The Goderich Star, 1928-09-06, Page 8r...1111.I, *114111/01,' I 1 • i 1 . 1 I •
et- esi aocrt , ater e.
-"'.-ir, T..":717•7117,ere'i 13cianoy, et , gat. :emit:eat" E. ItuviR4i. hjatiothitait :tier 1
trir il,
_ Books For Tcrczao, vine were weekend Oatett 1.-:Aeter* whe has since j, allot Mrs, i
c.-,-; .;i1 no latteeo (Actor. Afta CClin ,:fehnston en a visa *eh rtittoot in 1
otimoten, Weetteetl, wero tranetent ithe tewnitnte. ot iftehfiele and le t I
vteitora at nung3DCOn on Standee". 'Weinanoth, me, outitn4,3n wAs itir. ,
f,14;t5tS at the bottle ef Mr. awl Mre, lc InerlO a teacher m Ashfieki, and Is
If EcOy co Staley ar,d Menclay 0 greeted with Philmont by hie former
e were N. and Moe Win. ttitiele aria litoevitiorti_ri:tared frpie out *with.
Evemngs itcrtvggyi,gori itc! a.fte-,f().tN, ;:..tner veteswewm:
Make use
14141 ke OW 4 boolokeeper in Haney 1
u Mr, and Mcs. M. Hoffman vieited rs:* MinIng roolneo Idant tit i
The maw Weide of Mrs. Wm. IL
1 I "a Toronto last etnr
week, heino 'N*
Wilson, a respeeted restdent of the '
learn with regeet Of the tedoxtunate ,
2ne eonceseion of West Wawariesh, ----tett-- - yeeettee---enee-
cently, when ehe fell frora the couch ITOLMESVILLU
aceident which, happened to her n-
on which she was standing to reach A very pretty wedding was solono
nizo at the tome of Mr. and M.
ate visitore at the Canadian teatime.
Lading Library. al Exhibition: They wore wee -3413n*
ted by Mr. Time. Barters, wile made
;the trip by motor. 2
This enables yOU Glirsorlreveftedor, awlo IaliVie Ire%
la read any Book
- for 10c.
- siTist,tfi taftr.Vilellu)rniffre Etilclorfttrc atub° breaking her leg it tW3 Planes.
a etove.rnpe winch 11114 taken fire• John Codmore,
past week, returned on Mondey to 1 she is * middle aged woman it will
lie Some timo ;before she is able tabe
Avirriclay, August 3.Ost, at o pone omen'
their eldest doughter, Marion Hazel,
of Holnaesville, t on
, _ their xespective Ileums:
Mr. end the. J. M. 'Wilson. with 4hoot again. She is being *tun,. .. was united in marriage to George
oea Douglas Ward, only on of M. and
- Miss Kathleen Reed and her girl to by lira. M. Menary, of Dungan. Mr. John ward, of Eitaira. The
„ friced. thee Annie Roes, of Elora. nen. bride, wbo looked charming In a
Now is the time to have
Sewing Machine
rAirts. Ws, Helot Needles, etc,
British Enlace° Mock
r turrod to their botneo on TuesdaY Muth sympathy is expressed fer gown ef ouneet georgette trinuueft
after an ettoyable visit with rata- Mrs. etteen 41. eleteoultid, whit
wtthin tim course of a few weeits, with ent velvet, carried.* bouquet .ef
CelePS BOOk %IC . Ives at Dungannon and Goiter -Me Ophelio roses and sweet peas, with
Denson Coso wee a week -end vial- been bereaved ot both her, paemete maideabairlerioand- was iti'ven-aWay,, ---•• --too-- A T
THCRODAY, SEPT. tith. Iva&
Stock up now for later use and share in this extraordinary saving. Good quality,
Pure Wool Blankets, finished separately with pink or blue border, tat
largest double bed size, weight about 8 lbs. Size 721(86. 0,n sale, pr .7,-"u
Ail Pure Wool, Satii hoeui. elm CO
pink, rose. saud, mauve, .$7.00- $6 25
for.••• ............... •••••• •
New Itall Roach Ma Gloves, soft, beauti-
fat stock, eatt. seem, handsome doino
fastenere, 6 to size, Btrly sole 2 50
2/12 ..1.14.1101,4
r ,
, Best quality 724neh unbleached Sheeting:.
