navy, also the new
lig tier shades. Large Shawl collars of bad-
ger and opossuin.
We offer a speciabfor fair week in Sue.
dine nd duvetyne Coats with fur collars•and •
cuffs. Lined and interlined. Special value
• 101dren's. Coats
•'We 6ve not forgdtten the children and '
the feen.age girls. The styles . closely rt.
semble those of her older sisters, yet they are
Youthful and Smart in__every detail of fur
Collar and trimming. Coats for children
from 2 to IS years,- .
The popular cloths for fail are here in
the autumn shades, with brown predomina-
ting in shades of cocoa and copper brown,
black and navy. Straight line coat effects.
• Flares, pleats, pleated panels ;And velvet
trimmings are just a few of the style features
used on the new fan Dresses f)f georgette and
_crepe backlatin, These come in shades of
copper, rose glow, rose beige, navy and.
black. The prices are more than moderate.
New fejt Hats
. -
Evey Hat that comes to our millinery
department must answer MIS query -."Is. it
Smart?" width of brim, slasitof crown, 4ua1-
ity and color all go to make the, clever Hat. 4
*We have beert. particularly successful, this
season in our selection of Hats. Everyone
!is different and every model .110$ something ,
about it that distinguishes it,fronf,the "ordin.
ary" hat. We invite you to,conie and see
theni, Special values duting--Pait week.
Men• -s. Suits and Overi.iats
• Our new fall and winter Suits and Ovei.
coats are now on display. They are made
of the newest materials and come in distinc.
' five styles and shades. Splendid values,
• Popp in and look them over,
• On account of the. Hebrew Holidays,
• this store will be closed on Friday and Satur.
day of this week, September 14th and l Sth,
and will re.opeo on Mbrrday morning, Sept:
17th. Theore tsvill remain open all day
. next Wednesday, which is one of the Fair,
dab's. '' •
Visitors to the Pair are"invited to visit our store.
1 destines,
Tectelore. tem net .n tto leiat goes ftesees, velaa.-.4 i* loll iv ais.
. Hai cocaGnic use. angst*, is about the eitiy :meg
un or towhead over the Moffat traas- termer* are goieg at a clip kind ib. 1
, imam. and there gro 01ED various told, ot iiikare againit. theniseitot, and
; kind, of -Cbild 8::.)itce of the" nut againt f.',,:e other t000w. May ,
land ionia 4.41,,,-.4 are a raigiay v.or ranurt$ in Ontarie haw a (eighty •
substitute for the goal eld Book- oarris‘a tdaffo---,.44, rara waroolui
oven thouga they be fin, i'st ebad. ;i way of doara things, and ka inauy nt-
rem, for if asotherohavo the sarott.• stance*, tbo most expenaive that
lied anowledge of too moae, it to I could belaara*cd G a rl tiro),
iitut? potable for theta tO EillipEIY: i 1 heve never boon iti r.,,ur Canada:1
thras. hooks ti the more caroler We4t7 bat I IZONO ha:ow/ail- owlet •
misds within their earo and keeping.1 btutki 'OW 11.1011' 5,75:-TFIVS :4'3 otoy ex -
Lesson helps arid oleartodies atoll. travagant and wasteful, and ft is
taalt like have a tient of =eta:7,2;7;7-4 heine claimed to bo quite uecessary. ,
ail their (Awn. but it. it not tho, oatne i an wawa of auxietyand rush. But
field whicthey aro nouallY '
turn- it does u3t follow that Ontario &ems ;
h744.7,tu how an:oft, ta um, he our, son- , weaterrt, farmers wisli to waste more • -
ed lose into. The Bible is Om one Perk; need do Soot the same thing. If i.
OflitYRBDa 'a SEPT ilidh1M1111
Kodaks Films
Developing and Printing
1114 Q. DUNLOP
t an thew goatalfatnera would have THE REXALL DRUG STORE
thrived upon, with fourteen Qhildrim Bedford Block
dov school. to tieo in till of out. sor- -
vices, aria that Bible obould Too Main-
tained in sill its original oniqueuess,
. ie its individird simeriativeroso, ,in
it o Ilatillated 114011(1014 B et ecome Aatts and Wine
chronic upon them Natty ontariu i three from Luelinow, one frog) Winao first toady; aShe odor -take, care.
