The Goderich Star, 1928-09-06, Page 7Ia. 11
THuftsDAY, SiseeT tite, oeaa THE GODERICII STAR
111••••••••••• Ira** 1,• * • pet ea telt tillei*.a•-Cliaieseikeeillalall
unci oly c4fternoon
ji LTASIUTON, Godzecip O.
. E •;-:0 -Clef', "A .ii.
Ooze"; i et. I ee...1 e ilia
;sea tere, e
oligire.hen and felarterer,
a.) value, eame ve.ei Meee
•* .-:hh efele coming freei tea
areli ct tee alto Jerusithrie
Mac ie the
la.; teNt.eleleafttillilta
an i: .; el :le: e . • el i;:-...14kAtn .A•t!t
1 eater:, ere,. eeesee i...dc..;:ii-cd:::,g;qr.tti.itt
) et
thQ',.:o4c1 1:2p:,21-1 tO elierer.
Fiereia, aere erre:evil teal in
as the eleose oi a goal ritaels
i- ng epenairea by tete Eiwareo t'
!obi. f
. arece. Alemptoins That the Blood is Thin John' on City, eceesteratien
hiwair Nerztl
1., reree sa idtp.1 Should Not be Negierted (Aber -
a -el le oIs raaelty ; lista, Virginia, Kentueity mei Teetiess
Afis Ir:(43,a3 virata.scht abat•ea eteitc.e. lo Sae Weak, lacking terengili, seee, ate', with, Paaada° aula"all
Isiarele la Ceeintia.
Ceee 114.3 itetea ,; ctd. CI-Z(17Z' aril anaetiese tieveime. ttOtil (tune mores- tee eatees reato.
tit. a acil3Itt afiee at -Tette. dateetien dieteee., Peatitts itafor the highway mil
aa*.s Le1 - tam: tol
The ere; ef. Hormonal ihey ?re ; eieleau
C •al'a eruitiul hill, Ceieeia vete a wendeveal Rae This
Leseat evaai the drepeeoi saewere, war: taro the ria Wien time.
labee n'areeling raersareathe araunli the Corinth that flour -Zane two
.oa CT 401,,s 011
cdeethese aro tae. sympteree named, for the aseeeiatiori sponsoring it, ie
Ly wet inase.1 p p
have been beriefitted by the use of Dr. that; alealbere mita' fareaattaaanias
eramens, pea me, These tonic Merida Iligliwey. or rank eireiaar.
pills correct the coudition described designatime with prabably come he.
and if you bave any of these. eynip. dieatien in the name as to its bate
I h •
deeded later. with en indent -Lien
' Add a half , : 1
Irtiton pace eel tie ti:Ai • 1
Witt tA a!! ii; t' -
When th, fol %' iVe lb:g"..111
.P11 elor lie teal. teeee ilueleas
Its the orleime atowe taielhe .4"ai
more einegae or lemma SI:ai'V t"
refit cerreeteeey far a geoe
elite' 4i -ea -area One etip of flare
may be la MS • ECts,A ;
ttidieiSitOr 4',A-Cr.,2e33 in the
If a samtatee, take a feesa
yolk Mid add the awesing Leta.
ay little, until it rall beaten stiff. It
the Appre ae tan mountain
lama you should give these pills. a Taaalag
James 51.01k7"an''S'' --eee fifty -Neer old cite Ira' c • ie d • b the st temeet done.
A ealm i5 aerie when the eaact ;
t45.‘it t48, Shrinti away frien the leie.1
Preee the- top of tie.% tote eery lights
ly. -epringa loaca viten ;lei: -
pressure is removed, the eate
• anz s .tore Peml wrote; this nem trial. They great value In eases of
" tam s Iowa y a
Ms. James A. Tibbetts
N.S, wbo ss -'"I was completely
run down in health. My blood was
, • aubere Ceeenr tmon the foundatione
PRAYER of the eat Coriale . It was. in very
To Teee. 0 Gel, ware are the fouris eeeia e tumultuoue eitv• the. elreek
..-.......--.......- ,-....e...----_,...,
fact that Booster Cautts et Dig atone the frosting from .