, throe& nd willjftflL
ableach pert
fectly. Lase than mill pries. Per 391. i4tnya4111.pieley ‘ne"oi821111eittrasaizaei3 171T2mx stiurri" 4431.
Wmfeacithe Crochet Catou Quilts. wall finished
$2 48
ettortneder the treirentidertio*--"Retrot hola 'mother -a Matt -tit, 43'014 by her father. The ceremony was
DUNGANNON' Etbel Casce who resuined her duttee, Thotturierat was beta on ri uosday. !home was tastefully decorated. with . heavily fringed Size 60 x80 .at • Of .
accompanied by his aster,. Miss mime itt Omitlive, near Hamilton. R. A., of Leamington, Ont. The All Pure Wool, in fancy Plaid Patterns' atrd $4•$6 50 $7 50
e n . eare.turned to Toronto on Menden beiritt pawed away on Saturday, at hertate perforated by Rev, L W. Kilpatrick,
otto woo „Rowell oaa putchtsto , • • id s d . • • .1 cut flowere and ferns. After 'the
as teacher in Toronto on Tuesday. In. the absence a Rev. 0, II MeDont
CamPbell, of Detroit, cat. • Weft, Wawattesli as tax -collector of hi Ifir. Jobe; -Murdock, of Lueltnow, On pink and white. The gueets proo-
fed npon relatives in this diatrict toemship to succeed the lato The choir at Dungatinon were oseiste ent were Ur. and Mo. Ward, and
centlo lilt t At Allister 'trim for several ed in the sertflee ot praise- by tire. Mr. Buttner, of Elmira; Miss Mado-
a on un ay, the servicee Lucke' ceremoey a dainty luncheon was emote.
• eieeetughoe, touring ear,„ Chas. Alton, Dungennon merchant,
, has bten opt,ontot by the council of now and Dungannon wore conducted ed, the bride's table being decorated
Mies Myrtle Mollytain was the years previous to hie death acted In W. T. Maize. of Montreal, who sang hue Hawkins. of Melon; Ur. Earl
guest of her friend, Miso 113 Drown, itbat capacity, vent eweetly aa a solo, "He wipes the Oudinare. Norwich-, brother of the •
et, 1,Vedneadrin Mrs. Thos. Wigginh arrived home" teat' from evere" eYe.'' 'Mumma. Mae. bride: Moe I. 'W. Kilpatrick and
Me and Mrs, Jno, Baylor, a :on Fridatr after a PORT ALBERT 1 GODERICR TOWNSHIP
deogotoo len Lean J'amaton and Horace Aitehet daughter, Margaret, of Learaingten.
with Me and ths. H. Wily, I was accompanied by Mr. and, tiro atm rendered, vett' effeetivelY, °The reofpiente of mane beautiftd gifts. ea friends in,013 aloe t . • . . •
Ato Victor Green. of Detroit, visit, The Decent, mine have stopped ' S
Moieswortht were guents' on Sunday 'ojage holidae, at Tobeentorey. She soot of leocknow, Werft also Preeent Ont The aride and groom were the
. stook threshing an this otegato ter 4
Landon, were guests for n 'few daya motor and wit° will spend tho won -
Mrs. Hanle with her son Earl, of J. Wiggins, who made the trip by
L41, the hom,o Mrs. C. O. Brown. . lend hero and at BlOth.
, 'Air. and Iftrs, Go. Yundt, Monk; Mr. and Mee. Chas. tfalenren and
ton, "spenttletbor Day as guests of ; Mr. and Mrs. L. Bert Williems, of
the former s sister, tirs.,11. Vedy. 1Canton, Ille and Mr. and .1drii. Allen
Ir. and Mts. George Cowan and Gorge, of Eden, 111., spent tte week.
familo, of Myth, visited trioxide end with Mrs. David Girvin and her
Dungannon end vicinity, en Stoutest daughter, tbs. Jean Williams. The
3/its Jean. stathert returned on later has returned to the States vritti
mimed her duties ea teacher on Taut and Mrs- Rotold Woolidge
day. aod two children, of Toronto, with
• Mr. and Mrs. Itertram A. Woolidge,
Miss Marg°r°4 rventl°14 r°°°33•10d of Oshawa, returned on Monday to
her duties as teacher in Stanley twp,„., their respective homes, otter stiend-'
ncur ClialtOnt TuesdaY of toil ing the weeleend vent pleasantly at
week, the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Me.