We wen talkino also about oda- farmers • a f P ham and one oaon Myth. •
1 on our sina orms use a i of that eOugh of hers. I 'remember
' 'riven% mod we. all are aware that 't
quz c. Inneees!*ary, unadoted_am aventhviulg,ngthte° gue.itnag.intueauerlinateaunt wiaas: ohe tOld Me once her ola father died.
entirely too • es:pensive for small not concluded and, the Prizes were see nd az do. aAla but bis wao
eation and its ;application to alibro. doss, of imidementu and machinery"
draws for. &beat ;Austen and C. * b° 4 " •
Black WOO that in 'the first event F. • • • -
fanning, in order te speed up or keen ...
abeadaabut it is not the oneaudf of n t t e samo sort. Ile was hitaged!"
- - .
• Gatwick
ted to their pantaloou strings, ia no -
reason at all why Orita,rio farinero . -sr r -at •
iou1d .._••..,
poodues ed persons cannot abbre-
vasto.„ They alwayo use 'the un -
In their error:sloe. 'Cher
pvcs sutierfltioua. And malady:el
!well. but I also take netiee (a math- Beautiful pictured catalogues and ithe cenealatien °acing" and
mentanv sersioris ate rot rlibrevlata along. .
ete . and in several other thine as measure is leading them into it. Cash,
aPeach-making in our Parliaments, is the darnabIe hobble which in a big 'Kitchell,
Thera r' tan nPen '4"41)brevetecit are tarred with the same, brush. It 'See"1/
tv big notice too) that our raffia-
„ the reason why thea do it. But they
al:moth-tongued agents belp
Anything lookalnice on a- pie- McManus of Goderich taird,
them of Stratford won first and Cowan ond
Toole and A. Taylor second. In the
ox Stratford, eecond. And is o --
event Hewitt and partner, of
won first. stud Fieberg and '
partner , ,,West ervelt school
1"1' "41 till; 1"dgillnit5e4 *tam- 4ngthing •aunlidaonicQ Iron- r -Frite-eniTtier the bead. tho•-easier•
fixed salarloo) that ye alongoide the glih-tongued salesman Anything - 1,0100N,atiNTARIO
•Olferlitwo:dsvia. Int.81Coursea.
vessions. Those aeople are mdemmo works wee in the nice field of stand -
Bed against. Moo. but the averatre ciao ing crop. Aar broom sweeps well-,
of tbem would, Irma darned big while new. But, good lord, Mr. BM-
nersnieieg aloes of le in tittonontlne tor, it is only sometimes allot we have
eatisfn ns that they are not aver- a field of nice standing crop hal'.
indemnified.- is only new for a day or
fhen.Wo, in ant* courts of mw b. yeet, audit is bardlY Wilt of its in.
hreviationa axe an art, and it take fancy, or newness, until it common -
another darnedly good Man to Per- oes eattea worry, anxiety end loss.
feet a, in either the legal fraternity It is a big proposition for a farmer
or the judgeship (but there are plena to have sufficient buildings to house
ty of the kind) for 'where monev is all kinflo'nf implements, and, he scar -
smite (9r fraternal is mitt cely ever has (or takes time to house
VietiOnS are +he order of the Ay. them anyway). So theft it, araohis
end eeation. But whore cash is king tende cornera are full of expensive
(Avitai forkfuls of alueotion) abbioa stuff which would not last long, if it
viatioos poe not unon the menu eord: had a chance, for it is neither made
And I ask. any one observer how or sold -to last.
does it look 't It is all !mite true Oat the farmer
is up against a great dol. but in
Is there • much abbreviation with many instances be is putting himself
the hordes educated men, who into it. He is too neglectful of the
make PP quite a Percentage af smallen-und to0 aVarie/OUS Of the
population, .losing little sweat, hut 'bigger, and God Almightsr sometimes
is to fill it with silly ideas. „
in llusenesp ndoeation.