for the spirit of good fellowebip that ..f •w; aii4 in this picke there Was a bad that r did not sleep well at night. hardening awl l's le •
., lire wc re re asinue - ' - • e ii
, uals and among nations. May this persona ale velum ?cod thanaaa Gad exertion left me weak and trembling. I
:adoeise7a :rho . aabeeine Times in I PINEAPPLE COMBINATIONS aioiao-hinZanagat:Lit'ai illatres-ex, VI°
till active. is seen in a reeent ;
growth increase until everywheve the every day. Jedging from the eau- Wheni I 1711 eelnji rd. Uwe° ea 8L" Willa we read As follows ; I Pineapple is not only a ileficious reale s ee a' 8 e - it.1.3
ri of this lettere-one-would .euppose- --A-friend edvised• enw to-try-DreeVileonesa aaala-laelaaaaaalela"Viagiulaearassiiieaddliakitiaalliany otbetwise emu-- tieTit. latiaa-Goderkie Townshia hee
model duvet, quite an example to, tilia Wen belping me and by the time I Pepulavize a new tourist route from
It is interesting to note that the Filling ee icing elicead not be ap• ,
e „ .
eoeta of the mewed eliaseear, b via Plied to a cake until it is thliirtragbee •
Detroit. Columbute„ ..talie :hid, Big cold. Its et eig It in &lit pi e"a'.3 t
Stone Gan. Gaete Cety, hengspott, cake down before it is well sea end -
-I th h f tl I- ill -• •i t -
1 `1.•
At Home or Away
.,140Chitineviam: wit
For breakfast, lunch or supper
bot clays especially, with Er/mita/4
cool milk or cream. Healthful!
TRLSCUIT4A,Heattletirafer at Whole Wheat,
* tam of light and love, we give eaanIts VMS theee, and the aloman ena the thin and watery. and my nerves so 0
is growing. in *the hearts of endivia- aemea a Goa. ei a • My appetite was poor and the least Ciao lias had a hatirl'in theanavement likely to m on' the sides of no cake COVNTY SCHOOL r AIRS -
- •
• •
Prince of Peace shall be aroelaineed talon contained • ti r t t It.ere Ita ne es wa-a• h 0 "Real estate promotere and bug- food of itself, but may te used esi Septe„latheaVaigia, ••••-ta.
• ie ire en vele 'he down as eoon as I got in t •
• - lizty spells that the -Church at, Corinth was a Hams' Pink Pills. 'X soon fourid they
vitally interested b the propel:eel_ t-0 ;mon foetal.. Pineapple slieas may be
ai Tt;,, ' ivied with meats, moo be baked, oa
Toronto to Miami by way
aaa top a biscuits and coffeeetace, may be
•Stone Gap and Asheville, according
(diced iota almost any alias,. ert
to R. 3. Coats of Big Stone Gap.
"Coutts is a reel estate man and is ; splendid, in a cold +Irina, make a
itt Asheville this week seeking to ; pleasina addition to ablest every
interest North Carolina ehamber of :puddlog, gelatine combination, ;bees
commerce officials and Roscoe alcir• .tbet or ke. cream, may' be used 'with
vel. organzer of ' Appelachiah Thatrar I vegetable escallops, and are not even
inc., in the project. out of place in bayed lit aim Try
"According to Coutts, the support •
.of Marvel and of state Senator John • tlaume allyedllad P0leaPare 0 Near
W CI lale of Virginie who is a
1/1141111100111 a 1/1111011 churches. Yet it was as rotten a had taken the sixth box"- I felt like a,
constitution es can be :found in. all 4CW wninan" and have enielred geed
the neinals of history. Thero is meth- health ever since. For 'this reason
Was In Awful State
• urea o.t akirireli It wee I enyone rum -down or troubled with
neommend the pins to
ng that is bad that was not in the ean highly
Smith, 843 Alexander . • alma- a• their nerves,"
. naitisan, riotous, sensual. idolatrinis;- Not only do I)r. Pink
St., Vancouver, writes: -“When
X reached the age a 40, all kinds ot • - yet it WaS the Church of God. Pills heap the Ilerves. Their main
seemea to take traelt at - ,,einctimes Gail has to abide in Poor function is to enrich arid increase the
all at the same time had dizzy lodgings; sometimes the ble•seed $et/. blood, and as the bleed supplies the
spefls,shortnees a breath, =A Mgr icier hes: to sit whole body, new life is given to the
down where lie cart.
thing would turn black before. my eyes. Paul gives tbe Aunt/ sa Corinth to
Doctore claimed it kidney trouble, undersea cl Hint in writing to teem
X went to a sPeeislisa exel he $ea IL he does 4t\s Paid the veiled of God
wee 013, the verge of a nerve= breake
down; tally eras.= au awful state.