Mr. Zebu R. Saragen garego Is Kenzie. -
being erected tat Week. Nfth *TGhte3 The regular monthly tneeting of
Storithouse is employed to eesist the directore of the West Wawanosh
a° work" Mutual Fire Insurance Colarpany WaS
Mrs. (DO Joseph Hamilton bait hold on Tuesday in the office of the
been vitatieg tor daughter in Teton- iseeretaryttreaeurer, Mr. Thomas G.
to and taking in the Canadian Nat- ! Allen, In addition to the regular
tonal Exhibition. Itoutine of Warless, loss elalms to
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Green, of ! the amount of about four thousand
Port Huron, were guests at tho home !dollars were field.
. of Mr. and Mrs. G. tio Matta* on Students from Dungannon and
Thursdsy of last week. - Vicinity in attaidence at Inc Giotto
Ttreralay to Toronto, where site ret them for an extefided visit. -•
Old Rugged Cross." Lae a duet.
Whetham"Woodsot.The merridge
wee quietly consummated at Calvin
United *hitch manse, St. Helens, ou
Saturday, August 23th, of Winifred
Woods, Oaughter of tire. Woods and
the late Robert Woods, and Arthur
Vithetham, son of ths. Whethara and
the late John Mathew, of Galt.
Rev. II. G. Whitfield officiated. The
bride, •who wee unattended, WOre 3
becoming ens,emble costume, tonsist.
ing• of a blue elope dress and Mu?
Coat of vela bloom, trimmed with
platinum doed oposeum. She woxo
the gift of the groom, a rope of
pearls. ard carried a colored meth,
bag, Vollowing the ceremony the
bridal couple returned to -the home of
'the bride's mother; Where a wedding
simper 103 setved. Mr. and Moo
Methane left later on a motor trip
through Western Ontario and New
York State. and on their return -wilt
mitt° in Galt. „ '
. .
Mr. and A. Walsh were Tor-
onto Fair visitors Int week.
'Mosso. Ed. and Ghee. Rodger axe
Toronto rair visitors this week.
The happy emote left for 4 trio to
Chicago. the bride traveting in a to her school in St. TAOIXM% 1 Alias Lizzie Sowerby has gone to •
VieSa Ten liawkine has returned few dayst
tailored emit of navy with beige hal
and shoes and hose to mach, mu _Mrs. Robert Ron and. Miss Ivadell her school Teeswater after spend- GROCERY
trite a beautiful fox for, the gift of slot" spent a. few oays with triode in ing the holidays at her home here.
the groom. Ulm` their 'retire Mr. ,Vederteh- ----------. • ' ' 1 -School ietimened 44 Tuesday in •
or oervice and, Quality
end Mrs. nairei will reettle tri Munro{ Dlr. and Mrs. Jas. Mss and. tarn- • Vidor% S. S. Ivo, 6 tor another term, C *
Thole many friends wish them much fly, of Stratford, spent the weekortial with Miss Simile of deendesitoro, the A
iness • et Mr. Sylvester's cottage here. new teathee. •
Prices right -
Mr. and etre, goo yriteley and ' Mr. Gordon Orr and Mrs. J. B. Orr
AUBURN eon, George, motored, to Dashwood motored, to Toronto and, epent a few
Miss Stele Lawlor,. of . London.] with Mr- 43313* Bre"' an. Sunday loot- OP attending the Itilibitiaat tilt
pent the week -end with her Paronts 1 Mr. and Xis. Robt, Turveo and former Itottott Inot Week. -
three children, of Bluevale, "ant the Aliso Ella Sowerby has returned to
iterly,., <and tog. maw,. of pare% weelk..ond with is., urveg a sister, h school IV ttield after spend -
spent the weekend with friends in, Alto. Robert Rot'. . parents, hit/II/Aar. an4sdavut te,,tieThboote soofwheerri.
tile %I/, le ' ASBEIELD ihr. • „..
laal Islitt rd.aSunday.ght eh F: lw. er'e,',184: ?tit:gel ,tuanclin:1:11Y earldidi°nSa, Alva' 111 4$ nlidoaln' Ale a.feaDr °"61thael 4 w' ealcs(1 10:1):1: ' 61 'servie- 31ti‘ntlenSurtn tYeciv'telitinrel i , A trial you. .