Most things come to the =en W4.10
waits on himself. • For 'Information 'write
big pushing and advertising in allows' gto creatures a lengthy me.
world-wide *WWI to automebiles of a sometime. Thera Are many families
stocks and hands, in securities of But Re is almost sure to draw it ill
'hundred makes and styles and sizes in our country who hardly over get
and powers, in gasses mai oii, until tuvoora_searedy know wall. Other.
e ven 0 foreign emitiles are dug It is business and rush, and God is
out to the bottom. and fleets of yea” left entirely out of the day's Teekon-
,tes and OnlieS g traira'Cre,n's are inga-oci time to look into Me ward,
tommissioned. Again I ask, .o, there or a word ef prayer to Rim.
any, abbreviation there? Is there
any scent of smell of ito with the In onversotion with a Moroi BOMB
tin* ago on thiso veva. point. he re -
trades with hworidaies.wiwtspalyndth:eibtemeeduscaatuead
traolischiet . all g• '0Paarlonentatogd;t0P.avffitaat,
atnhde with ii, family about him toe, but, he
grated the possing of. it in his Want
home -saying that he and his wife
had talked about it a few times, and
bundredsoor•the thousands into- your added! eland men wiii. not 0.404,
pocket Whitt% oothit* slumber? Not for it azawoo' . t
unielt is there? - . • ' - web, i telt you, I did not 84Y any
NO man, or business, or corm .. thing lust then but I thought, aud
Soon well hove olitulty in, telling
when they are bathi g suits or just IlltS5 TORO, fhtgatrst,
„ •
The Antic:at Union
=ration Services
* Wit/4 BE HELD
Next Sunday Afternoon, $epi, 16th, '28
at zoo o'clock m., to "the Soldiers' 'Memorial in the Square,'
wherei srort.service Will be held, after which the precession
will march to the Maitland Cemetery where The •Canadian
Legion, Canadian Order of Foresters, No. 32, Independent
Order of Oddfellbws,' No. 62, and the Loyal Orange Lodge,
No.. 182, will hold their Union Services and decoration of the
graves of their departed brethren.
Visiting brethren are cordially invited to attend, and atii
brothers ,re requested to be at their various Lodge Rooms at i>
• 1.30 p. rn.
A. E BARKER, Secretary.
. ,
tion of moot -adore or brokerage as thought, and I thought an awful lot
hanging 'ont:bis shingle4or charity's in an awful short time, and I won -
Oka, net aintelt! It's the aides of tiered what in the name of big game
their own waggon upon l which they kind of a bug. or beetle, or flee, had
are smearing , -,the grease, bitten even, the hired men that farm -
1 have bear 4 farineo alloay life, era hire today?Why I can well ro-
und I tally tram tbe viewpoint of a member wben the hired man would
tiller of the ittil. I* laVe read loam not ore if tae boss prayed al/ day :
papers and farinera ' opinions time I' (so Meg; of eourse, as he would. let
wore searcelppti ^ pants at all. • I the hired man pray too). - Certainly;
have frienda:and.relatives (and hove no hired man would want to scrub '
bad) in „allow:every trade, practice, . out the hog -pen, while hie boss was
sot or prefea *laid if I Iteiran my• doing the praying. But r. have
life agaifi'AS orrtaw 'twitli the ofticab. loatemthem to enjoy theoordeoti•om
ulary I now *samosa I would begirt it 'much that they would go fast asleep .
L , iird:BOOBLES,, sPend,.htit a brief feta. ,ntinutes and4 • midi "know anYtilni ain't as;""ro as a faro:414'4'nd 'toe -dela end it as a --and they would have to im.oliaken • -
farther' .t,tici. ati..)16 bemuse I: have 4Wake after. butoof onrsO one eould
I n- f
}lodes Roottomic, Religiou!' tob olf.hand, But can't do that. be? “kla`410,4141,. Why Man 311:, erS) please do ttet imagine that I lad 4 stremiotio night at the datiee.