“X took various allele of* medieine,
but the did mo ebselutely no good,
one day X nue a fried who had
and that he Imes to them not in hie
own name .b\4 --ie that of Chit
.Tesua Ten time in these ten vcrees
we and the panie f 3esus used. In
verses 4-7 Paul sets rth the good to
"been overseas and was in the baba
of takiZg mama spells tee neat oe be seen in them for, which he thane -
kis overseas eervice, and he to1d. me ed God. The Apostle he note ready
to get undertake his immealateebusihees.
"Now I beseech you. brethreae by the
. neeee of emir Lord Jesup Christe timt
ye all speak the sal/teething, and at
eeee Iva divisions among you;
tbat ye be perfectly joined together
• the- same mind and in the seme
judgment." Be.wanted them to mi-
d-eat:eel thee, in unirm is strength s
apaa iota been deal:wed unto me Mother
of you, my bretbree. by them who end it is esacellent for driving worms
eatire .System. Better sleep, steady
nerves, improved appetite, increased Power in tbe eesort businese in ea Onto what a eland the y• will trine
vigor-all these can be yours by talc- Old Dominion, for a projected motor- form - that homely dish.
i next crock of beans to bake and SW
ina Dr. Williams' Pink Pins. Begin
code over the whole peace 'way monde LAMP SHADES
them today. Sold by all meakine from Toronto to Milani this fall will • .
After a long season of uning silk
dealers, or be snail post paid, at 60 ensure emcees of the motorcade
an! and parchment lamp shades, the b-
eetles a box from The Dr. Williams go. a lone way toward pioneeviturth
shion is uoye tutting to nue'-,he
Mealeine aloe Brockville, Ont. • , voute. withal Bite Stone sran men hone
:will become tremendously popular material of the windows of the old.
'Where's the ()thee Man.? 'within the next :few years. Tho pro- time hard coal stove. Throuali Me
jected route evould be 'vastly bone- mien. the glees of the eoras made the
Two Aberdonians were brought be-
fore the Police Court for being drunk ficial to Asheville, Coutts • believe% %dna Tom ..eileeeya The oketea,
and disorderly. During the hearing aecause he thirace that mansasmateir light now femme through it and dries
of the case the Bailie aeked the Pro. wevirlao Vanvcel rageszt.le-tehne ;age a tiohnelosan-inhnetiothlinsg'4. mBuueth tniheorcmillneodf
seedtor: -"But where's the other moreevestwarellv route will be lured
article, softening the aight, at zontes
„ . . to Virginia and Noeth Carolina by
111W11"hah 'other man, sir?" . t'ae great mink beat:tit the nun' in many color tints and may be made
. to barmen* with the furnishings of
"The man 'who paid • for the world alYovd." "
'clr Rs I" L, Tbe Internet for Goderich in this -any rooM.
. .. •' Movement is the. fact that our own • A RUFFLE
-leant merlieine for c'hikiren is Blue Water Iligerway links up with " ' *
De you know how much goods you
.ravees Worm 'Exterminator, this• proposed highway and furnishes d t lc .. •
a Canadian section fez, tourists from
length of the plain piece on which the,
ruffle is to go and allow for your rut-
, fie that much and half as much mare.
The fulness of the ruffle takes up.
once end a. half as much as a eilain
edge If you 'want a very full ruf-
r •
a fie. allow mon; if a skimpy mai%
allow less.