helds usualX4
a at 3 gm. Sunday 'School. at 2 ,1141. . ,
spent the week -end under the pater.leSntt341.iirifov.07,4tbviegje8tieutlinafoletese'pa:re !t:,,,,,vt,;44;4:Cptelle?g,,ri the pastor, will oet , . ,
natittat.°,Qtioehetite.' Dawson and his attn.' Miss Charlotte tdaekenzie event a
Mr. Arthur Yungblut, of Detroit,
itrgsoN)N3flitsiehl)a:vitretllaitutgn';, 7 spairs GRocEFy
Ittiewide dearsrieUleAngtreerseton°, ofb"Extreteler_7_,•41' patents, .Att„,, and tdra,, gout. Knixiii, 105 R
gathertee -Murdoch and. mot son; hall returned tit Detroit.. ..- soot, ;4_8 ig,,z„IlleStAgrailFita
Iteiniert took in the Toronto fain they
end of mat week. • month holiday at the home of her
Xr. liteRaai of the Soo, has been Miss
visiting friende it this locality dui. X. Murdoch, of Detroit, motored to i M•I'm Helen Rein ~who has been 1
ing the Peet Ile'lk• . ' (mon for Labor. DO- : Mr. •laio Belit spent a. few daY's in 1 11M I)EVIV'tit IN rI°WN. .
oelidooing at the home of iter father,
- . the home of their aunt. tire. Oath- I 1._ --
Mr. end, Mrs. Melhonie and two rich Collegiate Institute are as inc new echool in Section. No,. 9,
daughters, of Lochelsh, were goeste lowse Dorothy Alien, Margaret ' and taro. Wm. Armstrong are Hallett, is expected to he 'finished in What might bane 1ben a aerloos Torooto attending the .yerhootion he.
on Sunday with Int end Ma. Richt Ryan, Nation Cleft, EmilY McClure, visiting the former's brotheo, Mr. H. a couple of vteeks. aceident tooft plate at Racketra cor-' fore going tti her achool ot "%fella, „ „ •
Mut the ner en M°134144' attelwm, whttL i The isest evishea thti community ter- not nave nawaYll 9110WA Yeomen t
ard McWhinney, Crewe. Evelon Culbert, Cora Culabort. tiaro Arinetrong. . Dir. and Mrs. George 'rug .Att rice oing ant wa welt.
• 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Itoy E. Ilarrie and Fining_anr Alia$ Grime Reditiond ha's been en- f.orradev IPOrrt ettoeltb,e . eek . • , t eti into- the ditch, white the offender aof G,oderieh, and his bride, fni:irrnek41,14; that wtiellengeouulad calarebyl.; rteGlodc'urarl'tyoug. .
Alan Pentland, Prank Sae .
south, Of ettatfurd were , Ruestt age, Everett Harris. Atthur Brant gaged as teacher tor tae eontinuation xriett s n 4N13 . made hia getaway with -all. pOsaihia sfils Ar„,, , i p j a this tow... we win look forward to Iola being .
T. G. Allen, for Lalmr Day. . Cha. I School. tatoPened on Tuesday lam- was the guest of his daughter. Me. board waniogs on eaelt aide of the, initlitiawh° lawber.e married•Itennt41'" '1111 ?"treesaellutnoaint tit'ullwin4Yehingf Y°oulT orreaeryttlegot
cm In w ing the young eouple a .
* with the ladee Parent'S, Mr. and Mrs and Telot'd Plitnigoo• ••‘• • elasa at Attbarn. • Mr' W321* Robertson, nt the village' Oiled. Although there are checker -
Mr. and tars. Wm. Hunter and loyonotored to Dongannon on Wed. Mg, with Miss Ella - Sowerby as
visi ed car •,re extended to .Albe.rt. .
testily, of the 12th eon. Asmeht nesday te no a Welt tO his brothel:, teacher for another terve
Bu -
mac hasas aist,er, Mrs, Herbert Stab, Pita as a result of
vere Saandov toxoRts at the home ot rag. Elliott, wh° is in 0°41(I'leh boo* tit. and. XV. Wan. McDowell ma
a fall front the Mr, Itionnen MeDowell spent a few
drawl tt. in akin. We re el as d
the end Mrs, Whitlock, of Tees- - ne - e Mr. Robt. Aitkens and children, of
to state that Mr. Elliott's condition
mr, told mit, wiisen,, tontines to improve gradually. Detroit* visited last week at the home
of the fovea's uncle, Mr. Reht Bo-
water, were merit gueste at the
cret: mow when aesieting 4 neighbor in days last week at :Toronto Fair.