tiler can know the fuli of a wash- emY, mister?" "Astronomy? wb read UM Papers. (or any other pap- not bionic them too urateh-for they
I was' born almost a fool. That is..4 quarter of your life is one " A d '- ewer IvIt4 iwetithino /vh'eh farm'. I have bc'heunt fUldlidfftnhuet inatimaZe have
. lo.o....,........ ,
(BY N. 'Jur) - ‘ thnew,, mighty -little and,then J got a few Initiates the other sm'artonsavl; era' ter everyone else either) says, 'Changed*
There was one other thing, Mr. 1 se there. / don't sea. how ,you 'could it...?" "B o ta ny ? . Who's
The Star, oodericl, . . - i scarcely morethan a fool's education; "Know anything about botani en -is! or do I. swallow everothing in Eat- farniertrhiredatien had been so much
ie.> I on's eatalogUel ar fanners upon A affected* o
rotor. or a few* other thing, which. imake much more than a tool oat of never heard a such a manottud (feet hundred scree or even two of land , But,. taantounci, if. afr. 'Editor, I -
I really did want to ten you v.Imut, me, now :could you? But it brings want to," buwit'
t bentling eveilastinga, would haY , that
which i$ need- tan't abbreviate. he Mere I
tut seemingly there never is , an op, Ttry
porttunty open, for me to get started
at them, arid there never is a:1y room
left en 'My paper to it them Imo,
to zast memory about ,fhe two fresh, to. his oars. ono -ha-ha* way num ful, and give it care . (instead 'of the biggro
er ur-uo r get intoaand like •
"bubblelletrcollege student a who Rt. alive, the half of your Wale, wasted. hunting fence'corners to rust and rot the .wornan t9410 OlWAYS Smiled ben
ga ell the old jack -tar to heat them What are lea sweating so winch them out iniiii,and give wide berth:to tea over the table eIntla et every nice
ani es out on the beautiful slivery about?. The old tar'a anewer was the salesturitivar advertiser, of glib- funetion whe mottod to -4 simplY
and the 'Star never seems to have hay, on a beautiful sult).7 afternoon.•short and to the point. "Da yrou see tongued, huh flow khur. who puts ean't help 14 so there
robin enough,' either. That's Cie (Inc. When the old tar spied the well. 'that eload?• Can you swim?. inc. hundreds 1104 raourpoeltets,while you , • • bi, BAER-.
bile trouble I dud With the Star; it's known treacherous cloud upon the whole of your lives „will be ,gone ileiclothere ePdih and at the sena' erne (T° 1)6 "IltirlUed)
not half big enough for art unedua evening horizon; and woe bending ihortly," , builds up enormous business. '
eatid man to VOA 'himself in: - v4vnestly on his oars and in no mood - Aud.ttitts ft will Oh. yes, • :Nero:lets have Iota of 13Orti..1,O10
or woman an so abbreviate thirigs sliore before Ite, 'storm broke, hia aye/its...tool, al:torillitatin to a fool ble which they try to blow. I know last week d. Melitanua and P. Cewan,
"14 atinee and 1Vight)
ER. 22ild
' Well.paid positions and Utilities* op. pertunitlea
are waiting for iliose thlroughiy trained, in
business methods, ' - . - • • , , ... , - .„, ,,,, ,
,A4boi‘ough COminercial, Stenisgittiphin eh.
Seeretairial Courses tajcliii.# ike' CENTRAL.
—.wilt assure yoir of ready iouliloYinent upon
1,11egisfer,now for this Inortei Making education..
Central-• Business College
Get the Best- It Pays the Best!
There is a saying abroad among or humor for allYthing else' but earn- k • ever he --4 have faults and one of the biggest in the • At the lityth Seotelt doubles bowl -
f I th
high cirdes that Well educated luau 'est endeavor to make the home 13°,74. ManY oo a w°"14 ahow whole processien is the darnable huh- ibg tournament on Wednesday •of
/tuff in only 'few ahort-sentences, !making effort to show off their super when the calamity is horn, and edu- . o e o
oc1461 Theatre
thrkt theY eau tr4aY PION MI ilage$ of loveredueated, 'ubbled Las f h d b as much aboat farming and farmer, !of. aodericli, were the winners -of the 1
S.• en are 110
rom /Ile 0 .0 0 CO or ea re, ut az d es any an tli r man f tl ree third prize tvith three wins aid a
and their liCarta and renders need ,greatnets, thought to Bobo bn. Ono eked upon a persen, what otherthan them are ninny town ona city poople On Friday evening (toroorrow) it
and a half score year8p andol know plus of 2
Fall Fair Day
The Woricts
p , lety thisvorld is soafull of.