One cup dry tottage cheese, "a half
eup of ground nut meats, paprika to
and take them anording to dinette= are of the house of Chloe" -an elect fr
and I would feel the benefit after the and painely lady. weenee servants luia
'first few doses. X did. as he told me, eerseebie Iwouebt ale reeseage-
end altogether X took sie boxes, tied "that' three are tontentions amnia .
they relievea ale of. io-ir :nervous 00a- you." He then gave them his
dition. That was three years ago and erita Tor the; ecsesation, ale said
my nerves, tieday are in perfeet •
r aline. of you say "I ars ef Paul"
shape.'" seances Print never would our a a
Price 50e. per box at all druggists or '
oin• the system. the South. thing. An cad rule is, nieasure te
- -A •
; the
•;,i4 ,
_s•ases' • eieehf
, dealers, or raffied, direet OA receipt of eerie Another said. "I ma of Apol- Ills • g
Toronto, Ont. her. Aret another said, "X ea Ceph- tilsiienceRiaarr,P it PT-
. .
price by The ae Milburn Co., Limitea, his"-eneenine I like eloquent neowith eee . . . e
. ..h.eae a , '."-Th-'tor time one sehom the T. --d
color lank -all momtened with boued
"ha•Asheaseeseareeseereseesseereetesse... ciaeled out ae a reek. „"Aral I of •
. aheisee Then paw gays teem te ' . ROOK -WOOD POTTERY ;varnish remover before applying -the salad dreesing and meesoned to ear,te
S W .4 Ft T,„44. .' .101011r Cue, lei svenal have Christ put ./.' Rookwood pottery is made on a new' paint or a good eendpapering r .." • ' t '
Another good llama is made by rut-
in his rieht. -Otte.' *Teens Chalet country estate. ,named Rookwood, may bo. ' • advant. 'ting thru the. food grinder, together,
tiltn anti finis.° Liveril ehould be the ore Lord ns he saes tha near the city of Cineinnati, Obio, . Painted furniture has the
' • es,••
a half pound of cheese and (Art min.
. . .
"ie Pi:Serer. Who mnde the Church Each piece th • original desien of age of looking mote gay than '.,•he us- - • -• --s
pimento. Season this with
finGit Stables Elo pee:able? Cheist Whose Churebris its Artist worker:Nilo are men.° and ual natural Masher:, aid in ,no other nseelda
recadyenee, paprika and boiled
U , • it? Christ's. " women mainly drawn froin the Acacia way can a bedrooni h made to to leek
Meet eme k Stoitket The Corinthians talked 111101 emy of Art of 'Cincinnati. No two eo damty, as by the use of painted
"0 t qftt tle Square aaeut baptism. The. .Apostle appar- pieces are ever made alike, and eaeli furnisbings. Even in the mori for-
ently had heard of their Uwe of a m inscribednot onle with the Rook- male living room, a lacquered 'Piece
SEYERM, fiRea•CLeSe Catee READY *.neeial ordinance. He says, "were wood emblem, a torch and flame, lendeatiletinction. Often a piece, as a
rtnt RIME GI( YOU ANYWHERE '"e 'heptieed in the name of Pa?" the monogram of the artist. This =rotary or ehina cupboard, is paira-
'eosses Ateel ell 1 rovrio dee
Posaeliger Boa"
ilasekkatete coiled tor ill *eV -
este. or the town tor all
trains at it r, tr. or C. 8'.
• Depots
Prumpt :Service and
Co rkf to Attendance.
4110. 41, 401. •
fig t LAS try avid Hack eervice
will tound upeto-date
everv respect.
v our Patronage Solicited
Phone 107 mortreet Street
;Irerther he says, "Qhrist sent me not
to baptize but to preach the goapel;
not with wisdom of words, lest the.
rtOSS of Christ ' sant(' be made of
none effect." He spoke unto them
"as unto babes in Christ." He were the pi i g 0 what it will cost, A college profes-
preached Hid he might gather up in- chemical discoveries enable the pot -
to hia arms all who needed to be lov- tery to turn out deep, rich „,',aona sor who has etudied the mutter esti-
ed. He designated aimself, "a wise and blues. . mates that, in the average universi-
ty, the average -cost is. about $875 for
mas'ter-builder" (3;10). He says, a The decorations are placed upon
one year. Of. suth
have planted; my eloquent friend the -motet clay- before firing, the col-
came to about ththis m, e items
e following: Food,
Apollos, to whom epeaking is breath- ma being mixed with the clay and
$236; clothing. $202; room, $130; tui-
ing, has watered; we have done that /becoming a part of the wire itself.
little that lay in our power, "but God Various glazes are applied afterward, tion, $83; books, $31; traneportation,
$60; medical and dental efire, $11 •
gave the increase, The Corinthians 4 which increase the. risk of comple-
contributiens, $10 ; recreation,
were dieputing over Paul and A,pol- 1 tion. The chief 'beauty of the Rook- •
and incidentals, an.
los, setting the eloquence of the one wood is its depth of glaze which gives .