eeventh 'concession of West Wawa.. Mr. and Mra. W. T. Maize awl lit- cumin.
nush: t,le son, Foie, of Montreal, gave their %to Wm sue/410123eof myth,
eriends at Dungannon a pleasant vent a gouge of days last week at
' ' Laterite andliensolt Polition13 °Id' surpriscf be. droPning In tat then* f°1° the 1.1041O of „Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Me- Stinlingten. • •
vied up from Detroit for the sveek- 3'wtte°14 it'a r°01,43prireetnnrr" ". A very happy oceitsion was boltservst,- roast. aud ice cream _social._
a.,.„.........-- . e - , - anti omit by motor it 44ln/tatty with
etel and labor Day. They left on.' daying Or a fortnight .in Toronto, •
the week -end. They had been holt. Doyen, . , The ,reeent rains barn vreoented ..._ , . ‘,,d ix f m atp. b,. I) 1 .
M le an re.
11 d llf tielan Taylor and on Weduestlay evening of t e pa le -
— " eieemeoweemeers a friend Thoy
el , n Ade th teener, fandlO sPent Sundae' At the home of some finishing barvestt Quite e. few 1 .BENiviThrxit . wee 11
have been stook threslung and delay. t idson, ayeeld Read, wbee the Ment -
It at the home o re to ,.. Day- ,, ,
' . . .. e' ° e" n. ' ' ' t 1 k W M Ifenvo Vireo- at 'No. 4 sebool. '.• f cretv gathered to express their oppre-
Sournoy to Torontoloh iqon°tio. ---- tollf st irreietts:13 le Mr.. 'Wm traYinr edbthre. hnerve espigner, t. • . • . , tlisa R. Graham fs tho 11°W- team" hers of the trnion Young -People's So- 1
' Miss . Blizabetit 'Wilson left on Borno-On Thursday, Ang. 30th, in nor, and their aster, Miss Cathaine Next Sunday wal be Decoration eiation and present Miss Reta Gra-
Donala, over tie weekten - eornere accidents oceur • there fret long and ham wedded life,. , cess in ,rtent`r.44,y,.. ep. B._. RuhSignedBei .
Mr. and Mos. Rice and Mr. Joseph ,quentio. .
L3MtSO4 attended the Toronto Phir. turned
tioolltehweiirtigtet3e4cohteirvl hsehaaveasteT,ViArrctor* "d•ItossitirletttgraMt8iShulnapDation) e3'161 4anieltieluetilrLabara tonde a yery7littin7tatrit
the former
Lutheran °oIngthrlsegvaetleokn* In the. Mr. 'Charlie MacGregor, to Kitchen- Sowerby, who had been visiting art hefty', co-operation and teuettno ;
Termite,' aceoinnalfied kr rasa Nor°, teplyt Oinking them all for their
village have decided to -sell their' ort taissee Anna, Bessie and 1•10/30 the ate, motored' up and spent the that they would still work together
ehureh.. Mr. Cha. Astrith Was the .19laeXenzie and Miss. Margaret Moo-
nennin e former =1,1!rntiV,orligtet."*":21117 "Ituilli14 of
ev,theek-end viersitinregt
imi,orehb:sfeere.mee part of this week nr,i3Oternanntanio tteebTirrn":1tM,ISsilliA,Tispia.10 ite,- Xre. Son' pson remaining- here for it' az.liahe eps'eart°y° 'then repaired to the 4
end Mrs. •Atideraou. of Teaming, %Donald to Dtall°Pt Miss "I'lt '''''"-- fortaght a tho liont! of !re. Xos. teach, where they spent a Very' please
NVOV4 tho guests of 'Mr. and Mr-. Jrio. itenzie to Port Algal% Mr.: mean Roes. • . ' emit time Particinating in a weirleit -
. .
ii ine r 3r Monday, by motor, on her roturn to wino.=
ti Port Dever, near which plazt she re- prod W. cot; a sue baby oiri„
hosnital.'to Mr. and Mts.