it "bubble blow" oneself up to the var. this casstia.4
s o what femora are up against in rich will take part lit a
ours. They k t u ament at•Staatford.
a fool ean we expect. But it is heb. who have not.oven. whif of an idea is likely a couple of finite from Gode- i • - •
ter to remain a fool "fool." than to a t ' twiiightbowi.
ltafORE mikage—hetter nottiskiclihminiore even tread.
LVA wear and SUPERTWIST Cord - onstruction—
that's what GOODYEAR means. And here's *chance.«
to get even better value. than ever? See these tire
Specials -September 17, 18 and 19.
Elgin and Victoria Sts., Goderich
Valcanininir — Repairs — Gas and Oil
• . —
Fill in this coupon ; bring it to our store on Fair Day
and get a FREE Balloon.
Address. _ --
Make of Car
Sam of Tire:
But one of the tholighte again uP-'
permest in my mind is another deo-
gerous thought for a fool to'haVe. in
his noddle. It has reference to the
Moffatt translation. I have said in
a former letter -that no one in the
world *118. aeerningly satisfied. And
el:Theatre myself by saying forth.
-er, "Not, not with any single thing
Weil*. got," and the Moffatt transit:.
thin is only one from a great num.
ber. During the- hist year or se,
e0114.6 of our radio fans tell me that
the dit thoke full of sounds, of
voiegs, of -concerts, of sermons, and
thousand other things. and all 0110
1918 to do is Raney catch the things.
and yea can keep yourself interented
end amused, even while you sicep.
So t try it on sinee / mention the
NoiTatt translation. and what do you
think I bear ? Wedl.for (quota
ti.e.a.:ke.res (gook) s.ake 0040
1 w-h.a.t (oak) will the old
:(quak) f.o.ol (quak) fault with
ia-nyway. But don't care, lift. &if-
` .cr, here'', how it leeks to AV.
, The Bible has always been a book
'unique in and to Welt; there is none
now • ing a rn
comparatively nothing of the .eXpense ' Last Friday, Martin .' and Mind*
involved in. the preparation, seeding, , took fird in thalocal tournament and
harvesting and threshing of •ix crop Cowan and Ito.Bissett second, and on
of • our staple) products. Even to the Monday Martin and J. Biasett. had
big fellows who drive through our first and Pridlown and R. Bitaett .alija. o
country' oecasionally', or oftener, in told.
their. finely upholstered Ihnousinea, Yesterday the G000rieh _Bawling ,
in the intereats of crop bureaus, or Club held another Scotch doubles :
prio fixers, or banknig interests, i tourattment, with thirtv-eix pairs of
ete., cte,... do they know but a packet !players taking Part, iffitteon Pairs
of .-the worries. anaietlel, smashes from Goderieh, five from Seaforth, -,
and losses whieh go to stake iip the throe from Mitcholl, two from Strata :
daiht routine of the average farmer, ford, two from Mount Forest. two
If they did, mad had the heart of a . front Ilanover, one from Clinton, . .
gander, there would be less =Mau- - . - -----**, .
latiert to the prices which the farmer
fluetuation too. nut alt this to the --.--....... - ...caw—
gets. and is - blamed site less of
side. Quite another 'side steads cut
prominently in :the life' of the Cana.