In some colleges the expenses are
against the Dwelling of the tither to it -a rich, deep. mysterious appear -
lower, and uome economical students
and so were wasting their time and t awe. Many pieces are not decoratea
energy.. The Corinthians Were de- with any design, but depend for thefthave attended some state universitiee.
baters, not worshippers, not sons of rare bernity upon shape, artistry of or as ow as -$4000 or 000 a year. If
the living God in the bighest Sense line, and depth and richnese of (taloa your boy or girl is going to college
ef the term. Paul's ,great desire in FURNITURE ECONOMY next year, give him a budget plan
'writing thus 'to them was to show and ati account book and ask hire to
them that TI each man bas his special le bride. . and groom, who went e try to live within that budget and to
gift and spoilt -I work • and each will furnish tnem new littlehome artistlii: keep account of all his expenditures,
tally, and yet a low cost, and t. s •
i It will be a satisfaction to alt eon -
long -married couple, who have need cerned to know where the money
of new furnisbinas, can fit thenmelves
„ went, and it is only right that he
out at very low cost by the nee ot ohould know how sritieh you have put
painted furniture. into his ;rebooting. • Let' tie hope he
In second hand shops are many will not be like the college student
pieces of really good lines,wb-aa i 1
sirlue'e accounts. frequently recorded
rimy be, had "for a song." They may the word "charity." When auestion•
need a little eepair, and the ekilful ee au, to +i...1. h l'ed "Gh it
�'11I4'4 each worker an individual pride ed one color on the outside and a
in his' output; .which must be a real contrasting color on the inside.
work of art. ' COLLEGE EXPENSES
The pieees are -made of Ohio clay. 4
For years yellows, browns arid reds • Marla- a parent an$1. 'children are
. thinking about college and wondering
' THE PEOPLE'S. STC)RE receive the reward • for his labor.
fa:8). He continues salting, "For we
are laborers together with God; ye
. ore God's hustandty." Saul nrey
have done a little ploughing. but he
!sever made the. fields. It is Gorial
seed. God's. truth.' God's wisdrim.
God'e purposes. Apollos may have
done a little •• watering.. but he
never made the field; PaulAnolo covoreth a multitude of sins."
manual -training - • lad can attend
los may bave sowed a greet deal at
seed, but they never made the seed,
thee aot that out of *God's gerner.
"Therefore let no rnan glory in men
--ac are Christ's and • Christ is
Godas." .(21e2:11. • Everything . 1O 05
bara to God., When the Mediator
rises from hie mediatorial cent he
Slhall deliver up the kingdom to God
erd the Father, and God :shalt be all
in oll.
flondenced from Peewee Peopleae
Cook by Electricity
Witsh by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
Cheaper than Coal or Wood
eaeritealem Conference Coutinued
is 'aotewortay that the Rada!
Relationo Report*. as lira hrouelit ira
wee, in the wage:4bn of the- commit-
• . An eleCtrie Vacuum Cleaner • •, -too Itself, rdr'11-*C4 lkitk for 1101'
that it e0Siktill€.3
• teineves tbe dust; a hrtiom S.,:stinarer."
just moves the dust the aonclumons ci conmariy repre•
' j vet:tine* .everie elaeli of tolor nn:1 ea -
a We guarantee all ‘11.y d r - (qui ilte?enteetito selaite and hiarge.
. Lamps for 1,500 hobro. Vw..P. African. the Gee' Twen -tete
walk•ltud Fee display „4. • Conc,otAnAtivo. as well '11--
- can ttC,WO and the. proer •.e" * Noe.'
The Hydro Store the• Philippine este des
thern White 1-141i, the rreta... ta trip
Icavilled las cenntey 819 the "feetball
. •"1"' Aineriean polities," tlie andian.