_ o smiled her duties as teener on 'rues- congratulation:1 •
;II ------ ' - ' tileTritSs,112111rtv.atistidavel&ma.l)aNnVileltiatribr What- Rev. Erie Alerlereen, of West Moat-
' f e ', in
, son* aria her brother, James Wilsen, '
Torouto before returnino to tut -4 "
1313irliin<IN 111; he°rer4re°e 4: lIvIrst 13Ittlin. / C.L.
tit' :vaeiti,•taea nfth Wrtagitronle itlr;„: cocrZtrillaht,,rho. morisbe' ra 1 "et our "It • I
- Featuring a most ,wh1 will visit relativea at Brampton
.; . otImir hento in West Wave:mesh. Mr. mei the. Wm. Vittaden visited Weekt. ' hero. of the soeletv tette thie means of o,o. i fitt i
i_, 1117/410k with Mr. and Mrs. Retry Mrs. °kelt*, of' T°r°13t4i 13„°°°nt'On'" i tirs. ti. Montgomery and sort nlade oeteeete titter treprotiation of vou • "Jr t 0°Sitir4Y, 4,.9 "
._ outstanding range I
1 , i. . . 1,0hureit, Dutigantion, and Christ's tiro J. Rillough. of Ditneeeinon.
" h f t f ti
at tar, and bters, Nvaeseliko.rt visit with ter parents last faithfui ttu it h you money. i nerinest I
i= Iha sonicoa in St. raurs Anellean C te to of Lucknow. and Mr, mad fed br her son,and daughten a Tor -
Auto. wove the guests t t r - Among es Nt 'pregent-
intr +4 you 010 mall feken of ro- .F'tirnititre at the low. I
Or cliStinctive "eirarth, Port Albert, wero concluded
( very acceptably on Sunday last hir ltlesere.• John Snell, Bruce Camp- „,e e. • 1 Mr. Dongtee WNW. wait otoorated tnerobronee. In the thirerent etileett , , est cosi. ..-
, .
bell and Ed. and ,Iteg. Jennings. of tweet" t . the on for oppendicitia last Monday y011 bave bait etto tiave tinviles bten a . 0 -e•
111011r .T040S-Datontan, of Godurieh. ia
.. 1 E. Ferro, who found it impoeeible eo Detroit, spent over Sunday with the Mr. ZsTaegia has cOlepleteu
Models in 10 i.i. etenco o the reeter. Roo Win.
tl 1 f
‘ ,
ett),..•-.... ,
'Wagner, spent ' the former part a pay at Colborne cemeteree . nant, their past president, with. a set . . . 4 '
the week viatitig freinds in Tavi- , -- ote, toot mro to, weetante- rind of peacock 'bronze book -holders. het , urntt ur . , ..
stool. . 'fatuity spent Labor. Dy to Stratford. fore leaving for her new school. ' • .
Dann' the evening Miss Ruth Bell arm, I. l.„... ,„."... ..oif
Mrs. Shearnian. of Detroit, spent t tato ort ?ft.-1,0111er hos mooed, :tato
the. pelt treOlt Visiting hel,
. mother, Imre to matte her haTILIG in -GOttsaiela: rVlti *he address and Itte Zack 'Vali A.:_-_,;•,' ,,,..•'-_,,f, -...r. 41-.., '
d th s titer •Th , dd ' • A "1 i "'lir CO Baby Car-
very faithful tted never tielto work-
former's parenta. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. handing to. hie boat. He has plated ,rnnrIgnif"
liere. Mr. Perry teturnea from Snnile A goeoline engine in it fOr the 1210tiV4 • MIS3es norle Rill ond Ifeeltt SOY- L'''"'inottr"'"t -..-., ._ i
eR ON it it to BB IA CIEliSeTHOANNEd
; infant' son. ,JaeliWill ram at a • BELFAST A roever. otite _a feel eninyod them. der hay.e.,geno to attend Clinton Dosi , . • - ' -----:,
eelvee on the river on Lebo Day. nese college -
f ,
. . Fil8A ,
I FELT i tion. ot Thuredate Sirs. Petry ond
tGalt, where im had euent hie %zee.