Wan farmer, eni stands out so prom. 1
inently that it the average individual
could stop his car long enough to ,
take just ono right good p.-;ep around
tho. aVerage farm, he would come to
the one aiet.deniable- conclusion— AILING/it
that the• average farmer is going at
other hbe 4i there is 'nothing ean It. That is Just ntle.:her ouestion for II0 EUROPE 4
a dip beyond h• warrant •or permit,
,or few •tvords,,that he can't finance
Now, r ma not toying in Just somany ,, inwesi, kiirt„, nom mosTIREAL
Itoieh it, witain itient's vision or intel-'• .himself to salve. But that is not P-'11,1. 1,06-1.:11.4:1:b..71.11461allotelPhsasullitifrran" i
- t *2' Ntentrf1Sei
fettled resell or power. It has been more likely.he emit. But' tbat isnot r•el)E, Int - * 3
i mimed and revised from the origin" the *hole of the eneese tither, and sP.Pl• 211 ,.. 1,1111-1c:: it Of SC Ot131141 ,
al. It hag 'been good enough for al. for an Ontario farmer to imagine. ,oet." 3 ",,,,,,,..,,,,.„Emprt,ss4 tet‘igslitnraaillint:
most 2,000 years:. for men who have that to the neglect and detriment of opt. ID Maumee
*Apo tido worldosad made it wake about forty-8ton other important , net. 10 ,.. . * . . . • storalro141
In hare their faithAmon. From the things -1m puts a few (toilets into', ,
en were in awaddlieg clothes., it, has Itfi-o: tbeInntke.'ilsi!,,Tinerwourr1thille3ellzucorr; itzt441.. '.2:.41 ... .:.!..6..:16....1.711....6.611.1*.it4-1.1"141.4!"nietallaalliV
time that Luther and %non arid nth- 1,
been .goad erieugh to read it. to an. almost day and -night, %%Ade his iwt. ''. ,
derstand it, mkt be saved by its eter. 'buildings. feacea ar•d fatal ava CAW !mt. It!' ..,...,.., ,.....1,!.;).T.c.8.! . Q..‘et,1,1111t1141
1 if rid simplicity. vividnesa atid -power. to wrack, and ruin. with rot, root and
It PP*000101`N the ftlittlat tastinct hot ef li wera.,•„ at si olio -which ais foot, ,!,,,o,,,,A. ,,,,zu ,.., ...1.:41.................... „a. a ..ttooaa
',:debersd: tald talking with human 11,whtried stas.sucker will never 11074 •;;;-).,t. .,,,.1
dooingaisit wheal Cm Bible is awing ianowito. If the t,ther fellow wards 111/4..nt, t,•-•
' man 'ill.* larnt.n***. *0. mach. f.'n.t t'l 1; the lead at ill the rAC:(' !W.' c131)TNno 00, i .....,.,,,., ..... .... .......31tritekltia.11 I
' !fttf. oromety that atmeq A t mia, can ,, eey,, ail / can may im, toonfounO Mt% ! 7
read. and one frown up in tin" dirk- {:te do eas-Iet„birn go to it. Ile will i',k,'t,, .i ,,,,,,,,,„.1,°,,,.8:„1,11,71. „otonoveoia i
ittlit3 :
"rot torso coon tell the minute NM 11.11-i '.corte to his 14.i.isea solonto or latbr. ; ,
1 er(ae the Ampler tootle Bible. Men !Arai tr would COMO ^ mighty site 4 ,2,..4 „,,L 2111"..A."1"eri: .:NiAlt,a,2,e,
: II oak. wht. ir: the 'lame of even berme ;;!..e.ener if the farmer aolind stood f5t1 1. ;;-,V“ 01 : „. : L. ' ..::: .11,,o,7•47,41 .
I ; moms.. dors *kr preeret indatleited tn- ill.' ttoon 'Ma v. 4tY,Int*Ve5 p"...r.o. With i , at. to ,.. • ;":-.1'..: , , , .., ,,‘,..t.+2,%:!pJ ,
%toolloortool rage require memethaur '07..root • ontabsi' ( stioiBon oroolo14,140tNivAINN, sox 14oftio 01 tiff. ..
; ilotiett "I A r iwoldff Oil 0% +if ftro" il. 4r.u. ueon Wheel* and 'alierat inotlao . law rermse40:, womisio*tr, IMII
. difrobolt of that ros" i le n4 maim o *Of rseoda• Me -,v..1 **A °Moe. fin- at ii., tollfleit o'rstwooir. •4‘00, VIPOit
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I Nil 11110.111111•611 I
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.•••roarIngplanee, rooming, fighting above
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All seats ieserved. Buy them in advance at DIM.
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(including bi),