•-a-"la""*"- h • • •- fe elks; Le the member of a c;t753C'Z't
CASTO R IA. ;:',,c6-r,',:ictIzlerl..4(Anc,n.v(!raiilear.?n.ttl2h3111)113t1Tol
evantqaa unra-seti 'iehiien laweef
• For /dents *M Childrerk tee Shitain mei ameelea tepreeete- 1
In Usefor Char 30Yaers p "" 811(Tv "..ATZ.CV11. treenent-••••-the
PEP3M:-Viii7lt, 4-1 lezeosetable rare .10
Alwae-e Lesaa • Aft3R113 41L:115 ref coseelete seem!
jate, 4,•,m, Cult (,ultuez-1.,
... Car:cure
that, then three or four coati of
paint will tie them "together and
make them loolc like a set ana as
fresh and attractive as new. There pounds or a silver polishing elote,
SVC so many delightful furniture but it is ankh more economical' to
paints of soft rind beautiful calor make your own. and it la a wry eh -A-
tones; gray, green, Mite. vow, laver'. ,peo peewee
der, yellow. black and. ecesibinatioileer A geod silver paste is made from
It may be neceseary to use mint and whiting and gaeoline or denatured
- - - -- alcohol. You simply rub thie en the
eilver raid tub it off, taking the tarn -
You masr buy eilver cleaning COM.,
CoopADVICE ieb, along with it. Ahnoat all silver
; paste you buy contains gasoline IA'
FRomMOTHER ,.110titiwtreto buy It itt senviaargauttclantsiotitirlt
OF sEyEN :y.vou, will coon find year mixture
dressing. •
-, Curry powder is a seasoning, ea-
pecially good for meats and :loupe.
It ie a mixture of spices. It is us-
ually strong and a little goes a long
ways. •
Walls do not make a home. It i4
the atmosphere• inside the house
which makes a residence a "home,
sweet home."
"Mandy„ how did you raise ;acme
fine boys 1"
"Well, alissus, ahal tell yak how
eh. done it. Ah raised dem boys on
barrel staves, an ah. raised 'em fre-
4Do you have, any re-ordere for
year home brew ?"
.-"Na, those that Come • back, haunt
1141ritrdei Is aho;onemy of
. ali r•heeumatle troublee.
Hull it lie thoroughly .and -
It eaces the pain, curie:err
the. joiner:, puts new aro
' info the tleattea.
Recommends. Lydia L
Pinkharn's Vegetable
Tomato, . Oat. --"I began Wing
Veeetable Compound for novae aua
each -ea " ".etber troubles. and.
iee, felt
indent efter the.
it dose. I hue
n told this bet
is months that t
eaa twenty-five,
-.1a:reigh I ant now
Costyaseven and
eae bad tieven
deldren. 1 Imo
ally ter
eaa ;Seep well, rise. earlynd fed
1a Lamar
Tesonte, Ontaila.
Sept. lath -Colborne Townehip
Sept Iatit-Achilteld Towaship
Sept. letha-Wrosetev
Sept. :..0t11-1(0s-th
Sept. 1st--Howiet
Sept. a:and-Ethel .
Sept. ao4th----Beleaave
Sept. 2.1theeSt. Helena
Sept. 26th-lesterati Tormship
Sept 27ths Creditor%
Sept. 28th -Grand Bhnd
Oct. Ist-Dashwood
Oct. 2n4-Zurieh
Oet. 3r4-Hensall
Oct. 4th -Clinton Town
Oat. 5th -Clinton Rural
Powerful Mediclue.-The healing
properties eix esneetha one are
concentrased e' ere. bottle . Dr.
Thomas' Eeleetrie Oil. ferming one a
the mnst benelleial linimente-over of.
fered to the wet of man. Many con
teetify as to its power in allayina
pale, and many more 'an corgis* thee
they atlie their hatath to it. . TVs
derfol power is net expreeeed by the
email price, at whieh It sells.
Opportunity some-thnes hoe to kick
a man befbre it can wake hint up.
• To make a silver polishing calilifillitiNAtioNAL
• inelm- a thin pate of whiting and • 111,
• gricidirie, epread it on a square of -
. felt and let it dry. Iron with a vety
but iron on both didea and it. is then :
; eeedy for ace. • . Lve. .Goderlele 6.2( a.m. 2.20 pan.
eThe meet eimple way to clean e.,1- • Clinton . 0,44 p.m. iese vain
• vet' in to put a tablespoon eaeh ' re . Scuola .0,30 axe, reog
commea Ilea-, anti baLing soda in aeil- " 7.21 0.13, eeier -•
ing water in an aluminum pan. 1)rop Arr. Stratford 7.43 a.m. 4.03 pan.'
the. caeca into this ami boil a 37c,t, .1 " Seft .:10 aea. eapea,
mintateh, then removo the, silver anti fitle101 t tto4 • %Pk p.m
" Toronto 10.25 a.m. 2.20 pane.
vash lit •wah clear water.