- xis3 r, confortz,.from voink,,,h, ,fu joudeurSicalrethellapSab3stotaloralrefyrolocewooSr:i Mr. Fred !Andel and farnilo are WI 0
visiting whit -the former's another in ao
.______ I._ ___. ...„...... .—...._ 3
"476"°""'W teacher. for,nuether Item.° n emanation this year. Tim trantoee Alle$ Id. V. Good its stayitio with
than nine having paesed.the Entrance thie vicinity'. ,
in all the new t. •
On the Om/deity of Gieferteh
_ • Mt•. James Cool» is mending this butte rented the Lutherau church and her sister, Mrs...G. Grigg. the /atter
treet "O.V.Az •ezitit his son, John, in Toronto, ttre fitting. lt up for 4 toetinuation havittg beert ilLo
and taking in the Exhibition.
tiorl Inta Mil" Tillie Sherwood (Proln Mother correstiondent) labs: the ethool nate. .
' were in (toderich lteet, SWIday' the. Moore. is visiting relativea Mrs. Ferett Walters atld
se -hoot Mise ledniond,hitf Westfield.' Miss Dolma 'and ,MIEM Campbell Electrical and.
- trends of Fashion Electrical Shop • lilt. mut tire. Leelie Mate rand has been eugaged teacher. ve returned to resume their duties
'Now for the .
tts -, • Radio Supplies Fall SeasOn
Electric: • Electric 'At the drange of the season:look
Mise Alma Mutche of 'Toronto.' (hven °°re lant litenk4
lo' -do
We tatty a g9od shick jog they sistete Zits. Ito Barbour. Bingrave taut vieinity at present . spent stfew days with Mr. end tire.
• Stectricat Applion4** Me: aid Mn*. Itobt Hoare and
You are cordzally
invited to inspect ;gt
- our stock.
• — 4411 Work Guaranteed
MISS MacVICAR Prank McArthur
Kinosion strito PAorie 82 Sleast Street -
• &motor, Adeen, motored •up from spent the Wiley at her beam hero. I Mise Grace jewel bee goo fo over your wardrobe: and get your
twee. father, Mr. Jae, Math, i o Mt. ea tits.. hen.beth en. 04
home from the West 'cleating the fox. ,8e,-- • - - Aii 444
Me. Mad l'Are, Strinito Mutch aro EllontttrilkItt tteal st,tteloe,r Ranges Washers i i
ere. ono meg. evoker, ef oota"/Itetrolt, spent the week -mid at the to. 1.744 flotre. pto•emimptABLervia , a Incite:1; cleaz4 annidogprivesosiekds.i
ItrronBiltsetritilr'.4‘44 iiiivgkittla ;-Itiotrh. 11°I'it":21,1618,g8tIt'aviec'lyntzneriot'3nPgaratit9'conott,3
. Prompt sai Itststrt serrice
Hackett. . MIr!ritagfiar. itotTretr teitae5r.irlitatilt deli:e4 Mentro. Iluseel and Roes _
Illettentede, ingot, cl '' J. H. VROOM -AN
. Pine 122 ' Weet Street _.
tint atta Wm Gear. LAW tattrit I48110414Y to 1$11e14 the MU* in that e nd Erie, Gardner bave re -
ea to Rivervie* on Saturday. re. i . . tamed to the Collegiate it Godexich. _
i ieloliillia 1 1 I LI'
i timing ..oti. Stindey. -Mee Whelk, Miss M. Ring eta We. X. Stoltt• Aril •_ , ..
"!° fl blot been visiting in Toronto and are bah wader the dodoes area'- f 1 ,
, 1Rivervievie for a couple of' week% ee- I Present. We tore foe beth a speede For Upleilsterlato Resealing
t tutted vsith Atria. 'recovery. i mut Refinishing.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagner, Mr. and , A tar ,a, MOO. Of Sitoitile eweratteed a family teeunisn. P. Al"Zilshiethilt'ElukLMAN
tire, J. Wagner and tlise E. W/.1g110? 'p
ltdOrIttl tO Ta' 'k on Steak? te
I Wet * tom d•ys list wee'k with Aire.