I , .Tieturning-Leave Toronto 7.55
LuiztiA.A.I. OIL DIteae.ste, . 12.55 pane and 0.03 p.m.
4.3.77611113r4f..e raallrarak' Patioe Cafe Cae Gerleriela to Tor- •
mineral oil insteaa• ea.olive oil. Ellie onto en morning teala, aral Tomato
ie plefteant way to tate the materiel . Gam:eel:1 on Oka pan. train. No.
oil. -eta aceide the fattening element . cheep of servo Letween (16(10e:ell arel
of the caire ea. It fie 2 dad& tray. Toronto.
to help re.hee, rain ri half teanpa)a.* ' .1. A. 1rAWRENCE,
of remittal. a traepeon of rale, a hala Town Peeeenger and
teeepeen *•.:f ugar, a dash of caw'; Ticket Aficat.
udd MIC, reg elit: ;Ina mist aaaie. :Plante S.
11 Mr: ttoOt
to Europe
for as low as
Round tr p Tourist Third
Mutual Life
Assurance Company,
• of Canada
toiellakeottieco ,
heseefirteoo, Ort
, D. D. MOONEY, Agent
t . Plunge 250
- t
sta the copitala. et Europe -the
eathedralseethet battleefiehistand
yet spend on your ocean fares only
the cost of an average Vile:knoll.
Sailing Canadian Paella': Tourist
Third Cabin aau go to Europe via
theSt.Lawrence."thonaglity water
boulevard to Europe." Your state-
room is cheerful, airy end bright.
Your meals are of the famous
Canaffion Pacific quality. You heist
plentyof deck space. There isseMes
thing dokigevery. minute of the day.
Et0. ik10:4101.1.10VOS
AllexprosaUdny towrovitit..
Ina England aoto4 (Iontioent
'11.105 up, littiqultul Taunt, es
to 77 dorkettoxo
Sat mar 1ezaitti7..elti
.1. O. elti ea*
otos:rat Mena oeesnitec:
. 1 1
. 411.
400 •
WOilLIVS Catte'rEsT TRAVEL Magee
Auer tory canaatim Pool Xrpfits
pony Tratoterge Moues. AroirohabloiscoOMPN.
Your Tires are -
just as -important
as your engine!
CARB of your tires repays you just as
well as care of your engine. It means
thousands of extra mites - hundreds of
'dollars saved in a few seasons.
'And that is exactly the reason for' Dominion
Tire Depots - not just to repair your tires when
trouble occurs, but to inspect them regularly -
to remove every cause of trouble and to correct
every injury at its beginning. •
Make a habit of calling a your nearest depot
every week to have your tires checked... ,
You arc netier far away from a
7Ifirdlr"" Aar . •-••iiri
Ada et:Op-nett to your Dip East or Weot, 1
giving yeti a deliginful break in your journey.
i Each WaysEvery Igight.11etereen
Buffalo audgleveland
elk vrra uniledted !knits. Wieling leeet reafette -
flieetatttectrkelethm;itea fresorteeerofee...aserere
LeritiOri. ai:tt, tale eale. ektLV.!::::li et tots t.:c.% „
renize. Ceutitousaltendiuti.,,A *1E0 1:-.4 WS kr.S
te_tumber. -:-.0 - ea -4e e.*.e.
or CehrteCtie-lta St C: :1 forttki &rens,
Dctrokand Wets %Vete .
Daily ebttriet May itt to Ileverabee 14th
Leaving at 9,410 P., til4 AtsivIag at 7a'a A. al. etet t:: af: C-0523 cr toutea cove
fee tiacn t.,73 C a 13 Lena
New Low Fare $4.50 4Z
snIrplo &at put
%YU, ircNiont,
The klevehked•ouil PAIN% Tom% Cato_WY I
tolavartil Se./11.:tkAtas Att. reeere, Az:tea, 23. x.
• a '"