H. j. Blake, of Zurich. all Soett the week.end with deNcrise:464 SG
Mr& Oberman. et Detroit? tits.
their teethe', Woo Wm. Datitt. AR
If MCS. ItObt. Ilialteng, ut Duogatinen, Mr. and Mt*. Spade end tinily, 14..,1.001
13 vitited Mr. Met. Sheckleten for * of rot floe. spelt ,s..atadals, r mew.
ifew &ye last week, ing old aeousntatteee in thie neiglo ,
Mr. atid Jiro Wm, Mate and 4014I liothood,
I ot Moatreat, were up for the week. str. am so_ wra. sizavotri arta ,
end and visited velatives Nem
PfXitteltat, et0. 'Guelph and spent the holidays with
, their attains, Mr. ma Mr*. JOIIII
* Wi-Speciaiise in "I'm
A few of tee eporta here watt over
Wiring of Ai/ Kinds to Wirglutet Ttintedity to see the
atone end -were greatly' delightel
t Estimate* seven on ° ware. tveesit .y Roy Alton. Dynes
, I iiptilkarlion Vatapbellb Jut; Mullin, aed Cassweli •
0., atylem of Ramie particularly invites the experienterl
frovelter- the higlastade ro.ateeiale, ouslity, workmenthip, espgt
f eking, toetnine in ere root tevatd complete eatiefact ien.
sun eAstot.. to pm
SAT to $10.3$
MEN SAGS. — to $25.41
111Mirr014 IONA ALL LIRA,THER,* 21$ to $
tut sopply your nettle for Medlin,.
Oer ales to to tiro* roper tit. W. Ititto * forge Steck to Otero*
frees st reseseable Whole,
Toll ARE txvrrrn TO SHOP AT
W. Hern's Shoe Store P.t"
▪ The satiety:sent services ef -rettet
rotted chutch ate set tor Oct. 14.
Mr Gibeeett Stratthel,L.uttie,:-.0t, wood!, and urt„: Amur ,
Mies Giady* Gretie ntOtOrt4 til, Lon. .,. •
otifoIts-ety14:41,r`atvrg407414;41:1 d„ntrtoVe,,Sigt=dettttt. ituntrent/inv:41Nrs --: 1%\:31/ il Put' time to "cure a Cell"
we tegret to toped Out Rim 31110-, A ..tnlatiftaaul iltutt thlialrl"mtsvlittr db"unring;ttihtl; l'it:in11,7t.„dt' engin:bet": SIVitli** We' bliVe 61
onto. MR , *2114 Mir a . It. 3- Bkike,
,_ ti.` Reirtreit,.. atinhaL tweltturi.074,(1141,0b°Pedoet forif°,7r" 0"4 rtiltitIkt.T14is IT:totheflo.involebtNfire.tottet.-4:rk tfctifteveiti; tr, leer !toe et 7-.61! .!fer ...r.:m..a.;LxikIA-lb.3711 t. .
• e
t timely. of Stretford, visited Me. avid Mast ooturotor. -47h* vebt bt.? 10.0 ,, Get soles *Thle tht. a .er ts vt., . . _ ._ . _
7 ; Blake ie %/oder the &tufts csre.iitoet tett days!.
1 Mt* Mot. Mhorktetoo oo tousdeo, Item omens te thte Seen •• WT., Dik.
-0 tigr, fforh -lhotior. of Hetellton. le Inie *eel lite T. itedietteti oleo tefutre cow44.00....440+0
Miss Alma Stoke motorod up t4.1*-hrurs4 * 1****t *t. GottleY. Ont.. Artirktt-mtpt — Pt sttlikt 1101001011 NoRTH si0E sQuARE
,..,„„ All proodporeottl. Idr., podhod IA Ow lostoot whoolt, th., ow
Woo.. Jobs. itioary, foe a few weelfelof the week. Itimo fll! Stt.z Ilot .• • -.
JO* tir4111716 AT mr, "rot ?moor "..7tor;p1"e334.iteiliaoglYeer"(
Dotroit Hooday to stood. tvro mots': for ttOs term. *Mt Ur iiirrots, We. ooli., I
The time is here again to get your Boys and Girls pm-.
pared for .sehool- They will need good serviceable Footwetto
-the -kind-that will stand a severe test in any weather. We are
prepared to supply your wants with.. the. best lines'' of reliable
Shoes, Oxfords, Strap Slippers.,and Rubbers, manufactured at:
the most reasonable prices. Our stock of Roots and Shoes for
the wOrking men has been selected with the giettest pre.
ley are sure to give satisfacion, and here at the oWest
ossible prices. We will he pleasato show our large range.